H- Patient End Results (455)* Longevity (25) Life of patient(s) saved (8)  Case reports of a rare and usually fatal fungal infection and suggested treatment were used by physician to choose treatment (IV miconazole) for a patient with a brain abscess due to this fungal infection. Patient has survived for two years, but would have received the wrong treatment and almost certainly would have died if this treatment had not been located. (035002)  Immediate information describing anaphylactic and cardiogenic shock, and the recommendation that treatment focus on the anaphylaxis as opposed to the cardiac problems, provided physician with a treatment plan for a patient who had taken a certain homeopathic remedy for poison ivy who was in extreme shock and difficult to resuscitate. Patient survived, contrary to physician's expectations, and is doing fine. (039602) Length of life increased (17)  Information describing prognoses, treatments, and medical centers performing treatments for advanced metastatic ovarian cancer was provided by researcher to a physician with a friend with this condition who had been treated with surgery and radiation. Physician located a center performing treatment and patient participated in a clinical trial; patient is still alive. (048902) *Number in parentheses are the numbers of incidents classified in each category  Information indicating that lymphoblastic lymphoma, which is a rare cancer which acts more like a leukemia than a lymphoma, should be treated aggressively provided physician with information so that patient was treated with round of CHOP followed by a round of another chemotherapy which will increase the 5-year survival rate to 40-50% instead of 5-10% with less aggressive chemotherapy regimens. (040201) Abnormalities (107) Abnormality or disease prevented (10)  Information indicating that a giant cell tumor of the foot required amputation only if biopsy showed malignant changes in the tumors, that metastasis is unlikely, and that biopsy and osteotomy (removal of tumor and bone) instead of amputation are recommended, was responsible for physician performing a biopsy and osteotomy on a patient with a history of this condition and previous tumor removal. The biopsy was negative, the patient's foot was saved, and she is doing well. (T00801)  Information indicating that DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) after orthopedic surgery can be prevented by performing prothrombin (PT) and partial prothrombin-plastin (PTT) time tests every two days starting before, during, and after surgery prevented a patient from having more serious postoperative complications because the probability of DIC was detected sooner and morbidity prevented. (T00802) Patient cured or completely recovered from abnormality (37)  Information about unusual causes of pancreatitis, including absence of indication that running could be a cause, led physician to choose fasting therapy for 15-year-old patient who demonstrated pancreatitis while running in a race. Patient recovered completely and continued running, and there was no reoccurrence. (011401)  Information specifying the type of cephalosporin that is effective for treating gram positive pneumonitis enabled physician to replace ineffective treatment with a different cephalosporin as recommended. Patient recovered completely. (018801)  Information about ages of patients in a study of acyclovir treatment for herpes zoster led physician to conclude that a 30-year-old patient with this condition was too young to benefit from acyclovir treatment. Physician treated patient with prednisone, and patient's herpes cleared up. (011403 Patient improved or stabilized (but not cured) of abnormality (34)  Absence of information about prior use of clot dissolvers during pregnancy led physician to decide against use of a clot dissolver (streptokinase) for a pregnant patient with a thrombosis (patient had a history of Hodgkin's disease, and thrombosis was related to a Hickman catheter in the right subclavian artery). Physician successfully relied on heparin treatment instead. Patient is full-term and prognosis is good. (011202)  Information about use of tests for antiphospholipid antibody to diagnose hypercoagulability was used by physician to test a patient who had a stroke at an early age. Tests were positive, and patient was anticoagulated prophylactically to protect against future strokes. Patient's prognosis is fair. (010801)  Information about use of amantadine to treat patient with AIDS who acquired neuroleptic malignant syndrome after treatment with phenothiazine, was used by the physician and the patient recovered from the neuroleptic malignant syndrome, but still has AIDS. (U17803) No improvement of patient's abnormality (26)  Recommendations for use of azelaic acid for treatment of acne were used by physician to guide treatment of acne with this drug. Physician does not believe treatment worked and no longer prescribes it. (016402)  Information about the location of an author of papers on use of an experimental drug therapy that had been used for low birth-height infants to stimulate growth was used by a parent of a 9-year-old child with a height problem to contact the researcher, who convinced the parent that the therapy would be worth trying. No change was noticed after a 6-month course of therapy, and it was discontinued. (048504)  Limited information obtained about seizures and other neurological complications being associated with flexeril overdose in rats, and absence of information about pediatric overdose, resulted in physician's reservations about stating that seizures and other complications found in a child who had overdosed on flexeril were definitely caused by the overdose, and left physician unable to specify an antidote. Patient was transferred to ICU, is still abnormal neurologically, and requires mechanical ventilation. (T01301) Symptoms (15) Patient obtained partial or complete relief of symptoms (9)  Information about a short-term, non-steroidal treatment strategy for arthritis pain that would not exacerbate a bleeding ulcer was used by physician to control patient's pain until surgery for the ulcer was accomplished, thus avoiding surgical complications, allowing surgery to occur sooner, and getting patient on methotrexate as planned. Patient is feeling less pain, but prognosis is guarded. (010901)  Information about therapeutic value and side effects of using an antidepressant (fluoxetine) for treatment of an unusual movement problem in adults (myoclonus) was basis for physician's trial of small doses of fluoxetine for myoclonus in a pediatric patient. Treatment was minimally successful but safe, and physician is now using the treatment for an older child. (035403) No improvement of patient's symptoms (6)  Information on the use of azelaic acid (dicarboxylic acid) in the treatment of acne showed the physician the dosage information and irritancy potential, which led him to begin prescribing the medication. He never prescribed it again, because he did not think there was any improvement in the patients' symptoms. (016402)  Lack of helpful information on skin allergies to white pigment led physician to be unable to improve the allergic symptoms which his patient exhibited to a white pigment which was part of a tattoo. (031301) Function (5) Role functioning of patient improved or protected (2)  Information describing adverse effects of propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment for hyperthyroidism, including the fact that effects are not time or dose dependent, led physician to decide not to grant waiver to woman on PTU with hyperthyroidism who was seeking employment on a government scientific vessel because she was still at risk for significant adverse effects. (031102)  Absence of information about treatment of dermatitis caused by fiberglass exposure led physician to prescribe symptomatic treatment for patients with occupational exposure. Treatment initially worked but poor compliance, plus constant exposure at work, led to relapses. (016403) Role functioning of family improved or protected (3)  Information describing the increase in stress to the parents caused by not being with their child, who is in intensive care, and no increase in the incidence