INDEX Abortion effect of maternal smoking, 5,84,85 frequency, and cigarette consumption, 85 Acetaldehyde as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Acetone as suspected contributor to health hazards of smoking, 145 Acetonitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Acrolein as irritant in tobacco smoke, 101 as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Acrylonitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Adolescents see Students, high school Air pollution, carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke, 7,121-123,125 effect on nonsmokers, 121-125 tobacco smoke as a factor, 7,121-124 Air quality standards for carbon monoxide, 128 Alcohol consumption effect on mortality rates from esopha- geal neoplasms in Japanese males, 71 smoking and, in esophageal neoplasm etiology, 4,68,70,71 Allergy effect on cardiovascular abnormalities, 111 tobacco and, 7,103-l 11 tobacco smoke irritants and, 110 Alphat -antitrypsin deficiency in emphysema etiology, 44 smoking and, 44 Altitude, effect on arterial oxygen tension, 22 Amblyopia, tobacco cyanides and, 6 diet and, 6 smoking and, 6 Ammonia as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Angina pectoris smoking and, in twin studies, 18 Antigen-antibody reaction allergy and, 103-107 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 7,105,111 tobacco and, 7,104-107 Aortic aneurysm, nonsyphilitic mortality rates. smokers vs. nonsmokers, 2 Aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic effect on tobacco carcinogenicity, 66 Arterial diseases carboxyhemoglobin levels and, 26 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 26 smoking and, 25,26 Arteriosclerosis autopsy studies and, 19,20 cigar smoking and, 19 experimentally induced in dogs, 19,20 pipe smoking and, 19 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 19,22,23,27 smoking classification and, 19 Asbestos pulmonary fibrosis and, 44 Asthma smoking and, 37 Atherosclerosis see Arteriosclerosis Autopsy studies arteriosclerosis and, 19,20 coronary heart disease and, 19,20 Benz(a)anthracene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke, 66 Benzene as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Benzo(a)pyrene as air pollutant from cigarette smoke, 123 carcinogenic effects during pregnancy in rats, 89 cocarcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in rabbits, 67 hydroxylation by the placenta, 89 in smoke streams, 123 Betel nut chewing in Bombay, India, 69 in head and neck neoplasm etiology, 69 smoking and, 69 Birth weight effect of maternal smoking, 5,83-87 Bladder neoplasms relative risk in females by amount smoked, 73 relative risk in males by amount smoked, 72,73 smoking and, 68,72-74 smoking characteristics in etiology of, 5 Body height effect of maternal smoking, 88 Bronchial abnormalities in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 45 Bronchial histological changes smoking and, 45 Bronchitis incidence in British males by cigarette consumption, 62 occupational diseases and, 42 prevalence in smokers in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, 39 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Yugoslavia, 40 smoking in etiology of, 37 Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic ob- structive alphat-antitrypsin deficiency and, 3.44 epidemiology in Tecumseh, Michigan, 39,40 morbidity, smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire, 39 mortality, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 38,39 mortality rates for ex-smokers, and smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3 mortality rates for pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smokers, 3 occupational hazards and, 4244 smoking in etiology of, 3,37 2,3-Butadione as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Butylamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Cancer see Neoplasms and specific listings, e.g., Lung neoplasms Carbon dioxide as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Carbon monoxide as air pohutant from cigarette smoke, 7,121~123,125 e f fee t on blood carboxyhemoglobn, levels, 21-23,127 effect on cardiovascular system, 22 effect on nonsmokers, 126 effect on psychomotor performance, 126 effect on vision, 126 as most likely contributor to health hazards of smoking, 8,143 psychological and physiological effects, 125128 Carboxyhemoglobin levels blood cholesterol and, 23 during and following exposure to carbon monoxide, 124,125 in nonsmokers exposed to cigarette smoke, 125 occlusive peripheral vascular disease and, 26 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 21-23 Carcinogenesis experimental, 6567 initiating agents in cigarette smoke, 66 Carcinogens effect on oral mucosa in laboratory ani- mals, 70 Cerebrovascular disease mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers, L smoking and, 24,25 Cessation of smoking effect on COPD morbidity and mortal- ity, 41,42 effect on respiratory symptoms, 41,42 lung neoplasm development and, 