Daily Socket Connection Status Report

Attached below is an example of the daily socket status reports sent to the "SB_gris1" GCN site. This particular day was chosen to have examples of all parts of the status report -- typically there are not so many "error or warning" type situations. The SB_gris1 "site" is a machine located in another building from the GCN system building (and local network) that I use to monitor some aspects of the socket operations of GCN. There is no real "instrument" hooked up; it just runs a copy of the socket_demo program.

The content of the report starts out with (1) a header saying whom the report is for, who it's from, and the date. Then (2) a three-line summary about the number of socket connection attempts, how many of those attempts were successful, and how many disconnections there were. (3) Then a tabulation of the number of the various types of packets sent and the number of each type that were echoed back containing some error. (This report was for a day when the SB_gris1 site was not continuously connected to show some of the error-message reporting.)

Then come 3 sets of time-stamped error/warning messages. The first group lists problems with the gcn programs. The second group has to do your socket making/breaking actions, and the third set lists problems with individual packets. If there are more than 60 per 24-hr interval, then only the first 30 of the day and the last 30 of the day are list. This truncation is neccessary because during certain socket connection problem/scenarios the number of error messages can reach 100's and 1000's (and they are almost always the same message, and therefore not all that noteworthy).

Then comes 6 histograms of the roundtrip travel times for the 4 subclasses of packet types plus two histos of increasing inclusion. The histo binning is 0.25 seconds. On this particular day there a total of 20 position-containing types; almost all of these are the INTEGRAL_Test notices (there is no (easy) ways for this report-generator to distiguish between the TEST_INTEGRAL notices and the real-burst-INTEGRAL notices). In the 2nd subclass histo, there were 87 notices (that do not contain positions; technically som of them do, but I am drawing a distinction, say, between BAT_POS and BAT_LIGHTCURVE which does contain the BAT RA,Dec positoin same as BAT_POS, but is not the primary POSITION notice).) The 3rd histo has the roundtrip times for the various Test notice types (not including those INTEGRAL_TEST which can not easily be distinguished from the real INTEGRAL). The 4th histo has the times for the Imalive packets (roughly 1440 per 24 hour interval). The 5th histo is the roundtrip times for all the packets (all subclasses) distributed to your site. And the 6th histo is the roundtrip times for all the packets (all subclasses) distributed to all sites. This last one allows you to see how your site's connectivity compares with the GCN-global average.

The percentage of packet times that exceeds a couple seconds is very small. And most of the time these few packets happen (a) immediately after your socket connection was made, or (b) where there was a socket-connetion attempt to another site in between the time when the packet was sent to your site and when it was received back. These latter delays will be in increments of 3 seconds; and as such, these 3-sec increments are on the return half of the roundtrip -- not the sending half, so they don't are not anything that matters to your speed of response.

These socket status reports are generated automatically every day for each site by the system. Sites can individually elect to receive these reports, and the list of recipients can be taylored to each site and is not tied to any other distribution list for that particular site (i.e. maximum flexibility)

TO:   SB_gris1 Site
FR:   GCN/Scott Barthelmy/GSFC
RE:   Socket Site Status Report
DT:   Sat Nov 19 19:07:36 EST 2005

For the UT day  11/17 2005:

      2 failed attempts to connect were made.
      3 successful connections were made.
      0 disconnects from the site end.

