Abstracts from the Joint Interagency Phytoremediation

 Research Program


Genetic and Molecular Dissection of Arsenic Hyperaccumulation in the Fern Pteris vittata.   Jo Ann Banks, Purdue University


The goal of the proposed research is to identify the genes that are necessary for arsenic hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata using molecular and genetic approaches.  Specific objectives include:  1) identifying P. vittata genes that are involved in arsenic hyperaccumulation by functional complementation in S. cerevisiae, 2) using a genetics approach to identify natural variants or mutations of P. vittata genes that negatively affect the plant's ability to tolerate or hyperaccumulate arsenic, and 3) identifying and characterizing arsenic tolerant mutants in Ceratopteris richardii, a fern that is related to P. vittata and is sensitive to arsenic.  For objective 1, the function of P. vittata genes will be determined using a reverse genetics approach recently developed for ferns, and then the appropriate genes will be overexpressed in Arabidopsis to see whether expression can confer arsenic tolereance.   For objective 2, a mutagenesis and genetic screening approach will be used to identify the genes and mechanisms underlying arsenic hyperaccumulation in P. vittata.  For objective 3, arsenic resistant and accumulating Ceratopteris richardii ferns will be identified and characterized to assist in providing genetic information on the number and type of mutations needed to change an arsenic non-accumulator into a hyperaccumulator.


DOE Project Officer:  Paul E. Bayer

Project Period of Performance:  Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 30, 2006

Project Award Total:  $450,000


Key Words:  phytoremediation, arsenic, ferns, Pteris vittata, genes, molecular genetics, hyperaccumulation, Arabidopsis, Ceratopteris richardii



Enhancement of Selenium Volatilization by Salicornia:  Plant and Microbial Interactions.  Zhi-Qing Lin, Southern Illinois University


The proposed research aims to elucidate and manipulate the important environmental and biological factors that limit the high production rates of volatile selenium (Se).  The following three hypotheses will be examined:  1)  microbial volatilization constitutes the most significant and effective pathway of Se removal in the soil-Salicornia system, 2) Salicornia provides special microbial habitats in support of the species-specific soil microbial populations with accelerated ability for Se volatilization in the Salicornia field, and 3) phytotransformation of inorganic to organic Se and high availability of organic Se from the decomposition of plant biomass are the key factors facilitating the process of microbial Se production in a soil-plant system.  Specific objectives are:  1) to determine the respective contribution of Salicornia plant and soil microbes to the total Se volatilization in the soil-plant system, 2) to identify Salicornia-associated microbial populations with accelerated abilities for Se volatilization, and 3) to explore the interaction between Salicornia and associated microbes and the mechanisms underlying the enhancement of Se volatilization in the Salicornia phytoremediation system.


DOE Project Officer:  Paul E. Bayer

Project Period of Performance:  Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 30, 2006

Project Award Total:  $81,951


Key Words:  phytoremediation, selenium, Salicornia, soil microbiology, volatilization


A Phytoremediation Strategy for Arsenic.  Richard B. Meagher, University of Georgia


The proposed research will develop a genetics-based phytoremediation strategy for arsenic removal that can be used in any plant species.  The working hypothesis is that organ-specific expression of genes controlling the transport, electrochemical state, and binding of arsenic will result in the efficient extraction and hyperaccummulation of arsenic into above ground plant tissues.  The hypothesis will be tested through the following research objectives: 1) enhance plant resistance and expand sinks for arsenite by expressing elevated levels of thiol-rich arsenic-binding peptides; 2) convert arsenate to arsenite in above ground organs by expressing a bacterial arsenate reductase gene (ArsC) under a light mediated leaf promoter; 3) characterize endogeneous root-specific arsenic reductase (AtACR2) and enhance the transport of arsenate from roots to shoots by suppressing the activity of the enzyme; 4) enhance arsenate uptake via overexpression of high-affinity phosphate transporters; 5) enhance intracellular transport of thiol-arsenate complexes into vacuoles in leaf cells by elevating the expression of a glutathione conjugate pump in above ground organs; and 6) combine these transgenic elements into test plants (Arabidopsis and tobacco) and demonstrate dramatic increases in arsenic resistance and hyperaccumulation.  The general approach will be to initiate each experiment in Arabidopsis and confirm the most informative experiments in tobacco.


