Highly Insulating Window Technology

Temperature differentials across a window, particularly with cold exterior environments in residential buildings, can lead to significant energy losses. Currently available low-emissivity coatings, gas-fills, and insulating frames provide significant energy savings over typical single or double glazed products. The EWC website provides information on how double glazed low-e gas-filled windows work as well as information on commercially available superwindows (three layer,  multiple low-e coatings, high performance gas-fills). 

The next generation of highly insulating window systems will benefit from incremental improvements being made to current components (i.e. more insulating spacers and frame materials/designs, low-e coatings with improved performance properties). LBNL uses its experimental facilities and software tools to collaborate with window and glass industry representatives to better understand the impacts of new components on overall product performance.

In the long run, highly insulating windows will also benefit from emerging technologies such as vacuum windows, aerogel, and transparent insulations. Windows group researchers provide technical support to other researchers working on these technologies.

For more information cantact Dariush Arasteh