1552 Total packets sent (types 2-4,39,40-44,51-55,60-84):
      0      Type  2 sent (Test Coords)             out of       7
   1439      Type  3 sent (Imalive)                 out of    1439
      0      Type  4 sent (Kill pkts)               out of       0
      0      Type 39 sent (IPN_POS)                 out of       0
      1      Type 40 sent (HETE_ALERT)              out of       1
      0      Type 41 sent (HETE_UPDATE)             out of       0
      0      Type 42 sent (HETE_FINAL)              out of       1
      0      Type 43 sent (HETE_GNDANA)             out of       0
      6      Type 44 sent (HETE_TEST)               out of       6
     16      Type 51 sent (INTEGRAL_PNTDIR)         out of      24
      0      Type 52 sent (INTEGRAL_SPIACS)         out of      24
      0      Type 53 sent (INTEGRAL_WAKEUP)         out of      24
      0      Type 54 sent (INTEGRAL_REFINED)        out of      24
      0      Type 55 sent (INTEGRAL_OFFLINE)        out of      24
      0      Type 60 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_ALERT)     out of       0
      2      Type 61 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_ACK)   out of       2
      0      Type 62 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_NACK)  out of       0
      2      Type 63 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_LC)        out of       2
      7      Type 65 sent (SWIFT_FOM_2OBSAT)        out of       7
      4      Type 66 sent (SWIFT_FOSC_2OBSAT)       out of       4
      1      Type 67 sent (SWIFT_XRT_POSITION)      out of       1
      0      Type 68 sent (SWIFT_XRT_SPECTRUM)      out of       4
      1      Type 69 sent (SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE)         out of       1
      2      Type 70 sent (SWIFT_XRT_LC)            out of       2
      1      Type 71 sent (SWIFT_XRT_CENTROID)      out of       1
      2      Type 72 sent (SWIFT_UVOT_DBURST)       out of       2
      2      Type 73 sent (SWIFT_UVOT_FCHART)       out of       2
      0      Type 74 sent (SWIFT_FULL_DATA_INIT)    out of       0
      0      Type 75 sent (SWIFT_FULL_DATA_UPDATE)  out of       0
      0      Type 76 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_LC_PROC)   out of       0
      0      Type 77 sent (SWIFT_XRT_SPECTRUM_PROC) out of       4
      0      Type 78 sent (SWIFT_XRT_IMAGE_PROC)    out of       1
      0      Type 79 sent (SWIFT_UVOT_DBURST_PROC)  out of       2
      0      Type 80 sent (SWIFT_UVOT_FCHART_PROC)  out of       2
      0      Type 81 sent (SWIFT_UVOT_POS)          out of       0
      0      Type 82 sent (SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POS_TEST)  out of       7
     66      Type 83 sent (SWIFT_POINTDIR)          out of      66
      0      Type 84 sent (SWIFT_BAT_TRANS)         out of       0
      0 Were received back with some sort of error.

//////////// RECORD OF PROGRAM OPERATIONS /////////////////////
There were no program operations messages today.

//////////// RECORD OF SOCKET OPERATIONS //////////////////////
05/11/17 21:59:23.038 GMT: Client socket to gris1.gsfc.nasa.gov SB_gris1 is up.
05/11/17 22:00:36.401 GMT: The shutdown of SB_gris1 worked OK.
05/11/17 22:01:02.856 GMT: Next attempt to gris1.gsfc.nasa.gov SB_gris1 in 1 minutes.
05/11/17 22:02:08.000 GMT: Client socket to gris1.gsfc.nasa.gov SB_gris1 is up.
05/11/17 22:34:36.295 GMT: The shutdown of SB_gris1 worked OK.
05/11/17 22:35:35.520 GMT: Next attempt to gris1.gsfc.nasa.gov SB_gris1 in 1 minutes.
05/11/17 22:36:56.040 GMT: Client socket to gris1.gsfc.nasa.gov SB_gris1 is up.

//////////// RECORD OF PACKET ERRORS //////////////////////////
05/11/17 08:43:40.334 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 pkt Type=3 SN=0 is missing.
05/11/17 08:43:41.031 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 pkt Type=3 SN=0 is missing.
05/11/17 08:43:41.084 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned pkt Type=3 SN=5324 != 5326 mismatch.
05/11/17 08:43:42.151 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned pkt Type=3 SN=5325 != 5326 mismatch.
05/11/17 10:49:26.682 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 pkt Type=3 SN=0 is missing.
05/11/17 10:50:26.652 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 pkt Type=3 SN=0 is missing.
05/11/17 10:51:26.662 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 pkt Type=3 SN=0 is missing.
05/11/17 10:51:38.258 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned pkt Type=3 SN=5451 != 5454 mismatch.
05/11/17 10:51:39.274 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned pkt Type=3 SN=5452 != 5454 mismatch.
05/11/17 10:51:40.287 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned pkt Type=3 SN=5453 != 5454 mismatch.
05/11/17 22:43:01.244 GMT: ERR: SB_gris1 returned an illegal pkt Type=29 SN=1, bytes=160.