of infection in neonatal intensive care when there was sibling visitation, led nursing staff to increase parent and initiate sibling visitation in neonatal ICU which improved the family's attitude toward the child's illness (U09101)  Case reports suggesting that the main reason to perform surgery for single-suture cranial stenosis in an infant is for cosmetic reasons, helped the physician to counsel the parents, although he could not give them a clear answer on the future shape of the child's head. Physician advised the parents to take pictures, and if the child's appearance changes, then he will perform the surgery. At the present time he looks fine. (U02803) Process outcomes (303) Patient or family knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (50) Anxiety of patient and family relieved (13)  Information about an experimental drug for migraine headaches was provided by physician to M.D./patient with severe migraines who had heard of it, and helped reassure her that new treatments were being developed. (Patient decided not to pursue the experimental treatment because it was offered only at a distant medical center.) (040202)  Information on the death rates and complication rates from angiography during surgery for an angiofibroma of the nasal pharynx, which is a rare, bloody tumor that appears in teenaged boys, allowed physician to reassure the patient's mother that it was likely her son would survive the surgery and, in fact, the tumor was removed without leaving a large facial scar. (065402) Patient or family understanding of condition or health risk enhanced (26)  Recent information about the key pathological differences between acquired vs. familial hemochromatosis and about likelihood that other family members could have the familial type was used by pathologist to make a definitive diagnosis of familial hemochromatosis for a patient he had seen at autopsy and to provide information to physician for the patient's family. Family physician did genetic counseling with the family and is now performing biochemical screening on family members to look for serologic indicators that precede the condition. (031802)  Information relating a type of birth defect (chromosome deletion) to mild mental retardation was used by physician to counsel parents of a child with this defect about the mental retardation and the need to enroll the child in an infant stimulation program as soon as possible. (Parents did not return to physician for follow-up and outcome is not known.) (015001)  Basic information on non-Hodgkins lymphoma, including reviews which described the disease, how it differs from Hodgkins, its treatment and prognosis, was used by the physician to explain the lump in her neck, by using the abstracts as a brochure which could answer her questions. (P12403) Patient/family involvement in treatment decision enhanced (7)  Absence of information on the usefulness of alpha-feto protein testing in pregnancy to detect fetal abnormalities led the physician to call a colleague to get the information so that the physician could tell his patient what her options were and the predictive value of the test (negative test tells which conditions can be excluded) and she could decide whether or not she wanted to have the test done. (I) (034802)  Information that suggested that colchicine may be effective for reducing progress of cirrhosis in some end-stage patients, but is still optional and not a major loss if not used, led physician to inform his patient about his findings and the patient is deciding if he wants to have the treatment or not. (030301) Adherence to treatment recommendations enhanced (4)  General information about hepato-cellular carcinoma in children, including lack of relationship between the illness and hepatitis C, was used by physician in a small town in a remote area to educate parents of child with this condition before the child was sent to a major medical center for chemotherapy and surgery, and to help them properly care for the patient when he returned home. (Patient is doing well.) (041701)  Information about the lack of treatment options besides dietary control for hyperlipidemia in children, except for liver replacement in advanced cases, enabled physician to counsel the father of a child with this illness about the seriousness of the problem and to urge him to have the child followed carefully, which the father has been doing. (041702) Health care (236) Unnecessary treatments or procedures avoided, minimized, or reduced (40)  Absence of information about treatment of hepato-renal syndrome led physician to elect to forego all measures except to continue supportive therapy for patient. Patient's liver did not improve and patient eventually died. (011101)  Information that suggested that NMR is not better than catheterization of the pancreatic duct in the early detection of pancreatic cancer prevented patient in South America from having to come to the U.S. to have NMR of the pancreatic duct performed. The catheterization was performed in South America and the patient had chronic pancreatitis, not a tumor. (063502)  Information that fish oil should not be used by diabetics to lower cholesterol, because the oil has negative effects on the diabetic's condition, enabled the physician to tell his colleague, who is a diabetic, to avoid using fish oil to lower his cholesterol, which he did. (053902) Risks or side effects of treatment avoided, minimized, or reduced (31)  Information about the range of opinions concerning monitoring for liver damage with methotrexate therapy was used by physician to formulate monitoring strategies for patients on methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and to educate patients about the need for monitoring. (011102)  Information about contraindications for gamma globulin treatment due to long-term potential for crossmatch problems in surgery were used by physician to stop gamma globulin treatment for patient with recurring respiratory infections who was receiving it unnecessarily for a low IGa condition. (Patient will receive specific treatment for her infections.) (010401)  Information on the use of carotid ultrasonography to measure bloodflow through the carotid artery, was used by the physician to recommend that his patient have this procedure performed, rather than the more risky, painful, and expensive arteriogram, to assess whether the patient had an internal carotid aneurysm. The patient had the test performed and did not have an aneurysm. (034901) Duration or frequency of hospitalization minimized or reduced without loss of medical benefit (5)  Information indicating range of duration of abnormal cerebral spinal fluid values (for Group B Strep Latex) for a child recovering from Group B Streptococcus meningitis led physician with patient who showed abnormal values after 4 weeks of antibiotic therapy to decide that these values were not unusual for this point in the treatment and to discharge the patient earlier than anticipated. (Patient is doing well and seems to be developmentally normal.) (T03501)  Information indicating that sclerosing (injection of an irritant into the pleural cavity to create scar tissue) is a useful treatment for recurrent pneumothorax, and estimates of potential for success, led resident and colleagues to perform sclerosing procedure on hospitalized pediatric patient who was on long-term mechanical ventilation due to this condition. Patient went home after the procedure, and received procedure again 2 weeks later, after a pneumothorax episode. (Resident believes that patient has returned home.) (T07001) Patient received different and more accurate diagnosis than otherwise would have been obtained (49)  Information indicating a high false-negative rate for a diagnostic test, and suggesting a more helpful test, was used by physician to aid in correctly diagnosing common duct disease (gallstone lodged in the common duct) in a patient with severe abdominal pain and previous cholecystectomy. (Subsequent surgery indicated that stone had already detached and the condition cleared by itself.) (011404)  Information about all possible causes of upper lobe bullous condition, including the fact that it is seen in IV drug abusers, was provided by physician to a