62 myocardial infarct and, 17.18 as preventive measure in CHD, 17,18 as therapy in arterial diseases, 26 CHD see Coronary heart disease Children effect of parental smoking, 129 passive smoking and, 129 respiratory illness and, 129 Cholesterol in tobacco, 24 in tobacco smoke, 24 Chronic bronchitis see Bronchitis Chronic bronchopulmonary disease see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive 152 Chrysene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke, 66 Cigarette consumption effect on mortality from lung cancer in Poland, 61,62 Cigarettes tar and nicotine content, 142,143 Cigarette smoking see Smoking Cigar smokers carboxyhemoglobin levels in, 21-23 myocardial arteriole wall thickness in, 19 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm development, 68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm de- velopment, 67 Coal miners pneumoconiosis and, 4244 Congenital malformations maternal smoking and, 87 COPD see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Coronary heart disease autopsy studies, 19,20 carboxyhemoglobin levels and, 27 cross-sectional study in Bergen, Norway, 16 epidemiological studies, 14-16 heredity as a factor, 18 incidence among Minnesota men by age and smoking habit, 14-16 interaction of smoking and other risk factors, 16-18 mortality rates and per capita cigarette consumption in several countries, 16 mortality rates in longshoremen, 14 retrospective studies in Goteborg, Sweden, 16 retrospective studies in Prague, Czecho- slovakia, 16 smoking in etiology of, 1,2,13,14 twin studies, 18 Cor Puhnonale see Pulmonary heart disease cough smokers vs. nonsmokers, 40 Cresol as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Crotononitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Cyanides tobacco amblyopia and, 6 DDT as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 65,145 Dermatitis among tobacco workers, 111 Dibenz(a,c)anthracene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke, 66 7H-Dibenz(c,g)carbozole carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke, 66,67 carcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in hamsters, 66,67 Diet tobacco amblyopia and, 6 Dimethylamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene effect on oral mucosa in hamsters, 70 Edentulism smoking and, 6 Emphysema alphar -antitrypsin deficiency and, 44 experimentally induced in smoking dogs, 46 smoking in etiology of, 37 Endrin as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Epidemiological studies bronchopulmonary diseases and smok- ing, 3841 coronary disease and smoking, 14-16 esophageal neoplasms and smoking, 70,71 laryngeal neoplasms and smoking, 68 lung neoplasms and smoking, 60-65 maternal smoking and outcome of preg- nancy, 83-87 oral neoplasms and smoking, 68-70 pancreatic neoplasms and smoking, 74 urinary bladder neoplasms and smoking, 72-74 Esophageal neoplasms alcohol consumption and smoking in etiology of, 4,5,71 mortality rates in Japanese males by smoking and drinking characteristics, 71 153 smoking in etiology of, 4,70,71 Esophagus effect of smoking, 98 Ethylamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Experimental studies nicotine and cigarette smoke, 21 Ex-smokers mortality rates from lung cancer, 5 Fetus effect of maternal smoking, 5,83-89 Filtration smoke, effect on bronchoconstrictor response in smokers, 45 Formaldehyde as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Furfural as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Gas phase, cigarette smoke effect on mucous flow rates in cats, 47 harmful constituents in, 143 Gastric secretions effect of nicotine, 97 Gastrointestinal disorders smoking and, 5,697,98 Genetic factors in alphat+mtitrypsin deficiency, 44 smoking and, 44 Gingivitis smoking and, 6 Heart disease see Coronary heart disease Heredity alpha, -antitrypsin deficiency and, 44 coronary heart disease and, 18 smoking and, 18 Hydrocyanic acid as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Hydrogen sulphide as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Hydroquinone as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Hypercholesterolemia as a risk factor for coronary heart dis- ease, 16 ,17 Hypertension as a risk factor for coronary heart dis- ease, 16,17 Hypoxemia smoking and, 22 Hypoxia effect of nicotine, 21 experimentally induced in rats, 21 Infant mortality effect of maternal smoking, 83-87 low birth weight and, 86 Influenza incidence from antibody deficit in rmok- ers, 109 Intermittent claudication smokers vs. nonsmokers, 22,26 Intraoral smoking see Reverse smoking Ischemic heart disease morbidity ratio from, in New Delhi, India, 16 Laryngeal neoplasms epidemiological studies, 68 relative risk among cigarette, pipe and cigar smokers, 67 smoking in etiology of, 4,67,68 Leukoplakia oral neoplasm development in smokers and, 68,69 smoking in etiology of, 68.69 Lip neoplasms pipe smoking as cause of, 4 Lung cancer see Lung neoplasms Lung function effect of smoking, 