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Library of Congress Subject Headings
Tentative (Unapproved) List 4 (January 24, 2007)

SACO participants should contact their SACO liaison on the Cooperative Cataloging Team with comments/questions.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A) indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C) indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries. Note: Diacritics and special characters are not displayed in this list. In order to verify the presence and accuracy of diacritics for a specific heading, use the LC ILS to view the full subject authority record for the heading.

     151  Adriatic Coast (Albania)   [sp2006008719]                          
     550    BT Coasts--Albania                                               
     150  Coasts--Albania   [sp2007000039]                                   
     151  Ionian Coast (Albania)   [sp2006008720]                            
     550    BT Coasts--Albania                                               
(A)  150  African American baseball umpires   [May Subd Geog]                
     450    UF Baseball umpires, African American                            
     550    BT Baseball umpires--United States                               
(A)  150  Baseball umpires--United States   [sp2007000058]                   
(A)  100  Alencar  family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000047]                 
(C)  151  Algeria--Politics and government--1830-1962   [sp2006008499]       
(C)  151  Ambassador Bridge (Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ont.)   [sp        
          87004115 ]                                                         
   * 451    UF Detroit River Bridge (Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ont.)      
   * 451    UF International Highway Bridge (Detroit, Mich., and Windsor,    
(A)  150  American poetry--Greek American authors   [sp2006008939]           
     450    UF Greek American poetry (English)                               
(C)  150  American redstart   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008501]               
     053       QL696.P2438 (Zoology)                                         
     450    UF Motacilla ruticilla                                           
     450    UF Redstart, American                                            
     450    UF Setophaga ruticilla                                           
     550    BT Setophaga                                                     
     150  Setophaga   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000041]                       
     053       QL696.P2438 (Zoology)                                         
     550    BT Emberizidae                                                   
     550    BT Wood warblers                                                 
(A)  150  Anti-estrogenic diet   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009071]            
     053       RM231.2                                                       
     550    BT Cancer--Diet therapy                                          
     550    BT Diet in disease                                               
     550    RT Estrogen                                                      
(A)  150  Estrogen   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85045012 ]                        
   * 550    RT Anti-estrogenic diet                                          
(A)  150  Food--Estrogen content   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009073]          
     550    BT Estrogen                                                      
     550    BT Food--Composition                                             
     150  Anti-racism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000043]                     
     680       Here are entered works on beliefs, actions, movements, and    
          policies adopted or developed to oppose racism.                    
     450    UF Antiracism                                                    
     550    BT Social justice                                                
     550    RT Multiculturalism                                              
     550    RT Racism                                                        
     150  Multiculturalism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 93001610 ]                
   * 550    RT Anti-racism                                                   
     150  Racism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85110266 ]                          
   * 550    RT Anti-racism                                                   
(A)  150  Antiprotozoal agents   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008925]            
     053       RM413                                                         
     450    UF Antiprotozoals                                                
     450    UF Antiprotozoan agents                                          
     450    UF Antiprotozoans                                                
     550    BT Antiparasitic agents                                          
(A)  150  Antimalarials   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85005696 ]                   
   * 550    BT Antiparasitic agents   CANCEL                                 
   * 550    BT Antiprotozoal agents                                          
     150  Anyang language   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 88005464 ]                 
   * 450    UF Nyang language   CANCEL                                       
   * 450    UF Nyang language (Cameroon)                                     
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 69 (Ariz.)   [sp2006009032]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 69 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 69 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF S.R. 69 (Ariz.)                                               
     451    UF SR 69 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 69 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 69 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Armijo Canyon (N.M.)   [sp2006008928]                              
     550    BT Valleys--New Mexico                                           
   * 150  Arnica (Drug)   CANCEL                                             
     150  Arnica montana--Therapeutic use   [May Subd Geog]   [sp            
          85007379 ]                                                         
     053       RM666.A25                                                     
     450    UF Arnica (Drug)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                     
     150  Art metal-work--China--History--Tang-Five dynasties, 618-960       
     150  Arts, Singaporean   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009108]               
     450    UF Singaporean arts                                              
(C)  150  Atonement   [sp 85009335 ]                                         
   * 450    UF Theologia crucis   CANCEL                                     
(C)  110  Autodromo Nazionale di Monza (Monza, Italy)   [sp2006008970]       
     410    UF Autodromo di Monza (Monza, Italy)                             
     410    UF Monza Autodrome (Monza, Italy)                                
     410    UF Monza Racetrack (Monza, Italy)                                
     550    BT Racetracks (Automobile racing)--Italy                         
     150  Autopsy--Law and legislation   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009021]    
(A)  150  Barbaro (Race horse)   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009059]            
     550    BT Horses                                                        
(C)  150  Bardin the Superrealist (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]   
     450    UF Bardin (Fictitious character)                                 
     450    UF Bardin le Superrealiste (Fictitious character)                
(A)  100  Barreda family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009070]                  
(C)  150  Barrett's esophagus   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006020260]             
     450    UF Barrett epithelium                                            
     450    UF Barrett esophagus                                             
     450    UF Barrett syndrome                                              
     450    UF Barrett's epithelium                                          
     450    UF Barrett's oesophagus                                          
     450    UF Barrett's syndrome                                            
     450    UF Epithelium, Barrett's                                         
     450    UF Esophagus, Barrett's                                          
     550    BT Esophagus--Abnormalities                                      
     550    BT Esophagus--Diseases                                           
     550    BT Esophagus--Precancerous conditions                            
     150  Esophagus--Precancerous conditions   [sp2007000076]                
(C)  100  Battenberg family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008642]               
     400    UF Battenberg, House of                                          
     400    UF Haus Battenberg                                               
     400    UF House of Battenberg                                           
   * 151  Belle-Ile-en-Mer (France)   CANCEL                                 
     151  Belle-Ile-en-Mer (France)   [sp 85013039 ]                         
     451    UF Belle-Ile (Morbihan, France)                                  
     451    UF Belle-Isle (France)                                           
     550    BT Islands--France                                               
(C)  150  Blackstone, Sam (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]           