clinician with a patient with this condition to aid in diagnosis, and also aided physician in diagnosing his own patients who present with this condition. (029101)  Information linking thyroid deficiencies to depression was used by physician to test depressed patients for thyroid disorders, with the result that three times as many of his patients have been diagnosed with thyroid disorders. Appropriate patients are now treated for both depression and thyroid disorders. (010403) Patient received different and better treatment or treatment recommendation than otherwise would have been obtained (75)  Absence of concrete information on the treatments that statistically yield the best results did not give the physician the support he needed to second-guess what the oncologists might tell him regarding the treatment of his patient with endocervical adenocarcinoma. They went ahead with surgery followed by radiation and the patient is doing well. (I) (062903)  Information that indicated that copper deficiency is signaled by a decrease in neutrophils, followed by sideroblastic anemia, and only occurs when zinc is given over long periods of time, convinced a clinical pharmacist that a critically-ill patient, who was receiving intravenous zinc for wound healing, was not in danger of developing a copper deficiency (there is a reciprocal relationship between the two), and is receiving better care because they now know what to look for. (074701)  Lack of information about the side effects of a drug, thymopentin, which a patient with colon cancer was considering taking, did not give the physician the information needed to determine if this was a better treatment than the more traditional modalities; instead he called the manufacturer, who gave him little information because it was still investigational. (063503) Patient received referral to appropriate specialist or treatment center (35)  Provided information to endocrinologist on relationship between diagnosis of adrenal masses and size when they are found (P10503)  Location of a specific reference summarizing classification, treatment, and prognosis of polypoid melanomas enabled pathologist presented with a skin specimen labeled "wart" that he subsequently determined to be a polypoid melanoma to present this information to the surgeon who had removed the skin, in order to familiarize him with treatment. (Physician is not aware of how the information was used by the surgeon.) (034001)  Absence of information about therapies for advanced metastasized bladder cancer led physician to move patient with this condition from oncology service to a tertiary care center that was better suited to care for him. (014401) Patients received care where they otherwise would have received none (1)  Absence of information on non-psychiatric aspects of medical care for the homeless, which arose from a discussion a pharmacy administrator had regarding improper utilization of emergency rooms by the homeless, led his department to develop a program at a local shelter. Pharmacists go to the shelter weekly to work with the medical staff to educate the homeless on the appropriate ways to take their medications. They are providing medical care to patients who otherwise would be receiving none. (T02601) Cost of care, insurance, and reimbursement (17) Cost of care minimized or reduced without loss of medical benefit (4)  Comparison of side effects of the different beta agonists and their utility in managing premature labor led physicians to establish a treatment protocolthat employed a less expensive drug. (P10703)  Information on the use of inhaled bronchodilator treatments for emergency room treatment of children with pediatric asthma resulted in thephysician changing his practice from prescribing epinephrine injections and aminophylline drips, which would take 4-6 hours in the emergency room, to giving them inhalation treatments in the ER and at home, which is less traumatic for the child and results in less time in the emergency room. (U14401) Insurance benefits and reimbursement obtained appropriately (13) Patient's status with insurer decided appropriately (5)  Information indicating that while remissions of a type of end-stage renal disease (membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis) do occur rarely, they usually end in recurrence of the disease, was used by physician to justify unwillingness to comply with patient's mother's request that physician inform the patient's insurer that patient in remission is cured. (Patient is currently in remission but long-term prognosis is not good.) (040203)  Information about a technique for diagnosing cirrhosis was used by physician to do a more thorough analysis of liver enzymes for a patient who claimed that he was being wrongfully labeled as an alcoholic by his insurance company. Physician had test done but has not yet seen the lab report. He believes the patient is honest, and that when it is proven that he is not an alcoholic, he will be spared a doubling of his insurance premiums. (034903) Reimbursement of patient and/or family for worker's compensation decided appropriately (4)  Information on neurologic injuries and the deterioration that can result, allowed a rural physician to understand the nature of his patient's neurologic impairment resulting from a skull fracture he sustained after falling off a truck several years before. The physician was able to present the information to the judge at the Workman's Compensation hearing to refute the insurance company's contention that the patient died from heart failure. The widow received the pension. (010802)  Articles documenting loss of pulmonary function after a stroke, led physician to counsel his patient that his pulmonary problems were a result of the stroke not related to his work and to give similar testimony in litigation his patient was pursuing against his employer. (013603) Problems or delays for patient in securing insurance reimbursement avoided (3)  General information about a rare cranial disease in children (Kronau's disease) aided company physician in preparing the company's insurance claims processors for timely approval of the treatment plan for a child with this condition who was about to undergo surgery and home care. After surgery, patient's family was very pleased with the company's supportive attitude. (034904)  Information indicating that there is a connection between acute myocardial infarction and exercise or emotional stress was used by physician to support family's worker's compensation claim that cardiac patient's fatal heart attack was caused by his being forced to change a tire on the road; case was settled favorably to family out of court. (T05801) Reimbursement of provider for unaccepted treatment prevented (1)  Information on the official position of the American Academy of Allergy concerning Candida hypersensitivity syndrome allowed insurance company to deny claim for treatment (and presumably encouraged patient to seek further for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.) (P11203) Research End Results (267) New knowledge produced (16) Theory developed or refined (6)  Information on the role of oxidative reactions in the process of differentiation in development was used by investigator to help interpret his own data and formulate a theory of the role of oxidative reactions in this process; investigator published an article on this topic based on his research. (028702)  Information on the pathophysiology whereby left ventricular hypertrophy potentiates heart ischemia was used by a researcher to provide support for his hypothesis to explain their experimental findings; Investigator published an article on this topic describing their research. (T05201) Basic biomedical knowledge produced (6)  Information describing differentiation caused by cAMP in various cell systems, but an absence of information describing differentiation caused by cGMP, led investigator to pursue an initial finding of differentiation in a certain cell line caused by cGMP; investigator has confirmed the finding with further studies. (Investigator has written up these results and has also developed a grant proposal on the topic.) (045802)  Absence of information discussing an association between two neurological