37.38 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 40 Lung neoplasms epidemiological studies, 6065 etiology and epidemiology, 59,60 incidence in British males by amount smoked, 62 incidence in Czechoslovakian males by amount smoked, 6 1 incidence in Jewish vs. non-Jewish women, 63,64 incidence in uranium miners, 64,65 mortality ratios in Japanese males by amount smoked, 6 1 mortality ratios in Japanese women, 63 prospective study in Japanese adults, 4,60,61 154 prospective study in Czechoslovakian males, 6 1 relationship to chronic bronchitis and smoking, 62 relative risk in exsmokers by length of cessation and previous duration of habit, 6264 smoking as cause, 4,5,59,60 Macrophages, alveolar effect of tobacco smoke, 4748 in sputum specimens of smokers vs. non- smokers, 48 Maternal-fetal exchange effect of nicotine, 88 Maternal smoking see Smoking, maternal Methacrolein as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Methyl alcohol as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 6-Methylanthranthrene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke, 66 Morbidity from chronic bronchopulmonary disease, 3941 Mortality from chronic bronchopuhnonary disease, 38,39 Mortality rates esophageal neoplasms in Japanese males by smoking and drinking character- istics, 71 lung neoplasms in Japanese women, 63 pancreatic neoplasms in United States, 74 Mortality ratios lung neoplasms in Japanese males by amount smoked, 61 Mouth neoplasms see Oral neoplasrm Myocardial arteriole walls effect of filtered cigarettes in dogs, 20 thickness in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 2,19 thickness in smoking and nonsmoking dogs, 2,20 Myocardial infarct epidemiological study in Gomborg, Sweden, 14.15 incidence among Minnesota men by age and smoking habit, 14.15 incidence in men in Goteborg, Sweden, by tobacco consumption, 15 incidence rates by smoking classifi- cation, 15 smokers vs. nonsmokers in Goteborg, Sweden, 16 Neonatal death maternal smoking and, 83-87 Neoplasms see aLsO Specific types of neoplasms, e.g. lung neoplasms smoking and, 4,5,59-75 Nickel compounds as suspected contributors to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Nicotine antigenic properties, 104 effect on apexcardiogram, 21 effect on birth weight in rats, 88 effect on bronchoconstrictor response in laboratory animals, 46 effect on fetus in laboratory animals, 88 effect on gastric secretions, 97 effect on gastrointestinal secretions in dogs, 6 effect on immune response in man, 109 effect on lipid metabolism in rabbits, 21 effect on peripheral circulatory system, 25,26 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 88 experimental studies, 21 hypoxia and, 21 as most likely contributor to health hazards of smoking, 8,143 Nitric oxide as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Nitrogen dioxide effect on pulmonary tissue in rats, 46,47 in emphysema etiology, 46 as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Nitrogen oxides as air pollutants in cigarette smoke, 124,125 Non-nicotine cigarettes effect on apexcardiogram, 21 Nonsmokers allergic and irritative reactions to ciga- rette smoke, 128,129 155 allergic symptoms in, from tobacco smoke exposure, 110,111 carboxyhemoglobin levels in, 125 passive smoking and, 121-125 Obesity as a risk factor for coronary heart dis- ease, 16 Occupational diseases bronchitis, 42 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 3,4244 pneumoconiosis, 4244 pulmonary fibrosis, 44 smoking and, 3,4244 Occupational hazards smoking and, 3,4,4244 Oral contraceptives smoking and, 26 thrombophlebitis and, 26 Oral diseases, non-neoplastic smoking and, 6 Oral hygiene smoking and, 6 Oral mucosa effect of carcinogens in laboratory ani- mals, 70 effect of cigarette smoke, 6,69 effect of reverse smoking, 69 effect of tobacco/bidi smoking and chewing, 69 Oral neoplasms pipe smoking as cause, 67 relative risk in tobacco smokers and chewers, 70 smoking in etiology of, 4,67-70 Oxygen tension smokers vs. nonsmokers, 22 Pancreatic neoplasms mortality rates in United States, 74 mortality ratios in Japanese male and female smokers, 74 smoking and, 5,68,74 Particulate phase, cigarette smoke carcinogenic accelerators in, 5,65 effect on pulmonary and cardiac struc- ture and function, 7,s harmful constituents in, 143 Passive smoking effect on children, 129 effect on respiratory tract in laboratory animals, 129,130 in neoplasm induction in laboratory animals, 130 156 Perinatal studies maternal smoking and, 83-88 Periodontal diseases smoking and, 6 Peripheral vascular diseases carboxyhemoglobin levels and, 26 smoking and, 2,25,26 Phagocytosis effect of cigarette smoke in rabbits, 109 effect of tobacco smoke, 47-48 Phenol as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 144 Physical inactivity as risk factor in coronary heart disease, 16,17 Pipe smokers carboxyhemogiobin levels in, 21 myocardial arteriole wall thickness in, 19 oral neoplasms and, 67 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm development 68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm development, 67 Pneumoconiosis prevalence in coal miners, 4244 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4244 Post-operative pulmonary complications smokers vs. nonsmokers, 38 Preeclampsia smoking and, 84 Pregnancy effect of maternal smoking, 5,83-87 Prematurity effect of maternal smoking, 5,83-87 Pulmonary clearance effect of smoking, 3,47 Pulmonary fibrosis in asbestos textile workers, 44 smoking and, 44 Pulmonary heart disease COPD and, 24 smoking as cause, 24.27 Pulmonary macrophages effect of smoking, 3,4,4748 morphologic differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4.4748 Pyridine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking, 145 Radiation exposure smoking and, in uranium miners, 64,65 Respiratory disorders, acute noninflu- enzal in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 48 Respiratory function tests effect of smoking, 45 Respiratory infections smoking and, 3,38 Respiratory symptoms pipe/cigar smokers and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3,40 Reverse smoking effect on oral mucosa, 6,69,70 nicotinic stomatitis and, 6,69,70 Risk factors in coronary heart disease, 16-18 Skin effect of tobacco extracts, 105-107 tobacco antigens and, 7,104,105 Skin testing for reactions to tobacco, 105-107 Smoke, cigarette carcinogenicity, 65,66 cocarcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in rabbits, 67 effect on apexcardiogram, 21 effect on breathing in guinea pigs, 46 effect on lung surface tension in dogs, 48 effect on nasociliary mucosa in don- keys, 47 effect on phagocytosis in rabbits, 109 experimental studies in laboratory ani- mals, 21 harmful constituents of, 8,141-146 Smoke, tobacco as air pollutant, 7,121 ,122 allergic and irritative components, effect on nonsmokers, 7,128,129 antigenic properties, 104 effect on macrophages, 47 irritants in, 109,110 Smokers vs. nonsmokers arteriosclerosis and, 19 carboxyhemoglobin levels, 21-23 cerebrovascular diseases and, 25 oral diseases and, 6 respiratory symptoms, 40 thickness of myocardial arteriole walls, 19 Smoke streams benzo(a)pyrene content, 123 effect on nonsmokers, 122,123 tar and nicotine content, 123 Smoking bladder neoplasms and, 68,72-74 effect on cardiovascular system, 6,13,14 effect on esophageal sphincter, 97,98 effect on gastrointestinal secretions in dogs, 6 effect on leukocytes in guinea pigs, 46 effect on lungs in dogs, 46 effect on mortality rates from esopha- geal neoplasm in Japanese males, 71 effect on neoplasm recurrence at site of primary, 69 effect on oxygen tension in arterial blood, 45 effect on pentagastrin-stimulated gastric secretion, 97 effect on peripheral circulatory system, 25,26 effect on pulmonary clearance, 47 heartburn and, 97,98 peptic ulcers and, 6,97,98 tobacco amblyopia and, 6 Smoking, bidi in neoplasm etiology in Bombay, India, 69 Smoking, maternal carcinogenic effects on fetus, 88 effect on abortions, 5,84,85 effect on birth weight, 5,83-87 effect on body height of children, 88 effect on fetal growth rate, 5,83-87 effect on neonatal mortality rates, 84-87 effect on neoplasm development in off- spring, 87,88 effect on placental metabolizing activ- ity, 89 effects during pregnancy, 5,83-87 teratogenic effects, 87 unwanted pregnancy and, 84 Smoking, parental effect on children, 129 Snuff effect on oral mucosa in hamsters, 70 Squamous cell carcinoma smoking in etiology of, 69 Stomatitis nicotina reverse smoking and, 6,69,70 Stroke smoking and, 24,25 Students, high school effect of smoking, 40,41 pulmonary function of smokers vs. non- smokers, 3 157 respiratory symptoms in, 40,41 Surfactants effect of tobacco smoke, 48 Tar content as harmful component of cigarette smoke, 142,143 Tars, tobacco carcinogenicity, 65,66 definition, 143 Thromboangiitis obliterans tobacco allergy and, 111 Thrombophlebitis oral contraceptives and, 26 smoking and, 26 Thrombosis effect of smoking, 23 Tobacco cholesterol content, 24 effect on immune responses, 6,107-109 pharmacologic, irritative, and allergic ef- fects, 7,109-l 11 Tobacco antigens in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 107 Tobacco chewing oral neoplasrm and, 69 Tobacco extracts antigenic properties, 104,105 effect on skin, 105-107 irritants in, 184,105 thromboangiitis obliterans and, 111 Tobacco leaf antigenic properties, 104,105 Tobacco pollen antigenic properties, 104 Tuberculosis smoking and, 41 Twins smoking and coronary heart disease in, 18 Ulcer, duodenal smoking and, 6,97,98 Ulcer, peptic increased prevalence in male smokers, 97 smoking and, 5,6,97,98 smoking as cause in dogs, 97,98 Urinary bladder neoplasms see Bladder neoplasms Vascular disease, peripheral carboxyhemoglobin levels and, 26 nicotine and, 25 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 26 smoking as a risk factor, 2,25,26 Vision effect of carbon monoxide, 126 158 *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1972 O-445.191