     450    UF Sam Blackstone (Fictitious character)                         
     110  Bob Hope Theatre (Stockton, Calif.)   [sp2007000022]               
     410    UF Bob Hope/Fox California (Stockton, Calif.)                    
     410    UF California (Stockton, Calif.)                                 
     410    UF Fox (Stockton, Calif.)                                        
     410    UF Fox California (Stockton, Calif.)                             
     410    UF Fox-California Bob Hope (Stockton, Calif.)                    
     550    BT Theaters--California                                          
(C)  151  Bog Hot Valley (Nev.)   [sp2006008699]                             
     550    BT Valleys--Nevada                                               
(C)  150  C++/CLI (Computer program language)   [sp2006008767]               
     550    BT Object-oriented programming languages                         
     151  Campeche, Bay of (Mexico)   [sp 85019218 ]                         
   * 451    UF Bay of Campeachy (Mexico)                                     
(C)  150  Canavan disease   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008479]                 
     450    UF Aspartoacylase deficiency                                     
     450    UF Spongy degeneration of the brain                              
     450    UF Van Bogaert-Bertrand disease                                  
     550    BT Cerebral sclerosis, Diffuse                                   
     550    BT Demyelination                                                 
     150  Capniidae   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85019987 ]                       
   * 053       QL530.3.C3   CANCEL                                           
   * 053       QL530.3.C3 (Zoology)                                          
   * 450    UF Small winter stoneflies                                       
   * 450    UF Winter stoneflies, Small                                      
     110  Castello di Casale Monferrato (Casale Monferrato, Italy)           
     410    UF Casale Monferrato Castle (Casale Monferrato, Italy)           
     410    UF Castello dei Paleologhi (Casale Monferrato, Italy)            
     410    UF Castello dei Paleologi (Casale Monferrato, Italy)             
     410    UF Paleologhi Castle (Casale Monferrato, Italy)                  
     410    UF Paleologi Castle (Casale Monferrato, Italy)                   
     550    BT Castles--Italy                                                
     151  Castillo de Curiel Site (Spain)   [sp2006095369]                   
     451    UF Castiello de Curiel Site (Spain)                              
     451    UF Castillo de Coriel Site (Spain)                               
     451    UF Curiel Castle Site (Spain)                                    
     451    UF Pena'l Castiellu Site (Spain)                                 
     451    UF Pica Sergio Site (Spain)                                      
     451    UF Picu Alba Site (Spain)                                        
     451    UF Picu Castiello Site (Spain)                                   
     551    BT Spain--Antiquities                                            
(C)  150  Catholics--Religious identity   [sp2006007967]                     
     450    UF Catholic identity                                             
     550    BT Identification (Religion)                                     
(C)  151  Cayuga and Seneca Canal (N.Y.)   [sp2006008371]                    
     451    UF Cayuga-Seneca Canal (N.Y.)                                    
     451    UF Seneca Canal (N.Y.)                                           
     550    BT Canals--New York (State)                                      
     150  Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations   [May Subd Geog]   [sp   
          85022656 ]                                                         
   * 450    UF Charitable foundations   CANCEL                               
   * 450    UF Charitable foundations (Legal aspects)                        
   * 450    UF Charitable trusts   CANCEL                                    
   * 450    UF Charitable trusts (Legal aspects)                             
   * 450    UF Endowed charities   CANCEL                                    
   * 450    UF Endowed charities (Legal aspects)                             
   * 450    UF Endowments--Law and legislation                               
   * 450    UF Foundations (Endowments)   CANCEL                             
   * 450    UF Foundations (Endowments) (Legal aspects)                      
   * 450    UF Private foundations   CANCEL                                  
   * 450    UF Private foundations (Legal aspects)                           
   * 450    UF Trusts, Charitable   CANCEL                                   
   * 450    UF Uses, Charitable   CANCEL                                     
   * 550    RT Endowments   CANCEL                                           
     150  Endowments   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85043107 ]                      
   * 450    UF Charitable foundations                                        
   * 450    UF Charitable trusts                                             
   * 550    RT Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations   CANCEL             
(C)  100  Chigi family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008837]                    
(C)  150  Civilization, Germanic--Roman influences   [sp2006008493]          
     551    BT Rome--Civilization                                            
(C)  150  Client/server computing--Research   [May Subd Geog]                
(C)  150  Client/server computing--Research--Law and legislation             
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006540]                                   
(A)  150  Cold War--Religious aspects   [sp2006009100]                       
(A)  150  Cold War--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]        
     150  Communication in mathematics   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009057]    
     550    BT Mathematics                                                   
     150  Conflict diamonds   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000030]               
     450    UF Blood diamonds                                                
     450    UF War diamonds                                                  
     550    BT Diamonds                                                      
   * 150  Conium   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85031138 ]               
   * 053       QK495.U48 (Botany)                                            
   * 053       RM666.C (Therapeutics)   CANCEL                               
   * 053       RS165.C (Pharmacy)   CANCEL                                   
   * 450    UF Hemlock (Materia medica)   CANCEL                             
   * 550    BT Umbelliferae                                                  
(C)  150  Contact lens technicians   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008963]        
     550    BT Allied health personnel                                       
(C)  150  Corn--Effect of dredging on   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006007693]     
   * 150  Corn--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 86006246 ]    
   * 550    BT Temperature   CANCEL                                          
   * 681       Example under Plants--Temperature                             
   * 150  Leaves--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85075617 ]  
     150  Plants--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008969]             
     053       QK755-QK756 (Botany)                                          
     550    BT Temperature                                                   
     360    SA subdivision Temperature under individual plants and groups of 
               plants, e.g. Corn--Temperature                                
   * 150  River sediments--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp    
          89003527 ]                                                         
   * 150  Roots (Botany)--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp     
          85115380 ]                                                         
   * 150  Stars--Temperature   [Not Subd Geog]   CHANGE GEOG   [sp           
          85127453 ]                                                         
   * 550    BT Temperature                                                   
   * 150  Stems (Botany)--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp     
          85127928 ]                                                         
   * 151  Sun--Temperature   [Not Subd Geog]   CHANGE GEOG   [sp 85130484 ]  
   * 150  Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.--Temperature   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG 
          [sp 93003558 ]                                                     
(A)  150  Couples--Psychology   [sp2006009019]                               
     550    BT Psychology                                                    
   * 150  Crimes against humanity, German   CANCEL                           
     150  Crimes against humanity--Germany   [sp 85034028 ]                  
     450    UF Crimes against humanity, German   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]   
(A)  100  Crolla family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009117]                   
     400    UF Krolla family                                                 
(C)  110  Curt Gowdy Post Office Building (Green River, Wyo.)                