diseases and expression of the ras oncogene led investigator to conclude that his discovery of this association in patients with these diseases was a new finding; investigator presented the results at a professional meeting. (046901) Understanding of medical history or medical ethics enhanced (4)  Information discussing clinicians' attitudes about the benefits of high-technology developments in cardiology, such as mechanical hearts and artificial prostheses, were used by student to compare these attitudes with those of medical historians who are concerned with the attendant ethical and financial problems; student will discuss the conflicts between these attitudes in a dissertation. (048901)  Additional information which the physician researcher had not heard about before, on physicians who are also writers (fiction or poetry) resulted in the citations being used in the bibliography of a book on this topic, for which the respondent was looking for a publisher. (042101) New biological products developed (1)  Information on the gene sequence of ovalbumin (egg white) was used by a researcher to clone the gene into a plasmid and transform plants to produce ovalbumin with the ultimate goal of making these more nutritious plants commercially available. (046602) Process Outcomes (250) New research area identified (53) Evidence of importance of research problem obtained (10)  Information describing a research finding on the role of calcium in induction of cell death by radiation confirmed the importance of this same research observation by an investigator, and led investigator to pursue research to identify calcium-dependent factors involved in cell death, because the initial research to confirm their existence has already been done. (056803)  Information obtained on the causes of reticulocytosis confirmed for the immunologist researcher that he had all the most up-to-date information, and could begin to investigate why 40% of the patients taking a drug in a clinical trial by his drug company exhibited this side effect. (051702) Evidence of lack of importance of research problem obtained (3)  Absence of information showing the beneficial effects of systemic retinoids in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, led the physician researcher to make the decision not to pursue the project to develop other drugs in this group, because there was not enough positive indication in was worth pursuing. (P10603)  Lack of specific studies addressing the question of why the rate of heart disease in France is so much lower than in other Western countries, when their cholesterol levels were so high, resu lted in the physician researcher dropping plans for the study because he found nothing exciting to explain the phenomenon except possibly the French might be underdiagnosing heart disease. (034302) Need for further research determined (33)  Information describing increased mortality from heart attack in people with bundle-branch block, combined with the absence of information about the effect of thrombolytic therapy on heart attack in people with this condition, led investigator to begin a retrospective study of the effect of thrombolytic therapy on heart attack in people with bundle-branch block. (000501)  Information describing eating disorders (such as anorexia) in Asians outside of China, but an absence of information about eating disorders in China, led investigator to design surveys in Chinese to take along on a trip to China, with the goal of initiating a study of eating disorders in China. (017902)  Lack of qualitative information on parents' adjustment to home apnea monitoring convinced the nursing graduate student that there was good rationale for her conducting a study to measure parents' adjustment to having the monitoring device in their home with an infant at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and if she went on for a Ph.D., would develop the measurement tool. (U11002) Need for preliminary research determined (7)  Lack of basic information on resources utilized in normal deliveries including labor nursing hours, supplies, drugs used, etc. to develop an assumed profile, led physician to conclude that there was a real need for preliminary research to get a good profile; the project is on-hold for the time being. (T01501)  Lack of any careful examination of the connection between lung diseases and aortic aneurysm, led physician to design and implement the project himself. He believes the results will have an impact on health care delivery. (063101) Appropriate research design formulated (16)  Information describing studies of primary cilia in vestibular cells was used by investigator to help design experiments to investigate primary cilia in another cell type (cartilage cells) for incorporation into a grant proposal; grant was funded and work has begun. (012001)  Information describing general aspects of the existing health care systems in Central America, including numbers and types of facilities and extent of health insurance coverage, was used by investigators to design proposal to study how external funds provided to Central American nations for health care services are used; proposal was written and funded. (052606) Methodological impediment to research progress removed (45) New research methodology developed (1)  Descriptions of a method (seriolactin chromatography) for separating carbohydrates from proteins provided investigator who was making no progress using other techniques with a method for defining the carbohydrates attached to a protein (androgen-binding protein) being studied without damaging the protein. (049302) Existing research methodology adopted (23)  Information describing methods for use of an antibody to stain a brain peptide (corticotropin releasing factor), including the animal species (rat) with which the antibody had been used in previous experimentation, was used by investigator to choose rats for initial experimentation with the antibody and to help design experimental methodology, and allowed investigator to begin immediately with experimentation instead of waiting for a personal response from investigator who supplied him the antibody. (Initial outcome from experimentation has not been successful, due to unknown reasons.) (013301)  Information describing the effects of passive smoking on children (including an association with cancer as children get older), and use of cotinine levels to measure smoke exposure, was used by investigator to prepare talk on effects of passive smoking and to design a study of baseline cotinine values in children. (033404)  Information describing techniques for in vitro phosphorylation of proteins by cAMP-dependant protein kinase was used by investigator as the basis for the methodology for his study of these proteins, instead of using a more standard method; grant proposal was written and is being revised for resubmission. (045801) Existing research methodology applied to novel problem (15)  Information describing use of a cytobrush in Pap smear screening was used by investigator to modify protocol for study of cytobrush use in Pap smear screening; study was completed and results were written up. (034501)  Inability to retrieve a specific recent citation describing the reaction of a particular polyclonal antibody to a particular protein and the sequence of that protein led to the investigator calling the author of that paper; investigator used this information to design experiments to react the antibody to another protein he had recently purified; experiments were not successful, and showed that the two proteins were not related. (I) (051003) Access to materials obtained (6)  Identification of the source of new compounds that were purified from the fatty acid of the organism pseudomonas aeroginosa, which inhibited acetyl-CoA synthetase, allowed the researchers to contact the authors to acquire a sample of the compound. Without the information be could not have conducted his experiments because he needed a blocker of acetyl-CoA synthetase in order to show his effect was the result of transport not metabolism. (052401)  Identification of too much information made it difficult for the researcher to identify the appropriate benzodiazepine which he could use to block TRH