Søgaard et al., pp. 173-182

VII. 3. Supplementary list No. 1 (to masterlist of barley genes): Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew).

Bodil Søgaard, Department of Physiology, Carlsberg Laboratory, Gamle Carlsberg Ve; 10, DK-2500 Copenhagen Valby, and J. Helms Jørgensen, Agricultural Research Department, Risj National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark.

The present list of gene symbols for genes for reaction to powdery mildew comprises about 150 symbols in the five systems proposed over time, Reg (Reaction Erysiphe graminis), Ml (mildew), JMl (Japanese mildew), Pm (Powdery mildew), and Er (Erysiphe). It is prepared from the symbols listed by Nilan (1964) to which we have added the symbols that we have found in the literature since about 1960.

The first section of the list comprises the Reg symbols, followed by sections comprising the Ml, the JMl, the Pm, and the Er symbols. Within each section the gene symbols are arranged according to locus designation and according to allele designation in either numerical or alphabetical order.

Following gene symbols are given the chromosome and -arm for the gene (S and L means short and long chromosome arm, respectively (cf. BGN 12:102), and - means unknown). Then are llsted the synonyns that are known or that we consider likely, and an appropriate recent reference. Then follows a column indicating one or more recent references/authorities, and a column indicating the name or designation of the barley variety or line either a) in which the gene was identified, b) a derivative of that barley, or c) a barley known to possess the gene (- indicates that the name is unknown). The last column indicate the institution(s) from which seed samples may be obtained. The CI or HOR numbers when known are listed in this column.

Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Reg symbols (p. 174)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Reg symbols (p. 175)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Reg & Ml symbols (p. 176)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Ml symbols (p. 177)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Ml symbols (p. 178)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Ml, JMl & Pm symbols (p. 179)
Genes for reaction to Erysiphe graminis hordei (powdery mildew), Pm & Er symbols, Addresses for stock (p. 180)

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