     410    UF Gowdy Post Office Building (Green River, Wyo.)                
     550    BT Post office buildings--Wyoming                                
   * 150  Daba language   CANCEL                                             
     150  Daba language (Cameroon and Nigeria)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp       
          85035340 ]                                                         
     053       PL8117-PL8117.95                                              
     450    UF Daba language   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                     
     450    UF Dabba language                                                
     551    BT Cameroon--Languages                                           
     550    BT Chadic languages                                              
     551    BT Nigeria--Languages                                            
(A)  150  Dance teams   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009022]                     
     450    UF Teams, Dance                                                  
(A)  150  Sports teams   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 93006008 ]                    
   * 550    BT Sports   CANCEL                                               
(C)  150  Data processing service centers--Energy conservation               
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009110]                                   
(C)  150  Data processing service centers--Energy conservation--Law and      
          legislation   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006539]                     
   * 150  Definition (Logic)   CANCEL                                        
     150  Definition (Philosophy)   [sp 85036458 ]                           
     053       BC199.D4 (Logic)                                              
     450    UF Definability                                                  
     450    UF Definition (Logic)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                
     450    UF Undefinability                                                
     550    BT Philosophy                                                    
     550    RT Semantics (Philosophy)                                        
     150  Semantics (Philosophy)   [sp 85119877 ]                            
   * 550    BT Definition (Logic)   CANCEL                                   
   * 550    RT Definition (Philosophy)                                       
(C)  151  Derwent, River (North Yorkshire, England)   [sp2006008930]         
     451    UF River Derwent (North Yorkshire, England)                      
     550    BT Rivers--England                                               
(C)  151  Derwent, River, Watershed (North Yorkshire, England)               
     550    BT Watersheds--England                                           
     151  Deutsche Ferienstrasse Alpen-Ostsee (Germany)   [sp2006009012]     
     451    UF German Alpine-Baltic Holiday Route (Germany)                  
     550    BT Scenic byways--Germany                                        
(C)  151  Don Williams Lake (Iowa)   [sp2006008696]                          
     550    BT Lakes--Iowa                                                   
     550    BT Reservoirs--Iowa                                              
(C)  110  Dorothy and Connie Hibbs Post Office Building (Girdwood, Alaska)   
     410    UF Hibbs Post Office Building (Girdwood, Alaska)                 
     550    BT Post office buildings--Alaska                                 
(C)  151  Easter, Lake (Iowa)   [sp2006008694]                               
     451    UF Lake Easter (Iowa)                                            
     550    BT Lakes--Iowa                                                   
     550    BT Reservoirs--Iowa                                              
     150  Electrolux vacuum cleaners   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000063]      
     550    BT Vacuum cleaners                                               
     150  Vacuum cleaners   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85141730 ]                 
   * 450    UF Sweepers, Vacuum                                              
   * 450    UF Vacuum sweepers                                               
   * 450    UF Vacuums (Vacuum cleaners)                                     
(C)  150  Equivalent, The (Anglo-Scottish Union indemnity)   [sp2006005199]  
     550    BT Indemnity--Great Britain                                      
(C)  150  Indemnity--Great Britain   [sp2006009114]                          
     150  Eutrophication   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85045914 ]                  
   * 550    RT Lake renewal   CANCEL                                         
   * 550    RT Lake restoration                                              
     150  Lake restoration   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85074018 ]                
   * 550    RT Eutrophication                                                
(C)  150  Evacuation Day, Boston, Mass., 1776   [sp2006008990]               
     551    BT Boston (Mass.)--History--Revolution, 1775-1783                
     551    BT United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783                 
     150  Experimental drama, Italian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009099]     
     450    UF Italian experimental drama                                    
     550    BT Italian drama                                                 
     150  Experimental poetry, Ecuadorian   [May Subd Geog]                  
     450    UF Ecuadorian experimental poetry                                
     550    BT Ecuadorian poetry                                             
(C)  151  Fairweather Ground (Alaska)   [sp2006008752]                       
     550    BT Banks (Oceanography)--Alaska                                  
     550    BT Bars (Geomorphology)--Alaska                                  
     150  Banks (Oceanography)--Alaska   [sp2007000019]                      
     150  Bars (Geomorphology)--Alaska   [sp2007000020]                      
     110  Fifth Maine Regiment Community Center (Portland, Me.)              
     550    BT Community centers--Maine                                      
     550    BT Soldiers' monuments--Maine                                    
     150  Community centers--Maine   [sp2007000093]                          
     150  Soldiers' monuments--Maine   [sp2007000094]                        
   * 150  Five little monkeys (Fictitious characters)   CANCEL               
     150  Five Little Monkeys (Fictitious characters)   [Not Subd Geog]      
     450    UF Little Monkeys, Five (Fictitious characters)                  
     450    UF Monkeys, Five Little (Fictitious characters)                  
(C)  150  Forrest (Fictitious character : Tibo)   [Not Subd Geog]            
     450    UF Turlu Tutu (Fictitious character : Tibo)                      
   * 150  Four little Blossoms (Fictitious characters)   CANCEL              
     150  Four Little Blossoms (Fictitious characters)   [Not Subd Geog]     
          [sp 99000517 ]                                                     
     450    UF Blossoms, Four Little (Fictitious characters)                 
     450    UF Little Blossoms, Four (Fictitious characters)                 
     150  Globalization in motion pictures   [Not Subd Geog]                 
   * 680       Here are entered works on globalization as a theme in motion  
          pictures. Works on the relationship between economic and social    
          globalization and motion pictures are entered under Motion         
          pictures and globalization.                                        
   * 681       Note under Motion pictures and globalization                  
     150  Motion pictures and globalization   [May Subd Geog]                
   * 680       Here are entered works on the relationship between economic   
          and social globalization and motion pictures. Works on             
          globalization as a theme in motion pictures are entered under      
          Globalization in motion pictures.                                  
   * 681       Note under Globalization in motion pictures                   
(C)  150  Gobio   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008373]                           
     053       QL638.C94 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Gudgeon                                                       
     550    BT Cyprinidae                                                    
     151  Gogebic Range (Mich. and Wis.)   [sp2006008934]                    
     451    UF Gogebic Iron Range (Mich. and Wis.)                           
     550    BT Iron ranges--Michigan                                         
     550    BT Mountains--Michigan                                           
     550    BT Iron ranges--Wisconsin                                        
     550    BT Mountains--Wisconsin                                          
(C)  150  Gottorf Globe   [sp2006008951]                                     
     450    UF Gottorfer Globus                                              
     550    BT Celestial globes                                              
     550    BT Globes                                                        
(C)  151  Gran Via de San Marcos (Leon, Spain)   [sp2006008771]              
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Streets--Spain                                                
(C)  151  Great Britain--History--Stuarts, 1603-1714   [sp 85056789 ]        
   * 451    UF Great Britain--History--Joint Monarchy, 1603-1707             
(C)  151  Great Britain--History--Union of the Crowns, 1603                  
     450    UF Union of the Crowns, 1603                                     
     551    BT Great Britain--History--James I, 1603-1625                    
(C)  151  Great Lakes (Africa)   [sp2005004164]                              
   * 451    UF African Great Lakes                                           
   * 451    UF East African Rift Valley Lakes                                
(C)  150  Green tree retention   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006020270]            
     450    UF Cuts, Green tree                                              
     450    UF Green tree cuts                                               
     450    UF GTR (Green tree retention)                                    
     450    UF Live tree retention                                           
     450    UF Reserve trees (Green tree retention)                          
     450    UF Retention, Green tree                                         
     450    UF Retention, Live tree                                          
     450    UF Tree cuts, Green                                              
     450    UF Tree retention, Green                                         
     450    UF Tree retention, Live                                          
     550    BT Forest management                                             
     550    BT Logging                                                       
     150  Ground support (Military aeronautics)   [sp2007000018]             
     260    USE subdivision Ground support under names of individual air     
               forces and subdivision Aviation--Ground support under names   
               of military forces other than air forces, e.g. United States. 