receptors in the pituitary but do not enter the brain. (T01202) Interpretation of results clarified (7)  Information describing negative clinical trials of therapies for cystic fibrosis for which there are an average of 14 patients in a study led investigator to suggest that these studies may not have the statistical power to support such negative conclusions due to the small number of subjects; investigator has written a paper evaluating negative clinical trials. (033401)  Information describing a reaction undergone by guanine methyl sulfate that blocks in vitro DNA synthesis was used by investigator to explain his own problems synthesizing DNA by treating cells with dimethyl sulfate; investigator was greatly relieved to find support in the literature for his experimental results and his student who is writing his thesis on this topic will cite this paper. (056601) Relationship of ongoing research to other/previous research clarified (42)  Case reports of problems with polyethylene as a total-joint-replacement material were used by investigator to document own research on the topic, and led investigator to begin another study to continue to look for a better prosthetic joint material. (045401)  Data indicating that phenobarbital does not block long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus in animal studies was basis for investigator's conclusion that his drug currently under investigation, which does block LTP, is therefore different pharmacologically from phenobarbital; investigator was therefore spared the necessity of proving this experimentally and could proceed to other, more productive, experimentation. (054001)  Absence of information about scales used in nursing research to assess wound healing led investigator to continue search for this information, with help from a colleague; information was eventually retrieved, and used by investigator to develop a scale to assess the depth of a wound and to write a paper about this scale. (I) (057302) Scientific communication prepared (46) Research findings submitted for publication (24)  Information describing the use of a drunkmeter to measure body water in humans was used by investigator to design study to measure body composition of paraplegics as it relates to their nutritional requirements; research was completed successfully and 5 or 6 papers were written documenting the results. (034402)  General background information describing research on the influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on blood pressure control, and a few articles specifically describing randomized prospective trials, were used by investigator to provide background for a paper documenting results of his research on the topic. (034801)  Information on isolation of the fungus which causes blastomycosis from beaver dam or fishing hut, was used by the veterinarian as background information when he submitted his paper documenting the results of his research on a new experimental drug for the treatment of the pneumonia caused by this fungus. (071503) Bibliographical source documented (22)  Citation and abstract of a particular journal article on the effect of estrogen on glucocorticoid receptor synthesis in the pituitary was used by investigator to prepare for poster presentation of her own research, and to cite the article in the introduction to her presentation. (016001)  A couple of additional references that showed aging correlated to changes in cardiac function were used in physician researcher's paper describing his research on the relationship of aging with changes in renal function correlated with changes in cardiac function. (T00602)  Citations for approximately 400 articles on the topic of ethical dilemmas and newborns were used by doctoral student to present a comprehensive bibliography to his dissertation committee in support of the viability of his planned historical dissertation on the topic; the plan was approved and student has begun research. (048401) Research support obtained (36) Application for research support strengthened (25)  Information describing the expression of glycoprotein T-200 during differentiation of cells was used by investigator to support and strengthen research plan in grant proposal. (013803)  Information describing previous studies of a cytoskeletal protein in liver tumor cell lines was used by investigator to document assertions in a grant proposal; grant proposal was submitted. (Funding is pending.) (041601)  General information about factors affecting human fetal growth retardation was used by investigator to provide background for grant proposal in a new area of research; proposal was submitted. (Funding status is unknown.) (047701) Application/review process facilitated (6)  Information describing research by a specific author (who was on the study section committee to review a proposal submitted by this investigator) was used by investigator to improve methods of glycoprotein analysis, and also reassured investigator that he had submitted his proposal to the appropriate study section. (013802)  Information on various methodologic approaches that could be used in the study of the control of fatty acid utilization by tissues and whether it is a biologically regulated process, and the feasibility of each approach, was used by a member of the metabolism study section, and his colleagues, to review the grant applications in an area which he would otherwise not be well versed. (74202) Regulatory approval received (5)  An article describing a clinical study in which [new drug] was used for cancer treatment with reasonable safety was used by FDA regulator as basis for judgment that clinical trials of this drug for breast cancer (a new application) would be relatively safe; regulator granted approval to investigators who wished to begin trials of the drug. (049901)  Absence of any studies which were not contained in the application for approval to conduct a clinical trial of a new drug for breast cancer, convinced the physician working for the FDA that there were no selective omissions of negative studies, and the application was approved. (049902) Appropriate participants secured for research project or conference (5)  Information on the research interests and prior collaborations of a neuroscientist, allowed a researcher to decide whether he wanted to collaborate with the individual before he spoke with him to see if his work was useful to his laboratory and to give him an awareness of his prior research. (074402)  Information on the latest references and research interests of suggested speakers, allowed physician researcher to review their work in light of the profile of the planned symposium on hypertension, and to invite them to participate. (024401) Teaching End Results (249) Direct instruction (classroom, wards, grand rounds, lectures) (172) Students, residents, or local medical colleagues gained better understanding of topics in basic biomedical sciences (12)  Inability to locate a specific article about elevation in cyclic AMP in neuroblastoma cells led investigator to ask a colleague to supply him with this article that was too recent to be indexed in MEDLINE; investigator used this reference in writing a literature review on the effects of prostaglandins and beta-agonists on elevating cyclic AMP in neuroblastoma cell lines. (I) (030602)  Information from review articles on the six subclasses of colony stimulating factors, which affect cell proliferation, was used by an animal science researcher to present a lecture of a group of graduate students in animal science, and provided a source of new information for both the instructor and the students. (013903) Students, residents, local medical colleagues, or other health personnel gained better understanding of clinical care (106) Gained understanding of particular disease or condition (pathophysiology, diagnosis, natural history, prognosis) (42)  General information on multiple myeloma was used by physician to supplement resident's talk on the disease, particularly the history of use of antimony compounds compared to modern treatments; staff gained a more complete understanding of the illness. (P12404)  Information indicating that gallbladder disease may predispose to heart attack, but not vice versa, was