DOE Project Officer:  Paul E. Bayer

Project Period of Performance:  Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 30, 2006

Project Award Total:  $450,000


Key Words:  phytoremediation, arsenic, arsenate reductase, Arabidopsis, hyperaccumulation, molecular genetics


Phytoremediation of Marine Sediments Contaminated with Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Using Eelgrass (Zostera marina).  Michael Huesemann, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Marine Sciences Lab


The proposed research will examine the effects of eelgrass root zone aeration on biodegradation of PAH’s and PCB’s. It is hypothesized that eelgrass will increase photosynthesis-driven oxygen delivery to rhizosphere microbes and will enhance aerobic degradation and increase the microbial biomass and diversity. Using aquaria, the effects of eelgrass on the extent of PAH/PCB removal will be studied as a function of sediment depth (and correlated with root zone depth). In addition, microbial diversity and biomass will be enumerated as both epiphytic and rhizosphere populations. Transfer of PAHs/PCBs into the water column will be measured, as will uptake into eelgrass tissues. The rate of oxygen release into the rhizosphere will be measured over light and dark cycles to ascertain the role of photosynthesis. These data will be used to semi-quantitatively identify the magnitude of eelgrass-enhanced biodegradation of PAHs and PCB’s.


ONR Project Officer:  Linda Chrisey; DOE Project Officer: Mr. Paul Bayer

Project Period of Performance: Oct. 15, 2003Oct. 14, 2007

Project Award Total: $493,926 (ONR) + $70,000 (DOE) = $563,926


Key Words: Zostera marina; eelgrass; phytoremediation; marine sediments, rhizosphere, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls


Mechanistic Role of Plant Root Exudates in the Phytoremediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants.  Jason White, MaryJane Incorvia Mattina, Martin Gent, Barth Smets, Daniel Gage, Connecticut Agricultural Station, University of Connecticut


This proposal is designed to investigate the role of plant root exudates in the phytoremediation of persistent organic pollutants in soil. Preliminary data have shown that two weathered organic pollutants (p,p'-DDE, chlordane) are readily translocated from soil to the tissues of certain plants. These findings contradict a significant body of scientific evidence indicating time-dependent reductions in contaminant availability in soil (i.e., sequestration). We propose a novel mechanism of phytoremediation whereby plant root exudates increase the bioavailability of weathered contaminants. The following hypotheses will be tested: (1) The root exudates of certain plant species facilitate the mobility and subsequent availability of weathered organic pollutants; and (2) Contaminant solubilization by exudates occurs by direct or indirect mechanisms. In direct enhancement, the exudate molecules directly induce contaminant release from the soil. Possible mechanisms here include the formation of exudate/contaminant complexes or the partial solubilization/reformation of soil structure organic fractions through chelation of polyvalent metals (iron and aluminum). A second hypothesis considers indirect enhancement, where root exudates stimulate a microbial community that promotes contaminant availability to the plant.


EPA Project Officer: Mitch Lasat

Project Period of Performance: Nov. 1, 2001Oct. 31, 2004

Project Award Total: $401,241


Key Words: phytoremediation, root exudates, organic pollutants, soil microbiology


Evaluation of Monoterpene Producing Plants for Phytoremediation of PCB and PAH Contaminated Soils. David Crowley, James Borneman, University of California-Riverside