                Air Force--Ground support; United States.  Navy--Aviation--  
               Ground support                                                
     110  United States.  Air Force--Ground support   [sp 85140576 ]         
   * 681       Example under reference from Ground support (Military         
     110  United States.  Navy--Aviation--Ground support   [sp 85140862 ]    
   * 450    UF Ground support (Aeronautics, Military)   CANCEL               
   * 681       Example under reference from Ground support (Military         
(C)  151  Guadalupe Mountain (N.M.)   [sp2006008689]                         
     451    UF Cerro Guadalupe (N.M.)                                        
     550    BT Mountains--New Mexico                                         
     150  Hemlock sawfly   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85060183 ]                  
   * 053       QL568.D5 (Zoology)                                            
   * 450    UF Neodiprion tsugae                                             
   * 550    BT Neodiprion                                                    
(A)  100  Hex family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000037]                      
(A)  150  Hip-hop dance   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009017]                   
     053       GV1796.H57                                                    
     550    BT Dance                                                         
     550    RT Break dancing                                                 
(A)  150  Break dancing   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85016666 ]                   
   * 550    RT Hip-hop dance                                                 
     150  Historical fiction, Croatian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008471]    
     053       PG1612.3.H57 (History and criticism)                          
     450    UF Croatian historical fiction                                   
     550    BT Croatian fiction                                              
     150  Hospitals--Landscape architecture   [May Subd Geog]   [sp          
          85062336 ]                                                         
   * 450    UF Hospital buildings--Landscape architecture                    
     150  Schools--Landscape architecture   [May Subd Geog]   [sp            
          87002020 ]                                                         
   * 450    UF School buildings--Landscape architecture                      
     150  Household linens   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85062585 ]                
   * 550    BT Home economics   CANCEL                                       
   * 550    BT Household supplies                                            
   * 550    BT Textile fabrics                                               
     150  Human trafficking victims   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009014]       
     450    UF Victims of human trafficking                                  
     550    BT Victims of crimes                                             
(C)  150  Humorous stories   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85062975 ]             
   * 450    UF Comic novels                                                  
   * 450    UF Humorous fiction                                              
     151  Huron Tract (Ont.)   [sp2006009112]                                
     680       Here are entered works discussing the Huron Tract as a        
          historical entity. Works about current entities occupying this     
          area are entered under current jurisdictional names. Only current  
          jurisdictions may be used as geographical subdivisions under       
          topical headings.                                                  
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
(C)  150  Illusion in motion pictures   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008124]     
     550    BT Motion pictures                                               
(C)  150  Indian business enterprises--Finance   [sp2006008370]              
(C)  150  Indian business enterprises--Finance--Law and legislation          
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008402]                                   
(C)  150  Development credit corporations--Law and legislation               
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008403]                                   
     550    BT Commercial law                                                
   * 150  Injections   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 85066433 ]           
   * 053       RM163-RM176 (Therapeutics)   CANCEL                           
   * 053       RM169 (Therapeutics)                                          
   * 450    UF Jabs (Injections)                                             
   * 450    UF Shots (Injections)                                            
     150  Institutional linens   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 99014244 ]            
   * 550    BT Public institutions--Equipment and supplies                   
   * 550    BT Textile fabrics                                               
     150  Public institutions--Equipment and supplies   [sp2007000057]       
     150  International relations   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85067435 ]      
   * 450    UF Global governance                                             
(A)  110  Isaac Royall House (Medford, Mass.)   [sp2006009009]               
     410    UF Royall House (Medford, Mass.)                                 
     550    BT Dwellings--Massachusetts                                      
(C)  151  Isleta Boulevard (Albuquerque, N.M.)   [sp2006008755]              
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Streets--New Mexico                                           
(C)  150  Streets--New Mexico   [sp2006008754]                               
(A)  100  Ivaldi family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009053]                   
     151  Jambreiro Forest (Nova Lima, Brazil)   [sp2007000025]              
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Mata do Jambreiro (Nova Lima, Brazil) [proposed]              
     451    UF Mata do Jambreiro Nature Reserve (Nova Lima, Brazil)          
     550    BT Forests and forestry--Brazil                                  
     550    BT Natural areas--Brazil                                         
     150  Jenipapo, Battle of, Piaui, Brazil, 1823   [sp2006008920]          
     053       F2606                                                         
     551    BT Brazil--History--Declaration of Independence, 1822            
     151  Jorullo Volcano (Mexico)   [sp2006009054]                          
     451    UF Volcan de Jorullo (Mexico)                                    
     550    BT Mountains--Mexico                                             
     550    BT Volcanoes--Mexico                                             
     150  Ju 388 (Bomber)   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009105]                 
     550    BT Bombers                                                       
(A)  100  Kletnieki family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009011]                
     150  Kunstlergruppe Chemnitz   [sp2006009005]                           
     053       N6868.5.K83                                                   
     450    UF Chemnitz Kunstlergruppe                                       
     550    RT Art, German                                                   
     150  Art, German   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85007675 ]                     
   * 550    RT Kunstlergruppe Chemnitz                                       
(C)  150  Labor in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006004811]             
(C)  150  Lacandon children   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008490]               
     450    UF Children, Lacandon                                            
     550    BT Children--Guatemala                                           
     550    BT Children--Mexico                                              
     150  Children--Guatemala   [sp2006009041]                               
(C)  150  Laffer curve   [sp2006008950]                                      
     550    BT Taxation--Econometric models                                  
     150  Taxation--Econometric models   [sp2007000021]                      
(C)  110  Larry Winn, Jr., Post Office Building (Mission, Kan.)              
     410    UF Winn Post Office Building (Mission, Kan.)                     
     550    BT Post office buildings--Kansas                                 
(C)  150  Latgals   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 98004041 ]                         
   * 450    UF Latgallians                                                   
     150  Lavongai language   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 91006071 ]               
   * 450    UF Dang language   CANCEL                                        
   * 450    UF Dang language (Papua New Guinea)                              
(C)  150  Leases   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85075554 ]                          
   * 450    UF Leases--Law and legislation                                   
(C)  150  Licenses   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85076763 ]                        
   * 450    UF Licenses--Law and legislation                                 
(C)  150  Lobby cards   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008476]                     
     680       Here are entered works on posters printed on card stock       
          advertising motion pictures, meant to be displayed in movie        
          theater lobbies.                                                   
     450    UF Cards, Display                                                
     450    UF Cards, Jumbo lobby                                            
     450    UF Cards, Lobby                                                  
     450    UF Cards, Midget lobby                                           
     450    UF Cards, Mini lobby                                             
     450    UF Cards, Scene                                                  
     450    UF Cards, Title                                                  
     450    UF Cards, Title lobby                                            
     450    UF Display cards                                                 
     450    UF Jumbo lobby cards                                             
     450    UF Midget lobby cards                                            
     450    UF Mini lobby cards                                              
     450    UF Scene cards                                                   
     450    UF Title cards                                                   
     450    UF Title lobby cards                                             
     550    BT Advertising--Motion pictures                                  
     550    BT Film posters                                                  
     150  Film posters   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85048229 ]                    
   * 550    RT Pressbooks                                                    
(C)  150  Pressbooks   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008475]                      
     680       Here are entered works on advertising and publicity packets   
          produced by motion picture studios to encourage local promotion of 
          their films.                                                       
     450    UF Books, Campaign                                               
     450    UF Campaign books                                                
     450    UF Exhibitor's campaign manuals                                  
     450    UF Manuals, Exhibitor's campaign                                 
     450    UF Manuals, Showman's                                            
     450    UF Manuals, Showmen's                                            
     450    UF Press books                                                   
     450    UF Showman's manuals                                             
     450    UF Showmen's manuals                                             
     550    BT Advertising--Motion pictures                                  
     550    RT Film posters                                                  
(C)  151  Lothal Site (India)   [sp2006008535]                               
     551    BT India--Antiquities                                            
     550    BT Indus civilization                                            
(C)  110  Major George Quamo Post Office Building (Averill Park, N.Y.)       
