Zerrath, H. (1996). Burst-swimming performance of native small and young fish species in slope-models -- dates for valueing fishways. Fischokologie. 27-48. In a variant of a slope model with an inclination of 1:20 which had inserted lines of stakes the swimming behaviour of the following fish species (all between 3,3 and 10,5 cm in length) was investigated: three-spined-stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), pearch (Perca fluviatilis), carp (Cyprinus carpio), roach (Rutilus rutilus), chub (Leuciscus cephalus) and gudgeon (Gobio gobio). The swimming behaviour of tree-spined-stickleback and chub was additionally investigated in two more variants with other hydraulic conditions. By putting high numbers into the testing arrangement it was succeded, expect with the pearch, to cause the burst swimming of the test animals and to analyse it by videotape records. The average burst speed is for all investigated species near 15 BL/s, the average burst time is about 5 seconds. Maximum values of more than 30 BL/s were noticed for nearly all species. The swimming achievement of sticklebacks was almost equal in each of the three investigated variants. Chubs showed a swimming achievement adapted to the hydraulic conditions, depending on their body length. The aspects for water constructing and fishways are discussed: For the critical area of fishways streaming velocities of 80 cm/s should not be gone beyond, and should be restricted to distances under 50 cm. In other areas the critical streaming velocity of local small fish species of 40 cm/s should not gone beyond.