Plants produce a variety of chemicals with structures that are analogous to those of many commercially produced chemicals. Rhizodeposition of these substances can beneficially affect xenobiotic degradation by promoting selective enrichment of degrader organisms, enhancement of growth-linked metabolism, and induction of genes for enzymes that facilitate cometabolism. In previous research, we have exploited the ability of plant monoterpenes to induce bacteria to cometabolize PCBs. Data from the literature and our prior research suggest that terpenes produced in situ by plants also should be effective for promoting degradation of many organic contaminants, including PAHs and other recalcitrant contaminants. The objective of the proposed research is to evaluate monoterpene-producing plant species for use in phytoremediation of PCBs and PAHs, and to investigate the ecology of indigenous xenobiotic degrading bacteria in the rhizosphere of monoterpene producing plants. Experiments will test four hypotheses: (1) the rhizosphere selectively enriches for diverse populations of xenobiotic degrading microorganisms that occur at higher population densities in the rhizosphere as compared to the bulk soil; (2) plant and microbial substances that are released into the rhizosphere enhance the expression and activity of inducible enzymes that work in concert to degrade xenobiotic soil contaminants; (3) monoterpene producing plants selectively enrich for diverse populations of xenobiotic degrading microorganisms that will occur at higher population densities in the rhizosphere as compared to the plants that do not produce these substances; and (4) plant enhanced remediation of PAH and PCBs in the rhizosphere can be enhanced by the addition of earthworms to improve soil aeration for aerobic degradation processes.


EPA Project Officer: Mitch Lasat

Project Period of Performance: Nov. 1, 2001Oct. 31, 2004

Project Award Total: $393,135


Key Words: phytoremediation, biodegradation, rhizosphere, soil microbiology, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, monoterpenes


Title: Physiological Mechanisms of Estuarine Sediment Oxidation by Spartina Cordgrasses. Raymond Lee, Washington State University


Cordgrasses of the genus Spartina will be investigated for their potential use as a phytoremediation tool in marine and estuarine sediments. Spartina grasses are adapted to saline, waterlogged sediments and exhibit vigorous growth, forming dense monospecific stands in a variety of intertidal environments. The capability of these plants to transport oxygen from the atmosphere to the belowground rhizosphere has the potential to enhance microbial degradation of organic pollutants, which can be limited by oxygen availability in anoxic waterlogged soils. The specific objectives are as follows: (1) determine rates of oxygen transport and release by Spartina grasses; (2) identify species and strains of Spartina that have enhanced oxygen release capabilities; (3) determine the mechanisms that facilitate oxygen transport, and how transport is induced by environmental and hormonal signals. These studies will assist in recovery of estuarine environments affected by pollution.


EPA Project Officer: Mitch Lasat

Project Period of Performance: Nov. 1, 2001Oct. 31, 2004

Project Award Total: $110,307


Key Words: phytoremediation, aquatic grasses, Spartina, marine sediments, rhizosphere


The Molecular Basis for Heavy Metal Accumulation and Tolerance in the

 Hyperaccumulating Plant Species, Thlaspi caerulescens. Leon V. Kochian, Cornell University


The goals of this research are to identify the basic mechanisms of heavy metal hyperaccumulation in plants, and to isolate and characterize the suite of genes that underly this hyperaccumulation trait in Thlaspi caerulescens. Dr. Kochian's group will use recent advances in plant molecular biology and genomics to identify both metal transporter genes involved in metal accumulation and tolerance, as well as genes involved in the production of low molecular weight organic compounds (e.g., peptides, organic genes, amino acids, metallothioneins, phytochelatins) that can bind and detoxify Zn and Cd in plant cells. Based on the recent sequencing and analysis of the Arabidopsis genome, it is now known that higher plants employ the same families of metal transporters recently identified and characterized in yeast, bacteria and mammals for metal accumulation and homeostasis. Dr. Kochian's group has cloned genes in T. caerulescens from these different metal transporter gene families and will characterize these transporters to determine their role in metal hyperaccumulation. This characterization will include determining in which plant tissue and cell type different genes are expressed, the membrane localization of transport proteins to help assign a potential role for each transporter, and the elucidation of the physiological function of individual metal transporters. They also are expressing T. caerulescens genes in yeast to look for genes conferring metal tolerance through the production of metal binding organic ligands.


These approaches should allow the investigators to identify the suite of genes that confer heavy metal hyperaccumulation in T. caerulescens and to elucidate the molecular mechanism(s) for this trait. The ultimate goal of this research is to use these hyperaccumulation genes to develop transgenic plants that both are metal hyperaccumulators and produce high shoot biomass , and thus will be well suited for the phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils.