     410    UF George Quamo Post Office Building (Averill Park, N.Y.)        
     410    UF Quamo Post Office Building (Averill Park, N.Y.)               
     550    BT Post office buildings--New York (State)                       
(C)  150  Marine natural products   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008178]         
     450    UF Marine-specific compounds                                     
     550    BT Chemical oceanography                                         
     550    BT Natural products                                              
   * 150  Marine sediments--Pacific Coast   CANCEL   [sp 85081271 ]          
   * 682       This authority record has been deleted because it uses a      
          subdivision that is not valid.                                     
(C)  150  Mat weights   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008380]                     
     450    UF Weights, Mat                                                  
     550    BT Decorative arts                                               
(C)  150  Materials surface processing   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009000]    
     450    UF Surface modification (Technology)                             
     450    UF Surface processing (Technology)                               
     550    BT Surfaces (Technology)                                         
(C)  150  Mbya baskets   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008486]                    
     550    BT Baskets--South America                                        
     150  Baskets--South America   [sp2006009042]                            
(A)  100  Mercuri family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009065]                  
(A)  100  Bellafiore family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006009066]               
     150  Metal sculpture, European   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000027]       
     450    UF European metal sculpture                                      
(C)  151  Meyer, Lake (Iowa)   [sp2006008695]                                
     451    UF Lake Meyer (Iowa)                                             
     550    BT Lakes--Iowa                                                   
     550    BT Reservoirs--Iowa                                              
(A)  150  Mirror neurons   [sp2006009040]                                    
     550    BT Neurons                                                       
     150  Mixed martial arts   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000029]              
     450    UF MMA (Mixed martial arts)                                      
     550    BT Martial arts                                                  
     110  Mokp o Chongmyong Yoja Chunghakkyo Ku Son gyosa Sat aek            
     410    UF Chongmyong Yoja Chunghakkyo Ku Son gyosa Sat aek              
     550    BT Parish houses--Korea (South)                                  
     150  Parish houses--Korea (South)   [sp2007000098]                      
     150  Montoya, Reuben (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]           
     450    UF Diego Montoya (Fictitious character)                          
     450    UF Montoya, Diego (Fictitious character)                         
     450    UF Reuben Montoya (Fictitious character)                         
(A)  100  Morrill family   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85087351 ]               
   * 400    UF Murrell family                                                
(C)  150  Mothers in advertising   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008956]          
     550    BT Advertising                                                   
(C)  150  Pregnant women in advertising   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008955]   
     550    BT Advertising                                                   
(C)  150  Mothers of artists   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008768]              
     550    BT Artists                                                       
     150  Mountain hemlock   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85087779 ]                
   * 053       QK494.5.P66 (Botany)                                          
   * 450    UF Alpine hemlock                                                
   * 450    UF Hemlock, Black   CANCEL                                       
   * 450    UF Hemlock, Mountain   CANCEL                                    
   * 550    BT Tsuga                                                         
(C)  150  Municipal corporations   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85088454 ]          
   * 450    UF Municipal corporations--Law and legislation                   
(C)  150  Nanoelectromechanical systems   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008121]   
     450    UF Nano-electro-mechanical systems                               
     450    UF Nanoelectromechanical devices                                 
     450    UF Nanomechanical devices                                        
     450    UF Nanomechanical machines                                       
     450    UF Nanomechanical systems                                        
     450    UF Nanometer scale devices                                       
     450    UF Nanoscale devices                                             
     450    UF Nanoscale electronic devices                                  
     450    UF Nanostructured devices                                        
     450    UF NEMS (Nanotechnology)                                         
     550    BT Nanoelectronics                                               
     550    BT Nanostructures                                                
(C)  150  Nanoelectronics   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009047]                 
     450    UF Nanoscale electronics                                         
     450    UF Nanoscale molecular electronics                               
     550    BT Electronics                                                   
     550    BT Nanotechnology                                                
(C)  150  National socialism and soccer   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008480]   
     450    UF Soccer and national socialism                                 
     550    BT Soccer                                                        
(C)  150  National tourism organizations   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006007743]  
     450    UF National tourist administrations                              
     450    UF National tourist organizations                                
     450    UF NTAs                                                          
     450    UF NTOs                                                          
     550    BT Tourism                                                       
     151  Naturschutzgebiet Listhof (Germany)   [sp2006009046]               
     550    BT Natural areas--Germany                                        
(C)  100  Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994--State visit to     
          China, 1972   [sp2006008929]                                       
     551    BT China--Relations--United States                               
     551    BT United States--Relations--China                               
     550    BT Visits of state--China                                        
     151  China--Relations   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000077]                
     151  China--Relations--United States   [sp2007000078]                   
     151  United States--Relations--China   [sp2007000079]                   
     150  Visits of state--China   [sp2007000080]                            
     150  Nyuswa (African people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006007462]         
     550    BT Ethnology--South Africa                                       
     550    BT Zulu (African people)                                         
(C)  150  Oil and gas leases   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85094307 ]              
   * 450    UF Oil and gas leases--Law and legislation                       
(C)  150  One-act plays, Irish   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009034]            
     450    UF Irish one-act plays                                           
     550    BT Irish drama                                                   
(A)  100  Orcazaguirre family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000052]             
     400    UF Orcaizaguirre family                                          
     151  Osnabrucker Land (Germany)   [sp2006008993]                        
(C)  151  Oswego Canal (N.Y.)   [sp2006008372]                               
     550    BT Canals--New York (State)                                      
     150  Painting, European--19th century   [sp2007000024]                  
     053       ND457                                                         
     550    BT Painting, Modern--19th century--Europe                        
     150  Painting, Modern--19th century--Europe   [sp2007000046]            
(C)  110  Palazzo Valentini (Rome, Italy)   [sp2006008949]                   
     410    UF Valentini Palace (Rome, Italy)                                
     550    BT Palaces--Italy                                                
   * 151  Pangaimotu Island (Vava'u Group, Tonga)   CANCEL                   
(C)  151  Pangaimotu Island (Vava u, Tonga)   [sp2006004080]                 
     451    UF Bagaimotu Island (Vava u, Tonga)                              
     451    UF Bangaimotu Island (Vava u, Tonga)                             
     451    UF Pengai Motu Island (Vava u, Tonga)                            
     550    BT Islands--Tonga                                                
     551    BT Vava u (Tonga)                                                
     150  Panjiriyarava (Indic people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000067]    
     053       DS432.P                                                       
     450    UF Panjiri Yerava (Indic people)                                 
     550    BT Ethnology--India                                              
     551    BT India--Scheduled tribes                                       
     150  Yerava (Indic people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000068]           
     053       DS432.Y                                                       
     450    UF Yarava (Indic people)                                         
     550    BT Ethnology--India                                              
     551    BT India--Scheduled tribes                                       
(A)  150  Peer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks)--Law and legislation 
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009076]                                   
(A)  150  Downloading of data--Law and legislation   [May Subd Geog]         
(C)  151  Pepacton Reservoir (N.Y.)   [sp2006008896]                         
     550    BT Reservoirs--New York (State)                                  
(C)  151  Pepacton Reservoir Watershed (N.Y.)   [sp2006008897]               
     550    BT Watersheds--New York (State)                                  
(A)  150  Perfluorooctanoic acid   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000055]          
     450    UF C8 (Trademark)                                                
     450    UF Perflourooctanoate                                            
     450    UF PFOA (Chemical)                                               
     550    BT Fluorocarbons                                                 
     550    BT Surface active agents                                         
     150  Poison hemlock   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000033]                  
     053       QK495.U48 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Conium maculatum                                              
     450    UF Deadly hemlock                                                
     450    UF Hemlock, Poison                                               
     450    UF Parsley, Poison                                               
     450    UF Poison parsley                                                