used by physician to determine that a patient with a heart attack and right upper abdominal quadrant pain did not also have gallbladder disease, to direct treatment accordingly, and to instruct students; students learned about the reflex relationship between the gallbladder and the heart. Patient eventually recovered. (T03702)  Absence of information describing clinical studies, as opposed to animal studies, of proxisomal disorders in children and adults hampered physician's ability to prepare grand rounds presentation on a patient with proxisomal disorder and also to choose treatment for the patient; physician will reattempt search using "human" as a limiter. (I) (036401) Gained understanding of (new) diagnostic procedure (e.g. indications, procedures for performing, interpretation of results) (13)  Information about use of ultrasound for diagnosing carotid artery disease was provided by physician in talk on a new radiologic technique (carotid Doppler ultrasound) such that physicians in clinic gained an understanding about use of the technique for diagnosis. (038301)  Information on the high accuracy rate for needle biopsy of carcinoma cells of the prostate, using the size of the nucleolus as a diagnostic criterion, allowed the pathologist to prepare and present his talk to the city-wide cytology group so they gained additional knowledge regarding cytology of prostate carcinoma. (036102) Gained understanding of management of a particular disease or condition (e.g. use of certain therapies, overall care of the patient, risks involved in management) (9)  Small amount of information published since 1983 about use of 6-mercapto-purine and azothyoprin for Crohn's colitis and ulcerative colitis demonstrated to physician that the most important research on the topic was done in the 1960s and 1970s, and that little new research was done in the 1980s; physician used this information to present a lecture; medical students gained an understanding of the topic. (P10402)  Information on the different categories of mothers' reactions to an unexpected caesarian birth, and the role of success or failure on breast feeding in dealing with the negative feelings, resulted in the nurse being able to provide childbirth educators with specific techniques to identify those women who need assistance and what interventions to employ. (U14502) Gained understanding of (new) therapeutic procedure (e.g. indications, dosage, efficacy, risks) (19)  Article illustrating malpositioning of various types of catheter tips was used by physician for teaching; residents learned to read films to identify malpositioning and learned about potential complications of malpositioning; article also served as a permanent reference for these residents for future use in training and practice. (029102)  Inability to retrieve citations for all of the new cooperative studies on use of Levine or peritovenous shunts in treatment of ascites of which physician was aware resulted in physician directly contacting investigators who had performed a particular study; physician used data obtained, plus other data obtained through the search, to deliver lecture; members of journal club gained an understanding of the topic. (I) (P10403) Gained understanding of specific issues in health care delivery (organization of services, role of providers, role of patient and family) (17)  Information obtained on group therapy for families of children with cancer, allowed a social worker to gain an understanding about families where children have cancer and could speak to a class for clinical social workers. (T04502)  Information obtained on how other institutions and physicians are confronting the situation of how to determine brain death, was used by physician to make residents more aware of the issues. (038803) Gained understanding of specific issues in disease prevention (6)  Information about the chronic effects of indoor air pollution on children allowed the physician to gain an understanding about these effects and resulted in his being offered a position. (067902)  Information on the methods of transmission of Clostridium difficile infections in a hospital setting, led infection control monitor to create more stringent controls on staff cleanliness, through more staff education. There were no more outbreaks since the changes. (U11302) Students, residents, physicians, or other health care personnel gained ability to access biomedical literature (42) Gained appreciation of value of on-line medical information service for clinical care or research (12)  Retrieval of a collection of recent citations about cardiac assist devices in animals was used by physician to help graduate student develop a bibliography for her master's thesis on this topic. (P10805)  Retrieval of a series of articles on a blood coagulation problem due to protein C deficiency, provided the resident with an opportunity to see how quickly he could gain access to information on an unusual clinical problem using an on-line database. (070001) Gained better access to current literature in their specialty (9)  Collection of all citations in MEDLINE for the past three years from 6 major journals were downloaded into a microcomputer by physician for use by medical department; residents in department use this database regularly as a reference. (P10806)  A retrieval of all information on surfactant and its associated proteins, led physician gain a better perspective on surfactant research and will now have an ongoing literature search updated monthly, to keep current in this area. (U13901) Gained better access to broad-based bibliographic information (11)  Large number of publications on the national impact of ritodrine tocolysis (drug therapy for inhibiting premature labor) allowed the physician to prepare a report documenting the number of articles written on this topic per year over the past fifteen years, to support the increasing interest in ritodrine therapy over this period. (T05501)  Information from 40-50 articles on lead poisoning and trauma, allowed physician to have a more complete information base with which to discuss his patients, in his chapter in a book on lead intoxication from retained missiles such as bullet fragments. (T03001) Gained better access to biographical information (10)  Identifications of the complete bibliography for a visiting dignitary led the researcher to download all the citations and distribute the bibliography to everyone in the department before he gave the lecture. (052601)  Identification of some new papers on photactivable labelling by a researcher in France, allowed the molecular cell biologist to keep up-to-date on the research interests of this individual. (025203) Lay public gained understanding of health issues (12) Gained understanding of use and possible risks of particular medical therapies (4)  Absence of information on specific treatment for fire ant bites led the physician to inform [youth organization], who requested the information, that there is no specific remedy for fire ant bites other than treating the symptoms. (T05802)  Information on the increased incidence of falls in older people who are taking benzodiazapines, was included in the medical writer's consumer book on prescription drugs in older people. (055301) Gained understanding of the positive outcomes or risks of particular health habits and behaviors (6)  Information describing incidence of use of smokeless tobacco in adolescents and health implications aided rural dentist who was a student in a public health program in preparing a paper on the topic, and led him to design a survey of use in middle schools and high schools, to deliver information on the topic to medical societies, health departments, and schools, and to counsel patients more vigorously against use of smokeless tobacco. (043001)  Information that a high fat diet is correlated with an increased incidence of breast cancer, and that vitamin A and E supplements decrease the risk of cancer, was used by the physician in community talks and the nutritionist used the information to counsel patients, who have already had breast cancer; some patients have followed through and changed their dietary habits. (U19702) Gained understanding of other general health issues (2)  Information