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This searchable database is provided as a cooperative effort between the
USDA-ARS U.S. Salinity Laboratory and NyPa International.
Information contained within the database has been provided by Dr. Nicholas Yensen.
New Search Record 1 of 1

Sub Family: 

Genus: Disphyma

Species: crassifolium

Authority: (L.) L. Bolus

Common Name: Round-leafed Pigface (English; Australia), Rounded Noon-flower (English; Australia)

Salt Tolerance: It tolerates 56.0 dS/m or a little above the salinity of sea water as it was grown on Mediterranean sea water at Ashqelon, Israel. (Aronson 1989:47)

Habitat: It occurs on beaches and plains and is a psammophile (sand loving). (Low 1991)

Geographic Distribution: It is native to South Africa. It has been introduced into Europe and southern areas of Australia; coastal and inland. (Bond and Goldblatt 1984; Prescott and Venning 1984; Low 1991; Aronson 1989:47)

Description: Prostrate HERB, running stolons; LEAVES succulent, fleshy, roundish to slightly triangular in cross-section and often reddish; FLOWERS with white 'disc' and many purple 'ray-like' petals; FRUIT are not succulent. (Low 1991)

Uses and Notes: The leaves are edible (Low 1991). It has a C3 photosynthetic pathway and can be used as an ornamental. (Aronson 1989:47)
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Halophyte Book @ NyPa
U.S. Salinity Laboratory