     550    BT Conium                                                        
(C)  150  Pork--Contamination   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006020262]             
     550    BT Food contamination                                            
(C)  151  Port Susan (Wash.)   [sp2006020261]                                
     451    UF Port Susan Bay (Wash.)                                        
     550    BT Bays--Washington (State)                                      
(C)  150  Postcolonialism in travel writing   [Not Subd Geog]                
     550    BT Travel writing                                                
(C)  150  Potato products industry   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85105639 ]        
   * 550    BT Food industry and trade                                       
(C)  150  Poultry farms   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008494]                   
     450    UF Poultry installations                                         
     550    BT Farms                                                         
     151  Pribaikal skii natsional nyi park (Russia)   [sp2006096485]        
     451    UF Pribaikalskiy National Park (Russia)                          
     451    UF Pribaikalsky National Park (Russia)                           
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Russia (Federation)              
(C)  150  Privacy, Right of   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85107029 ]               
   * 450    UF Privacy, Right of--Law and legislation                        
(C)  150  Public lands   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85108694 ]                    
   * 450    UF Public lands--Law and legislation                             
   * 150  Public opinion polls   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp            
          85108738 ]                                                         
   * 450    UF Polls   CANCEL                                                
   * 450    UF Polls, Public opinion                                         
(C)  151  Pueblo Valley (Or. and Nev.)   [sp2006008697]                      
     550    BT Valleys--Nevada                                               
     550    BT Valleys--Oregon                                               
     151  Punalu'u Stream (Hawaii)   [sp2006009069]                          
     451    UF Waiono Stream (Hawaii)                                        
     550    BT Rivers--Hawaii                                                
(C)  100  Pye family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008989]                      
     400    UF Pie family                                                    
     400    UF Piemakere family                                              
     400    UF Pyman family                                                  
     500    RT Pies family                                                   
     100  Pies family   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 94003287 ]                  
   * 500    RT Pye family                                                    
(A)  150  Rabbis--Legal status, laws, etc. (Jewish law)   [Not Subd Geog]    
     053       KBM2200.R33                                                   
(C)  150  Random data (Statistics)   [sp2006008189]                          
     550    BT Statistics                                                    
     550    BT Stochastic processes                                          
(C)  150  Numbers, Random   [sp 85093219 ]                                   
   * 550    BT Random data (Statistics)                                      
(C)  150  Remote gambling   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008484]                 
     550    BT Gambling                                                      
(C)  150  Internet gambling   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 00002509 ]               
   * 550    BT Gambling   CANCEL                                             
   * 550    BT Remote gambling                                               
(C)  151  Reserva La Payunia (Argentina)   [sp2006004612]                    
     451    UF La Payunia, Reserva (Argentina)                               
     451    UF Payunia, Reserva La (Argentina)                               
     451    UF Reserva de Payunia (Argentina)                                
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Argentina                        
     550    BT Natural areas--Argentina                                      
(C)  110  Richard L. Cevoli Post Office (East Greenwich, R.I.)               
     410    UF Cevoli Post Office (East Greenwich, R.I.)                     
     550    BT Post office buildings--Rhode Island                           
(C)  150  Romanies   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85058109 ]                        
   * 450    UF Bohemians (Nomads)                                            
(C)  150  Czechs   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85035334 ]                          
   * 450    UF Bohemians   CANCEL                                            
   * 450    UF Bohemians (Czech Republic)                                    
(C)  150  Royal houses   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85115587 ]                    
   * 450    UF Royal families                                                
(A)  100  Russocki family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008723]                 
(C)  150  Saintes, Battle of the, Guadeloupe, 1782   [sp2006008534]          
     450    UF Saints, Battle of the, Guadeloupe, 1782                       
     551    BT United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Campaigns      
     151  Salto River Valley (Italy)   [sp2006009113]                        
     451    UF Vallee du Salto (Italy)                                       
     550    BT Valleys--Italy                                                
   * 150  Samo language   CANCEL                                             
     150  Samo language (Western Province, Papua New Guinea)                 
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85117030 ]                                   
     053       PL6621.S25                                                    
     450    UF Daba language (Papua New Guinea)                              
     450    UF Nomad language (Samo)                                         
     450    UF Samo language   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                     
     450    UF Supe language                                                 
     450    UF Supei language                                                
     551    BT Papua New Guinea--Languages                                   
     550    BT Papuan languages                                              
(C)  151  Santes Masses Site (Spain)   [sp2006008961]                        
     551    BT Spain--Antiquities                                            
     150  Satellite radio services   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009095]        
     053       TK6562.S38                                                    
     450    UF Digital audio radio satellite services                        
     550    BT Artificial satellites in telecommunication                    
     550    BT Digital audio broadcasting                                    
(C)  150  School technology coordinators   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006007901]  
     450    UF Information technology coordinator                            
     450    UF School district technology coordinators                       
     450    UF Technology coordinators, Information                          
     450    UF Technology coordinators, School                               
     550    BT School administrators                                         
(C)  150  Sea bird chicks   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006020263]                 
     450    UF Chicks, Sea bird                                              
     450    UF Sea birds--Infancy                                            
     450    UF Seabird chicks                                                
     550    BT Animals--Infancy                                              
     550    BT Sea birds                                                     
     150  Self-actualization (Psychology) in women   [May Subd Geog]         
     550    BT Women--Psychology                                             
(A)  150  Seventh-Day Adventist teenagers   [May Subd Geog]                  
     550    BT Christian teenagers                                           
(A)  150  Sewage--Purification--Microbial granulation process                
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008931]                                   
     053       TD756.65                                                      
     450    UF Biogranulation process (Sewage purification)                  
     450    UF Microbial granulation process (Sewage purification)           
     450    UF Sewage--Purification--Biogranulation process                  
     550    BT Microbial aggregation                                         
     550    BT Sewage--Purification--Biological treatment                    
(C)  150  Sexism in anthropology   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008770]          
     550    BT Anthropology                                                  
(C)  150  Shelterwoods   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006020268]                    
     450    UF Cuts, Shelterwood                                             
     450    UF Cutting, Shelterwood                                          
     450    UF Harvesting, Shelterwood                                       
     450    UF Shelterwood cuts                                              
     450    UF Shelterwood cutting                                           
     450    UF Shelterwood harvesting                                        
     450    UF Shelterwood silvicultural systems                             
     450    UF Shelterwood systems                                           
     450    UF Systems, Shelterwood                                          
     550    BT Silvicultural systems                                         
   * 150  Siddhi (Indic people)   CANCEL                                     
(A)  150  Siddi (Indic people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85122309 ]            
     053       DS432.S49                                                     
     450    UF Habshi (Indic people)                                         
     450    UF Siddhi (Indic people)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]             
     450    UF Sidi (Indic people)                                           
     550    BT Ethnology--India                                              
(C)  151  Skafto (Vastra Gotalands lan, Sweden : Island)                     
     550    BT Islands--Sweden                                               
(C)  150  Song improvisation   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005000048]              
   * 450    UF Vocal improvisation                                           
(C)  150  Soviet defectors   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006007569]                
     680       This heading may be subdivided geographically by nation where 
          refuge was sought.                                                 
     450    UF Defectors, Soviet                                             
     450    UF Defectors--Soviet Union                                       
     450    UF Defectors from the Soviet Union                               
     550    BT Cold War                                                      
     550    BT Defectors                                                     
(A)  150  Spaulding, Diana (Fictitious character)   [Not Subd Geog]          
     450    UF Diana Spaulding (Fictitious character)                        
     151  Springettsbury Park (York, Pa.)   [sp2006008821]                   
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Springettsbury Township Park (York, Pa.)                      