NSF Program Manager: William E. Winner

Project Period: Sept. 1, 2001-Aug. 31, 2004

Award Total: $416,927


Key Words: phytoremediation, heavy metals, Thlaspi, hyperaccumulator, molecular genetics


Genome-Wide Hunt For Metal Hyperaccumulation Genes. David E. Salt, Purdue University


The overall objective of this project is to identify genes involved in metal hyperaccumulation in metal-hyperaccumulating plants. These unique plant species are able to accumulate between 0.1 and 3% of their shoot dry biomass as Cd, Ni, Se or Zn depending on the species. Over 25% of the known hyperaccumulator species are members of the Brassicaceae family, and as such they are related to Arabidopsis thaliana. By investigating the molecular genetics of metal hyperaccumulation in species related to A. thaliana, the investigators will utilize the technical and genetic resources developed during the Arabidopsis genome project, harnessing powerful functional genomics technologies to dissect metal hyperaccumulation at the genetic level.


Metal hyperaccumulators in the Brassicaceae will be collected from around the world, and genes important in hyperaccumulation will be identified using three complementary approaches. Seeds from approximately 40 accessions of over 20 different species of hyperaccumulators in the Brassicaceae family will be collected from North America, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece and Turkey. Accessions of metal hyperaccumulators found to be amenable to T-DNA insertional mutagenesis will be identified and over 100,000 genetic lines will be generated.  In a forward genetic approach, these lines will be screened for mutants exhibiting metal-sensitivity and loss of metal-hyperaccumulation. T-DNA tagged genes from these mutants will be isolated, and their role in metal hyperaccumulation determined. In a reverse genetic approach, genomic DNA pools will be generated from these lines and screened by PCR to identify lines containing T-DNA insertions in genes already known or suspected to be involved in metal hyperaccumulation. The A. thaliana genome sequence will provide a rich source of candidate genes for this reverse genetic approach. In a third approach, cDNA expression libraries will be created in E. coli and yeast from hyperaccumulating species and screened for genes conferring heavy-metal resistance and sensitivity. Taken together these approaches will provide a comprehensive framework for the identification of genes involved in metal hyperaccumulation in plants.  The set of genes identified in this project will provide a valuable resource for the future development of plants ideally suited for the phytoremediation of metal polluted sites.


NSF Program Manager: William E. Winner

Project Period: Sept. 1, 2001Aug. 31, 2004    

Award Amount: $450,000


Key Words: phytoremediation, metals, hyperaccumulator, Arabidopsis, molecular genetics


Molecular Mechanism of Nickel Hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi goesingense. David E. Salt, Purdue University


Intensive industrial and agricultural activity over the last 150 years has imposed a large burden of heavy metals on the environment. Phytoextraction, the use of plants for environmental cleanup of pollutants, including toxic metals, from soils, holds the potential to allow the economic restoration of these contaminated sites. For phytoextraction to be a viable alternative to existing soil remediation strategies it will require the existence of high biomass, rapidly growing metal-accumulating plants. Unfortunately, plants do not exist at present that have all these desirable characteristics. There are, however, a limited numbers of plants, collectively termed hyperaccumulators, that grow on soils naturally enriched in various metals including Zn, Ni and Se. These plants have the ability to naturally accumulate these metals to between 0.1 and 3% of their shoot dry weight; this is at least 1000-fold higher than most other plants. This unique ability makes these plants an ideal starting point for the development of phytoextraction crops. One way to develop such crops is to identify the genes responsible for metal accumulation in these hyperaccumulator plants. Once identified and fully characterized these genes could be transferred into high biomass, rapidly-growing plants to generate crops ideally suited for phytoremediation. This grant will fund the identification of such "metal hyperaccumulation" genes from the nickel hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense. Once identified, the usefulness of these genes for phytoremediation will be rapidly assessed by their transfer to Arabidopsis thaliana, a convenient model plant. Genes identified for enhanced metal tolerance and accumulation in this model plant will then be selected for transfer to plants more suited to phytoremediation applications.