//////////// HISTOGRAMS OF ROUNDTRIP TIMES ////////////////////
Attached below are histograms of the roundtrip travel times
of the packets between the GCN system (capella) and gris1
that were received back in the proper order & with valid contents.
The range of the histos is from 0.00sec to 100sec with
0.25sec per bin resolution.  Underflows (there should not be any)
and overflows are also tabulated.
The 5 histos are for the 4 packet type subclasses (0,1,2,3):
   0) All_Position_Notices+INTEGRAL_Test (that pass your filter criteria),
   1) All_Non-Pos_Swift_Notices.
   2) All_Test_Notices(Type=2&44) (if enabled),
   3) Type=Imalives (1440+-few per 24 hrs).
   4) Type=,
   5) Type=.

Header[0]: Roundtrip Type=Position_pkt(39-44,51-55,61,67,81,84) times for 11/17 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=1.00  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00   12.0     12.0 ************
   0.25    3.0     15.0 ***
   0.50    1.0     16.0 *

   1.00    1.0     17.0 *

   2.25    1.0     18.0 *

   4.25    2.0     20.0 **

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

Header[1]: Roundtrip Type=Non-Pos_Swift pkt times for 11/17 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=1.06  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00   58.0     58.0 *******************************************************
   0.25   20.0     78.0 *******************
   0.50    3.0     81.0 ***
   0.75    3.0     84.0 ***
   1.00    1.0     85.0 *

   1.50    1.0     86.0 *

   3.50    1.0     87.0 *

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

Header[2]: Roundtrip Type=2,44,82 pkt times for 11/17 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=1.00  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00    6.0      6.0 ******

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

Header[3]: Roundtrip Type=3 pkt times for 11/17 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=23.91  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00 1315.0   1315.0 *******************************************************
   0.25   99.0   1414.0 *****
   0.50   12.0   1426.0 *
   0.75    1.0   1427.0 *
   1.00    1.0   1428.0 *
   1.25    1.0   1429.0 *
   1.50    2.0   1431.0 *

   3.00    1.0   1432.0 *
   3.25    1.0   1433.0 *
   3.50    1.0   1434.0 *

   5.25    1.0   1435.0 *

   6.25    1.0   1436.0 *

   7.25    1.0   1437.0 *

   8.00    1.0   1438.0 *

   9.50    1.0   1439.0 *

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

Header[4]: Roundtrip of All pkt Types times for 11/17 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=25.29  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00 1391.0   1391.0 *******************************************************
   0.25  122.0   1513.0 *****
   0.50   16.0   1529.0 *
   0.75    4.0   1533.0 *
   1.00    3.0   1536.0 *
   1.25    1.0   1537.0 *
   1.50    3.0   1540.0 *

   2.25    1.0   1541.0 *

   3.00    1.0   1542.0 *
   3.25    1.0   1543.0 *
   3.50    2.0   1545.0 *

   4.25    2.0   1547.0 *

   5.25    1.0   1548.0 *

   6.25    1.0   1549.0 *

   7.25    1.0   1550.0 *

   8.00    1.0   1551.0 *

   9.50    1.0   1552.0 *

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

Header[5]: Roundtrip of All pkt Types for all sites for 11/19 UT

Scale[cnts/star]=586.13  Binning[value/chan]=0.25  Comprs[chan/bin]=1  User=0

Underflow(<0.00)= 0.0

   0.00 32237.0  32237.0 *******************************************************
   0.25 18131.0  50368.0 *******************************
   0.50 6035.0  56403.0 ***********
   0.75 6268.0  62671.0 ***********
   1.00 4169.0  66840.0 ********
   1.25 1091.0  67931.0 **
   1.50  453.0  68384.0 *
   1.75  109.0  68493.0 *
   2.00   42.0  68535.0 *
   2.25    6.0  68541.0 *
   2.50    6.0  68547.0 *
   2.75    4.0  68551.0 *
   3.00    4.0  68555.0 *
   3.25   62.0  68617.0 *
   3.50   12.0  68629.0 *
   3.75   46.0  68675.0 *
   4.00    4.0  68679.0 *
   4.25   64.0  68743.0 *

   5.75    1.0  68744.0 *

   7.25   39.0  68783.0 *

   8.00    1.0  68784.0 *

   9.00    1.0  68785.0 *

  10.25    2.0  68787.0 *

  24.50    1.0  68788.0 *

  40.25    1.0  68789.0 *

  48.00    1.0  68790.0 *

Overflow(>100.00)= 0.0

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This file was last modified on 19-Nov-05.