Laboratory Animal Sciences Program
Center for Cancer Research NCI-Frederick


EmbryologyPHL is experienced in embryo dissections from 6.5 days post-conception (dpc) up to birth. Alternatively, early stage embryos (5.0 – 7.5 dpc) may be processed in the deciduas. Our necropsies comprise an expert evaluation of the embryo and placenta, with gross phenotypical description. Sub-dissection to harvest individual organs is possible as early as 9.5 days. Material for genotyping are typically taken from the yolk sac or tail.

Orientation for microtomy can be tailored to the project, typically embryos are embedded in the sagittal plane for a rapid assessment of the entire embryo. For early stage embryos, serial sections through the entire embryo provide an efficient method of surveying the entire embryo. Larger embryos can be effectively surveyed by stepping through the tissue at predetermined points.

Embryo processing is done by hand up to 9.5 dpc, beyond this, they are run on a brief schedule on a vacuum infiltration tissue processor.

Multiple (early stage) embryos can be embedded in one block to minimize cost.


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