     550    BT Parks--Pennsylvania                                           
(C)  151  Steens Fault Zone   [sp2006008698]                                 
     550    BT Fault zones--California                                       
     550    BT Fault zones--Nevada                                           
     550    BT Fault zones--Oregon                                           
     150  Fault zones--California   [sp2006009050]                           
     150  Fault zones--Nevada   [sp2006009049]                               
     150  Fault zones--Oregon   [sp2006009051]                               
     150  Stencil books   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006009007]                   
     550    BT Toy and movable books                                         
(C)  150  Stock companies   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85128188 ]                 
   * 450    UF Stock companies--Law and legislation                          
(C)  100  Strangways family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006008407]               
     400    UF Strangewayes family                                           
     400    UF Strangeways family                                            
     400    UF Strangwas family                                              
     400    UF Strangway family                                              
     400    UF Strangwayes family                                            
     400    UF Strangwish family                                             
     400    UF Strangwishe family                                            
     400    UF Strongways family                                             
(C)  150  Subanuns   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85129403 ]                        
   * 450    UF Subanans                                                      
     151  Taebu Island (Korea)   [sp2007000054]                              
     451    UF Daebu Island (Korea)                                          
     451    UF Daebudo (Korea)                                               
     451    UF Daifu-to (Korea)                                              
     451    UF Daihu To (Korea)                                              
     451    UF Taebu-do (Korea)                                              
     451    UF Taebudo (Korea)                                               
     451    UF Taifu-to (Korea)                                              
     550    BT Islands--Korea (South)                                        
     151  Tecklenburger Land (Germany)   [sp2006009002]                      
(A)  150  Telephone interpreting   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000053]          
     450    UF Remote interpreting (Telephone)                               
     550    BT Translating and interpreting                                  
     100  Theobald family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007000038]                 
     400    UF Tibbald family                                                
     400    UF Tidball family                                                
     400    UF Tipler family                                                 
     400    UF Tipple family                                                 
     150  Tomato pinworm   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85135921 ]                  
   * 053       SB945.T76 (Agricultural pest)   CANCEL                        
   * 053       SB945.T76 (Pest)                                              
   * 450    UF Pinworm, Tomato                                               
   * 550    BT Keiferia                                                      
   * 550    BT Tomatoes--Diseases and pests   CANCEL                         
(C)  150  Traffic safety and wildlife   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85136777 ]     
   * 450    UF Animal crashes, Highway                                       
   * 450    UF Animal-vehicle accidents                                      
   * 450    UF Animal-vehicle collisions                                     
   * 450    UF Highway animal crashes                                        
   * 450    UF Vehicle-animal accidents                                      
   * 450    UF Vehicle-animal collisions                                     
     150  Transnationalism   [sp 00009276 ]                                  
   * 450    UF Trans-nationalism                                             
(C)* 150  Travel writing   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 91000035 ]       
   * 450    UF Travelogues                                                   
(C)  150  True crime stories   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008498]              
     680       Here are entered works on non-fiction crime narratives,       
          written in a novelistic style for a popular audience, frequently   
          focusing on biography, criminal psychology, police investigations, 
          and trial procedures.                                              
     550    BT Crime in literature                                           
(C)  150  Crime--Fiction   [sp 85033995 ]                                    
   * 550    BT Crime in literature                                           
(C)  150  Trusts and trustees   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85138271 ]             
   * 450    UF Trusts and trustees--Law and legislation                      
     151  Tubbs Inlet (N.C.)   [sp2006009064]                                
     550    BT Inlets--North Carolina                                        
(C)  110  United States Representative Parren J. Mitchell Post Office        
          (Baltimore, Md.)   [sp2006008987]                                  