on definitions of the value of humor in medicine and the names of critical workers in the field, allowed the physician to network with the individuals to access the latest information and prepare his talk for the public on the emotional aspects of cancer, laughter, and medicine. (U19403)  Information on children of the survivors of the Holocaust was used by the psychologist to prepare his talk for a consumer group. (024502) Professional writing (textbooks, non-research articles, case reports) (74) Wide professional audience gained better understanding of clinical care Gained understanding of particular disease or condition (pathophysiology, diagnosis, natural history, prognosis) (25)  Information about Merkel cell tumors of the skin and their immunohistochemistry was used by physician to document a case study of this life-threatening condition seen in one of his patients. (028701)  Information about the natural course of B-cell lymphoma of the skin, diagnosis, and treatment was used by physician to document a case study of this rare and life-threatening condition seen in one of his patients. (028703)  Lack of information citing titles of books on food allergies, led physician to ask medical librarian to search CATLINE, in order to get the titles, to settle an argument between the physician (author), book sponsor, and publisher, on what the title of his book should be, so that the book could be published and provide new information on food intolerance in infants. (070601) Gained understanding of (new) diagnostic procedure (e.g. indications, procedures for performing, interpretation of results) (13)  Inability to locate articles specifically describing test results in children with cochlear implants (search yielded many articles on other types of auditory prostheses) led physician to use another method to locate articles on this topic; physician wrote a paper on the topic. (I) (030803)  Information on new staining techniques used in diagnostic cytochemistry of acute leukemia were used by the pathologist in his book on the subject. (063302) Gained understanding of management of a particular disease or condition (e.g. use of certain therapies, overall care of the patient, risks involved in management) (6)  Information on lymphocyte pathophysiology and its role in kidney and heart transplant rejection allowed a nephrotologist to prepare the manuscript and present his talk to a national seminar updating physicians on the management of transplanted organs. This was a very hot topic because certain of these lymphocytes are transferred during transplantation and react causing rejection graft vs. host disease. (T07801)  Lack of information on the use of certain medications, such as nitroglycerin, to dilate blood vessels during microsurgery, resulted in surgery preparing a paper on his experience using these medications as an aid in repairing the vessels during microsurgery, such as reattachment of severed fingers. (U06201) d. Gained understanding of (new) therapeutic procedure (e.g. indications, dosage, efficacy, risks) (20)  Information on drugs which are toxic to the kidneys, including the startling information to the physician that indomethacin is toxic to the kidney of the fetus, was used as part of a review article on drugs that are toxic to the kidney. (058502)  Original source which said that gastric freezing was good, and a later one which stated that it was terrible, provided both points of view in a review article on gastric freezing, which was a technique to stop gastric bleeding, but was abandoned because by the end of a year the patients bled again. (077901)  A series of articles on sclerosing agents, duration of wrapping, and wrapping techniques, helped physician prepare a paper and a talk to a national audience on his experience with scleral therapy for varicose veins. (U00501) e. Gained understanding of specific issues in health care delivery (organization of services, role of providers, role of patient and family( (3)  Studies of attitudes and beliefs toward aging and the elderly on the part of society in general, the aged themselves, and health care providers were used by investigator to prepare a literature review of the topic. (013402)  Information on individual DRG's and how they impact on the hospital as far as remuneration, possible impact on care, and death rates and readmission rates in nursing homes were used by physician to write a 10-page summary and 300-citation bibliography on the quality of care in the Peer Review Organization which formed the basis of his testimony before a congressional committee. (063001) Wide professional audience gained access to clinical observations and case reports (7)  Information which indicated that while Cogentin has been reported to be helpful in the treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, there is not true drug therapy for the condition and if the neuroleptic drug is withdrawn, the patients get better, contradicted the physician's experience where treatment with Cogentin caused dramatic improvement in the patient, which she reported in a case report. (U08801)  Lack of substantial reports of patients who visit a doctor for lower back pain, and in the course of the workup are found to test positive for AIDS, resulted in the orthopedic surgeon writing up a case report of such a patient so that other spine surgeons would be made aware that AIDS is a possibility in patients with back pain. (T07901) Physician's own understanding (3)  Information obtained on a monthly basis on CPR and emergency cardiac care led the physician to increase his understanding of the newest trends in the area, such as new treatment or education modalities, which he can use in a variety of his professional activities. (U00701)  Information on Forcious Erikson ocularomnis, was used by ophthalmologist to keep himself current on the subject, since he was nine months behind in reading Current Contents. (36403) Administrative End Results (102) Physician's own practice (27) Physician altered care for specific condition (20) New protocol/standards adopted by physician (14)  Information which discussed the rates of positive needle localizations for malignancy based on the results of mammography showed the physician where he should change his practice in terms of reading mammograms and determining the indications for performing a needle biopsy. Instead of biopsying when there were three calcifications, the literature suggested biopsying if the patient has five or more. He also found that his positive for malignancy rates after biopsy were in line with the national average. (P12102)  Information on a newly marketed bronchodilator for the treatment of childhood asthma resulted in the physician changing the way he manages his patients. He now uses agents which are more selective for bronchodilation, rather than the more general drug he was taught to use as an intern. (T01801) New equipment/technology adopted by physician (6)  Information on the test results, testing protocols, and reliability and validity of the various machines to perform isokinetic testing, led physical therapist to purchase and utilize two pieces of the this equipment, one for testing backs and another for lower extremities. (T05301)  Lack of information on the utility of newer blood counting machines, especially with respect to mean platelet volume, led physician to delay making a decision on whether to purchase one of the new machines. (I) (P30402) Appropriate future employment pursued (6)  Identification of an article by another investigator on using biochemical methods to study neuronal development in a journal that the researcher did not normally read (he was a biochemist, not a cell biologist), led the researcher to find out more about that investigator's work, and interview with him for a fellowship position. The researcher liked the approaches used in that laboratory and made the decision to accept a position. (051002)  Identification of several groups that were doing work in neurobiology with some interface with the immune system, a topic relevant to the research interests of a rheumatologist/immunologist, led him to talk with other experts about their opinions of the different laboratory and enabled him to make a decision on the laboratory