<--------------------------------------------------------------------------> Wed/Thurs Sep 13/14 2300-0700 shrey Polarized proton studies ran all shift in the AGS. Measurements in RHIC were interrupted for 3 hours because of problems with quench interlocks and a lead flow interlock in 2 & 3 o'clock. 2313: Blue quench interlock initiated by 4b-timeA during the hysteresis cycle from the previous quench interlock. Contacting G. Ganetis. 2320: George is dialing in from home. 0000: George believes the buffer card for bo3-qd7 is sending out bad data at the top of the ramp, pulling the permit. Contacting D. Bruno. 0015: Don has instructed Support to swap the buffer card for the quad. 0035: Card is swapped. Running recovery scripts. 0050: Blue quench interlock while ramping to park. George recommends trying again; Don continues to monitor our progress and look for the cause from home. 0115: Another interlock while ramping to park. Don is investigating. 0145: Don finds a crowbar fault on bl3-qd7. The normal routine is to have Support replace the firing card, but Don cycled the power to off for a few minutes and put it back to standby. Running recovery scripts. 0215: Machine Development. 0340: Lead flow interlock on 2Q14. CCR has reset the trip; MCR is bringing on the tripped supplies in 2 & 3 o'clock. 0355: Machine Development.