NSF Program Manager: Stephen Herbert

Project Period: April 15, 2001 - May 31, 2004

Award Amount: $329,806


Key Words: phytoremediation, phytoextraction, metals, hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi, molecular genetics


Intraspecific Variation in Thlaspi caerulescens: The Key to Increasing Metal

Sequestration in Plants.  Stephen D. Ebbs, Southern Illinois University Carbondale


Metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance are unique traits observed in a limited variety of plant species from around the world. A relatively understudied aspect with respect to metal hyperaccumulating plant species is the natural variation in hyperaccumulation and tolerance observed between populations within a species (i.e., intraspecific variation). For example, recent studies have shown marked differences in the hyperaccumulation of Cd and Zn across populations of Thlaspi caerulescens. The inherent variability in hyperaccumulation displayed by T. caerulescens and the unique cellular and subcellular patterns of metal distribution (e.g. - epidermal and vacuolar sequestration) in leaves provide a natural model system in which to examine the leaf-level mechanisms that control metal homeostasis. Understanding the basis of this variation will contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop more efficient hyperaccumulators for metal phytoremediation and metal "bio-mining". To examine these leaf-level mechanisms, this project will (1) use cell viability assays to compare the metal tolerance of leaf mesophyll cells from different populations of T. caerulescens to determine the contribution of these cells to the intraspecific variation in metal hyperaccumulation; (2) conduct radiotracer transport studies with isolated vacuoles and/or vacuole membranes from different populations to determine whether intraspecific variation in the rate or extent of vacuolar sequestration contributes to hyperaccumulation; and (3) use 2-D protein gel electrophoresis to determine if the more efficient metal-accumulating plant populations possess novel proteins that contribute to their ability to tolerate and sequester metals in leaves. Together the results of this study will add to our understanding of the relationship between metal distribution in leaves and the extent to which different populations of T. caerulescens hyperaccumulate Cd and Zn. This unique insight into the metal dynamics in leaves will be instrumental in the development of higher biomass plants for phytoremediation.


NSF Program Manager: William E. Winner

Project Period: Oct. 1, 2003Sept. 30, 2004 

Award Amount: $100,000  


Key Words:phytoremediation, metals, hyperaccumlator, Thlaspi, molecular biology


Are Plant Root-Mycobacterium Interactions Beneficial in Remediation of

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons? Anne J. Anderson, Utah State University


PAH-contaminated soils pose environmental and health hazards. Phytoremediation is a cost effective method for on-site clean-up. It is well suited for large surface areas such as those designated as “brownfields” within urban settings or sites where soil excavation and removal is difficult. This proposal focuses on understanding more of the ecology of mycobacteria that have PAH-degrading potential. Currently there is little knowledge of how such mycobacteria interact with plant roots and whether this association has positive impacts on the metabolism of the plant and/or the microbe to promote bioremediation.  The hypotheses to be tested are: 1) The presence of roots colonized by PAH-degrading mycobacteria improves the bioavailability of a model, recalcitrant PAH, pyrene; 2) The mineralization of pyrene is enhanced by the interaction of the roots with the mycobacteria; 3) Colonization of the root requires discrete interactions between the mycobacteria and root surface; 4) Colonization of the root permits the expression of the gene in mycobacteria encoding the first enzyme involved in PAH degradation, dioxygenase; 5) Root phenoloxidases, which may participate in PAH-remodeling, are changed in activity in the roots colonized by mycobacteria.


NSF Program Manager: William E. Winner

Project Period: October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2006 

Award Amount: $398,336 


Key Words: phytoremediation, plant-microbe interactions, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, mycobacteria


Molecular Genetics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Stress Responses and Remediation by Arabidopsis thaliana. Adan Colon-Carmona, University of Massachusetts Boston


The proposed project explores the underlying molecular mechanisms for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-induced responses in plants, as well as their potential biodegradation pathways. PAHs are organic pollutants that cause human health problems such as cancer. PAHs are contaminants resulting from oil-based manufacturing. Some plant species, including crop plants such as sunflower, soybean, pea and carrot, can grow on moderate levels of crude oil-contaminated soil. Yet, very little is known at the molecular level about the mechanisms of PAH uptake and degradation, or even cell signaling pathways regulating PAH stress responses. A better understanding of PAH stress physiology will lead to the generation of phytoremediation strategies in pollution clean-up and biomonitoring. The aims of this proposal are the following: 1) to characterized the physiological responses to PAHs in Arabidopsis thaliana, 2) to identify the signaling pathways that mediate the various PAH-induced plant responses, 3) to screen genetically mutagenized populations for plants that are defective in PAH-induced growth responses, and 4) to identify, through bacterial screens, plant cDNAs that can be used in PAH degradation. The long term goal of these studies are to utilize the information regarding PAH-induced responses in Arabidopsis to engineer trees or crop plants with extensive root systems for their use in biodegradation and biomonitoring of PAH contamination.