where he would spend his sabbatical. (068802) Physician's personal business endeavors did not benefit (1)  Absence of information on implants of anabolic steroids for weight gain in cattle, led the veterinarian to continue to use the recommendations of the feed lot operators in his cattle-raising business. (I) (043403) Hospital (66) Personnel matters successfully resolved (2)  Bibliography of publications by a physician who was an applicant for an attending position at a hospital was provided by research assistant to the person who would by interviewing the candidate. (049401)  Retrieval of the bibliography of an associate, which contained only one case report in the past 20 years rather than the extensive bibliography which he claimed to have, resulted in a re-evaluation of his honesty. (P11202) Hospital adopted or altered protocol/standards of care for specific condition (40)  Recent national mortality statistics referencing birthweights and death rates at different gestational ages were used by investigator to compare with similar statistics from his own hospital for the purpose of publication and for analysis and potential revision of the hospital's standards for ultrasound identification of growth-retarded fetuses. (011203)  Information from a wide variety of journals on the causes of urinary tract infections led physician to develop a questionnaire to administer to his female patients who have urinary tract infections which addresses all sources of the infection. This has improved the physician's ability to track and prevent urinary infections in his patients. (066602)  Lack of specific information on the safety and efficacy of using sodium bromide in the treatment of seizures in pediatric patients made it more difficult for the Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee to approve its addition to the formulary. Ultimately its use was approved, but only in restricted cases. (044001) Hospital continued to use existing protocol/standards of care for specific condition while maintaining quality of care (17)  Information describing animal studies of use of LHRH analogs for management of uterine fibroids, but an absence of human studies advanced enough to provide a standard of care on this issue, led physician on a clinic committee to decide that LHRH analogs are not yet a viable option for management of uterine fibroids. Committee eliminated LHRH as a possible alternative to surgery in its guidelines. (019402)  Lack of information on proper dosages of heparin to prevent deep vein thrombosis, led physician and his colleagues to continue to use their existing protocol, since they had no evidence to prove that it would be helpful to change to a new prevention protocol. Physician did not believe they had a higher incidence of deep vein thrombosis with their current protocol. (I) (T07701) Hospital set up new facility/service (7)  Broad-based information on demographics, financial operations, and models of children's hospitals convinced the hospital administrator to support the arguments put forth by the pediatricians of the need for a separate children's hospital. (U09502)  Articles chronicling the prevalence of substance abuse among the chronically mentally ill and treatment models which have been used resulted in a mental health agency quickly setting up a program to accommodate schizophrenics and other chronically mentally ill who have substance abuse as their main problem. (U04801) Other institution or organization (9) Personnel matters successfully resolved (1)  Identification of a large number of recent articles by a researcher in a subject area medical school was interested in including on their faculty convinced a chairman of the search committee to invite this previously unknown researcher to present a seminar and discuss one of the department's job openings. (048501) Government program policy established or revised (8)  Absence of new information concerning community health effects of disposal of solid wastes from hospitals reassured county health department employee that his research on the topic was exhaustive. County employee informed state health department that proposed new state regulations to treat medical wastes as hazardous wastes were excessive and would place unnecessary burden on hospitals. State altered proposed regulations and labeled hospital wastes special wastes instead of hazardous wastes. (T04801)  Absence of new information on screening for and identification of children with dyslexia assured physician-administrator of a public school district that the district did not need to change its current procedures. Physician developed a policy that put school district into compliance with latest state law without changing the screening method itself. (T00201) Legal End Results (22) Patient or physician effects (8) Patient protected from adverse decision (2)  Information on the complications of thoracic outlet syndrome and its surgical management was used by a surgeon to provide testimony to support a patient's claim of lack of attention to detail by another surgeon who had operated on the patient, an operation which resulted in injury to the ulnar nerve and partial paralysis. (U11903)  Lack of information on the causes of spinal cord infarction after surgery did not provide the neurologist with enough information to counsel the patient's lawyer in a case involving a patient who developed paraplegia following abdominal surgery in the retroperitoneal area. (I) (021103) Physician protected from unwarranted legal action or adverse decision (6)  Identification of articles from surgical journals on the use of actuarial statistics in medicine will allow psychiatrist to refine his approach to courtroom testimony in that when he is asked to make a prediction, he will make a more considered and elaborate response. (063803)  Information that indicated that in 1977 there were published articles that indicated that cryosurgery was appropriate as a treatment for basal cell carcinoma, allowed the physician to pass the information along to the attorney defending a physician against malpractice who used this procedure on a patient with the condition in 1977. (019602) Legal process (14) Time and expense of questionable suit avoided (12)  Information indicating that Stoddard's solvent and similar solvents were linked to hepatic cancer in rats, but that there was no documented link to hepatic cancer in humans, was used by epidemiologist to counsel family of patient who had died from liver cancer that occupational exposure to the solvent was probably not the cause of his illness, and that there was not a reasonable justification for them to take legal action to pressure the company to change the work environment or to sue the company for damages. Family was very reassured by this. (T03701)  Information that suggested that occasionally congenital hip problems are not picked up until the child begins to walk, even though they had routine testing at birth, allowed a physician to pass the information on to child's mother's lawyer to give him the background to build a defense that there were no grounds for a suit on the basis of neglect simply because the hip problem was not found until the child started to learn to walk. The case was dropped. (062902) Offenders tried on appropriate grounds (1)  Information that indicated that the entire concept of the "shaken baby syndrome" was based on one article, and that there was no scientific basis for the premise, convinced forensic pathologist that it should stop being used as a defense for defendants in child abuse cases (i.e., the lawyer tells the jury that the client-parent just "shook" the child, when in fact the parent probably threw the child). (T04301) Illegal business closed (1)  Physician was asked to prepare a written accusation for the state medical licensure board regarding a business that advertised a high colonic (washing out the colon) as a cure for colon cancer, diverticulitis, and colitis. Failure to obtain information on "colon hydrotherapy" meant that physician could not include information on any recognized detrimental effects of the colonic washouts, but the business was closed for practicing medicine without a license. (I) (U14902) Outcome unknown or not yet determinable (56)