     410    UF Mitchell Post Office (Baltimore, Md.)                         
     410    UF Parren J. Mitchell Post Office (Baltimore, Md.)               
     550    BT Post office buildings--Maryland                               
     151   Utthayan h ng Chat Doi Suthep-Pui (Thailand)                      
     451    UF Doi Oi Chang National Park (Thailand)                         
     451    UF Doi Suthep-Pui National Park (Thailand)                       
     410    UF  Utthayan h ng Chat Doi Suthep-Pui (Chiang Mai,               
               Thailand)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                         
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Thailand                         
     151   Utthayan h ng Chat Khao Sam Roi Yot (Thailand)                    
     451    UF Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park (Thailand)                     
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Thailand                         
     151   Utthayan h ng Chat Mu Ko Tarutao (Thailand)                       
   * 550    BT Marine parks and reserves--Thailand                           
     151   Utthayan h ng Chat Taksin Maharat (Thailand)                      
     451    UF Taksin Maharat National Park (Thailand)                       
     451    UF  Utthayan h ng Chat Tak Sin Maharat (Tak, Thailand)           
               [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                                     
     410    UF  Utthayan h ng Chat Taksin Maharat (Tak, Thailand)            
               [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                                     
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Thailand                         
     150  Marine parks and reserves--Thailand   [sp2007000056]               
(C)  100  Uylenburgh family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006005452]               
     400    UF Uijlenburch family                                            
     400    UF Ulemberg family                                               
     400    UF Ulenborg family                                               
     400    UF Ulenbork family                                               
     400    UF Ulenburch family                                              
     400    UF Uylenberch family                                             
     400    UF Vuijlenborch family                                           
     400    UF Wlenbourch family                                             
     400    UF Wlenburch family                                              
     500    RT Oldenburg family                                              
(C)  100  Oldenburg family   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 94002119 ]             
   * 500    RT Uylenburgh family                                             
(C)  150  Valiant (Jet bomber)   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85141841 ]         
   * 450    UF Vickers Valiant (Jet bomber)                                  
   * 550    BT Vickers aircraft                                              
   * 150  Versatile Manufacturing Ltd. Strike, Winnipeg, Man., 2000-2001     
     150  Buhler Versatile Inc. Strike, Winnipeg, Man., 2000-2001            
     450    UF Versatile Manufacturing Ltd. Strike, Winnipeg, Man.,          
               2000-2001   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                         
     550    BT Strikes and lockouts--Tractor industry--Manitoba              
(A)  150  Very Large Array (N.M.)   [sp2006009018]                           
     450    UF VLA (N.M.)                                                    
     550    BT Very large array telescopes--New Mexico                       
(A)  150  Very large array telescopes--New Mexico   [sp2007000016]           
(A)  150  Very large array telescopes--United States   [sp2007000017]        
(A,C)150  Very Long Baseline Array (Telescopes)   [May Subd Geog]            
     450    UF National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Long Baseline Array 
     450    UF NRAO Very Long Baseline Array (Telescopes)                    
     450    UF VLBA (Telescopes)                                             
     550    BT Very large array telescopes--United States                    
   * 150  Victor (Jet planes)   CANCEL                                       
(C)  150  Victor (Jet bomber)   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp 85143179 ]             
     450    UF H.P. 80 (Jet bomber)                                          
     450    UF Handley Page 80 (Jet bomber)                                  
     450    UF Handley Page Victor (Jet bomber)                              
     450    UF HP.80 (Jet bomber)                                            
     450    UF Victor (Jet planes)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]               
     550    BT Handley Page airplanes                                        
     550    BT Jet bombers                                                   
     550    RT Operation Victor Search, Wales, 1959-1960.                    
(C)  150  Vulcan (Jet bomber)   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85144463 ]          
   * 450    UF Avro Vulcan (Jet bomber)                                      
   * 550    BT Avro airplanes                                                
(C)  150  Water reuse--Law and legislation   [May Subd Geog]                 
(C)  150  Water rights   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85145633 ]                    
   * 450    UF Water rights--Law and legislation                             
     150  Western hemlock   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85146260 ]                 
   * 053       QK494.5.P66 (Botany)                                          
   * 053       SD397.W45 (Forestry)                                          
   * 450    UF Abies heterophylla                                            
   * 450    UF Hemlock, Pacific   CANCEL                                     
   * 450    UF Hemlock, West coast   CANCEL                                  
   * 450    UF Hemlock, Western   CANCEL                                     
   * 450    UF West coast hemlock   CANCEL                                   
   * 450    UF West Coast hemlock                                            
   * 550    BT Tsuga                                                         
     150  Whites--Race identity   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 98006796 ]           
   * 450    UF Whiteness (Race identity)                                     
(C)  150  Women authors, Croatian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008482]         
     450    UF Croatian women authors                                        
     150  Women oceanographers   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007000023]            
     550    BT Oceanographers                                                
     150  Wooden chapels   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008810]                  
     550    BT Chapels                                                       
(C)  150  Work breakdown structure   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008487]        
     680       Here are entered works on the hierarchical grouping of        
          project elements to organize and define the total scope of a       
          project. Works on portions of the work breakdown structure         
          developed and maintained by a seller contracting to provide a      
          subproject or project component are entered under Contract work    
          breakdown structure. Works on work breakdown structures for        
          projects developed only down to the subproject level of detail,    
          and where the detail of those subprojects are provided by contract 
          work breakdown structures, are entered under Project summary work  
          breakdown structure. Works on documents that describe each         
          component in a work breakdown structure are entered under Work     
          breakdown structure dictionary. Works on a deliverable or project  
          work component at the lowest level of each branch of the work      
          breakdown structure are entered under Work package.                
     450    UF Structure, Work breakdown                                     
     450    UF WBS (Work breakdown structure)                                
     450    UF Work breakdown structures                                     
     550    BT Project management                                            
     550    RT Work breakdown structure dictionary                           
(C)  150  Work breakdown structure dictionary   [May Subd Geog]              
     680       Here are entered works on documents that describe each        
          component in a work breakdown structure.                           
     450    UF WBS dictionary                                                
     450    UF Work breakdown structure and dictionary                       
     550    RT Work breakdown structure                                      
     681       Note under Work breakdown structure                           
(C)  150  Work package   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008496]                    
     680       Here are entered works on deliverables or project work        
          components at the lowest level of each branch of the work          
          breakdown structure.                                               
     450    UF WP (Work package)                                             
     550    BT Work breakdown structure                                      
     681       Note under Work breakdown structure                           
(C)  150  Contract work breakdown structure   [May Subd Geog]                
     680       Here are entered works on portions of the work breakdown      
          structure developed and maintained by a seller contracting to      
          provide a subproject or project component. Works on work breakdown 
          structures for projects developed only down to the subproject      
          level of detail, and where the details of those subprojects are    
          provided by contract work breakdown structures, are entered under  
          Project summary work breakdown structure.                          
     450    UF CWBS (Contract work breakdown structure)                      
     450    UF Structure, Contract work breakdown                            
     550    BT Work breakdown structure                                      
     550    RT Project summary work breakdown structure                      
     681       Notes under Project summary work breakdown structure; Work    
          breakdown structure                                                
(C)  150  Project summary work breakdown structure   [May Subd Geog]         
     680       Here are entered works on work breakdown structures for       
          projects developed only down to the subproject level of detail,    
          and where the details of those subprojects are provided by         
          contract work breakdown structures. Works on portions of the work  
          breakdown structure developed and maintained by a seller           
          contracting to provide a subproject or project component are       
          entered under Contract work breakdown structure.                   
     450    UF Project summary WBS                                           
     450    UF PSWBS (Project summary work breakdown structure)              
     550    BT Work breakdown structure                                      
     550    RT Contract work breakdown structure                             
     681       Notes under Contract work breakdown structure; Work breakdown 
(C)  151  Zakynthos Island (Greece)   [sp2006007434]                         
     451    UF Nisos Zakynthos (Greece)                                      
     451    UF Zacynthos Island (Greece)                                     
     451    UF Zacynthus Island (Greece)                                     
     451    UF Zakinthos Island (Greece)                                     
     551    BT Ionian Islands (Greece)                                       
     550    BT Islands--Greece                                               
(C)  150  Zero-knowledge proofs   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006008769]           
     450    UF Zero-knowledge protocol                                       
     550    BT Cryptography

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