NSF Program Manager: William E. Winner 

Project Period: Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 31, 2006

Award Amount: $340,000


Key Words: phytoremediation, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, Arabidopsis, molecular genetics


Understanding and Enhancement of Arsenic Hyperaccumulation by a Fern Plant.  Jean-Francois Gaillard, Northwestern University and Lena Q. Ma, University of Florida


The objective of this research is to understand the mechanisms of arsenic uptake, translocation, distribution and detoxification by Brake fern. The efficiency of arsenic uptake by Brake fern suggests the cost-effective use of this plant for the remediation of arsenic contaminated soils. This research focuses on elemental interactions of arsenic with calcium and phosphorus, plant biochemical responses under arsenic stresses, speciation and characterization of arsenic in the plant using analytical, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, and microbe-root-plant-arsenic interactions. Arsenic hyperaccumulation characteristics in Brake fern growing in soils of different arsenic concentrations will be investigated using arsenic spiked soils. The impacts of P (increases arsenic availability yet competes with arsenic uptake) and Ca (increases plant arsenic uptake and translocation) on arsenic accumulation, and biochemical responses of Brake fern to elevated arsenic (detoxification) will be examined. Also, the beneficial effects of mycorrhizal fungi for enhancing arsenic accumulation by Brake fern will be explored. This is a collaborative research project between the University of Florida and Northwestern University.


NSF Program Manager: Nicholas Clesceri

Project Period: Sept. 1, 2001Aug. 31, 2004  

Award Amount: $376,672 

Award Amount: $358,000


Key Words: phytoremediation, arsenic, Brake fern, hyperaccumulator



Applications of 13C tracer studies and stable isotope geochemistry to determine rhizosphere alteration of PAH bioavailability in contaminated geomedia.  Dr. Elizabeth G. Nichols, North Carolina State University.


This proposal uses polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as model contaminants to delineate how the rhizospheres of plant systems impact weathered contaminant sequestration and bioavailability. We propose to use two isotopic tracer approaches in which 13 CO2 photosynthetic labeled plant exudates or uniformly labeled 13 C-PAHs are introduced into weathered PAH contaminated media vegetated with Phragmites australis. Three field sites will be used to provide PAH weathered geomedia. We will determine if organic matter composition in geomedia fractions from the rhizosphere zone differs from

non-rhizosphere geomedia over time and if compositional differences alter PAH

partitioning, desorption, and toxicity in specific fractions such as particulate fractions and diagenetic fractions such as black carbon and humic materials.


NSF Project Officer: Thomas Waite

Project Period of Performance: Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 31, 2006

Project Award Total:  $434,103


Key Words: phytoremediation,  rhizosphere, PAH


Involvement of an endosymbiotic Methylobacterium sp. in the biodegradation of explosive RDX and HMX inside poplar tree (Populus deltoides). Dr. Jerald Schnoor, University of Iowa


The main objective of the proposed research is to investigate the involvement

of endophytic pink pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria in the bioremediation of the RDX and HMX inside poplar trees.  A secondary objective is to characterize the symbiotic plant-bacteria relationship and the extent of poplar contamination by PPFM bacteria. The hypothesis is that endosymbiotic microbes, such as PPFM, living inside woody plants are involved in and can improve significantly phytoremediation of organic pollutants. Enhanced biodegradation originates either directly from bacterial metabolism or from an improved plant metabolism due to symbiotic association with the bacteria.


NSF Project Officer: Thomas Waite

Project Period of Performance: Sept. 1, 2003Aug. 31, 2006

Project Award Total:  $247,441


Key Words: phytoremediation, RDX, HMX, Populus, endosymbionts, methylotrophs