TraitRecord_ID Taxon Family Genus Study_Citation Study_location_state Study_location_county Study_location_region Study_latitude Study_longitude Study_dates Adult Data_entry Data_entry_date WB_type_lake WB_type_pond WB_type_wetland WB_type_warm_sp WB_type_cold_sp WB_type_headwater WB_type_2-4_order WB_type_river WB_type_brackish WB_type_temp_lentic WB_type_eph_lotic WB_type_other WB_type_other_specify Primary_WB_type Study_elevation_min Study_elevation_max Max_body_size Measured_length Measured_width Measured_height Body_shape Body_shape_case Mediate_drag Morph_adapt_suckers Morph_adapt_friction Morph_adapt_hooks Morph_adapt_silk Morph_adapt_ballast Morph_adapt_hairy Morph_adapt_other Armor Resp_early Resp_late Resp_adult Resp_comments Emerge_behav_drift Emerge_behav_climb Emerge_behav_crawl Emerge_behav_comment Emerge_season_all_year Emerge_synch Emerge_season_1 Emerge_season_2 Ovipos_behav_prim Ovipos_behav_sec Ovipos_behav_comments Eggs_cement Ovipos_duration Feed_mode_prim Feed_mode_sec Feed_mode_comments Habit_prim Habit_sec Habit_comments Current_quiet Current_slow Current_fast_lam Current_fast_turb Microhab_sand Microhab_silt Microhab_gravel Microhab_rocks Microhab_boulder Microhab_LWD Microhab_detritus Microhab_phyto Microhab_algae Microhab_pelagic Microhab_comments Lat_lotic_margin Lat_lentic_shore Lat_pool Lat_riffle Lat_hyporheic Lat_comments Vert_surface Vert_phytes Vert_pelagic Vert_bed Vert_hyporheic Vert_comments Drift_early Drift_late Larval_disp Adult_disp Exit_temporarily No.Aquatic_stages Voltinism Volt_comments Dev_speed Dev_pattern Adult_lifespan Adult_lifespan_comments Fecundity Eggs_single Eggs_1mass Eggs_multiple_batch Hatch_time Hatch_time_comments Diapause O2_normal O2_low Low_lethal_DO pH_acidic pH_normal pH_alkaline Salin_fresh Salin_brackish Salin_salt Thermal_pref Min_temp_reported Max_temp_reported Max_lethal_temp Thermal_comments Turbidity 1881 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus The predaceous mayfly nymphs of North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1931 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus Comparison of old and new world Acanthametropus (Ephemeroptera: Acanthametropodidae) and other psam nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 sand bottom river Other Unknown fibrilliform gills to protect from shifting sand Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer predate on midges Sprawler Swimmer "swift swimmer, crawl crablike" 1 1 sand bars 1 sand bars Unknown Unknown 3265 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 5647 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7033 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Illinois chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12300 Acanthametropus spp. Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12558 Acanthametropus spp. Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12565 Acanthametropus pecatonica Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7056 Analetris spp. Acanthametropodidae Analetris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wyoming In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8085 Acanthametropodidae Acanthametropodidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Chironomidae. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 generation/yr or longer Unknown 7933 Acanthobdella peledina Acanthobdellidae Acanthobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/17/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Parasite of fish. Unknown 1 Generation per year June-juv to Oct-sexual maturity. Unknown 7857 Acanthobdellidae Acanthobdellidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Only a small posterior sucker. Unknown Unknown Hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Unknown Parasite Ectoparasite of salmonid fishes. Attached/fixed Climber """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with head and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 6242 Acroloxus spp. Acroloxidae Acroloxus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Colorado Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6276 Acroloxus spp. Acroloxidae Acroloxus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6636 Acroloxus coloradensis Acroloxidae Acroloxus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6333 Aeolosoma spp. Aeolosomatidae Aeolosoma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 0.25 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feeds on particulate debris and microorganisms which are swept toward the mouth by ciliary currents. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawler; some species swim about with the aid of cilia at their anterior end. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. 100 km or less No Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Encyst when temps go to 6 C or lower; emerge from the cyst when temps go up to 20 C. 6321 Aeolosomatidae Aeolosomatidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No Unknown 1 192 Aeshna umbrosa Aeshnidae Aeshna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 75 Streamlined / fusiform Yes All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2925 Aeshna spp. Aeshnidae Aeshna Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 37 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Sprawler sprawl on detritus 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2926 Aeshna umbrosa Aeshnidae Aeshna Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 853 2660 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Clinger Sprawler sprawl on detritus 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3291 Aeshna spp. Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7758 Aeshna spp. Aeshnidae Aeshna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Diptera, Coleoptra, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera." Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12660 Aeshna spp. Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12837 Aeshna spp. Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 12-13 nymphal stages. Unknown 12838 Aeshna tuberculifera Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug of the year following hatch. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 13-15 instar stages Months Deposit Sept; hatch Mar-Apr. Unknown 12839 Aeshna umbrosa Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults collected in Aug. Unknown Unknown In wet wood Bank soil Unknown Predator "Feed on tadpoles, sm odonate nymphs, aquatic beetle larvae, sm crustaceans, sm fish." Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 3 yr life cycle in northen US. Nymph overwinter. 100 to 1000 eggs Ovaries contain 839 eggs. Unknown 12840 Aeshna umbrosa Aeshnidae Aeshna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Flight period in early Aug-Nov; however reported as early as May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 1 gen/2yrs. Unknown 190 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 73 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Summer Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 191 Anax longipes Aeshnidae Anax Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 73 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Summer Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 2923 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 1 irrigation canals Cold Spring Large (length > 16 mm) 52 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Clinger Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2924 Anax spp. Aeshnidae Anax Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 58 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator cannibals Clinger Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3292 Anax spp. Aeshnidae Anax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 3293 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" > 1 Generation per year May have two generations per year in warm summers; some larvae may survive warm winters also. Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7759 Anax spp. Aeshnidae Anax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 7803 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year uni- and semivoltine in IN. Unknown 10849 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax Prey Selection by Freshwater Predators with different Foraging Strategies. California Santa Barbara RAT 2/24/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Ambush Predator or slow stalk 1 Rests on the bottom of pond or lake Unknown Unknown 12661 Anax spp. Aeshnidae Anax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12716 Anax spp. Aeshnidae Anax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12841 Anax junius Aeshnidae Anax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 Flight season Mar-mid Oct. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood "Oviposit in tantem. Eggs inserted into dead floating plants, decaying logs, floating pondweeds or algae." Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 13 instar stages. Emerge in 11mths. Days Hatch <11days. Unknown 189 Basiaeschna janata Aeshnidae Basiaeschna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 58 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Floating debris Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3289 Basiaeschna janata Aeshnidae Basiaeschna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7760 Basiaeschna janata Aeshnidae Basiaeschna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12662 Basiaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Basiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12842 Basiaeschna janata Aeshnidae Basiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Oviposit in Sparganium at water line or floating leaves. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year univoltine or semivoltine in NC 1 Unknown 187 Boyeria grafiana Aeshnidae Boyeria Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 66 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 188 Boyeria vinosa Aeshnidae Boyeria Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 66 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3288 Boyeria spp. Aeshnidae Boyeria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes Clear water 7761 Boyeria spp. Aeshnidae Boyeria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7804 Boyeria vinosa Aeshnidae Boyeria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Virgina; Semivoltine in SC. Unknown 12663 Boyeria spp. Aeshnidae Boyeria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12843 Boyeria grafiana Aeshnidae Boyeria "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight season late June-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" > 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Nymphs overwinter. Unknown Clear water 12844 Boyeria vinosa Aeshnidae Boyeria "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight season late June-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" > 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12845 Boyeria spp. Aeshnidae Boyeria "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 216 Coryphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Coryphaeschna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 85 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Winter On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7762 Coryphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Coryphaeschna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12664 Coryphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Coryphaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12846 Coryphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Coryphaeschna "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight from Feb-early Oct in FL. Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 215 Epiaeschna heros Aeshnidae Epiaeschna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 86 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Climber Unknown Unknown 3294 Epiaeschna heros Aeshnidae Epiaeschna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7763 Epiaeschna heros Aeshnidae Epiaeschna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12665 Epiaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Epiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12710 Epiaeschna heros Aeshnidae Epiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Yes In wet wood Unknown 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 3295 Gomphaeschna furcillata Aeshnidae Gomphaeschna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 12666 Gomphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Gomphaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12711 Gomphaeschna furcillata Aeshnidae Gomphaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 3/23/2005 1 Unknown 1 Adult collected in late May or early June-late June. Flight season Jan-mid Aug (FL). Unknown Unknown In wet wood Oviposit in area with Sphagnum. Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown 1 Weeks Hatch 27-40days. Unknown 12712 Gomphaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Gomphaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12713 Gomphaeschna furcillata Aeshnidae Gomphaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 Unknown 1 Flight season Jan-mid Aug (FL) and late Mar-Aug in NC and SC. Unknown Unknown In wet wood Oviposit in area with Sphagnum. Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown 1 Weeks Hatch 27-40days. Unknown 214 Nasiaeschna pentacantha Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 71 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Clinger Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3290 Nasiaeschna pentacantha Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7764 Nasiaeschna pentacantha Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12667 Nasiaeschna spp. Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12714 Nasiaeschna pentacantha Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight season Mar 2 (FL)-Aug 28 (IN). Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12715 Nasiaeschna pentacantha Aeshnidae Nasiaeschna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight season Mar 2 (FL)-Aug 28 (IN). Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 210 Oplonaeschna armata Aeshnidae Oplonaeschna Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 small canyon-bound streams Headwater Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 69 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2922 Oplonaeschna armata Aeshnidae Oplonaeschna Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 1 canyon streams Other 1524 Large (length > 16 mm) 44 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7765 Oplonaeschna armata Aeshnidae Oplonaeschna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Desert Southwest chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3282 Aeshnidae Aeshnidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Live 1-3 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7024 Aeshnidae Aeshnidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3 Ameletus connectus Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4 Ameletus cooki Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5 Ameletus oregonensis Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 609 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6 Ameletus similor Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7 Ameletus sparsatus Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7.8 20.6 8 Ameletus validus Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized 1 Crawls to shore Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9 Ameletus velox Ameletidae Ameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1 609 2133 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 491 Ameletus minimus Ameletidae Ameletus Two new Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae) from Western North America Oregon Lane Marci Koski 6/3/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Yes 492 Ameletus quadratus Ameletidae Ameletus Two new Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae) from Western North America Oregon Lane Marci Koski 6/3/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 493 Ameletus tarteri Ameletidae Ameletus "Ecological life history, including laboratory respiratory investigation, of the mayfly A. tarteri" West Virginia Greenbrier Nov. 1986 - Nov. 1987 Marci Koski 6/3/2004 1 975 1143 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown "Possibly bimodal emergence - first in the spring/summer, and then again in the fall." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Consumes 80% detritus; also some mineral detritus and diatoms. 1 1 Prefer vertical or slightly slanted rock surfaces (mature nymphs) or flat rock surfaces in shallow eddies (younger nymphs). 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 21 instars! 100 to 1000 eggs Minutes No 1 1 1 18.9 494 Ameletus oregonensis Ameletidae Ameletus Further notes on the genus Ameletus with descriptions of new species In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/3/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 495 Ameletus connectus Ameletidae Ameletus Further notes on the genus Ameletus with descriptions of new species In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/3/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 497 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus A revision of the nearctic Ameletus mayflies based on adult males In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 498 Ameletus andersoni Ameletidae Ameletus A revision of the nearctic Ameletus mayflies based on adult males Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 499 Ameletus velox Ameletidae Ameletus Mayflies of the southwest: new records and notes of Siphlonuridae (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1798 2590 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 14.4 18.9 501 Ameletus tarteri Ameletidae Ameletus A new species of Ameletus (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) from eastern North America West Virginia Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 502 Ameletus cryptostimulus Ameletidae Ameletus A new species of Ameletus (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) from Western Virginia Virginia Giles Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1097 1097 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9 14 660 Ameletus velox Ameletidae Ameletus Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 1 1 1676 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 "Found in lakes and ponds with ""clean bottoms""" 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 1867 Ameletus ludens Ameletidae Ameletus A parthenogenetic mayfly (Ameletus ludens Needham) nkmv 7/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown parthenogenetic Unknown 1941 Ameletus celer Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/3/2004 1 520 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year winter cycle Slow seasonal 11-12 months Months ~1 yr to hatch Unknown 1942 Ameletus similor Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/3/2004 1 520 641 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year summer cycle Fast seasonal 4-5 months Months overwinter Unknown 1943 Ameletus celer Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/3/2004 1 641 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year population was parasitized by nematodes Months ~1 year to hatch Unknown 1944 Ameletus tarteri Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/3/2004 641 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1945 Ameletus ludens Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams nkmv 8/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1946 Ameletus cooki Ameletidae Ameletus Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams nkmv 8/3/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year summer cycle Fast seasonal 4-5 months Months overwinter Unknown 2815 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus New western Ephemeroptera California nkmv 8/26/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2858 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 climbs partially out of water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2997 Ameletus lineatus Ameletidae Ameletus "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown 8 week emergence Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "parthanogenic, gynandromorphy" Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2998 Ameletus ludens Ameletidae Ameletus "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year parthanogenic Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3100 Ameletus velox Ameletidae Ameletus Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3266 Ameletus lineatus Ameletidae Ameletus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Parthenogenic. Unknown Clear water 5434 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Overton JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5648 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 6135 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus "A new species of Ameletus (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae) from Southern Ontario." Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 11/18/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6762 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7136 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Illinois In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9526 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9527 Ameletus ludens Ameletidae Ameletus New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10812 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 11451 Ameletus oregonensis Ameletidae Ameletus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11716 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11890 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12311 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12559 Ameletus spp. Ameletidae Ameletus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12561 Ameletus ludens Ameletidae Ameletus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 3/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Parthenogenesis. Egg diapause if no water in stream. Unknown Unknown Months Deposited spring. Hatch 5mths. Yes 12564 Ameletus lineatus Ameletidae Ameletus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Feb. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1879 Ametropus albrighti Ametropodidae Ametropus A revision of the genus Ametropus in North America (Ephemeroptera: Ametropodidae) In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Collector-filterer grooms mouth to get small algae collected from sand interstices Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 in sand bars 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Days Unknown Silted/murky water 1880 Ametropus ammophilus Ametropodidae Ametropus A revision of the genus Ametropus in North America (Ephemeroptera: Ametropodidae) In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 122 1127 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown 1 1 1 in sand bars 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Days Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 14 summer temp Clear water 2943 Ametropus ammophilus Ametropodidae Ametropus Notes on the behavior of Ametropus ammophilus in Oregon Oregon nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 < 1 m Unknown Unknown 3267 Ametropus spp. Ametropodidae Ametropus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Collected from sand eddies. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5649 Ametropus spp. Ametropodidae Ametropus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1645 1645 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7158 Ametropus spp. Ametropodidae Ametropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8086 Ametropus spp. Ametropodidae Ametropus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Long emergence period beginning in late spring or early summer. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Feed on algae and detritus. Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7065 Amphizoa spp. Amphizoidae Amphizoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Newly emerge adults mud covered; suggests pupation in muddy creek banks Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp Plecoptera larvae." Clinger 1 1 Yes Larvae at 2nd instar by winter Hatch mid to late Aug Unknown 7375 Amphizoa spp. Amphizoidae Amphizoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp stoneflies." Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7528 Amphizoa spp. Amphizoidae Amphizoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Temporary air store Newly emerge adults mud covered; suggests pupation in muddy creek banks Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp Plecoptera larvae." Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7193 Amphizoidae Amphizoidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8125 Amphizoidae Amphizoidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Plecoptera larvae. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 8126 Amphizoidae Amphizoidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Plecoptera larvae. Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 6235 Marisa spp. Ampullaridae Marisa Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Has a mantle cavity that provides both a gill and a lung. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6283 Marisa spp. Ampullaridae Marisa Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 6641 Ampullariidae Ampullariidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Often found in mud. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6269 Ancylus fluviatilis Ancylidae Ancylus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on diatoms. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6280 Ferrissia spp. Ancylidae Ferrissia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6278 Hebetancylus excentricus Ancylidae Hebetancylus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Canals Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11084 Hebetancylus excentricus Ancylidae Hebetancylus Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 6252 Laevapex fuscus Ancylidae Laevapex Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Adults reproduce in the spring. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults die after reproducing in the spring. Unknown 6279 Laevapex spp. Ancylidae Laevapex Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6277 Rhodacmea spp. Ancylidae Rhodacmea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6241 Ancylidae Ancylidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Streamlined / fusiform Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a pseudobranch gill; some use a conical extension of the epithelium that is used as a gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6637 Ancylidae Ancylidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6619 Bandakia spp. Anisitsiellidae Bandakia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Found in sandy creeks. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6618 Utaxatax spp. Anisitsiellidae Utaxatax Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 2676 Allomyia chama Apataniidae Allomyia A new genus of Limnephilidae Wyoming Albany Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 3199 3199 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2704 Allomyia gnathos Apataniidae Allomyia Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Colorado Marci Koski 9/14/2004 3199 3199 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2705 Allomyia cascadis Apataniidae Allomyia Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Washington Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2706 Allomyia bifosa Apataniidae Allomyia Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/14/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2707 Allomyia picoides Apataniidae Allomyia Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Alaska Marci Koski 9/14/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2708 Allomyia acanthis Apataniidae Allomyia Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Washington Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1 1 853 853 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2797 Allomyia bifosa Apataniidae Allomyia New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2649 3138 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 7719 Allomyia spp. Apataniidae Allomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 "Case tapered, curved, mineral, may have ballast stones" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Herbivore Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 222 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown parthenogenisis possible Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 223 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Alaska In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown parthenogenisis possible Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2720 Apatania muliebris Apataniidae Apatania Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3383 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cornucopia-shaped, made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5865 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7698 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, dorsal projection" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger Climber Sprawler Oligotrophic lakes 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8094 Apatania incerta Apataniidae Apatania A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown " Adults collected April, May" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8259 Apatania incerta Apataniidae Apatania Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1960 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8260 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8568 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8569 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina McDowell chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8989 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Arizona chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9119 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9298 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Mar-July, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9406 Apatania incerta Apataniidae Apatania "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Wisconsin "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 2 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand grains. Adult April-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae devel. Late summer-winter. Pupae Mar/Apr. Hatch late summer. Unknown Clear water 9407 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 10001 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Adams RAT 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10266 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Westmoreland RAT 1/17/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown 1 "cornucopia shaped case with anterior ""hood"" covering head" Adults are diurnal and non-phototactic Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11252 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11743 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11922 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13201 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown May be parthenogenetic. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13252 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13671 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13702 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge early-mid April Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13703 Apatania spp. Apataniidae Apatania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2578 Manophylax altus Apataniidae Manophylax "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 823 1799 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Found only on vertical rock faces over which flows a minimal film of water (madicolous or hygropetric habitat). Unknown Unknown 224 Pedomoecus sierra Apataniidae Pedomoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) nkmv 4/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7718 Pedomoecus sierra Apataniidae Pedomoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9234 Pedomoecus sierra Apataniidae Pedomoecus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9405 Pedomoecus sierra Apataniidae Pedomoecus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" California chm 2/20/2005 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13696 Apataniidae Apataniidae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 6003 Argulus spp. Argulidae Argulus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14389 Argulidae Argulidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Dorsoventrally flattened 6588 Arrenurus spp. Arrenuridae Arrenurus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8007 Arrenurus spp. Arrenuridae Arrenurus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Stylostome-feeding tube to attach to host. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larvae. Host: Odonata, mosquitoes, Diptera. Engorged in ~6 days. Predaceous deutonymph (several months) of ostracod crustaceans, copepod, insect larvae and some on cladocerans." 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Tritonymph 4-5 days at 20C in lab. < 100 eggs 1 1 2-5eggs/clutch. Unknown 8084 Arrenurus spp. Arrenuridae Arrenurus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Stylostome-feeding tube to attach to host. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Predaceous deutonymph (several months) of ostracod crustaceans, copepod, insect larvae and some on cladocerans." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Walker 1 1 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Tritonymph 4-5 days at 20C in lab. < 100 eggs 1 1 2-5eggs/clutch. Unknown 6528 Artesia spp. Artesiidae Artesia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 artesian wells Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 1852 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Temporary Lentic Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer sweep food from water with palpi 1 Unknown Unknown 1916 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Temporary Lentic Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-filterer algae and detritus 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 1 month Months eggs can diapause overwinter Yes 3260 Arthroplea spp. Arthropleidae Arthroplea Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Found in vernal pools near large streams. Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 5624 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea Range extension and new state record for Arthroplea bipunctata Maine Trumball JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Yes 5652 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7249 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Swimmer Clinger Unknown Unknown 12281 Arthroplea spp. Arthropleidae Arthroplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore? Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12471 Arthroplea spp. Arthropleidae Arthroplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina Oconee chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12546 Arthroplea bipunctata Arthropleidae Arthroplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina Oconee chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8115 Arthropleidae Arthropleidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Hatch in spring Yes 6482 Caecidotea spp. Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves, wells" Other Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6489 Caecidotea occidentalis Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6490 Caecidotea dentadactylus Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6491 Caecidotea brevicaudus Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6492 Caecidotea scrupulosus Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca West Virginia Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6493 Caecidotea kenki Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6494 Caecidotea laticaudatus Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6495 Caecidotea attenuatus Asellidae Caecidotea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Virginia Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Wetland / Marsh Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6480 Calasellus longus Asellidae Calasellus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Sierra Nat'l Forest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Caves Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown "Blind, unpigmented." All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6481 Lirceus spp. Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6483 Lirceus hoppinae Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6484 Lirceus fontinalis Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6485 Lirceus brachyurus Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pennsylvania Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 Usually found in watercress. 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6486 Lirceus garmani Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 Wells Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6487 Lirceus lineatus Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6488 Lirceus louisianae Asellidae Lirceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 "Sloughs, ditches" Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 11874 Lirceus lineatus Asellidae Lirceus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6479 Remasellus parvus Asellidae Remasellus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Caves Other Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Swimmer Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. Can swim weakly. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6471 Asellidae Asellidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Cold Spring Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6531 Pacifastacus spp. Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6534 Pacifastacus leniusculus Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6535 Pacifastacus connectens Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6536 Pacifastacus connectens Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6537 Pacifastacus fortis Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Shasta Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6538 Pacifastacus nigrescens Astacidae Pacifastacus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California San Francisco Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 110 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 8165 Pacifastacus leniusculus Astacidae Pacifastacus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 102 Unknown Unknown Unknown Eggs hatch in 7-8 mths during April-June. Unknown Unknown Yng leave mother at 3-4wks. Sexual maturity-3yrs. Months Adults live 5 yrs. Lifespan of 8 yrs. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 90-251 eggs/female. Unknown 1 1 8173 Pacifastacus spp. Astacidae Pacifastacus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 11465 Pacifastacus gambeli Astacidae Pacifastacus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3597 Atherix variegata Athericidae Atherix Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft "Pupate on land, in moist soil of the stream bank." Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on vegetation or supports above the stream, with many females contributing to a large communal egg mass. Larvae hatch and drop into the stream." Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 6728 Atherix spp. Athericidae Atherix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7612 Atherix lantha Athericidae Atherix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Quebec. Unknown 8134 Atherix spp. Athericidae Atherix Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Pupate in mosit soil along edge of stream. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs laid on veg or supports above stream Unknown Predator Predator of insect larvae. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine probably. 1 Unknown 11982 Atherix spp. Athericidae Atherix Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12156 Atherix pachypus Athericidae Atherix The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14223 Atherix spp. Athericidae Atherix Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Pupate in damp soil along shoreline. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs laid on twigs over stream. Unknown Predator Feed on aq invert. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Pupate 2-3wks. 1 1 Unknown 14224 Atherix lantha Athericidae Atherix Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6729 Suragina spp. Athericidae Suragina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8135 Suragina spp. Athericidae Suragina Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Texas chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6589 Athienemannia spp. Athienemanniidae Athienemannia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6605 Albia spp. Aturidae Albia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8078 Albia spp. Aturidae Albia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Parasitic larvae of Trichoptera. 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8079 Albia spp. Aturidae Albia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 6606 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8058 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8080 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10225 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11712 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11859 Aturus spp. Aturidae Aturus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6598 Kongsbergia spp. Aturidae Kongsbergia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6558 Palaemonias spp. Atyidae Palaemonias Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Other Large (length > 16 mm) 16.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6560 Palaemonias ganteri Atyidae Palaemonias Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Kentucky Mammoth Cave Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Other Large (length > 16 mm) 16.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6561 Palaemonias alabamae Atyidae Palaemonias Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Shelta Cave Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Other Large (length > 16 mm) 16.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6378 Syncaris pacifica Atyidae Syncaris Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California San Francisco Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6379 Syncaris pasadenae Atyidae Syncaris Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Los Angeles Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6559 Syncaris spp. Atyidae Syncaris Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6533 Atyidae Atyidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6608 Axonopsis complanata Axonopsidae Axonopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 0.45 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6599 Brachypoda spp. Axonopsidae Brachypoda Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 882 Acentrella insignificans Baetidae Acentrella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/26/2004 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 973 Acentrella turbida Baetidae Acentrella Systematics and biology of Acentrella turbida Pacific Northwest (coastal) October 1990 - October 1991 Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7 14 985 Acentrella feropagus Baetidae Acentrella The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs 63º N Marci Koski 7/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 986 Acentrella insignificans Baetidae Acentrella The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Two generations per year; first emerge in June-July, then in September" Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year in northern habitats. Unknown 987 Acentrella ampla Baetidae Acentrella The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1026 Acentrella alachua Baetidae Acentrella (Part 2) Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1049 Acentrella ampla Baetidae Acentrella New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1050 Acentrella insignificans Baetidae Acentrella New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Montana Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1051 Acentrella parvula Baetidae Acentrella New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1052 Acentrella turbida Baetidae Acentrella New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7141 Acentrella spp. Baetidae Acentrella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 11060 Acentrella ampla Baetidae Acentrella "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12075 Acentrella insignificans Baetidae Acentrella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 928 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parthenogenic in norther pops. Unknown 980 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Bivoltine; emergence in spring and from early summer through fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Two generations per year. "Hatch in fall, emerge in sprg" No 982 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Two generations; emerge in spring and from early summer through fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year. Unknown 1002 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown parthenogenic in northern pops Unknown 1003 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Yes Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1017 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1018 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1053 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1054 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Massachusetts Hampshire Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1967 Acerpenna macdunnoughi Baetidae Acerpenna Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the Kiamichi River watershed nkmv 8/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6 26 1976 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Clinger 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown > 1 Generation per year winter and summer cohorts Unknown 1 1 0 27 2243 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3072 Acerpenna pygmaea Baetidae Acerpenna Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7142 Acerpenna spp. Baetidae Acerpenna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger Unknown Unknown 937 Americabaetis pleturus Baetidae Americabaetis Americabaetis from Texas: first USA record and adult description of A. pleturus Texas Victoria "28º 48' 32"" N" 97º 01' 45: W Summer 1997 Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Found clinging to cobble heavily covered with periphyton in shallow (20-40 cm) water. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1010 Apobaetis indeprensus Baetidae Apobaetis New genera of mayflies from California. California Stanislaus Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Soft Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 23.9 27.8 5651 Apobaetis indeprensus Baetidae Apobaetis A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 27 7143 Apobaetis indeprensus Baetidae Apobaetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Few males; some broods parthenogenic Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5.6 15.6 Clear water 14 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 0 Unknown Partly sclerotized Emerges all year at lower elevations Yes Yes Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Unknown 1 No strong preference 4.4 22.2 Clear water 552 Baetis magnus Baetidae Baetis Description of adults of Baetis magnus Colorado Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Associated with watercress Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13.2 15.9 647 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis "New records of Ephemeroptera in Utah, with notes on biogeography" Utah Capitol Reef Nat Pk August 1993 Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1898 1898 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 649 Baetis notos Baetidae Baetis Description of adults of Baetis notos New Mexico Desert Southwest July 1993 Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Adults swarm over riffle areas in small groups at dusk. Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 662 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 2742 3352 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Clings to rocks directly in currents (fast and with great force) Unknown Unknown 663 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 1676 3397 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Clings to rocks in swift streams, also among sedges." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 942 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis An atypical larval color form of Baetis intercalaris from Pennsylvania and the Kiamichi river basin Oklahoma Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Can emerge all year round in southern range. Yes Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 broods; spring and fall generations. In northern part of range is either univoltine or bivoltine. Non-seasonal Unknown 948 Baetis magnus Baetidae Baetis "Baetis magnus, new species, formal new name for Baetis sp. B of Morihara and McCafferty" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 951 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis A new Baetis from Michigan Michigan Crawford Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Days Subimagal stage 2-3 days Unknown 970 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis The influence of periphyton abundance on Baetis bicaudatus distribution and colonization Idaho "43º 16' 0"" N" "111º 04' 30"" W" Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes periphyton 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) 1-10 m Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10 15 972 Baetis caurinus Baetidae Baetis A new species of Baetis from Oregon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Oregon Lincoln Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 61 61 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 974 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Either have one generation with a long hatching period or two generations which overlap. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown either univoltine orbivoltine. Months Hatch in late spring Yes 978 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months "Hatch in spring, early summer" Yes 979 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown One or two generations; eitheer has one generation with a long hatching period or two generations which overlap. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Either one or two generations per year. Unknown 983 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Two generations; emerge in spring and from early summer through fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year. Unknown 984 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 1 1 1 3961 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 988 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Two generations per year. Unknown 989 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 1310 3199 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Months Some pops parthenogenic Yes Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 990 Baetis foemina Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs 63º N Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown May be parthenogenic Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 991 Baetis adonis Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 1828 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 992 Baetis magnus Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 993 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 994 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 995 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Florida Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Yes Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 996 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 997 Baetis notos Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1004 Baetis alius Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) California Sonoma Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1006 Baetis pluto Baetidae Baetis The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1014 Baetis pluto Baetidae Baetis Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1015 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1016 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1025 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis (Part 2) Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1045 Baetis moki Baetidae Baetis A new small minnow mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Utah Utah Garfield Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 2099 2249 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Most common on fast flowing rocky substrates within a coarse sand matrix. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1055 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1056 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1057 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Massachusetts Hampshire Marci Koski 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1058 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) South Carolina Hampshire Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1059 Baetis notos Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Oklahoma Cherokee Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1060 Baetis pluto Baetidae Baetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1134 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Use of occupied Glossosoma verdona ases by early instars of Baetis spp. In a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Grand Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 2398 2398 Unknown Early instars reside on Glossosoma verdona cases. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consume algae and periphyton, often in association with Glossosoma cases." 1 1 Also found on and inbetween interstitial spaces of mineral particles making up Glossosoma cases. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1908 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis A distinctive new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Kentucky and Missouri nkmv 8/2/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2000 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Movements of the gills of ephemerid nymhs in relation to the water currents produced by them nkmv 8/20/2004 Unknown can beat gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2244 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2869 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown "6 week emergence, early and late pulses" Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2993 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown multiple intervals of emergence from april to october Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3041 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3042 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3043 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 plant beds 1 Unknown Unknown 3044 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3049 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 swift mountain streams Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Swimmer also crawls 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3101 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 1 swift mountain streams Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Swimmer also crawls 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3268 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 5339 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 5341 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 5442 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5686 Baetis adonis Baetidae Baetis A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Yes Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Yes Scraper/grazer Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Weeks Unknown No strong preference 5708 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6746 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit 1 day after emergence , sping to fall, in shallow riffles." Yes Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Months Variable up to 40 wks Yes 7144 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Swimmer Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8139 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Adults disperse approx. 2 km upstream. Unknown Unknown Unknown 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 9512 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Clear water 9517 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9524 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Taxonomy. Idaho chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on diatom and detritus. Unknown Unknown 9529 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10186 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/2/2005 1 2133 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 bedrock Unknown Unknown 10187 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/2/2005 1 2681 3352 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 bedrock Unknown Unknown 10226 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Chironomids and other invertebrates from North Boulder Creek, Colorado." Colorado Boulder RAT 1/4/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10854 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Ontogenic changes in prey consumption by the stonefly Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Has two non-overlapping generations per year Recruitment in fall and summer Unknown 10861 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10864 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10882 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown Unknown 10915 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 1765 2492 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year "bivoltine, nymphs can overwinter," Unknown 11061 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11344 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 11356 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11445 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11577 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11578 Baetis brunneicolor Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11579 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11580 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11581 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11582 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Ashland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11583 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11651 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer 1 1 tops of rocks Unknown Unknown 11718 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11719 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11720 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11892 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11984 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the tops of rocks at night and the bottoms during the day to avoid fish predation Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 11985 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 11991 Baetis flavistriga Baetidae Baetis Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12008 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 Regulated by a reservoir 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12073 Baetis bicaudatus Baetidae Baetis The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12074 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12272 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12602 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12609 Baetis tricaudatus Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 27 instar stages. Nymph 6-9mths. Unknown 12653 Baetis intercalaris Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge July-Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12654 Baetis spp. Baetidae Baetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge late Feb-early May. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 641 Baetodes arizonensis Baetidae Baetodes Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs III. Baetodes in North and Central America Arizona Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 642 Baetodes edmundsi Baetidae Baetodes Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs III. Baetodes in North and Central America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 643 Baetodes inermis Baetidae Baetodes Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs III. Baetodes in North and Central America MEXICO - on NAWQA Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 949 Baetodes bibranchius Baetidae Baetodes "New species, subspecies, and stage descriptions of Texas Baetidae" Texas Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 950 Baetodes alleni Baetidae Baetodes "New species, subspecies, and stage descriptions of Texas Baetidae" Texas Kendall Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 971 Baetodes spp. Baetidae Baetodes Phylogeny and classification of the Baetodes complex with description of a new genus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Unknown 1 Ventral gills serve as friction devices (friction pads) Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1011 Baetodes arizonensis Baetidae Baetodes Baetodes: new species and new records for North America Arizona Coconino Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1012 Baetodes edmundsi Baetidae Baetodes Baetodes: new species and new records for North America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5687 Baetodes spp. Baetidae Baetodes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7145 Baetodes spp. Baetidae Baetodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 1046 Baetopus trishae Baetidae Baetopus Baetopus trishae n. sp.: a new species and new genus report for North America North Carolina Jackson "June 1999, May 2001" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Water at collection site was heavily stained dark brown with tannins (pH = 6.3). 1 Unknown Unknown 1 929 Barbaetis spp. Baetidae Barbaetis Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unusual color patterns serve as camouflage from predators. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 944 Barbaetis benfieldi Baetidae Barbaetis Barbaetis: a new genus of Eastern Nearctic mayflies Virginia Carroll 36º 39.5' N 80º 59' W Spring 1977 Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Dense mats of Podostemum ceratophyllum covered the substrate in riffle areas. 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 No strong preference 0 27 5197 Barbaetis benfieldi Baetidae Barbaetis "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7146 Barbaetis spp. Baetidae Barbaetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Colorado In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 15 Callibaetis coloradensis Baetidae Callibaetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1 762 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Found in spirogyra and other filamentous algae upon which they feed 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7.2 15.6 16 Callibaetis doddsi Baetidae Callibaetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1219 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 17 Callibaetis montanus Baetidae Callibaetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 10 22.2 18 Callibaetis nigritus Baetidae Callibaetis The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1371 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Minutes Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 10 22.2 652 Callibaetis ferrugineus Baetidae Callibaetis Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 2499 2895 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 """at home on dirty portions of the bottom"" (what does this mean?)" 1 Unknown Unknown 959 Callibaetis floridanus Baetidae Callibaetis Contribution to the taxonomy of Callibaetis in Southwestern North America and middle America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 1 "estuaries, roadside ditches, etc. (high tolerance)" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 960 Callibaetis montanus Baetidae Callibaetis Contribution to the taxonomy of Callibaetis in Southwestern North America and middle America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 961 Callibaetis pictus Baetidae Callibaetis Contribution to the taxonomy of Callibaetis in Southwestern North America and middle America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1022 Callibaetis floridanus Baetidae Callibaetis (Part 1) Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1028 Callibaetis pictus Baetidae Callibaetis New synonyms for three North American Ephemeroptera species In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown "May be multivoltine, with hatching in March-May, and again July - October." Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1061 Callibaetis ferrugineus Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1062 Callibaetis floridanus Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1063 Callibaetis fluctuans Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Arkansas Craighead Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Rice Field Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1064 Callibaetis pallidus Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Minnesota Polk Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Cattle Tank Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1065 Callibaetis pretiosus Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1066 Callibaetis skokianus Baetidae Callibaetis New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Wisconsin "Dane, Door" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3071 Callibaetis ferrugineus Baetidae Callibaetis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3270 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine. Unknown 5198 Callibaetis pretiosus Baetidae Callibaetis "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5690 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Scraper/grazer Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Days 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Minutes Unknown 1 1 32 5971 Callibaetis montanus Baetidae Callibaetis The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Adults were collected in July Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6129 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 7147 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Weeks Female live for weeks. Unknown 7598 Callibaetis floridanus Baetidae Callibaetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Female hold eggs until ready to hatch. Oviposit year round 5-7 days after emergence. No Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Minutes 450-500 eggs. Hatch 5-10 sec. Unknown 9530 Callibaetis ferrugineus Baetidae Callibaetis New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Guernsey chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9531 Callibaetis fluctuans Baetidae Callibaetis New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Guernsey chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10806 Callibaetis coloradensis Baetidae Callibaetis Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 11490 Callibaetis fluctuans Baetidae Callibaetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12303 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12603 Callibaetis spp. Baetidae Callibaetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditches Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12655 Callibaetis pretiosus Baetidae Callibaetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge Sept. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 943 Camelobaetidius spp. Baetidae Camelobaetidius Taxonomy of the North and Central American species of Camelobaetidius (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 952 Camelobaetidius warreni Baetidae Camelobaetidius Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records of Dactylobaetis Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 823 2072 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 20 28 953 Camelobaetidius musseri Baetidae Camelobaetidius Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records of Dactylobaetis Arizona Gila Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 823 823 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 954 Camelobaetidius mexicanus Baetidae Camelobaetidius Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records of Dactylobaetis Texas Palo Pinto Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 966 Camelobaetidius waltzi Baetidae Camelobaetidius Camelobaetidius in Indiana and Iowa: new species and range extension Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Larvae found among filamentous algael mats associated with stones and rock substrate. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 1020 Camelobaetidius warreni Baetidae Camelobaetidius A revision of the Baetidae with spatulate-clawed nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 750 750 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 15.5 29.5 Silted/murky water 1021 Camelobaetidius mexicanus Baetidae Camelobaetidius A revision of the Baetidae with spatulate-clawed nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1047 Camelobaetidius waltzi Baetidae Camelobaetidius Description of adults and ecology of Camelobaetidius waltzi Nebraska August - September 1997 Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Subimagos observed emerging from eddies within riffle areas at dusk. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Larvae typically found on upper surfaces of rocks that were covered with mats of filamentous algae. 1 1 Found in water 0.3 - 10.0 m deep. Unknown Unknown 1 1048 Camelobaetidius variabilis Baetidae Camelobaetidius "Camelobaetidius variabilis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), a new species from Texas" Texas Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7148 Camelobaetidius spp. Baetidae Camelobaetidius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 19 Centroptilum barri Baetidae Centroptilum The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 305 609 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 20 Centroptilum bifurcatum Baetidae Centroptilum The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 Centroptilum selanderorum Baetidae Centroptilum The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 666 Centroptilum oreophilum Baetidae Centroptilum "New species of Utah mayflies. II. Baetidae, Centroptilum" Utah Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 667 Centroptilum selanderorum Baetidae Centroptilum "New species of Utah mayflies. II. Baetidae, Centroptilum" Utah Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 931 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Brooks in beaver pond meadows Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 967 Centroptilum ozarkensum Baetidae Centroptilum Centroptilum ozarkensum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) a new long-clawed Baetid from Missouri Missouri Shannon (Ozarks) 1991 - 1992 Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge in both spring and fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year; spring and fall emergence. Unknown 1032 Centroptilum album Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1033 Centroptilum bifurcatum Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1034 Centroptilum conturbatum Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 1066 1152 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1035 Centroptilum elsa Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1036 Centroptilum minor Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1037 Centroptilum ozarkensum Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX Missouri OZARKS Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1038 Centroptilum semirufum Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1039 Centroptilum triangulifer Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown predominantly parthenogenic Unknown 1040 Centroptilum victoriae Baetidae Centroptilum A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1067 Centroptilum album Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Oklahoma Cherokee Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1068 Centroptilum bifurcatum Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1069 Centroptilum conturbatum Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1070 Centroptilum minor Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Maine Franklin Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1071 Centroptilum triangulifer Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1072 Centroptilum victoriae Baetidae Centroptilum New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1972 Centroptilum minor Baetidae Centroptilum Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species nkmv 8/12/2004 1 225 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 plant roots 1 undercut banks Unknown Unknown 6 26 2994 Centroptilum alamance Baetidae Centroptilum "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3092 Centroptilum album Baetidae Centroptilum Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5350 Centroptilum triangulifer Baetidae Centroptilum Evidence for obligatory parthenogenesis and its possible effect on the emergence period of Cloeon tr Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating No Months Unknown Unknown 5691 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eats plant material Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5761 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum "Neocleon, a new mayfly genus" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6130 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6747 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7149 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11358 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11891 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12274 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12604 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12656 Centroptilum spp. Baetidae Centroptilum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge early May-late Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 968 Cloeodes excogitatus Baetidae Cloeodes Revision of the genus Cloedes Traver (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Arizona "April 12, 1968 (collected)" Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 969 Cloeodes macrolamellus Baetidae Cloeodes Revision of the genus Cloedes Traver (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) New Mexico Grant "July 7, 1969 (collected)" Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1910 Cloeodes peninsulus Baetidae Cloeodes "Significant range extentions for southwestern nearctic mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae, Oligoneuri" nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7151 Cloeodes spp. Baetidae Cloeodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger Unknown Unknown 1073 Cloeon dipterum Baetidae Cloeon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Michigan Oakland Marci Koski 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3093 Cloeon dipterum Baetidae Cloeon Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7150 Cloeon dipterum Baetidae Cloeon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Female hold eggs until ready to hatch Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Weeks Female live for weeks. Unknown 9532 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Guernsey chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12193 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon Behavioural hydrodynamics of Cloeon dipterum larvae (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Mid-Midwest RAT 6/8/2005 1 1 sluggish rivers Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 12275 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12605 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12610 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arkansas chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Collected mid-May-late June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12657 Cloeon spp. Baetidae Cloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge early Feb-Aug. Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 665 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 2742 3199 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 927 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/21/2004 1 1 1981 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 15 summer temps 932 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Oblicate parthenogenetic. Unknown 977 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Unknown Emergence in spring and from early summer through fall. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Prefers moss-covered gravel and rubble. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year Hatch in fall; emerge in sprg No 1005 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 1981 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parthenogenic in some pops Unknown 1074 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) New Hampshire Sullivan Marci Koski 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2995 Diphetor hageni Baetidae Diphetor "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown longest emergence and sporadic Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year parthanogenic Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 7152 Diphetor spp. Baetidae Diphetor An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 646 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon Contributions to the taxonomy of the Panamerican genus Fallceon In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 664 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1584 1584 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 923 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/21/2004 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1007 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 2133 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "At lower altitudes, adults collected from January to May and in September. At higher altitudes, emergence in June and July." Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1075 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Montana Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3022 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon Growth rates of mayflies in a subtropical river and their implications for secondary production Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 8/31/2004 1 1 blackwater river Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 30 d or less Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2.9 32 7153 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10932 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11491 Fallceon quilleri Baetidae Fallceon "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 933 Heterocloeon spp. Baetidae Heterocloeon Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Prefer heterogeneous substrates. 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 962 Heterocloeon petersi Baetidae Heterocloeon Rheobaetis: a new genus from Georgia Georgia Cherokee Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Found in crevices of rocks where Podostemum was growing. 1 Unknown Unknown 963 Heterocloeon berneri Baetidae Heterocloeon Rheobaetis: a new genus from Georgia Georgia Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Found in crevices of rocks where Podostemum was growing. 1 Unknown Unknown 964 Heterocloeon curiosum Baetidae Heterocloeon Rheobaetis: a new genus from Georgia Georgia Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Found in crevices of rocks where Podostemum was growing. 1 Unknown Unknown 1019 Heterocloeon curiosum Baetidae Heterocloeon Descriptions of Eastern North American species of Baetine mayflies OTTAWA "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1027 Heterocloeon frivolum Baetidae Heterocloeon "The evolution of Heterocloeon, with the first larval description of Heterocloeon frivolus" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5199 Heterocloeon petersi Baetidae Heterocloeon "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 6837 Heterocloeon curiosum Baetidae Heterocloeon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7154 Heterocloeon spp. Baetidae Heterocloeon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Colorado In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12302 Heterocloeon spp. Baetidae Heterocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12606 Heterocloeon spp. Baetidae Heterocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12658 Heterocloeon curiosum Baetidae Heterocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 934 Paracloeodes minutus Baetidae Paracloeodes Revisionary synopsis of the Baetidae of North and Middle America Indiana Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1008 Paracloeodes spp. Baetidae Paracloeodes New genera of mayflies from California. California Stanislaus September 1953 - 1954 Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1009 Paracloeodes minutus Baetidae Paracloeodes New genera of mayflies from California. California Stanislaus September 1953 - 1954 Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 23.9 27.8 1042 Paracloeodes fleeki Baetidae Paracloeodes A new nearctic Paracloeodes (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) North Carolina Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1076 Paracloeodes minutus Baetidae Paracloeodes New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Louisiana Lasalle Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5663 Paracloeodes spp. Baetidae Paracloeodes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 27 7155 Paracloeodes spp. Baetidae Paracloeodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11493 Paracloeodes minutus Baetidae Paracloeodes "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12301 Paracloeodes spp. Baetidae Paracloeodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12608 Paracloeodes spp. Baetidae Paracloeodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 478 Plauditus cestus Baetidae Plauditus New species and previously undescribed larvae of North American Ephemeroptera Indiana Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found only in small pea-gravel in shallow water (3 - 35 cm). Unknown Unknown 644 Plauditus gloveri Baetidae Plauditus A new species of the small minnow mayfly genus Plauditus from South Carolina South Carolina Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 935 Plauditus cestus Baetidae Plauditus New larval variants and distributional records for Plauditus cestus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Shallow water (3-35 cm) 1 Unknown Unknown 940 Plauditus grandis Baetidae Plauditus "Plauditus grandis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), a new small minnow mayfly from Tennessee" Tennessee Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Found in clumps of submerged grass along stream margin and in macrophyte beds. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 941 Plauditus texanus Baetidae Plauditus "Plauditus texanus (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), a new small minnow mayfly from Texas" Texas Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 1077 Plauditus bimaculatus Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Louisiana Washington Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1078 Plauditus cestus Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Georgia Rabun Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1079 Plauditus dubius Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Montana Teton Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1080 Plauditus gloveri Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Montana Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1081 Plauditus punctiventris Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) New Jersey Monmouth Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1082 Plauditus texanus Baetidae Plauditus New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Oklahoma Pushmataha Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2844 Plauditus cingulatus Baetidae Plauditus New species of North American Ephemeroptera "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Unknown 3045 Plauditus punctiventris Baetidae Plauditus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 554 Procloeon pennulatum Baetidae Procloeon Commentary on Drunella tuberculata and Procloeon pennulatum in North Carolina North Carolina Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 938 Procloeon nelsoni Baetidae Procloeon Two new species of Procloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Texas Texas Spring 1997 Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Associated with thick submerged stands of water willow and other macrophytes at the edges of riffles or in slower reaches of runs. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 939 Procloeon distinctum Baetidae Procloeon Two new species of Procloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Texas Texas Spring 1997 Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Associated with submerged water willow and other macrophytes; found along edges of riffles or slow reaches of runs. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 946 Procloeon viridoculare Baetidae Procloeon "Procloeon viridocularis from MI and PA, new range extensions with comments on the species" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 No strong preference 1.9 23 Clear water 947 Procloeon viridoculare Baetidae Procloeon "Procloeon viridocularis from MI and PA, new range extensions with comments on the species" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Can be found in still pockets behind rocks or at the base of rooted plants. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 955 Procloeon rufostrigatum Baetidae Procloeon Nymphs and imagoes of four North American species of Procloeon Bengtsson Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/16/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 956 Procloeon rubropictum Baetidae Procloeon Nymphs and imagoes of four North American species of Procloeon Bengtsson In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/16/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 957 Procloeon quaesitum Baetidae Procloeon Nymphs and imagoes of four North American species of Procloeon Bengtsson Illinois Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1013 Procloeon pennulatum Baetidae Procloeon The nymph and male of Centroptilum infrequens MCD (Baetidae) MANITOBA Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Guts contained algae and detritus 1 1 1 Found on downstream face of large boulders 1 Found in quiet backwaters. 1 Unknown Months Yes Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 1023 Procloeon viridoculare Baetidae Procloeon (Part 1) Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1041 Procloeon appalachia Baetidae Procloeon The long-clawed Beatids (Ephemeroptera) of North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1044 Procloeon viridoculare Baetidae Procloeon A new nearctic Paracloeodes (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1083 Procloeon fragile Baetidae Procloeon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1084 Procloeon rubropictum Baetidae Procloeon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1085 Procloeon rufostrigatum Baetidae Procloeon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2846 Procloeon ingens Baetidae Procloeon New Canadian Ephemeridae with notes nkmv 8/25/2004 1 Unknown two emergences between spring and summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5200 Procloeon quaesitum Baetidae Procloeon "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7156 Procloeon spp. Baetidae Procloeon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Swimmer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 936 Pseudocentroptiloides morihari Baetidae Pseudocentroptiloides A new species of Pseudocentroptiloides with revisions to other Baetid spp from TX Texas Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found in sand and vegetation in shallow water. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 958 Pseudocentroptiloides usa Baetidae Pseudocentroptiloides "New species, redescriptions, and cladistics of the genus Pseudocentroptiloides" Indiana Pulaski Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1043 Pseudocentroptiloides spp. Baetidae Pseudocentroptiloides A new nearctic Paracloeodes (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1086 Pseudocentroptiloides usa Baetidae Pseudocentroptiloides New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7157 Pseudocentroptiloides spp. Baetidae Pseudocentroptiloides An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Mid-Midwest chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 645 Pseudocloeon dardanum Baetidae Pseudocloeon The larva of Baetis dardanus McDunnough "ALBERTA, CANADA" Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 945 Pseudocloeon apache Baetidae Pseudocloeon "Labiobaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): new status, new North American species, and related new genus" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/15/2004 1 1898 1898 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 965 Pseudocloeon longipalpus Baetidae Pseudocloeon Systematics of the propinquus Group of Baetis species Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 976 Pseudocloeon frondale Baetidae Pseudocloeon Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown "Two emergence periods: Juen - early July, and late July - early November." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year Fast seasonal Months Yes 981 Pseudocloeon propinquum Baetidae Pseudocloeon Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 7/19/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Either one or two generations; can have two rapid overlapping summer generations Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Either one or two generations per year. Months "Hatch early spring, summer" Yes 998 Pseudocloeon longipalpus Baetidae Pseudocloeon The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 999 Pseudocloeon ephippiatum Baetidae Pseudocloeon The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Found in sandy-bottomed streams clinging to vegetation. 1 Unknown Unknown 1000 Pseudocloeon frondale Baetidae Pseudocloeon The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found in streams with sand and silt bottoms; located on vegetation and submerged debris of all sorts. 1 Unknown Facultative parthenogenesis Unknown 1001 Pseudocloeon propinquum Baetidae Pseudocloeon The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year Months facultative parthenogenic Yes 1024 Pseudocloeon propinquum Baetidae Pseudocloeon (Part 2) Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera) Florida Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Adults seem to emerge in both spring/summer and later in fall. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Possibly bi-voltine Unknown 1087 Pseudocloeon dardanum Baetidae Pseudocloeon New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3269 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 5672 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Yes Unknown Spring Summer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 6 9 months Unknown 6131 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota Todd RAT 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6132 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6133 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6153 Pseudocloeon edmundsi Baetidae Pseudocloeon A new species of Pseudocloeon from Idaho. Idaho Canyon RAT 11/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9533 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Washington chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10942 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11357 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11492 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11584 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11585 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Washburn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11586 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11893 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12276 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12607 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12659 Pseudocloeon spp. Baetidae Pseudocloeon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7284 Baetidae Baetidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10-14 days Unknown 11288 Baetidae Baetidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 11380 Baetidae Baetidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12567 Baetidae Baetidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 1962 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca The ecology and life history of Baetisca rogersi Berner (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae) Florida Gadsden 1968-1969 nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer "herbivores on detritus, diatoms, and algae" 1 1 1 1 moss and algae mats Unknown 1 Generation per year Hours can be parthanogenetic "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Days "20-31 days, 2168 ave eggs" Unknown 1963 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca The ecology and life history of Baetisca rogersi Berner (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae) Florida Gadsden nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown thoracic notal shield for reducing water resistance and balance/stabilization Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 "move to quiet current with debris to crawl out on, peak in Spring" Unknown Unknown Spring Summer eggs stick to surface of objects Yes Collector-gatherer rake and browse detritus and diatoms; feed at night Clinger Swimmer positively phototactic 1 1 1 1 1 1 in moss mats or on rocks predominantly 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year can be parthanogenic "12 instars, 4 months" Hours strong fliers "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Days "20-31 days, 2726 eggs" Unknown 1 1 5 25 23 lethal during 1st molt 1964 Baetisca becki Baetiscidae Baetisca The life history and ecology of Baetisca rogersi Berner Florida nkmv 8/6/2004 1 1 sand bottomed stream Streamlined / fusiform Unknown thoracic notic shield Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1965 Baetisca becki Baetiscidae Baetisca The imago of Baetisca becki Schneider and Berner (Baetiscidae: Ephemeroptera) Florida nkmv 8/6/2004 1 1 white sand streams Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1966 Baetisca berneri Baetiscidae Baetisca Ecological life history of Baetisca berneri Tarter and Kirchner from a West Virginia stream West Virginia nkmv 8/6/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown "detritus, diatoms" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1899 eggs Unknown 1 1 2.8 22 1973 Baetisca carolina Baetiscidae Baetisca Ecological life history of Baetisca carolina Traver in Panther Creek West Virginia Nicholas nkmv 8/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown bimodal emergence (spring and summer) but univoltine Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer "detritivores 68%, 8.9% diatoms" 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 4280 eggs ave. Unknown 1 1 -1 19 2861 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 climbs completely out of water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3084 Baetisca laurentina Baetiscidae Baetisca Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3085 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5653 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5710 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca New mayfly descriptions from Florida and a description of a new species Florida JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6113 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca The southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Florida RAT 11/23/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown cryptic coloration to match sand Hard shelled 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown 1 1 1 found in sand bars Unknown Unknown 6114 Baetisca gibbera Baetiscidae Baetisca The southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Florida RAT 11/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown mesonotum enormously humped Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6115 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca The southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Florida RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Hard shelled 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6116 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca The southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Florida RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6117 Baetisca carolina Baetiscidae Baetisca The southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). North Carolina Transylvania RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6128 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6151 Baetisca becki Baetiscidae Baetisca A new southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Prominent mesothoracic spines and dorsal submedian tubercles Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 found in sand bar Unknown Unknown 6152 Baetisca becki Baetiscidae Baetisca A new southeastern species of Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 found in sand bar Unknown Unknown 6866 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7269 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9522 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca Taxonomy. Florida chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9567 Baetisca lacustris Baetiscidae Baetisca New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11601 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11602 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11885 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11886 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12273 Baetisca spp. Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12376 Baetisca carolina Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12377 Baetisca rogersi Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 Unknown 1 Emerge Mar-early ; peak in Apr. Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Some evidence of partheogenesis. Yes Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer "Feed on detritus, diatoms, mineral particles, algae." Clinger Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 12 instar stages; 4mths. Hours Live ~31 hrs. Weeks Hatch in 7-17days. Unknown 12378 Baetisca carolina Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late May-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12379 Baetisca gibbera Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Collected in Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12380 Baetisca obesa Baetiscidae Baetisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3239 Baetiscidae Baetiscidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae. Unknown 6359 Bdellodrilus illuminata Bdellodrilidae Bdellodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with the gills of crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6356 Cronodrilus ogygius Bdellodrilidae Cronodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Georgia Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 1952 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania The classification of the Ephemeroptera I. Ephemeroidea: Behningiidae South Carolina nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 sandy bottomed rivers Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1953 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Population genetics of the burrowing mayfly Dolania americana: geographic variation and the presence "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 1 sand bottom blackwater streams Other Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Hours 100 to 1000 eggs only 107-169 eggs on ave Unknown 1954 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania A new distributional record for the sand-burrowing mayfly Dolania americana Wisconsin Burnett Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1989 nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 1 shifting sand lotic systems Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 11-100 m 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Hours dispersal largely through nymph stage Unknown 1 3240 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" > 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in the southern US. Yes 5656 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6763 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America South Carolina chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine < 100 eggs Unknown 7278 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Chironomidae Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12295 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12324 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12325 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12326 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12327 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12391 Dolania americana Behningiidae Dolania Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Louisiana "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8088 Behningiidae Behningiidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/21/2005 Unknown Emerge late April and early May. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator Predators of Chironomidae. Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/2 yrs Yes 12323 Behningiidae Behningiidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Emerge late April-early May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Predator? Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymph collected July. 2/3 grown by Nov. Unknown 2475 Abedus indentatus Belostomatidae Abedus A comparative study of the North American species in the caddisfly genus Mystacides Marci Koski 8/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5459 Abedus spp. Belostomatidae Abedus "Synonomical notes and new distribution records in Abedus (Hemiptera, Belostomatidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/4/2004 1 381 1280 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7049 Abedus herberti Belostomatidae Abedus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona chm 1/3/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs deposited on dorsum of male. Nonseasonal oviposition. Female can produce 4 masses in 13 mths; 344 eggs total. Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 4+/yr < 100 eggs 1 Days 21-23 days in lab Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7557 Abedus spp. Belostomatidae Abedus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 13039 Abedus spp. Belostomatidae Abedus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Female deposit eggs on back of male. Unknown 1 1 Watercress. 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 13040 Abedus herberti Belostomatidae Abedus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on mosquito larvae. Unknown 60 days to complete nymphal stages. Weeks Hatch 21-23 days. Unknown 13045 Abedus herberti Belostomatidae Abedus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on damselfly and mayfly larvae. Unknown Unknown 13046 Abedus spp. Belostomatidae Abedus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Water hyacinth 1 Unknown Unknown 2946 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part III. Belostomatidae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers emergence = egg laying time Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) eggs carried on backs of males Yes Predator Climber Swimmer 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 37 days" adults overwinter 1 Weeks 10-12 days Unknown 2965 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown eggs are laid spring to early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer laid on overhanging veg and and then glued to backs of males Yes Predator 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes "5 instars, 7 weeks" adults overwinter 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 3492 Belostoma flumineum Belostomatidae Belostoma Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the surface through air straps. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Females lay eggs on the backs of males, which brood the eggs." Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Fly to streams or deep lentic habitats in autumn to spend winter months. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6089 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma Morphology of the Eighth Abdominal Spiracles of Belostoma and Ranatra RAT 12/3/2004 Unknown eighth abdominal spiracles serve a retractile organ. Use atmospheric O2 Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7218 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Unknown Temporary air store Adult-Temporary air storeonly when water temp low Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7558 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13041 Belostoma spp. Belostomatidae Belostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Female deposit eggs on back of male. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 13043 Belostoma flumineum Belostomatidae Belostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Female deposit eggs on back of male. 25-125 eggs on each male. Oviposit early spring and throughout summer. Unknown Unknown 45-54 day egg & nymph devel. 100 to 1000 eggs Days Hatch 6-12 days. Unknown 13047 Belostoma lutarium Belostomatidae Belostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13049 Belostoma testaceum Belostomatidae Belostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2947 Lethocerus americanus Belostomatidae Lethocerus Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part III. Belostomatidae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 53 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers emergence = egg laying time Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) eggs carried on backs of males Yes Predator Climber Swimmer 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 37 days" adults overwinter 1 Weeks 10-12 days Unknown 2966 Lethocerus americanus Belostomatidae Lethocerus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown eggs are laid spring to early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer laid on overhanging veg and and then glued to backs of males Yes Predator 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes "5 instars, 7 weeks" adults overwinter 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 3491 Lethocerus spp. Belostomatidae Lethocerus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 56 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the surface through air straps. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Lay eggs in masses on vegetation above the water. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Fly to streams or deep lentic habitats in autumn to spend winter months. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. 1 Unknown 6884 Lethocerus americanus Belostomatidae Lethocerus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 33d egg to adult during summer Unknown 6885 Lethocerus spp. Belostomatidae Lethocerus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/4/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-carnivore Climber Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13042 Lethocerus spp. Belostomatidae Lethocerus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) In wet wood Eggs laid on emergent vegetation stem 25-30+cm above water or on logs and under boards on shore. Unknown Predator "Feed on fish, tadpoles, frogs, salamanders, snakes, aquatic insects, cannibalistic." Swimmer 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 45-85eggs/female. Unknown 1 No preference 13044 Lethocerus americanus Belostomatidae Lethocerus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown """Little more than 1mth to complete devel stages""" Unknown 3480 Belostomatidae Belostomatidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the surface through air straps. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Fly to streams or deep lentic habitats in autumn to spend winter months. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7202 Belostomatidae Belostomatidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Eggs incubated on male's back Unknown Unknown Unknown 13036 Belostomatidae Belostomatidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Hind leg with long swimming hairs. Atmospheric breathers Temporary Air Store. Retractile air straps. Air passed through spiracular opening at base of straps into subhemelytral space. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Adults overwinter Unknown 1792 Beraea gorteba Beraeidae Beraea The larva and pupa of Beraea gorteba Ross Georgia Crawford 32º 40' N 83º 59' W 1981 - 1984 Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Small blackwater streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Detritivores; consumes vascular plant material and fungus. Burrower 1 1 Associated with sand and organic matter at the interface of the water and shore. This material is bound together by masses of rootlets and is covered with mosses and liverworts. 1 Found mostly commonly in the area of the main seepage into the side-channel. 1 1 km or less Unknown Overwinter as 5th instar larvae. Unknown 1 7725 Beraea spp. Beraeidae Beraea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case curved, smooth, fine mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13245 Beraea spp. Beraeidae Beraea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13632 Beraea gorteba Beraeidae Beraea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected May 5-22. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13633 Beraea spp. Beraeidae Beraea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1954 chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Adults collected June 7-July 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/2yr. Unknown 8118 Beraeidae Beraeidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8119 Beraeidae Beraeidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 Seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Ontario. Unknown 13268 Beraeidae Beraeidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 6274 Bithynia tentaculata Bithyniidae Bithynia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates New York Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Grazes on periphyton and captures phytoplankton with its ctenidium. Common in eutrophic, nutrient rich lakes." Unknown Unknown 6640 Bithynia tentaculata Bithyniidae Bithynia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in aquatic vegetation. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6273 Bithyniidae Bithyniidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 6766 Agathon spp. Blephariceridae Agathon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6767 Bibiocephala spp. Blephariceridae Bibiocephala An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 3587 Blepharicera tenuipes Blephariceridae Blepharicera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Larvae pupate in cracks and depressions near the water's surface. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Adults oviposit on rocks above the wwater, and larvae hatch when eggs are flooded by high water." Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and diatoms. Other (specify in comments) Attached with sucker disks; larvae move by slowly alternately moving anterior and posterior sucker disks. 1 1 1 1 Attach themselves to rocks or vegetation hanging into streams using ventral suckers. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 6768 Blepharicera spp. Blephariceridae Blepharicera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 14087 Blepharicera spp. Blephariceridae Blepharicera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14088 Blepharicera tenuipes Blephariceridae Blepharicera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6769 Philorus spp. Blephariceridae Philorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6850 Blephariceridae Blephariceridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 1 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed Pupae-Fixed 1 1 Smooth stones without moss Unknown Unknown 8142 Blephariceridae Blephariceridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12017 Blephariceridae Blephariceridae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14086 Blephariceridae Blephariceridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 "In NY, start emergence in early June." Unknown Unknown Summer On/under stones (submerged) "Oviposit on wet , exposed surfaces of rocks along swift streams." Unknown Feed on microflora and periphyton on rocks. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 4 larval instar stages. Pupate 16-18 days. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 6529 Parabogidiella spp. Bogidiellidae Parabogidiella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 artesian wells Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6472 Probopyrus bithynis Bopyridae Probopyrus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Cold Spring Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Parasite Parasitic in branchial chambers of Palaemonidae. 1 1 Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 7869 Probopyrus spp. Bopyridae Probopyrus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of freshwater shrimp. Unknown Unknown 2748 Adicrophleps spp. Brachycentridae Adicrophleps Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Confined to moss growing on rocky outcrops or boulders. Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13602 Adicrophleps spp. Brachycentridae Adicrophleps Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Possibly Unknown Unknown 57 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 moss on rocks Unknown Unknown 225 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 moss on rocks Unknown Unknown 1751 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus Additions and revisions to the genera of North American caddisflies of the family Brachycentridae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tublar and tapered, made of thin pieces of plant material wound tightly around the long axis, or of silken secretions." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5954 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7669 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9236 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Adults collected May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Extended oviposition period. Unknown Feed on periphyton and vascular plants. 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9257 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus "Diel periodicity in the behaviour of the caddisfly, Brachycentrus americanus (Banks)." chm 2/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13603 Amiocentrus aspilus Brachycentridae Amiocentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 59 Brachycentrus echo Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera California mono In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 34.4 34.4 preffered 15.6C 226 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 257 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1145 Brachycentrus fuliginosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1737 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A new species of Brachycentrus from Georgia with two unusual larval characters Georgia Cherokee Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cylindrical and made of sand grains with numerous spikes (consisting of rock material); occasionally a few are composed of plant material. Case tapers slightly toward the rear. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Adults fly about 6 feet above the stream, heading upstream (to compensate for downstream drift as larvae)." No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 "Larvae associated with small stones 2-4"" in diameter. Associated with the scattered, sparse mats of Podostemum ceratophyllum growing on the surface of the stones, 2-6' in depth." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as final instar larvae. Pupate 2 weeks 1 Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 4 15 1738 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases of early instars always square in cross-section, made of elongate bits of vegetation laid transversely. Case elongate, with a comparatively rougher and uneven surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1739 Brachycentrus incanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases of early instars always square in cross-section, made of elongate bits of vegetation laid transversely. Case elongate, with a comparatively rougher and uneven surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1740 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases of early instars always square in cross-section, made of elongate bits of vegetation laid transversely. Late instar cases mostly narrow pieces of vegetation; if only silk used, round in cross-section." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in colder parts of the state (2/3); univoltine in warmer streams. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1741 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases of early instars always square in cross-section, made of elongate bits of vegetation laid transversely. Later instar cases elongate, made of rectangular pieces of vegetation." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1742 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases of early instars always square in cross-section, made of elongate bits of vegetation laid transversely. Also incorporated sand, vegetation, and silk in case." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1750 Brachycentrus echo Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Additions and revisions to the genera of North American caddisflies of the family Brachycentridae Great Basin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case constructed of sand grains, straight sided and tubular, tapering toward the posterior end." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1752 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Emergence period very short; a week in early spring. No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1753 Brachycentrus nigrosoma Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" South Carolina In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 "Generally found in shallower water, on solid substrate that supports a lush growth of Podostemum." 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1754 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1755 Brachycentrus echo Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" Great Basin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of small sand grains, slender, and tapered." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer "Guts contained organic matter, especially diatoms." 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown No strong preference 34.4 1756 Brachycentrus solomoni Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume green algae, diatoms, and plant matter. After starting to filter-feed, become carnivorous." 1 1 1 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1757 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1758 Brachycentrus incanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1759 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River 1481 2438 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1760 Brachycentrus chelatus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Winter Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1761 Brachycentrus appalachia Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1762 Brachycentrus spinae Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1763 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 1764 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The genus Brachycentrus in North America, with a proposed phylogeny of the genera of Brachycentridae" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually square in cross section, and constructed of small rectangular pieces of plant material." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 2721 Brachycentrus echo Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Hot euthermal (>30 C) 34 Found in thermal streams reaching 34 C or more. 2725 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 "Case fixed to substrate with silk so that legs can ""fish"" beyond the boundary water layer of the case." Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 3452 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Use fringes of setae on legs to filter food particles from current; herbivorous when young, older instars become more carnivorous." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Most species univoltine in warmer climates. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 3453 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Use fringes of setae on legs to filter food particles from current; herbivorous when young, older instars become more carnivorous." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in cold streams. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5224 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5521 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 5609 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Jefferson JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5610 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Jefferson JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5817 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5956 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5957 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6760 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/9/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6910 Brachycentrus spinae Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7670 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7818 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A preliminary study of the trophic relationships of the larvae of Brachycentrus americanus (Banks) Wisconsin May-June 1962 chm 1/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer "Mostly diatom and algae, some vascular plant and animal fragments." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7917 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Overwinter as larvae Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 8018 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1966 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8301 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 5-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8302 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 29-June 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8303 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Mar 29-June 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8304 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 29-May 29 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8310 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Unusual case building behavior of Hydropsyche occidentalis larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Colorado Boulder June 1968-May 1969 chm 1/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8401 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8556 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Montgomery chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8557 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Loudon chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8558 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Blount chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8559 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8560 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8561 Brachycentrus spinae Brachycentridae Brachycentrus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Blount chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8906 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8907 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8978 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 16-Sept 10, 1951-1952 and June 11-Aug 21, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8979 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May 12-June 11, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9102 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9103 Brachycentrus nigrosoma Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9104 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9237 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 chimney type case; sq in cross section with interior cylindrical tube of silk. Adults collected July-Oct. Extended adult emergence. Unknown Unknown Eggs laid July to late fall. Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer 95% of diet is diatoms. Graze periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae grows July to late spring/summer. Extended hatching period. Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9241 Brachycentrus nigrosoma Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9245 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9255 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Diel periodicity in the behaviour of the caddisfly, Brachycentrus americanus (Banks)." Wisconsin chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Square cases. Adults emerge June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall "Eggs laid throughout summer, beginning in mid-June." Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Small amt of grazing. Omnivorous. Feeds on detritus and diatoms (50% of stomach content), filamentous algae, animals." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Crawling, Burrowing" 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 instar stages. Slow seasonal Larvae grow from fall thru spring. Pupation in May Unknown 1 9326 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9327 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9519 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9736 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10008 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Lemhi RAT 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Peak swaming activity is reached at around 4PM Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10012 Brachycentrus incanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. Maryland RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10028 Brachycentrus fuliginosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota Hennepin RAT 12/29/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Unknown 1 swim to water surface where adult emerges with developed wings. Adults can walk on water surface Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Swimmer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days eggs laid in a sticky mass Unknown 10201 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 477 707 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Yes 10204 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10349 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus A New genus and species of Trichoptera. Florida Gadsen RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10837 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 11022 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11095 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11150 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11151 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11152 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11153 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11457 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11543 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11640 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11641 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11642 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11643 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11744 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12021 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12113 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12114 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12277 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12413 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adults collected in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13234 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Predator Unknown Unknown 13594 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 Log cabin cases. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-filterer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13596 Brachycentrus nigrosoma Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Emerge late May-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae overwinter. < 100 eggs 1 50-100 egg/mass. Hatch 21-28 d Unknown 13597 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 13598 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Pupate in April. Emerge late Apr-early May. Adults fly upstream. Unknown Yes Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 5th instar overwinter Unknown 13599 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Early instar larvae overwinter. Unknown 13600 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/22/2005 Tubular Unknown 1 Pupate in May. Emerge June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Egg to adult in ~10mths. Unknown 13601 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13604 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13605 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13606 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13607 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13608 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13609 Brachycentrus americanus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13613 Brachycentrus occidentalis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13614 Brachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13615 Brachycentrus chelatus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Mar Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13616 Brachycentrus etowahensis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-early May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13617 Brachycentrus lateralis Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13618 Brachycentrus nigrosoma Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13619 Brachycentrus numerosus Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Mar-Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13620 Brachycentrus spinae Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1749 Eobrachycentrus gelidae Brachycentridae Eobrachycentrus Additions and revisions to the genera of North American caddisflies of the family Brachycentridae Oregon MT. HOOD Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 1280 1280 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case square in cross-section, but somewhat ragged, a results from the trailing ends of moss and other pplant materials of which the case is made." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 "Found in clumps of moss, either covering submerged rocks or along the edge of the spring runs." 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "Life cycle is at least 2 years, possibly more." Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2 2719 Eobrachycentrus gelidae Brachycentridae Eobrachycentrus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2 Occurs in mountain springs where midsummer temps = 2 C. 2749 Eobrachycentrus spp. Brachycentridae Eobrachycentrus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Confined to moss growing on rocky outcrops or boulders. Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7671 Eobrachycentrus gelidae Brachycentridae Eobrachycentrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder ? Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 228 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 4/1/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1743 Micrasema kluane Brachycentridae Micrasema The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case round in cross-section and tapered. Made either of sand or vegetation, or a mix of the two." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Always associated with mosses and other plants. 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 1744 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case round in cross-section and made of sand grains. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Always associated with mosses and other plants. 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 1745 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema The Brachycentridae (Trichoptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case round in cross-section and made of silk, sometimes with elongate transverse bits of vegetation." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Always associated with mosses and other plants. 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 1746 Micrasema ozarkana Brachycentridae Micrasema The Micrasema rusticum group of caddisflies Missouri OZARKS Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1747 Micrasema burksi Brachycentridae Micrasema The Micrasema rusticum group of caddisflies "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/17/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1748 Micrasema rickeri Brachycentridae Micrasema The Micrasema rusticum group of caddisflies Georgia Marci Koski 8/17/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2464 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2465 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2750 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Confined to moss growing on rocky outcrops or boulders. Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2769 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume mosses. Unknown Unknown 3454 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use fringes of setae on legs to filter food particles from current - herbivores. 1 1 Inhabit moss-covered rocks. 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" < 1 Generation per year Most species semivoltine. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3455 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use fringes of setae on legs to filter food particles from current - herbivores. 1 1 Inhabit moss-covered rocks. 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Univoltine in warmer habitats. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5611 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5612 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky McCreary JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5727 Micrasema scotti Brachycentridae Micrasema Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Johnson JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5818 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6186 Micrasema kluane Brachycentridae Micrasema "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 preferred large moss covered rocks Unknown Unknown 6187 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6188 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6911 Micrasema kluane Brachycentridae Micrasema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Minnesota chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7672 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Herbivore Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8019 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1948 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8020 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8305 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8306 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8402 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8403 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8562 Micrasema burksi Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8563 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8564 Micrasema rickeri Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Georgia Habersham chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8565 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8566 Micrasema scotti Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8567 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Coffee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8905 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 11-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8977 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 15-Aug 4, 1951-52 and June 11-Aug 21, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8981 Micrasema kluane Brachycentridae Micrasema "Micrasema kluane, a probable stepping stone to the arctic (Trichoptera Brachycentridae)." Alaska chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9105 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9106 Micrasema scotti Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9107 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9108 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9238 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9328 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9393 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early May-June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9394 Micrasema dimicki Brachycentridae Micrasema Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-Mar-late Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9737 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9919 Micrasema ozarkana Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9920 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Marion RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9921 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Marion RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10092 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Oregon Grant RAT 12/28/2004 1737 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10096 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10115 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Wyoming RAT 12/29/2004 1 Pool Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10195 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Rocky Mountains RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 Pool Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10196 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Wyoming RAT 12/29/2004 1 Pool Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10197 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10198 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10199 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10200 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10842 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10903 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11089 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11154 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11644 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11645 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11646 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11921 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12019 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13200 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13593 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13610 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13611 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13612 Micrasema bactro Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13621 Micrasema spp. Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13622 Micrasema burksi Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13623 Micrasema rickeri Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13624 Micrasema rusticum Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13625 Micrasema wataga Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May-early Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13626 Micrasema scotti Brachycentridae Micrasema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3423 Brachycentridae Brachycentridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use fringes of setae on legs to filter food particles from current. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 13269 Brachycentridae Brachycentridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 6353 Ankyrodrilus spp. Branchiobdellidae Ankyrodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6354 Xironogiton spp. Branchiobdellidae Xironogiton Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6352 Branchiobdellidae Branchiobdellidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 7855 Branchiobdellidae Branchiobdellidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Posterior disk-shaped sucker and anterior attachment site. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Hermaphrodite. Cocoons on live host (crustacean). Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder "Host's food or host tissue. Few spp are parasitic. Browse on epibionts, i.e. diatoms, ciliates on host." Attached/fixed Clinger Posterior disk-shaped sucker and anterior attachment site. Lives primarily on astacoidean crayfish and few other crustaceans. Unknown All life stages in water. Days 10-12 days at 20-22C. Unknown 1 1 11820 Branchiobdellidae Branchiobdellidae Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6464 Caenestheriella belfragei Caenestheriidae Caenestheriella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6465 Caenestheriella setosa Caenestheriidae Caenestheriella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6466 Caenestheriella gynecia Caenestheriidae Caenestheriella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Ohio Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6467 Cyzicus morsei Caenestheriidae Cyzicus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 5.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6469 Cyzicus californicus Caenestheriidae Cyzicus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6470 Cyzicus elongatus Caenestheriidae Cyzicus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6449 Caenestheriidae Caenestheriidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 436 Amercaenis ridens Caenidae Amercaenis Amercaenis: new Nearctic genus of Caenidae (Ephemeroptera) Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Filter microseston Swimmer 1 1 1 Quickly cover themselves with a fine layer of sand after coming to rest on the substrate. 1 Unknown Unknown 7265 Amercaenis ridens Caenidae Amercaenis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 2 Brachycercus prudens Caenidae Brachycercus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 609 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 16.7 16.7 441 Brachycercus lacustris Caenidae Brachycercus Taxonomic notes on Brachycercus lacustris (Needham) (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 453 Brachycercus spp. Caenidae Brachycercus A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tubercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Consume fine detritus. Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6 25 Clear water 454 Brachycercus lacustris Caenidae Brachycercus A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tubercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Consume fine detritus Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6 25 Clear water 455 Brachycercus prudens Caenidae Brachycercus A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tubercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Consume fine detritus. Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6 25 Clear water 3078 Brachycercus lacustris Caenidae Brachycercus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5688 Brachycercus spp. Caenidae Brachycercus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Yes Unknown Summer Summer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7266 Brachycercus spp. Caenidae Brachycercus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Idaho In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 13595 Brachycercus lacustris Caenidae Brachycercus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 426 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 427 Caenis anceps Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) Indiana Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 428 Caenis hilaris Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) Indiana Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 429 Caenis latipennis Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 Backwaters and sewage treatment lagoons Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Unknown Silted/murky water 430 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Backwaters Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Emergence takes place from dusk until about an hour after dark. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Two successive generations per summer. In some locations may be univoltine with multiple broods. Unknown Silted/murky water 431 Caenis diminuta Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 Backwaters Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 4 Months Days Unknown Silted/murky water 432 Caenis punctata Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 Backwaters Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 433 Caenis youngi Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Backwaters 2099 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 434 Caenis macafferti Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Emergence occurs during the early evening and early morning hours. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown Clear water 435 Caenis tardata Caenidae Caenis A revision of the genus Caenis in North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 437 Caenis youngi Caenidae Caenis "A new species of Caenis (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) from Montana, U.S.A." Montana Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1899 1999 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 440 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Key to the Caenis larvae known to occur in North and South Carolina and Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 1 Backwaters Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Very fast life cycle with many generations per year. Non-seasonal Unknown 1968 Caenis anceps Caenidae Caenis Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species nkmv 8/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6 26 1969 Caenis hilaris Caenidae Caenis Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species nkmv 8/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6 26 2001 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Movements of the gills of ephemerid nymhs in relation to the water currents produced by them nkmv 8/20/2004 Unknown protective large gills can beat gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2812 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown warm water populations 2813 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 marshes Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown warm water populations 3079 Caenis latipennis Caenidae Caenis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3080 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4511 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5642 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5689 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hours Days Unknown 5969 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6865 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7228 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year uni- to multivoltine Hours 4hrs or less Unknown 7267 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9566 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10892 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 10933 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11062 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11494 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11495 Caenis hilaris Caenidae Caenis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11496 Caenis latipennis Caenidae Caenis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11880 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12088 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12278 Caenis spp. Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyon. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12414 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown "Adults collected in June, Aug, Sept." Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12415 Caenis amica Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12416 Caenis diminuta Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Adults collected Mar-Oct. Adults observed to emerge yr round in FL. Yes Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymph devel in 4mths. Hours Adults 3-4hrs. Days Hatch 5-11days. Unknown 12417 Caenis diminuta Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12418 Caenis hilaris Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Adults collected June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12419 Caenis hilaris Caenidae Caenis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 439 Cercobrachys cree Caenidae Cercobrachys Cercobrachys cree: a new species (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) from Western North America Montana Marci Koski 5/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 "Found at periphery of shifting sand bars of large, warm prairie rivers." 1 Unknown Months Overwinters in egg stage. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 456 Cercobrachys spp. Caenidae Cercobrachys A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tubercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 457 Cercobrachys serpentis Caenidae Cercobrachys A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tubercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Payette In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7268 Cercobrachys spp. Caenidae Cercobrachys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 3241 Caenidae Caenidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Yes Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Mostly univoltine with overlapping cohorts; some species may be bivoltine. Hours Unknown 1 7286 Caenidae Caenidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10-14 days Unknown 262 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Small streams in deciduous forests. Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Two ovate pieces of leaves are cut and fastened together. The larger piece forms a dorsal shield over a smaller ventral piece, and between the two is a flattened chamber for the larva." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detrital feeders. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 7737 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Case flat of large leaf pieces with dorsal projection Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7811 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus The immature stages of Anisocentropus pyraloides (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/7/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown 1 Case with 2 pieces of leaves. Dorsal leaf larger forming anterior and lateral dorsal flanges. "Pupal stage last 2-3 wks, submerged and attached to logs/rocks. Emerge 1st wk in May in Georgia." Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Detritivore 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine (2yr) Short-lived; <2wks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 5 24 Clear water 8624 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9149 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9744 Anisocentropus pyraloides Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13220 Anisocentropus spp. Calamoceratidae Anisocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 227 Heteroplectron americanum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case a twig with central cavity. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Larvae ingest leaf fragments. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 258 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case a twig with central cavity. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Larvae ingest leaf fragments. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5809 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7020 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 7738 Heteroplectron spp. Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Oviposit in a few days(?) after emergence, early summer." No Shredder Scraper/grazer "Scraper?, Detritivore" Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days 132-348 eggs. Hatch 12-15 days Unknown 7810 Heteroplectron americanum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Life history and population dynamics of Heteroplectro americanum. Delaware New Castle In all regions where this species occurs 39 29' N "75 41' 30"" W" chm 1/7/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case from hollowed twigs. Pupae attached to solid substrate under water. No Unknown Spring Spring In wet wood In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Egg mass on wet wood, tree roots, and moss on stream bank above and below waterline. Mature pupal females contained egg. Eggs don't survive dessication." Yes Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 1st instar June-5th Dec. Pupa ca. 21 days Mar. Days 2-4 days in lab. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days 387 eggs. Hatch 12 days @ 20C. Unknown 1 1 0 25 Popn growth stopped ca. 1.5C in Jar.; resumed ca. 6.0C in Mar. 7863 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Portable case of hollow out twigs. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 8027 Heteroplectron americanum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8625 Heteroplectron americanum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Georgia Murray chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8707 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge May- Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Feed on dead leaves and decaying wood. 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Slow seasonal Unknown 9150 Heteroplectron americanum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9224 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9379 Heteroplectron californicum Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Case of hollowed-out twig. Emerged mid May-late June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 13221 Heteroplectron spp. Calamoceratidae Heteroplectron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 260 Phylloicus aeneus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Arizona Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Cases made of bark, wood, or stout leaves." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume filamentous algae and vascular plant tissue (detritus). 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Prior to pupation larve fix case to logs/rocks. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 261 Phylloicus ornatus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Texas Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Cases made of bark, wood, or stout leaves." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Prior to pupation larve fix case to logs/rocks. Unknown 1788 Phylloicus ornatus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus "The genus Phylloicus Müller in the United States, with a redescription of Phylloicus ornatus" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 30 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Case flattened and straight, consisting for top and bottom halves fastened together along the edges. Made of pieces of bark, wood, or leaves." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1789 Phylloicus spp. Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Revision of the neotrophical caddisfly genus Phylloicus Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases flattened, made using several leaf pieces cut into ovals." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Live in still backwater pools of rivers and streams. Unknown Unknown 1790 Phylloicus aeneus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Revision of the neotrophical caddisfly genus Phylloicus Texas Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 1524 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases flattened, made using several leaf pieces cut into ovals." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Live in still backwater pools of rivers and streams. Unknown Unknown 1791 Phylloicus mexicanus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Revision of the neotrophical caddisfly genus Phylloicus Arizona Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 1645 2879 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases flattened, made using several leaf pieces cut into ovals." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Live in still backwater pools of rivers and streams. Unknown Unknown 2751 Phylloicus spp. Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Leaf bases of bromeliads Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus. 1 Survive in leaf bases of bromeliads in detritus. Unknown Unknown 5474 Phylloicus ornatus Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Life history and case-building behavior of Phylloicus ornatus Texas "Bandera, Kerr" JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Yes Scraper/grazer Shredder 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 120 d 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 1 12 28 7739 Phylloicus spp. Calamoceratidae Phylloicus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case a flat tube with large leaf and bark pieces and dorsal projection Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler ? Unknown Unknown 371 Calopteryx aequabilis Calopterygidae Calopteryx Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 49 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 372 Calopteryx amata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 373 Calopteryx dimidiata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 48 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 2228 Calopteryx aequabilis Calopterygidae Calopteryx "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2883 Calopteryx aequabilis Calopterygidae Calopteryx "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2884 Calopteryx spp. Calopterygidae Calopteryx "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2885 Calopteryx dimidiata Calopterygidae Calopteryx "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2886 Calopteryx maculata Calopterygidae Calopteryx "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Headwater Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3275 Calopteryx spp. Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1-2 years for larval development. 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 4510 Calopteryx aequabilis Calopterygidae Calopteryx Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7037 Calopteryx aequabilis Calopterygidae Calopteryx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Female submerge entirely to depth of 30cm or more to oviposit. Submerged as long as 30 min. Unknown Unknown Unknown 7791 Calopteryx spp. Calopterygidae Calopteryx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12668 Calopteryx spp. Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12706 Calopteryx maculata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposition averages 13.4 min with mate guarding by male. Mate as often as 5 times/day. Oviposit in aquatic veg just beneath the suface of the water. Unknown Days Predator "Feed on plankters, oligochaetes, daphniids." Unknown Slow seasonal Mature in 1yr or less. 11-12 instars. Overwinters. Weeks Adults 16-20 days; 47days max. Male territorial. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks 1810eggs/female. Hatch 26-29d. Unknown 12707 Calopteryx maculata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults collected yr round. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12709 Calopteryx dimidiata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults found late Feb-early Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12754 Calopteryx amata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults found mid-May-early Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12755 Calopteryx dimidiata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults found early Apr-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12756 Calopteryx maculata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults found early Apr-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12757 Calopteryx amata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. West Virginia chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adult collected in July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12758 Calopteryx amata Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adult collected in 3 Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12760 Calopteryx spp. Calopterygidae Calopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 375 Hetaerina titia Calopterygidae Hetaerina Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 43 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Clinger 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 395 Hetaerina vulnerata Calopterygidae Hetaerina Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 46 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Clinger 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 2229 Hetaerina americana Calopterygidae Hetaerina "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2887 Hetaerina titia Calopterygidae Hetaerina "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3278 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1-2 years for larval development. 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 7792 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11086 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 12089 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12669 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12708 Hetaerina spp. Calopterygidae Hetaerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected April-Oct. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Copulation <5min. Obligatory underwater oviposition with female under for as long as 30min. Males guard ovipositing female. Unknown Days 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Nymphs overwinter in NC. Male territorial. Unknown 12759 Hetaerina americana Calopterygidae Hetaerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Adults collected yr round in South and ~3mths in North. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12761 Hetaerina titia Calopterygidae Hetaerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6541 Barbicambarus cornutus Cambaridae Barbicambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 Found under large rocks. 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6539 Cambarellus spp. Cambaridae Cambarellus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 22.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 8160 Cambarellus spp. Cambaridae Cambarellus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6554 Cambarus bartoni Cambaridae Cambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6555 Cambarus carolinus Cambaridae Cambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Swampy pastures and fields Other Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Burrower "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6556 Cambarus diogenes Cambaridae Cambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Wet fields and marshy areas Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Burrower "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6557 Cambarus robustus Cambaridae Cambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 7881 Cambarus robustus Cambaridae Cambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on algae. Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 25-128 eggs/female; mean 65. Unknown 1 1 8162 Cambarus spp. Cambaridae Cambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 "Seep, Cave" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 8171 Cambarus bartonii Cambaridae Cambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. West Virginia chm 1/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal 5yr life span. Unknown 1 11875 Cambarus bartoni Cambaridae Cambarus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11876 Cambarus robustus Cambaridae Cambarus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8163 Fallicambarus spp. Cambaridae Fallicambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6542 Faxonella spp. Cambaridae Faxonella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 8161 Faxonella spp. Cambaridae Faxonella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6547 Orconectes immunis Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Burrower "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6548 Orconectes limosus Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6549 Orconectes propinquus Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 Found especially on stony substrates. 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6550 Orconectes obscurus Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6551 Orconectes rusticus Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6552 Orconectes neglectus Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown Clear water 6553 Orconectes virilis Cambaridae Orconectes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 7880 Orconectes immunis Cambaridae Orconectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 Ditch Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 7883 Orconectes virilis Cambaridae Orconectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Wisconsin chm 1/26/2005 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 29-195 eggs/female; mean 139. Unknown 1 1 8157 Orconectes spp. Cambaridae Orconectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 1 1 Caves Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown "Feed on plant detritus, filamentous algae, small amt of animal matter." 1 Unknown Unknown 8167 Orconectes rusticus Cambaridae Orconectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Wisconsin chm 1/27/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Herbivore. Feed on snails. 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 75-351 eggs/female; mean 162. Unknown 8168 Orconectes propinquus Cambaridae Orconectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Wisconsin chm 1/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Feed on algae, periphyton, charophytes, invertebrates, and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)." 1 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 26-195 eggs/female; mean 69. Unknown 6543 Procambarus clarki Cambaridae Procambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6544 Procambarus acutus Cambaridae Procambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6545 Procambarus simulans Cambaridae Procambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Burrower "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6546 Procambarus gracilis Cambaridae Procambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Burrower "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown Silted/murky water 8156 Procambarus spp. Cambaridae Procambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 1 1 "Seep, Caves" Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8169 Procambarus clarkii Cambaridae Procambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on snails (Physa sp, Helisoma sp.)" Unknown Unknown 8170 Procambarus paeninsulanus Cambaridae Procambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Max. popn density in acidic waters. Unknown Unknown 1 1 8172 Procambarus spiculifer Cambaridae Procambarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Georgia chm 1/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6540 Troglocambarus maclanei Cambaridae Troglocambarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6530 Cambaridae Cambaridae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Climber Swimmer "Undisturbed, crayfish walk or climb over surfaces. When alarmed, they dart backward by using the tail fan; they may leave the substrate and move through the water for short distances." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 8166 Cambaridae Cambaridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Oviposition in spring or early summer. Spermatophores (sperm plug) carried for 6-7mths. Eggs carried on ventral side of female's abdomen. Eggs attached by glair (sticky mucilage). Eggs carried by females 2-20 wks depending on temp. and season. Yes Burrower Unknown 3rd instar complete in 4-12days. Mature 6-10molts. Months 2.5-3yrs. 1 up to 600-700 in some spp. Unknown 6365 Cambarincola spp. Cambarincolidae Cambarincola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.25 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6358 Ceratodrilus spp. Cambarincolidae Ceratodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6364 Ellisodrilus spp. Cambarincolidae Ellisodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6361 Magmatodrilus obscurus Cambarincolidae Magmatodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6357 Oedipodrilus spp. Cambarincolidae Oedipodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6366 Pterodrilus spp. Cambarincolidae Pterodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6363 Sathodrilus spp. Cambarincolidae Sathodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6362 Tettodrilus friaufi Cambarincolidae Tettodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Tennessee Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 6360 Triannulata magna Cambarincolidae Triannulata Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 14286 Canaceoides nudatus Canacidae Canaceoides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Hawaii chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Pupate on algal mats. Unknown Yes Algal mats Unknown Saprophytic and feed on algae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7461 Nocticanace spp. Canacidae Nocticanace An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 Marine Intertidal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Burrower 1 "Beach, Intertidal" Unknown Unknown 6795 Procanace spp. Canacidae Procanace An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/1/2004 1 Marine intertidal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Burrower 1 "Beach, Intertidal" Unknown Unknown 6857 Canacidae Canacidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Tubular Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14285 Canacidae Canacidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 Intertidal marine Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Caudal respiratory tube. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 54 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 55 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 746 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi Marshall JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 747 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2042 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Remarkable sympatry in the winter stoneflies Allocapnia indianae and A. ohioensis Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14 27 2086 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A new Allocapnia from Virginia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) Virginia Wythe JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2116 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "New species of winter stoneflies of the genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2117 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "New species of winter stoneflies, genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2121 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia New records of Allocapnia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) from Mississippi and Louisiana Mississippi JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2122 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A new Allocapnia from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) West Virginia JBM 7/20/2004 1 427 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2124 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Three new species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from the Ozark-Ouachita mountain region Arkansas "Searcy, Van Buren" JBM 7/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2132 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Notes on the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 579 1737 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2133 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Allocapnia simmonsi, a new species of winter stonefly (Plecoptera: Capniidae)" Virginia Montgomery JBM 7/20/2004 1 579 579 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2139 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Two new sister species of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2140 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Two new Allocapnia from Eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 1 1 183 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2201 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia "The classification, evolution, and dispersal of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2202 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia "The classification, evolution, and dispersal of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2203 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "New species of winter stoneflies of the genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3321 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on algae and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Adults can be found crawling on ice and snow near streams. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Spend spring/summer as diapausing larvae. Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 3635 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3700 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3738 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3739 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3740 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3845 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder 1 1 1 "mesolichtophilous mesoxyphilous rheobiontic" Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Weeks Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3846 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder 1 1 1 1 1 "eulichtophilous rheobiontic saprophobic euoxyphilous" Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Weeks 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3847 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown eulichtophilous Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3926 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3927 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas Denton JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4007 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Roberts JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4022 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4023 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4141 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4142 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4160 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4161 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4273 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4515 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota Ransom JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4523 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4524 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4525 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4651 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas Cherokee JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4704 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4745 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4791 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4792 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4807 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4860 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4861 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4868 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Allegany, Garrett" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4885 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Greene JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4886 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4988 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Adams JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5005 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5036 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5037 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5038 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5039 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5066 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5098 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5157 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5158 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5159 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5181 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 5182 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 5183 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 5205 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia "Feeding and longevity of the winter stonefly, Allocapnia granulata (Claassen)" Indiana Warren JBM 11/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Weeks Unknown 5234 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5414 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5415 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5416 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5625 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Confirmation of the pygmy snowfly, Allocapnia pygmaea (Burmeister) (Plecoptera: Capniidae)" North Dakota Sargent JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6029 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6111 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia "Postdiapause instar discrimination and life history of the Capniid Stonefly, Allocapnia granulata" Indiana Warren RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 leaf packs Unknown 5 instars with nymphal diapause Unknown 6706 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Unknown Unknown 7902 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9446 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9447 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9448 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9449 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9450 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10441 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10442 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10443 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Adams RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10444 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Owen RAT 2/1/2005 1 Waterfall Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10503 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10504 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10505 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Franklin RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10506 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10507 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 10508 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Wabaunsee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 10652 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10653 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Atokya RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10654 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10655 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Comanche RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10656 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Craig RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10657 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Garvin RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10658 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10659 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Hughes RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10660 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Johnston RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10661 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10662 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Leflore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10663 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10664 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Murray RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10665 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10666 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10667 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10668 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10669 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10703 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10704 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10705 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Kansas Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10706 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Craig RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10707 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Osage RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10714 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10715 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10716 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10717 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10718 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10719 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Atoka RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10720 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10721 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Choctaw RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10722 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10723 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10724 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Mayes RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10725 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10726 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10727 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10728 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10736 Allocapnia sandersoni Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10737 Allocapnia sandersoni Capniidae Allocapnia Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10919 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10920 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11066 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11174 Allocapnia vivipara Capniidae Allocapnia "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults were found on rocks and leafs within 10 feet of the stream Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 11175 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults were found on rocks and leafs within 10 feet of the stream Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11706 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "45 58' 10""N" "74 00' 00""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 117 483 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Weeks "Eggs collected,nymphs diapause" Unknown 12860 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore 1 Unknown Unknown 12883 Allocapnia granulata Capniidae Allocapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Oviposit in site of high humidity in Mar and Apr. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 12885 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Nov-mid Mar. Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12945 Allocapnia spp. Capniidae Allocapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 56 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 58 Capnia nigra Capniidae Capnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 769 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1520 3859 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2035 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Systematics and distribution of the winter stonefly genus Capnia in North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 1 1 2011 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2036 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Capnia caryi, an interesting new species of winter stonefly from the American Southwest" Desert Southwest JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 2399 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10 2037 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New winter stoneflies of the genus Capnia with notes and an annotated checklist In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1615 3108 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2078 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2083 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Three new species of Capnia from Colorado Colorado JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2084 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia A new species of Capnia from Utah (Plecoptera) Utah JBM 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2085 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Systematics of the Capnia californica species group Oregon Lane JBM 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2112 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1328 1328 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2131 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "New Capnia from the Rocky Mountains (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 1 1066 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2135 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New stoneflies and records from the Pacific Coast of the United States Oregon Baker JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2143 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 1 1 1470 2249 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2150 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Some species of Capnia from western North America (Plecoptera) JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2151 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Four new stoneflies from California and Oregon Nevada Douglas JBM 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2189 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New Capnias from Utah (Plecoptera) Utah "Beaver, Washington" JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2190 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New California Plecoptera California JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2194 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New California Plecoptera California Santa Clara JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2196 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New winter stoneflies (Plecoptera: Capniidae) from the Coast Range of California California Humboldt JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2198 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Capnia licina Jewett: A description of the adult female and redescription of the male Washington Whatcom JBM 7/21/2004 1 1269 1269 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3686 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1249 1519 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3691 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1974 2864 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3786 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3803 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3890 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3910 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 960 1229 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 3963 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Geographical and seasonal occurence of winter stoneflies of the Southern Sierra Nevada California 1986-1992 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1295 3298 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3976 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3990 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4095 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4162 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4216 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4230 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4347 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Factors affecting wing length and emergence in the winter stonefly Capnia nana In all regions where this species occurs JBM 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4356 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 881 1974 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4398 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4427 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Three stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Cape Thompson, Alaska" Alaska JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4428 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Three stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Cape Thompson, Alaska" Alaska JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4432 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New stoneflies from California and Oregon Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4436 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4484 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4527 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4566 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 1485 2232 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4588 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4597 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2102 3218 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4696 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 4808 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine Piscataquis JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4845 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4939 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 1524 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4976 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5017 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho Boise JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5153 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5180 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown herbivorous 1 Unknown Unknown 5268 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7288 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 10152 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10'N 132 07'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10153 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 43'N 132 54'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10154 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10155 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10'N 132 07'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10156 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56'N 131 56'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10157 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 near a waterfall 609 1706 Unknown Adults collected on snow Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10621 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Wyoming RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10622 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10623 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10624 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon Lincoln RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10625 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon Benton RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10626 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10640 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Utah Utah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10641 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Wyoming Platte RAT 2/7/2005 1 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10642 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Montana Lincoln RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10643 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Oregon Columbia RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10644 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Oregon Josephine RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10645 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Oregon Benton RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10823 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 10981 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11442 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11707 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "47 03' 50""N" "70 53' 00""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 15 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown nymphs diapause Unknown 11993 Capnia spp. Capniidae Capnia Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 7295 Capnura spp. Capniidae Capnura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 60 Eucapnopsis spp. Capniidae Eucapnopsis Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 61 Eucapnopsis stigmatica Capniidae Eucapnopsis Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 770 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2080 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2113 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2130 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis "New Capnia from the Rocky Mountains (Plecoptera, Capniidae)" JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2146 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico "Grant, Catron" JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 1554 2349 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3808 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3809 Eucapnopsis spp. Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3891 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 3108 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3911 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 960 960 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 3964 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Geographical and seasonal occurence of winter stoneflies of the Southern Sierra Nevada California JBM 8/31/2004 1 2895 3093 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4096 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4121 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 2115 2879 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4163 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4215 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4231 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4349 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4357 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 963 2057 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4437 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4485 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4589 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1554 2349 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4598 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2956 2956 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4847 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4941 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5276 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6063 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 823 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7289 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10158 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 waterfall Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10620 Eucapnopsis brevicauda Capniidae Eucapnopsis II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12096 Eucapnopsis spp. Capniidae Eucapnopsis The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 62 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Unknown Vertical cercal swimming fringe Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 64 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Vertical cercal swimming fringe Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 771 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2081 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2082 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2114 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2115 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2118 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "The species of Isocapnia Banks (Insecta, Plecoptera, Nemouridae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2119 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "The species of Isocapnia Banks (Insecta, Plecoptera, Nemouridae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 1 612 612 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2149 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico Catron JBM 7/22/2004 1 1690 1690 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3684 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1519 1519 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3810 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3811 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3861 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 3912 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1049 1049 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 3913 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1229 1229 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 3991 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3992 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4097 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4122 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1859 2218 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4164 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Lawrence JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4232 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4233 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4358 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 957 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4359 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 948 2194 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4396 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2209 2209 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4422 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Studies on Utah stoneflies (Plecoptera). Utah JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4486 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4487 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4591 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1789 2285 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4698 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4942 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4943 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5154 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5156 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5277 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5627 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia "The holarctic winter stonefly genus Isocapnia, with an emphasis on the North American fauna" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 0 2999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5628 Isocapnia grandis Capniidae Isocapnia "The holarctic winter stonefly genus Isocapnia, with an emphasis on the North American fauna" Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 0 2999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7290 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10159 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 26'N 132 45'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10160 Isocapnia spp. Capniidae Isocapnia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 65 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Rocky Mountains Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 66 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 67 Mesocapnia porrecta Capniidae Mesocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 68 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Yes 772 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado "Larimer, Pueblo" JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2038 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia The Capnia projecta complex of Western North America (Plecoptera: Capniidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2039 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia The Capnia projecta complex of Western North America (Plecoptera: Capniidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2040 Mesocapnia porrecta Capniidae Mesocapnia The Capnia projecta complex of Western North America (Plecoptera: Capniidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2041 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The Capnia projecta complex of Western North America (Plecoptera: Capniidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2079 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2120 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia A new species of Capnia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) from Arizona Arizona "Gila, Yavapai" JBm 7/20/2004 1 1219 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2144 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 1 1293 2054 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2145 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 1 1469 2349 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2153 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2197 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia New winter stoneflies (Plecoptera: Capniidae) from the Coast Range of California California JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3685 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3804 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3805 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3914 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3915 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3928 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas Randall JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3965 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Geographical and seasonal occurence of winter stoneflies of the Southern Sierra Nevada California JBM 8/31/2004 1 899 999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3977 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4123 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1859 2101 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4124 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1904 2148 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4217 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4218 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4360 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 975 1158 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4488 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4489 Mesocapnia oenone Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Summer Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4490 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4526 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4567 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 1292 2054 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4568 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1469 2349 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4844 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 366 366 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4940 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5137 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7291 Mesocapnia spp. Capniidae Mesocapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11110 Mesocapnia frisoni Capniidae Mesocapnia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 69 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 724 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Escambia JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 748 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi "Simpson, Wilkinson" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4279 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4672 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5089 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7292 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9451 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10445 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12886 Nemocapnia spp. Capniidae Nemocapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in Mar. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 70 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 71 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal summer diapause Unknown 160 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 161 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Weeks "Ovipos. Late April, hatch May." No Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 773 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2123 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Studies on the Plecoptera of North America: VIII. The identity of the species of Paracapnia Massachusetts JBM 7/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2134 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia New stoneflies and records from the Pacific Coast of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2152 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Four new stoneflies from California and Oregon Oregon JBM 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2154 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2199 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Four new stoneflies from California and Oregon Oregon JBM 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3322 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on algae and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Adults can be found crawling on ice and snow near streams. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 3638 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4024 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4159 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4165 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4285 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4491 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4528 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4529 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4587 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Months Unknown 4746 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4809 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4887 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Centre JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4888 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania "Cambria, Northumberl" JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5065 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5417 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Randolph, Webster" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5418 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6030 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6875 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Ontario. Unknown 7293 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9452 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10921 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11177 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11523 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "46 01' 39""N" "74 03' 50""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 322 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11524 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "45 58' 10""N" "74 00' 00""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 1 322 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Adults are brachypterous No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11902 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12457 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12884 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge in Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12887 Paracapnia angulata Capniidae Paracapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12944 Paracapnia spp. Capniidae Paracapnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in Feb and Mar. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 162 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 4/9/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 163 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Alaska Marci Koski 4/9/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2127 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Systematic notes and generic placement of Utacapnia nedia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2128 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia The Capnia columbiana complex of North America (Capniidae: Plecoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 0 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2129 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia The Capnia columbiana complex of North America (Capniidae: Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 1 457 2438 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2141 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2142 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Geographic and seasonal distribution of the family Capniidae of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2193 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia New California Plecoptera California Nevada JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3806 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3807 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1066 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3860 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3892 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2590 2834 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3916 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 689 1229 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3966 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Geographical and seasonal occurence of winter stoneflies of the Southern Sierra Nevada California JBM 8/31/2004 1 2148 2148 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4094 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4125 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 2115 2721 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4166 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4229 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4361 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 1025 1025 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4362 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 945 1197 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4399 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4423 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Studies on Utah stoneflies (Plecoptera). Utah Uintah JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4492 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 0 1524 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4493 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1066 2590 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4699 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4846 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 2072 2072 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4938 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5155 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5270 Utacapnia columbiana Capniidae Utacapnia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7294 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11092 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11995 Utacapnia spp. Capniidae Utacapnia Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 3313 Capniidae Capniidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on algae and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Adults can be found crawling on ice and snow near streams. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Yes 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 7058 Capniidae Capniidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Emerge winter and spring Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Larvae diapause in summer. Unknown 11729 Capniidae Capniidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11994 Capniidae Capniidae Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12882 Capniidae Capniidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7070 Thalassotrechus spp. Carabidae Thalassotrechus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 Marine rocky coasts Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer rock crevice dwellers Unknown Unknown 7376 Thalassotrechus spp. Carabidae Thalassotrechus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 Marine rocky coasts Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer rock crevice dwellers Unknown Unknown 6773 Alluaudomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Alluaudomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfers Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 1 1 Occasionally limnetic Unknown Unknown 14117 Alluaudomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Alluaudomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3632 Atrichopogon spp. Ceratopogonidae Atrichopogon Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tree holes Tubular Unknown "Larvae are very thin and nearly transparent; body covered with long, strong spines or bristles." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Most species have one or more generations per year. Unknown 6771 Atrichopogon spp. Ceratopogonidae Atrichopogon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Lotic-debris jams 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14118 Atrichopogon spp. Ceratopogonidae Atrichopogon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3607 Bezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Bezzia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Larvae are very thin and nearly transparent. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Found in the profundal mud of lakes. 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Most species have one or more generations per year. Unknown 6774 Bezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Bezzia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfers Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 1 "Profundal, Occassionally limnetic" Unknown Unknown 11981 Bezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Bezzia Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12131 Bezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Bezzia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14119 Bezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Bezzia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5990 Brachypogon canadensis Ceratopogonidae Brachypogon A new species of Brachypogon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 77 43' W 46 24' N RAT 11/8/2004 1 Wetland / Marsh Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Weeks Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 7436 Clinohelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Clinohelea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6845 Culicoides spp. Ceratopogonidae Culicoides An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marine Shores Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Engulfers Burrower Planktonic tree holes 1 1 Marine shores Unknown Unknown 1 14120 Culicoides spp. Ceratopogonidae Culicoides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6770 Dasyhelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Dasyhelea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 "tree holes, rock pools" 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 14121 Dasyhelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Dasyhelea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6772 Forcipomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Forcipomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 11/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 14122 Forcipomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Forcipomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7437 Jenkinshelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Jenkinshelea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14123 Jenkinshelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Jenkinshelea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7438 Johannsenomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Johannsenomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14124 Johannsenomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Johannsenomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6731 Mallochohelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Mallochohelea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfers Burrower Planktonic 1 Unknown Unknown 14125 Mallochohelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Mallochohelea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14126 Monohelea spp. Ceratopogonidae Monohelea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7439 Nilobezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Nilobezzia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Unknown Unknown 1 1 3606 Palpomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Palpomyia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Larvae are very thin and nearly transparent. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Found in the profundal mud of lakes. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Most species have one or more generations per year. Unknown 6732 Palpomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Palpomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Engulfer Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 1 1 1 Profundal and Occasionally limnetic Unknown Unknown 14127 Palpomyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Palpomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3608 Probezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Probezzia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Larvae are very thin and nearly transparent. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Found in the profundal mud of lakes. 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Most species have one or more generations per year. Unknown 6733 Probezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Probezzia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14128 Probezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Probezzia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7440 Serromyia spp. Ceratopogonidae Serromyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6734 Sphaeromias spp. Ceratopogonidae Sphaeromias An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Engulfer Burrower Planktonic 1 1 1 1 Occasionally Limnetic Unknown Unknown 14129 Sphaeromias spp. Ceratopogonidae Sphaeromias Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7441 Stilobezzia spp. Ceratopogonidae Stilobezzia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 3588 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tree holes Tubular Unknown Larvae are very thin and nearly transparent. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Most species have one or more generations per year. Unknown 7216 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Pupae-Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10264 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Biting Midge in Utah Utah RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10931 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11369 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12181 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14116 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Retractile filamentous gills protruding from caudal endof the last abdominal segment. Unknown Unknown Algal mats In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Pupae 3-5 days. Unknown 1 1 1 3610 Chaoborus spp. Chaoboridae Chaoborus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Transparent. Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Some larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Prey on small insects and crustacea. 1 1 1 1 "Occur in sublittoral and profundal zones of lakes, and are common in limnetic areas of lakes." Unknown 1 Generation per year "Adults are ""short-lived""." Unknown 6009 Chaoborus spp. Chaoboridae Chaoborus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 prefers the silty bottoms of deep part of lake (profundal) Unknown Unknown 6715 Chaoborus spp. Chaoboridae Chaoborus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Temporary bogs Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer, Engulfer (Mainly microcrustaces" Sprawler Planktonic "Day-Sprawler Night-Planktonic" 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11394 Chaoborus spp. Chaoboridae Chaoborus Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Prey on zooplankton using vibrational cues 1 1 migrate from the bed substrate to the pelagic zonein day versus night to hunt and avoid being hunted by fishes Unknown Unknown 14090 Chaoborus spp. Chaoboridae Chaoborus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Planktonic Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 6716 Eucorethra spp. Chaoboridae Eucorethra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer Planktonic 1 1 For Feeding Unknown Unknown 3609 Mochlonyx spp. Chaoboridae Mochlonyx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Snowmelt pools Tubular Unknown Transparent. Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Some larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Adults emerge shortly after most spring mosquitoes (Aedes spp.). Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Feed mostly on mosquitoes (Aedes spp.). 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Adults are ""short-lived""." Unknown 14091 Mochlonyx spp. Chaoboridae Mochlonyx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3589 Chaoboridae Chaoboridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Transparent. Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Some larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Adults are ""short-lived""." Unknown 6707 Chaoboridae Chaoboridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae and Pupae-Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14089 Chaoboridae Chaoboridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Pupate in water. Unknown Unknown Spring Free-floating Unknown Predator Feed on sm crustaceans and insect larvae. Unknown 4 instar stage. Hours Hatch 20-24 hrs. Unknown 6576 Chappuisides spp. Chappuisididae Chappuisides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Wyoming Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 In gravel bars. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 3213 Chelonarium spp. Chelonariidae Chelonarium Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12381 Chelonarium spp. Chelonariidae Chelonarium Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Yes Unknown 14061 Chelonarium spp. Chelonariidae Chelonarium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Terrestial? Unknown Weeks 2wks-1mth Unknown 14062 Chelonarium spp. Chelonariidae Chelonarium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "Possibly terrestial; found on plants (orchids, under tree bark, woody plant) associated with ants and termites." 1 Unknown Unknown 6940 Ablabesmyia spp. Chironomidae Ablabesmyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer and Piercer of Rotifera, Microcrustacea, Chironomidae" Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11335 Ablabesmyia spp. Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11927 Ablabesmyia spp. Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14164 Ablabesmyia annulata Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14165 Ablabesmyia mallochi Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14166 Ablabesmyia rhamphe Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14167 Ablabesmyia spp. Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6974 Acricotopus spp. Chironomidae Acricotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6929 Alotanypus spp. Chironomidae Alotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Sprawler Unknown Unknown 7105 Apedilum spp. Chironomidae Apedilum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6930 Apsectrotanypus spp. Chironomidae Apsectrotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Chironomidae Burrower Sprawler Unknown Unknown 6941 Arctopelopia spp. Chironomidae Arctopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Rocky Mountains chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfers Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12132 Arctopelopia spp. Chironomidae Arctopelopia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13878 Arctopelopia spp. Chironomidae Arctopelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7106 Axarus spp. Chironomidae Axarus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7107 Beardius spp. Chironomidae Beardius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3102 Bethbilbeckia spp. Chironomidae Bethbilbeckia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 blackwater streams Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3114 Boreochlus spp. Chironomidae Boreochlus "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 in moss Unknown Unknown 1 5746 Boreochlus spp. Chironomidae Boreochlus "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6960 Boreochlus spp. Chironomidae Boreochlus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 6962 Boreoheptagyia spp. Chironomidae Boreoheptagyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler Clinger 1 1 Mountains Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10213 Boreoheptagyia spp. Chironomidae Boreoheptagyia Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3117 Brillia spp. Chironomidae Brillia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Shredder "some mine in wood, others eat leaves" Unknown Unknown Clear water 6975 Brillia spp. Chironomidae Brillia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "Detrivore, chewer" Burrower Sprawler Miner 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11317 Brillia flavifrons Chironomidae Brillia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12004 Brillia spp. Chironomidae Brillia Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 14170 Brillia flavifrons Chironomidae Brillia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14171 Brillia spp. Chironomidae Brillia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3103 Brundiniella eumorpha Chironomidae Brundiniella "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer large sand grains in gut Unknown Unknown 6931 Brundiniella spp. Chironomidae Brundiniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Protozoa, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Tardigrada, Hydracarina, Chironomidae" Burrower Sprawler Unknown Unknown 6976 Bryophaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Bryophaenocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14172 Bryophaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Bryophaenocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2875 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 6977 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of black fly larvae Burrower Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8315 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius Cardiocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae ectoparasitic on pupae of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera). Virginia Louisa "Sept 4, 1977 and June 12, 1978" chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on pupal Hydropsyche and Cheumatopsyche; egg, larvae, pupal of Simulium." Unknown Unknown 10214 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator feed on simulid larvae 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11775 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14173 Cardiocladius spp. Chironomidae Cardiocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2876 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) miner in wood Unknown Unknown Clear water 6978 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11318 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11776 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12028 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14174 Chaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Chaetocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7108 Chernovskiia spp. Chironomidae Chernovskiia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14203 Chernovskiia spp. Chironomidae Chernovskiia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5460 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus Five new Chironomidae (Diptera) from Florida Florida JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5732 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus "The biology of Chironomus plumosus (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin" Wisconsin JBM 11/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Floating debris Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Strong (active / often) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Days No 5 21 7078 Chironomus plumosus Chironomidae Chironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Floating debris "Oviposit 2-5 days after emergence, mid May and July-Sept. Hatch 3 days @24C and 14 days @ 9C." Unknown 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Larvae remain on egg mass for 1 day after hatching "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Days 1154-2014eggs. Hatch 3days@24C Unknown 7109 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Few collector-filterer, Herbivore" Burrower Miner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Profundal-2 yr life cycle; Shallow water-1 yr Unknown 8137 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9518 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 11292 Chironomus plumosus Chironomidae Chironomus "Trophic Interactions among detritus, benthic midges, and predatory fish in a freshwater marsh." New York 43 N 53 W RAT 4/4/2005 1 Marsh Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Other (specify in comments) Detritivore 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11293 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus "Trophic Interactions among detritus, benthic midges, and predatory fish in a freshwater marsh." New York RAT 4/4/2005 1 Marsh Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Other (specify in comments) Detritivore 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11774 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11936 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12145 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14204 Chironomus plumosus Chironomidae Chironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14205 Chironomus spp. Chironomidae Chironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7110 Cladopelma spp. Chironomidae Cladopelma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7118 Cladotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Cladotanytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7164 Cladotanytarsus mancus Chironomidae Cladotanytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 11267 Cladotanytarsus mancus Chironomidae Cladotanytarsus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 56-182 days Unknown 11960 Cladotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Cladotanytarsus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12151 Cladotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Cladotanytarsus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3104 Clinotanypus spp. Chironomidae Clinotanypus "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6927 Clinotanypus spp. Chironomidae Clinotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Chironomidae" Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13879 Clinotanypus spp. Chironomidae Clinotanypus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6011 Coelotanypus spp. Chironomidae Coelotanypus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 Prefers mud substrate Unknown Unknown 6928 Coelotanypus spp. Chironomidae Coelotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Oligochaeta, Cladocera, Chironomidae" Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 13880 Coelotanypus spp. Chironomidae Coelotanypus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3105 Conchapelopia aleta Chironomidae Conchapelopia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 in moss 1 Unknown Unknown 6942 Conchapelopia spp. Chironomidae Conchapelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer and Piercer of Chironomidae, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera" Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11336 Conchapelopia spp. Chironomidae Conchapelopia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13881 Conchapelopia rurika Chironomidae Conchapelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13882 Conchapelopia aleta Chironomidae Conchapelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7119 Constempellina spp. Chironomidae Constempellina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6972 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer some instar 1 planktonic Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 7-8 generation/yr in NC. Unknown 9627 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10222 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10929 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11081 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11319 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11777 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12029 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12138 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14175 Corynoneura spp. Chironomidae Corynoneura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2877 Cricotopus nostocicola Chironomidae Cricotopus "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 live within Nostoc algal disks Unknown Unknown Clear water 5458 Cricotopus bicinctus Chironomidae Cricotopus Life histories of Cricotopus (Cricotopus) bicinctus and C. (C.) mackenziensis Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 20 6013 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6979 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Herbivores, hewers" Clinger Burrower "Miners, Some instar 1 planktonic" 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year ~30 generation/yr in AZ based on larval growth rates obtained from in situ measurements. Unknown 7165 Cricotopus bicinctus Chironomidae Cricotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Trivoltine. Unknown 7166 Cricotopus trifascia Chironomidae Cricotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Unknown 7865 Cricotopus nostocicola Chironomidae Cricotopus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Algae-Nostoc parameliodides. Unknown Unknown 9625 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11272 Cricotopus bicinctus Chironomidae Cricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 98-210 days Unknown 11273 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 168-154 days Unknown 11274 Cricotopus trifascia Chironomidae Cricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 112-224 days Unknown 11320 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11778 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11988 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12030 Cricotopus bicinctus Chironomidae Cricotopus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12031 Cricotopus sylvestris Chironomidae Cricotopus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12032 Cricotopus trifascia Chironomidae Cricotopus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12033 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12054 Cricotopus spp. Chironomidae Cricotopus Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14176 Cricotopus bicinctus Chironomidae Cricotopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14177 Cricotopus trifascia Chironomidae Cricotopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6017 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7111 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Protozoa, Microcrustacea, Chironomidae, Piercer of Oligochaeta" Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11082 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11279 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11937 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12146 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14206 Cryptochironomus blarina Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14207 Cryptochironomus sorex Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14208 Cryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Cryptochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7120 Cryptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Cryptotendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14209 Cryptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Cryptotendipes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7121 Cyphomella spp. Chironomidae Cyphomella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7122 Demicryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Demicryptochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 11938 Demicryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Demicryptochironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14210 Demicryptochironomus spp. Chironomidae Demicryptochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6932 Derotanypus spp. Chironomidae Derotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3115 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Diamesinae nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 5513 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California Plumas JBM 12/2/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5514 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6963 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler 1 Uplands and mountains Unknown Unknown 10212 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 glacial streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown "one short bristle instead of procerci, do not make tubes, long prolegs" have a prolonged emergence period Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11270 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 56-168 days Unknown 11779 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11967 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12135 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13902 Diamesa spp. Chironomidae Diamesa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7123 Dicrotendipes spp. Chironomidae Dicrotendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Scraper? Burrower 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year ~30 generation/yr in AZ based on larval growth rates obtained from in situ measurements. Unknown 10930 Dicrotendipes spp. Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11280 Dicrotendipes neomodestus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11939 Dicrotendipes fumidus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11940 Dicrotendipes modestus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11941 Dicrotendipes neomodestus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11942 Dicrotendipes nervosus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12147 Dicrotendipes spp. Chironomidae Dicrotendipes The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14211 Dicrotendipes fumidus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14212 Dicrotendipes modestus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14213 Dicrotendipes neomodestus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14214 Dicrotendipes nervosus Chironomidae Dicrotendipes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6980 Diplocladius spp. Chironomidae Diplocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Gatherer? Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11780 Diplocladius spp. Chironomidae Diplocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12034 Diplocladius spp. Chironomidae Diplocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14178 Diplocladius cultriger Chironomidae Diplocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6937 Djalmabatista spp. Chironomidae Djalmabatista An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Unknown Unknown 13883 Djalmabatista spp. Chironomidae Djalmabatista Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11321 Doncricotopus bicaudatus Chironomidae Doncricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7124 Einfeldia spp. Chironomidae Einfeldia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14215 Einfeldia spp. Chironomidae Einfeldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7125 Endochironomus spp. Chironomidae Endochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-filterer "Collector-gatherer, Herbivore, Chewer of Macroalgae" Clinger Planktonic "Miner, Instar 1 planktonic" 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11281 Endochironomus spp. Chironomidae Endochironomus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11943 Endochironomus spp. Chironomidae Endochironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14216 Endochironomus spp. Chironomidae Endochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14217 Endochironomus subtendens Chironomidae Endochironomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7126 Endotribelos spp. Chironomidae Endotribelos An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2878 Epoicocladius spp. Chironomidae Epoicocladius "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed attached to mayfly gills live on mayflies! Unknown Unknown Clear water 6981 Epoicocladius spp. Chironomidae Epoicocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Parasite "Commensal, Parasite on lotic insect" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10220 Epoicocladius spp. Chironomidae Epoicocladius Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 caves Small (length < 9 mm) 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown found clinging to the gills and legs of Hexagenia recurvata Unknown Unknown 12035 Epoicocladius spp. Chironomidae Epoicocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14179 Epoicocladius spp. Chironomidae Epoicocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2879 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Headwater Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 in moss Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 6982 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Predator/Engulfer of chironomid eggs and larvae Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7167 Eukiefferiella devonica Chironomidae Eukiefferiella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Trivoltine. Unknown 9626 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10215 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11275 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 56-168 days Unknown 11322 Eukiefferiella brehmi Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11781 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11782 Eukiefferiella coerulescens Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11783 Eukiefferiella devonica Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11784 Eukiefferiella gracei Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11990 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12036 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12140 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14180 Eukiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Eukiefferiella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6983 Euryhapsis spp. Chironomidae Euryhapsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3106 Fittkauimyia serta Chironomidae Fittkauimyia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6933 Fittkauimyia spp. Chironomidae Fittkauimyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 12/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6984 Georthocladius spp. Chironomidae Georthocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6018 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Winter Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7127 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-filterer "Collector-gatherer, Chewer, Herbivore," Burrower Clinger "Miner, Net spinner, Instar 1 Planktonic" 1 1 1 1 Rarely depositional 1 Unknown Unknown 11282 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11294 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes "Trophic Interactions among detritus, benthic midges, and predatory fish in a freshwater marsh." New York RAT 4/4/2005 1 Marsh Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Other (specify in comments) Detritivore 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11785 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11944 Glyptotendipes spp. Chironomidae Glyptotendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7128 Goeldichironomus spp. Chironomidae Goeldichironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Stagnant ponds Unknown Unknown 6943 Guttipelopia spp. Chironomidae Guttipelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11928 Guttipelopia spp. Chironomidae Guttipelopia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13884 Guttipelopia spp. Chironomidae Guttipelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6985 Gymnometriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Gymnometriocnemus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Yes Unknown 6986 Halocladius spp. Chironomidae Halocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 12/6/2004 1 Marine Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 Kelp (Fucus) Beach Unknown Unknown 12037 Halocladius spp. Chironomidae Halocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6019 Harnischia spp. Chironomidae Harnischia The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7129 Harnischia spp. Chironomidae Harnischia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Climber Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6944 Hayesomyia spp. Chironomidae Hayesomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6987 Heleniella spp. Chironomidae Heleniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2-3 generation/yr in NC. Unknown 6091 Heterotrissocladius spp. Chironomidae Heterotrissocladius "Chironomidae (Diptera) of Char Lake , Cornwallis Island, N.W.T." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 74 42' N 95 53' W RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 1 oligotrophic lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6988 Heterotrissocladius spp. Chironomidae Heterotrissocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11786 Heterotrissocladius spp. Chironomidae Heterotrissocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12038 Heterotrissocladius spp. Chironomidae Heterotrissocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14181 Heterotrissocladius marcidus Chironomidae Heterotrissocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3107 Hudsonimyia spp. Chironomidae Hudsonimyia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 hygropedic habitats Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 6945 Hudsonimyia spp. Chironomidae Hudsonimyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Hygropetric Unknown Unknown 13885 Hudsonimyia spp. Chironomidae Hudsonimyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6012 Hydrobaenus spp. Chironomidae Hydrobaenus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown body segments with bristles Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Prefers mud substrate 1 Unknown Unknown 6989 Hydrobaenus spp. Chironomidae Hydrobaenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11323 Hydrobaenus pilipes Chironomidae Hydrobaenus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11787 Hydrobaenus spp. Chironomidae Hydrobaenus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14182 Hydrobaenus spp. Chironomidae Hydrobaenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14183 Hydrobaenus pilipes Chironomidae Hydrobaenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7130 Kiefferulus spp. Chironomidae Kiefferulus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown Unknown 11945 Kiefferulus dux (Johannsen) Chironomidae Kiefferulus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7131 Kloosia spp. Chironomidae Kloosia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America South Carolina chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6946 Krenopelopia spp. Chironomidae Krenopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 6990 Krenosmittia spp. Chironomidae Krenosmittia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12039 Krenosmittia spp. Chironomidae Krenosmittia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3108 Labrundinia spp. Chironomidae Labrundinia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6947 Labrundinia spp. Chironomidae Labrundinia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer and Piercer of Oligochaeta, Cladocera, Ostracoda" Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11929 Labrundinia spp. Chironomidae Labrundinia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13886 Labrundinia becki Chironomidae Labrundinia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13887 Labrundinia pilosella Chironomidae Labrundinia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13888 Labrundinia spp. Chironomidae Labrundinia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6948 Larsia spp. Chironomidae Larsia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11930 Larsia spp. Chironomidae Larsia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13889 Larsia spp. Chironomidae Larsia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7132 Lauterborniella spp. Chironomidae Lauterborniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Climber Sprawler "Clinger, Burrowers" 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6991 Limnophyes spp. Chironomidae Limnophyes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Gatherer? Sprawler 1 Macroalgae 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12040 Limnophyes spp. Chironomidae Limnophyes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14184 Limnophyes spp. Chironomidae Limnophyes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7133 Lipiniella spp. Chironomidae Lipiniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6992 Lopescladius spp. Chironomidae Lopescladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6934 Macropelopia spp. Chironomidae Macropelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Protozoa, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Crustacea, Ceratopogonidae, Chironomidae" Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13890 Macropelopia spp. Chironomidae Macropelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3109 Meropelopia flavifrons Chironomidae Meropelopia "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6949 Meropelopia spp. Chironomidae Meropelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6993 Metriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Metriocnemus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Engulfer Burrower Sprawler 1 1 2 Pitcher plant spp. 1 1 1 Oligotrophic lentic Unknown Unknown 10218 Metriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Metriocnemus Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 caves Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11788 Metriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Metriocnemus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14185 Metriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Metriocnemus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7134 Microchironomus spp. Chironomidae Microchironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6094 Micropsectra sedna Chironomidae Micropsectra "Chironomidae (Diptera) of Char Lake , Cornwallis Island, N.W.T." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 74 42' N 95 53' W RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 1 oligotrophic lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown adults rarely fly Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" parthenogenetic adults Unknown 7181 Micropsectra spp. Chironomidae Micropsectra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in NC. Unknown 1 10210 Micropsectra spp. Chironomidae Micropsectra Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 mud Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11961 Micropsectra spp. Chironomidae Micropsectra Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12152 Micropsectra spp. Chironomidae Micropsectra The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7135 Microtendipes spp. Chironomidae Microtendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Collector-gatherer Clinger Net spinner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11946 Microtendipes spp. Chironomidae Microtendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12148 Microtendipes spp. Chironomidae Microtendipes The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6969 Monodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Monodiamesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Gather? Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12024 Monodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Monodiamesa Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6950 Monopelopia spp. Chironomidae Monopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Lotic? Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11931 Monopelopia spp. Chironomidae Monopelopia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13891 Monopelopia boliekae Chironomidae Monopelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13892 Monopelopia spp. Chironomidae Monopelopia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6994 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11324 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11789 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12041 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12141 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14186 Nanocladius distinctus Chironomidae Nanocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14187 Nanocladius minimus Chironomidae Nanocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14188 Nanocladius rectinervis Chironomidae Nanocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14189 Nanocladius spp. Chironomidae Nanocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6939 Natarsia spp. Chironomidae Natarsia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Cladocera, Ostracoda, Copepoda, Ceratopogonidae" Sprawler Unknown Unknown 13893 Natarsia baltimoreus Chironomidae Natarsia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7182 Neozavrelia spp. Chironomidae Neozavrelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3110 Nilotanypus spp. Chironomidae Nilotanypus "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 6951 Nilotanypus spp. Chironomidae Nilotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11932 Nilotanypus spp. Chironomidae Nilotanypus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13894 Nilotanypus spp. Chironomidae Nilotanypus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7168 Nilothauma spp. Chironomidae Nilothauma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11947 Nilothauma spp. Chironomidae Nilothauma Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7183 Nimbocera spp. Chironomidae Nimbocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3116 Odontomesa spp. Chironomidae Odontomesa "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 6970 Odontomesa spp. Chironomidae Odontomesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Gather? Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12137 Odontomesa spp. Chironomidae Odontomesa The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13903 Odontomesa fulva Chironomidae Odontomesa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6995 Oliveridia spp. Chironomidae Oliveridia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Arctic 6092 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius "Chironomidae (Diptera) of Char Lake , Cornwallis Island, N.W.T." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 74 42' N 95 53' W RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 1 oligotrophic lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6996 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Including diatoms Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7864 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 10216 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Unknown 11276 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 84-140 days Unknown 11325 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11326 Orthocladius lignicola Chironomidae Orthocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11328 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11790 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11989 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12005 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12042 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12142 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14190 Orthocladius annectens Chironomidae Orthocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14191 Orthocladius spp. Chironomidae Orthocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6964 Pagastia spp. Chironomidae Pagastia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Unknown 11271 Pagastia spp. Chironomidae Pagastia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 154-168 days Unknown 11791 Pagastia spp. Chironomidae Pagastia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12025 Pagastia spp. Chironomidae Pagastia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12136 Pagastia spp. Chironomidae Pagastia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7169 Pagastiella spp. Chironomidae Pagastiella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6997 Parachaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Parachaetocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11329 Parachaetocladius spp. Chironomidae Parachaetocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7510 Parachironomus spp. Chironomidae Parachironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Parasite in Mollusca, Engulfer" Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11948 Parachironomus spp. Chironomidae Parachironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12149 Parachironomus spp. Chironomidae Parachironomus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6093 Paracladius spp. Chironomidae Paracladius "Chironomidae (Diptera) of Char Lake , Cornwallis Island, N.W.T." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 74 42' N 95 53' W RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 1 oligotrophic lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6998 Paracladius spp. Chironomidae Paracladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wyoming In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12043 Paracladius spp. Chironomidae Paracladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7170 Paracladopelma spp. Chironomidae Paracladopelma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11949 Paracladopelma spp. Chironomidae Paracladopelma Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6999 Parakiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Parakiefferiella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10221 Parakiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Parakiefferiella Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 caves Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11792 Parakiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Parakiefferiella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12044 Parakiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Parakiefferiella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14192 Parakiefferiella spp. Chironomidae Parakiefferiella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7007 Paralimnophyes spp. Chironomidae Paralimnophyes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Alaska chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Arctic Canada 6952 Paramerina spp. Chironomidae Paramerina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 11933 Paramerina spp. Chironomidae Paramerina Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13895 Paramerina spp. Chironomidae Paramerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7008 Parametriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Parametriocnemus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11277 Parametriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Parametriocnemus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 84 days Asynchronous Unknown 11793 Parametriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Parametriocnemus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14193 Parametriocnemus spp. Chironomidae Parametriocnemus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7009 Paraphaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Paraphaenocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Sprawler? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10219 Paraphaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Paraphaenocladius Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 caves Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11794 Paraphaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Paraphaenocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12045 Paraphaenocladius spp. Chironomidae Paraphaenocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7184 Paratanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Paratanytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11283 Paratanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Paratanytarsus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11962 Paratanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Paratanytarsus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12153 Paratanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Paratanytarsus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7172 Paratendipes spp. Chironomidae Paratendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7609 Paratendipes albimanus Chironomidae Paratendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11284 Paratendipes albimanus Chironomidae Paratendipes Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11950 Paratendipes spp. Chironomidae Paratendipes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7010 Paratrichocladius spp. Chironomidae Paratrichocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 6961 Parochlus spp. Chironomidae Parochlus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 7011 Parorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Parorthocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 3111 Pentaneura spp. Chironomidae Pentaneura "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 in moss 1 Unknown Unknown 5743 Pentaneura spp. Chironomidae Pentaneura "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6953 Pentaneura spp. Chironomidae Pentaneura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer and Piercer; Collector of diatom and detritus" Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13896 Pentaneura spp. Chironomidae Pentaneura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7173 Phaenopsectra spp. Chironomidae Phaenopsectra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer? Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 11285 Phaenopsectra spp. Chironomidae Phaenopsectra Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11795 Phaenopsectra spp. Chironomidae Phaenopsectra Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11951 Phaenopsectra spp. Chironomidae Phaenopsectra Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5461 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum Five new Chironomidae (Diptera) from Florida Florida JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6015 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 live at the bottom of the lake Unknown Unknown 7174 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Predator/Engulfer, Collector-filterer?, Herbivore" Climber Clinger Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9628 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11266 Polypedilum convictum Chironomidae Polypedilum Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 60 days Unknown 11286 Polypedilum scalaenum Chironomidae Polypedilum Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11313 Polypedilum fallax Chironomidae Polypedilum Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11952 Polypedilum illinoense Chironomidae Polypedilum Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11953 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11954 Polypedilum fallax Chironomidae Polypedilum Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11955 Polypedilum scalaenum Chironomidae Polypedilum Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12150 Polypedilum spp. Chironomidae Polypedilum The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6965 Potthastia spp. Chironomidae Potthastia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12026 Potthastia spp. Chironomidae Potthastia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13904 Potthastia longimana Chironomidae Potthastia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3112 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 5745 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6010 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6938 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer of Protozoa, Microcrustacea, Ephemeroptera, Ceratopogonidae, Gastrotricha" Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8138 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 11337 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11796 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11934 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13897 Procladius spp. Chironomidae Procladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5512 Prodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Prodiamesa "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California Mono JBM 12/2/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6971 Prodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Prodiamesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11334 Prodiamesa olivacea Chironomidae Prodiamesa Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12027 Prodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Prodiamesa Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14168 Prodiamesa olivacea Chironomidae Prodiamesa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7012 Psectrocladius spp. Chironomidae Psectrocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Herbivore Sprawler Burrower 1 Macroalgae 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11797 Psectrocladius spp. Chironomidae Psectrocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12046 Psectrocladius spp. Chironomidae Psectrocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14194 Psectrocladius spp. Chironomidae Psectrocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14195 Psectrocladius vernalis Chironomidae Psectrocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6935 Psectrotanypus spp. Chironomidae Psectrotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Protozoa, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Crustacea, Trichoptera, Chironomidae" Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 13898 Psectrotanypus spp. Chironomidae Psectrotanypus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6014 Pseudochironomus spp. Chironomidae Pseudochironomus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7117 Pseudochironomus spp. Chironomidae Pseudochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11956 Pseudochironomus spp. Chironomidae Pseudochironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5511 Pseudodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Pseudodiamesa "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 3047 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6090 Pseudodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Pseudodiamesa "Chironomidae (Diptera) of Char Lake , Cornwallis Island, N.W.T." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 74 42' N 95 53' W RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 1 oligotrophic lakes Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6966 Pseudodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Pseudodiamesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 10211 Pseudodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Pseudodiamesa Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 glacial ponds Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown omnivorous-guts full of pollen and Plecoptera remains 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11798 Pseudodiamesa spp. Chironomidae Pseudodiamesa Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7013 Pseudorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Pseudorthocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in NC. Unknown 11330 Pseudorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Pseudorthocladius Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14196 Pseudorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Pseudorthocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7014 Pseudosmittia spp. Chironomidae Pseudosmittia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12047 Pseudosmittia spp. Chironomidae Pseudosmittia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14197 Pseudosmittia spp. Chironomidae Pseudosmittia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6936 Radotanypus spp. Chironomidae Radotanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7096 Rheocricotopus spp. Chironomidae Rheocricotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Herbivore, Chewer, Predator/Engulfer" Sprawler 1 Macroalgae 1 Unknown Unknown 10217 Rheocricotopus spp. Chironomidae Rheocricotopus Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11331 Rheocricotopus robacki Chironomidae Rheocricotopus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11799 Rheocricotopus spp. Chironomidae Rheocricotopus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12048 Rheocricotopus spp. Chironomidae Rheocricotopus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12143 Rheocricotopus spp. Chironomidae Rheocricotopus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14198 Rheocricotopus eminellobus Chironomidae Rheocricotopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6954 Rheopelopia spp. Chironomidae Rheopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer and Piercer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 7097 Rheosmittia spp. Chironomidae Rheosmittia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in Alberta. Unknown 7185 Rheotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Rheotanytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger Net builder 1 Unknown Unknown 11268 Rheotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Rheotanytarsus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 182-154 days Unknown 11963 Rheotanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Rheotanytarsus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7175 Robackia spp. Chironomidae Robackia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7610 Robackia demeijerei Chironomidae Robackia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine? in Alberta. Unknown 11957 Robackia demeijerei Chironomidae Robackia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7176 Saetheria spp. Chironomidae Saetheria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11958 Saetheria tylus Chironomidae Saetheria Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7177 Sergentia spp. Chironomidae Sergentia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7098 Smittia spp. Chironomidae Smittia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Burrower? 1 Yes Unknown 12049 Smittia spp. Chironomidae Smittia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14199 Smittia spp. Chironomidae Smittia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7178 Stelechomyia spp. Chironomidae Stelechomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Lotic? Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7186 Stempellina spp. Chironomidae Stempellina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Climber Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11964 Stempellina spp. Chironomidae Stempellina Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7187 Stempellinella spp. Chironomidae Stempellinella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown Unknown 11314 Stempellinella spp. Chironomidae Stempellinella Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7179 Stenochironomus spp. Chironomidae Stenochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Wood gouger Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11315 Stenochironomus spp. Chironomidae Stenochironomus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7180 Stictochironomus spp. Chironomidae Stictochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Herbivore Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11316 Stictochironomus spp. Chironomidae Stictochironomus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11959 Stictochironomus spp. Chironomidae Stictochironomus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7099 Stilocladius spp. Chironomidae Stilocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7188 Sublettea spp. Chironomidae Sublettea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12154 Sublettea spp. Chironomidae Sublettea The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7100 Symbiocladius spp. Chironomidae Symbiocladius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite On mayfly and stonefly nymphs Other (specify in comments) Parasite 1 Unknown Unknown 6967 Sympotthastia spp. Chironomidae Sympotthastia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 14169 Sympotthastia spp. Chironomidae Sympotthastia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6968 Syndiamesa spp. Chironomidae Syndiamesa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 7112 Synendotendipes spp. Chironomidae Synendotendipes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11800 Synorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Synorthocladius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12050 Synorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Synorthocladius Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12144 Synorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Synorthocladius The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14200 Synorthocladius spp. Chironomidae Synorthocladius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3113 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology,Distribu" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 5462 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus Five new Chironomidae (Diptera) from Florida Florida JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5744 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus "Chironimid midges of California II. Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae" California JBM 12/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6959 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer and Piercier; Collector of diatoms, filamentous green algae, detritus" Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11935 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13899 Tanypus spp. Chironomidae Tanypus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6016 Tanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Tanytarsus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7189 Tanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Tanytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-gatherer Few scrapers Climber Clinger Instar 1 planktonic 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11269 Tanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Tanytarsus Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 266 days Unknown 11965 Tanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Tanytarsus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12155 Tanytarsus spp. Chironomidae Tanytarsus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6955 Telopelopia spp. Chironomidae Telopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer and Piercer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6973 Thienemanniella spp. Chironomidae Thienemanniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11332 Thienemanniella spp. Chironomidae Thienemanniella Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12051 Thienemanniella spp. Chironomidae Thienemanniella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12052 Thienemanniella spp. Chironomidae Thienemanniella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12139 Thienemanniella spp. Chironomidae Thienemanniella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14201 Thienemanniella xena Chironomidae Thienemanniella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6956 Thienemannimyia spp. Chironomidae Thienemannimyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer and Piercer of Protoza, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Chironomidae" Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11338 Thienemannimyia spp. Chironomidae Thienemannimyia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12133 Thienemannimyia spp. Chironomidae Thienemannimyia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13900 Thienemannimyia spp. Chironomidae Thienemannimyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7113 Tribelos spp. Chironomidae Tribelos An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6957 Trissopelopia spp. Chironomidae Trissopelopia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7101 Tvetenia spp. Chironomidae Tvetenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Unknown Unknown 11278 Tvetenia calvescens Chironomidae Tvetenia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 84 days Asynchronous Unknown 11801 Tvetenia spp. Chironomidae Tvetenia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7102 Unniella spp. Chironomidae Unniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7114 Xenochironomus spp. Chironomidae Xenochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of sponge Burrower Sponges Unknown Unknown 7115 Xestochironomus spp. Chironomidae Xestochironomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Lentic? Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7103 Xylotopus spp. Chironomidae Xylotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7611 Xylotopus par Chironomidae Xylotopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7104 Zalutschia spp. Chironomidae Zalutschia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11333 Zalutschia spp. Chironomidae Zalutschia Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) Indiana 41 43'N 86 16'W RAT 3/31/2005 1 201 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14202 Zalutschia spp. Chironomidae Zalutschia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7190 Zavrelia spp. Chironomidae Zavrelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Climber Sprawler Clinger Unknown Unknown 11966 Zavrelia spp. Chironomidae Zavrelia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7116 Zavreliella spp. Chironomidae Zavreliella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6958 Zavrelimyia spp. Chironomidae Zavrelimyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/4/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer and Piercer of Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Chironomidae" Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12134 Zavrelimyia spp. Chironomidae Zavrelimyia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13901 Zavrelimyia spp. Chironomidae Zavrelimyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3590 Chironomidae Chironomidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Some larvae have a hemoglobin-like pigment that aids in O2 storage. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Larvae are herbivores, detritivores, omnivores, or carnivores, depending on the genus." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. "Adults do not feed and are ""short-lived""." Unknown 1 7217 Chironomidae Chironomidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous "Pupae-Cutaneous, Larvae and Pupae-Hemoglobin" 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7519 Orthocladiinae Chironomidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/24/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10901 Chironomidae Chironomidae Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 11289 Chironomidae Chironomidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 11295 Chironomidae Chironomidae The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11370 Chironomidae Chironomidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11450 Chironomidae Chironomidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11654 Chironomidae Chironomidae Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 marl on rock surfaces Unknown Unknown 11773 Chironomidae Chironomidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11977 Chironomidae Chironomidae Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy exposed surfaces of rocks Unknown Unknown 12003 Chironomidae Chironomidae Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12010 Chironomidae Chironomidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 Regulated by a reservoir 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12053 Tanytarsini Chironomidae Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12170 Chironomidae Chironomidae Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 12180 Chironomidae Chironomidae Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14159 Chironomidae Chironomidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Free-floating In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs also laid on woody debris. Parthenogenesis and paedogenesis occur in some spp. Unknown "Feed on algae, organic debris. Some predaceous and feed on smaller chironomids and oligochaetes." Unknown 1 Generation per year 4 instar stages. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in days or wks. Unknown 1 1 1 14163 Orthocladiinae Chironomidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 84 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Alaska Yukon Territory Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 759 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla "Alaskaperla, a new stonefly genus, and further descriptions of related Chloroperlidae" Alaska JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3690 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3986 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 300 300 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 4444 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7325 Alaskaperla ovibovis Chloroperlidae Alaskaperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Alaska In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer 1 Unknown Unknown 85 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Mississippi Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 86 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 87 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Alaska Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 672 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New North American species of the genus Alloperla In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 674 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 691 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Nymphs and eggs of Alloperla natchez and Haploperla chukcho Mississippi JBM 7/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 718 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New Nearctic Choroperlidae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/8/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 719 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Alloperla lenati, a new species of stonefly from North Carolina and two new state records" North Carolina Hoke/Scotland "34° 54 3.4""" "79° 20' 56.3""" JBM 7/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 739 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi Claiborne JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 750 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A new stonefly from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) West Virginia "Logan, Mingo" JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 1 244 366 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 751 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 757 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "A survey for stoneflies in the Homochitto National Forest, Southwest Mississippi" Mississippi JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 762 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 768 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Description of a new species of Alloperla (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from Virginia Virginia "Montgomery,Rockbridg" JBM 7/13/2004 1 621 630 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 785 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 3039 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2110 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Confirmed records of Leuctra variabilis and Alloperla usa in Maryland Maryland JBM 8/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2126 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Three new species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from the Ozark-Ouachita mountain region Arkansas "Garland, Perry" JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2168 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2195 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New California Plecoptera California Sierra JBM 7/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3363 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Prey mostly on chironomid larvae. Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3746 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3761 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla What is Alloperla imbecilla (Say)? Designation of a neoptype JBM 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3789 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3793 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3834 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 2895 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3858 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3987 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 960 960 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4010 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4035 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4139 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Elko JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4143 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4189 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4202 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4249 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4314 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4434 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla New stoneflies from California and Oregon Oregon Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 1828 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4443 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4460 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4471 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from Mississippi Mississippi JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4558 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4643 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4688 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4764 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4782 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 1182 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4820 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4873 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Garrett, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4962 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4984 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5087 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5100 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 1341 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5308 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6057 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 823 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7326 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9473 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9474 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9475 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9476 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10182 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 975 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10183 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10'N 132 07'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10184 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10190 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1676 3504 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10369 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56'N 131 56'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10420 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10421 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10637 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Washington RAT 2/7/2005 1 823 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10638 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10646 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 2/7/2005 1 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10647 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Rocky Mountains RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10648 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Montana Gallatin RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown brachypterous adults Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10649 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Oregon Clackamas RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10650 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Washington Clackamas RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10651 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Washington Clackamas RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11431 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11907 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12456 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Detritivore 1 Unknown Unknown 12988 Alloperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 88 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 89 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "One study showed 100% chironomid larvae; another said ""herbivorous""." 1 1 Primarily found in gravel. Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 675 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla A new species of Peltoperla form Eastern North America (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) Alabama Choctaw JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 688 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 689 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 692 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Nymphs and eggs of Alloperla natchez and Haploperla chukcho Mississippi JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 756 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes Unknown Unknown 758 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla "A survey for stoneflies in the Homochitto National Forest, Southwest Mississippi" Mississippi JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3364 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Prey mostly on chironomid larvae. Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Yes 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3709 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota Pembina JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3795 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3859 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3869 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Unknown Unknown 3922 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4036 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4147 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4185 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4463 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4464 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4470 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from Mississippi Mississippi JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4638 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 329 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4687 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4765 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4787 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 1219 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4821 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4822 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4985 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5086 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5090 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida "Walton, Gadsden" JBM 10/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator " ""generalist"" feeders" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5103 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1219 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5309 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6881 Haploperla brevis Chloroperlidae Haploperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oklahoma chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7327 Haploperla spp. Chloroperlidae Haploperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Scraper; Engulfer of Chironomidae Unknown Unknown 94 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 761 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2172 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3832 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3988 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4204 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4315 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1782 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4564 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4781 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1524 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5141 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5311 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 2742 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6058 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 823 1981 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7323 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 10179 Kathroperla spp. Chloroperlidae Kathroperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 1584 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 791 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2173 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3689 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 518 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3833 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3909 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 3077 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3989 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1050 1140 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4112 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4173 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4203 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4248 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4316 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 2194 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4407 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2209 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4442 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4565 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4780 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 1524 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4929 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4961 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5145 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5310 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 2742 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5487 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 7324 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10180 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10457 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 12865 Paraperla spp. Chloroperlidae Paraperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 90 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Alaska Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Possibly semivoltine if eggs diapaused in first winter (undetermined). Slow seasonal Unknown 755 Plumiperla spp. Chloroperlidae Plumiperla Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes Unknown Unknown 786 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 3039 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2169 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3839 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4254 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4317 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 794 1490 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4599 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 4644 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4785 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 2133 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4966 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7328 Plumiperla spp. Chloroperlidae Plumiperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10458 Plumiperla diversa Chloroperlidae Plumiperla Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 91 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder Other (specify in comments) "Herbivore-detritivores in fall, then shifts to omnivory in spring and carnivory in summer." Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 668 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia Revision of the genus Suwallia Ricker (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 669 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia Revision of the genus Suwallia Ricker (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 670 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Revision of the genus Suwallia Ricker (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 11 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "gut contents cosisted of chironomid larvae, diatoms, and fine organic detritus" 1 Unknown Unknown cold tolerant and warm tolerant species present in genus 673 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from California California JBM 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Nymphal gut contents included chironomid larvae, diatoms, and fin organic detritus" Unknown Unknown 685 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 753 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes Unknown Unknown 760 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Alaskaperla, a new stonefly genus, and further descriptions of related Chloroperlidae" Alaska JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 763 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 764 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 767 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado Larimer JBM 7/13/2004 1 2459 2459 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 787 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2170 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3790 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3835 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3836 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3870 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3905 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 3108 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4037 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4108 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4174 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Lawrence JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4197 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4198 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4250 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4318 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1490 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4319 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 958 1950 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4417 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4445 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4461 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4559 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4560 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4600 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4601 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 390 390 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4645 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4766 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4823 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4874 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Garrett JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4963 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4986 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5129 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5136 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5304 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5348 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 5486 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 7329 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae" Unknown Unknown 9477 Suwallia marginata Chloroperlidae Suwallia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10370 Suwallia autumna Chloroperlidae Suwallia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10371 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 26' N 132 45' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10372 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 26' N 132 45' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 1524 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10459 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 2413 2614 Unknown 1 Far more females were captured emerging than males. Collected from riparian vegetation. Possibly parthenogenic. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year < 100 eggs Unknown 10872 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10986 Suwallia spp. Chloroperlidae Suwallia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 92 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Yes < 1 Generation per year Life cycle = 2 yrs. Unknown 93 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle = 2 yrs. Unknown 671 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Two new species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 7/12/2004 1 1 1584 2999 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 676 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A new species of Peltoperla form Eastern North America (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) Alabama Calhoun JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 686 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 687 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The Chloroperlidae of North Amerika In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 690 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A new species of Sweltza from West Virginia West Virginia "Pocahontas, Braxton" JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1277 1277 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 693 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A new species of Sweltza (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from Eastern North America Virginia Washington JBM 7/13/2004 1 439 1150 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 752 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes Unknown Unknown 766 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa New Nearctic Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) Virginia Patrick JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 788 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1600 2499 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 789 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1600 1999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2171 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2200 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Four new stoneflies from California and Oregon JBM 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2235 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Hansonoperla appalachia, a new genus and species of Eastern Nearctic Acroneuriini" JBM 8/24/2004 1 570 570 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3645 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3747 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3791 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3794 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3837 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3838 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1828 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3906 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 3321 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3907 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2803 3321 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4038 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4109 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4110 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4140 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4175 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4176 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota "Lawrence, Pennington" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4190 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4199 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4200 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4201 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4251 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4252 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4320 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 794 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4321 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4405 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2361 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4425 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Studies on Utah stoneflies (Plecoptera). Utah Cache JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4446 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4462 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 152 457 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4561 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4562 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4581 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4582 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico Taos JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4602 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 960 960 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4603 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 690 1050 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4635 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 329 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4689 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4767 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4783 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4784 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 305 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4824 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Piscataquis, Washing" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4875 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Garrett JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4964 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4965 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4987 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5010 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5088 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" JBM 10/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5101 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5146 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5147 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5305 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5306 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5347 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 5484 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5485 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7330 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae" Unknown Unknown 9478 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9479 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9480 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10373 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 49 34' N 117 26' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10374 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56' N 131 56' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10375 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41' N 133 04' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10376 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 49 30' N 117 26' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10377 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10' N 132 07' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10378 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56' N 131 56' W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10379 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Glacier 457 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10380 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10867 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10868 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10987 Sweltsa coloradensis Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11736 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12998 Sweltsa spp. Chloroperlidae Sweltsa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 754 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Nearctic Genera of Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) Rocky Mountains JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Yes Unknown Unknown 790 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 1520 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3840 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 3047 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3871 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3908 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1615 2803 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4111 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4177 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4253 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4264 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Clark JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4322 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 925 1383 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4348 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2209 2209 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4447 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4563 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4583 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2398 2956 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4604 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4786 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 3047 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4930 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Rocky Mountains JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4967 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5102 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 3047 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5307 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5336 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Use of substrate volume and void space to examine the presence of three stonefly species New Mexico Arriba JBM 10/26/2004 1 2599 2599 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 5346 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 7054 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae" Unknown Unknown 10381 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 457 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10460 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown 1 Extended emergence period. Protandrous Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females fly above the water up to 5 meters, and drop eggs. Large groups of adults were observed flying together at dusk." Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 10870 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10988 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11021 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11306 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Growth and Voltinism of five stonefly species in a New Mexico Mountain Stream. New Mexico RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Adults were collected in tall grasses and short bushes along the stream Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 mineral substrates and leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Prolonged egg hatch Unknown 11996 Triznaka spp. Chloroperlidae Triznaka Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 6072 Utaperla sopladora Chloroperlidae Utaperla The Genus Utaperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6073 Utaperla sopladora Chloroperlidae Utaperla The nymph of Utaperla sopladora (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Nevada Elko RAT 11/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10181 Utaperla sopladora Chloroperlidae Utaperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1280 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12999 Utaperla spp. Chloroperlidae Utaperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3317 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Prey mostly on chironomid larvae. Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7064 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Emerge spring-fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year No 10455 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown Pre emergent larvae usually do not feed Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Sometimes detritivores Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10881 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Detritivores. Can be categorized as polyphagous Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11386 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11997 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12009 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 Regulated by a reservoir 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12101 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12986 Chloroperlidae Chloroperlidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late April-mid June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 7192 Donacia spp. Chrysomelidae Donacia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 2 yr life cycle Unknown 7542 Donacia spp. Chrysomelidae Donacia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Adults-occassional plant breather Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown 1 Unknown 2 yr life cycle 1 Unknown 12122 Donacia spp. Chrysomelidae Donacia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14067 Donacia flavipes Chrysomelidae Donacia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Deposit in air spaces in above water portions of Scirpus and Typha leaves. Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 14068 Donacia spp. Chrysomelidae Donacia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Chew hole in floating leaves of water lilites and deposit egg in double row on undersides of leaves. Unknown Unknown Unknown 14071 Donacia spp. Chrysomelidae Donacia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Pair of caudal spine used to penetrate tissues of aquatic plants so that larvae can use air in plant. Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3524 Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Plant breathers Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on roots, rhizomes, and stems of aquatic plants." 1 1 Unknown "Several species have aquatic larvae, and some with aquatic adults; some pupae are also aquatic." Unknown 7197 Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Round (humped) Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7523 Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14064 Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Mate above water on host plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 6476 Antrolana lira Cirolanidae Antrolana Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Virginia August County Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Madison Cave (only known location) Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Eyes absent. All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6475 Cirolanides texensis Cirolanidae Cirolanides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Other Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Eyes absent. All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6474 Cirolanidae Cirolanidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Cold Spring Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Eyes absent. All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6307 Cordylophora lacustris Clavidae Cordylophora Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 Estuaries Other Large (length > 16 mm) 100 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown "Fertilization occurs when males release sperm into the water, and they swim and penetrate the female gonophores to fertilize eggs." Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs Unknown 3 1 1 1 20 180 Amphiagrion abbreviatum Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Wetland / Marsh Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 2890 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 7795 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12670 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12776 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Adult in flight early May - Aug in SC. Unknown Unknown Unknown 10 m or less Unknown Slow seasonal Nymph overwinters. Unknown 12777 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adult flight late May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12778 Amphiagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Amphiagrion Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight early June-mid-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 370 Argia vivida Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1-10 m Unknown Unknown 385 Argia plana Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 37 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 386 Argia apicalis Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 37 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Floating debris In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 387 Argia bipunctulata (Hagen) Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 388 Argia emma Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 389 Argia fumipennis Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 390 Argia immunda Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 391 Argia moesta Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 392 Argia sedula Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 39 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 393 Argia tibialis Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 394 Argia translata Coenagrionidae Argia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2891 Argia apicalis Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2892 Argia bipunctulata (Hagen) Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 0 884 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2893 Argia fumipennis Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2894 Argia moesta Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2895 Argia sedula Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2896 Argia tibialis Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2897 Argia translata Coenagrionidae Argia "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3279 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown 1 Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 5977 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7796 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10423 Argia vivida Coenagrionidae Argia "The life cycle of Argia vivida Hagen: Developmental types, growthratios and instar identification" Rocky Mountains 51 10'N 115 34'W RAT 2/10/2005 1 Geothermic streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13 instars 1 eggs ellipsoidal and pointed Unknown 10796 Argia vivida Coenagrionidae Argia "The life cycle of Argia vivida Hagen: Developmental types, growthratios and instar identification" Idaho 42 24'N 112 44'W RAT 2/10/2005 1 1 Geothermic streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13 instars 1 eggs ellipsoidal and pointed Unknown 10894 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 12090 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12671 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12779 Argia apicalis Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood "Males territory with 2m interval spacing. No courtship display. Oviposit at communal site on willow roots, boards, sticks. Oviposition lasts 2 hrs. Females can mate only once a day." Unknown Days Unknown Weeks Males 33days and females 28 days. Unknown 12780 Argia moesta Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adult in flight in April. Unknown Unknown In wet wood Oviposit at depth of 15cm and female submerge for +30min. Unknown 1 Unknown Weeks Adults live 3-4wks. Unknown 12781 Argia fumipennis Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adult in flight mid April-late Sept. Unknown Unknown Oviposit at water surface; never submerges. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12782 Argia sedula Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected after June 5. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12783 Argia fumipennis Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults seen late Feb. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12784 Argia translata Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults seen only in May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12785 Argia bipunctulata (Hagen) Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 Seep Unknown Adults seen early May-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12802 Argia spp. Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12804 Argia tibialis Coenagrionidae Argia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7797 Coenagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Coenagrion An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 376 Enallagma carunculatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 377 Enallagma hageni Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 1 378 Enallagma civile Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 1 manmade cattle ponds Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Floating debris Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 379 Enallagma divagans Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 380 Enallagma coecum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 381 Enallagma exsulans Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 382 Enallagma geminatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 383 Enallagma signatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 384 Enallagma weewa Coenagrionidae Enallagma Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator Sprawler Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 2898 Enallagma civile Coenagrionidae Enallagma "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 2899 Enallagma divagans Coenagrionidae Enallagma "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 Unknown brief emergence period Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2900 Enallagma exsulans Coenagrionidae Enallagma "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2901 Enallagma geminatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 2902 Enallagma hageni Coenagrionidae Enallagma "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 3280 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 5975 Enallagma civile Coenagrionidae Enallagma The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7798 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Cladocera Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 7808 Enallagma hageni Coenagrionidae Enallagma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12091 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12672 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 12786 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected after June 5. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Males not territory and no courtship. Copulation in tandem. Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Nymphs overwinter. Teneral 3-13 days. Unknown 1 12787 Enallagma hageni Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Weeks Hatch 17-22days. No 12788 Enallagma spp. Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on cladocerans and chrionomid larvae, some sm mayfly and stonfly nymphs, water mites." Unknown 12789 Enallagma divagans Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12790 Enallagma civile Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight peak Sept-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12791 Enallagma divagans Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight late May-early July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 12792 Enallagma hageni Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight May-late July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 12793 Enallagma civile Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight May-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 12803 Enallagma weewa Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12805 Enallagma exsulans Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12806 Enallagma geminatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12807 Enallagma signatum Coenagrionidae Enallagma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 50 Ischnura denticollis Coenagrionidae Ischnura Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/29/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 52 Ischnura posita Coenagrionidae Ischnura Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/29/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 53 Ischnura ramburii Coenagrionidae Ischnura Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Unknown Partly sclerotized Yes Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 1 2903 Ischnura posita Coenagrionidae Ischnura "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 1 2904 Ischnura ramburii Coenagrionidae Ischnura "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 1 5976 Ischnura spp. Coenagrionidae Ischnura The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7799 Ischnura spp. Coenagrionidae Ischnura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Cladocera and Chironomidae Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12674 Ischnura spp. Coenagrionidae Ischnura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12794 Ischnura spp. Coenagrionidae Ischnura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on entomostracans and chronomid larvae. 1 1 1 Unknown 11-13 instar stages. Nymph can overwinter. Teneral for ten days after emergence. 12795 Ischnura ramburii Coenagrionidae Ischnura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Flight period May-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12796 Ischnura posita Coenagrionidae Ischnura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Flight period Mar-Oct Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 177 Nehalennia spp. Coenagrionidae Nehalennia Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7034 Nehalennia spp. Coenagrionidae Nehalennia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12675 Nehalennia spp. Coenagrionidae Nehalennia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12797 Nehalennia spp. Coenagrionidae Nehalennia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adult flight from May-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposited in tantem on vegetation. Unknown 1 Unknown Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12798 Nehalennia spp. Coenagrionidae Nehalennia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 63 Telebasis salva Coenagrionidae Telebasis Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 178 Telebasis byersi Coenagrionidae Telebasis Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 179 Telebasis salva Coenagrionidae Telebasis Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7035 Telebasis spp. Coenagrionidae Telebasis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 7809 Telebasis salva Coenagrionidae Telebasis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12676 Telebasis spp. Coenagrionidae Telebasis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12799 Telebasis byersi Coenagrionidae Telebasis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adult flight Mar 7-Nov 3. Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12800 Telebasis byersi Coenagrionidae Telebasis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult flight late June-mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12801 Telebasis byersi Coenagrionidae Telebasis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in June and Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 181 Zoniagrion spp. Coenagrionidae Zoniagrion Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 31 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7036 Zoniagrion exclamationis Coenagrionidae Zoniagrion An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Sparganium 1 Unknown Unknown 3276 Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 7232 Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11488 Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Typically are sit and wait predators, but will search for food sometimes" Unknown Unknown 6291 Corbicula fluminea Corbiculidae Corbicula Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Two breeding seasons per year (spring and fall); moderately iteroparous. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juveniles are free-living. Are attached to birds by hitching rides in filamentous algae. 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 Juveniles are free-living. Are attached to birds by hitching rides in filamentous algae. 11-100 m 100 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Non-seasonal Mature in 3-9 months. Months Live 1-4 years. "> 10,000 eggs" "Ovoviviparous. 35,000 eggs/fem" Unknown 1 2 29 6668 Corbicula fluminea Corbiculidae Corbicula Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 1 Clear water 9348 Corbicula spp. Corbiculidae Corbicula The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. Georgia chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, and insects." 1 Unknown Unknown 11368 Corbicula fluminea Corbiculidae Corbicula Size structure of the metazoan community in a Piedmont stream Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6671 Polymesoda caroliniana Corbiculidae Polymesoda Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 1 Clear water 240 Cordulegaster dorsalis Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 241 Cordulegaster maculata Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 242 Cordulegaster obliqua Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 243 Cordulegaster sayi Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 2908 Cordulegaster bilineata Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster "A new Zoraena (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) from eastern North America, with a key" In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) in pool areas Unknown 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 2917 Cordulegaster dorsalis Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1341 1981 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3283 Cordulegaster spp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal Live 3-4 years. 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes Clear water 6764 Cordulegaster spp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7766 Cordulegaster spp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12673 Cordulegaster spp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12910 Cordulegaster maculata Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "Exuvia found on stream bank, trunks of trees, and logs close to water. Flight periold Apr 19-May 16." Unknown Unknown Algal mats Bank soil Unknown 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal Nymphs overwinter. Teneral 7-10 days. 1 Unknown 12911 Cordulegaster dorsalis Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil "Oviposit while in flight by ""stabbing her ovipositor into the coarse sand along the stream margin in 2-3 cm of water""" Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Possible 4 yr life cycle. 1 Unknown 12912 Cordulegaster spp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Flight period late May or June-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 12913 Cordulegaster maculata Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 238 Epicordulia spp. Corduliidae Epitheca Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 239 Epitheca princeps Corduliidae Epitheca Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3299 Epitheca spp. Corduliidae Epitheca Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 6086 Epitheca spp. Corduliidae Epitheca Dragonfly production and prey turnover. South Carolina May 1970-September 1971 RAT 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6136 Epitheca costalis Corduliidae Epitheca Rediscovery of Epitheca costalis (Odonata: Corduliidae). RAT 11/18/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7769 Epitheca spp. Corduliidae Epitheca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Subgenera Tetragoneuria: Oviposit 1 wk after emergence from mid May-July. Female drags abdomen through water trailing egg string until it adheres to solid object. Several females add to egg-string aggregations in same day. Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Weeks 2wks. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks To 1000/string. Hatch 2-7wks. Unknown 7770 Epicordulia spp. Corduliidae Epitheca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7806 Epitheca cynosura Corduliidae Epitheca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Tennessee chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Uni- and semivoltine in TN. Unknown 7859 Epitheca cynosura Corduliidae Epitheca Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7860 Epitheca princeps Corduliidae Epitheca Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 12677 Epicordulia spp. Corduliidae Epitheca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12924 Epicordulia spp. Corduliidae Epitheca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Flight period late Mar or early Apr-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 208 Helocordulia selysii Corduliidae Helocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 41 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 209 Helocordulia uhleri Corduliidae Helocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 41 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2906 Helocordulia selysii Corduliidae Helocordulia Notes and descriptions of naiads belonging to the dragonfly genus Helocordulia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7771 Helocordulia spp. Corduliidae Helocordulia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12679 Helocordulia spp. Corduliidae Helocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12925 Helocordulia spp. Corduliidae Helocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period Mar 30-Apr23. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12927 Helocordulia spp. Corduliidae Helocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pennsylvania chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period Mar 30-mid-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12928 Helocordulia selysii Corduliidae Helocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period Mar 30-Apr23. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12929 Helocordulia uhleri Corduliidae Helocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period Mar 30-Apr23. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 233 Neurocordulia alabamensis Corduliidae Neurocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 234 Neurocordulia molesta Corduliidae Neurocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 235 Neurocordulia obsoleta Corduliidae Neurocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 236 Neurocordulia virginiensis Corduliidae Neurocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 237 Neurocordulia xanthosoma Corduliidae Neurocordulia Dragonflies of North America NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3297 Neurocordulia spp. Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7772 Neurocordulia spp. Corduliidae Neurocordulia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Clinger 1 1 Roots 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7805 Neurocordulia molesta Corduliidae Neurocordulia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Georgia chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12585 Neurocordulia obsoleta Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period late may-late oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12586 Neurocordulia molesta Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12678 Neurocordulia spp. Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12926 Neurocordulia spp. Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 10 m or less Unknown Unknown 12930 Neurocordulia alabamensis Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown 1 Emergence few cm to 4m above water. Emergence takes 3-10 hrs. Flight period April-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Univoltine? Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12931 Neurocordulia xanthosoma Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Males not territorial and do not show courtship displays. Oviposit alone. Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12932 Neurocordulia virginiensis Corduliidae Neurocordulia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period April-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 207 Somatochlora provocans Corduliidae Somatochlora Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 54 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2927 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3298 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7773 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12584 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Adult disperse far after emergence. Wet moss is the preferred emergence substrate. Unknown Unknown Free-floating In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "While in flight, oviposit in water or wet moss. Some oviposit in bank soil or algae." Unknown Predator "Feed on protozoans, oastracods, cladocerans, sm oligochaetes." Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 12-13? Instar stages. Teneral 2-3wks. 1 1 Unknown 12587 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight season June or early July-Sept or Oct. Some collected as late as Dec 21. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weeks Hatch 20-30days. Yes 12680 Somatochlora spp. Corduliidae Somatochlora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3296 Williamsonia fletcheri Corduliidae Williamsonia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 3284 Corduliidae Corduliidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 2959 Arctocorisa spp. Corixidae Arctocorisa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Alaska nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 7569 Arctocorisa spp. Corixidae Arctocorisa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2939 Callicorixa spp. Corixidae Callicorixa A new species of Callicorixa from northwestern North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2962 Callicorixa spp. Corixidae Callicorixa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 3514 Callicorixa audeni Corixidae Callicorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7570 Callicorixa spp. Corixidae Callicorixa An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Unknown Unknown 2960 Cenocorixa spp. Corixidae Cenocorixa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 1 1 3519 Cenocorixa spp. Corixidae Cenocorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7571 Cenocorixa spp. Corixidae Cenocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2957 Corisella spp. Corixidae Corisella "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 1 3517 Corisella spp. Corixidae Corisella Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.65 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7572 Corisella spp. Corixidae Corisella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 13054 Corisella spp. Corixidae Corisella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown ~5wk egg to adult devel. Unknown 3510 Cymatia americana Corixidae Cymatia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 3518 Dasycorixa hybrida Corixidae Dasycorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6887 Graptocorixa serrulata Corixidae Graptocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 17/yr based on larval growth rates obtained from in situ measurements. Unknown 7573 Graptocorixa spp. Corixidae Graptocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Unknown Unknown 2956 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 3513 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.85 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 5351 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa Respiratory significance of the thoracic and abdominal morphology of three Corixidae "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" JBM 11/9/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7574 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 13055 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Eggs deposited in April Unknown Unknown Nymphal devel 2 mths; 5 stage. Unknown 13057 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults overwinter Unknown 13058 Hesperocorixa laevigata Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13059 Hesperocorixa lucida Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13060 Hesperocorixa minor Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13061 Hesperocorixa vulgaris Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13062 Hesperocorixa spp. Corixidae Hesperocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2958 Palmacorixa spp. Corixidae Palmacorixa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown " 5 instars, overwinters in 4th instar" Unknown 3516 Palmacorixa spp. Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6138 Palmacorixa buenoi Corixidae Palmacorixa "Ecology of Corixidae (Water Boatman) in Lake Poinsett, South Dakota." South Dakota RAT 11/19/2004 1 Unknown No Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year overwinter as adults Unknown 7575 Palmacorixa spp. Corixidae Palmacorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13050 Palmacorixa spp. Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Adults overwinter. Unknown 13052 Palmacorixa spp. Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Some 4th instar may overwinter. Unknown 13063 Palmacorixa buenoi Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13064 Palmacorixa gillettei Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13065 Palmacorixa nana Corixidae Palmacorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3511 Ramphocorixa acuminata Corixidae Ramphocorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.25 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7005 Ramphocorixa acuminata Corixidae Ramphocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Kansas ADULT chm 1/3/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Oviposit on crayfish or other smooth surfaces. In early spring-fall. Eggs mature in abdomen. Continuous reproduction and asynchronous incubation. Sychrony of oviposition induced by freezing or recolonization. Yes Unknown < 100 eggs Days 22 eggs in abdomen. 5-10 days Yes 7576 Ramphocorixa spp. Corixidae Ramphocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer 1 Unknown Unknown 13051 Ramphocorixa spp. Corixidae Ramphocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Some eggs found overwintering on crayfish. Female found with full developed eggs within body. Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year 2 gen/yr Yes 13066 Ramphocorixa acuminata Corixidae Ramphocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2961 Sigara spp. Corixidae Sigara "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 3515 Sigara spp. Corixidae Sigara Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7577 Sigara spp. Corixidae Sigara An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Collector-gatherer Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 13053 Sigara alternata Corixidae Sigara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4wks in devel through 4 nymphal stages, 5th longer" Weeks Hatch 1-2wks. Unknown 13056 Sigara modesta Corixidae Sigara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 13067 Sigara hydatotrephes Corixidae Sigara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13068 Sigara spp. Corixidae Sigara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2955 Trichocorixa spp. Corixidae Trichocorixa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Floating debris Yes Piercer herbivore Predator phytophagous: eats algae Swimmer 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 weeks, 5 instars" overwinter as adults Unknown 1 3512 Trichocorixa spp. Corixidae Trichocorixa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6021 Trichocorixa spp. Corixidae Trichocorixa "The life cycle of Trichocorixa verticalis interiores Sailer (Hemiptera, Corixidae)" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 52 38' N 105 30' W RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood On/under stones (submerged) well developed oocytes were evident in females in august Yes Unknown Months Eggs in the fall diapause Yes 6139 Trichocorixa borealis Corixidae Trichocorixa "Ecology of Corixidae (Water Boatman) in Lake Poinsett, South Dakota." South Dakota RAT 11/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year overwinter as adults Unknown 6888 Trichocorixa reticulata Corixidae Trichocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2-3/yr Unknown 7578 Trichocorixa spp. Corixidae Trichocorixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Offshore sea Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Piercer-Carnivore esp. of chironmid larvae an d Oligochaeta Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 13069 Trichocorixa calva Corixidae Trichocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13070 Trichocorixa sexcincta Corixidae Trichocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13071 Trichocorixa spp. Corixidae Trichocorixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3481 Corixidae Corixidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the pronotum. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Sucking mouth parts; primarily detritivores. Swimmer 1 Adults fly from ponds to lakes and rivers to overwinter. Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7203 Corixidae Corixidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13048 Corixidae Corixidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Hind legs with long swimming hairs. Temporary air store Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs attached to plants or other objects under water. Yes Collector-gatherer Predator "Feed on algae, protozoans, rotifers, nematodes." Swimmer 100 km or less Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Adults overwinter. Unknown 1 7870 Corophium spinicorne Corophiidae Corophium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Unknown Unknown 1 1 3479 Chauliodes spp. Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Some species inhabiting lentic habitats than may have low O2 can use long caudal respiratory tubes to obtain air at the surface. All larvae also have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid in masses on abjects above the water. Unknown Predator 1 1 1 "Common in weedy areas of ponds, marshes, lake margins, and vegetated margins of streams." 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle 1-4 years. Only larvae are aquatic - eggs and pupae are terrestrial. 10 or 11 larval instars. Adults short-lived. 1 Unknown 1 5684 Chauliodes pectinicornis Corydalidae Chauliodes "The egg masses, eggs, and first-instar larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days Unknown 6042 Chauliodes pectinicornis Corydalidae Chauliodes "The egg masses, eggs, and First-Instar Larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae." North Carolina Granville RAT 11/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 eggs are layed in 1 layer Unknown 7038 Chauliodes spp. Corydalidae Chauliodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12582 Chauliodes spp. Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13168 Chauliodes rastricornis Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Jan-late Dec Yes Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13169 Chauliodes pectinicornis Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge late Feb-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Pupal stage 12 days. Unknown 13171 Chauliodes pectinicornis Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge Mar 26-Sept 25. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Pupal stage 12 days. Unknown 13172 Chauliodes rastricornis Corydalidae Chauliodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge Mar 15-Aug 27. Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3477 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Also have some gills. Some species inhabiting lentic habitats than may have low O2 can use long caudal respiratory tubes to obtain air at the surface. All larvae also have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid in masses on abjects above the water. Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle 2-3 years. 10 or 11 larval instars. Adults short-lived. 1 Unknown 1 5681 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus "The egg masses, eggs, and first-instar larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks Unknown 6039 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus "The egg masses, eggs, and First-Instar Larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae." North Carolina Granville RAT 11/12/2004 Unknown lateral abdominal filaments Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 eggs are layed in layers Unknown 6738 Corydalus spp. Corydalidae Corydalus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6890 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine in TX. Semivoltine in West Virginia." Unknown 11085 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 13170 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit 2 egg masses, sometimes 3rd smaller, on objects overhaning water in area not exposed to direct sunlight, esp log jams. Egg masses contain 1300 eggs." Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown 11 instar stages. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Weeks Hatch 8-18 days. Unknown 13173 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-late Sept; peak mid-June-early July. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Oviposit in late May-Aug. Unknown Predator "Feed on Simulium larvae/ pupae, larvae of Cheumatopsyche, Hydropsyche, Chironomids" Unknown 1 Generation per year Some late hatch require 2nd yr. Unknown 13174 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2-3 generation/yr. Unknown 13175 Corydalus cornutus Corydalidae Corydalus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5685 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes "The egg masses, eggs, and first-instar larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Unknown < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 6043 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes "The egg masses, eggs, and First-Instar Larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae." North Carolina Granville RAT 11/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 eggs are in 1 layer Unknown 7039 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12577 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge June 4-June 27. Adults collected May 14-June 27 in SC. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12583 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee chm 4/11/2005 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13176 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge May 26-June 18. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 75 egg/mass. Unknown 13177 Neohermes californicus Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Seep Unknown 1 Build pupal chamber in bank soil under stones. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Deposited on exposed surfaces of flat rocks in dry stream beds. Unknown Predator Burrower Burrow after hatch until rainy season. Unknown Larvae aestivates. Pupae 9-12 days. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Days 3000 egg/mass. Hatch 7-10 days Unknown 13178 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-mid-Aug; peak mid-June-mid-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13187 Neohermes spp. Corydalidae Neohermes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3478 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Some species inhabiting lentic habitats than may have low O2 can use long caudal respiratory tubes to obtain air at the surface. All larvae also have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid in masses on abjects above the water. Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle 4 years. Only larvae are aquatic - eggs and pupae are terrestrial. 10 or 11 larval instars. Adults short-lived. 1 Unknown 1 5682 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia "The egg masses, eggs, and first-instar larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 5683 Nigronia fasciatus Corydalidae Nigronia "The egg masses, eggs, and first-instar larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae" North Carolina JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 6040 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia "The egg masses, eggs, and First-Instar Larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae." North Carolina RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 eggs are layed in 2 layers Unknown 6041 Nigronia fasciatus Corydalidae Nigronia "The egg masses, eggs, and First-Instar Larvae of Eastern North American Corydalidae." North Carolina RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 eggs are layed in 2 layers Unknown 7040 Nigronia spp. Corydalidae Nigronia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10885 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator forage with mandibles held open Unknown Unknown 10976 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Do not feed much in winter months 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 11349 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12576 Nigronia fasciatus Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. West Virginia chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "Pupation in bank soil, under rock." Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit May 20-22 on underside of leaves 4-6m above stream. Unknown Predator "Feed on Asellus, Cheumatopsyche, Ephemerella nymphs, chironomid larvae, Nigronia." 1 Unknown Pupae for 3wks. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks 275-1134 egg/female. Hatch 2wk Unknown 12578 Nigronia fasciatus Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-April-early July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12579 Nigronia fasciatus Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge April 18-July 2. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12580 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Mar-late Nov. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12581 Nigronia serricornis Corydalidae Nigronia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr 17-Aug 19. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7050 Orohermes crepusculus Corydalidae Orohermes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit a few days after emergence in July-early Sept. Overhanging bridges, trees, rocks. Deposits rows of eggs; may have 3-4 smaller teiers on top of base layer. Synchronous hatching within mass." Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber 1 Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks 1000-1700 eggs. 21-63 days Unknown 8153 Orohermes spp. Corydalidae Orohermes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 7041 Protochauliodes spp. Corydalidae Protochauliodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3475 Corydalidae Corydalidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Some species inhabiting lentic habitats than may have low O2 can use long caudal respiratory tubes to obtain air at the surface. All larvae also have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid in masses on abjects above the water. Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle 1-4 years. Only larvae are aquatic - eggs and pupae are terrestrial. 10 or 11 larval instars. Adults short-lived. 1 Unknown 1 6751 Corydalidae Corydalidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Pupation in soil bank near water, dry streambeads, or soft rotting shoreline logs or stump." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Egg on overhanging branches, rocks, or bridge abutments." Unknown Unknown 2-5yr life cycle. 10-12 instar. 1 Unknown 13167 Corydalidae Corydalidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Most species eggs are deposited on stones or objects overhanging water. Unknown Unknown Days Hatch 5-6 days. Unknown 6523 Bactrurus spp. Crangonyctidae Bactrurus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; consumes dead vegetation, and the thin bacterial scum covering submerged surfaces." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6513 Crangonyx spp. Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6517 Crangonyx floridanus Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6518 Crangonyx setodactylus Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6519 Crangonyx minor Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6520 Crangonyx shoemakeri Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Bogs Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Burrower Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. May burrow to avoid drought. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 1 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6521 Crangonyx anomalus Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6522 Crangonyx forbesi Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 7878 Crangonyx spp. Crangonyctidae Crangonyx Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/26/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Unknown Unknown 6525 Stygobromus spp. Crangonyctidae Stygobromus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Subterranean waters Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found in interstitial spaces 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6512 Synurella spp. Crangonyctidae Synurella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6514 Synurella dentata Crangonyctidae Synurella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6515 Synurella bifurca Crangonyctidae Synurella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Burrower Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. May burrow to avoid drought. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6516 Synurella chamberlaini Crangonyctidae Synurella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6497 Crangonyctidae Crangonyctidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) Collector-filterer "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 640 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Laboratory and field observations on oviposition preferences of Aedes nigromaculis California Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Irrigated pastures Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 3611 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 "Snow-melt pools, tree holes, tires." Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 6833 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Siphon Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Swimmer Diver Unknown Yes 6922 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Other (specify in comments) "Inside of container (tree holes, rock holes, tires) above water line." Unknown Unknown Rain or flood needed for hatch Yes 7075 Aedes aegypti Culicidae Aedes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Artificial containers Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Blood meal required for egg development. Non-seasonal ovipositioning. Egg withstand at least 1 yr of dessication. Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 140 egg ave. Hatch time varies Yes 10209 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 alpine tundra in mountains Pond Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 sedge and grass Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11766 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12129 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14098 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Eggs laid on damp or semi-dry soil. Unknown Unknown 1 Hatch when inundated with H2O Yes 14102 Aedes aegypti Culicidae Aedes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14103 Aedes spp. Culicidae Aedes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3613 Anopheles spp. Culicidae Anopheles Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 6834 Anopheles spp. Culicidae Anopheles An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Planktonic Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6921 Anopheles spp. Culicidae Anopheles An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Laid on surface of still water. No Unknown 1 Aggregate to star-shaped group Unknown 14093 Anopheles spp. Culicidae Anopheles Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses spiracle on eighth abdomenal segment. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown 1 1 Days Unknown 3617 Coquillettidia spp. Culicidae Coquillettidia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Plant breathers "Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen; also, attach themselves to cattails and similar plants from which they get air for respiration." Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Attached/fixed Attach themselves to cattails and similar plants. 1 1 Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Overwinter as larvae. Unknown 3614 Culex spp. Culicidae Culex Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 6835 Culex spp. Culicidae Culex An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Siphon Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Planktonic Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6923 Culex spp. Culicidae Culex An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating No Unknown 1 No 7076 Culex pipiens Culicidae Culex An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7077 Culex pipiens Culicidae Culex An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/4/2005 1 1 1 1 Artificial containers Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Blood meal required, except in autogenous strains. Oviposit spring-late autumn. Lays 2-4 masses." Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1st batch of egg mature without blood meal Nulliparous females overwinter. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 100-400egg/mass. Hatch 1-3days Unknown 14094 Culex spp. Culicidae Culex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days Unknown 14104 Culex pipiens Culicidae Culex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14105 Culex spp. Culicidae Culex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3616 Culiseta spp. Culicidae Culiseta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 6836 Culiseta spp. Culicidae Culiseta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Planktonic Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6925 Culiseta spp. Culicidae Culiseta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating No Unknown 1 No 14095 Culiseta spp. Culicidae Culiseta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days Unknown 14106 Culiseta spp. Culicidae Culiseta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6846 Mansonia spp. Culicidae Mansonia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers "Piercing respiratory siphon, Supplemental cutaneous respiration" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6924 Mansonia spp. Culicidae Mansonia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Free-floating No Unknown 1 No 14096 Mansonia spp. Culicidae Mansonia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Push dorsal siphon into air chambers of aquatic plants. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days Unknown 14107 Mansonia spp. Culicidae Mansonia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3619 Orthopodomyia spp. Culicidae Orthopodomyia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 "Tree holes, discarded tires & containers." Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 14100 Orthopodomyia spp. Culicidae Orthopodomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Eggs laid on damp or semi-dry soil. Unknown Unknown 1 Hatch when inundated with H2O Yes 14108 Orthopodomyia spp. Culicidae Orthopodomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3612 Psorophora spp. Culicidae Psorophora Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 7505 Psorophora spp. Culicidae Psorophora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer Piercer-carnivore Planktonic Swimmer Unknown Unknown 14099 Psorophora spp. Culicidae Psorophora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Eggs laid on damp or semi-dry soil. Unknown Predator Feed on other mosquito larvae. Unknown 1 Hatch when inundated with H2O Yes 14109 Psorophora spp. Culicidae Psorophora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3615 Uranotaenia spp. Culicidae Uranotaenia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 6926 Uranotaenia spp. Culicidae Uranotaenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating No Collector-filterer Planktonic Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 No 14097 Uranotaenia spp. Culicidae Uranotaenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses siphon. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days Unknown 14110 Uranotaenia spp. Culicidae Uranotaenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3618 Wyeomyia spp. Culicidae Wyeomyia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Live only in pitcher plants. Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." 1 1 Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. "Overwinter as larvae, frozen in ice." Unknown 14101 Wyeomyia spp. Culicidae Wyeomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs deposited in pitcher plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 14111 Wyeomyia spp. Culicidae Wyeomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3591 Culicidae Culicidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae swim to the surface to obtain oxygen. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on microorganisms, algae, and detritus; some species are predaceous." Unknown Uni- to multivoltine. Unknown 6858 Culicidae Culicidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Pupae-""respiratory trumpets"", Some are Plant Breather" Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Unknown 11765 Culicidae Culicidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14092 Culicidae Culicidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Some species uses siphon. Other uses spiracle on eighth abdom segment. 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Bank soil Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Feed on algae, protozoans, detritus. Few spp scrapers. Few spp predators of other mosquito larvae." 10 km or less Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Fast seasonal 4 instar stages in few days to weeks. Months Live 1-2 mths. Some diapause overwinter. 1 1 Days Unknown 3580 Bagous spp. Curculionidae Bagous Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 7516 Bagous spp. Curculionidae Bagous An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses air-filled mines in plants Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Clinger 1 Unknown "In lab, 32-77 days from egg to adult." Unknown 13763 Bagous spp. Curculionidae Bagous Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/4/2005 1 Unknown Spiracular gills Abdomen truncated behind with pair of enlarged spiracles on the surface. Use air in mines. Pupate in the Nymphaea. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs inserted into plant tissue. Unknown Burrower Mines leaves and petioles of Nymphaea 1 "Host plant: Nymphaea odorata, N. tuberosa" Unknown < 100 eggs 6-8 eggs/female Unknown 13766 Bagous spp. Curculionidae Bagous Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/4/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7517 Euhrychiopsis spp. Curculionidae Euhrychiopsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7518 Lissorhoptrus spp. Curculionidae Lissorhoptrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7543 Lissorhoptrus simplex Curculionidae Lissorhoptrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Dorsal hooks (modified spiracles) connect to tracheal trunks. Larvae dies in 24 hrs without access to living roots. Pupation on roots of rice plant. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Clinger 1 Rice plant Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine? in Arkansas with multiple cohorts. Fast seasonal Egg to adult in 36 days depending on flood. Unknown 13761 Lissorhoptrus simplex Curculionidae Lissorhoptrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Modified spiracles to hooks for breathing. Plant breathers "If no access to living root, larvae die in 24hrs." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs deposited in roots of rice plants. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Early instar larvae feed in rice roots after hatch. 1 "Host plant: Nymphaea, Oryza, Sagittaria, Scirpus" Unknown 32-77 days egg deposition to adult. Unknown 13762 Lissorhoptrus simplex Curculionidae Lissorhoptrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on submerged foliage of rice plants. Unknown Unknown 13767 Lissorhoptrus simplex Curculionidae Lissorhoptrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3581 Listronotus spp. Curculionidae Listronotus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 13768 Listronotus spp. Curculionidae Listronotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3579 Lixus spp. Curculionidae Lixus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 13769 Lixus spp. Curculionidae Lixus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3584 Notiodes spp. Curculionidae Notiodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 3583 Onychylis spp. Curculionidae Onychylis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 13764 Onychylis spp. Curculionidae Onychylis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "Host plant: Nymphaea odorata, Sagittaria, Pontederia" Unknown Unknown 13770 Onychylis spp. Curculionidae Onychylis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3582 Tanysphyrus lemnae Curculionidae Tanysphyrus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.75 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 13765 Tanysphyrus lemnae Curculionidae Tanysphyrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Host plant: Lemna Unknown Unknown 13771 Tanysphyrus lemnae Curculionidae Tanysphyrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/4/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3528 Curculionidae Curculionidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on aquatic host plants. Burrower Swimmer "Larvae are miners and burrowers in host plants. Adults can swim, walk on the surface of the water, but most of the time they simply crawl under water on their food plant." Unknown "Some adults and some larvae of various species are aquatic, but not all." Unknown 7191 Curculionidae Curculionidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Tubular Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7524 Curculionidae Curculionidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Some are Plant breather Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 13760 Curculionidae Curculionidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6670 Cyrenoida floridana Cyrenoididae Cyrenoida Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 1 Clear water 6468 Cyzicus mexicanus Cyzicidae Cyzicus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 2880 Deuterophlebia spp. Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebia "Biology and life history of a new species of mountain midge, Deuterophlebia nielsoni," California nkmv 9/8/2004 1 2194 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Cutaneous "3 generations, first is synchronized" Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating Unknown Scraper/grazer diatoms algae Clinger Attached/fixed 1 1 in cracks and crevices 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year 3 generations Fast seasonal 39 d 3-5 instars Hours < 100 eggs 1 Hours eggs overwinter in last gen. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 18 prefers 15 C 2881 Deuterophlebia spp. Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebia "Biology and life history of a new species of mountain midge, Deuterophlebia nielsoni," California nkmv 9/8/2004 1 3291 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Summer Free-floating Unknown Scraper/grazer diatoms algae Clinger Attached/fixed 1 1 in cracks and crevices 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown 1 Generation per year higher elevation only 1 gen 39 d 3-5 instars Hours < 100 eggs 1 Hours Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6717 Deuterophlebia spp. Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12123 Deuterophlebia coloradensis Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6851 Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebiidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Lateral prolegs with hooks Cutaneous Cutaneous Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed Pupae-Attached 1 1 Unknown Hours Less than 2 hrs Unknown 8129 Deuterophlebiidae Deuterophlebiidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Univoltine in higher elevation. Hours 1-2 hrs Unknown 1802 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Larvae of the three common North American species of Phylocentropus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case long tubes; spin silk nets to filter food from water. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Consume fine organic seston. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1804 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Larvae of the three common North American species of Phylocentropus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Unknown 1 Case long tubes; spin silk nets to filter food from water. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Consume fine organic seston. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1805 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Larvae of the three common North American species of Phylocentropus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 Case long tubes; spin silk nets to filter food from water. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Consume fine organic seston. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1806 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Larvae of the three common North American species of Phylocentropus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Tubular Unknown 1 Case long tubes; spin silk nets to filter food from water. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Consume fine organic seston. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1847 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1848 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2396 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2742 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 "Silk intake tubes constructed above the substrate surface (about 2 cm), allowing suspended FPOM to be exploited with minimal danger of deposits clogging or smothering the intake opening." Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Burrower Use silk to construct complex branching galleries and filtering devices in fine substrate. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2771 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Capture nets spun in galleries within substrates. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3415 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on detritus that collects in nets placed within tubes constructed in sand and silt. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5378 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky McCreary JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5379 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Rockcastle JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5380 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5630 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5631 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6165 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 muck and leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 7627 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Branched, buried tubes" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7679 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A new northeastern caddisfly species of the genus Phylocentropus (Trichoptera: Psychomyiidae). Massachusetts "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7817 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "The subfamily relationships of the Dipseudopsinae (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae)." chm 1/10/2005 Tubular Unknown 1 Sturdy sand tube. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7965 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7966 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8193 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 9-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8336 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8337 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr, June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8448 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8449 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8450 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8660 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8798 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 22-July 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8799 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8800 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Sept 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8919 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 19-21, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9027 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9028 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9029 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9719 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Reservoir outlet Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9839 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Lawrence RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10105 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10303 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Males outnumbered females 5 to 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10950 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10955 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13244 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13501 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13508 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13529 Phylocentropus spp. Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13530 Phylocentropus carolinus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13531 Phylocentropus lucidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13532 Phylocentropus placidus Dipseudopsidae Phylocentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge Mar-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 8117 Dipseudopsidae Dipseudopsidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Probably univoltine Unknown 6718 Dixa spp. Dixidae Dixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Climber Climb over damp surfaces 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 12177 Dixa spp. Dixidae Dixa Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 14131 Dixa spp. Dixidae Dixa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6719 Dixella spp. Dixidae Dixella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 14132 Dixella spp. Dixidae Dixella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6810 Meringodixa chalonensis Dixidae Meringodixa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3592 Dixidae Dixidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Larvae pupate just above the water surface on vegetation. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on microorganisms and detritus. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults are short-lived and do not feed. Unknown 6708 Dixidae Dixidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae-Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14130 Dixidae Dixidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 Madicolous habitat Unknown Pupate out of water in splash zone or humid area. Unknown Yes Overhanging substrate (dry) Free-floating Lays eggs in still shallow pools along stream bank. Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on algae and microscopic organisms. Swimmer Other (specify in comments) "A rapid ""side-winding"" method of crawling." 1 1 1 Yes "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 1 Unknown 6735 Argyra spp. Dolichopodidae Argyra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 Beach zone Unknown Unknown 14238 Argyra spp. Dolichopodidae Argyra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7446 Asyndetus spp. Dolichopodidae Asyndetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7447 Dolichopus spp. Dolichopodidae Dolichopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14239 Dolichopus spp. Dolichopodidae Dolichopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7448 Hercostomus spp. Dolichopodidae Hercostomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7449 Hydrophorus spp. Dolichopodidae Hydrophorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp. of midges" Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14280 Hydrophorus spp. Dolichopodidae Hydrophorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7450 Liancalus spp. Dolichopodidae Liancalus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7451 Pelastoneurus spp. Dolichopodidae Pelastoneurus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7452 Systenus spp. Dolichopodidae Systenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp. of Dasyhelea" Sprawler Burrower Unknown Unknown 14240 Systenus spp. Dolichopodidae Systenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7453 Tachytrechus spp. Dolichopodidae Tachytrechus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14241 Tachytrechus spp. Dolichopodidae Tachytrechus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7454 Thinophilus spp. Dolichopodidae Thinophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3598 Dolichopodidae Dolichopodidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 6712 Dolichopodidae Dolichopodidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Larvae-Siphon, Pupae-Spiracular gills" Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14237 Dolichopodidae Dolichopodidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on larvae of mosquitoes and midges, other dolichopodids." Unknown Unknown 6298 Dreissena polymorpha Dreissenidae Dreissena Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. One breeding season per year (2-8 months long); moderately iteroparous. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Sperm and eggs are releasted externally, leading to the development of free-swimming larvae. Gonochronistic." No Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Attached/fixed Attach to hard substrates with byssal threads. Can crawl considerable distance before Attaching. 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. Attach byssally to floating wood or boat and barge hulls, as well as vegetation that can be transported by birds." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. Attach byssally to floating wood or boat and barge hulls, as well as vegetation that can be transported by birds. Not found in water shallower than 2 m, but found in great abundance from 4-60 m (mostly above epilimnion)." 11-100 m 100 km or less Yes 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Reach maturity at 0.5 - 2 years. Months Live 2-3 years. "> 10,000 eggs" "30,000-40,000 eggs/female." Unknown 1 1 1 6 21 30 6669 Mytilopsis leucophaeata Dreissenidae Mytilopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6289 Dreissenidae Dreissenidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Sperm and eggs are releasted externally, leading to the development of free-swimming larvae." No Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Attached/fixed Attach to hard substrates with byssal threads. Can crawl considerable distance before Attaching. 1 1 1 Juveniles are free-living. 1 1 Juveniles are free-living. Yes Non-seasonal Unknown 3178 Dryops arizonensis Dryopidae Dryops Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 1.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Usually found just above the water line in debris caught on sticks or rocks. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3211 Dryops spp. Dryopidae Dryops Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7409 Dryops spp. Dryopidae Dryops An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12735 Dryops arizonensis Dryopidae Dryops Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2838 Helichus columbianus Dryopidae Helichus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 "adults, larvae are terrestrial" Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) adult is only aquatic stage Unknown 2986 Helichus lithophilus Dryopidae Helichus "Riffle beetles of Wisconsin (Coleoptera: Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae, Psephenidae)" Wisconsin nkmv 9/17/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 Unknown 1 dense pubescence Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2987 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus "Riffle beetles of Wisconsin (Coleoptera: Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae, Psephenidae)" Wisconsin nkmv 9/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 3179 Helichus basalis Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.9 2.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3180 Helichus confluentus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.25 2.55 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3181 Helichus fastigiatus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 2.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3182 Helichus immsi Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 2.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3183 Helichus lithophilus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.1 2.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3184 Helichus productus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 2.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3185 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 2438 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.4 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3186 Helichus suturalis Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.45 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 3187 Helichus triangularis Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.55 2.43 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3210 Helichus spp. Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3342 Helichus spp. Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "Only the adults are aquatic; larvae are terrestrial, inhabiting soil or decaying wood." Unknown 3529 Helichus spp. Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 5.65 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes Only adults are aquatic. Months Adults may live more than a year. Unknown 1 7410 Helichus spp. Dryopidae Helichus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7906 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12736 Helichus basalis Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12737 Helichus confluentus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12738 Helichus fastigiatus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12739 Helichus confluentus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Georgia chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12740 Helichus immsi Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12741 Helichus lithophilus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12742 Helichus productus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12743 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12744 Helichus suturalis Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 12745 Helichus triangularis Dryopidae Helichus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13975 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Adult collected in early Apr. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13979 Helichus spp. Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13980 Helichus basalis Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13981 Helichus fastigiatus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13982 Helichus lithophilus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.8 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13983 Helichus striatus Dryopidae Helichus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.3 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3188 Pelonomus obscurus Dryopidae Pelonomus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.65 2.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3212 Pelonomus spp. Dryopidae Pelonomus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7411 Pelonomus obscurus Dryopidae Pelonomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Illinois Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12747 Pelonomus obscurus Dryopidae Pelonomus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13976 Pelonomus spp. Dryopidae Pelonomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 Unknown Adult collected in mid-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown 13978 Pelonomus spp. Dryopidae Pelonomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13984 Pelonomus obscurus Dryopidae Pelonomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7412 Postelichus spp. Dryopidae Postelichus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7207 Dryopidae Dryopidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown 1 Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13977 Dryopidae Dryopidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) "Aquatic adult, terrestrial larvae." Unknown 3401 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13.6 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7337 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 10851 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius Prey Selection by Freshwater Predators with different Foraging Strategies. California Mono RAT 2/24/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Mobile and continuously moving Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12217 Acilius mediatus Dytiscidae Acilius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in WI Months Adults overwinter. Unknown Silted/murky water 12218 Acilius fraternus Dytiscidae Acilius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 8 Unknown Adults migrate between wintering and breeding habitat. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Months Adults overwinter. Unknown 12219 Acilius abbreviatus Dytiscidae Acilius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Adults overwinter. Unknown 13857 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Climber Swimmer Unknown < 100 eggs 1 30-50 eggs/mass Unknown 13870 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Oviposit above water in moist soil among grass roots or under debris. Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs 1 30-50 eggs/mass Unknown 13910 Acilius fraternus Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13911 Acilius mediatus Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13912 Acilius spp. Dytiscidae Acilius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3541 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3572 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7338 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7907 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9698 Agabus erichsoni Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 6 Unknown Teneral adults collected mid-June-early Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Months "In 2nd yr, adults overwinter." Months Egg overwinter. Unknown 9699 Agabus erichsoni Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Months "In 2nd yr, adults overwinter." Months Egg overwinter. Hatch in spr. Unknown 9700 Agabus opacus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 4 Unknown Teneral Apr-May and late July-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9701 Agabus semivittatus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 9 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Months Adults overwinter Unknown 9702 Agabus seriatus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 5 Round (humped) Unknown Teneral midsummer-fall Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Months Adults overwinter Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 9703 Agabus seriatus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae develop late spring and through summer. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 9704 Agabus minnesotensis Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 6 Unknown Teneral Apr-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9705 Agabus punctatus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9706 Agabus disintegratus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown Adults collected late Mar-late June. Unknown Unknown "In CA, reproduce in fall after dry period diapause. Overwintering adults lay eggs in spring." Unknown Unknown Months Diapause in dry period. Adults overwinter. Unknown 9707 Agabus disintegratus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/3/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Larvae devel to adult from spring-early summer. Unknown 9708 Agabus anthracinus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown Teneral in July-Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Months Adults overwinter Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9709 Agabus anthracinus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Larvae in spring and early summer. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9710 Agabus subfuscatus Dytiscidae Agabus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 5 Unknown Teneral June 12-21. Flight records from May 19-June 13. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11751 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13858 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Extensive tracheal network near ventral cuticle believed for gas exchange. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Climber Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13871 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants or on the surface of plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13913 Agabus disintegratus Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13914 Agabus punctatus Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13915 Agabus spp. Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13916 Agabus stagninus Dytiscidae Agabus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7339 Anodocheilus exiguus Dytiscidae Anodocheilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13917 Anodocheilus exiguus Dytiscidae Anodocheilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3561 Bidessonotus spp. Dytiscidae Bidessonotus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 2.05 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7340 Bidessonotus spp. Dytiscidae Bidessonotus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9653 Bidessonotus spp. Dytiscidae Bidessonotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9654 Bidessonotus inconspicuus Dytiscidae Bidessonotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13918 Bidessonotus inconspicuus Dytiscidae Bidessonotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13919 Bidessonotus longovalis Dytiscidae Bidessonotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13920 Bidessonotus spp. Dytiscidae Bidessonotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7341 Brachyvatus apicatus Dytiscidae Brachyvatus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3559 Celina spp. Dytiscidae Celina Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7342 Celina spp. Dytiscidae Celina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 9649 Celina spp. Dytiscidae Celina "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Seeps Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Apical spines on Eytra and abdomen to pierce plant roots Plant breathers Apical spines on Eytra and abdomen to pierce plant roots. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Beetle on roots of aquatic plants. Unknown Unknown 13921 Celina spp. Dytiscidae Celina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3396 Colymbetes spp. Dytiscidae Colymbetes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Large (length > 16 mm) 16.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7343 Colymbetes spp. Dytiscidae Colymbetes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in WI and Ontario. Unknown 12330 Colymbetes spp. Dytiscidae Colymbetes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 12332 Colymbetes incognitus Dytiscidae Colymbetes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 13859 Colymbetes spp. Dytiscidae Colymbetes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Climber Unknown Unknown 13872 Colymbetes spp. Dytiscidae Colymbetes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on plant surface or half inserted into plant tissues. Unknown Unknown Unknown 3394 Copelatus spp. Dytiscidae Copelatus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7089 Copelatus glyphicus Dytiscidae Copelatus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7344 Copelatus spp. Dytiscidae Copelatus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9634 Copelatus chevrolati Dytiscidae Copelatus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 9635 Copelatus glyphicus Dytiscidae Copelatus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Emergence April 16-20 in Texas and July-late Sept in souther Ontario. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12226 Copelatus spp. Dytiscidae Copelatus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" chm 3/9/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13922 Copelatus chevrolati Dytiscidae Copelatus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13923 Copelatus glyphicus Dytiscidae Copelatus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 2.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13924 Copelatus spp. Dytiscidae Copelatus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 2.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3395 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 7.75 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7345 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae has lateral gills Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Wisconsin. Unknown 12194 Coptotomus interrogatus Dytiscidae Coptotomus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12195 Coptotomus venustus Dytiscidae Coptotomus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12196 Coptotomus longulus Dytiscidae Coptotomus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown Teneral specimens collected July-Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12197 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13860 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13873 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13925 Coptotomus interrogatus Dytiscidae Coptotomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13926 Coptotomus spp. Dytiscidae Coptotomus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3576 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Large (length > 16 mm) 30.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7088 Cybister fimbriolatus Dytiscidae Cybister An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7346 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 Unknown Unknown 12225 Cybister fimbriolatus Dytiscidae Cybister "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Ditch Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13861 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13874 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Predator "Small aquatic prey as well as tadpoles, fish, small frogs." Unknown Unknown 13927 Cybister fimbriolatus Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13957 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13958 Cybister spp. Dytiscidae Cybister Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3560 Desmopachria spp. Dytiscidae Desmopachria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 1.85 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7347 Desmopachria spp. Dytiscidae Desmopachria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9651 Desmopachria spp. Dytiscidae Desmopachria "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13928 Desmopachria spp. Dytiscidae Desmopachria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3575 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Large (length > 16 mm) 33.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7220 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Temporary air store Adult-Temporary air storeonly when water temp low Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7536 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 38 Unknown Temporary air store Adult-Temporary air storeonly when water temp low Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11752 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12202 Dytiscus harrisii Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 39 22 Unknown Adults disperse to breeding sites in spring. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Months Adults overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 12203 Dytiscus harrisii Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 39 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Prefer to feed on larval Tichoptera 1 1 1 Unknown Larval devel completed by June-July. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 12204 Dytiscus hybridus Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12333 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Pupate in damp soil or rotting logs near water's edge. Eclosed teneral beetles in mid-July to late September. Adults fly and disperse. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall "Mating in spring, but females may also have mated in previous fall. Eggs laid on plant leave/stem." Unknown Unknown Larval growth 4-6wks. Months Adults overwinter. Adult live 18mths in field. Weeks Hatch in 1 to 2wks. Unknown 12334 Dytiscus alaskanus Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 15 Unknown Pupate in damp soil or rotting logs near water's edge. Eclosed teneral beetles in mid-July to late September. Adults fly and disperse. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall "Mating in spring, but females may also have mated in previous fall. Eggs laid on plant leave/stem." Unknown Unknown Larval growth 4-6wks. Months Adults overwinter. Adult live 18mths in field. Weeks Hatch in 1 to 2wks. Unknown 12350 Dytiscus verticalis Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12351 Dytiscus verticalis Dytiscidae Dytiscus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Prefer to feed on immature frogs and salamanders 1 Unknown Unknown 13862 Dytiscus hybridus Dytiscidae Dytiscus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13875 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Predator "Small aquatic prey as well as tadpoles, fish, small frogs." Unknown Unknown 13929 Dytiscus spp. Dytiscidae Dytiscus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3403 Graphoderus spp. Dytiscidae Graphoderus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7348 Graphoderus spp. Dytiscidae Graphoderus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 Unknown Unknown 12220 Graphoderus spp. Dytiscidae Graphoderus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on insects trapped in surface film. Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Overwinters. Unknown 12221 Graphoderus spp. Dytiscidae Graphoderus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13930 Graphoderus spp. Dytiscidae Graphoderus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3537 Heterosternuta pulcher Dytiscidae Heterosternuta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3570 Heterosternuta pulcher Dytiscidae Heterosternuta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.55 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 9672 Heterosternuta wickhami Dytiscidae Heterosternuta "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9673 Heterosternuta pulcher Dytiscidae Heterosternuta "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3400 Hydaticus spp. Dytiscidae Hydaticus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7349 Hydaticus spp. Dytiscidae Hydaticus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12205 Hydaticus bimarginatus Dytiscidae Hydaticus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12206 Hydaticus spp. Dytiscidae Hydaticus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 8 Round (humped) Unknown Adults disperse in spring. Teneral beetles from Canada in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Shading by surrounding forest. Unknown Months Adults overwinter. Unknown 13876 Hydaticus spp. Dytiscidae Hydaticus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13931 Hydaticus bimarginatus Dytiscidae Hydaticus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13932 Hydaticus spp. Dytiscidae Hydaticus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3574 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4.45 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7350 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9681 Hydroporus dichrous Dytiscidae Hydroporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9688 Hydroporus obscurus Dytiscidae Hydroporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9689 Hydroporus notabilis Dytiscidae Hydroporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Unknown "In Canada, adult present only in late spr to fall. In WI, adult fly to breeding sites in spring." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "In WI, adults overwinter." Months Egg overwinters. Unknown 9690 Hydroporus mannerheimi Dytiscidae Hydroporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Unknown Teneral early July to early Aug; peak at end of July. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 9691 Hydroporus niger Dytiscidae Hydroporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13866 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Climber Unknown Unknown 13869 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on plant surface or half inserted into plant tissues. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13908 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on plant surface or half inserted into plant tissues. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13933 Hydroporus niger Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13934 Hydroporus oblitus Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13935 Hydroporus spp. Dytiscidae Hydroporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3564 Hydrovatus spp. Dytiscidae Hydrovatus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7351 Hydrovatus spp. Dytiscidae Hydrovatus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore 1 Unknown Unknown 9650 Hydrovatus spp. Dytiscidae Hydrovatus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 2 Round (humped) Unknown Apical spine to pierce plant. Plant breathers Apical spine to pierce plant. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Among roots of aquatic plants 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13936 Hydrovatus spp. Dytiscidae Hydrovatus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13955 Hydrovatus spp. Dytiscidae Hydrovatus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3565 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 3.65 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7352 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9664 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Wisconsin ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Breed in spring and early summer. Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Adult overwinters. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9665 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Wisconsin ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9666 Hygrotus acaroides Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9667 Hygrotus sayi Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9668 Hygrotus marklini Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 1 1 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9669 Hygrotus bruesi Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9670 Hygrotus patruelis Dytiscidae Hygrotus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13937 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13956 Hygrotus spp. Dytiscidae Hygrotus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3399 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7353 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9711 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Egg inserted into tissue of aquatic plants. Eggs laid in summer. Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine and Semivoltine. Adults can overwinter and lay eggs in summer. Unknown 9712 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Larvae overwinter and pupate in spring. Hatch in summer Unknown 9713 Ilybius descedens Dytiscidae Ilybius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine and Semivoltine. Adults can overwinter and lay eggs in summer. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9714 Ilybius subaeneus Dytiscidae Ilybius "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 6 Unknown Flight record July 26. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13863 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Extensive tracheal network near ventral cuticle believed for gas exchange. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13877 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13938 Ilybius spp. Dytiscidae Ilybius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3577 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4.7 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7090 Laccophilus maculosus Dytiscidae Laccophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Unknown 7354 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7535 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Unknown Unknown 9636 Laccophilus fasciatus Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Larvae devel in spr & summer. Adult overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9637 Laccophilus maculosus Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 4 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Larvae devel in spr & summer. Adult overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9638 Laccophilus proximus Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Staggered oviposition period. Unknown Unknown Larvae devel in spr & summer. Adult overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9639 Laccophilus pictus Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9640 Laccophilus gentilis Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Desert Southwest ADULT chm 3/2/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9641 Laccophilus biguttatus Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Flight latter half of May in Alberta. Unknown Unknown Staggered oviposition period. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae devel in spr & summer. Adult overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9642 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Flight latter half of May in Alberta. Unknown Unknown Staggered oviposition period. Unknown 1 1 Unknown Larvae devel in spr & summer. Adult overwinter. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13864 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13905 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13906 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13909 Laccophilus fasciatus Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13939 Laccophilus fasciatus Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13940 Laccophilus gentilis Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13941 Laccophilus maculosus Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13942 Laccophilus proximus Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13943 Laccophilus spp. Dytiscidae Laccophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3566 Laccornis spp. Dytiscidae Laccornis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 5.85 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7355 Laccornis spp. Dytiscidae Laccornis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 9643 Laccornis difformis Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" South Carolina "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9644 Laccornis spp. Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" South Carolina "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9645 Laccornis conoideus Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Copulation observed Aug 13 in Alberta. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9646 Laccornis pacificus Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Copulation observed Aug 13 in Alberta. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9647 Laccornis latens Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Copulation observed Aug 13 in Alberta. Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9648 Laccornis deltoides Dytiscidae Laccornis "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 4 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Copulation observed Aug 13 in Alberta. Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 13944 Laccornis difformis Dytiscidae Laccornis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3562 Liodessus spp. Dytiscidae Liodessus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 1.9 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3585 Liodessus spp. Dytiscidae Liodessus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7356 Liodessus spp. Dytiscidae Liodessus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9655 Liodessus flavicollis Dytiscidae Liodessus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 9656 Liodessus affinis Dytiscidae Liodessus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 9657 Liodessus obscurellus Dytiscidae Liodessus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9658 Liodessus fuscatus Dytiscidae Liodessus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13945 Liodessus affinis Dytiscidae Liodessus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13946 Liodessus fuscatus Dytiscidae Liodessus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3538 Lioporeus triangularis Dytiscidae Lioporeus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3571 Lioporeus spp. Dytiscidae Lioporeus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.95 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 9674 Lioporeus spp. Dytiscidae Lioporeus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 9675 Lioporeus pilatei Dytiscidae Lioporeus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9676 Lioporeus triangularis Dytiscidae Lioporeus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3393 Matus spp. Dytiscidae Matus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 8.45 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7357 Matus spp. Dytiscidae Matus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12198 Matus ovatus Dytiscidae Matus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Prefer eutrophic conditions 1 Unknown Unknown 12199 Matus bicarinatus Dytiscidae Matus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13947 Matus bicarinatus Dytiscidae Matus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13948 Matus ovatus Dytiscidae Matus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7358 Megadytes spp. Dytiscidae Megadytes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 3539 Nebrioporus spp. Dytiscidae Nebrioporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3568 Nebrioporus spp. Dytiscidae Nebrioporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7359 Nebrioporus spp. Dytiscidae Nebrioporus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9694 Nebrioporus spp. Dytiscidae Nebrioporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7360 Neoclypeodytes spp. Dytiscidae Neoclypeodytes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9659 Neoclypeodytes spp. Dytiscidae Neoclypeodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Teneral on Aug 6 in British Columbia Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9660 Neoclypeodytes cinctellus Dytiscidae Neoclypeodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Desert Southwest ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Teneral on Aug 6 in British Columbia Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3542 Neoporus spp. Dytiscidae Neoporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3569 Neoporus spp. Dytiscidae Neoporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 9677 Neoporus blanchardi Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9678 Neoporus clypealis Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9679 Neoporus carolinus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Alabama "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 9680 Neoporus undulatus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Alabama "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9682 Neoporus hybridus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9683 Neoporus aulicus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9684 Neoporus aulicus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9685 Neoporus dixianus Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9686 Neoporus vittatipennis Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9687 Neoporus vittatipennis Dytiscidae Neoporus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3398 Neoscutopterus spp. Dytiscidae Neoscutopterus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 12200 Neoscutopterus spp. Dytiscidae Neoscutopterus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine (1 gen/2 yrs)? Months Adults overwinter Unknown 12201 Neoscutopterus angustus Dytiscidae Neoscutopterus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Maine Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine (1 gen/2 yrs)? Months Adults overwinter Unknown 12328 Neoscutopterus hornii Dytiscidae Neoscutopterus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine (1 gen/2 yrs)? Months Adults overwinter Unknown 3540 Oreodytes scitulus Dytiscidae Oreodytes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.15 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7361 Oreodytes spp. Dytiscidae Oreodytes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9695 Oreodytes snoqualmie Dytiscidae Oreodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 9696 Oreodytes laevis Dytiscidae Oreodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9697 Oreodytes scitulus Dytiscidae Oreodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Tolerate of slity water. 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 7362 Pachydrus princeps Dytiscidae Pachydrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3397 Rhantus spp. Dytiscidae Rhantus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.7 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7091 Rhantus binotatus Dytiscidae Rhantus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year "Primarily univoltine, few bivoltine." Unknown 7363 Rhantus spp. Dytiscidae Rhantus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12329 Rhantus binotatus Dytiscidae Rhantus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 6 Unknown Adults fly to disperse. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12331 Rhantus spp. Dytiscidae Rhantus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults overwinter. Unknown 13867 Rhantus spp. Dytiscidae Rhantus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13949 Rhantus binotatus Dytiscidae Rhantus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13950 Rhantus spp. Dytiscidae Rhantus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3573 Sanfilippodytes pseudovilis Dytiscidae Sanfilippodytes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 9671 Sanfilippodytes spp. Dytiscidae Sanfilippodytes "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3567 Stictotarsus spp. Dytiscidae Stictotarsus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4.45 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7364 Stictotarsus spp. Dytiscidae Stictotarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9692 Stictotarsus spp. Dytiscidae Stictotarsus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9693 Stictotarsus griseostriatus Dytiscidae Stictotarsus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Unknown Adults fly in spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 3402 Thermonectus spp. Dytiscidae Thermonectus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11.9 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7092 Thermonectus ornaticollis Dytiscidae Thermonectus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7365 Thermonectus spp. Dytiscidae Thermonectus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Diver Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12222 Thermonectus spp. Dytiscidae Thermonectus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Disperses a great distant to breed. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in WI. Months Overwinters on land. Unknown 12223 Thermonectus basillaris Dytiscidae Thermonectus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 6 Unknown Disperses a great distant to breed. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in WI. Months Overwinters on land. Unknown Clear water 12224 Thermonectus nigrofasciatus Dytiscidae Thermonectus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Desert Southwest chm 3/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13865 Thermonectus spp. Dytiscidae Thermonectus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Swimmer Unknown Unknown 13907 Thermonectus spp. Dytiscidae Thermonectus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by inserting eggs into submerged parts of living plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13951 Thermonectus basillaris Dytiscidae Thermonectus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13952 Thermonectus ornaticollis Dytiscidae Thermonectus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3563 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 1.8 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 3586 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 3.4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7366 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9661 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9662 Uvarus subtilis Dytiscidae Uvarus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" Pacific Southwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 9663 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/2/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13953 Uvarus lacustris Dytiscidae Uvarus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13954 Uvarus spp. Dytiscidae Uvarus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/7/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3523 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Both larvae and adults are predators on other aquatic arthropods; adults are also scavengers. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic. 3 larval instars. "Most overwinter as adults, some as larvae or eggs." Unknown 7194 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown 3 instar stages-several wks to mths of devel Unknown 7521 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Adult-Temporary air store in low temp water Unknown Unknown Mating early spring through autumn Unknown Yes Unknown 9652 Bidessini Dytiscidae "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/2/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11395 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Use chemical cues to track prey Unknown Unknown 11460 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12207 Aciliini Dytiscidae "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" ADULT chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12208 Aciliini Dytiscidae "Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region, with emphasis on the fau" chm 3/7/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on large zooplankton. Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13856 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers "In flight, large thoracic air sacs connect with 1st pair of spiracles. Sacs collapse when in water. Subelytral air chamber functions principally to carry expired gases." Unknown Unknown Mate in early spring-autumn. Male of some spp secrete cement on female's 8th sternite to prevent polyandry. Unknown Predator Swimmer Flyer 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 3 instar stages. Months Males of larger spp live 2-3 yrs. Days Typical 8-14 day; slow in cold Unknown 13868 Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 1 Unknown Cutaneous Atmospheric breathers 1st instar cuticular. 10 pairs of spiracles and 1 main pair of terminal breathing tubes with simple branches leading to the lateral spiracles. Opens thoracic and abdomenal spiracules to functional state. Leaves water to prepare pupal chamber. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on aquatic insects, oligochaetes, leeches, crustaceans, snails, fish, frog, salamanders." 1 1 1 1 Unknown 3 instar stages. Pupate min of 2 wks. Months Males of larger spp live 2-3 yrs. Days Typical 8-14 day; slow in cold Unknown 1807 Austrotinodes texensis Ecnomidae Austrotinodes A new species of Austrotinodes (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae) from Texas Texas Bandera Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 Dwell in tubes constructed deep in substrates. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7620 Austrotinodes spp. Ecnomidae Austrotinodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer ? Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 3230 Ampumixis spp. Elmidae Ampumixis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3346 Ampumixis dispar Elmidae Ampumixis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1.15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 7415 Ampumixis dispar Elmidae Ampumixis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 12388 Ampumixis dispar Elmidae Ampumixis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 2988 Ancyronyx variegata Elmidae Ancyronyx "Riffle beetles of Wisconsin (Coleoptera: Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae, Psephenidae)" Wisconsin nkmv 9/17/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3221 Ancyronyx spp. Elmidae Ancyronyx Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3347 Ancyronyx variegata Elmidae Ancyronyx Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Larvae may be found under decaying bark. Unknown Unknown 3544 Ancyronyx spp. Elmidae Ancyronyx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7416 Ancyronyx variegata Elmidae Ancyronyx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Scraper Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in South Carolina. Unknown 12389 Ancyronyx variegata Elmidae Ancyronyx Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14030 Ancyronyx variegata Elmidae Ancyronyx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2827 Atractelmis wawona Elmidae Atractelmis An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adult in aquatic mosses Unknown Unknown 3039 Atractelmis wawona Elmidae Atractelmis Description of the larva of Atractelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) and new information on the morphology nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 larvae and adults on aquatic moss and root wads Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3064 Atractelmis wawona Elmidae Atractelmis Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3348 Atractelmis wawona Elmidae Atractelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California Shasta ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 609 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 0.9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 7417 Atractelmis wawona Elmidae Atractelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 2828 Cleptelmis addenda Elmidae Cleptelmis An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adult in roots and aquatic mosses Unknown Unknown 3231 Cleptelmis spp. Elmidae Cleptelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3349 Cleptelmis addenda Elmidae Cleptelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Found on roots and moss or rocks and gravel. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3350 Cleptelmis ornata Elmidae Cleptelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 "Found on roots, moss, rocks, and gravel." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7418 Cleptelmis spp. Elmidae Cleptelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Submerged roots 1 Unknown Unknown 7541 Cleptelmis spp. Elmidae Cleptelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Submerged roots Unknown Unknown 12250 Cleptelmis ornata Elmidae Cleptelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12390 Cleptelmis addenda Elmidae Cleptelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 3218 Cylloepus spp. Elmidae Cylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3351 Cylloepus abnormis Elmidae Cylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.9 1.57 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3352 Cylloepus parkeri Elmidae Cylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arizona Yavapai ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.65 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7419 Cylloepus spp. Elmidae Cylloepus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12251 Cylloepus abnormis Elmidae Cylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12252 Cylloepus parkeri Elmidae Cylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2823 Dubiraphia bivittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Notes on Dubiraphia (Coleoptera: Elmidae) with descriptions of five new species nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown adult size Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2824 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia Notes on Dubiraphia (Coleoptera: Elmidae) with descriptions of five new species nkmv 9/15/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 0.9 Unknown adult size Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2829 Dubiraphia brunnescens Elmidae Dubiraphia An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adult in roots of veg Unknown Unknown 2842 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia "Dubiraphia harleyi, a new species of riffle beetle from Louisiana (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea: Elmidae)" nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.8 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 in root wads Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 3073 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 root wads or moss Unknown Unknown 3216 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3353 Dubiraphia bivittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.95 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "Found on submerged roots, aquatic plants, or other plant material." 1 Unknown Unknown 3354 Dubiraphia brunnescens Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California Lake ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.15 0.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Found among submerged willow roots. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3355 Dubiraphia giulianii Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 0.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3356 Dubiraphia quadrinotata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.1 0.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Found on submerged roots, aquatic plants, or other plant material (including rocks encrusted with algae)." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3357 Dubiraphia vittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.15 0.78 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Found on submerged roots, aquatic plants, or other plant material (including rocks encrusted with algae)." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3545 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 2.75 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7095 Dubiraphia quadrinotata Elmidae Dubiraphia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America South Carolina chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7420 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12253 Dubiraphia bivittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12254 Dubiraphia brunnescens Elmidae Dubiraphia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12255 Dubiraphia giulianii Elmidae Dubiraphia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12256 Dubiraphia quadrinotata Elmidae Dubiraphia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12257 Dubiraphia vittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14031 Dubiraphia bivittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.3 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14032 Dubiraphia quadrinotata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 0.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14033 Dubiraphia vittata Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 0.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14058 Dubiraphia spp. Elmidae Dubiraphia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3121 Elsianus texanus Elmidae Elsianus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Texas ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.7 1.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3225 Elsianus spp. Elmidae Elsianus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3358 Elsianus moestus Elmidae Elsianus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arizona ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.6 1.9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3359 Elsianus shoemakei Elmidae Elsianus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Texas ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.45 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12258 Elsianus moestus Elmidae Elsianus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12259 Elsianus shoemakei Elmidae Elsianus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12316 Elsianus texanus Elmidae Elsianus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3122 Gonielmis dietrichi Elmidae Gonielmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 1.03 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Found on submerged wood and roots. 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 3236 Gonielmis spp. Elmidae Gonielmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12317 Gonielmis dietrichi Elmidae Gonielmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2825 Heterelmis spp. Elmidae Heterelmis A new species of Heterelmis from Texas Texas nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown adult size Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2830 Heterelmis spp. Elmidae Heterelmis An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 canyon streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adult Unknown Unknown 3123 Heterelmis glabra Elmidae Heterelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.05 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3124 Heterelmis obesa Elmidae Heterelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.9 1.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3125 Heterelmis vulnerata Elmidae Heterelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.08 1.03 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3222 Heterelmis spp. Elmidae Heterelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7422 Heterelmis spp. Elmidae Heterelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12318 Heterelmis glabra Elmidae Heterelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12319 Heterelmis obesa Elmidae Heterelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 12320 Heterelmis vulnerata Elmidae Heterelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2831 Heterlimnius corpulentus Elmidae Heterlimnius An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adult 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3090 Heterlimnius spp. Elmidae Heterlimnius Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3126 Heterlimnius corpulentus Elmidae Heterlimnius Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.65 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3127 Heterlimnius koebelei Elmidae Heterlimnius Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3237 Heterlimnius spp. Elmidae Heterlimnius Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7423 Heterlimnius spp. Elmidae Heterlimnius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11755 Heterlimnius corpulentus Elmidae Heterlimnius Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12011 Heterlimnius corpulentus Elmidae Heterlimnius "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12119 Heterlimnius spp. Elmidae Heterlimnius The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12321 Heterlimnius corpulentus Elmidae Heterlimnius Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12322 Heterlimnius koebelei Elmidae Heterlimnius Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3128 Hexacylloepus ferrugineus Elmidae Hexacylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.9 0.77 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Also found on travertine. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3228 Hexacylloepus spp. Elmidae Hexacylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7424 Hexacylloepus spp. Elmidae Hexacylloepus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12611 Hexacylloepus ferrugineus Elmidae Hexacylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2826 Lara avara Elmidae Lara An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder larvae gouge wood 1 larvae and adults Unknown Unknown 3214 Lara spp. Elmidae Lara Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3343 Lara avara Elmidae Lara Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Larvae found on sumberged wood and debris; adults found on logs just above chrning/rushing water, on downstream side." 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown Clear water 3344 Lara gehringi Elmidae Lara Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Larvae found on sumberged wood and debris; adults found on logs just above chrning/rushing water, on downstream side." 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown Clear water 7019 Lara avara Elmidae Lara An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 4-6+ yrs Unknown 7425 Lara spp. Elmidae Lara An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger Burrower 1 1 Yes Unknown 8155 Lara avara Elmidae Lara Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Wood gouger; feed on wood. Burrower 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/5 yrs. Unknown 11461 Lara spp. Elmidae Lara Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12382 Lara avara Elmidae Lara Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12383 Lara avara Elmidae Lara Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12384 Lara gehringi Elmidae Lara Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12385 Lara gehringi Elmidae Lara Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 7421 Macrelmis spp. Elmidae Macrelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3129 Macronychus glabratus Elmidae Macronychus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3234 Macronychus spp. Elmidae Macronychus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3543 Macronychus spp. Elmidae Macronychus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 3.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7426 Macronychus glabratus Elmidae Macronychus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in SC. Unknown 12612 Macronychus glabratus Elmidae Macronychus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13989 Macronychus spp. Elmidae Macronychus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Pupal chamber in soft or rotting wood. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14034 Macronychus glabratus Elmidae Macronychus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2832 Microcylloepus spp. Elmidae Microcylloepus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) inhabits warm springs (assume 80F) 3130 Microcylloepus browni Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Montana ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 0.69 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3131 Microcylloepus moapus Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Nevada ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.8 0.75 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3132 Microcylloepus pusillus Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.97 0.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 3133 Microcylloepus thermarum Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Nevada ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.55 0.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3229 Microcylloepus spp. Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3548 Microcylloepus spp. Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.05 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 Clear water 7427 Microcylloepus spp. Elmidae Microcylloepus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Climber Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11083 Microcylloepus pusillus Elmidae Microcylloepus Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 12613 Microcylloepus browni Elmidae Microcylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Montana chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12615 Microcylloepus moapus Elmidae Microcylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Nevada chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12616 Microcylloepus pusillus Elmidae Microcylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 14029 Microcylloepus pusillus Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14035 Microcylloepus pusillus Elmidae Microcylloepus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2833 Narpus concolor Elmidae Narpus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 adult only 1 Unknown Unknown 3134 Narpus angustus Elmidae Narpus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3135 Narpus arizonicus Elmidae Narpus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arizona ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.4 1.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3136 Narpus concolor Elmidae Narpus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.7 1.65 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3217 Narpus spp. Elmidae Narpus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7428 Narpus spp. Elmidae Narpus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11411 Narpus concolor Elmidae Narpus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12614 Narpus angustus Elmidae Narpus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12617 Narpus arizonicus Elmidae Narpus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12618 Narpus concolor Elmidae Narpus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3137 Neocylloepus boeseli Elmidae Neocylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.95 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3223 Neocylloepus spp. Elmidae Neocylloepus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7429 Neocylloepus spp. Elmidae Neocylloepus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12619 Neocylloepus boeseli Elmidae Neocylloepus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3138 Neoelmis caesa Elmidae Neoelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.6 0.55 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3227 Neoelmis spp. Elmidae Neoelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7430 Neoelmis caesa Elmidae Neoelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12620 Neoelmis caesa Elmidae Neoelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2834 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adults 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 2940 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus "A revision of the nearctic Optioservus (Coleoptera: Elmidae), with description of a new species" ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1-2 years Months adults live for years! Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3099 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3139 Optioservus ampliatus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.45 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3140 Optioservus canus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 1.15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3141 Optioservus cryophilus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States GREAT SMOKY MTNS "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.05 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Found on moss-covered stones. 1 Unknown Unknown 3142 Optioservus divergens Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.35 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3143 Optioservus fastiditus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.95 1.45 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3144 Optioservus immunis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3145 Optioservus ovalis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 1.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 In gravel or among moss-covered stones. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3146 Optioservus ozarkensis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Missouri ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 1.2 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3147 Optioservus pecosensis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3148 Optioservus quadrimaculatus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3149 Optioservus sandersoni Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arkansas Washington ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 1.3 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3150 Optioservus seriatus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 0.85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3151 Optioservus trivittatus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.88 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3233 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3547 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7160 Optioservus fastiditus Elmidae Optioservus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Ontario. Unknown 7431 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7905 Optioservus fastiditus Elmidae Optioservus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11435 Optioservus quadrimaculatus Elmidae Optioservus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12120 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12621 Optioservus ampliatus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12622 Optioservus cryophilus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12623 Optioservus canus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12624 Optioservus divergens Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12625 Optioservus ovalis Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12626 Optioservus fastiditus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12627 Optioservus immunis Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12628 Optioservus ozarkensis Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Missouri 1968 Dec chm 3/10/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12629 Optioservus pecosensis Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 12630 Optioservus quadrimaculatus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12631 Optioservus sandersoni Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arkansas 1962 June chm 3/10/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12632 Optioservus seriatus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12633 Optioservus sandersoni Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma 1962 June chm 3/10/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12635 Optioservus trivittatus Elmidae Optioservus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14036 Optioservus immunis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14037 Optioservus ovalis Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.63 1.43 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14038 Optioservus trivittatus Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.19 1.14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14059 Optioservus spp. Elmidae Optioservus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2835 Ordobrevia nubifera Elmidae Ordobrevia An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 larvae and adults 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2989 Ordobrevia nubifera Elmidae Ordobrevia A redescription of Ordobrevia nubifera (Fall) (Coleoptera: Elmidae) ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 prefers coarse substrates Unknown Unknown 3152 Ordobrevia nubifera Elmidae Ordobrevia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3224 Ordobrevia spp. Elmidae Ordobrevia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7432 Ordobrevia nubifera Elmidae Ordobrevia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12634 Ordobrevia nubifera Elmidae Ordobrevia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3153 Oulimnius latiusculus Elmidae Oulimnius Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.43 1.73 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3238 Oulimnius spp. Elmidae Oulimnius Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7433 Oulimnius latiusculus Elmidae Oulimnius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7540 Oulimnius latiusculus Elmidae Oulimnius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12636 Oulimnius latiusculus Elmidae Oulimnius Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 13988 Oulimnius spp. Elmidae Oulimnius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5 instar stages. Mature 1-2 yrs. Unknown 14039 Oulimnius latiusculus Elmidae Oulimnius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3215 Phanocerus spp. Elmidae Phanocerus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3345 Phanocerus clavicornis Elmidae Phanocerus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Texas Val Verde ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Larvae found on sumberged plant material; adults just above or just below water line on objects protruding from water in rapids or small falls. 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 12386 Phanocerus clavicornis Elmidae Phanocerus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12387 Phanocerus clavicornis Elmidae Phanocerus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3048 Promoresia elegans Elmidae Promoresia Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 root wads or moss Unknown Unknown 3055 Promoresia tardella Elmidae Promoresia Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 root wads or moss Unknown Unknown 3154 Promoresia elegans Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 0.95 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3155 Promoresia tardella Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 In gravel and among moss and rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3232 Promoresia spp. Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7161 Promoresia elegans Elmidae Promoresia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Ontario. Unknown 7434 Promoresia spp. Elmidae Promoresia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12637 Promoresia elegans Elmidae Promoresia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12638 Promoresia tardella Elmidae Promoresia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 14040 Promoresia elegans Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.8 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14041 Promoresia tardella Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14060 Promoresia spp. Elmidae Promoresia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2836 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adults 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2931 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis Notes on separation and identificationn of North American riffle beetles ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 rootwads or moss Unknown Unknown 3156 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 609 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.55 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3219 Rhizelmis spp. Elmidae Rhizelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7435 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7539 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12639 Rhizelmis nigra Elmidae Rhizelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2816 Stenelmis xylonastis Elmidae Stenelmis "Stenelmis lignicola and Stenelmis xylonastis, two new North American species of wood-inhabiting" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 blackwater rivers Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown adult measurements dispersal flights Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Yes adult dispersal flights Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2984 Stenelmis occidentalis Elmidae Stenelmis A new species of Stenelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) found west of the Mississippi nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2985 Stenelmis lignicola Elmidae Stenelmis "Stenelmis lignicola and Stenelmis xylonastis, two new North American species of wood-inhabiting" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 blackwater rivers Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1 Unknown adult measurements dispersal flights Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Yes adult dispersal flights Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3157 Stenelmis antennalis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 "Commonly found on submerged wood and debris, especially under loose bark." Unknown Unknown 3158 Stenelmis beameri Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arkansas OZARK MOUNTAINS ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.3 1.22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3159 Stenelmis bicarinata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.03 1.17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3160 Stenelmis calida Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Nevada ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.3 1.125 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3161 Stenelmis concinna Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.45 1.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3162 Stenelmis convexula Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.93 1.11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3163 Stenelmis crenata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.15 1.27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3164 Stenelmis decorata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.94 1.13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3165 Stenelmis douglasensis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.47 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3166 Stenelmis exigua Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Mid-Midwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.88 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 3167 Stenelmis exilis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Mid-Midwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.9 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 3168 Stenelmis fuscata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Florida ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Drainage Canals Small (length < 9 mm) 3.33 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3169 Stenelmis grossa Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.43 1.33 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3170 Stenelmis humerosa Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3171 Stenelmis hungerfordi Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.75 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3172 Stenelmis knobeli Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arkansas ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.87 1.03 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3173 Stenelmis lateralis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Mid-Midwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.82 1.02 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3174 Stenelmis quadrimaculata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 1 Marl bogs Small (length < 9 mm) 2.95 1.17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3175 Stenelmis sinuata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.33 1.27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3226 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3546 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 3.6 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7073 Stenelmis sexlineata Elmidae Stenelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Kentucky ADULT chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit May-Aug in riffles on sides and bottoms of rocks. Protracted ovipositon period. Yes Unknown 1 Generation per year Uni- and semivoltine. Months >1yr. 1 1 Days Hatch 6-10 days. Unknown 7162 Stenelmis crenata Elmidae Stenelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/3 yrs in Quebec. Unknown 7163 Stenelmis bicarinata Elmidae Stenelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine? In Ontario. Unknown 7223 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10896 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 12640 Stenelmis antennalis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12641 Stenelmis bicarinata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12642 Stenelmis beameri Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 12643 Stenelmis crenata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12644 Stenelmis calida Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Nevada chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12645 Stenelmis concinna Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the North Carolina "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12646 Stenelmis convexula Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12647 Stenelmis decorata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12648 Stenelmis grossa Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12649 Stenelmis douglasensis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12650 Stenelmis exigua Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 12651 Stenelmis exilis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 12652 Stenelmis fuscata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Florida chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12717 Stenelmis humerosa Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Tennessee "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12718 Stenelmis hungerfordi Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12719 Stenelmis knobeli Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arkansas chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12720 Stenelmis lateralis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12721 Stenelmis markeli Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12722 Stenelmis mera Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Wisconsin "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12723 Stenelmis mirabilis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12724 Stenelmis musgravei Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Wisconsin "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12725 Stenelmis parva Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12726 Stenelmis quadrimaculata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12727 Stenelmis parva Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12728 Stenelmis sandersoni Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12729 Stenelmis quadrimaculata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12730 Stenelmis sexlineata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12731 Stenelmis sinuata Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12732 Stenelmis vittipennis Elmidae Stenelmis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13986 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7-8 instar stages. Up to 3 yrs to complete larvae. Unknown 14042 Stenelmis bicarinata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.25 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14043 Stenelmis concinna Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.6 1.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14044 Stenelmis crenata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.35 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14045 Stenelmis decorata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1.15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14046 Stenelmis humerosa Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14047 Stenelmis hungerfordi Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.8 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14048 Stenelmis lateralis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14049 Stenelmis markeli Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.25 1.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14050 Stenelmis mera Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.85 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14051 Stenelmis mirabilis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.9 1.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14052 Stenelmis musgravei Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.65 1.05 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14053 Stenelmis quadrimaculata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.2 1.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14054 Stenelmis sandersoni Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 1.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14055 Stenelmis sinuata Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.45 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14056 Stenelmis vittipennis Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.4 1.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14057 Stenelmis spp. Elmidae Stenelmis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2837 Zaitzevia parvula Elmidae Zaitzevia An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT/ nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 larvae and adults 1 Unknown Unknown 3176 Zaitzevia parvula Elmidae Zaitzevia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 0.9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3177 Zaitzevia thermae Elmidae Zaitzevia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Montana ADULT Marci Koski 10/21/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 0.7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3235 Zaitzevia spp. Elmidae Zaitzevia Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7511 Zaitzevia spp. Elmidae Zaitzevia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11456 Zaitzevia parvula Elmidae Zaitzevia Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11756 Zaitzevia spp. Elmidae Zaitzevia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12121 Zaitzevia parvula Elmidae Zaitzevia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12733 Zaitzevia parvula Elmidae Zaitzevia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12734 Zaitzevia thermae Elmidae Zaitzevia Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Montana chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3339 Elmidae Elmidae Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT/ Marci Koski 10/18/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Plastron (permanent air store) Mature larvae crawl out of water and pupate in small cavities beneath loose bark or rocks close to the water's edge. Newly emerged adults fly at night and are attracted to lights. Once they return to the water they do not again emerge to the air. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Eggs deposited on the undersides of submerged rocks or wood. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae on rocks or upon decaying waterlogged wood. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Adults of some species can live for years. Unknown 3530 Elmidae Elmidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Plastron (permanent air store) All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae and adults are herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine. Adults and larvae are aquatic. 6 Larval instars. Unknown 1 7208 Elmidae Elmidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown 1 Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Yes several years Unknown 11998 Elmidae Elmidae Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13985 Elmidae Elmidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Eggs also on submerged vegetation. Unknown Feed on decayed plant materials and diatoms. Sprawler 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 13987 Elmidae Elmidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Pupate early -mid summer. Pupate away from water along stream margin in soil. Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on decayed plant materials and diatoms. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Pupation ~2wks. Weeks Hatch 1-2 wks. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 6736 Chelifera spp. Empididae Chelifera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bog Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12157 Chelifera spp. Empididae Chelifera The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14235 Chelifera spp. Empididae Chelifera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6737 Clinocera spp. Empididae Clinocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Bog Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11758 Clinocera spp. Empididae Clinocera Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14234 Clinocera spp. Empididae Clinocera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6775 Hemerodromia spp. Empididae Hemerodromia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12158 Hemerodromia spp. Empididae Hemerodromia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14233 Hemerodromia spp. Empididae Hemerodromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 6776 Metachela spp. Empididae Metachela An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer? Sprawler Burrower 1 Moss mat at or above water level on banks 1 1 Yes Unknown 6777 Neoplasta spp. Empididae Neoplasta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer? Sprawler Burrower 1 Moss mat at or above water level on banks 1 1 Yes Unknown 14236 Neoplasta spp. Empididae Neoplasta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6778 Oreogeton spp. Empididae Oreogeton An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Simuliidae and caddisflies Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7455 Proclinopyga spp. Empididae Proclinopyga An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6779 Rhamphomyia spp. Empididae Rhamphomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Creeping welt Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6780 Roederiodes spp. Empididae Roederiodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of pupal Simuliidae Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 14231 Roederiodes spp. Empididae Roederiodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on black fly pupae. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7456 Stilpon spp. Empididae Stilpon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6781 Trichoclinocera spp. Empididae Trichoclinocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 6782 Wiedemannia spp. Empididae Wiedemannia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 11980 Wiedemannia spp. Empididae Wiedemannia Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 14232 Wiedemannia spp. Empididae Wiedemannia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on black fly pupae. Unknown Unknown 3599 Empididae Empididae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Prey on smaller insects and other animals. Unknown Unknown 7214 Empididae Empididae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Creeping welt Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8136 Empididae Empididae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Yes Unknown 11371 Empididae Empididae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14230 Empididae Empididae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Female apt to eat mate. Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 6325 Enchytraeidae Enchytraeidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Often found on the shores of cold mountain streams and brooks originating from snowbanks and glaciers. 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7852 Enchytraeidae Enchytraeidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Red blood pigments aid O2 uptake and transport. Unknown Unknown Hermaphrodites. Eggs develop in mass enclosed in a cocoon. Unknown Collector-filterer "Ingest sediment, extract nutrition from organic matter, esp. bacteria." 1 1 Unknown No larval form. Unknown 520 Attenella margarita Ephemerellidae Attenella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 535 Attenella attenuata Ephemerellidae Attenella A revision of the genus Ephemerella III. The subgenus Attenuatella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 536 Attenella delantala Ephemerellidae Attenella A revision of the genus Ephemerella III. The subgenus Attenuatella Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10 13 Clear water 537 Attenella margarita Ephemerellidae Attenella A revision of the genus Ephemerella III. The subgenus Attenuatella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 914 2285 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 538 Attenella soquele Ephemerellidae Attenella A revision of the genus Ephemerella III. The subgenus Attenuatella Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7250 Attenella spp. Ephemerellidae Attenella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11359 Attenella attenuata Ephemerellidae Attenella Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 12304 Attenella spp. Ephemerellidae Attenella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12421 Attenella attenuata Ephemerellidae Attenella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge mid-May to late June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 523 Caudatella heterocaudata Ephemerellidae Caudatella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America Wyoming Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 539 Caudatella edmundsi Ephemerellidae Caudatella A new species of Ephemerella from Oregon Oregon Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7251 Caudatella spp. Ephemerellidae Caudatella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 506 Caurinella idahoensis Ephemerellidae Caurinella Contributions to the morphology and descriptive biology of Caurinella idahoensis Idaho Idaho County Summery 2002 Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 1 1706 1706 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 Emergence occurred in afternoon daylight hours. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Major diet item is amorphous detritus 1 1 1 Associated with Nostoc parelioides (green algae); defend small territories on rock surfaces 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10 Clear water 551 Caurinella idahoensis Ephemerellidae Caurinella A new classification of the subfamily Ephemerellinae and the description of a new genus Idaho Idaho Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7252 Caurinella idahoensis Ephemerellidae Caurinella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Idaho In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer ? Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 511 Dentatella danutae Ephemerellidae Dentatella A hierarchical classification of the Timpanoginae and description of a new species from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Found at depths between 0.15 and 0.5 m 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10 13 Clear water 403 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Environmental profile of Drunella (Eatonella) dodd Rocky Mountains 1972-1989 NKMV 5/6/2004 1 1 609 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 mostly large substrate; gravels only when other larger substrate present Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 404 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1965 NKMV 5/6/2004 1 1 1524 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes adhesive disk Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 405 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1965 NKMV 5/6/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream 1828 2742 Bluff (blocky) No tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 406 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1965 NKMV 5/6/2004 1 1 River 1219 2133 Bluff (blocky) No tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 20 Clear water 407 Drunella flavilinea Ephemerellidae Drunella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains nkmv 5/13/2004 1 1 River 1219 1828 Bluff (blocky) No tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 408 Drunella spinifera Ephemerellidae Drunella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains NKMV 5/17/2004 1 1219 2438 Bluff (blocky) No tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 521 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 524 Drunella spinifera Ephemerellidae Drunella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 527 Drunella flavilinea Ephemerellidae Drunella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America Wyoming Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 528 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 541 Drunella allegheniensis Ephemerellidae Drunella The adult of Drunella allegheniensis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) with biological notes Virginia Montgomery Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 Unknown 1 Occurred in late afternoon; nymphs floated to surface in moderate current and emerged instantaneously. They then flew up to nearby trees. No Yes Summer Fall Free-floating No nuptial flights observed; swarming may occur high in the air. At dusk females settled near the water surface and oviposited by touching the tip of the abdomens to the water surface. No 1 1 1 Found in thick mats of Podostemum ceratophyllum (riverweed) on rocks. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 21 542 Drunella tuberculata Ephemerellidae Drunella Description of the adult of Ephemerella berneri Allen and Edmunds with biological notes Virginia Montgomery Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 553 Drunella tuberculata Ephemerellidae Drunella Commentary on Drunella tuberculata and Procloeon pennulatum in North Carolina North Carolina Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 572 Drunella allegheniensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Revisionary contributions to the genus Drunella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 24 253 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 573 Drunella lata Ephemerellidae Drunella Revisionary contributions to the genus Drunella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 574 Drunella tuberculata Ephemerellidae Drunella Revisionary contributions to the genus Drunella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 253 1066 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Either three synchronous generations per year or multiple cohorts with overlapping lif cycles. Unknown 575 Drunella walkeri Ephemerellidae Drunella Revisionary contributions to the genus Drunella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 650 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 2041 3224 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 651 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 2041 2895 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1994 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1995 Drunella cornuta Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1996 Drunella cornutella Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1997 Drunella tuberculata Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1998 Drunella walkeri Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1999 Drunella lata Ephemerellidae Drunella The eastern North American species of the genus Ephemerella and their nymphs (Ephemeroptera) nkmv 8/20/2004 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2843 Drunella cornutella Ephemerellidae Drunella New species of North American Ephemeroptera "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 2845 Drunella flavilinea Ephemerellidae Drunella "Notes on North American Ephemeroptera with descriptions of new species, II." Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3029 Drunella cornuta Ephemerellidae Drunella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3033 Drunella lata Ephemerellidae Drunella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3052 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 swift mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 under stones Unknown Unknown 3053 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 swift mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) Bluff (blocky) Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger not a good swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3060 Drunella walkeri Ephemerellidae Drunella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 more often in leaf drift Unknown Unknown 4997 Drunella spp. Ephemerellidae Drunella "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5340 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 5343 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 6749 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator ? Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7253 Drunella spp. Ephemerellidae Drunella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Some spp. Predators Clinger Sprawler Unknown Unknown 7254 Drunella spinifera Ephemerellidae Drunella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Unknown Unknown 7255 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator ? Unknown Unknown 10917 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2224 2492 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year larval growth is well synchronized Slow seasonal Unknown 10918 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2224 2492 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year larval growth was well synchronized Slow seasonal Unknown 10945 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown cryptic colorations Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11436 Drunella grandis Ephemerellidae Drunella Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11453 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11722 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12084 Drunella coloradensis Ephemerellidae Drunella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12085 Drunella doddsi Ephemerellidae Drunella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12305 Drunella spp. Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12422 Drunella allegheniensis Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge Aug and Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12423 Drunella cornuta Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Emerge mid June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12424 Drunella cornutella Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Emerge probably late June and July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12425 Drunella lata Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge late July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12426 Drunella longicornis Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge late July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12427 Drunella tuberculata Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge July-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12428 Drunella walkeri Ephemerellidae Drunella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 43 Ephemerella aurivillii Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 44 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 0 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 10 17.8 Clear water 45 Ephemerella infrequens Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 10 18.9 503 Ephemerella dorothea Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Revisionary contributions to North American Ephemerella and Serratella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 504 Ephemerella excrucians Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Revisionary contributions to North American Ephemerella and Serratella In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 507 Ephemerella berneri Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Description of the adult of Ephemerella berneri Allen and Edmunds with biological notes Virginia Henry and Montgomery May 1980 Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized 1 Subimagoes emerged from earlly afternoon to early evening. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Collected from dense mats of Podostemum ceratophyllum (river weed) on rocks. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 11.7 13.9 508 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Feeding behavior and related functional morphology of the mayfly Ephemerella needhami Indiana 1985 - 1988 Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Feeds mostly on detritus collected on the filamentous algae Cladophora; also consumes Cladophora itself and diatoms 1 1 Strongly associated with Cladophora growing on rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown 509 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Population genetic structure of two mayflies in the Delaware River drainage basin New York Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Feed on diatoms and detritus 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 513 Ephemerella argo Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New species of Ephemerella from Illinois (Ephemeroptera) Illinois Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 515 Ephemerella verruca Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Description of the imagines of Ephemerella verruca Allen and Edmunds Oregon Pacific Northwest (coastal) Summer 1980 Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 1 229 1249 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume both coarse and fine particular detritus. 1 1 Most abundant in submerged and decomposing mats of grass 1 1 Unknown Unknown 518 Ephemerella floripara Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New spiny crawlers from the headwaters of the Savannah River "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 198 792 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 522 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 525 Ephemerella aurivillii Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 531 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Ecological association of the mayfly Ephemerella needhami and the green alga Cladophora Indiana 1985 - 1988 Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer "Feed on detritus, diatoms, and filamentous algae, especially Cladophora. Opportunistic predators of associated chironomids, hydropsychids, and simulids." 1 1 Strongly associated with the green alga Cladophora 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Occurrence of mid-late instars always correlated to Cladophora production. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 533 Ephemerella hispida Ephemerellidae Ephemerella First adult description for Ephemerella hispida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 "Associated with aquatic moss, algae, and other vegetation in small waterfalls and other high gradient sections of streams." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 534 Ephemerella apopsis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Ephemerella apopsis, a new species from Rocky Mountain high" Colorado Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 3352 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 540 Ephemerella alleni Ephemerellidae Ephemerella A new species of Ephemerella from Western North America Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found in substrates 6 to 18 inches deep. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9 9 543 Ephemerella altana Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New species and records of Ephemerella (Ephemerella) in Western North America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 17 21 1992 Ephemerella excrucians Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The nymph of Ephemerella excrucians Walsh Michigan Crawford nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2245 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2810 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown warm water populations 2811 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown warm water populations 2851 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Genetic variation in stream mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) populations of eastern North America nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer algae and fine detritus 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2852 Ephemerella septentrionalis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Genetic variation in stream mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) populations of eastern North America nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer algae and fine detritus 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2853 Ephemerella aurivillii Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Genetic variation in stream mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) populations of eastern North America nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer algae and fine detritus 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3019 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Cutaneous gills absent 1st instar Unknown Unknown Free-floating in rapids; eggs attached together Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 3030 Ephemerella dorothea Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3031 Ephemerella excrucians Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3032 Ephemerella invaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3034 Ephemerella rotunda Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3035 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3054 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 swift mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) Bluff (blocky) Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler "not a good swimmer, can crawl" 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3070 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4998 Ephemerella floripara Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 200 800 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5342 Ephemerella infrequens Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 5441 Ephemerella dorothea Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Cocke JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5646 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5707 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6154 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella A new species of Ephemerella (Serratella) from California. California RAT 11/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Paired dorsal abdominal tubercles Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6155 Ephemerella berneri Ephemerellidae Ephemerella A new species of Ephemerella from Georgia (Ephemeroptera: Epherellidae). Georgia Pike RAT 11/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown large paired dorsal tubecles and stout legs Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7256 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7257 Ephemerella infrequens Ephemerellidae Ephemerella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9511 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Clear water 9515 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9516 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9555 Ephemerella dorothea Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9556 Ephemerella excrucians Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Columbiana chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9557 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9558 Ephemerella rotunda Ephemerellidae Ephemerella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10185 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/2/2005 1 2041 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10814 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Can also be multivoltine Slow seasonal Growth is slow in winter and fast in spring 10815 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Growth is slow in winter and fast in spring 10883 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown Unknown 10913 Ephemerella infrequens Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 1765 2492 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year unsynchronized larval growth Slow seasonal Unknown 10944 Ephemerella infrequens Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown cryptic colorations Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11057 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Postmolt susceptibility of Ephemerella larvae to predatory stoneflies: Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/28/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown spiny armoring of larvae All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger Unknown Unknown 11088 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11345 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown Unknown 11381 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11434 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11589 Ephemerella aurivillii Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11590 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11591 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11592 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Forest RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11593 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator algavore Unknown Unknown 11594 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11595 Ephemerella rotunda Ephemerellidae Ephemerella "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11881 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11882 Ephemerella invaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11883 Ephemerella rotunda Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11884 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11986 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12086 Ephemerella inermis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12173 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 12267 Ephemerella spp. Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Scraper/Grazer of periphyton. Predator. Herbivore, Detritivore." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12420 Ephemerella dorothea Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge early April-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Subimago >24hrs. Unknown 12429 Ephemerella argo Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12430 Ephemerella hispida Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12431 Ephemerella inconstans Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12432 Ephemerella invaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12433 Ephemerella needhami Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12434 Ephemerella rotunda Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12435 Ephemerella septentrionalis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge late May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12436 Ephemerella subvaria Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 510 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Population genetic structure of two mayflies in the Delaware River drainage basin New York Marci Koski 6/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Feed on diatoms and detritus 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 512 Eurylophella coxalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Taxonomy of Eurylophella coxalis (McDunnough) with notes on larval habitat and behavior New Hampshire "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 1 Lake shores 256 256 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on biofilm and benthic detritus 1 1 1 1 1 Substrates have heavy biofilm; found at depths of greater than 0.4 m. 1 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) < 1 m Unknown Unknown 1 No strong preference 4.7 28.1 Clear water 555 Eurylophella spp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Also found with submerged root masses and woody snags. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 556 Eurylophella doris Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 557 Eurylophella poconoensis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu Pennsylvania In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 558 Eurylophella prudentalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Often associated with beaver activity. 1 Unknown Unknown 559 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 560 Eurylophella aestiva Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 22 22 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 561 Eurylophella enoensis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 81 177 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Complete most growth in fall, finish growth in spring." Unknown 562 Eurylophella lutulenta Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 114 217 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Complete most growth in fall, finish larval growth in spring." Unknown 563 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 17 17 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Parthenogenesis common. Unknown 564 Eurylophella bicolor Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 1 21 177 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 565 Eurylophella bicoloroides Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 46 46 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 566 Eurylophella macdunnoughi Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 219 219 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 567 Eurylophella minimella Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 213 213 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 568 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 15 15 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 569 Eurylophella coxalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The larvae of Eastern North American Eurylophella Tiensuu Marci Koski 7/8/2004 21 21 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 570 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Geographic parthenogenesis in the stream mayfly Eurylophella fueralis in Eastern North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Egg hatching more successful in parthenogenic populations. Weeks Parthenogenic populations. Unknown 12 19 1977 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Clinger crawler 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 1 1 0 27 1987 Eurylophella lutulenta Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The bicolor group of the genus Ephemerella with particular reference to the nymphal stages "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/17/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1988 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The bicolor group of the genus Ephemerella with particular reference to the nymphal stages "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/17/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1989 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The bicolor group of the genus Ephemerella with particular reference to the nymphal stages "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1990 Eurylophella coxalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The bicolor group of the genus Ephemerella with particular reference to the nymphal stages "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1991 Eurylophella prudentalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The bicolor group of the genus Ephemerella with particular reference to the nymphal stages "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2854 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Genetic variation in stream mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) populations of eastern North America nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer algae and fine detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2855 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Genetic variation in stream mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) populations of eastern North America nkmv 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder fallen leaves 1 1 Unknown parthanogenic Unknown 2996 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3081 Eurylophella lutulenta Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3083 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5440 Eurylophella bicolor Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6844 Eurylophella doris Ephemerellidae Eurylophella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Georgia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6862 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America South Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7258 Eurylophella spp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7259 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine in Georgia. Semivoltine in Pennsylvania." Unknown 9559 Eurylophella bicolor Ephemerellidae Eurylophella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9560 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9561 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9562 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11298 Eurylophella spp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11382 Eurylophella spp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12306 Eurylophella spp. Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12437 Eurylophella bicolor Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge probably late May and June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12438 Eurylophella coxalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge probably late fall Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12439 Eurylophella doris Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge Apr and May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12440 Eurylophella funeralis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12441 Eurylophella lutulenta Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12442 Eurylophella minimella Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12443 Eurylophella prudentalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge early May to late July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12444 Eurylophella temporalis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12445 Eurylophella verisimilis Ephemerellidae Eurylophella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 409 Serratella teresa Ephemerellidae Serratella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains NKMV 5/17/2004 1 1 1828 Bluff (blocky) Unknown tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 410 Serratella tibialis Ephemerellidae Serratella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains NKMV 5/17/2004 1 1219 Bluff (blocky) Unknown tubercles for armoring Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 517 Serratella serrata Ephemerellidae Serratella Variability in the larvae of Serratella serrata In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 526 Serratella tibialis Ephemerellidae Serratella Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 530 Serratella frisoni Ephemerellidae Serratella A new Ephemerella from Illinois Illinois Marci Koski 7/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 545 Serratella carolina Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 762 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 22 22 Clear water 546 Serratella spiculosa Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 547 Serratella sordida Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 548 Serratella frisoni Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella Alabama "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 549 Serratella serratoides Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 "Found buried in masses of moss on rocks, or near the bases of riverweed." 1 Unknown Unknown 550 Serratella deficiens Ephemerellidae Serratella Southeastern species of the mayfly subgenus Serratella "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 571 Serratella lawsoni Ephemerellidae Serratella A new parthenogenetic species of Serratella with bizarre oviposition and behavior Colorado Eagle Marci Koski 7/8/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Emergence larger on sunny days; peaks at 2 pm. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating Terga on females split to release eggs directly into water; wings are not extended for flight. Female adults unable to fly - no males ever observed (highly parthenogenic). Unknown 10 m or less Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months Very parthenogenic (no males) Unknown 1993 Serratella deficiens Ephemerellidae Serratella The life cycle of Serratella deficiens (Morgan) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 8/20/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown "spread out, unsynchronized" Unknown No Summer Summer Unknown diatoms and detritus 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal nymphs overwinter Weeks Unknown 0 23 3074 Serratella deficiens Ephemerellidae Serratella Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4999 Serratella carolina Ephemerellidae Serratella "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5000 Serratella spiculosa Ephemerellidae Serratella "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7260 Serratella spp. Ephemerellidae Serratella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9563 Serratella deficiens Ephemerellidae Serratella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Ashland chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9564 Serratella frisoni Ephemerellidae Serratella New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Belmont chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12307 Serratella spp. Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12518 Serratella carolina Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12519 Serratella deficiens Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge late May-late July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12520 Serratella serratoides Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge early July Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12521 Serratella serrata Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12522 Serratella sordida Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge mid July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12523 Serratella spiculosa Ephemerellidae Serratella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emerge mid July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 411 Timpanoga hecuba Ephemerellidae Timpanoga The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains NKMV 5/17/2004 1 1 2133 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes camoflage Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 514 Timpanoga lita Ephemerellidae Timpanoga New species of Ephemerella from Illinois (Ephemeroptera) Illinois Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 516 Timpanoga hecuba Ephemerellidae Timpanoga A revision of the genus Ephemerella I. The subgenus Timpanoga In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 0 2133 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Slow moving so camouflaged with heavy coating of debris. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 11 months Weeks Hatch within 1 month. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) No preference 519 Timpanoga hecuba Ephemerellidae Timpanoga Review of Ephemerella nymphs of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 529 Timpanoga hecuba Ephemerellidae Timpanoga Ephemerella hecuba Eaton; description of various stages California Summer 1928 Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3082 Timpanoga simplex Ephemerellidae Timpanoga Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7261 Timpanoga spp. Ephemerellidae Timpanoga An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3242 Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Drunella and Ephemerella larvae are omnivorous, also consuming chironomid larvae in addition to plant food." 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 Clear water 11287 Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 11398 Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Bend cerci over head in a scorpion posture to deter predation Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Preyed on baetidae Unknown Unknown 12013 Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 47 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 17.8 20.6 820 Ephemera guttulata Ephemeridae Ephemera The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 823 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte Rocky Mountains nkmv 6/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 sanndy pockets in volcanic rocks 1 1 Unknown Unknown 828 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 prefers coarser substrate than Hexagenia limbata Unknown Unknown 874 Ephemera varia Ephemeridae Ephemera The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/3/2004 1 1 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown 877 Ephemera varia Ephemeridae Ephemera Burrowing mayflies of our larger lakes and streams Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) NKMV 6/16/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 884 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Life histories of Hexagenia limbata and Ephemera Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills NKMV 7/6/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown tusks Partly sclerotized No Yes Summer Summer Unknown Burrower 1 silt and clay among a rocky matrix 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year can be univoltine in warmer climates Slow seasonal 23-24 months Weeks No 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3 23 "10 degrees needed for growth, no lethal temps observed" Silted/murky water 886 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Production of Hexagenia limbata (Serville) and Eph Manitoba Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills 1982 nkmv 7/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 1 "silt, rock and clay matrix near shore" 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1938 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Microhabitat of Anthopotamus verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae) nkmv 8/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 prefer gravel as larger larvae Unknown Unknown 1958 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Differences in the occurrence of nymphs of two species of burrowing mayflies in fish stomachs Michigan nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1960 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera The influence of respiration and substrate upon the distribution of burrowing mayfly naiads nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Tracheal gills undulate gills for resp in burrows; resp regulators less than Hexagenia Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 2004 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Movements of the gills of ephemerid nymhs in relation to the water currents produced by them nkmv 8/20/2004 Unknown can beat gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 2848 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3010 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Cutaneous 1st instar has no gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown 30 or more instars 1 Unknown 3024 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3245 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Either univoltine or semivoltine. Unknown Clear water 5424 Ephemera varia Ephemeridae Ephemera Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5425 Ephemera guttulata Ephemeridae Ephemera Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5645 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5657 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Weeks Unknown 5757 Ephemera guttulata Ephemeridae Ephemera The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6045 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera "Biology of two species of Lake Erie Mayflies, Ephron album (Say) and Ephemera simulans (Walker)." Ohio RAT 11/14/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 mostly at night No Yes Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) Yes Collector-filterer Burrower nymphs found 2-4 inches below gravel Unknown 1 Generation per year Hours "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Days cold water for eggs to develop Yes 6868 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Manitoba Unknown 7025 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/10/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator "Engulfer, Collector-filterer" Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9553 Ephemera varia Ephemeridae Ephemera New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Noble chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10804 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 Years to develop 11383 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11598 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Price RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12279 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12395 Ephemera spp. Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-May to late Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12398 Ephemera guttulata Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late May to early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12399 Ephemera simulans Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 Unknown Emerge mid-April-early Sept; peak emergence late May to early June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymph devel in 20-30 days. Mature nymph overwinter Days Within 14days in lab. Unknown 12400 Ephemera varia Ephemeridae Ephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 48 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 Canals 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 817 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Taxonomic studies on the Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown manidbular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes On/under stones (submerged) Free-floating Female drops eggs into water and they sink to attach to substrate (i.e. sticky) Yes Days Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Days Unknown 818 Hexagenia atrocaudata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Taxonomic studies on the Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall On/under stones (submerged) Free-floating Female drops eggs into water and they sink to attach to substrate (i.e. sticky) Yes Days Burrower 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Days chocolate brown eggs Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 819 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Taxonomic studies on the Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall On/under stones (submerged) Free-floating Yes Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 826 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Functional morphology of burrowing in the mayflies Indiana Tippecanoe Mid-Midwest NKMV 7/6/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 tusks; can beat gills to obtain oxygen Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer feed on algae and diatoms in sediments Burrower 1 soft silt 1 1 Unknown Unknown 836 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Taxonomic studies on the Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall On/under stones (submerged) Free-floating Yes Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) No preference 863 Hexagenia atrocaudata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 beaver ponds Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 864 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 865 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year univoltine in southern part of range Unknown 875 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Burrowing mayflies of our larger lakes and streams In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/3/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating "eggs are deposited in packets on surface, then egg packets break apart and are slightly sticky to have silt adhere to them for camoflauge" No Other (specify in comments) "detritivores, indicental plants cells, diatoms, and animals" Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 880 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Ecology of Hexagenia naiads (Insecta-Ephemeridae) Oklahoma Payne 1966-1967 NKMV 7/6/2004 1 Unknown tusks No Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating Unknown 1 1 1 1 11-100 m Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 883 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Life histories of Hexagenia limbata and Ephemera Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills NKMV 7/6/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown tusks Partly sclerotized several pulses of emergence which may be different cohorts with different ecological strategies No Yes Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 silt and clay among a rocky matrix 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "22.6 months on average, range from 14 to 24 months" Weeks eggs can overwinter Yes 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3 23 "10 degrees needed for growth, no lethal temps observed" Silted/murky water 885 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Production of Hexagenia limbata (Serville) and Eph Manitoba Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills 1982 nkmv 7/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 and clay off shore lentic 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1955 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Excitement along the shores of Lake Erie - Hexagenia - echoes from the past nkmv 8/5/2004 1 1 cold lakes Unknown Tracheal gills undulate gills in burrows swims to surface Unknown Yes Fall Summer Free-floating Unknown 1 mud/clay 1 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year 14 month cohort and 22 month cohort 20-30 molts Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" can be parthanogenetic Unknown 1 1956 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Swimming and burrowing activities of mayfly nymphs of the genus Hexagenia nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills undulate gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower very poor swimmers 1 mud Unknown Unknown 1957 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Differences in the occurrence of nymphs of two species of burrowing mayflies in fish stomachs Michigan nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Burrower Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 1959 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The influence of respiration and substrate upon the distribution of burrowing mayfly naiads nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Tracheal gills undulate gills for resp in burrows; resp regulators more than Ephemera Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 n deeper lentic water Unknown Unknown 1 1 2808 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2856 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 crawl or swim to emerge from surface Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3025 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 mud Unknown Unknown 3026 Hexagenia atrocaudata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 beaver ponds Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 mud Unknown Unknown 3028 Hexagenia rigida Ephemeridae Hexagenia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 mud Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3244 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Either univoltine or semivoltine. Unknown Silted/murky water 5420 Hexagenia atrocaudata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Unicoi JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5421 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5422 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5423 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5644 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5694 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Weeks Unknown 1 5989 Hexagenia rigida Ephemeridae Hexagenia Parthenogenesis in the burrowing mayfly Hexagenia rigida Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 11/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parthenogenic Unknown 6004 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6005 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Variable colorations as adult Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6118 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia identificationn of Hexagenia bilineata and H. limbata Nymphs. Iowa 1957-63 RAT 11/23/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Unknown Tarsal claws swollen Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6119 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia identificationn of Hexagenia bilineata and H. limbata Nymphs. Iowa 1957-63 RAT 11/23/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Tarsal claws very slender Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6756 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating "Oviposit 2-4 days after emergence, May-Sept." Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks 2 wk hatch. 2260-7684 eggs Unknown 6867 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7287 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year "Semivoltine, with variable cohorts." 13 weeks to 2 years Unknown 9520 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Methods for mass-rearing Hexagenia mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-June-mid-Aug. Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Lay 4000 eggs/mass. 2 mass/female. Unknown "Feed on organic detritus, algae, bacteria." Burrower Unknown Mature in 3mths to 1yr. Hours Die hours after mating. 1 1 Days Hatch 10-12 days. Unknown 9521 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Methods for mass-rearing Hexagenia mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Free-floating Lay 4000 eggs/mass. 2 mass/female. Unknown "Feed on organic detritus, algae, bacteria." Burrower Unknown Mature in 3mths to 1yr. Hours Die hours after mating. 1 1 Days Hatch 10-12 days. Unknown 9523 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Taxonomy. chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9554 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10805 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 11497 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11498 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11499 Hexagenia rigida Ephemeridae Hexagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11599 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 12280 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12401 Hexagenia atrocaudata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12402 Hexagenia bilineata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Emerge June and July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12403 Hexagenia limbata Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May to early Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 12404 Hexagenia spp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge May to early Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12405 Hexagenia rigida Ephemeridae Hexagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 824 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 6/16/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 organically rich silt 1 Unknown Unknown 866 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 bog areas Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 867 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha Taxonomic studies on the Ephemeroptera: Hexagenia In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown 1961 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha New genus of mayflies from eastern North America (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3027 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 mud Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5001 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7280 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 12308 Litobrancha spp. Ephemeridae Litobrancha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12397 Litobrancha recurvata Ephemeridae Litobrancha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge in May and June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 827 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia Functional morphology of burrowing in the mayflies Indiana Fountain Mid-Midwest NKMV 7/6/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 "tusks, can beat gills to obtain oxygen" Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer feed on algae and diatoms in seston Burrower 1 hard clay and silt 1 in clay banks 1 and in banks Unknown Unknown 869 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 lives in faster water than Hexagenia limbata or H. bilineata 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown 876 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia Burrowing mayflies of our larger lakes and streams Mississippi NKMV 6/16/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown 1 mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5666 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7281 Pentagenia spp. Ephemeridae Pentagenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Burrower Hard clay banks 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11500 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12291 Pentagenia spp. Ephemeridae Pentagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12394 Pentagenia spp. Ephemeridae Pentagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Ohio chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12396 Pentagenia vittigera Ephemeridae Pentagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown "Emerge in summer; ranging from mide-June to early Sept. Adults collected early May in Florida, mid-June-late Sept in Iowa, mid-July in Georgia, mid-Aug in Mississippi." Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Feed on fpom. Burrower 1 1 1 Collected in hard clay banks ~1m below surface of the water in Wabash River. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3243 Ephemeridae Ephemeridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Either univoltine or semivoltine. Unknown 7472 Allotrichoma spp. Ephydridae Allotrichoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower "Near dung, In decaying snails" 1 Unknown Unknown 7473 Athyroglossa spp. Ephydridae Athyroglossa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14251 Athyroglossa spp. Ephydridae Athyroglossa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7480 Axysta spp. Ephydridae Axysta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6796 Brachydeutera spp. Ephydridae Brachydeutera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Burrower Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 14252 Brachydeutera spp. Ephydridae Brachydeutera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7469 Cirrula spp. Ephydridae Cirrula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Herbivore Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 7462 Clanoneurum spp. Ephydridae Clanoneurum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 "Marine, Mangrove" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Herbivore Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 14253 Clanoneurum spp. Ephydridae Clanoneurum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7468 Coenia spp. Ephydridae Coenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 7474 Discocerina spp. Ephydridae Discocerina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14254 Discocerina spp. Ephydridae Discocerina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7463 Discomyza spp. Ephydridae Discomyza An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite "Parasite of Mollusca, Scavenger of carrion" Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6797 Ephydra spp. Ephydridae Ephydra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Herbivore (macroalgae) Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14255 Ephydra spp. Ephydridae Ephydra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7475 Gastrops spp. Ephydridae Gastrops An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of frog eggs Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 14256 Gastrops spp. Ephydridae Gastrops Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7464 Helaeomyia spp. Ephydridae Helaeomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Crude petroleum/waste oil pool Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Burrower Planktonic Unknown Unknown 14249 Helaeomyia spp. Ephydridae Helaeomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. California chm 5/20/2005 1 pools of crude petroleum and tar pits Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7481 Hyadina spp. Ephydridae Hyadina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14257 Hyadina spp. Ephydridae Hyadina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6802 Hydrellia spp. Ephydridae Hydrellia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Burrower 1 1 1 Marine shore Unknown Unknown 14248 Hydrellia spp. Ephydridae Hydrellia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Plant breathers Respiratory spine. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs laid on floating or emergent veg. or debris. Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown 3 larval stage. Some larvae overwinter. Unknown 7482 Ilythea spp. Ephydridae Ilythea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14258 Ilythea spp. Ephydridae Ilythea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7465 Leptopsilopa spp. Ephydridae Leptopsilopa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14259 Leptopsilopa spp. Ephydridae Leptopsilopa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7483 Lytogaster spp. Ephydridae Lytogaster An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14260 Lytogaster spp. Ephydridae Lytogaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7484 Nostima spp. Ephydridae Nostima An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7477 Notiphila spp. Ephydridae Notiphila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Plant breathers Plant breathers Attached to roots by respiratory spine Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14261 Notiphila spp. Ephydridae Notiphila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6801 Ochthera spp. Ephydridae Ochthera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, midge larvae" Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14262 Ochthera spp. Ephydridae Ochthera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7470 Paracoenia spp. Ephydridae Paracoenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Collector of fecal material Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 7478 Paralimna spp. Ephydridae Paralimna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 Near dung 1 Unknown Unknown 14263 Paralimna spp. Ephydridae Paralimna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7471 Parydra spp. Ephydridae Parydra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14264 Parydra spp. Ephydridae Parydra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7485 Pelina spp. Ephydridae Pelina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7486 Philygria spp. Ephydridae Philygria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11770 Philygria spp. Ephydridae Philygria Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14265 Philygria spp. Ephydridae Philygria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7476 Platygymnopa spp. Ephydridae Platygymnopa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Decomposing snails 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7466 Psilopa spp. Ephydridae Psilopa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Herbivore Planktonic Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14266 Psilopa spp. Ephydridae Psilopa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7467 Rhysophora spp. Ephydridae Rhysophora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Burrower Miner 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14267 Rhysophora spp. Ephydridae Rhysophora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6799 Scatella spp. Ephydridae Scatella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Graze algae Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 Marine shore Unknown Unknown 14250 Scatella spp. Ephydridae Scatella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wyoming chm 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14268 Scatella spp. Ephydridae Scatella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6800 Scatophila spp. Ephydridae Scatophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14269 Scatophila spp. Ephydridae Scatophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6798 Setacera spp. Ephydridae Setacera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Graze algae Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 7479 Typopsilopa spp. Ephydridae Typopsilopa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14271 Typopsilopa spp. Ephydridae Typopsilopa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7487 Zeros spp. Ephydridae Zeros An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3600 Ephydridae Ephydridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Pupate in a puparium that floats at the water's surface. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator "Feed on algae, diatoms, or detritus; a few species are predaceous." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6714 Ephydridae Ephydridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Respiratory siphon, Some plant breather" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 12159 Ephydridae Ephydridae The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14247 Ephydridae Ephydridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge late spring-fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs laid on floating or emergent veg. or debris. Unknown "Feed on algae, saprophytic organisms, semi-liquid organic matter." 1 Unknown Some adults overwinter. < 100 eggs 1 1 1 10-90 egg/female. Unknown 1 1 1 2817 Dina spp. Erpobdellidae Dina "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1524 2438 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6439 Dina anoculata Erpobdellidae Dina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6444 Dina dubia Erpobdellidae Dina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6445 Dina parva Erpobdellidae Dina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2818 Erpobdella spp. Erpobdellidae Erpobdella "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1219 2438 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer migratory 1 tolerates organic material 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 6435 Erpobdella punctata Erpobdellidae Erpobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 1000 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers. Feeds on fish, frogs, invertebrates, and occasionally humans." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6436 Erpobdella montezuma Erpobdellidae Erpobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Arizona Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 800 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7926 Erpobdella punctata Erpobdellidae Erpobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown "Small leeches highly intolerant of hyperoxia, esp. at high temp." Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Predator of Chironomidae, Oligochaeta, Amphipoda, Cladocera, Copepoda." Unknown Lg leechs don't survive winters well to reproduce following yr. Unknown 1 5 20 Larger leeches don't survive cold temp. as well as smaller ones. 11821 Erpobdella punctata Erpobdellidae Erpobdella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6438 Mooreobdella melanostoma Erpobdellidae Mooreobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6440 Mooreobdella bucera Erpobdellidae Mooreobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Michigan Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6443 Mooreobdella tetragon Erpobdellidae Mooreobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7925 Motobdella spp. Erpobdellidae Motobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Anterior and posterior suckers. Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Unknown Predator Exclusively on pelagic amphipods. Swimmer Climber """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with anterior and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 6437 Nephelopsis obscura Erpobdellidae Nephelopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 1000 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Feeds on aquatic invertebrates, also a scavenger." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7931 Nephelopsis obscura Erpobdellidae Nephelopsis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 100 Unknown Cutaneous Unknown Unknown "Hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Attached to stone, leaf, wood." Unknown Predator "Predator of Chironomidae, Oligochaeta, Amphipoda, Cladocera, Copepoda, Gastropoda." Unknown 1 Generation per year "1 generation/12-19mths. In MN, 1 generation/2yrs." Months Breds once and dies. Unknown 1 1 5 20 Larger leeches don't survive cold temp. as well as smaller ones. 11825 Nephelopsis obscura Erpobdellidae Nephelopsis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6389 Erpobdellidae Erpobdellidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7921 Erpobdellidae Erpobdellidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Anterior and posterior suckers. Suctorial mouth. Cutaneous Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Attached to stone, leaf, wood." Yes Predator Predator of macroinver and zooplankton. Swimmer Climber """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with anterior and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 1 1 1 6575 Eylais spp. Eylaidae Eylais Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 7992 Eylais discreta Eylaidae Eylais Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1000-2000 eggs/clutch. Unknown Unknown "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 13000eggs in 3 mths. Unknown 7995 Eylais spp. Eylaidae Eylais Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larval stage; some diapause partially engorged. Host: Hemiptera, Coleoptera. Predator of ostracod crustaceans and some on cladocerans." Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Terrestrial larvae Yes Extended larval host association: 2wks-10mths. Unknown 8002 Eylais discreta Eylaidae Eylais Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Plastron (permanent air store) Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Parasitic larval stage. Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Terrestrial larvae Unknown Extended larval host association. Unknown 7999 Eylaidae Eylaidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Plastron (permanent air store) Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Predaceous deutonymph (few days or wks). Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 Terrestrial larvae Unknown Extended larval host association. Unknown 6607 Feltria spp. Feltriidae Feltria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Found in stream gravels. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6511 Allocrangonyx spp. Gammaridae Allocrangonyx Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters Other Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; consumes dead vegetation, and the thin bacterial scum covering submerged surfaces." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6500 Anisogammarus spp. Gammaridae Anisogammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 1 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 5978 Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Gammarus Seasonal changes in abundance of Gammarus oceanicus Maine RAT 11/9/2004 1 Intertidal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Females produce succesive broods between May and September Unknown 6064 Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Gammarus A new Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Tennessee. Tennessee RAT 11/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6501 Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Gammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6507 Gammarus fasciatus Gammaridae Gammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6508 Gammarus pseudolimnaeus Gammaridae Gammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6509 Gammarus minus Gammaridae Gammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6510 Gammarus lacustris Gammaridae Gammarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 7028 Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Gammarus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 7872 Gammarus minus Gammaridae Gammarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Pennsylvania chm 1/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Detritivore 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 20 7877 Gammarus lacustris Gammaridae Gammarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Predator Predator of zooplankton. Swimmer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11710 Gammarus lacustris Gammaridae Gammarus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11870 Gammarus fasciatus Gammaridae Gammarus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11871 Gammarus lacustris Gammaridae Gammarus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11872 Gammarus pseudolimnaeus Gammaridae Gammarus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12071 Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Gammarus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12190 Gammarus minus Gammaridae Gammarus Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 alkaline stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 6496 Gammaridae Gammaridae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) Collector-filterer "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 "Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m), although there are exceptions." Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 2979 Gelastocoris spp. Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Bluff (blocky) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Bank soil "eggs laid in sand holes, mud or beneath stones away from water" Unknown Predator runners and leapers 1 1 1 11-100 m Yes "5 instars, 60-100 d" adults overwinter Unknown 6082 Gelastocoris oculatus Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris Substrate and moisture preferences in common toad bug Gelastocoris oculatus Ohio "spring 1972 summers of 1973-74" RAT 12/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 strong preference for rock substrate Unknown Unknown 7593 Gelastocoris spp. Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 13001 Gelastocoris oculatus Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Adults collected yr round. Unknown Unknown Eggs laid in sand. Incubate eggs 12-15days. Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Adults overwinter. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 200egg/female. Incubate 12-15d Unknown 13002 Gelastocoris oculatus Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Adults collected yr round. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Total devel 60-100days. Unknown 13004 Gelastocoris oculatus Gelastocoridae Gelastocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nevada chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected yr round. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7594 Nerthra spp. Gelastocoridae Nerthra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13003 Nerthra spp. Gelastocoridae Nerthra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. California ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Adults collected yr round. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Eggs deposited in mud under stones several feet for water in June. Female guard egg cluster. Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 3503 Aquarius spp. Gerridae Aquarius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13.5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7550 Aquarius spp. Gerridae Aquarius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Skater 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2949 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown can hibernate and aestivate Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) lay eggs in spring Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year or univoltine "5 instars, 20-34 days" strong flight Weeks 7-10 days Unknown 2953 Gerris argenticollis Gerridae Gerris Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown can hibernate and aestivate Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) lay eggs in spring Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year or univoltine "5 instars, 20-34 days" strong flight Weeks 7-10 days Unknown 2954 Gerris marginatus Gerridae Gerris Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown can hibernate and aestivate Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) lay eggs in spring Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year or univoltine "5 instars, 35 days" strong flight Weeks 10-14 days Unknown 2969 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 body covered with water ressitant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Other (specify in comments) on plants Unknown Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 5-6 weeks" adults overwinter outside of stream Unknown 2972 Gerris buenoi Gerridae Gerris "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 body covered with water ressitant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Other (specify in comments) on plants Unknown Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 5-6 weeks" adults overwinter outside of stream Unknown 3499 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 5733 Gerris argenticollis Gerridae Gerris The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5734 Gerris marginatus Gerridae Gerris The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 5735 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 6882 Gerris argenticollis Gerridae Gerris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Illinois chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7004 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Floating debris Bank soil "Oviposit several months after emergence, includes adults overwintering. Oviposit in spring and summer." Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Weeks 2 wks incubation. Unknown 7551 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Skater 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13109 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs deposited on objects just beneath water surface. Yes 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults overwinter. 1 Unknown 13110 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/1/2005 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Also observed to feed on floating fruit of coral berry (Symphoricarpos). Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1-3 gen/year. 5 nymphal stages completed in 45 days. < 100 eggs Days Hatch 12 days. 48 eggs/female Unknown 13111 Gerris marginatus Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Also observed to feed on floating fruit of coral berry (Symphoricarpos). Unknown Unknown 13113 Gerris argenticollis Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13115 Gerris comatus Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13116 Gerris spp. Gerridae Gerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3500 Limnoporus spp. Gerridae Limnoporus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13.5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 6883 Limnoporus notabilis Gerridae Limnoporus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in British Columbia. Unknown 7552 Limnoporus spp. Gerridae Limnoporus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13114 Limnoporus canaliculatus Gerridae Limnoporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 13117 Limnoporus dissortis Gerridae Limnoporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 13118 Limnoporus spp. Gerridae Limnoporus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Pond Unknown Unknown Unknown Delayed reproduction. Flew to permanent water late in season and breed. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2950 Metrobates spp. Gerridae Metrobates Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Skater 1 Yes Unknown 2970 Metrobates spp. Gerridae Metrobates "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown 1 body covered with water ressitant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Other (specify in comments) on plants Unknown Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 5-6 weeks" adults overwinter outside of stream Unknown 3502 Metrobates spp. Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 5742 Metrobates hesperius Gerridae Metrobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7555 Metrobates spp. Gerridae Metrobates An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13127 Metrobates hesperius Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected July and late Sept. Unknown Yes Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13128 Metrobates hesperius Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Adults collected July - Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Nymphs overwinter Yes 13129 Metrobates hesperius Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arkansas ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Observed Aug-Oct. Unknown Yes Mate in Aug. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13130 Metrobates spp. Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on drifting insects. Skater Swimmer 1 1 1 Abundant immediately above and below riffle. Unknown Unknown 13131 Metrobates trux Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arizona ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13133 Metrobates trux Gerridae Metrobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arizona chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3505 Neogerris hesione Gerridae Neogerris Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Impoundments Small (length < 9 mm) 5.6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 7553 Neogerris hesione Gerridae Neogerris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13132 Neogerris hesione Gerridae Neogerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Pond Unknown Adults observed Apr-Dec. Unknown Unknown Copulate for 1 or more days. Mate in Sept and Oct. Unknown Predator Feed on small insects (dead or alive). 1 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Egg to adult in 50days. Possible diapause Yes 13134 Neogerris hesione Gerridae Neogerris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2952 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 21 d" Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2971 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown 1 body covered with water ressitant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Other (specify in comments) on plants Unknown Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "5 instars, 5-6 weeks" adults overwinter outside of stream Unknown 3504 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 5736 Rheumatobates tenuipes Gerridae Rheumatobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5737 Rheumatobates trulliger Gerridae Rheumatobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5738 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7554 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 Unknown Unknown 13135 Rheumatobates hungerfordi Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13136 Rheumatobates hungerfordi Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/1/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Eggs overwinter Yes 13137 Rheumatobates rileyi Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13138 Rheumatobates tenuipes Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13139 Rheumatobates trulliger Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13140 Rheumatobates spp. Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina Marion "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs inserted into plant tissue Unknown Predator Feed on insects and ostracods. Unknown 5 nymphal stages; complete in 28 days. Days Hatch 7days. Unknown 13141 Rheumatobates tenuipes Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 4/1/2005 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13143 Rheumatobates rileyi Gerridae Rheumatobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2951 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part IV. Family Gerridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 Yes < 100 eggs 1 Days 5 d Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3501 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.65 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 5739 Trepobates knighti Gerridae Trepobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5740 Trepobates pictus Gerridae Trepobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5741 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates The biology of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Washington JBM 11/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7556 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13142 Trepobates inermis Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina Burke "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Adult collect June-Nov. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Mate in autumn. Females oviposit for 3 wks. Eggs overwinter. Yes 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-15eggs/day. Hatch in ~2wks. Yes 13144 Trepobates pictus Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Adult collect Apr-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Eggs overwinter. Yes 13145 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 Pond Unknown Adult collect Apr-Nov. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Eggs deposited on floating objects. Yes Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Hatch 12-18days. 1-15egg/mass. Yes 13146 Trepobates inermis Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arkansas ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Mate in June-Oct. Unknown Unknown Eggs overwinter. Yes 13147 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Ditch, Seep" Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Probably 2 gen/yr. Unknown 1 1 13148 Trepobates inermis Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Mate late Apr or early May. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13149 Trepobates spp. Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5 instar stages completed 32-41 days. Unknown 13150 Trepobates inermis Gerridae Trepobates Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5 instar stages completed ~37 days. Unknown 3486 Gerridae Gerridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 Yes 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7022 Gerridae Gerridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Wettable claws Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13105 Gerridae Gerridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on other insects; cannibalistic. Unknown Unknown 13112 Gerridae Gerridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on other insects; cannibalistic. Unknown Unknown 6397 Actinobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Actinobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Other (specify in comments) "Usually found on fish. Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found on fish. 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6412 Alboglossiphonia heteroclita Glossiphoniidae Alboglossiphonia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6403 Batracobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Batracobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on amphibians and occasionally on fish. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6409 Batracobdella picta Glossiphoniidae Batracobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Pond Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on amphibians. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6410 Batracobdella michiganensis Glossiphoniidae Batracobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Michigan Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on amphibians and occasionally on fish. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2819 Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 1219 2438 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 tolerates organic material Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 6390 Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Feeds on snails. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7930 Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/17/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Other (specify in comments) Hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Laid on substrate and then attached to the ventral surface of parent. Brood young. Young receives nutrients that passes through body wall of parent into posterior sucker of young. Yes Unknown 1 Unknown 11533 Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11822 Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2821 Helobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Helobdella "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1524 3047 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 No strong preference No preference 6391 Helobdella stagnalis Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Feeds on snails. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year. 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6393 Helobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite "Often are temporary parasites on fish, frogs, turtles, and humans." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6411 Helobdella elongata Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Parasite Feeds on aquatic insects and parasitic on fish. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7932 Helobdella stagnalis Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/17/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1-2 generations/yr. Affected by water temp. 1 Unknown 7985 Helobdella californica Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11824 Helobdella stagnalis Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12067 Helobdella stagnalis Glossiphoniidae Helobdella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6398 Marvinmeyeria lucida Glossiphoniidae Marvinmeyeria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Michigan Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6441 Mooreobdella fervida Glossiphoniidae Mooreobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6442 Mooreobdella microstoma Glossiphoniidae Mooreobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates." Yes Parasite Predator "Known as blood-suckers, but many are predators and scavengers." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7987 Mooreobdella fervida Glossiphoniidae Mooreobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7988 Mooreobdella microstoma Glossiphoniidae Mooreobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12068 Mooreobdella fervida Glossiphoniidae Mooreobdella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6401 Oligobdella biannulata Glossiphoniidae Oligobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on amphibians. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2822 Placobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Placobdella "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Attached/fixed attached to host 1 1 on turtle or fish host Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6392 Placobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite "Often are temporary parasites on fish, frogs, turtles, and humans." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6399 Placobdella montifera Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Parasite "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; or parasitic on fish." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6400 Placobdella nuchalis Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Parasite "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; or parasitic on fish." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6402 Placobdella translucens Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on amphibians. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6404 Placobdella pediculata Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Parasitic on fish. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6405 Placobdella parasitica Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Commonly found clinging to the leggs of snapping turtles. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6406 Placobdella ornata Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite Predator "Often are temporary parasites on fish, frogs, turtles, and humans." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6407 Placobdella multilineata Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 47.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite "Often are temporary parasites on fish, frogs, turtles, and humans." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6408 Placobdella papillifera Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Parasite "Often are temporary parasites on fish, frogs, turtles, and humans." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7922 Placobdella spp. Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Parasite of fish. Primarily specialize on reptilian and crocodilian hosts. Swimmer Climber Unknown Unknown 7923 Placobdella ornata Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Swimmer Swimmer only as juv. Unknown Unknown 7924 Placobdella parasitica Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 65 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Swimmer Swimmer only as juv. Unknown Unknown 7927 Placobdella montifera Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 1/17/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite High degree of specificity for freshwater drum Apolodinotus grunniens. Unknown Unknown 7928 Placobdella papillifera Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Unknown Need min. of 4 blood meal to reach maturity. Unknown 7984 Placobdella multilineata Glossiphoniidae Placobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6413 Theromyzon biannulatum Glossiphoniidae Theromyzon Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Parasite "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; or parasitic on waterfowl." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6414 Theromyzon rude Glossiphoniidae Theromyzon Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6415 Theromyzon tessulatum Glossiphoniidae Theromyzon Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7929 Theromyzon trizonare Glossiphoniidae Theromyzon Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Other (specify in comments) Reproduce aprox. 12mths after hatching. Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Laid on substrate and then attached to the ventral surface of parent. Reproduce several times over a few yrs. Yes Parasite Unknown 1 Generation per year 3 blood meal to reach maturity. Months Lives several years. 1 Weeks Hatch in 1 mth. Unknown 6377 Glossiphoniidae Glossiphoniidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are carred in capsules on the ventral surface of the body, where they remain until some time after hatching." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Most often feed on snails, insects, oligochaetes, and other small invertebrates; many species are scavengers, feeding on dead animal matter." Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers; poor swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7856 Glossiphoniidae Glossiphoniidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Anterior and posterior suckers. Proboscis for feeding. Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Other (specify in comments) Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Laid on substrate and then attached to the ventral surface of parent. Yes Predator Parasite "Predator of macroinvert. Parasite of freshwater fish, turtles, amphibians, water birds." Climber Swimmer """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with anterior and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Months 1-5mths. Unknown 1 1 1 6330 Glossoscolecidae Glossoscolecidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sewage plant filters Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 263 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Cases made with a relatively large stone on each side; turtle-shell shaped with silk flaps on edges of main openings. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, green algae, FPOM. Seasonal shift between diatoms and detritus." 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference Temps intermediate between cold (where Anagapetus and Glossosoma are) and warm (where Protoptila occur). 1139 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Crawford Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1175 Agapetus alabamensis Glossosomatidae Agapetus New species of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1286 Agapetus jocassee Glossosomatidae Agapetus "The larva, pupa and female of Agapetus jocassee Morse" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Case made of small rocks with a strap of find sand along the underside; case cemented to rock. Case has two ballast rocks on either side. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Found on undersides of rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown 1294 Agapetus artesus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Nearctic caddis flies Missouri Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1295 Agapetus illini Glossosomatidae Agapetus Nearctic caddis flies Illinois Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1296 Agapetus montanus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Nearctic caddis flies Marci Koski 7/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1297 Agapetus medicus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Nearctic caddis flies Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1298 Agapetus pinatus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Nearctic caddis flies Tennessee Marci Koski 7/30/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2779 Agapetus bifida Glossosomatidae Agapetus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Oregon Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months 8-10 mo. Egg diapause. Yes 3449 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Case saddle-shaped or turtle-shaped; readily vacated. Made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Herbivorous; scrape algae, diatoms, and detritus from rocks." 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5175 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Wayne JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5225 Agapetus jocassee Glossosomatidae Agapetus "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5226 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5356 Agapetus illini Glossosomatidae Agapetus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5357 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Wayne JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5358 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Breathitt, Green" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5519 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 5712 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Kentucky Wayne JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5901 Agapetus montanus Glossosomatidae Agapetus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6121 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Two species of Trichoptera from Tennessee. Tennessee Sequatchie RAT 11/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6149 Agapetus avitus Glossosomatidae Agapetus The trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake with descriptions of three new species. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6908 Agapetus illini Glossosomatidae Agapetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7052 Agapetus bifidus Glossosomatidae Agapetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit a few days after emergence in July-early Aug. Yes 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 Months 30-100 eggs. 7 mth to hatch. Yes 7643 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Turtle shell case, laterally compressed" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7946 Agapetus pinatus Glossosomatidae Agapetus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7947 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8177 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8372 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8373 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8374 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8522 Agapetus avitus Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8523 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8524 Agapetus hessi Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Wayne chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8525 Agapetus illini Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Christian chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8526 Agapetus pinatus Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8527 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Blount chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8788 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 27-July 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8789 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9065 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9066 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9271 Agapetus montanus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9370 Agapetus bifidus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late June-early Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9834 Agapetus illini Glossosomatidae Agapetus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9835 Agapetus medicus Glossosomatidae Agapetus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9997 Agapetus montanus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Lemhi RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10034 Agapetus bifida Glossosomatidae Agapetus New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Oregon RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10035 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Oregon Benton RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10112 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. Minnesota St. Louis RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10119 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 792 975 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 bedrock 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" overwinters as a pupa 10331 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee Cumberland RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10358 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico California Lake RAT 1/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10967 Agapetus montanus Glossosomatidae Agapetus New species of nearctic caddis flies. Montana RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11076 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11090 Agapetus boulderensis Glossosomatidae Agapetus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11134 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11196 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus New western trichoptera Washington RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13193 Agapetus bifidus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8-10mth diapause. Yes 13246 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13565 Agapetus bifidus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 8-9 mth egg diapause Yes 13567 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge June -Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 5 larval instar stages Unknown 13568 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late May-early July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13569 Agapetus rossi Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid- May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown 13577 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13579 Agapetus pinatus Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13580 Agapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Agapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 264 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Case made with a few relatively large rocks; turtle-shell shaped with silk and sand grains around the ventral openings. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, green algae, detritus ingested during summer." 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1299 Anagapetus debilis Glossosomatidae Anagapetus Nearctic caddis flies Marci Koski 7/30/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5749 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5902 Anagapetus debilis Glossosomatidae Anagapetus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7641 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Rocky Mountains chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Turtle shell case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9272 Anagapetus debilis Glossosomatidae Anagapetus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9369 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early Apr-late May; peak early May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 10360 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico Oregon Klamath RAT 1/25/2005 1 seepage area Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10361 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico California Mariposa RAT 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10362 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico California Inyo RAT 1/25/2005 2377 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10363 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico California Fresno RAT 1/25/2005 2377 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10364 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico California Mono RAT 1/25/2005 1 2834 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10856 Anagapetus debilis Glossosomatidae Anagapetus "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12109 Anagapetus spp. Glossosomatidae Anagapetus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13588 Anagapetus debilis Glossosomatidae Anagapetus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 265 Culoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Culoptila Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Turtle-shell shaped case made of many small rock fragments of uniform size. Silk collars are fastened around each opening. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, green algae, and FPOM." Unknown Unknown 1090 Culoptila cantha Glossosomatidae Culoptila A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado Jackson Marci Koski 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5903 Culoptila cantha Glossosomatidae Culoptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7644 Culoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Culoptila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Turtle shell case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10359 Culoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Culoptila New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico Arizona Apache RAT 1/25/2005 1 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11104 Culoptila thoracica Glossosomatidae Culoptila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13570 Culoptila cantha Glossosomatidae Culoptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown 13575 Culoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Culoptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 266 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Turtle-shaped cases made of rock fragments of uniform size, usually lacking silk membranes around ventral openings." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, green algae, and FPOM." 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 267 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Oregon Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Turtle-shaped cases made of rock fragments of uniform size, usually lacking silk membranes around ventral openings." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, green algae, and FPOM." 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 overlapping generations per year. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 268 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Turtle-shaped cases made of rock fragments of uniform size, usually lacking silk membranes around ventral openings." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Periphytic algae, diatoms, and detritus." 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1096 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Larva, pupa, and adults of Glossosoma nigrior with a review of the eastern North American species" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case of small stones, dome-shaped, ovoid." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1133 Glossosoma verdonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Use of occupied Glossosoma verdona ases by early instars of Baetis spp. In a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Grand Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 2398 2398 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 5 4 Unknown 1 Case made of small mineral particles. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze algae on rock surfaces. 1 1 Found on upper surfaces of rocks. 1 1 Unknown Five instars during fall and winter months. Hatch in late summer Unknown 1188 Glossosoma verdonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Glossosoma verdona Glossosoma verdona in Libby Creek, Wyoming, USA" Wyoming Albany 41º 21' N 106º 15' W Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 3230 3230 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Underwater oviposition (surface unspecified) Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1189 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Glossosoma verdona Glossosoma verdona in Libby Creek, Wyoming, USA" Minnesota Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 1268 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A description of the larva and pupa of Glossosoma nigrior Banks "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Build saddle cases, dome-shaped and made of small stones." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1287 Glossosoma spinatum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2410 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2723 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Idaho Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2724 Glossosoma boltoni Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on diatoms Unknown Unknown Clear water 2787 Glossosoma velonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Colorado Grand 40º 16' N 105º 53' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3448 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Case saddle-shaped or turtle-shaped; readily vacated. Made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Herbivorous; scrape algae, diatoms, and detritus from rocks." 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5359 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Meade JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5360 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Meade, Hart" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5750 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5751 Glossosoma velonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5752 Glossosoma wenatchee Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5904 Glossosoma alascense Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5905 Glossosoma parvulum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5906 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5907 Glossosoma traviatum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5908 Glossosoma velonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5909 Glossosoma verdonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6173 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6174 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6744 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 6906 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Minnesota chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 6907 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7027 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Non-seasonal Unknown 7642 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Turtle shell case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7915 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown 2 periods of emergence: first half of May and last 2 wks of July-1st wk of Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Overwinter as larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7948 Glossosoma lividum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7949 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8143 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 8178 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 28-Aug 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8179 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 28-Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8375 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8528 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8786 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8787 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-July 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8915 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May 14,1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8916 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected March 15-Sept 15, 1951-1952 and Apr 1-Oct 12, 1953. Peak emergence June 20-July 20 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9064 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9220 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "Saddle-cases; small, domed cases of small rocks and bottom of the case is a silken strap." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9221 Glossosoma montanum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "Saddle-cases; small, domed cases of small rocks and bottom of the case is a silken strap." Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9242 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Minnesota chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 9256 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Diel periodicity in the behaviour of the caddisfly, Brachycentrus americanus (Banks)." chm 2/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Algal grazer Unknown Unknown 9273 Glossosoma alascense Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9274 Glossosoma montanum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Silver Bow 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9275 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Powell 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9276 Glossosoma traviatum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Ravalli 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar-May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9277 Glossosoma velonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Ravalli 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9278 Glossosoma verdonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9366 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown "Emerge Feb-Nov. Suggestions of 3 period of emergence: mid-Feb-late Mar, mid-Apr-early June, late July-late Oct." Unknown Yes Winter Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 1 0 21 9367 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 9368 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9624 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 9942 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10101 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10271 Glossosoma oregonense Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Oregon RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10336 Glossosoma alascense Glossosomatidae Glossosoma New Species of Trichoptera. California RAT 1/24/2005 2072 Unknown captured using a black light Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10354 Glossosoma calificum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma New species and notes of western Trichoptera. California San Luis Obispo RAT 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10840 Glossosoma velonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10941 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Inhabited bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 11011 Glossosoma verdonum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11096 Glossosoma parvulum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11105 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11135 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11136 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11207 Glossosoma penitum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11407 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11608 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11831 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12022 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12110 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13258 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13564 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-Oct; peak Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13566 Glossosoma nigrior Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May-late Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13571 Glossosoma lividum Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown 13576 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13578 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13589 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13590 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13591 Glossosoma spp. Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13592 Glossosoma intermedium Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Minnesota chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 269 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Turtle-shaped case flatter and more depressed in general; made of small rocks of uniform size, usually containing some transparent materials." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Eats mostly FPOM. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5361 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7645 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Depressed turtle shell case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8376 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8529 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Bradley chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9067 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13572 Matrioptila jeanae Glossosomatidae Matrioptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-May-late June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 270 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Turtle-shaped case has one relatively large stone incorporated into each side. Hinge a stone with silk on each opening to make doors. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer FPOM with some diatoms. 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1275 Protoptila cahabensis Glossosomatidae Protoptila New Trichoptera from Alabama Alabama St. Clair Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1279 Protoptila morettii Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Protoptila morettii, a new caddisfly species from the southeastern United States" South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3450 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Case saddle-shaped or turtle-shaped; readily vacated. Made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Herbivorous; scrape algae, diatoms, and detritus from rocks." 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5227 Protoptila cahabensis Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5362 Protoptila alexanderi Glossosomatidae Protoptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Union JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5363 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5364 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5910 Protoptila coloma Glossosomatidae Protoptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5911 Protoptila erotica Glossosomatidae Protoptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7646 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Turtle shell case, laterally compressed" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7950 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8180 Protoptila erotica Glossosomatidae Protoptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8181 Protoptila tenebrosa Glossosomatidae Protoptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 6-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8377 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8530 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8531 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Greene chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8790 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8791 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-July 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8917 Protoptila tenebrosa Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 28, 1952 and June 17-Sept 8, 1953. Peak abundance July 6-July 23" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Females with 100-140 eggs Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9068 Protoptila georgiana Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9069 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9070 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9762 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9822 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9823 Protoptila tenebrosa Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9836 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10319 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Minnesota Pine RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10320 Protoptila georgiana Glossosomatidae Protoptila New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Georgia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10897 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 11137 Protoptila erotica Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11138 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11139 Protoptila tenebrosa Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11544 Protoptila maculata Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11609 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13259 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13573 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown Silted/murky water 13574 Protoptila spp. Glossosomatidae Protoptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Sept Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown 5 larval instar stages Unknown Silted/murky water 3420 Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Case saddle-shaped or turtle-shaped; readily vacated. Made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Herbivorous; scrape algae, diatoms, and detritus from rocks." 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 7031 Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 12016 Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13270 Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case portable, saddle-like, rock material." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer 1 Unknown Unknown 271 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 1 "Generally, the central tube of small rock fragment is two larger ballast stones on each side. Cover irregularities on outside of case with silk. Posterior end of case restricted with silk." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Eat periphytic algae and fine detrital particles from exposed surfaces of larger rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown 2470 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2729 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 1 Portable case with ballast stones. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3424 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular, made of sand with pebbles along the sides." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed on periphyton, moss, or detritus." 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year "May be semivoltine in cold, northern streams." 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5604 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Breathitt, Wayne" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5605 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky McCreary JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6755 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7716 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 1 Two lateral ballast stones on each side Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8099 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8100 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8295 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-June 29 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8404 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8570 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8571 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8572 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky McCreary chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8889 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8890 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8969 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 19, 1952 and May 27-June 21, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9123 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9126 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9127 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9409 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Georgia "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 2 Unknown 1 1 Case of sand grains with several lg ballast stones Adults collected in July-Aug in Georgia. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae Aug/Sept and overwinters. Pupae in July Unknown 9411 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Massachusetts "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Adults collected in May. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown A Unknown 9412 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Michigan "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 2 Unknown 1 1 Case of sand grains with several lg ballast stones Emerge May-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown A Unknown 9821 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10094 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 548 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10283 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera New Caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the southeastern United States. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown positively phototactic Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11149 Goera stylata Goeridae Goera "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11304 Goera archaon Goeridae Goera New and interesting North American Trichoptera. Oregon RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13264 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13677 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13704 Goera calcarata Goeridae Goera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge June-early Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13705 Goera spp. Goeridae Goera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1808 Goerita spp. Goeridae Goerita "A review of Goerita (Trichoptera: Goeridae), with description of a new species" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/23/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains, tapered and slightly curved, sometimes with slightly larger grains incorporated laterally." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1809 Goerita flinti Goeridae Goerita "A review of Goerita (Trichoptera: Goeridae), with description of a new species" North Carolina GREAT SMOKEY MTNS NP Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 1012 1720 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains, tapered and slightly curved, sometimes with slightly larger grains incorporated laterally." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 "Found on the undersides of rocks, usually attached at right angles to the surface." 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 0.5 14 1810 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita "A review of Goerita (Trichoptera: Goeridae), with description of a new species" North Carolina Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 1382 1828 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains, tapered and slightly curved, sometimes with slightly larger grains incorporated laterally." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Feed on detritus and diatoms 1 Found on liverwort- and moss-covered rock surfaces 1 Either totally dry or washed by films of water (madicolous habitat). Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 1811 Goerita betteni Goeridae Goerita "A review of Goerita (Trichoptera: Goeridae), with description of a new species" Tennessee Marci Koski 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found on vertical rock faces in thin films of water along cool forested ravines. Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 6914 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 7717 Goerita spp. Goeridae Goerita An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8573 Goerita betteni Goeridae Goerita An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8574 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8731 Goerita spp. Goeridae Goerita Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9124 Goerita betteni Goeridae Goerita A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9125 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9413 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of small sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae overwinters. Hatch early summer Unknown 13265 Goerita spp. Goeridae Goerita Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13678 Goerita spp. Goeridae Goerita "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13706 Goerita semata Goeridae Goerita Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid- June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 186 Aphylla williamsoni Gomphidae Aphylla Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 73 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 7016 Aphylla spp. Gomphidae Aphylla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7613 Aphylla spp. Gomphidae Aphylla An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12682 Aphylla spp. Gomphidae Aphylla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12808 Aphylla williamsoni Gomphidae Aphylla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 1 Emerge late April-late July; adult fly into early Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown 10-15 instar stages. Unknown 12832 Aphylla spp. Gomphidae Aphylla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 182 Arigomphus lentulus Gomphidae Arigomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 52 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 3307 Arigomphus spp. Gomphidae Arigomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7614 Arigomphus spp. Gomphidae Arigomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12834 Arigomphus spp. Gomphidae Arigomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 183 Dromogomphus armatus Gomphidae Dromogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 184 Dromogomphus spinosus Gomphidae Dromogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 57 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 3304 Dromogomphus spp. Gomphidae Dromogomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7747 Dromogomphus spp. Gomphidae Dromogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12681 Dromogomphus spp. Gomphidae Dromogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12809 Dromogomphus armatus Gomphidae Dromogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 Adult flight from June7-Oct 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 12810 Dromogomphus spp. Gomphidae Dromogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Crawls 30cm or more from edge of water to transform. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit while in flight with tip of abdomen. Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12811 Dromogomphus spinosus Gomphidae Dromogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Adult flight from April 14-Nov 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 185 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 2921 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1 1 irrigation canals Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5973 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7748 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 12812 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight season May 27-Oct 7 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12813 Erpetogomphus spp. Gomphidae Erpetogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Flight season May 27-Oct 7 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 251 Gomphus externus Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 252 Gomphus graslinellus Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 253 Gomphus hodgesi Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 254 Gomphus lividus Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 255 Gomphus minutus Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 256 Gomphus rogersi Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 48 Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 2882 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus The nymph of Gomphus (Gomphurus) ozarkensis Westfall Arkansas Mid-Midwest nkmv 9/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown emergence may be synchronous Unknown Yes Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2905 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Two new Gomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from eastern North America nkmv 9/8/2004 1 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2918 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 1341 1981 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3300 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 3305 Gomphurus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 3308 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 5974 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7749 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12683 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12814 Gomphus lividus Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Female dip tip of abdomen into water near shore downstream of riffles. Unknown Unknown Unknown 12815 Gomphus graslinellus Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 30-50 eggs per dip of abdomen. Unknown 12816 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 Flight period mid May or June-late July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 12817 Gomphus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge April 5-May 13. Unknown Yes Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12818 Gomphus minutus Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12819 Gomphus rogersi Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12835 Gomphurus spp. Gomphidae Gomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 174 Hagenius brevistylus Gomphidae Hagenius Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 large streams 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 80 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 < 1 m 10 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 3306 Hagenius brevistylus Gomphidae Hagenius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 4 year life cycle. Slow seasonal 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 6765 Hagenius spp. Gomphidae Hagenius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7750 Hagenius brevistylus Gomphidae Hagenius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12684 Hagenius spp. Gomphidae Hagenius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12820 Hagenius brevistylus Gomphidae Hagenius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Flight period mid-June-Aug. Unknown Yes Free-floating Oviposit while in flight Unknown Predator Feed largely on other Odonata. Sprawler 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle may require 4 yrs to complete. Slow seasonal 1 1 Unknown 175 Lanthus parvulus Gomphidae Lanthus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 spring fed brooks Large (length > 16 mm) 37 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 < 1 m 10 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 2909 Lanthus parvulus Gomphidae Lanthus A new Lanthus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from eastern North America with adult and nymphal keys "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 yrs "high vagility, inter-stream colonization" Unknown 7751 Lanthus spp. Gomphidae Lanthus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12179 Lanthus spp. Gomphidae Lanthus Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12685 Lanthus spp. Gomphidae Lanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12821 Lanthus vernalis Gomphidae Lanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 1 Flight season May 12-31 in NC and early Apr-mid-June in SC. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit while in flight. Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 yr life cycle. Unknown 12822 Lanthus vernalis Gomphidae Lanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pennsylvania chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult taken as late as July 20. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12823 Lanthus parvulus Gomphidae Lanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pennsylvania chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adult taken mid-May-mid Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12833 Lanthus spp. Gomphidae Lanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 176 Octogomphus specularis Gomphidae Octogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 spring fed brooks Large (length > 16 mm) 52 Bluff (blocky) Unknown All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating in riffle areas Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 < 1 m 10 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 7752 Octogomphus specularis Gomphidae Octogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 244 Ophiogomphus mainensis Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 44 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 245 Ophiogomphus anomalus Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 44 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 246 Ophiogomphus carolus Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 247 Ophiogomphus occidentis Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 248 Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 249 Ophiogomphus severus Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 250 Ophiogomphus westfalli Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 2907 Ophiogomphus acuminatus Gomphidae Ophiogomphus "A new species of Ophiogomphus from eastern North America, with a key" Tennessee nkmv 9/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown short emergence period Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator 1 1 km or less Unknown low vagility of adults Unknown 2919 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3301 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7753 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 12686 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Clear water 12824 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight period late May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12825 Ophiogomphus spp. Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit in flight at head of riffle. Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 12827 Ophiogomphus mainensis Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 219 Phyllogomphoides spp. Gomphidae Phyllogomphoides Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 65 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7754 Phyllogomphoides spp. Gomphidae Phyllogomphoides An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 220 Progomphus borealis Gomphidae Progomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 sandy shallow desert streams 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 57 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 221 Progomphus obscurus Gomphidae Progomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 small streams 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2920 Progomphus borealis Gomphidae Progomphus Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3309 Progomphus obscurus Gomphidae Progomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7755 Progomphus spp. Gomphidae Progomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12687 Progomphus spp. Gomphidae Progomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12826 Progomphus obscurus Gomphidae Progomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 3/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on chironomid larvae and oligochaetes. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12828 Progomphus obscurus Gomphidae Progomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Flight season spring-summer. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on chironomid larvae and oligochaetes. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12829 Progomphus spp. Gomphidae Progomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 232 Stylogomphus albistylus Gomphidae Stylogomphus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 spring fed brooks Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 < 1 m 10 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown 3302 Stylogomphus albistylus Gomphidae Stylogomphus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7757 Stylogomphus albistylus Gomphidae Stylogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12688 Stylogomphus spp. Gomphidae Stylogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12830 Stylogomphus albistylus Gomphidae Stylogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12831 Stylogomphus albistylus Gomphidae Stylogomphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight period mid-May-mid-Aug. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit in riffle among stones while in flight. Unknown Unknown Unknown 170 Stylurus laurae Gomphidae Stylurus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 62 Bluff (blocky) No burrowing hooks All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 171 Stylurus intricatus Gomphidae Stylurus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No burrowing hooks All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 172 Stylurus notatus Gomphidae Stylurus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Bluff (blocky) No burrowing hooks All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 173 Stylurus spiniceps Gomphidae Stylurus Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 60 Bluff (blocky) No burrowing hooks All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3303 Stylurus spp. Gomphidae Stylurus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7756 Stylurus spp. Gomphidae Stylurus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12836 Stylurus spp. Gomphidae Stylurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3285 Gomphidae Gomphidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie partially buried in sand or silt substrate to ambush their prey. Clinger Burrower Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle for most species. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 6741 Gomphidae Gomphidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3553 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11.55 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Larvae pupate on shore; adults emerge and often congregate in large schools of mixed species. Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Adults have flattened legs for swimming. 1 1 "Adults fly to wintering sites along large streams and lakes, and return to lentic habitats in early spring. In streams, can be found under under-cut banks in the current." 1 Adults swim on the surface in deeper water. 10 km or less Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupate on shore. 3 larval instars. Unknown 7066 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit from May-Aug. Eggs laid on underside of Potamogeton sp. Leaves. Synchronous hatching of clusters. Yes Swimmer Diver Unknown < 100 eggs 1 Days 7-40 eggs. Hatch 5-6 days. Unknown 7530 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13798 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 5/6/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13800 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13801 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13802 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Fly to lg streams and lakes to overwinter. Unknown 13803 Dineutus assimilis Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13806 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13808 Dineutus horni Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13809 Dineutus ciliatus Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13810 Dineutus robertsi Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13814 Dineutus carolinus Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13815 Dineutus ciliatus Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13816 Dineutus discolor Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13817 Dineutus emarginatus Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13818 Dineutus horni Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13819 Dineutus spp. Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13820 Dineutus robertsi Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13821 Dineutus serrulatus Gyrinidae Dineutus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7067 Gyretes spp. Gyrinidae Gyretes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Unknown Unknown 13805 Gyretes spp. Gyrinidae Gyretes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13822 Gyretes iricolor Gyrinidae Gyretes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3552 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.8 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Larvae pupate on shore; adults emerge and often congregate in large schools of mixed species. Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Adults have flattened legs for swimming. 1 1 "Adults fly to wintering sites along large streams and lakes, and return to lentic habitats in early spring. In streams, can be found under under-cut banks in the current." 1 Adults swim on the surface in deeper water. 10 km or less Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupate on shore. 3 larval instars. Unknown 7068 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Unknown Unknown 7531 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13799 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13807 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13811 Gyrinus pachysomus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13812 Gyrinus elevatus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13813 Gyrinus analis Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13823 Gyrinus analis Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13824 Gyrinus aeneolus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13825 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13826 Gyrinus elevatus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13827 Gyrinus gibber Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13828 Gyrinus marginellus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13829 Gyrinus pachysomus Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13830 Gyrinus spp. Gyrinidae Gyrinus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7069 Spanglerogyrus spp. Gyrinidae Spanglerogyrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 7529 Spanglerogyrus spp. Gyrinidae Spanglerogyrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13804 Spanglerogyrus spp. Gyrinidae Spanglerogyrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3525 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Larvae with hooks on last segment. Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Larvae pupate on shore; adults emerge and often congregate in large schools of mixed species. Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "Larvae are predators, adults are scavengers." Swimmer Adults have flattened legs for swimming. 1 1 "Adults fly to wintering sites along large streams and lakes, and return to lentic habitats in early spring. In streams, can be found under under-cut banks in the current." 1 Adults swim on the surface in deeper water. 10 km or less Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupate on shore. 3 larval instars. Unknown 7198 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown 3 instar stages Weeks 1-2 wks after laid Unknown 7532 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Tubular Unknown 1 1 Pupation on shore above water level. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Weeks 1-2 wks after laid Unknown 7533 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3 instar stages Weeks 1-2 wks after laid Unknown 13796 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditches Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on stems of emergent vef a few cm below water surface. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Scavenger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Adults overwinter. Weeks Hatch 1-2 wks. Unknown 1 13797 Gyrinidae Gyrinidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6526 Allotexiweckelia spp. Hadziidae Allotexiweckelia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 artesian wells Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 6527 Texiweckelia spp. Hadziidae Texiweckelia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 artesian wells Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 3554 Brychius spp. Haliplidae Brychius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.25 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Pupation occurs on shore under a stone or log. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are mostly herbivorous. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupae are terrestrial. 3 Larval instars. Eggs laid in spring. Unknown 7331 Brychius spp. Haliplidae Brychius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Piercer herbivore Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7332 Brychius spp. Haliplidae Brychius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Piercer herbivore Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 3556 Haliplus spp. Haliplidae Haliplus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.7 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Pupation occurs on shore under a stone or log. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are mostly herbivorous. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupae are terrestrial. 3 Larval instars. Eggs laid in spring. Unknown 7087 Haliplus immaculicollis Haliplidae Haliplus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Uni- and bivoltine? Unknown 7333 Haliplus spp. Haliplidae Haliplus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 7334 Haliplus spp. Haliplidae Haliplus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Oviposit May-early July on beds of Chara sp. and Nitella sp. Chews hole in hollow stem and deposit several eggs within. 30-40 eggs within a wk, but females live over 1yr and can lay several batches." No Piercer herbivore Shredder Herbivore Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Months Females live over 1yr. < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Hatch 8-10 days. Unknown 13832 Haliplus immaculicollis Haliplidae Haliplus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Cuts hole in side of filament of Ceratophyllum or Nitella and deposits several eggs. Unknown Unknown Months Live 18 mths in lab. Unknown 13836 Haliplus spp. Haliplidae Haliplus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13838 Haliplus spp. Haliplidae Haliplus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Live up to 9 mths. Unknown 13839 Haliplus immaculicollis Haliplidae Haliplus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3555 Peltodytes spp. Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.9 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Pupation occurs on shore under a stone or log. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are mostly herbivorous. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupae are terrestrial. 3 Larval instars. Eggs laid in spring. Unknown 7335 Peltodytes spp. Haliplidae Peltodytes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Shredder "Predator/Engulfer, Herbivore" Climber Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7336 Peltodytes spp. Haliplidae Peltodytes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats "Oviposit May-early July on beds of Chara sp. and Nitella sp. 30-40 eggs within a wk, but females live over 1yr and can lay several batches." Yes Piercer herbivore Shredder "Predator/Engulfer, Herbivore" Swimmer Climber Clinger 1 1 Unknown Months Females live over 1yr. < 100 eggs 1 Days Hatch 8-14 days after laid. Unknown 13833 Peltodytes spp. Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Deposit eggs on aquatic plants and filamentous algae. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13835 Peltodytes edentulus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Live 18 mths in lab. Unknown 13837 Peltodytes sexmaculatus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Live 18 mths in lab. Unknown 13840 Peltodytes spp. Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13841 Peltodytes dunavani Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13842 Peltodytes duodecimpunctatus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13843 Peltodytes floridensis Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13844 Peltodytes muticus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13845 Peltodytes oppositus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13846 Peltodytes sexmaculatus Haliplidae Peltodytes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3526 Haliplidae Haliplidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Pupation occurs on shore under a stone or log. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae feed mostly on algae. Adults are mostly herbivorous. Swimmer Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae and adults are aquatic; pupae are terrestrial. 3 Larval instars. Eggs laid in spring. Unknown 7199 Haliplidae Haliplidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7534 Haliplidae Haliplidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown 1 Pupal chamber made on dry mud Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "3 instars stages, 24-31 days after hatching" Unknown 13831 Haliplidae Haliplidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 Pond Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "Herbivore, Can survive starvation for up to 6wks." 1 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 30-40 eggs/female in 1wk. Unknown 13834 Haliplidae Haliplidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 Pond Unknown Crawls to bank soil of dry mud to pupate. Pupate 4-6 days. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Feed on algae and periphyton. 1 1 1 Unknown 3 instar stages. Pupate 20-25 days after hatch. Hatch 8-14 days. Unknown 14387 Haliplidae Haliplidae Contribution to the biology of the Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Michigan ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Mate late Apr and May. Oviposit May-early July. Yes "Feed on Chara, Nitella, Spirogyra, and algae." Sprawler Swimmer 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 Days 30-40/female. Hatch 8-10 days. Unknown 14388 Haliplidae Haliplidae Contribution to the biology of the Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Michigan chm 5/25/2005 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Also tracheae in 3rd instar. Pupate 12-14 days in bank soil. Emerge May-early Aug. 6wks egg to adult. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae. Sprawler 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1-2 generation/yr. "1st larval stadium 5-10day, 2nd 6-8 day, 3rd 5-10d" Unknown 6338 Haplotaxis spp. Haplotaxidae Haplotaxis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Wet earth, ditches, mud" Large (length > 16 mm) 200 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 Found especially in debris. 1 1 "Found along edges of streams, ponds, or in marshes and soggy ground." 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 7606 Haplotaxis spp. Haplotaxidae Haplotaxis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 1 1 Seeps and groundwater Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 6324 Haplotaxidae Haplotaxidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Wet earth, ditches, mud" Large (length > 16 mm) 200 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 Found especially in debris. 1 1 "Found along edges of streams, ponds, or in marshes and soggy ground." 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 6499 Pontoporeia hoyi Haustoriidae Pontoporeia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between December and April, depending on water temperatures; young are released from the marsupium in the spring." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Shredder Consumes chiefly detritus. Other (specify in comments) Planktonic Found on the bottom and plankton of lakes. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Found on the bottom of deep, cold oligotrophic lakes." Unknown < 1 Generation per year Life cycle is 30 months or more. Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 2975 Hebrus spp. Hebridae Hebrus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 water resistant pile on body Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Predator sluggish 1 1 1 1 Unknown "5 instars, 20-50 d" overwinter as adults 1 Weeks 8-12 days Unknown 3506 Hebrus spp. Hebridae Hebrus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." 1 1 1 "More riparian than aquatic, but are still found in water." 1 1 "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." Yes > 1 Generation per year Multi-voltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 7583 Hebrus spp. Hebridae Hebrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13085 Hebrus spp. Hebridae Hebrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Nymph 20-62days; 5 stages. Weeks Hatch 10-22 days Unknown 7585 Lipogomphus brevis Hebridae Lipogomphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2976 Merragata spp. Hebridae Merragata "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 water resistant pile on body Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Predator sluggish 1 1 1 1 Unknown "5 instars, 20-50 d" "overwinter as adults,some with no wings" 1 Weeks 8-12 days Unknown 3507 Merragata spp. Hebridae Merragata Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.95 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." 1 1 1 "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." Yes > 1 Generation per year Multi-voltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 7584 Merragata spp. Hebridae Merragata An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13086 Merragata hebroides Hebridae Merragata Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 5 nymphal stage; 2-7days/stage. 20-36 days total 1 1 Days Hatch 8-12 days. Unknown 13087 Merragata spp. Hebridae Merragata Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Yes 5 nymphal stage; 2-7days/stage. 20-36 days total 1 1 Days Hatch 8-12 days. Unknown 1 3487 Hebridae Hebridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." 1 1 1 "Crawl very slowly across the surface of very shallow, still water that is covered with vegetation." Yes > 1 Generation per year Multi-voltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Overwinter as adults. Unknown 13084 Hebridae Hebridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Adults disperse by flight. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Algal mats Unknown Predator "Feed on springtails, possibly microcrustacea" Unknown Adults overwinter. 1 1 Unknown 272 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Snail-shaped cases made of sand grains Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference Wide temperature tolerance - is found in thermal streams of up to 34 C when no other Trichoptera present. 273 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Thermal streams Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Snail-shaped cases made of sand grains Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown "Consumed algae, detritus, and animal materials, as well as diatoms (seasonal shift)." 1 Found to depths of 30 cm in stream beds. Unknown Months 5-6 mo. Egg diapause Yes No strong preference Wide temperature tolerance - is found in thermal streams of up to 34 C when no other Trichoptera present. 1793 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche The biology and zoogeography of Helicopsyche borealis: a Nearctic representative of a tropical genus Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 44º 07' N 79º 09' W 1981 - 1982 Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Round (humped) Unknown 1 "Case helical, made of sand and bound with silk. Extremely resistant to crushing force." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Consumes detritus, diatoms, mosses, and filamentous algae in the travertine surfaces of rocks." 1 1 1 1 Most larvae found on downstream side of large and small rocks. 1 1 1 1 Found down to 30 cm in substrate. 1-10 m Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Overwinter as 4-5th instar larvae or pupae. Weeks Approx. 1 mo. Hatch time No 1 No strong preference 0 34 2722 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Hot euthermal (>30 C) 34 Found in thermal streams reaching 34 C or more; can tolerate a wide range of temperature extremes. 2741 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Occasionally burrows during spates or other unfavorable conditions. Unknown Unknown 3425 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case spiral, made of sand grains or tiny stones." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and diatoms. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5228 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5523 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 5613 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5840 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6189 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7080 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7081 Helicopsyche limnella Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7736 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Case snail shell-shaped Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7858 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Scraper/grazer Algae Unknown Unknown 8026 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8307 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8410 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8622 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Blount chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8693 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 26-Aug 11, 1951-52 and June 19-Aug 5, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8749 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late Aug-Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8908 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 7-July 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9148 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9248 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Snail shell shaped case. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9329 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Granite 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected April-May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9831 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntingdon 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9832 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntingdon 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9922 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9923 Helicopsyche limnella Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9996 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10202 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 1 477 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 10252 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10253 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10318 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown More than three times as many males than females were collected at light traps Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11041 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11648 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11655 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11837 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11999 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 12116 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13198 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5-6mth diapause. Yes 13260 Helicopsyche spp. Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13317 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Case in shape of helix; made of sand. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Depth of 30cm in soil. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 Wide temperature tolerance. No preference 13318 Helicopsyche borealis Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Oviposit in water. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed on algae, periphyton." 1 1 1 1 Depth of 30cm. Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 250 egg/mass. Unknown 8120 Helicopsychidae Helicopsychidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge throughout summer. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine probably. Yes Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13271 Helicopsychidae Helicopsychidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3371 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.55 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7377 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7378 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11753 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12227 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil "Eggs buried in mud, sand or among algae or plant debris in the littoral zone, near water." Yes 1 1 1 1 Unknown 3 larval instar stages. 1 Unknown 14007 Helophorus linearis Helophoridae Helophorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14328 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Adults aestivate. Unknown 14331 Helophorus spp. Helophoridae Helophorus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.8 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14334 Helophorus linearis Helophoridae Helophorus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.8 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 1869 Acanthomola pubescens Heptageniidae Acanthomola "Acanthomola pubescens, a new genus and species of Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) from western Canada" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Months most of year in egg stage Unknown Silted/murky water 1854 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator chironomid heads in gut Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8-9 months Weeks Unknown 1862 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Systematics of Anepeorus Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 7/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1866 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Comparative mouthpart morphology and evolution of the carnivorous Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/28/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 1904 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus The first adult of Spinadis (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Indiana Mid-Midwest NKMV 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 1906 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus The predaceous mayfly nymphs of North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3261 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Found in very deep waters. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5650 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7239 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of midges Sprawler ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12296 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12470 Anepeorus spp. Heptageniidae Anepeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 22 Cinygma dimicki Heptageniidae Cinygma The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 23 Cinygma integrum Heptageniidae Cinygma The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Under large flat rocks and on submerged logs; occasionally in gravel 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 15.6 15.6 919 Cinygma integrum Heptageniidae Cinygma The North American species of Cinygma (Ephemeropte Oregon Benton nkmv 7/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year long period of hatching Unknown 920 Cinygma dimicki Heptageniidae Cinygma The North American species of Cinygma (Ephemeropte Oregon Benton nkmv 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 2003 Cinygma spp. Heptageniidae Cinygma Movements of the gills of ephemerid nymhs in relation to the water currents produced by them nkmv 8/20/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown can beat gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5654 Cinygma spp. Heptageniidae Cinygma A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 914 2133 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7017 Cinygma spp. Heptageniidae Cinygma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7240 Cinygma spp. Heptageniidae Cinygma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 26 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 4.4 10 27 Cinygmula par Heptageniidae Cinygmula The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Clings to undersides of rocks in swift currents 1 1 Unknown Unknown 28 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 29 Cinygmula reticulata Heptageniidae Cinygmula The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 30 Cinygmula tarda Heptageniidae Cinygmula The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 653 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 1 2438 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 "Clings to undersides of rocks, out of current." 1 Unknown Unknown 868 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula A review of the mayfly genus Cinygmula McDunnough Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 891 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula A review of the mayfly genus Cinygmula McDunnough Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 2399 3349 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3051 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 1 swift mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 "under stones, in cracks" Unknown Unknown 5432 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Cocke JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5655 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 2438 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer 1 Unknown Unknown 6146 Cinygmula tarda Heptageniidae Cinygmula "Some factors effecting algal consumption in SubarcticEphemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 61 58' 128 14' August and December 1975 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown Unknown 6839 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6840 Cinygmula reticulata Heptageniidae Cinygmula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7241 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10188 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 3199 3550 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10862 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11430 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11721 Cinygmula mimus Heptageniidae Cinygmula Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12076 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12282 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12472 Cinygmula spp. Heptageniidae Cinygmula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12485 Cinygmula ramaleyi Heptageniidae Cinygmula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine in Alberta, Canada." Slow seasonal Unknown 12486 Cinygmula reticulata Heptageniidae Cinygmula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 3/16/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge April-Nov Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating Oviposit in flight over water. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Days Live up to 64hrs. Hatch in Oct. Unknown 31 Epeorus albertae Heptageniidae Epeorus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1219 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 8.9 17.2 Replaces E. longimanus at warmer temps (not common in cold water) 32 Epeorus deceptivus Heptageniidae Epeorus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1828 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8.9 15.6 33 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Males polygamous and mate several times Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 On large rocks in moderate to swift currents 1 1 Unknown Days 3 Days Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5.6 14.4 661 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 2742 3047 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 841 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus The Rocky Mountain species of Epeorus (Iron) Eaton Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1524 3199 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Days Unknown cooler trout streams 842 Epeorus deceptivus Heptageniidae Epeorus The Rocky Mountain species of Epeorus (Iron) Eaton Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1828 3047 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Days Unknown 843 Epeorus albertae Heptageniidae Epeorus The Rocky Mountain species of Epeorus (Iron) Eaton Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 River 1219 2133 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Days Unknown warmer water than E. Longimanus 844 Epeorus margarita Heptageniidae Epeorus The Rocky Mountain species of Epeorus (Iron) Eaton Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/12/2004 1 canyon streams River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Days Unknown 894 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mexico and Central Ame nkmv 7/8/2004 1 213 1950 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 15 19 1873 Epeorus namatus Heptageniidae Epeorus New Heptagenine mayflies Indiana Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1882 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown partial suction disk Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1917 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown detritus with some algae Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 9-10 months Weeks Unknown 1983 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus The mating biology of a mass-swarming mayfly Colorado Gunnison nkmv 8/16/2004 1 1 457 823 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2871 Epeorus fragilis Heptageniidae Epeorus "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2872 Epeorus pleuralis Heptageniidae Epeorus "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3016 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Cutaneous 1st instar no gills Unknown Unknown Free-floating eggs disperse when masses hit water Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 3017 Epeorus pleuralis Heptageniidae Epeorus Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown 1 gills form suction disk Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger crawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3046 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3050 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 swift mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 gills form suction cup Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3257 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5431 Epeorus rubidus Heptageniidae Epeorus Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Cocke, Sullivan" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5658 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5701 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Weeks Unknown 5703 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7000 Epeorus pleurialis Heptageniidae Epeorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Kentucky chm 1/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit 3 days after emergence, Mar-May. Eggs adhere to substrate after released in water." Yes Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months 2000-6000 eggs. 7mths@11-14 C Unknown 7230 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Enlarged gills function as friction pads Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7242 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9536 Epeorus namatus Heptageniidae Epeorus New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10863 Epeorus albertae Heptageniidae Epeorus "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11384 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11409 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11556 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Forest RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11968 Epeorus albertae Heptageniidae Epeorus Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy bottoms of rocks Unknown Unknown 12056 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy bottoms of rocks Unknown Unknown 12077 Epeorus albertae Heptageniidae Epeorus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12078 Epeorus deceptivus Heptageniidae Epeorus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12079 Epeorus longimanus Heptageniidae Epeorus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12283 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12473 Epeorus spp. Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Ventral adhesive disc. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12487 Epeorus pleuralis Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Subimago emerge under water. Emerge late Feb-June; peak in Apr-early May. Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Free-floating Oviposit in water while in flight. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Hatch late Sept-May. Unknown 12488 Epeorus pleuralis Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge late May-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12489 Epeorus pleuralis Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12492 Epeorus rubidus Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-April-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12547 Epeorus vitreus Heptageniidae Epeorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 25 Heptagenia solitaria Heptageniidae Heptagenia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 On large smooth rocks in moderate currents 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7.8 17.8 Silted/murky water 654 Heptagenia elegantula Heptageniidae Heptagenia Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1584 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 830 Heptagenia adaequata Heptageniidae Heptagenia The larval stage of Heptagenia adaequata (Ephemero In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/9/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 862 Heptagenia elegantula Heptageniidae Heptagenia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/26/2004 1 1 River 1828 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13 23 summer temps Silted/murky water 889 Heptagenia elegantula Heptageniidae Heptagenia Descriptions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky M Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 canals 1030 2009 Small (length < 9 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) can tolerate warmer temps than H. solitaria Silted/murky water 890 Heptagenia solitaria Heptageniidae Heptagenia Descriptions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky M Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1669 2289 Small (length < 9 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown cannot tolerate warmer temps like H. elegantula Silted/murky water 1874 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia New Heptagenine mayflies Indiana Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1883 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1885 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1897 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 sand bottomed streams Other Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1905 Heptagenia culacantha Heptageniidae Heptagenia A new Heptagenia (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from the "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 1981-1983 nkmv 7/26/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1918 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 1 sand bottomed streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal both: 1 month or 8-9 months eggs can overwinter Yes 1920 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8-9 months over fall and winter Weeks 2227 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3014 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3076 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 Unknown Unknown 3255 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5693 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Days Weeks Unknown 5704 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5763 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia New mayfly descriptions from Florida and a description of a new species Florida JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6048 Heptagenia elegantula Heptageniidae Heptagenia New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6049 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9633 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Immature insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) collected from deep water in Western L" Wisconsin chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 10808 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 11064 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11501 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11502 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11557 Heptagenia diabasia Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Dunn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11558 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11559 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11560 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Rock RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11561 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Green RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11562 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11899 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11900 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11901 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12080 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12284 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12474 Heptagenia spp. Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12493 Heptagenia flavescens Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Mar-early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12494 Heptagenia marginalis Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge May-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12495 Heptagenia pulla Heptageniidae Heptagenia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7018 Ironodes spp. Heptageniidae Ironodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 896 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Descriptions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky M Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) cannot tolerate warmer temps like H. elegantula Silted/murky water 904 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Two new genera of Nearctic Heptageniidae (Ephemero In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 921 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Patterns in the distribution of heptageniid (Ephem Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Fast seasonal Unknown 1884 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1919 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal both: 1 mo or 8-9 months 1970 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species nkmv 8/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6 26 2873 Leucrocuta thetis Heptageniidae Leucrocuta "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown 2 week early emergence then 2 week gap before summer emergence Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2874 Leucrocuta umbratica Heptageniidae Leucrocuta "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3015 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3069 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3259 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 5426 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5705 Leucrocuta hebe Heptageniidae Leucrocuta The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7243 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 9537 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Monroe chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9538 Leucrocuta maculipennis Heptageniidae Leucrocuta New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11503 Leucrocuta spp. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1870 Macdunnoa brunnea Heptageniidae Macdunnoa Review of the genus Macdunnoa (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 7/30/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Tracheal gills can fan gills to create current Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7244 Macdunnoa spp. Heptageniidae Macdunnoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collectors Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 815 Nixe criddlei Heptageniidae Nixe The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/26/2004 1 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 "sometimes on gravel, but rare" Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 11 18 summer temps No preference 881 Nixe simplicioides Heptageniidae Nixe The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/24/2004 1 2133 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 14 24 summer temps 887 Nixe criddlei Heptageniidae Nixe Descriptions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky M Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 from silty and clear mountain streams 1369 2599 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills clings to partially submerged boulders in negligible current Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 888 Nixe simplicioides Heptageniidae Nixe Descriptions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky M Rocky Mountains nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 2129 Small (length < 9 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown prefers warmer temps that N. criddlei Silted/murky water 905 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe Two new genera of Nearctic Heptageniidae (Ephemero In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 922 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe Patterns in the distribution of heptageniid (Ephem Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Fast seasonal Unknown 1029 Nixe criddlei Heptageniidae Nixe New synonyms for three North American Ephemeroptera species Arizona Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1030 Nixe criddlei Heptageniidae Nixe New synonyms for three North American Ephemeroptera species Colorado Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1031 Nixe criddlei Heptageniidae Nixe New synonyms for three North American Ephemeroptera species Montana Marci Koski 7/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1871 Nixe flowersi Heptageniidae Nixe A new species of Nixe from Indiana (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Indiana nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1900 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Unknown 1921 Nixe lucidipennis Heptageniidae Nixe Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Unknown 1 move to waters edge Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Months eggs overwinter Yes 2863 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 emerges underwater and floats up to surface Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2992 Nixe perfida Heptageniidae Nixe "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown 1 week emergence Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 7245 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9539 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11504 Nixe spp. Heptageniidae Nixe "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1872 Raptoheptagenia cruentata Heptageniidae Raptoheptagenia "Raptoheptagenia cruentata, gen. nov. (Ephemeroptera:Heptageniidae) new association of the larvae" Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year summer life cycle Unknown 7246 Raptoheptagenia cruentata Heptageniidae Raptoheptagenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 24 Rhithrogena robusta Heptageniidae Rhithrogena The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 On rocks in swiftest currents 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7.8 12.2 655 Rhithrogena robusta Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 1524 3169 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer """Diatom rakes"" are present on end of maxilla." 1 1 1 1 Die quickly in stagnant water! 1 Unknown Unknown 1 656 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 2438 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 831 Rhithrogena robusta Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records Desert Southwest nkmv 7/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 832 Rhithrogena vitta Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records Arizona Navajo Desert Southwest nkmv 7/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 833 Rhithrogena plana Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records Arizona Navajo Desert Southwest nkmv 7/12/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 834 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records Desert Southwest nkmv 7/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 835 Rhithrogena undulata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies of the Southwest: new species and records Desert Southwest nkmv 7/12/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 893 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mexico and Central Ame nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1402 2041 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12 18 1853 Rhithrogena undulata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 3/4 detritus and 1/4 diatoms crawl to cover 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 9 months Weeks Unknown 1 1861 Rhithrogena impersonata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena The nymph of Rhithrogena impersonata (Ephemerida) and a new closely related species Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Unknown Yes Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1864 Rhithrogena pellucida Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Feeding behavior of Rhithrogena pellucida (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Indiana nkmv 7/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "diatoms primarily, and detritus and sediment in guts" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1886 Rhithrogena pellucida Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1887 Rhithrogena undulata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 1 sanstone streams Other Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1898 Rhithrogena impersonata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 small streams Other Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1899 Rhithrogena jejuna Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1922 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 3/4 detritus and 1/4 diatoms crawl to cover 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1923 Rhithrogena impersonata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 3/4 detritus and 1/4 diatoms crawl to cover 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 9 months Weeks Unknown 1 1924 Rhithrogena jejuna Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 3/4 detritus and 1/4 diatoms 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 9 months Weeks Unknown 1 1925 Rhithrogena pellucida Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 3/4 detritus and 1/4 diatoms 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 1-3 months Months eggs overwinter Yes 1 can tolerate higher temps than other WI Rhithrogena spp. 2849 Rhithrogena undulata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 1 silted rivers Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 3047 Rhithrogena jejuna Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3058 Rhithrogena impersonata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3059 Rhithrogena pellucida Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3258 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5002 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown Unknown 5344 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 5673 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 3169 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Clinger 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6126 Rhithrogena pellucida Heptageniidae Rhithrogena New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6740 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Enlarged gills function as friction pads Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10914 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 1765 2492 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year unsynchronized larval growth Slow seasonal Unknown 11410 Rhithrogena morrisoni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11563 Rhithrogena impersonata Heptageniidae Rhithrogena "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11564 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11565 Rhithrogena jejuna Heptageniidae Rhithrogena "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11969 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy bottoms of rocks Unknown Unknown 12081 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12285 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12476 Rhithrogena spp. Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Ventral adhesive disc. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12490 Rhithrogena hageni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Oviposit summer into early autumn. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 12491 Rhithrogena morrisoni Heptageniidae Rhithrogena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Emerge Feb-late April. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Devel from egg to adult in 7 mths. Subimago 4-6day Hatch late summer. Unknown 12477 Spinadis spp. Heptageniidae Spinadis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12548 Spinadis spp. Heptageniidae Spinadis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia Toombs chm 3/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 816 Stenacron candidum Heptageniidae Stenacron The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains 1963-1964 NKMV 5/27/2004 1 1 1 canals 1524 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 on submerged Potamogeton Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 22 summer temp Silted/murky water 847 Stenacron candidum Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 852 Stenacron floridense Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag Florida nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 sandy bottom streams in Blackwater river basin Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 853 Stenacron gildersleevei Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1 cold spring-fed streams Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 855 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1 rocky bottom streams 2-4 Order Stream Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 4 1 859 Stenacron minnetonka Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 861 Stenacron pallidum Heptageniidae Stenacron Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 mountain streams Other Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1855 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 1 1 1 small eutrophic streams Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year winter and summer generations; univoltine in colder water Unknown Silted/murky water 1863 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron The life cycle of the mayfly Stenacron interpunctatum (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 12 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 3 generations every two years Non-seasonal both: fast and slow growth cycles Days Weeks Unknown 1888 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1915 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Feeding behavior of Stenacron interpunctatum (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Indiana nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer ate detritus in food trials and could not scrape diatoms; opportunistic grazer on flocculent algae 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2868 Stenacron gildersleevei Heptageniidae Stenacron "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown emerged continuously over 11 weeks Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3011 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Cutaneous 1st instar no gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 40-45 instars 1 Unknown 3061 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 more often in leaf drift Unknown Unknown 5428 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Greene, Cooke" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6841 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year univoltine to 3 generations in 2 yrs Unknown 7247 Stenacron spp. Heptageniidae Stenacron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9540 Stenacron candidum Heptageniidae Stenacron New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Ross chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9541 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10817 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Growth is slow in winter and fast in spring 10890 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown hairy mouthparts for scraping food from rocks Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer detritivores 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Runs Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10935 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11339 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron The Life Cycle of Five Closely Related Mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11505 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11506 Stenacron spp. Heptageniidae Stenacron "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11898 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12286 Stenacron spp. Heptageniidae Stenacron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12478 Stenacron spp. Heptageniidae Stenacron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12484 Stenacron interpunctatum Heptageniidae Stenacron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/16/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown "Emerge late Apr-Sept in NC and SC. Three emergence peaks in Indiana; early spring, mid-summer, late summer/early fall. Emerge yr round in FL. 20 individ in male swarms." Yes Yes Spring Fall Parthenogenesis reported. Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Univoltine to 3 generation/2yrs. Subimago 18-22hrs. Unknown 12496 Stenacron carolina Heptageniidae Stenacron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12497 Stenacron pallidum Heptageniidae Stenacron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge May-early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 829 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown No Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 11 months Unknown No preference 845 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 No preference 846 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 848 Stenonema carlsoni Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 849 Stenonema carlsoni Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 850 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1 1 sandy bottomed systems Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 851 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 854 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 856 Stenonema ithaca Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 857 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 858 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 860 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 895 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mexico and Central Ame nkmv 7/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 15 19 897 Stenonema pudicum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 mountain streams Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 898 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 899 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 900 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 also on bedrock and coarse sand Unknown Unknown 1 1 901 Stenonema smithae Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 30 902 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 coarse sand Unknown Unknown 30 903 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 coarse sand 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 25 906 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown "negative phototactic positive thigmotactic" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" Unknown Unknown 907 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Parthanogenesis Unknown prefers cool streams and lakes 908 Stenonema carlsoni Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 upland streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" Unknown Unknown 909 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown emerges all year in Florida Yes Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 Unknown Days Weeks Unknown 910 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" Unknown Unknown 911 Stenonema ithaca Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 912 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 913 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 Unknown Unknown 914 Stenonema meririvulanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 small spring-fed streams Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 emerge underwater from the larval skin No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 915 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 916 Stenonema pudicum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 1 montane streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" Unknown Unknown 917 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 918 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Taxonomy and ecology of Stenonema mayflies (Heptag In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/12/2004 1 1 1 small mountain streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 coarse sand Unknown Unknown 25 924 Stenonema sinclairi Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 small soft water streams near strip mines Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 925 Stenonema smithae Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 1 1 Unknown Days Weeks Unknown 1 1 No strong preference 926 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 1 1 canals Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer "eats algae, diatoms, and detritus" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 1856 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 1 sand bottomed streams Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "8 months, most growth before winter" Weeks Unknown 1857 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 1 sand bottom rivers Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "8 months, most growth before winter" Weeks Unknown 1858 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8-9 months Weeks Unknown 1859 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal fast growth fall to winter; nymph overwinter Months eggs can overwinter Yes 1860 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 1 Large lake Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year bivoltine Silted/murky water 1868 Stenonema lenati Heptageniidae Stenonema A new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from North Carolina nkmv 7/29/2004 1 1 Piedmont rivers Other Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1875 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Parthenogenesis in the mayfly Stenonema fermoratum (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Indiana Jefferson Co. Mid-Midwest 1971-1973 nkmv 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Free-floating Unknown Unknown Months facultative parthanogenesis Unknown 1876 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Description and ecology of three Stenonema mayfly nymphs Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1 25 25 1877 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Description and ecology of three Stenonema mayfly nymphs Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1 28 1878 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Description and ecology of three Stenonema mayfly nymphs Mid-Midwest nkmv 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1 29 1889 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1890 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1891 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 large streams Other Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1892 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1893 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1894 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1895 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1896 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of Wisconsin Wisconsin nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "emerge in may, develop quickly and emerge again in August" Fast seasonal Unknown 1901 Stenonema bednariki Heptageniidae Stenonema A distinctive new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Kentucky and Missouri Kentucky nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1902 Stenonema bednariki Heptageniidae Stenonema A distinctive new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Kentucky and Missouri Missouri nkmv 7/15/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1903 Stenonema meririvulanum Heptageniidae Stenonema A new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from eastern North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" nkmv 7/15/2004 1 1 spring fed mountain streams Other 1097 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 drift or swim to area of low current and crawl up on substrate just below surface Unknown Unknown Summer Free-floating On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Sprawler Swimmer walks around instead of clinging 1 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) 1-10 m 1 km or less Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 14 1926 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Life cycles and habits of Wisconsin Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) Wisconsin nkmv 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills can use gills to generate current Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8-9 months Weeks 1978 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown lots of driblets in emergence Unknown No Summer Summer Unknown Clinger 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown 1 1 0 27 1979 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown lots ofsize classes at one time Unknown No Spring Summer Unknown Clinger 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown 1 1 0 27 1984 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Mayflies in august Michigan nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown No Summer Fall Free-floating in riffles Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1985 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Reactions of certain nymphs of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera) to light as related to habitat preference Michigan nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer ate diatoms Clinger very weak swimmer 1 1 1 shores with wave action < 1 m Unknown Unknown 3012 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3013 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3021 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Growth rates of mayflies in a subtropical river and their implications for secondary production Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 8/31/2004 1 1 blackwater river Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 41 d Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2.9 32 3062 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3063 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3065 Stenonema ithaca Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3066 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3067 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3068 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3075 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 Unknown Unknown 3256 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5003 Stenonema carlsoni Heptageniidae Stenonema "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5427 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5429 Stenonema ithaca Heptageniidae Stenonema Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Greene, Johnson" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5430 Stenonema pudicum Heptageniidae Stenonema Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Greene, Cocke" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5643 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5676 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Unknown 5706 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5764 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema New mayfly descriptions from Florida and a description of a new species Florida JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5765 Stenonema smithae Heptageniidae Stenonema New mayfly descriptions from Florida and a description of a new species Florida JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5970 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6046 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6047 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6150 Stenonema allegheniense Heptageniidae Stenonema Description of a new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/23/2004 1 1 Allegheny Mountains Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6842 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 6843 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Minnesota chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7248 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9542 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9543 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9544 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9545 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9546 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9547 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9548 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10818 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Growth is slow in winter and fast in spring 10891 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown hairy mouthparts for scraping food from rocks Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer detritivores 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10934 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10972 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema The Life Cycle of Five Closely Related Mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11065 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11297 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11340 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema The Life Cycle of Five Closely Related Mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11341 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema The Life Cycle of Five Closely Related Mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11342 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema The Life Cycle of Five Closely Related Mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11385 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11507 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11508 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11509 Stenonema mexicanum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11510 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11511 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11512 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11566 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11567 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Price RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11568 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11569 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waukesha RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11570 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11571 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Lincoln RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11572 Stenonema luteum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Lincoln RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11573 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11574 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11575 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Ashland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11576 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11894 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11895 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11896 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11897 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12172 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 12287 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12479 Stenonema spp. Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12481 Stenonema femoratum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge May-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Parthenogenesis reported. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in West Virginia. Unknown 12482 Stenonema pulchellum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Parthenogenesis reported. Unknown Unknown Unknown 12483 Stenonema vicarium Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge late Feb-July; peak end of May Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Parthenogenesis reported. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymphs grow June-Nov. Unknown 12498 Stenonema carlsoni Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Feb-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12499 Stenonema exiguum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge May-mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12500 Stenonema ithaca Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12540 Stenonema mediopunctatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12541 Stenonema modestum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12542 Stenonema pudicum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 12543 Stenonema smithae Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12544 Stenonema terminatum Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Emerge late Feb-July Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12545 Stenonema sinclairi Heptageniidae Stenonema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee Marion chm 3/16/2005 Unknown Adults collected late April and early May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6758 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/9/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8140 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11291 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 11513 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12012 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12480 Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/16/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7527 Heteroceridae Heteroceridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Unknown Unknown Unknown 11757 Heteroceridae Heteroceridae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2820 Haemopis spp. Hirudinidae Haemopis "Systematics, distribution, and ecology of Colorado Hirudinea" Colorado nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1219 2438 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer migratory 1 1 1 1 tolerates organic material 11-100 m Yes Unknown 1 No strong preference 25 No preference 6394 Haemopis spp. Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6395 Haemopis marmorata Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Troughs Pond Large (length > 16 mm) 87.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator "The horse-leech; feeds on drinking cattle and horses, occasionally humans." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Often found in mud at the edge of water. 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6427 Haemopis septagon Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6430 Haemopis terrestris Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 175 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Predator True blood-suckers; feeds on aquatic invertebrates and earthworms. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6432 Haemopis plumbea Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 170 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6434 Haemopis lateromaculata Hirudinidae Haemopis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 67.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6429 Haemopis kingi Hirudinidae Haemopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Iowa Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 85 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6433 Haemopis grandis Hirudinidae Haemopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 225 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Yes 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 11823 Haemopis grandis Hirudinidae Haemopsis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6428 Hirudo medicinalis Hirudinidae Hirudo Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 100 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6396 Macrobdella decora Hirudinidae Macrobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Requires 2-3 years to mature; may live 10-15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6424 Macrobdella ditetra Hirudinidae Macrobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6425 Macrobdella sesteria Hirudinidae Macrobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Massachusetts In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 75 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6426 Macrobdella diploteria Hirudinidae Macrobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6431 Philobdella floridana Hirudinidae Philobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 62.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7986 Philobdella gracilis Hirudinidae Philobdella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 85 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6376 Hirudinidae Hirudinidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Bank soil "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates. Sometimes, cocoons are buried in soft substrates, often in or on exposed mud along the shores of water bodies." Yes Parasite Predator True blood-suckers; feed on small invertebrates or dead animal matter. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl on the surface using suckers; also excellent swimmers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Some species require 4-5 years to mature; some species live up to 15 years! 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7920 Hirudinidae Hirudinidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Anterior and posterior suckers. Suctorial mouth. Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Loosely attached to substrate. Unknown Predator Parasite Predator of macroinvert. Parasite of freshwater and terrestrial Amphibia and mammals. Swimmer Climber """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with anterior and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 1 1 1 6498 Hyalella azteca Hyalellidae Hyalella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters; occasionally found at depths exceeding 1m. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Produces 15 broods in 152 days. Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 18 eggs per brood; 1-3 weeks Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 7871 Hyalella azteca Hyalellidae Hyalella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Nevada Desert Southwest chm 1/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Migrate horizontally from shore to open-water column to feed daily. 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 34 7876 Hyalella montezuma Hyalellidae Hyalella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Arizona Desert Southwest chm 1/26/2005 1 1 Sink hole Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Collector-filterer Daily vertical migration. 1 Unknown Unknown 10902 Hyalella azteca Hyalellidae Hyalella Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11873 Hyalella azteca Hyalellidae Hyalella Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12072 Hyalella azteca Hyalellidae Hyalella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6572 Hydrachna spp. Hydrachnidae Hydrachna Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Round (humped) Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400; eggs are oviposited in the tissues of aquatic plants. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 7991 Hydrachna spp. Hydrachnidae Hydrachna Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/18/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Elongated ovipositor to lay eggs individually in stems of aquatic plants. Unknown Predator Predator of arthopod eggs. Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler Unknown 1 1 Unknown 8064 Hydrachna spp. Hydrachnidae Hydrachna Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/18/2005 1 1 Unknown stylostome-feeding tube to attach to host. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite "Parasitic larvae have extended larval association (2wks-10mths) with host. Host: Hemiptera, Coleoptera." Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 11861 Hydrachna spp. Hydrachnidae Hydrachna Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8001 Hydrachnidae Hydrachnidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Plastron (permanent air store) Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Host: corixids. Predaceous deutonymph (few days or wks). Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Extended larval host association. Unknown 7402 Hydraena spp. Hydraenidae Hydraena An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13960 Hydraena marginicollis Hydraenidae Hydraena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "Fed on periphyton, algae." Unknown Pupa 3-4 days. Unknown 13962 Hydraena marginicollis Hydraenidae Hydraena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7403 Limnebius spp. Hydraenidae Limnebius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7404 Ochthebius spp. Hydraenidae Ochthebius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Intertidal sp Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3531 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Adults are scavengers, feeding on dead animals and plants." Climber Cannot swim! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer very shallow water. Unknown Only adults are aquatic; larvae are riparian. Unknown 7201 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Adult-Temporary air store Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Unknown 1 1 Yes 1 Unknown 7537 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Unknown Pupal chamber in sand along littoral zone Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Yes larvae mature in 1 yr or less Unknown 13759 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13959 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/7/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit mid-late Apr. Unknown Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 1 Days Hatch 8-10 days. Unknown 13961 Hydraenidae Hydraenidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/7/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Oviposit mid-late Apr. Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Yes Days Hatch 8-10 days in water. Unknown 6304 Chlorohydra viridissima Hydridae Chlorohydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Scraper/grazer "Has a symbiotic relationship with Chlorella; consumes dead algal cells from the gastrodermis. Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6309 Chlorohydra hadleyi Hydridae Chlorohydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pennsylvania Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Scraper/grazer "Has a symbiotic relationship with Chlorella; consumes dead algal cells from the gastrodermis. Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6303 Hydra oligactis Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. Can be a nuisance in fish hatcheries. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6310 Hydra lirosoma Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Georgia Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hermaphroditic." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6311 Hydra hymanae Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca New Jersey Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hermaphroditic." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6312 Hydra americana Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6313 Hydra minima Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca New Jersey Milburn Township Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6314 Hydra utahensis Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Utah Salem Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6315 Hydra oregona Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Oregon Portland Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6316 Hydra pseudoligactis Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6317 Hydra rutgersensis Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca New Jersey Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6318 Hydra carnea Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hermaphroditic." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6319 Hydra littoralis Hydridae Hydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 11532 Hydra spp. Hydridae Hydra Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11983 Hydra spp. Hydridae Hydra Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the tops and sides of rocks Unknown Unknown 12007 Hydra spp. Hydridae Hydra "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 Regulated by a reservoir 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6302 Hydridae Hydridae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Respiration occurs through the general body surface. Populations are usually found in greatest numbers in late spring and early summer; sometimes there is also an autumn maximum. Unknown Unknown "Reproduction is commonly asexual and achieved through budding. Under good conditions, budding occurs every 2-3 days. Sexual reproduction can occur either in the fall (when temperatures drop) or spring/summer (when temperatures are highest or when the habitat is drying up). Hydras can be either hermaphroditic or dioecious." Yes Predator Other (specify in comments) "Carnivorous - consume cladocerans, copepods, insects, and annelids. Can also kill fish fry. When food is in short supply, may feed on organic material in substrates (fairly rare)." Attached/fixed Other (specify in comments) "Usually sessile, but can also be found hanging downward from the surface film." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually found at depths shallower than 1.5 m. When food supplies are low, the hydra secretes a gas bubble beneath the pedal disc and floats to the surface film." Unknown Months "Hydras live 3-12 months in the lab, up to 2 years." Months Theca splits in 3-10+ weeks. Unknown 1 3 1 20 6250 Amnicola limosus Hydrobiidae Amnicola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Adults reproduce in the spring. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults die after reproducing in the spring. Unknown 11826 Amnicola spp. Hydrobiidae Amnicola Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6647 Antrobia culveri Hydrobiidae Antrobia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Missouri Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6632 Antroselates spiralis Hydrobiidae Antroselates Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Have either internal gills (specialized folds in the mantle) or an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. In other species, all oxygen is obtained through the body surface." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6383 Birgella subglobosa Hydrobiidae Birgella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6648 Clappia spp. Hydrobiidae Clappia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 2.75 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6238 Fluminicola spp. Hydrobiidae Fluminicola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6646 Fluminicola spp. Hydrobiidae Fluminicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11433 Fluminicola spp. Hydrobiidae Fluminicola Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6502 Fontigens spp. Hydrobiidae Fontigens Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Other Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6664 Fontigens nickliniana Hydrobiidae Fontigens Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Other Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 Found in dense mats of water cress and other vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6649 Hoyia sheldoni Hydrobiidae Hoyia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Lake Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 3.25 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 Found in the deep waters of Lake Michigan. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6661 Hydrobia spp. Hydrobiidae Hydrobia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Parthenogenesis may occur. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6645 Lepyrium showalteri Hydrobiidae Lepyrium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6385 Notogillia spp. Hydrobiidae Notogillia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6650 Orygoceras spp. Hydrobiidae Orygoceras Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Cold Spring Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6387 Pyrgulopsis spp. Hydrobiidae Pyrgulopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Great Basin Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6386 Spilochlamys spp. Hydrobiidae Spilochlamys Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6384 Stiobia nana Hydrobiidae Stiobia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6634 Hydrobiidae Hydrobiidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most often found on aquatic plants. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 275 Atopsyche spp. Hydrobiosidae Atopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Desert Southwest Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Unknown No case (other than pupal enclosure) - free living. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Makes pupal case of rocks and silk. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7640 Atopsyche spp. Hydrobiosidae Atopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9792 Atopsyche spp. Hydrobiosidae Atopsyche "Studies of neotropical caddis flies, VI: On a collection from Northwestern Mexico." Arizona Desert Southwest RAT 12/28/2004 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10261 Atopsyche spp. Hydrobiosidae Atopsyche A new genus and five new species of Trichoptera. Arizona RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11162 Atopsyche spp. Hydrobiosidae Atopsyche New and interesting North American Trichoptera. Desert Southwest RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3372 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.75 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7379 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7380 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12228 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) In wet wood "Egg cases attached to plants, tree roots or pieces of bark or branches at water's edge." Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Unknown 12230 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) In wet wood "Egg cases attached to plants, tree roots or pieces of bark or branches at water's edge." Yes Scraper/grazer Feed on algae. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Unknown 13972 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Algal mats On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit late May-early June. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 13973 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13974 Hydrochus spp. Hydrochidae Hydrochus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Days Hatch 7-8 days. Unknown 6578 Hydrodroma despiciens Hydrodromidae Hydrodroma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Round (humped) Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 2914 Hydrometra spp. Hydrometridae Hydrometra Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana Louisiana Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) nkmv 9/9/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) Unknown Predator pierce metazoans and insects 1 1 1 1 surface 1 Unknown several weeks Days 7 days Unknown 2978 Hydrometra spp. Hydrometridae Hydrometra "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 mud flats Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown slender stick like body Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Unknown Predator sluggish 1 1 < 1 m 10 m or less Yes "5 instars, 3 weeks" "adults overwinter, don't move much" 1 Unknown 3488 Hydrometra martini Hydrometridae Hydrometra Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.75 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Adults live as long as one year. Unknown 7544 Hydrometra spp. Hydrometridae Hydrometra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore of adult arthropod, mosquito larvae/pupae, ostracods" Skater 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13080 Hydrometra martini Hydrometridae Hydrometra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposition in spring through summer. Unknown Yes > 1 Generation per year 3 and partial 4th gen/yr. Months Adults overwinter on land. Live 9-15mths. 1 1 Unknown 13081 Hydrometra spp. Hydrometridae Hydrometra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13082 Hydrometra spp. Hydrometridae Hydrometra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2-5 days for each of the 5 nymphal stage. Weeks Hatch 4-22 days. Unknown 13083 Hydrometra australis Hydrometridae Hydrometra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8121 Hydrometridae Hydrometridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Overwinter as adults. Unknown 13079 Hydrometridae Hydrometridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on insects, sprintails, aphids, entomostrachans, cannibalistic, ceratopogonid pupae, sm crustaceans, mayfly adults." 1 1 1 1 Floating debris and vegetation 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 7381 Ametor spp. Hydrophilidae Ametor An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12231 Ametor spp. Hydrophilidae Ametor "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Montana chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Under waterfalls. 1 Unknown Unknown 3407 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7382 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12241 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Crawl Moist soil and debis at water's edge. 1 1 1 Yes Larval developm't ~2mth. 3rd instar can overwinter 1 Days Hatch in 8-10 days. Unknown 12244 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breed in spring. Eggs laid in debris at water's margin. Unknown 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Adults overwinter. < 100 eggs 1 Days 5-8eggs/case. Hatch 8-10 days. Unknown 13990 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14364 Anacaena spp. Hydrophilidae Anacaena Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3378 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7383 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Collector-gatherer Shredder Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12232 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Spiracular gills Larvae apneustic. Pupation in soil or sand near water's edge; 1-5 inches below surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Unknown Predator Feed on small invertebrates; cannibalistic. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Univoltine in temporary habitat; bivoltine in permanent. < 100 eggs 1 1 1 Unknown 12234 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and plant materials. Swimmer Unknown > 1 Generation per year Univoltine in temporary habitat; bivoltine in permanent. < 100 eggs 1 1 1 Unknown 13968 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on green algae. Unknown Unknown 13991 Berosus aculeatus Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13992 Berosus exiguus Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13993 Berosus peregrinus Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13994 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14028 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14350 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Round (humped) Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Swimmer Diver 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14351 Berosus aculeatus Hydrophilidae Berosus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14352 Berosus exiguus Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14353 Berosus spp. Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 Unknown Adults collected Apr-June Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14354 Berosus peregrinus Hydrophilidae Berosus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3373 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7384 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12235 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on small inverts. Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Yes Unknown 12238 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 13995 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14329 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" 1991 ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Round (humped) Unknown 1 Male and female with gelatinous mass at base of abdomen. All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 14330 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Tennessee ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14332 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Arkansas ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14333 Chaetarthria spp. Hydrophilidae Chaetarthria The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Florida ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 3408 Crenitis spp. Hydrophilidae Crenitis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7385 Crenitis spp. Hydrophilidae Crenitis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12239 Crenitis spp. Hydrophilidae Crenitis "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Massachusetts In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Possibly predaceous. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 12242 Crenitis spp. Hydrophilidae Crenitis "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Massachusetts In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14362 Crenitis suturalis Hydrophilidae Crenitis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3578 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.65 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7386 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12339 Cymbiodyta vindicata Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil On/under stones (submerged) No Unknown 1 Unknown 12341 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Pupate near water's edge or in moss. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Eggs also on moss or leaves near water's edge. Unknown Predator Also cannibalistic; feed on unhatched eggs of own sp. Unknown Larval devel range from 3wks-2mths. Pupal 4-5days. 1 Days Hatch in 4-5 days. Unknown 12352 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Eggs also on moss or leaves near water's edge. Unknown 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" < 100 eggs 1 15-40eggs/case. Unknown 13996 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13997 Cymbiodyta vindicata Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14380 Cymbiodyta chamberlaini Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Other Small (length < 9 mm) 5.7 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Teneral specimen numerous in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14381 Cymbiodyta minima Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14382 Cymbiodyta spp. Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arkansas ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 5.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14383 Cymbiodyta vindicata Hydrophilidae Cymbiodyta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 5.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7387 Derallus altus Hydrophilidae Derallus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12233 Derallus spp. Hydrophilidae Derallus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown "Pupation on aquatic vegetation, ""completely exposed.""" Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On floating vegetation; always submerged. Yes Predator Also cannibalistic. Climber Crawl on vegetation. 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Pupation completed in 2 days. 1 Unknown 12236 Derallus spp. Hydrophilidae Derallus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On floating vegetation; always submerged. Yes Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and decaying plant material. Swimmer 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 4-6eggs/case. Unknown 13998 Derallus altus Hydrophilidae Derallus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14027 Derallus spp. Hydrophilidae Derallus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14355 Derallus altus Hydrophilidae Derallus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14357 Derallus altus Hydrophilidae Derallus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 2.2 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 3377 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 33.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 12358 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Pupate in soil. Emerge after 2days in pupal chamber. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Eggs free-floating with dead leaves as support. Egg case constructed in 1.5-2hrs. Unknown Days Predator Not cannibalistic. Feed on snails Swimmer 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Larval devel 30-45days. Pupate in 5-7days. 1 Days 28-36 eggs/case. Hatch 5-6days Unknown 12363 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Eggs free-floating with dead leaves as support. Egg case constructed in 1.5-2hrs. Unknown Days 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" < 100 eggs 1 28-36eggs/case. Unknown 13999 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14339 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi Adams ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14340 Dibolocelus spp. Hydrophilidae Dibolocelus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Florida ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 3404 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.65 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 12335 Enochrus ochraceus Hydrophilidae Enochrus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12337 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Pupate mostly in bank soil; some in algae or under rock. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) Unknown Predator Also cannibalistic. Unknown Larvae devel in 1-2mths. 1 Days Hatch in 4-7 days. Unknown 12338 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and decaying plant material. 1 1 1 1 Yes < 100 eggs 1 8-30eggs/case. Unknown 13970 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Pupate 3-4 days Unknown 14000 Enochrus hamiltoni Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14001 Enochrus ochraceus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14002 Enochrus pygmaeus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14003 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14004 Enochrus sublongus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14370 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14371 Enochrus spp. Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Small (length < 9 mm) 4.4 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14372 Enochrus hamiltoni Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi Hancock ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tidal marsh Small (length < 9 mm) 6.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14373 Enochrus ochraceus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14374 Enochrus pygmaeus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14375 Enochrus sublongus Hydrophilidae Enochrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Ditch Small (length < 9 mm) 2.7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7388 Helobata larvalis Hydrophilidae Helobata An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 12/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12247 Helobata larvalis Hydrophilidae Helobata "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs carried by female. Yes Predator Possibly predaceous. 1 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 30-35 eggs/case. Unknown 14377 Helobata striata Hydrophilidae Helobata Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi Jackson Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On Pontederia sp. Unknown Unknown 1 7389 Helochares spp. Hydrophilidae Helochares An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12245 Helochares maculicollis Hydrophilidae Helochares "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs carried by female. Yes Unknown 1 Unknown 12248 Helochares spp. Hydrophilidae Helochares "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Pupate in bank soil. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs carried by female. Yes Predator Also cannibalistic. 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Possibly multivoltine. At least 2 mths for larval devel. Pupate ~1wk. 1 Days Hatch ~1 wk. Unknown 12249 Helochares spp. Hydrophilidae Helochares "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" Ohio In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs carried by female. Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Possibly multivoltine. < 100 eggs 1 Days 25-100eggs/case. Hatch ~1 wk. Unknown 14005 Helochares maculicollis Hydrophilidae Helochares Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14376 Helochares spp. Hydrophilidae Helochares Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14378 Helochares maculicollis Hydrophilidae Helochares Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Female adults collected late June-mid-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3409 Helocombus bifidus Hydrophilidae Helocombus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.2 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7390 Helocombus bifidus Hydrophilidae Helocombus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12336 Helocombus bifidus Hydrophilidae Helocombus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14006 Helocombus bifidus Hydrophilidae Helocombus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14379 Helocombus bifidus Hydrophilidae Helocombus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 7.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7391 Hydrobiomorpha casta Hydrophilidae Hydrobiomorpha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12360 Hydrobiomorpha casta Hydrophilidae Hydrobiomorpha "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Pupate in bank soil. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Eggs on water surface, usually covered by dead leaves or floating algae." No Predator Feed on aquatic invert and sm tadpoles. Unknown Larval devel ~30days. Pupate 5-7 days. 1 Days 40-60eggs/case. Hatch 6-7 days Unknown 12361 Hydrobiomorpha casta Hydrophilidae Hydrobiomorpha "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Eggs on water surface, usually covered by dead leaves or floating algae." No Unknown 1 40-60eggs/case. Unknown 14008 Hydrobiomorpha casta Hydrophilidae Hydrobiomorpha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14347 Hydrobiomorpha casta Hydrophilidae Hydrobiomorpha The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 Ditch Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Round (humped) Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 3380 Hydrobius spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.85 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7392 Hydrobius spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrobius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Clinger Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 7908 Hydrobius melaenus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12340 Hydrobius melaenus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12354 Hydrobius spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil In moss/macrophytes (submerged) """Also blades of grass or other floating vegetation, away from the water's edge."" Females spin egg case in ~2hrs. Can lay up to 4 or 5 egg cases in one breeding season." Unknown Days Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Feed on algae and decaying plant material. Scavenger of dead insect larvae or snails. Unknown Months Adults overwinter < 100 eggs 1 1 13-25eggs/case. Unknown 12355 Hydrobius melaenus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Feed on algae and decaying plant material. Scavenger of dead insect larvae or snails. 1 Unknown Unknown 12356 Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Feed on algae and decaying plant material. Scavenger of dead insect larvae or snails. 1 Unknown Unknown 12357 Hydrobius spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed on other sm arthropods; also cannibalistic. 1 1 1 Unknown Larval devel ~2mths. 3rd instar can overwinter. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in 1-2 wks. Unknown 13966 Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Pupate 19-21 days. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "1st and 2nd instar, 6-15 days; 3rd 5-8 wks." Unknown 14009 Hydrobius fuscipes Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14010 Hydrobius melaenus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14011 Hydrobius tumidus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14361 Hydrobius spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 9 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14363 Hydrobius tumidus Hydrophilidae Hydrobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3375 Hydrochara spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrochara Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 16.85 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7393 Hydrochara spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrochara An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13969 Hydrochara spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrochara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Pupate 10 days. Unknown 14012 Hydrochara spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrochara Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14348 Hydrochara spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrochara The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Round (humped) Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 3376 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 37.5 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7071 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Iowa ADULT chm 1/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Oviposit early-mid summer. Female spins a silken egg case; ellipsoidal shape with elongate ""mast."" Construction >1hr. Case floats and eggs do not hatch if case turns over." Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 10-130 eggs/case. Unknown 7394 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7395 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Piercer herbivore Swimmer Diver Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12362 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 Unknown Pupate in bank soil. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Dead leaves, algae, floating plants form roof of case." Unknown Predator "Feed on smal invert, mosquito larvae, arthropods, snails, small fish and tadpoles. Cannibalistic." 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Larval devel ~30 days. Pupae 6-10days. 1 Days Hatch 4-7 days. Unknown 12364 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Dead leaves, algae, floating plants form roof of case. Egg case made in 1.5-5hrs." Unknown Days Scraper/grazer Predator Feed on plant material and sm fish. Swimmer 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 60-130 eggs/case. Unknown 13964 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 100-130 eggs/case. Unknown 13967 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 61 Unknown Pupate away from water in earthen chamber. Pupate 16-21 days. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on snails, midge larvae, sm fish, gyrinid larvae, tadpoles, Hydophilus larvae, other aquatic nymph and larvae, crayfish." Unknown 1st & 2nd instar 4 days each; 3rd 7 days. Unknown 14013 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14335 Hydrophilus spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14336 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Round (humped) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14337 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Florida ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14338 Hydrophilus triangularis Hydrophilidae Hydrophilus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Nevada In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1371 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 1 1 39 7219 Hydrous spp. Hydrophilidae Hydrous An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Adult-Temporary air storeonly when water temp low Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3118 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius "The Biology, Ecology and Systematics of the Genus Laccobius (Laccobius)" In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator larvae are predators on chironomidae Clinger Other (specify in comments) "poor swimmers, tend to crawl" 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 7-8 weeks Days Unknown 3119 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius "The Biology, Ecology and Systematics of the Genus Laccobius (Laccobius)" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT nkmv 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Round (humped) Unknown 1 swimming hairs Temporary air store mesothoracic spiracles and air bubble "spring dispersal flights, other flights in august-sept" Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) eggs sacks have a respiratory tube above water Unknown Collector-gatherer adults eat detritus and diatoms Clinger 1 mud 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year "completes life cycle in summer, pupate out of water" Fast seasonal 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) can be in hot temps 40 C 3120 Laccobius agilis Hydrophilidae Laccobius "The Biology, Ecology and Systematics of the Genus Laccobius (Laccobius)" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT nkmv 10/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Round (humped) Unknown 1 swimming hairs Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer adults eat detritus and diatoms Clinger 1 mud 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 19.2 42 3405 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.65 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7396 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Unknown Unknown 12243 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Pupation in bank soil and emerge in 3-5 days. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Feed on inverts; cannibalistic. Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Larvae devel in 45-60 days. 3 instar stages. < 100 eggs 1 Days 2-10+egg/case. Hatch 7-11 day. Unknown 12246 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Breed in spring and some spp oviposit through out summer. Unknown Swimmer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 1 Unknown 14014 Laccobius agilis Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14015 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14356 Laccobius spp. Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14358 Laccobius minutoides Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Sandbars Unknown Unknown 14359 Laccobius teneralis Hydrophilidae Laccobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Sandbars Unknown Unknown 3406 Paracymus spp. Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7397 Paracymus spp. Hydrophilidae Paracymus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12237 Paracymus subcupreus Hydrophilidae Paracymus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown 12240 Paracymus spp. Hydrophilidae Paracymus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown "Pupation in small cells dug in bank soil, close to the surface." Unknown Unknown Algal mats In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown 1 1 1 Yes Larval devel in 30-40 days. < 100 eggs 1 4-6eggs/case. Unknown 14016 Paracymus confusus Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14017 Paracymus spp. Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14018 Paracymus subcupreus Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14365 Paracymus spp. Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on algae growing on Eleocharis and Chara. 1 Unknown Unknown 14366 Paracymus confusus Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch River Small (length < 9 mm) 2.1 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14367 Paracymus lodingi Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi Hancock Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 14368 Paracymus nanus Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 1.8 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Eleocharis 1 Unknown Unknown 14369 Paracymus subcupreus Hydrophilidae Paracymus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Eleocharis Unknown Unknown 14349 Phaenonotum spp. Hydrophilidae Phaenonotum The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Round (humped) Unknown 1 All sclerotized Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 Yes Months Overwinters. Unknown 3379 Sperchopsis tessellata Hydrophilidae Sperchopsis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.6 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7398 Sperchopsis tessellata Hydrophilidae Sperchopsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12229 Sperchopsis spp. Hydrophilidae Sperchopsis "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" chm 3/9/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Pupation in chambers dug in sand. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Unknown Predator Also cannibalistic. 1 1 In undercut banks with hanging roots and vegetation. 1 Unknown Slow larval development (over 3 mths). 1 Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 14360 Sperchopsis tessellata Hydrophilidae Sperchopsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 7.5 Round (humped) Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3374 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.05 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7094 Tropisternus ellipticus Hydrophilidae Tropisternus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year bi- and trivoltine. Unknown 7399 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Unknown Unknown 7400 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Piercer herbivore Climber Diver Climber Unknown Unknown 11397 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Uses stridulations to deter predators. Has a file and scraper Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Preyed on baetidae Unknown Unknown 12353 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown 1 Pupate in soil. Adults in pupal chamber 1-2 days before emerging. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Can ""mate and lay eggs every 2 wks.""" Unknown Predator Feed on smal invert; cannibalistic. 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Larval devel in 2wks-2mths. Pupate 5-7 days. 1 Days Hatch 5-7 days. Unknown 12359 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus "Studies on the Biology, Ecology, and Systematics of the Immature Stages of New World Hydrophiloidea" In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/9/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) Elaborate mating with sound signals. Eggs also on sticks and rocks emerging out of water. Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine Months Can overwinter in temperate and cold regions. < 100 eggs 1 5-25eggs/case. Unknown 13971 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Pupate 4-5 days. Unknown 14019 Tropisternus blatchleyi Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14020 Tropisternus collaris Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14021 Tropisternus glaber Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14022 Tropisternus lateralis Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14023 Tropisternus mixtus Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14024 Tropisternus natator Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14025 Tropisternus quadristriatus Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14026 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14341 Tropisternus spp. Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown "Diet of living and dead organic materials; green algae, leaves." Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14342 Tropisternus blatchleyi Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.5 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 1 1 14343 Tropisternus collaris Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Fallen pine needles. Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 1 14344 Tropisternus lateralis Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 1 1 14345 Tropisternus natator Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 14346 Tropisternus quadristriatus Hydrophilidae Tropisternus The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. Mississippi ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 Estuary Brackish Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.5 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Overwinters. Unknown 3532 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae, which the renew by swimming or crawling to the surface." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae are predators (but not aquatic); adults are scavengers. Swimmer Climber Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Most adults and many larvae are aquatic (but not all). 3 Larval instars. Most overwinter as adults. Unknown 7195 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Can have mass emergence Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3 instar stage in 1 to several mths Unknown 7522 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Adult-Temporary air store an Atmospheric Breather Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 13963 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Used for silken egg cases. Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Mate and oviposit Apr-Aug. Unknown "Feed on living plant tissue, scavenge carrion, and decaying plant material." Flyer 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 13965 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/11/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler Climber Swimmer Unknown 3 instar stages. Days Hatch 3-14 days Unknown 14326 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 14327 Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae The Aquatic Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Mississippi. ADULT chm 5/23/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown All sclerotized Temporary air store Pupate in bank soil or debris if shallow water extensive. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs deposited into silken case Unknown 1 1 Unknown 3 instar stage. Months Adults overwinter. Unknown 276 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Silk larval retreat and capture net - largest mesh sizes of all in family. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Nets filter other aquatic insects and fine detritus. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2268 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1600 2200 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2285 Arctopsyche ladogensis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Michigan "Houghton, Ontonagon" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2364 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 46 2133 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Unknown No preference 2365 Arctopsyche californica Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) California Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1097 2133 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2497 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Predator Primarily phytophagous (eating diatoms or detritus) but are carnivorous in the summer. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Overwinter as mature larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2498 Arctopsyche irrorata Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as mature larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2499 Arctopsyche ladogensis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as mature larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2777 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer "Traps small invertebrates with legs, which have stout spines for grasping prey." Unknown Unknown 2788 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 51' N 109º 41' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2060 2060 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3440 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Michigan Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Collector-filterer Use nets to strain food from currents - mostly carnivorous. Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 5520 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 5775 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5841 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6898 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Rocky Mountains chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine in ID. Semivoltine in MT." Unknown 7628 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8465 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8768 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The Arctopsychidae of continental america north of Mexico (Trichoptera). Colorado chm 2/3/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 Emerges predominantly in June and July. Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 Generation/2 yrs Overwinters as larvae. Pupate early spring. Unknown 8769 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The Arctopsychidae of continental america north of Mexico (Trichoptera). North Carolina chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8770 Arctopsyche ladogensis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The Arctopsychidae of continental america north of Mexico (Trichoptera). New Hampshire chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8824 Arctopsyche ladogensis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8998 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. California chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8999 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Colorado chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9179 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Swimmining modifications of adult female Hydropsychidae compared with other Tichoptera. chm 2/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9193 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9223 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in June. Adults have dipersal flights which moves upstream. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9284 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9610 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer "Insects, detritus, diatom, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9622 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10084 Arctopsyche californica Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. California Shasta 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10085 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Colorado Summit 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 1 2502 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10116 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 533 716 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" < 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae 10274 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/17/2005 1 1 2956 3199 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10275 Arctopsyche californica Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. California Shasta RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10839 Arctopsyche ladogensis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10857 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11012 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11973 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12023 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12104 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13235 Arctopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 13319 Arctopsyche irrorata Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia chm 4/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge late Apr-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Larvae overwinter Unknown 13323 Arctopsyche irrorata Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Apr-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1.7 23.8 13371 Arctopsyche grandis Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2257 Ceratopsyche alhedra Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "A proposal for assignment of Ceratopsyche as a subgenus of Hydropsyche, with new synonyms" Tennessee Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2258 Ceratopsyche aenigma Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "A proposal for assignment of Ceratopsyche as a subgenus of Hydropsyche, with new synonyms" New York Delaware Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2273 Ceratopsyche cockerelli Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1399 2049 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Sometimes bivoltine; two generations per year. Unknown Clear water 2274 Ceratopsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1399 2049 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2275 Ceratopsyche protis Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1799 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2286 Ceratopsyche alhedra Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 28 No preference 2287 Ceratopsyche alternans Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 28 2288 Ceratopsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine, but probably bivoltine in some streams." Unknown 30 Silted/murky water 2289 Ceratopsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine, but bivoltine in some warmer streams." Unknown 30 No preference 2290 Ceratopsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 25 Clear water 2291 Ceratopsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 26 Clear water 2292 Ceratopsyche vexa Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 28 No preference 2293 Ceratopsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 28 Clear water 3434 Ceratopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - omnivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year "Most are univoltine, but some species may be bivoltine." 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 4513 Ceratopsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5229 Ceratopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee Grainger "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6104 Ceratopsyche bifida Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6105 Ceratopsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6106 Ceratopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6107 Ceratopsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6108 Ceratopsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7632 Ceratopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8350 Ceratopsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8351 Ceratopsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9349 Ceratopsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, insects, diatom, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9606 Ceratopsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Variability in the life-history pattern of four species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) May-Sept 1979 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge May 18-Aug 2. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Might also be bivoltine in warmer waters. Slow seasonal Larvae hatch July overwinter. Emerge next June. Unknown 7 30 9607 Ceratopsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Variability in the life-history pattern of four species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) May-Sept 1979 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1st generation emerge mid-May-mid July; peak in late May- early June. Eggs of this generation hatch early June and pupate by late Aug. 2nd generation emerge late July-late Aug; peak late July-mid/ late Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Mid-Aug larvae overwinter. Pupae mid-May & Aug. Hatch in early June & mid-Aug. Unknown 7 30 9608 Ceratopsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Variability in the life-history pattern of four species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) May-Sept 1979 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "1st generation emerge late May-early June; peak in late May- early June. 2nd generation emerge July; peak late July-mid/ late Aug. 3rd generation emerge late Aug. Eggs of 3rd generation overwinter, pupate by mid-April." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Trivoltine Larvae can overwinter. Unknown 7 30 9609 Ceratopsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche Variability in the life-history pattern of four species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) May-Sept 1979 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1st generation emerge mid-May-early July. 2nd generation emerge in Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Larvae overwinter. Unknown 7 30 11656 Ceratopsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Ceratopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 277 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net more voluminous and flimsy; suited for weaker currents Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Consumes largely algae and animals, some detritus." 1 1 1 1 Found to depths of 20 cm or more in interstitial habitat of stream beds. Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Dominant in warmer streams 278 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Texas Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net more voluminous and flimsy; suited for weaker currents Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Consumes largely algae and animals, some detritus." 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per year. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Dominant in warmer streams 1288 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1812 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new species of Cheumatopsyche and the presumed female of C. helma Ross from Alabama Alabama "Clay, DeKalb" Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1813 Cheumatopsyche cahaba Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new species of Cheumatopsyche and the presumed female of C. helma Ross from Alabama Alabama Jefferson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1814 Cheumatopsyche bibbensis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new species of Cheumatopsyche and the presumed female of C. helma Ross from Alabama Alabama Bibb Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1815 Cheumatopsyche kinlockensis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new species of Cheumatopsyche and the presumed female of C. helma Ross from Alabama Alabama Lawrence Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1817 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1818 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1819 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2259 Cheumatopsyche enigma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New species of Cheumatopsyche from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2260 Cheumatopsyche petersi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New species of Cheumatopsyche from the southeastern United States Florida "Okaloosa, Santa Rosa" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2261 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of females of four species of Cheumatopsyche from the southern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2262 Cheumatopsyche pinaca Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of females of four species of Cheumatopsyche from the southern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2263 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of females of four species of Cheumatopsyche from the southern United States Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2264 Cheumatopsyche gyra Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of females of four species of Cheumatopsyche from the southern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2276 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2277 Cheumatopsyche enonis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1600 1900 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2278 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2279 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2280 Cheumatopsyche arizonensis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1799 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2321 Cheumatopsyche flinti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Texas Val Verde Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2322 Cheumatopsyche parentum Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Virginia Fairfax Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2323 Cheumatopsyche arizonensis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2324 Cheumatopsyche comis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2325 Cheumatopsyche virginica Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2326 Cheumatopsyche morsei Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2327 Cheumatopsyche sordida Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2328 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2329 Cheumatopsyche logani Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2330 Cheumatopsyche smithi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Washington Grant Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2331 Cheumatopsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Arkansas Fulton Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2332 Cheumatopsyche edista Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2333 Cheumatopsyche wabasha Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Oregon Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2334 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2335 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2336 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2337 Cheumatopsyche mickeli Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2338 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2339 Cheumatopsyche pinula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2340 Cheumatopsyche pinaca Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2341 Cheumatopsyche speciosa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2342 Cheumatopsyche petersi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Florida "Okaloosa, Santa Rosa" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2343 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Tennessee Sevier Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2344 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2345 Cheumatopsyche enigma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2346 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2347 Cheumatopsyche richardsoni Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2348 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2349 Cheumatopsyche gyra Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2350 Cheumatopsyche vannotei Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Pennsylvania Chester Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2351 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2352 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2353 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2354 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2355 Cheumatopsyche halima Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2356 Cheumatopsyche mollala Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Oregon Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2357 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2358 Cheumatopsyche enonis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2359 Cheumatopsyche gelita Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A synopsis and phylogenetic outline of the Nearctic members of Cheumatopsyche Arizona Apache Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2373 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2374 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2375 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2376 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2377 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2378 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2379 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2380 Cheumatopsyche pinaca Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2504 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Feed mainly on algae and small animals, with little detritus." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2505 Cheumatopsyche sordida Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2506 Cheumatopsyche minuscula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2507 Cheumatopsyche speciosa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2508 Cheumatopsyche pinaca Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Massachusetts Marci Koski 9/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2509 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Illinois Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2510 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Massachusetts Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2511 Cheumatopsyche mickeli Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Oregon Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2512 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 "Found out of the main current, often in backwaters." Unknown > 1 Generation per year Possibly bivoltine. Unknown 2513 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2514 Cheumatopsyche wabasha Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2515 Cheumatopsyche logani Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2516 Cheumatopsyche smithi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2517 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2518 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Maine Marci Koski 9/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2519 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2520 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2521 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2522 Cheumatopsyche vannotei Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pennsylvania South Chester Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2523 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Illinois Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2524 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Illinois Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2525 Cheumatopsyche halima Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Massachusetts Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2526 Cheumatopsyche mollala Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Oregon Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2527 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Illinois Marci Koski 9/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2528 Cheumatopsyche enonis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Oregon Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2740 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Occasionally burrows during spates or other unfavorable conditions. Unknown Unknown 3435 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - omnivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year "Most are univoltine, but some species may be bivoltine." 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 4512 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5230 Cheumatopsyche bibbensis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5231 Cheumatopsyche cahaba Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5381 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Breathitt JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5382 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Oldham JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5383 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5384 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Trigg JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5385 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5386 Cheumatopsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Fayette JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5387 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5388 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5389 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5638 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5730 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Comparative life histories of the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in a Montana lake outlet Montana Missoula JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5759 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Life cycles and food habits of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) species in the Brazos River, Texas" Texas Palo Pinto JBM 11/16/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall On/under stones (submerged) Yes Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 1 8 32 5760 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Life cycles and food habits of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) species in the Brazos River, Texas" Texas Palo Pinto JBM 11/16/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall On/under stones (submerged) Yes Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 1 8 32 5780 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5842 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5843 Cheumatopsyche enonis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5844 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5845 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5846 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5847 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5848 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5985 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Food Partitioning in Net-spinning Trichoptera Larvae: Hydropsyche venularis," Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed primarily on detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6095 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 leaf packs 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Unknown 6096 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6097 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6098 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6099 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6161 Cheumatopsyche parentum Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year bivoltine and overwinter as instars 3-5 Unknown 6899 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Georgia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 6900 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Minnesota chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7633 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit a few days after emergence, May-Sept. Oviposit on submerbged objects." Yes Collector-filterer Clinger Unknown 1 Days 8-11 days in lab Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7980 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7981 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7982 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7983 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8207 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8208 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8209 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Aug 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8210 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 15-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8211 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8318 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Cardiocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae ectoparasitic on pupae of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera). Virginia Louisa "Sept 4, 1977 and June 12, 1978" chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8342 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8343 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8344 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8345 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8346 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8347 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8348 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8349 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8466 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8467 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8468 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8469 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8470 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8471 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Trigg chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8472 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina Macon chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8473 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8474 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8475 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8476 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8477 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8478 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8479 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8672 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May- Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8673 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May- Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8830 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8831 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Aug 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8832 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8833 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8936 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8937 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 19-Aug 20, 1952 and May 27-Sept 3, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9033 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9034 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9035 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9036 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9037 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9038 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9039 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9040 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9176 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Swimmining modifications of adult female Hydropsychidae compared with other Tichoptera. chm 2/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Crawled down sides of aquaria to oviposit on submerged objects. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9178 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Swimmining modifications of adult female Hydropsychidae compared with other Tichoptera. chm 2/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Crawled down sides of aquaria to oviposit on submerged objects. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9182 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A new species of Hydropsyche from Tennessee (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera). Tennessee Grainger chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9196 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9200 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.5 24 9202 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.5 26.5 9206 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9207 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9208 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9211 Cheumatopsyche burksi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9285 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Sanders 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, July-Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9286 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Beaverhead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9355 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Microdistribution and feeding of the net-spinning caddisflies (Trichoptera) of a Canadian stream. "July 22, 1969-Aug 7, 1970" chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Adults collected in June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on detritous and diatom 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae overwinter. Pupae in June-Aug. Unknown 9377 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected in June. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9396 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa chm 2/18/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Net spinners. Two emergence peaks: early and late summer. Adults disperse with upstream flight. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood Ovipostion duration for 2 egg masses was 1 min and 45 sec. Unknown Days Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine "In lab, egg to adult in 51 days." Hours Females appear to died in <24hrs after egg laying. 1 1 Unknown 9400 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. Ohio chm 2/18/2005 Unknown Peak in early June and late Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 9757 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown An even ratio of males to females occurred at light traps. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9841 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9842 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9843 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9844 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9845 Cheumatopsyche minuscula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9846 Cheumatopsyche mollala Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9847 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9848 Cheumatopsyche sordida Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9849 Cheumatopsyche speciosa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9894 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9902 Cheumatopsyche speciosa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9934 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9935 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9936 Cheumatopsyche petersi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9937 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9938 Cheumatopsyche virginica Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9969 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9970 Cheumatopsyche halima Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9971 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9972 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9973 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10016 Cheumatopsyche mickeli Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new Trichoptera from the United States. California Santa Clara RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10017 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Descriptions of new Trichoptera from the United States. North Carolina RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10247 Cheumatopsyche mickeli Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10297 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Showed a bimodal emergence period Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10323 Cheumatopsyche wabasha Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Minnesota RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10838 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10899 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 10938 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10957 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10958 Cheumatopsyche aphanta Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10959 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10960 Cheumatopsyche minuscula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10961 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10962 Cheumatopsyche speciosa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10975 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 11073 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11111 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11158 Cheumatopsyche virginica Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. Virginia RAT 3/22/2005 swamp Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11159 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. Tennessee RAT 3/22/2005 1 swamp Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11311 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Life cycle of the net-spinning caddisfly Cheumatopsyche analis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Colorado Larimer "40 33'59""N" "105 02'10""W" RAT 3/30/2005 1 1477 1508 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 11347 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer retreat builders Unknown Unknown 11390 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11657 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11658 Cheumatopsyche lasia Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11659 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11690 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11828 Cheumatopsyche minuscula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11917 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12058 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12106 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13154 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Iowa chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown No On/under stones (submerged) Female enter water to oviposit. Unknown Unknown Egg to adult in 51 days. 1 1 Unknown 13155 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown No On/under stones (submerged) Enter water to oviposit; takes ~30min. Unknown Days Unknown 73 days egg to adult. 1 1 Unknown 13236 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 13324 Cheumatopsyche campyla Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late June. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13325 Cheumatopsyche edista Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge early Apr-mid-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13326 Cheumatopsyche ela Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Apr-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13327 Cheumatopsyche etrona Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.5 24 13328 Cheumatopsyche geora Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13329 Cheumatopsyche gracilis Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge July. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13330 Cheumatopsyche gyra Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-May-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13331 Cheumatopsyche harwoodi Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13332 Cheumatopsyche minuscula Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-July-Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 3.6 24 13333 Cheumatopsyche oxa Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13334 Cheumatopsyche pasella Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.5 26.5 13335 Cheumatopsyche pettiti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 3.6 26.5 13336 Cheumatopsyche pinaca Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1.7 26.5 13337 Cheumatopsyche richardsoni Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13338 Cheumatopsyche sordida Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late May-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13339 Cheumatopsyche virginica Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13360 Cheumatopsyche halima Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13361 Cheumatopsyche helma Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13362 Cheumatopsyche wrighti Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13367 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13368 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13372 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nebraska chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13374 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13375 Cheumatopsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 279 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net made almost entirely of plant material and without sand. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Found in moss on submerged rocks and in leaf packs. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 280 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net made almost entirely of plant material and without sand. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Fine detritus and animal material. 1 1 1 1 Found in moss on submerged rocks and in leaf packs. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Eggs hatch in late summer/fall Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1816 Diplectrona rossi Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1820 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2294 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "Semivoltine, but univoltine in some places." Slow seasonal Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 20 Clear water 2320 Diplectrona margarita Hydropsychidae Diplectrona New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) California San Bernadino Marci Koski 8/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2381 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2572 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found in moss on submerged rocks and in leaf accumulations. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae. Hatch in late summer and fall. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2573 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Found in moss on submerged rocks and in leaf accumulations. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae Hatch in late summer and fall. No 3436 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - omnivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 5390 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6100 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6901 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7630 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7911 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Peak emergence last week of May. Adults present from May to July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae grew summer to spring. Pupae June/July. Unknown 8009 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8212 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8352 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8480 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8481 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8674 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults observed in May- Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8825 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8826 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9031 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9032 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9194 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9198 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1.7 24.5 9344 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9619 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9620 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9724 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9850 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9974 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10276 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. California RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11391 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11616 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Unknown Unknown 11617 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Columbia RAT 4/12/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Unknown Unknown 12174 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 12175 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13156 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge June-Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13157 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13158 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge in June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13237 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13340 Diplectrona modesta Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Apr-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 1 1 1.7 24.5 13363 Diplectrona spp. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2256 Homoplectra flinti Hydropsychidae Homoplectra A new species and new generic synonym of the Nearctic caddisfly genus Homoplectra North Carolina Macon Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1432 1432 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 2265 Homoplectra flinti Hydropsychidae Homoplectra "Identity of the hydropsychid larva known as ""Oropsyche?"": the immature stages of Homoplectra flinti" North Carolina Macon Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 1 1219 1429 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 4 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Retreat and net support constructed of small particles of plant debris. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 years per generation. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2266 Homoplectra sierra Hydropsychidae Homoplectra "Two new trichoptera (Hydropsychidae and Uenoidae) from the Sierra Nevada, California" California Sierra Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2319 Homoplectra schuhi Hydropsychidae Homoplectra New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Oregon Klamath Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2571 Homoplectra doringa Hydropsychidae Homoplectra The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Tennessee Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7631 Homoplectra spp. Hydropsychidae Homoplectra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9797 Homoplectra spp. Hydropsychidae Homoplectra Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Oregon Benton RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10042 Homoplectra spp. Hydropsychidae Homoplectra New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 1 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 281 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 16 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net usually taut with perimeter supported by debris that are stabilized by silken guy-lines. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Consumes algae, detritus, and animals; varies with seasons." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1091 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado Weld Marci Koski 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1289 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies West Virginia Mercer Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1821 Hydropsyche decalda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1822 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1851 Hydropsyche franclemonti Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Hydropsyche franclemonti, a new species of the scalaris group from Eastern North America" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2254 Hydropsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Midsummer flight activity of caddisfly adults from a Northern California stream California Shasta "July 20 - Aug 12, 1976" Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown No Yes Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2255 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Caddisflies do count: collapse of S.R. 675 bridge over the Pocomoke River, Pocomoke City, Maryland" Maryland Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Blackwater River Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 "Larvae found burrowed into wooden bridge piles, creating oval depressions in surface of wood." Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 2271 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 1399 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2272 Hydropsyche californica Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2295 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 26 2296 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine, but bivoltine in some warmer environments." Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 30 No preference 2297 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 29 2298 Hydropsyche cuanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 30 Silted/murky water 2299 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 29 No preference 2300 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Minnesota Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2301 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Illinois Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2302 Hydropsyche leonardi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Overwinter as 5th instar larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 24 Clear water 2303 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine; major emergences in early June and mid-August. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 29 Silted/murky water 2304 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 28 No preference 2305 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Also found in porous concrete blocks. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 28 2306 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 30 2307 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Also found in undercut streambanks and stickjams. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 29 Silted/murky water 2308 Hydropsyche valanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Illinois Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2312 Hydropsyche bicornuta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2313 Hydropsyche vanaca Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) New Mexico Taos Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2314 Hydropsyche racona Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Wyoming Albany Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2315 Hydropsyche jewetti Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Montana GLACIER NP Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2316 Hydropsyche intrica Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) California Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 2316 2316 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2317 Hydropsyche winema Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Oregon Crescent Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2318 Hydropsyche toschiae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1006 1006 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2366 Hydropsyche alabama Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "A new species of Hydropsyche from Alabama, with additional state records for the Curvipalpia" Alabama Houston Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2382 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2383 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2384 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2385 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2476 Hydropsyche aenigma Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group New York Delaware Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 2 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2477 Hydropsyche alhedra Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTN NP Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2478 Hydropsyche alternans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Alaska Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 1 Lake outflows Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 "When occuring in lakes, found along wave-washed shores." Unknown Unknown 2479 Hydropsyche amblis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2480 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2481 Hydropsyche centra Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2482 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2483 Hydropsyche cockerelli Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Colorado Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 2041 2041 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2484 Hydropsyche etnieri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Tennessee Grainger Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2485 Hydropsyche macleodi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group APPALACHIAN MTNS "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2487 Hydropsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2488 Hydropsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2489 Hydropsyche piatrix Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Arkansas & Missouri Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13.9 16 2490 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2491 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Waterfall basins Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 2492 Hydropsyche tana Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Montana Lewis and Clark Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2493 Hydropsyche venada Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2494 Hydropsyche ventura Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group APPALACHIAN MTNS "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2495 Hydropsyche vexa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group Minnesota Hubbard Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2496 Hydropsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A systematic study of the Nearctic larvae of the Hydropsyche morosa Group In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2529 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Consume algae, detritus, and animal matter in seasonally determined proportions." Unknown Unknown 2530 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2531 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Silted/murky water 2532 Hydropsyche californica Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Minnesota Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2533 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 2534 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2535 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2536 Hydropsyche leonardi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Virginia Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2537 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2538 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Silted/murky water 2539 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Virginia Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2540 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2541 Hydropsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2542 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Virginia Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2543 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2544 Hydropsyche valanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2545 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Prefer vegetation-covered rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2546 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Water film of dam spillways Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2547 Hydropsyche confusa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Primarily detritovores and herbivores. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Silted/murky water 2548 Hydropsyche cuanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2549 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2550 Hydropsyche amblis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2551 Hydropsyche piatrix Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2552 Hydropsyche vexa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2553 Hydropsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2554 Hydropsyche alhedra Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2555 Hydropsyche bifida Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2556 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2557 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2558 Hydropsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Prefer rocks clothed in weeds. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2559 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2560 Hydropsyche tana Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2561 Hydropsyche alternans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Found on wave-washed shores of large lakes. Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2562 Hydropsyche centra Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2563 Hydropsyche cockerelli Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Oregon Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2564 Hydropsyche jewetti Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Montana Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2565 Hydropsyche riola Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2566 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2567 Hydropsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 2568 Hydropsyche ventura Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 9/8/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2580 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2581 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2582 Hydropsyche catawba Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2583 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2584 Hydropsyche fattigi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2585 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2586 Hydropsyche hoffmani Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2587 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2588 Hydropsyche leonardi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2589 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2590 Hydropsyche opthalmica Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2591 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2592 Hydropsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2593 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The Hydropsyche scalaris group in Virginia, with the description of two new species" Virginia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2594 Hydropsyche bifida Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of coarse sand grains and small rocks. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2595 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2596 Hydropsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 2597 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2598 Hydropsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown 1 "Cases cylindrical, often attached to Podostemum strands." No Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Found on rocks covered with Podostemum spp. Cases attached directly to rocks. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 2599 Hydropsyche riola Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2600 Hydropsyche alhedra Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTN NP Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Larval retreats fastened directly to large boulders. 1 "Found in very turbulent, white-water areas." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as mature larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2601 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2602 Hydropsyche macleodi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2603 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference No preference 2604 Hydropsyche ventura Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Pupae found attached to moss in the fastest parts of the stream. Larvae found in cracks in bedrock. 1 Unknown Unknown 2605 Hydropsyche piatrix Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Arkansas OZARK MTNS Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2606 Hydropsyche etnieri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Tennessee Grainger Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2607 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2608 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2609 Hydropsyche elissoma Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Georgia Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 1 Blackwater stream Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 All larve found burrowed into submerged branches and logs. 1 Unknown Unknown 1 2610 Hydropsyche decalda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Larvae found burrowed into submerged logs and branches. 1 Unknown Unknown 2611 Hydropsyche carolina Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 999 1201 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2612 Hydropsyche cuanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2613 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 4 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Silted/murky water 2614 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Silted/murky water 2615 Hydropsyche aerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2616 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2617 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 2618 Hydropsyche demora Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Tennessee Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No preference 2619 Hydropsyche valanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2620 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2621 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2622 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cases found on or near the bottom of large rocks with cracks and crevices used as anchoring points. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2623 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Illinois Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2624 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 2625 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Mississippi Jones Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2626 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Found on medium-sized rocks covered abundantly with vegetation. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2627 Hydropsyche hoffmani Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Virginia Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 "Cases found on large, flat rocks (upper surfaces)." 1 Unknown Unknown 2628 Hydropsyche leonardi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Found on very large rocks in run areas; collected from the sides of rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown 2629 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2630 Hydropsyche patera Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche Tennessee Cheatham Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 2789 Hydropsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Teton 43º 36' N 110º 40' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1981 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3416 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - omnivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year "Most are univoltine, but some species may be bivoltine." 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5391 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5392 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5393 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5394 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, McCreary" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5395 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5464 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, McCreary" JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5465 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5466 Hydropsyche valanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5467 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5468 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5524 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 5525 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 5637 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5717 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5718 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5729 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Comparative life histories of the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in a Montana lake outlet Montana Missoula JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5731 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Comparative life histories of the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in a Montana lake outlet Montana Missoula JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5758 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Life cycles and food habits of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) species in the Brazos River, Texas" Texas Palo Pinto JBM 11/16/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Yes Winter Fall Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 1 8 32 5778 Hydropsyche californica Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5779 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5849 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5850 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5851 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5852 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5853 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5986 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Food Partitioning in Net-spinning Trichoptera Larvae: Hydropsyche venularis," Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed primarily on detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6101 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6102 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6134 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Silk Spinning as an escape mechanism in Hydropsyche orris larvae RAT 11/18/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Yes Unknown 6159 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year trivoltine and overwinter as instars 3-5 Unknown 6160 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year trivoltine and overwinter as instars 2-5 Unknown 7634 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Other (specify in comments) "Ovipoist a few days after emergence, May-Sept. Oviposit on submerged firm objects. 820 eggs deposit by 1 female in 50 min." Yes Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days "8-11 days, lab." Unknown 7913 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8010 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June- Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8011 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June- Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8213 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8214 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8215 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 11-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8216 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8217 Hydropsyche cuanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-June 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8218 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 23-July 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8219 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 28-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8220 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 1-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8221 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8222 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8223 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15-Aug 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8224 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 3-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8308 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Unusual case building behavior of Hydropsyche occidentalis larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Colorado Boulder June 1968-May 1969 chm 1/29/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "High modified overwintering case-tubular case was reinforced with larger pebbles to form a dense, more convex house." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8316 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Cardiocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae ectoparasitic on pupae of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera). Virginia Louisa "Sept 4, 1977 and June 12, 1978" chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Feed on sm invertebrates, algae and fine detritus." Unknown Unknown 8317 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Cardiocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae ectoparasitic on pupae of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera). Virginia Louisa "Sept 4, 1977 and June 12, 1978" chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Feed on sm invertebrates, algae and fine detritus." Unknown Unknown 8353 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8354 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8355 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8356 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8357 Hydropsyche elissoma Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8358 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8359 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8360 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8361 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8362 Hydropsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8363 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8364 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May-June, Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8482 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8483 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8484 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Georgia chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8485 Hydropsyche cuanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8486 Hydropsyche demora Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8487 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8488 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8489 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8490 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8491 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Hancock chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8492 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Bradley chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8493 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8494 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8495 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8496 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8497 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8675 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8676 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8677 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8679 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May- Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8827 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8828 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Sept 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8829 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 18-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8935 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9041 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9042 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9043 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9044 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9045 Hydropsyche hoffmani Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9046 Hydropsyche leonardi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9047 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9048 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9049 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9050 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9051 Hydropsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9177 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Swimmining modifications of adult female Hydropsychidae compared with other Tichoptera. chm 2/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Swimmer Unknown Unknown 9181 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A new species of Hydropsyche from Tennessee (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera). Tennessee Grainger chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 18, 1976." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9183 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A new species of Hydropsyche from the Harpeth River in middle Tennessee (Trichoptera: Tennessee chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9195 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9199 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.8 25.5 9201 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 2.5 26.5 9203 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 9.5 26 9204 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9205 Hydropsyche demora Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9209 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9287 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9288 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Beaverhead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9345 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. Georgia 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, insects, and plant." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9347 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. chm 2/25/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 9376 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9395 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa chm 2/18/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Net spinners. Two emergence peaks: early and late summer. Unknown Yes On/under stones (submerged) Unknown 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Minimum of 5 instar stages. Larvae overwinter. Days About 3 days; Max of 15. Females die soon after egg laying. 100 to 1000 eggs Days 465eggs/female. Hatch 8-11days Unknown 9611 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. Georgia 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "detritus, diatom, insects, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9614 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, insects, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9618 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9725 Hydropsyche decalda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9726 Hydropsyche elissoma Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9774 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9780 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9811 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More males than females in light traps Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9851 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Lawrence RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9852 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9853 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9854 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9855 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9856 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9857 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9858 Hydropsyche piatrix Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9859 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9860 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9862 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9896 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9897 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9900 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9903 Hydropsyche valanis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9962 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9963 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9964 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9965 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9966 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9967 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9968 Hydropsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9999 Hydropsyche tana Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Lemhi RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10015 Hydropsyche riola Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Descriptions of new Trichoptera from the United States. Minnesota RAT 12/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10089 Hydropsyche amblis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Oregon RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10090 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Utah RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10103 Hydropsyche alternans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10104 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10203 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 477 716 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Collector-filterer spin silken nets which are placed in the anterior portion of retreats 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" < 1 Generation per year 10246 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10285 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Three new caddisflies from the southeastern United States. Mississippi Wayne RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10298 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Twice as many females emerged as did males Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10325 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New species of Trichoptera from the United States. South Carolina RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10338 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New Species of Trichoptera. California Los Angeles RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10835 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10836 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10853 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Ontogenic changes in prey consumption by the stonefly Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Has overlapping generations Recruitment occurs in April Unknown 10889 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Predator-prey interactions in a stream: a combined field and laboratory study Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10898 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10970 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. Mississippi RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10971 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. Illinois RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10974 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 10989 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10990 Hydropsyche bifida Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10991 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10992 Hydropsyche cheilonis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10993 Hydropsyche dicantha Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10994 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10995 Hydropsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10996 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10997 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11074 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11098 Hydropsyche oslari Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11106 Hydropsyche cockerelli Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11112 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11127 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11128 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11129 Hydropsyche vexa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11130 Hydropsyche walkeri Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11157 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. Michigan RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11263 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the Stonefly Nymph Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 43 N 79 W RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11264 Hydropsyche occidentalis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Life cycle of the net-spinning caddisfly Cheumatopsyche analis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Colorado Larimer RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11310 Hydropsyche sparna Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Distribution of the Stonefly Nymph Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 43 N 79 W RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11312 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Life cycle of the net-spinning caddisfly Cheumatopsyche analis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Colorado Larimer RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11350 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer retreat builders Unknown Unknown 11351 Hydropsyche bronta Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer retreat builders Unknown Unknown 11352 Hydropsyche morosa Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer retreat builders Unknown Unknown 11454 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11618 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer facultative predator Unknown Unknown 11619 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11620 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer facultative predator Unknown Unknown 11621 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer facultative predator Unknown Unknown 11622 Hydropsyche slossonae Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer facultative predator Unknown Unknown 11653 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11660 Hydropsyche arinale Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11661 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11662 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11663 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11664 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11665 Hydropsyche placoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11666 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11916 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12001 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12059 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12105 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13159 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in warmer reaches and Univoltine in headwaters. Unknown 13160 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13238 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13320 Hydropsyche orris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Iowa chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Has 2 emergence peaks. Unknown Yes On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit by entering water and placing egg masses on submerged objects. Unknown Unknown 1 1 Days Hatch 8-11 days. Unknown 13321 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13341 Hydropsyche alvata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late May-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13342 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2.8 25.5 13343 Hydropsyche carolina Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 7 26.5 13344 Hydropsyche catawba Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Apr-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13345 Hydropsyche decalda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13346 Hydropsyche demora Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early July-mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13347 Hydropsyche depravata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13348 Hydropsyche elissoma Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13349 Hydropsyche hageni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge May-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13350 Hydropsyche fattigi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13351 Hydropsyche incommoda Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Apr-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 9.5 26 13352 Hydropsyche mississippiensis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13353 Hydropsyche phalerata Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13354 Hydropsyche rossi Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13355 Hydropsyche scalaris Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge June-mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13356 Hydropsyche venularis Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown emerge Mar-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2.5 26.5 13359 Hydropsyche bidens Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13364 Hydropsyche frisoni Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13365 Hydropsyche hoffmani Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13369 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13370 Hydropsyche simulans Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13373 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Minnesota chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13376 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nebraska chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13377 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13378 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13379 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13380 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13381 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13382 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13383 Hydropsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 282 Macrostemum spp. Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Larval retreats and capture nets very specialized; very small mesh sizes in nets. Also has flattened head that can control water flow in retreat. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Consume FPOM, phytoplankton and bacteria. Very fine particles collected by nets with very small mesh." 1 Unknown Unknown 283 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Very small mesh sizes in nets. Retreat is an open-ended chamber of silk and sand; net filters particles flowing through chamber. Larva rests in a diverticulum so that its legs can brush particles from the net. Also has flattened head that can control water flow in retreat." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Consume FPOM, phytoplankton and bacteria. Very fine particles collected by nets with very small mesh." 1 Unknown Unknown 2283 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 2309 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 River Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 29 Silted/murky water 2386 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2574 Macrostemum spp. Hydropsychidae Macrostemum The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Consume fine particulate detritus, phytoplankton, and bacteria." Unknown Unknown 2575 Macrostemum carolina Hydropsychidae Macrostemum The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States South Carolina Marci Koski 9/8/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2576 Macrostemum transversum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2577 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3438 Macrostemum spp. Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - herbivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5987 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum "Food Partitioning in Net-spinning Trichoptera Larvae: Hydropsyche venularis," Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed primarily on detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6162 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year bivoltine and overwinter as instars 4-5 Unknown 6902 Macrostemum carolina Hydropsychidae Macrostemum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6903 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7637 Macrostemum spp. Hydropsychidae Macrostemum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8365 Macrostemum carolina Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8366 Macrostemum spp. Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8367 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9721 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Adams 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9727 Macrostemum carolina Hydropsychidae Macrostemum "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9861 Macrostemum carolina Hydropsychidae Macrostemum A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Garland RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11131 Macrostemum zebratum Hydropsychidae Macrostemum "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 284 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Build retreat of small stones and detritus, and spin a silk capture net with larger mesh size." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 285 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Build retreat of small stones and detritus, and spin a silk capture net with larger mesh size." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Consumes fine detritus and animal material. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2269 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1600 2300 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2270 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1799 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2310 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 18 Clear water 2360 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 305 914 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2361 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1 914 1828 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Unknown 2362 Parapsyche spinata Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 457 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2363 Parapsyche turbinata Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A synopsis of the western Arctopsychinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/27/2004 1 1127 2133 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2500 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as medium-mature larvae. Unknown Clear water 2501 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States Massachusetts Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized No Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "May have several generations per year, but without definite broods." Overwinter as larvae (several instars). Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10 10 2502 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized No Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Overwinter as young or mature larvae. Unknown Clear water 3437 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Collector-filterer Use nets to strain food from currents - mostly carnivorous. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 5776 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5777 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 1371 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5854 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5855 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6904 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7629 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7912 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Emergence peak last 2 wks of May. Adults present from April 30- June 12. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae from summer to next spring. Pupae Apr/May. 3-4 wk incubation. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 8012 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8225 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8498 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8499 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8678 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8771 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The Arctopsychidae of continental america north of Mexico (Trichoptera). In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8772 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The Arctopsychidae of continental america north of Mexico (Trichoptera). In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8823 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 22-30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8934 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 20, 1952" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9030 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9192 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9289 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9290 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9378 Parapsyche elsis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown "Collected in Apr, May, Sept." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9613 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer "Insects, detritus, diatom, and plant." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9621 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9796 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Washington RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10040 Parapsyche spinata Hydropsychidae Parapsyche New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Oregon RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10041 Parapsyche almota Hydropsychidae Parapsyche New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10969 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche New species of nearctic caddis flies. California RAT 3/22/2005 2285 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11623 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13161 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Larvae overwinter. Unknown 13239 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 13357 Parapsyche apicalis Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 Unknown emerge June-early Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13384 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13385 Parapsyche spp. Hydropsychidae Parapsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 286 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Capture net loose and voluminous; flimsy. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Prefer relatively warm rivers. 1823 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2311 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "Biology, ecology, larval taxonomy, and distribution of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in Wisconsin" Wisconsin Marci Koski 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine; major flights early June and mid-August. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 29 Silted/murky water 2569 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 2570 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Clear water 2718 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3439 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents - detritivorous. Burrower Burrow into water-logged wood. 1 1 1 1 "Found at great depths, burrowed into submerged wood." Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5856 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6103 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7635 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8226 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 2-Sept 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8368 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected April-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8500 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8680 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9052 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9197 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9210 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Distribution of the family Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) in the Savannah River basin of North Carolin "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6.6 26.5 9291 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Jan-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9397 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. Iowa chm 2/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Net spinners. Two emergence peaks: early and late summer. Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine 1 Weeks Hatch in 22 days. Unknown 9863 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9901 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11624 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11667 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13153 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Iowa chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13240 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13322 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13358 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown emerge June-early Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 6.6 26.5 13386 Potamyia spp. Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nebraska chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13387 Potamyia flava Hydropsychidae Potamyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 287 Smicridea spp. Hydropsychidae Smicridea Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Typical hydropsychid retreat with capture net in current. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 2281 Smicridea signata Hydropsychidae Smicridea Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1799 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 2282 Smicridea dispar Hydropsychidae Smicridea Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Utah Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1799 1999 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 7636 Smicridea spp. Hydropsychidae Smicridea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10245 Smicridea spp. Hydropsychidae Smicridea The Trichoptera of Lower California. Desert Southwest RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2284 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Comparative biology of the common Utah Hydropsychidae Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in the midwest. Unknown 2503 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/31/2004 Unknown 1 Build a sheltered retreat with attached silk net projected into the current to catch food. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 6753 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8144 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 8311 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Mortality in reared hydopsychid pupae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) May-Sept 1980 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Pupal period 6-14+ days. Unknown 6 29 9249 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Net building Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Bottom of rocks 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 11300 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11404 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13272 Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown 1 net spinning. Emerge Mar-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Predator, Feed on periphyton." Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 5 larval instar stages. Unknown 288 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case mad of two oval valves with algal filaments incorporated concentrically. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes algae and diatoms 1 1 Unknown Unknown 289 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/14/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case made of two oval valves with algal filaments incorporated concentrically. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes filamentous algae. 1 1 1 Found in beds of submerged aquatic plants 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5469 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Meade JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5781 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5826 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6175 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7648 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Collector-gatherer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7951 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8227 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Sept 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8532 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cheatham chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8688 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown "Adults observed in July-Aug, Sept." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8834 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Aug 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8938 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11-Sept 9, 1951-1952 and July 14, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9072 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9292 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Beaverhead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9293 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9948 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10033 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota Hennepin RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Pupae cut a horizontal slit in their case and swim to the surface to emerge. Adults congregate in areas where they both fly and run around looking for mates Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Lay eggs on submerged vegetati Unknown 10254 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10287 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10998 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11013 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11109 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11625 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waukesha RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11832 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12111 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13247 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13388 Agraylea multipunctata Hydroptilidae Agraylea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Minnesota chm 4/18/2005 Unknown 1 Pupa cuts opening in case and swims to water surface to transform. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Female enter water to lay eggs on vegetation. Oviposit for 68 min under water. Unknown Days Unknown Unknown 13389 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13430 Agraylea spp. Hydroptilidae Agraylea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 290 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Case of two symmetrical valves, the outer layer of each consisting of elongate concentrically arranged pieces of freshwater red alga Lemanea." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Early instars eat diatoms; late instars eat Lemanea (red algae) exclusively. 1 "During pupation, fasten cases to algae." Unknown Unknown 1199 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Associated with red algae in small streams. Unknown Unknown 2411 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5470 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7649 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in Kentucky. Unknown 7866 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Algae-Lemanea australis. Unknown Unknown 7952 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8378 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 8533 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9073 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9864 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13202 Dibusa spp. Hydroptilidae Dibusa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13390 Dibusa spp. Hydroptilidae Dibusa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "In mats of red algae, Lemanea." Unknown Unknown 13401 Dibusa angata Hydroptilidae Dibusa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-April-mid-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 291 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Case of final-instar larvae comprised of two silk valves covered with a layer of sand grains, sometimes with diatoms or filamentous algae." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Eat filamentous algae by piercing cells. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1092 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado Moffatt Marci Koski 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1095 Hydroptila carolae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1114 Hydroptila apalachicola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Two new species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from northern Florida Florida Liberty Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1119 Hydroptila lagoi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1120 Hydroptila chelops Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Choctaw Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1121 Hydroptila patriciae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1123 Hydroptila circangula Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1124 Hydroptila paralatosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1125 Hydroptila choccolocco Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Calhoun Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1126 Hydroptila fuscina Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1127 Hydroptila cretosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Greene Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1128 Hydroptila oakmulgeensis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1129 Hydroptila talladega Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1130 Hydroptila paramoena Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1131 Hydroptila oneili Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1146 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A description of the female of Hydroptila jackmanni Blickle with biological notes Ohio Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1152 Hydroptila wakulla Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1153 Hydroptila lloganae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1154 Hydroptila molsonae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1164 Hydroptila parastrepha Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Alabama Mobile Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1180 Hydroptila artesa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Three new species of microcaddisflies from the Ozark Mountains, U.S.A." Missouri OZARKS Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1181 Hydroptila sandersoni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Three new species of microcaddisflies from the Ozark Mountains, U.S.A." Arkansas OZARKS Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1183 Hydroptila disgalera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1184 Hydroptila ouachita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1185 Hydroptila poirrieri Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1186 Hydroptila tridentata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States South Carolina Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1191 Hydroptila antennopedia Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Five new species of Hydroptila from eastern United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1192 Hydroptila parachelops Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Five new species of Hydroptila from eastern United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1193 Hydroptila morsei Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Five new species of Hydroptila from eastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1194 Hydroptila blicklei Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Five new species of Hydroptila from eastern United States Maine Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1195 Hydroptila holzenthali Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Five new species of Hydroptila from eastern United States Mississippi Stone Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1196 Hydroptila scheiringi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Baldwin Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1197 Hydroptila setigera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Calhoun Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1200 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1201 Hydroptila chelops Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1202 Hydroptila choccolocco Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1203 Hydroptila circangula Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1204 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1205 Hydroptila cretosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1206 Hydroptila disgalera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1207 Hydroptila fuscina Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1208 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1209 Hydroptila gunda Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1210 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1211 Hydroptila lagoi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1212 Hydroptila molsonae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Small blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Collected from small blackwater streams with abundant vegetation. 1 Unknown Unknown 1213 Hydroptila oakmulgeensis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1214 Hydroptila oneili Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1215 Hydroptila paralatosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1216 Hydroptila paramoena Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1217 Hydroptila parastrepha Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1218 Hydroptila patriciae Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1219 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1220 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1221 Hydroptila scheiringi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1222 Hydroptila setigera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1223 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1224 Hydroptila talladega Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1225 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1254 Hydroptila coweetensis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A new species of Hydroptila (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from North Carolina North Carolina Macon Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1184 1184 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown 1 "Case purse-shaped, made of silk. Usually covered with layer of mica or diatom frustules." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Scrapes periphyton/diatoms from rock surfaces. 1 Collected from a bare granitic outcrop over which a thin film (<0.5 cm) of water was flowing. 1 Unknown Unknown 1255 Hydroptila alabama Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1256 Hydroptila recurvata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1258 Hydroptila koryaki Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of microcaddisflies from the eastern United States West Virginia Lewis Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1259 Hydroptila fowlesi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of microcaddisflies from the eastern United States West Virginia Lewis Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1260 Hydroptila homochitta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of microcaddisflies from the eastern United States Mississippi Franklin Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 1269 Hydroptila chattanooga Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the Little River drainage in northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1270 Hydroptila licina Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the Little River drainage in northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1276 Hydroptila micropotamis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Trichoptera from Alabama Alabama De Kalb Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1302 Hydroptila roberta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Two new species of caddisflies from Georgia Georgia Crawford 32º 40' N 83º 59' W Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 small blackwater stream Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1307 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1824 Hydroptila ouachita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1825 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1826 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2368 Hydroptila metteei Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Alabama "Houston, Geneva" Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2369 Hydroptila wetumpka Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Alabama Elmore Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2370 Hydroptila cheaha Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Alabama Talladega Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2412 Hydroptila alabama Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2413 Hydroptila chattanooga Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2414 Hydroptila gunda Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2415 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2416 Hydroptila licina Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2417 Hydroptila micropotamis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2418 Hydroptila oneili Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2419 Hydroptila paramoena Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2420 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2421 Hydroptila talladega Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2422 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 4514 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5250 Hydroptila lagoi Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama Tuscaloosa "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5251 Hydroptila setigera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama Calhoun "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5252 Hydroptila talladega Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5253 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5471 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5472 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5473 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Breathitt" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5550 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Johnson JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5551 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5552 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5553 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Breathitt, Wayne" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5554 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5632 Hydroptila rono Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5633 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5719 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Kentucky Wayne JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5785 Hydroptila arctia Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5786 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5787 Hydroptila rono Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5788 Hydroptila xera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5827 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5828 Hydroptila arctia Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5829 Hydroptila argosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5830 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5831 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5832 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5833 Hydroptila xera Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6176 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6177 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6178 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6179 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6180 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6181 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7650 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8228 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 10-17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8229 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8230 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8231 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8232 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8233 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 29-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8234 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 11-23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8235 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8236 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8237 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 28-Aug 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8379 Hydroptila alabama Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, Aug-Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8380 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8381 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8382 Hydroptila gunda Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8383 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8384 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8385 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8386 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8534 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Davidson chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8535 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8536 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8537 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8538 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8689 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July and Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8690 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8691 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July and Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8692 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May and Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8842 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8843 Hydroptila gunda Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8844 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8941 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 28-Sept 9, 1951-1952 and July 6-Sept 29, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9000 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9074 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9075 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9076 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9077 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9078 Hydroptila gunda Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9079 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9080 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9081 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9082 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9083 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9222 Hydroptila rono Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Laterally flattened, purse-case of very smal sand grains." Adults emerge May-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Strong (active / often) Unknown 1 Generation per year Larvae overwinter. Develop July-next May. Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9729 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9730 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9731 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9759 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light traps Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9782 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9783 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9799 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9800 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9801 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9802 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9803 Hydroptila jackmanni Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9804 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9805 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9812 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9813 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9865 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9866 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9867 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9868 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Carroll RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9869 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9870 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9871 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9898 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9906 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10256 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10288 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10289 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10290 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10291 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10292 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10332 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee Cumberland RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10859 Hydroptila rono Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10937 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10999 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11000 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11001 Hydroptila grandiosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11002 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11003 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11113 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11114 Hydroptila argosa Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11115 Hydroptila pecos Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11668 Hydroptila ajax Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11669 Hydroptila albicornis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11670 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11671 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11672 Hydroptila perdita Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11673 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11833 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11834 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11918 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12112 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13261 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13391 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13402 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13403 Hydroptila angusta Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13404 Hydroptila hamata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13405 Hydroptila quinola Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge early Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13406 Hydroptila waubesiana Hydroptilidae Hydroptila "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13421 Hydroptila consimilis Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13422 Hydroptila spatulata Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13428 Hydroptila icona Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Depth of 30cm Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13431 Hydroptila spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13432 Hydroptila rono Hydroptilidae Hydroptila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 292 Ithytrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Transparent case made entirely of silk; flat pouch open at posterior end, with anterior opening reduced to a small hole." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Eats diatoms. 1 1 Live on rocks and moss; must be able to hold flat side of case along substrate. Unknown Unknown 293 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Texas Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Transparent case made entirely of silk; flat pouch open at posterior end, with anterior opening reduced to a small hole." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Eats diatoms. 1 1 Live on rocks and moss; must be able to hold flat side of case along substrate. Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 1116 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia The microcaddisfly genus Ithytrichia Eaton (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 1 1 402 402 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Purse-shaped case made entirely of silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1117 Ithytrichia mazon Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia The microcaddisfly genus Ithytrichia Eaton (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Purse-shaped case made entirely of silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1118 Ithytrichia mexicana Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia The microcaddisfly genus Ithytrichia Eaton (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 1828 1837 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Purse-shaped case made entirely of silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1304 Ithytrichia mexicana Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia "Ithytrichia mexicana, a new species of caddisfly from Mexico" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1308 Ithytrichia mazon Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2726 Ithytrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Tubular Streamlined / fusiform Yes 1 "Portable case streamlined with smooth, low profile" Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5555 Ithytrichia mazon Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5782 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5834 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7657 Ithytrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8238 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8835 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Aug 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9092 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9809 Ithytrichia mazon Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10293 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11919 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13262 Ithytrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13392 Ithytrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13433 Ithytrichia clavata Hydroptilidae Ithytrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 294 Leucotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Fixed silk case with openings at each end, dome-shaped." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 295 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Montana Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Silk retreat is flattened, elliptical, and fastened to rocks; openings at each end. Often (75%) inhabits retreats made and abandoned by another individual." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Eats periphyton and FPOM. 1 Lives on upper side of rocks in running waters. 1 1 Unknown Larvae complete 1st 4 instars in 2 weeks. Unknown 1226 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2775 Leucotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Construct retreats of silk and sand on exposed rock surfaces. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on FPOM and diatoms on rock surfaces. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5835 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7655 Leucotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8239 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8539 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9095 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11004 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11107 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11626 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13248 Leucotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13393 Leucotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13423 Leucotrichia pictipes Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 296 Mayatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, slightly curved, tapered posteriorly; made mainly of silk, sometimes incorporating soft mineral materials." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Guts contained fine organic particles. 1 1 1 Live on rocks in rapid sections of larger running waters. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1093 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado Mesa Marci Koski 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1227 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1261 Mayatrichia tuscaloosa Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia New species of microcaddisflies from the eastern United States Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2423 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5556 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5836 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7660 Mayatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of silk rigid Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger Unknown Unknown 8240 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 12-24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8387 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8540 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Bradley chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9096 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9939 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11005 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11116 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11674 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13394 Mayatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13407 Mayatrichia ayama Hydroptilidae Mayatrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late June-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 297 Metrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Metrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Desert Southwest Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case made of two silk elliptical valves with algal filaments added concentrically. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Found in mat of filamentous algae. Unknown Unknown 298 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case covered with sand grainds; cylindrical and slightly tapered. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1089 Neotrichia downsi Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado Jackson Summers 1986 - 1987 Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 2346 2346 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1122 Neotrichia mobilensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Mobile Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1163 Neotrichia alabamensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Alabama Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1182 Neotrichia arkansasensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Three new species of microcaddisflies from the Ozark Mountains, U.S.A." Arkansas OZARKS Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1228 Neotrichia alabamensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1229 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1230 Neotrichia mobilensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1231 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1232 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1271 Neotrichia mentonensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the Little River drainage in northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1303 Neotrichia juani Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "New species of Neotrichia from Texas and Panama, with a preliminary review of the N. canixa Group" Texas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1309 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2371 Neotrichia sepulga Hydroptilidae Neotrichia New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Alabama Butler Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2372 Neotrichia armitagei Hydroptilidae Neotrichia New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Florida Okaloosa Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2424 Neotrichia mentonensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2425 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2426 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2427 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5557 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Rockcastle JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5558 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5559 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Johnson JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7659 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8388 Neotrichia alabamensis Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8389 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8390 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8541 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8845 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 24-Aug 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9097 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9605 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Entomology-Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). Colorado "Aug 8, 1943" chm 2/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9788 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9872 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9873 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9949 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10294 Neotrichia okapa Hydroptilidae Neotrichia A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11006 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11920 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13395 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13408 Neotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late June Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13409 Neotrichia minutisimella Hydroptilidae Neotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late June Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13424 Neotrichia vibrans Hydroptilidae Neotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1273 Nothotrichia shasta Hydroptilidae Nothotrichia New member of the Chilean genus Nothotrichia from North America California Shasta Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 299 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Laterally compressed case of two silk valves covered with sand grains or filamentous algae. Some spp. Have a more convex dome with the ventral valve comprised of a flat sheet of silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Scrapes diatoms off rock surfaces. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1115 Ochrotrichia apalachicola Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Two new species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from northern Florida Florida Liberty Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1148 Ochrotrichia guadalupensis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia New species of Ochrotrichia (Ochrotrichia) from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico Texas Culberson Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1176 Ochrotrichia elongiralla Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia New species of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Madison Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1198 Ochrotrichia dardeni Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1233 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1234 Ochrotrichia dardeni Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 small chalky streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1235 Ochrotrichia eliaga Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1236 Ochrotrichia elongiralla Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1237 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1257 Ochrotrichia tuscaloosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia New species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1267 Ochrotrichia susanae Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "The description of, and environmental characterization for, a new species of Ochrotrichia" Colorado Chaffee Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 2748 2748 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 "Case compressed, bivalve, made of silk and fine sand grains." Partly sclerotized 1 "Emerges from clumps of watercress, which slows down flow of water and acts as a substrate from which to emerge." Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Moss and filamentous algae nearly always present on same rocks as larval and pupal cases. Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13.2 15.9 Clear water 1277 Ochrotrichia weoka Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia New Trichoptera from Alabama Alabama Elmore Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1300 Ochrotrichia quadrispina Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Biology and immature stages of Ochrotrichia quadrispina Denning and Blickle California San Diego Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Unknown 1 Tortois-shell type case constructed from tiny mineral particles (dome shaped). Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Grazed periphyton from within a madicole over exposed bedrock. 1 1 "Found on a madicole (dripping rock), with less than 0.5 cm deep water. Early instars found exclusively in masses of Cladophora." 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 20 20 1305 Ochrotrichia arizonica Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia The larva of Ochrotrichia arizonica with notes on distribution and geographic variation In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 1 1 waterfalls Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case silken, laterally compreesed, made of two sand-covered valves" Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes diatoms. Clinger 1 1 1 1 Found in watercress. 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 14 16 No preference 1306 Ochrotrichia robisoni Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1310 Ochrotrichia eliaga Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1619 Ochrotrichia burdicki Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Eight new species of Trichoptera California Fresno Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2428 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5529 Ochrotrichia logana Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) Rocky Mountains JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 5530 Ochrotrichia stylata Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5531 Ochrotrichia alsea Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5532 Ochrotrichia arizonica Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) Desert Southwest JBM 12/3/2004 1645 1645 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5533 Ochrotrichia lucia Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) California Monterey JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5534 Ochrotrichia quadrispina Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A review of the genus Ochrotrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) Arizona Cochise JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5560 Ochrotrichia spinosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Mercer, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5561 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5562 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5837 Ochrotrichia alsea Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5838 Ochrotrichia stylata Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6182 Ochrotrichia spinosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 7651 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Piercer herbivore Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8241 Ochrotrichia spinosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8242 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 5-18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8243 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8391 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8392 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8542 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8543 Ochrotrichia eliaga Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8544 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8838 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8939 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 30-Sept 5, 1951-1952 and July 1-Oct 12, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9084 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9085 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9375 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerged late June. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9763 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9787 Ochrotrichia spinosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9874 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9875 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9876 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Hot Spring RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9893 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9950 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9951 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9952 Ochrotrichia spinosa Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11091 Ochrotrichia logana Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11117 Ochrotrichia stylata Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11675 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13249 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13396 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13410 Ochrotrichia tarsalis Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13425 Ochrotrichia arva Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13434 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13435 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13436 Ochrotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Ochrotrichia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 300 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Silk case with slit-openings at each end. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Piercer herbivore Pointed labrum specially designed to puncture and feed on more robust algal filaments. 1 1 1 Live in submerged beds of aquatic plants 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1149 Orthotrichia curta Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1150 Orthotrichia dentata Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1151 Orthotrichia provosti Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Florida Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1238 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1239 Orthotrichia curta Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1827 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2429 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5563 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5564 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Spencer, Anderson" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5784 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6122 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia The trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake with descriptions of three new species. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6183 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7658 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7953 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8393 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8545 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8841 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9093 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9094 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9784 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9798 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9899 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10295 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11007 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11676 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13397 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13411 Orthotrichia aegerfasciella Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13412 Orthotrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge July-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13413 Orthotrichia dentata Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge May-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 301 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Long, flask-shaped case made of silk; openings at both ends." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Piercer herbivore Puncture cells of filamentous algae; also eat diatoms and entire strands of filamentous algae. 1 1 1 Frequent submerged beds of aquatic plants. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1135 Oxyethira dunbartonensis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New species of Oxyethira (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1136 Oxyethira elerobi Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New species of Oxyethira (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1137 Oxyethira sininsigne Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New species of Oxyethira (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1138 Oxyethira leonensis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New species of Oxyethira (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1155 Oxyethira glasa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1156 Oxyethira lumosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1157 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1158 Oxyethira maya Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1159 Oxyethira setosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1160 Oxyethira dunbartonensis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. South Carolina Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1161 Oxyethira elerobi Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1162 Oxyethira sininsigne Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Blackwater streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1165 Oxyethira lumipollex Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. Alabama Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1166 Oxyethira savanniensis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1187 Oxyethira kingi Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New micro-caddisflies from the southeastern United States Florida Miami Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1240 Oxyethira elerobi Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1241 Oxyethira glasa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1242 Oxyethira lumipollex Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1243 Oxyethira lumosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1244 Oxyethira maya Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1245 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1246 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1247 Oxyethira rivicola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1248 Oxyethira savanniensis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1249 Oxyethira setosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1250 Oxyethira sininsigne Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1262 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Redescriptions of the Oxyethira aeola Group species in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Final-instar larvae build flask-shaped case entirely of silk. Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Pierce algal cells and eat contents. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1263 Oxyethira abacatia Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Redescriptions of the Oxyethira aeola Group species in North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1264 Oxyethira aeola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Redescriptions of the Oxyethira aeola Group species in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1265 Oxyethira anabola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Redescriptions of the Oxyethira aeola Group species in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1266 Oxyethira mirabilis Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Redescriptions of the Oxyethira aeola Group species in North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/28/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1828 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2430 Oxyethira glasa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2431 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2432 Oxyethira rivicola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 3451 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Use silk to build barrel- or purse-shaped portable cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Herbivore/detritivores 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Bivoltine species may exist. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5565 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Johnson, Anderson" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5634 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5720 Oxyethira rivicola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Polk JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5783 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6184 Oxyethira anabola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7652 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Purse-type case, flat, flask-shaped, open at back" Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Collector-gatherer Scraper? Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8244 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8245 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8394 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8395 Oxyethira lumipollex Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8396 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8397 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8546 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8725 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8839 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Sept 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8840 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 18-Sept 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8940 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 28, 1952 and July 14-Aug 15, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9086 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9087 Oxyethira rivicola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9088 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9262 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults found in Aug and Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Pupae July and Oct. Unknown 9602 Oxyethira arizona Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Entomology-Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). Arizona Pinal chm 2/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9603 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Entomology-Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). Alabama chm 2/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9604 Oxyethira lumosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Entomology-Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). Florida "Aug 27, 1945" chm 2/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9732 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9733 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9734 Oxyethira setosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9785 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light traps Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9877 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9940 Oxyethira elerobi Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9941 Oxyethira glasa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9947 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10255 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10296 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11140 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11677 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13250 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13398 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13414 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge May-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13415 Oxyethira lumosa Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late Feb-Sept Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13416 Oxyethira novasota Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13417 Oxyethira pallida Hydroptilidae Oxyethira "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge May-early Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13426 Oxyethira rivicola Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13429 Oxyethira spp. Hydroptilidae Oxyethira Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Depth of 25cm Unknown Unknown 7647 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 8547 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8726 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9071 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11208 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11392 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13399 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13418 Palaeagapetus spp. Hydroptilidae Palaeagapetus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1113 Paucicalcaria ozarkensis Hydroptilidae Paucicalcaria A new microcaddisfly genus from the interior highlands of Arkansas Arkansas Logan "35º 11' 46"" N" "93º 39' 46"" W" May 1987 Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7653 Paucicalcaria spp. Hydroptilidae Paucicalcaria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas chm 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 302 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case of two silk valves with slit openings at either end. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 303 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Illinois Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case of two silk valves with slit openings at either end. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as final-instar larvae in case. Unknown 1132 Stactobiella cahaba Hydroptilidae Stactobiella New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Bibb Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Older instars make purse-shaped case from silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either filamentous or periphytic algae. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Have a life cycle of one year or less. Unknown 1251 Stactobiella cahaba Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1252 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1253 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Alabama with descriptions of three new species Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1290 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1311 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Cladistic analysis of the Ochrotrichia shawnee Group Arkansas Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2433 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2434 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2791 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Colorado Grand 40º 16' N 105º 53' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5254 Stactobiella cahaba Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama Bibb "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5566 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "McCreary, Rockcastle" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5567 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6185 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7654 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Clinger ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8246 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-July 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8247 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8398 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8548 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8549 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Jefferson chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8836 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 31-Aug 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8837 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 1-July 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9089 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9090 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9091 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9760 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light traps Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10000 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Valley RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10265 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Westmoreland RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11141 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11678 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13400 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Case latterally compressed Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13419 Stactobiella delira Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-mid May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13420 Stactobiella palmata Hydroptilidae Stactobiella "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge late May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13427 Stactobiella spp. Hydroptilidae Stactobiella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 304 Zumatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Zumatrichia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Larval retreat made of silk and fastened to rocks; oval with openings at each end. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on periphyton 1 Unknown Unknown 5839 Zumatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Zumatrichia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7656 Zumatrichia spp. Hydroptilidae Zumatrichia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Montana chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Purse-type case Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 2766 Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Piercer herbivore Consume filamentous algae by piercing and sucking. Unknown Unknown 3421 Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Use silk to build barrel- or purse-shaped portable cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Herbivore/detritivores 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Bivoltine species may exist. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 11459 Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13273 Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Collector Gatherer. Feed on filamentous algae or vascular plant tissues and periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 7371 Hydroscapha natans Hydroscaphidae Hydroscapha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7372 Hydroscapha natans Hydroscaphidae Hydroscapha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7210 Hydroscaphidae Hydroscaphidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7520 Hydroscaphidae Hydroscaphidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 8127 Hydroscaphidae Hydroscaphidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Herbivore; feed on algae. 1 Unknown Unknown 8128 Hydroscaphidae Hydroscaphidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs laid on algae. Unknown Herbivore; feed on algae. 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 8003 Hydrovolzia spp. Hydrovolziidae Hydrovolzia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite "Parasitic larval stage. Host: Hemiptera, Diptera, Trichoptera, Plecoptera." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawler 1 1 Terrestial larvae. Unknown Unknown 6629 Hydrozetes spp. Hydrozetidae Hydrozetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 0.4 Round (humped) Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer "Consume wood fibers, fingi, algae, and detritus." Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 "Restricted to crevices on submerged logs, twigs, and debris." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Life cycle lasts 30 - 80 days. Unknown 6581 Hydryphantes spp. Hydryphantidae Hydryphantes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6573 Protzia spp. Hydryphantidae Protzia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8004 Protzia spp. Hydryphantidae Protzia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite "Parasitic larvae. Host: Hemiptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera." 1 Terrestrial larvae. Unknown Unknown 8060 Protzia spp. Hydryphantidae Protzia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/19/2005 1 1 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Walker 1 Unknown Unknown 6571 Wandesia spp. Hydryphantidae Wandesia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7994 Wandesia spp. Hydryphantidae Wandesia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite "Parasitic larval stage. Host: Hemiptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera." Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Unknown 8066 Wandesia spp. Hydryphantidae Wandesia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Crawling 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8000 Hydryphantidae Hydryphantidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Plastron (permanent air store) Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larval stage. Host: Hemiptera, Odonata, Diptera. Predaceous deutonymph of Diptera eggs." Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Terrestrial larvae Unknown Extended larval host association. Unknown 6596 Atractides spp. Hygrobatidae Atractides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 11711 Atractides spp. Hygrobatidae Atractides Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11858 Atractides spp. Hygrobatidae Atractides Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6597 Hygrobates spp. Hygrobatidae Hygrobates Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 7993 Hygrobates spp. Hygrobatidae Hygrobates Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Predator of Chironomids, Diptera larvae, Ostracods.." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawler 1 1 Unknown Larval feeding not needed. < 100 eggs 1 2-5eggs/clutch Unknown 8005 Hygrobates spp. Hygrobatidae Hygrobates Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larvae. Host: chironomid adults, Diptera, Trichoptera. Predaceous deutonymph (several months)." 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 2-5eggs/clutch. Unknown 11862 Hygrobates spp. Hygrobatidae Hygrobates Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 477 Isonychia sicca Isonychiidae Isonychia New species and previously undescribed larvae of North American Ephemeroptera Indiana Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 892 Isonychia sicca Isonychiidae Isonychia Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mexico and Central Ame In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/8/2004 1 366 457 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 21 29 2847 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia "The cladistics, classification, and evolution of the Heptagenioidea (Ephemeroptera)" nkmv 8/26/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 1 can emerge off of water or can completely leave the water Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Swimmer Unknown Unknown 2862 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 1 climbs completely out of water or emerges from water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3018 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Cutaneous gills absent in first instar Unknown Unknown Free-floating eggs disperse in water Unknown Unknown 1 Weeks Unknown 3095 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 bedrock streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3096 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 bedrock streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3262 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Feed mostly on algae and diatoms that are filtered from the current. Some species partly carnivorous. 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Uni- or bivoltine. Unknown 5004 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5435 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Cocke JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5436 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5696 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 1 Yes Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5709 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 6112 Isonychia tusculanensis Isonychiidae Isonychia A new species of mayfly from Tennessee. Entomological News Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6127 Isonychia rufa Isonychiidae Isonychia New Species and Previously Undescribed Niaids of some Minnesota Mayflies(Ephemeroptera). Minnesota RAT 11/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6761 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year bi- or trivoltine Unknown 6838 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pennsylvania chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7237 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Engulfer Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9534 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Adams chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9535 Isonychia rufa Isonychiidae Isonychia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Noble chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10893 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 11361 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11514 Isonychia rufa Isonychiidae Isonychia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11515 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11553 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Washburn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer detritivores Unknown Unknown 12271 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12454 Isonychia spp. Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Uses setae on forelegs to filter. Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12466 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 3/14/2005 Unknown 1 Emerge early June-early Sept; peak in June and July. Males swarm 30-50 individ over water after sunset but before dark. Female enter and mate. Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Touches abdomen to water to release eggs. Eggs sink. Yes Unknown 1 Generation per year Subimago up to 50hrs. Hours Live <5hrs. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 2000eggs/female. Unknown 12467 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown emerge late July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12468 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 3/14/2005 Unknown 1 emerge June 10-Sept 20; peak mid-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Mate over water. Eggs laid on water surface. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Weeks "Hatch 14days@25C, 25days@13C." Unknown 12469 Isonychia bicolor Isonychiidae Isonychia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown emerge late July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4983 Isotomurus spp. Isotomidae Isotomurus Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3533 Lampyridae Lampyridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Pond Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Larvae feed on snails or other insects. Prefer shallow water. Unknown Only larvae are aquatic. Unknown 6595 Lebertia spp. Lebertiidae Lebertia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8069 Lebertia spp. Lebertiidae Lebertia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8070 Lebertia spp. Lebertiidae Lebertia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Walker 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11713 Lebertia spp. Lebertiidae Lebertia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11863 Lebertia spp. Lebertiidae Lebertia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7997 Lebertiidae Lebertiidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Plastron (permanent air store) Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Predaceous deutonymph (several months). Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Unknown 305 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Four-sided cases made of bark or leaf; some early instar cases built of sand. Final instar cases made with plant material placed spirally or transversely, or sand." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Larvae attracted also to dead fish. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1088 Lepidostoma ozarkense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Lepidostoma (Nosopus) ozarkense (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae), a new species from Arkansas" Arkansas 1987 - 1988 Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 5 27.5 1144 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Crawford Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1178 Lepidostoma weaveri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1643 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer "Each female had a spherical mass of light green eggs hanging from the tip of the abdomen; later, several eggmasses were found in the water (habitat unspecified)." Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1644 Lepidostoma hirtum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1645 Lepidostoma podagrum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Round (humped) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Free-floating Females drop egg masses directly into the stream during flight; the egg masses are very sticky and tend to adhere to benthic substrates. Yes Unknown 1 Unknown 1646 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of bark and wood panels, square in cross-section." Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Females drop egg masses directly into the stream during flight; the egg masses are very sticky and tend to adhere to benthic substrates. Yes Unknown 1 Unknown 1647 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown In wet wood Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1655 Lepidostoma reosum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1656 Lepidostoma astaneum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases cylindrical and made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1657 Lepidostoma recinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 609 609 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases cylindrical, made of stone, slightly curved." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1658 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1569 1569 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases built in panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1659 Lepidostoma licolum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Sierra Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 2041 2041 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1660 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case built in panels with hexagonal pieces of bark and wood, square in cross-section." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1661 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of panels; square in cross-section. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 "Found only in roots and grasses where these hung in the stream (i.e., in a bot of overhanging sod)." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1662 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1663 Lepidostoma prominens Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1664 Lepidostoma podagrum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of panels, square in cross section, with irregular square pieces of bark and wood." Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1665 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 2407 2590 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases constructed of panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1666 Lepidostoma compressum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Tennessee Marci Koski 8/13/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1667 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases cigar-shaped, made of panels, and are composed of hexagonal pieces of leaf." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1668 Lepidostoma modestum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1669 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 1450 1450 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cigar-shaped, made of panels." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1670 Lepidostoma pictile Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1671 Lepidostoma weaveri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Alabama Tuscaloosa Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cigar-shaped and constructed of panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1672 Lepidostoma bakeri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/13/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of small transverse plant fragments, in a log-cabin style." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1673 Lepidostoma cinereum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 1 1 91 414 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case turret shaped, with some long transverse pieces (from ponds), but sometimes made only of stones (from streams)." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1674 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 First and second instars make cases of sand grains; later instars make a turret case made of short transverse plant fragments. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as adults; 10 mos from egg to emerge. Weeks No 1675 Lepidostoma knulli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 2803 2803 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case turret shaped, with many long transverse plant fragments." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1676 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 469 469 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Cases turret-shaped, with some long transverse pieces." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1677 Lepidostoma acarolum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and made of small stones." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1678 Lepidostoma lacinatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Arizona Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1828 2742 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1679 Lepidostoma mexicanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, slightly curved, and made of small stones." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1680 Lepidostoma ermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Nevada Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1999 1999 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cylindrical and made of stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 3.5 4 1681 Lepidostoma hoodi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 1 1219 1219 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cylindrical and made of small stones Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1682 Lepidostoma spicatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1524 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cylindrical and made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1683 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases cylindrical and made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1684 Lepidostoma verodum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Case spiral-shaped. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1685 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1450 1450 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of panels, square in cross-section, composed of hexagonal pieces of bark." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1686 Lepidostoma morsei Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1687 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1688 Lepidostoma serratum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of heaxagonal pieces of leaf or bark in panels; cigar-shaped, sometimes square in cross-section." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 19 19 1689 Lepidostoma etnieri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Tennessee Knox Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1690 Lepidostoma excavatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1417 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases cylindrical and made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1691 Lepidostoma libum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of both stones and panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1692 Lepidostoma sommermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1693 Lepidostoma flinti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of hexagonal pieces of leaf and bark panels; square in cross-section. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1694 Lepidostoma glenni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Georgia Union Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 609 609 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1695 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1696 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1697 Lepidostoma lobatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Georgia APPALACHIANS Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 609 762 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1698 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1219 1766 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases built of panels. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter as larvae or pupae. Unknown 1699 Lepidostoma styliferum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1524 1524 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1700 Lepidostoma baxea Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 951 951 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1701 Lepidostoma canthum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 61 61 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of small stones; slender. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1702 Lepidostoma apornum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 2438 2438 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1703 Lepidostoma errigenum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1219 1432 Small (length < 9 mm) 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, slightly curved, made of small sand grains." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1704 Lepidostoma lotor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) California Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1705 Lepidostoma ormeum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1706 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 305 2681 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case smooth, slightly curved, and made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 1707 Lepidostoma rayneri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1615 2194 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case smooth, slightly curved, and made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1708 Lepidostoma carolina Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1709 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1 609 609 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of panels, square in cross-section and slightly tapered." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1710 Lepidostoma stigma Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1341 1341 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of square panels, square sagittally." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1711 Lepidostoma tibiale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1712 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1713 Lepidostoma lescheni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "A new species of Lepidostoma from Arkansas, U.S.A." Arkansas Logan 1987 Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1 625 625 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of panels Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1714 Lepidostoma castalianum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Two new species of caddisflies of the genus Lepidostoma Rambur from the Great Basin California Mono Great Basin Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 2499 2499 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1715 Lepidostoma ojanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Two new species of caddisflies of the genus Lepidostoma Rambur from the Great Basin Great Basin Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 2145 2145 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, usually with only coarse sand grains but sometimes with short pieces of plant stems, hydrobiid snails or Pisidium shells." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Found crawling on bed substrate or in watercress. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13 17 1716 Lepidostoma errigenum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma California Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1432 1432 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1717 Lepidostoma recinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma Oregon Marci Koski 8/16/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1718 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma California Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1719 Lepidostoma spicatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma Idaho Salmon Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1524 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1720 Lepidostoma astaneum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma California Del Norte Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1721 Lepidostoma reosum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma Massachusetts Marci Koski 8/16/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1722 Lepidostoma tibiale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Lepidostoma "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1723 Lepidostoma lescheni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The female of Lepidostoma lescheni, with new distributional records for the species" Arkansas Montgomery Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1724 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1725 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1726 Lepidostoma libum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma Illinois Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 "Early instars construct a round, sand-grain case; mature larvae make a square case of leaf pieces." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1727 Lepidostoma styliferum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma North Carolina GREAT SMOKY MTNS NP Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1524 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1728 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma North Carolina Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1219 1766 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Pupae attached to undersurfaces of rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown 1729 Lepidostoma sommermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases round, made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1730 Lepidostoma excavatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 1524 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 "Cases round, made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1731 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Case square in cross-section and is made of leaf or bark fragments. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1732 Lepidostoma serratum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma North Carolina Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 "Case square in cross-section, made of leaf fragments." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1733 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/16/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1734 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Case made of quadrate pieces of bark. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1735 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1736 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Records and descriptions of North American species in the genus Lepidostoma In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/16/2004 1 1 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Cases composed of small plant fragments placed transversely to form an irregular log-cabin type of structure. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1829 Lepidostoma serratum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year May have a second generation in fall. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2466 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2467 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2468 Lepidostoma weaveri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2745 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Construct cases from leaves, bark, or sand." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2807 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Teton 43º 36' N 110º 40' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1981 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3426 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Shredder "Mostly detritivores, but sometimes consume algae or animal material." 1 1 "Found among rocks, in debris, and in moss covering rocks." Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5255 Lepidostoma etnieri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5256 Lepidostoma flinti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5257 Lepidostoma glenni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Georgia Union "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5258 Lepidostoma lobatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5259 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5443 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5444 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5445 Lepidostoma ormeum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5446 Lepidostoma lotor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5447 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5448 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5449 Lepidostoma knulli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5450 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5451 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5452 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5453 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5454 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5455 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5456 Lepidostoma sommermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5606 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Jackson JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5607 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Edmonson, Rockastle" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5728 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5819 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5820 Lepidostoma hoodi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5821 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5822 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5823 Lepidostoma rayneri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5824 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5825 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5958 Lepidostoma apornum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5959 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5960 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5961 Lepidostoma podagrum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5962 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5963 Lepidostoma rayneri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5964 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5965 Lepidostoma spicatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5966 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6190 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6191 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6192 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6193 Lepidostoma libum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 spring seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6194 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 spring seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 6912 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Minnesota chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7673 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Detritivore, Scavenger" Climber Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7868 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 8047 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8048 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8049 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8050 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1961 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8051 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8052 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8053 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8054 Lepidostoma prominens Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1949 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8055 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1961 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8056 Lepidostoma sommermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1961 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8057 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8296 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 7-July 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8297 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8298 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8299 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 3-24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8300 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8314 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Sarcophagous habits of Trichoptera larvae on dead fish. Idaho July 1968 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Scavenger of dead fish. 1 Unknown Unknown 8409 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8425 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Adults collected April-June. Emergence peak mid-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae June to next Mar. Pupae in May. Unknown 8426 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 2-Sept 18, peak last half of Aug." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae mid-Aug to late June. Pupae July to Aug. Unknown 8427 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 "Adults collected Aug 12-Sept 28, peak emergence last half of Aug." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae grows Oct-June. Pupae Aug-Nov. Unknown 8587 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8588 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8589 Lepidostoma compressum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8590 Lepidostoma excavatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8591 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8592 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8593 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8594 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8595 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8596 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8597 Lepidostoma modestum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8598 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8599 Lepidostoma serratum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8600 Lepidostoma styliferum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8601 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8602 Lepidostoma tibiale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8603 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8604 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina Tyron chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8705 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge May- Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Feed on dead leaves and decaying wood. 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Slow seasonal Larvae overwinters. Pupae mid-May-mid-Aug. Unknown 8740 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8741 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8742 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8743 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8744 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8745 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8746 Lepidostoma sommermanae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8891 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8892 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 22-27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8893 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8894 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 20-26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8895 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8896 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 21-30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8897 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 16-Sept 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8898 Lepidostoma modestum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8899 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8900 Lepidostoma prominens Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 29-Aug 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8901 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 11-Sept 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8902 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8903 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 14-Sept 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8904 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8970 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 15-Aug 19, 1951-52 and May 20-June 29, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8971 Lepidostoma costale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 22-Sept 9, 1951-1952 and July 29-Aug 24, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8972 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 5-Sept 2, 1951-52 and Aug 10-24, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8973 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 25-26, 1952" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8974 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8975 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 9, 1952 and July 14-17, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8976 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 9, 1952 and July 14-17, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9128 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9129 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9130 Lepidostoma excavatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9131 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9132 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9133 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9134 Lepidostoma tibiale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9135 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9136 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9212 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Utilization and processing of allochthonous material by stream Trichoptera. chm 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown Most of growth in autumn and winter Unknown 5 20 9213 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Utilization and processing of allochthonous material by stream Trichoptera. chm 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown Final instar stages spring and summer. Unknown 9235 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge in Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9322 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9323 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9324 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, July, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9325 Lepidostoma spicatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9389 Lepidostoma hoodi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected mid-Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9390 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown "Emerge mid-Mar-late Apr, early Sept." Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9391 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected mid-Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9392 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected late June-late Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9739 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9918 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Fulton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10007 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Lemhi RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10021 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Rocky Mountains RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10022 Lepidostoma ormeum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Rocky Mountains RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10043 Lepidostoma apornum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Utah RAT 12/29/2004 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10044 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Utah RAT 12/29/2004 1 1578 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10045 Lepidostoma carolina Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10046 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/29/2004 1 1100 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10047 Lepidostoma canthum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. California Monterey RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10048 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10049 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. North Carolina RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10050 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 1219 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10051 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Utah RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10052 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Georgia RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10053 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10054 Lepidostoma ormeum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Rocky Mountains RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10055 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. California RAT 12/29/2004 1 1182 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10056 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Idaho RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10057 Lepidostoma prominens Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10058 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. South Dakota RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10059 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10060 Lepidostoma vernale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New and little known species of Caddis Flies. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 1 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10327 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species of Trichoptera from the United States. North Carolina RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10329 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Descriptions of several species of Trichoptera. Virginia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10334 Lepidostoma compressum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee Cumberland RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10344 Lepidostoma lacinatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New Species of Trichoptera. RAT 1/24/2005 1 2072 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10348 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma A New genus and species of Trichoptera. Oregon Lincoln RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Captured using a blacklight trap Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10355 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species and notes of western Trichoptera. Arizona RAT 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10356 Lepidostoma bakeri Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New species and notes of western Trichoptera. California San Luis Obispo RAT 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10841 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The influence of rock surface area on the microdistribution Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 2/22/2005 1 283 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 moss 1 Unknown Unknown 10858 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11037 Lepidostoma bryanti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11038 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11039 Lepidostoma sackeni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11040 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11093 Lepidostoma pluviale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11225 Lepidostoma baxea Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New western trichoptera California Fresno RAT 3/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11229 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New trichoptera Arizona Cochise RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11230 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New trichoptera Desert Southwest RAT 3/29/2005 2803 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11231 Lepidostoma acarolum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma New trichoptera Arizona Cochise RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11255 Lepidostoma cascadense Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11256 Lepidostoma hoodi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11257 Lepidostoma jewetti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11258 Lepidostoma quercinum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11259 Lepidostoma roafi Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11260 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11261 Lepidostoma unicolor Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11393 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11458 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11638 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11639 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Adams RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11835 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11976 Lepidostoma ormeum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12057 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12115 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12165 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13222 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13634 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Eggs deposited under stones in damp area of gravel bars and in pools. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 5 instar stages. < 100 eggs 1 30-40 eggs/mass. Unknown 13636 Lepidostoma libum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year univoltine or bivoltine Unknown 13637 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 4/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13638 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year univoltine or bivoltine Unknown 13639 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13640 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13641 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13642 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13643 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13644 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13645 Lepidostoma americanum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late June-early July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13646 Lepidostoma carolina Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Mar-early Nov. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13647 Lepidostoma carrolli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13648 Lepidostoma excavatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early June-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13649 Lepidostoma flinti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early Apr-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13650 Lepidostoma frosti Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early July-early Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13651 Lepidostoma griseum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug-late Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13652 Lepidostoma latipenne Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13653 Lepidostoma lobatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-late July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13654 Lepidostoma lydia Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13655 Lepidostoma mitchelli Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13656 Lepidostoma modestum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13657 Lepidostoma ontario Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13658 Lepidostoma serratum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13659 Lepidostoma styliferum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13660 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13661 Lepidostoma tibiale Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-late Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13662 Lepidostoma togatum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge early May-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13666 Lepidostoma compressum Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee Cumberland "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 28-May 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13667 Lepidostoma glenni Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia Union "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13668 Lepidostoma spp. Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia Union "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1177 Theliopsyche tallapoosa Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche New species of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Tallapoosa Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1648 Theliopsyche spp. Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case cylindrical and made of stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1649 Theliopsyche grisea Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1650 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1651 Theliopsyche tallapoosa Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Alabama Tallapoosa Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1652 Theliopsyche corona Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTNS NP Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1653 Theliopsyche epilonis Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) North Carolina GREAT SMOKY MTNS NP Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1654 Theliopsyche parva Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A synopsis of the North American Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2469 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5608 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Fayette JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6125 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche The trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake with descriptions of three new species. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7674 Theliopsyche spp. Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8605 Theliopsyche corona Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8606 Theliopsyche epilonis Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8607 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9137 Theliopsyche grisea Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9138 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13635 Theliopsyche spp. Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13663 Theliopsyche corona Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-late May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13664 Theliopsyche epilonis Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13665 Theliopsyche grisea Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13669 Theliopsyche melas Lepidostomatidae Theliopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee Fentress "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 26-June 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13274 Lepidostomatidae Lepidostomatidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6448 Leptestheria compleximanus Leptestheriidae Leptestheria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 9771 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Lycoming 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9775 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9885 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9895 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10014 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes Descriptions of new Trichoptera from the United States. Minnesota Anoka RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10018 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Wyoming Albany RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10307 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10324 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Georgia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11043 Athripsodes sp. Leptoceridae Athripsodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 306 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Leaf-shaped flattened cases made with sand and have an overhanging dorsal lip. Species associated with sponges: case made entirely of silk, some with sponge incorporated." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus and freshwater sponges. Burrower Often burrows in sponge colonies. Associated with freshwater sponges 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1094 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea A new species of Neotrichia from Colorado with additions and corrections Colorado "Grand, Moffatt" Marci Koski 7/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1190 Ceraclea enodis Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Ceraclea enodis, a new species of sponge-feeding caddisfly previously misidentified" North Carolina Montgomery Spring 1993 Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Case made of silk and debris; sponge spicules incorporated in anterior half. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Free-floating No Shredder Feed on freshwater sponge 1 "Only found in association with the freshwater spong, Anheteromeyenia ryderi" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Just under one year. 1 Weeks Hatch 1-3 weeks Unknown 1 1 Clear water 1278 Ceraclea alabamae Leptoceridae Ceraclea New Trichoptera from Alabama Alabama De Kalb Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1527 Ceraclea maccalmonti Leptoceridae Ceraclea "A new species of Ceraclea from the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, U.S.A." Missouri OZARKS Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cornucopia-shaped, made of large mineral fragments and sand." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13 13 1830 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1831 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2439 Ceraclea alabamae Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2440 Ceraclea alces Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2441 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2442 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2443 Ceraclea neffi Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2444 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2445 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2754 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3456 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous; feeds on freshwater sponges. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5260 Ceraclea alabamae Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Alabama De Kalb "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5352 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Other (specify in comments) feeds on freshwater sponge Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5353 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating Unknown Other (specify in comments) feeds on freshwater sponge Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5354 Ceraclea alces Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Other (specify in comments) feeds on freshwater sponge Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5355 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Other (specify in comments) detritivore 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5580 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5581 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5582 Ceraclea annulicornis Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Trigg JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5583 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5584 Ceraclea neffi Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Breathitt, Rockcastl" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5585 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Jefferson, McCreary" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5586 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5587 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5620 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5621 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating Unknown Other (specify in comments) detritivore 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5622 Ceraclea neffi Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 11/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" < 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5623 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea The biology and immature stages of the caddisfly genus Ceraclea in Eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/9/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" < 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks No 5929 Ceraclea annulicornis Leptoceridae Ceraclea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5930 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5931 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5932 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5933 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6070 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Life Histories of coexisting species of Ceraclea Caddisflies (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) Kentucky Spencer 1970-1973 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown pupae emerge from cases and swim to water surface. Emerge between 1300 and 1700 hours. Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating Females dip abdomen into water and release eggs Yes Predator Collector-gatherer Feeds on freshwater sponge 1 "live among freshwater sponge in ""galleries""" Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" have 5 instars Hours 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days eggs swell in water Unknown 6071 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Life Histories of coexisting species of Ceraclea Caddisflies (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) Kentucky Spencer 1970-1973 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown pupae emerge at dusk by actively swimming to water surface Unknown Spring Spring females oviposite by dipping abdomen into water Unknown Scraper/grazer feeds on detritus 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year 5 instars Hours rarely live more than 24 hours 100 to 1000 eggs Days eggs swell in water Unknown 6124 Ceraclea improcerus Leptoceridae Ceraclea The trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake with descriptions of three new species. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6195 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6196 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6745 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7082 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Kentucky chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7740 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case of fine mineral or silk tube, may have dorsal projection and flanges" Unknown Unknown Free-floating Other (specify in comments) "When in water, mass sinks and adheres to submerged objects. Oviposit in less than 1 day after emergence, in spring or spring and mid-late summer." Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Predator/Engulfer of sponge, Herbivore" Sprawler Climber Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Weeks 100-300 eggs. Hatch 1-3wk lab. Unknown 8028 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8029 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8030 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8031 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8411 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8412 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8413 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr-June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8414 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8415 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8416 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8626 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8627 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8628 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8629 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8630 Ceraclea neffi Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Maury chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8631 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Davidson chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8632 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8748 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8750 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in June-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8751 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8752 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May and July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8753 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July and Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9151 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9152 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9153 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9154 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9155 Ceraclea neffi Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9170 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9745 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9746 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9982 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11633 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Lincoln RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 11679 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11680 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11681 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11838 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11839 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11840 Ceraclea annulicornis Leptoceridae Ceraclea Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13251 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13437 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Feed on detritus. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13438 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Long hairs on hind legs aid swimming. Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 "On mussel shells, sponge." 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13439 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Feed on detritus. Unknown 1 Generation per year Prepupae and 3rd/4th larvae overwinter. Unknown 13440 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Feed on freshwater sponge. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13441 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Feed on freshwater sponge. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13453 Ceraclea ancylus Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13454 Ceraclea cancellata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13455 Ceraclea maculata Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13456 Ceraclea resurgens Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-early Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13457 Ceraclea transversa Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13458 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13483 Ceraclea spp. Leptoceridae Ceraclea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2761 Leptocerus spp. Leptoceridae Leptocerus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Swim within floating macrophytes such as Ceratophyllum. Unknown Unknown 2762 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Case made entirely of silk. Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Swim within floating macrophytes such as Ceratophyllum. Unknown Unknown 3461 Leptocerus spp. Leptoceridae Leptocerus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular case slender and transparent. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6123 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus The trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake with descriptions of three new species. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6197 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9886 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Carroll RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9983 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11682 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13203 Leptocerus spp. Leptoceridae Leptocerus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13442 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Tennessee chm 4/18/2005 1 Unknown 1 Long hairs on hind legs aid swimming. Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13449 Leptocerus spp. Leptoceridae Leptocerus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13459 Leptocerus americanus Leptoceridae Leptocerus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13481 Leptocerus spp. Leptoceridae Leptocerus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Max depth of 20cm in substrate Unknown Unknown 307 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Tubular case with twigs or conifer needles that extend beyond the front end of the tube, made of rocks, mollusc shell, or plant material." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Omnivorous 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 308 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Tubular case with twigs or conifer needles that extend beyond the front end of the tube, made of rocks, mollusc shell, or plant material." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Fine particles of plant materials; arthropods. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1528 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides A comparative study of the North American species in the caddisfly genus Mystacides In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases slender, usually with conifer needles or twigs projecting beyond the ends. Pupal cases fastened to firm substrates like sticks, plants, and rocks. Cases cylindrical, tapered, slightly curved; constructed of sand or small stones, sometimes incorporating pieces of wood or other plant materials." Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1529 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A comparative study of the North American species in the caddisfly genus Mystacides In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1530 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides A comparative study of the North American species in the caddisfly genus Mystacides In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1531 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides A comparative study of the North American species in the caddisfly genus Mystacides In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2446 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2755 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Omnivorous 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3459 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand, stones, or vegetation, often with projecting pieces." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5592 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Wayne JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5636 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5811 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5812 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5934 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5935 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5936 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6198 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7741 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 "Case a rough tube of mineral and veg pieces, may have balance sticks" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Herbivore Sprawler Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8032 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1964 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8033 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8280 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June10-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8417 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8633 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8702 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug 10-Sept 13. Swarming observed Unknown Unknown Summer Summer About 100 eggs/mass. Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae overwinters 100 to 1000 eggs 1 About 100 eggs/mass. Unknown 8754 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8755 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8886 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 11-23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8887 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 29-Aug 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8966 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11, 1951" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8967 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 17-Aug 5, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9175 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9313 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9314 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9315 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9819 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntingdon 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9887 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10027 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10108 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 548 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10314 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Twice as many females were collected as were males Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11044 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11217 Mystacides alafimbriata Leptoceridae Mystacides An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11841 Mystacides longicornis Leptoceridae Mystacides Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11842 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13204 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13450 Mystacides spp. Leptoceridae Mystacides "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13460 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-May-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13484 Mystacides sepulchralis Leptoceridae Mystacides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 309 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 31 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case long and slender; made of plant and mineral pieces with twigs or conifer needles extending beyond one end. Cases can be made of diatoms or mineral pieces entirely. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "FPOM, vascular plant tissue, ostracods." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1179 Nectopsyche paludicola Leptoceridae Nectopsyche New species of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/27/2004 1 1 1 Streams that drain Juncus marshes Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1535 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Cases elongate, tapered, usually made of fine sand or a combination of sand and plant pieces." Tracheal gills Tracheal gills All species except N. albida have gills. Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments "Females favor sunny, open conditions where current is flowing but where surface is calm; oviposit adjacent to shoreline if these areas are free of overhanging branches. Eggs deposited in uniform macrohabitat with sandy substrate." Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 1536 Nectopsyche spiloma Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown 1 Case made of plant pieces arranged randomly; plant stems positioned longitudinally with respect to case; tapers posteriorly. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1537 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown 1 Case made of small sand grains and few plant stems placed longitudinally; tapers posteriorly. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1538 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Unknown 1 Case made of small sand grains and few plant stems placed longitudinally; tapers posteriorly. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference Clear water 1539 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 "Case made of fragments of dark plant sheaths; lateral borders uneven; flattened dorsoventrally, not tapered." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1540 Nectopsyche gracilis Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 1 1499 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown 1 Case made of sand and plant fragments arranged randomly; sometimes with longitudinal plant stems; tapers posteriorly. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes "Females prefer swarming over water that has a flat surface (still or flowing); oviposit in sunny, open areas of the water" Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Usually associated with sandy substrate; also like exposed grass and Salix rootlets that protrude through river banks. Will also inhabit submerged branches of fallen trees along shore, and on leeside of small rocks where pockets of sand have accumulated. Can also be found in quiet pools feeding in floating algal mats." 1 1 1 Favorite habitat is under banks undercut by erosion during seasonal floods 1 Unknown Pupation lasts three weeks; overwinter as adults. No Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16.5 32 1541 Nectopsyche minuta Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America Great Basin Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Irrigation canals Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Case made entirely of plant fragments with long plant stems attached longitudinally; tapered posteriorly. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Larvae found ""feeding on"" Salix rootlets and Elodea (feeding mode not specifically mentioned)." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 15 19 1542 Nectopsyche dorsalis Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 "Case made mostly of plant fragments arranged randomly; plant stems arranged longitudinally, tapered posteriorly." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 18.5 38.5 1543 Nectopsyche stigmatica Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 1 2400 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown 1 Case made entirely of sand; tapers posteriorly with an anterior dorsal hood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 1544 Nectopsyche lahontanensis Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America Great Basin Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Canals Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 1 Case made mostly of sand with pieces of mollusc shells; also with short plant fragments placed longitudinally. Larger pebbles attached to sides of cases. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1545 Nectopsyche diarina Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown 1 "Case made of sand and/or plant fragments arranged spirally, or entirely of wood; tapers posteriorly." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1546 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The biosystematics of the caddis fly genus Nectopsyche in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 "Case made mostly of sand with some plant fragments; tapers posteriorly, with dorsal anterior hood" Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Pupation lasts two weeks. Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2447 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2728 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Portable case with trailing twigs to act as rudders. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2756 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Omnivorous 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3458 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of various materials, often with projecting stick." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5588 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5589 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5590 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5591 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, Rockcastle" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5937 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5938 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5939 Nectopsyche diarina Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5940 Nectopsyche lahontanensis Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6199 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6200 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6201 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7083 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7742 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 1 "Case long, slender of mineral and veg pieces, may have long balance sticks" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Predator/Engulfer, Herbivore" Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8034 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1977 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8035 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8418 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8419 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8420 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8421 Nectopsyche spiloma Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8634 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8635 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8636 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8756 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8757 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Ohio Ashtabula 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9171 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9172 Nectopsyche diarina Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9173 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9174 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9747 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9748 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9984 Nectopsyche albida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11118 Nectopsyche lahontanensis Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11634 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer sometimes detritivores Unknown Unknown 11635 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11683 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11684 Nectopsyche diarina Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11685 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11686 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11843 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12002 Nectopsyche stigmatica Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 12117 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13205 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 13445 Nectopsyche spp. Leptoceridae Nectopsyche "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Long hairs on hind legs aid swimming. Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13461 Nectopsyche candida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13462 Nectopsyche exquisita Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-June-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13463 Nectopsyche pavida Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13485 Nectopsyche diarina Leptoceridae Nectopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 310 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of small rocks, bark, or leaves; some with stemps and twigs." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1498 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Reservoirs, blackwater streams" Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown 1 "Cases constructed out of sand, rock, and vegetation such as stemps, twigs, or roots. Some arranged spirally; others dorsoventrally flattened with large ballast stones attached to sides. Often cases are tapered and curved (especially in early instars)." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1499 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Large lake Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of stems, roots, or twigs placed transversely; has an angled appearance; sometimes with large, flat, quadrate pieces of vegetation. Tapered but not curved. Log-cabin cases may aid in camouflage in vegetation." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 "Found most often in vegetation (Hydrilla, Myriophyllum, Panicum, Potamogeton)" 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Multiple cohorts with a constant cycle of generations. Non-seasonal Unknown 1500 Oecetis georgia Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of bits of stems, roots, or twigs placed transversely; tapered and curved. Log-cabin style camouflages case in woody debris." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 "Sometimes found in macrophytes, but usually found in submerged root mats, logs, sticks, and other woody debris on the stream bottom." 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 1501 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of bits of stems, roots, or twigs placed transversely; tapered and curved. Log-cabin style camouflages case in woody debris." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 "Found most often in submerged root mats and woody debris, but also at the base of macrophytes such as water willow." 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 1502 Oecetis eddlestoni Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular; made of sand grains, slightly dorsoventrally compressed with some large sand grains on lateral margins; slightly tapered and curved." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1503 Oecetis morsei Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Blackwater streams Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular and made of sand; tapered and curved, especially in early instars." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 1 Lives on submerged root mats or in macrophytes. 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1504 Oecetis ouachita Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Arkansas Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular and made of sand; tapered and curved, especially in early instars." Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1505 Oecetis ozarkiensis Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Missouri Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1506 Oecetis scala Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Alabama Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1507 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular and made of sand; tapered and curved, especially in early instars." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Inhabit root mats of macrophytes and woody debris. Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown Clear water 1508 Oecetis arizonica Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Desert Southwest Mrci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1999 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of plants and detritus combined with sand grains; tapered in early instars. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1509 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reservoirs Tubular Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1510 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Reservoirs Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 1 "Case made of sand grains, with larger ballast stones attached on sides; tapered and slightly curved." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 "In lentic environments, larvae found on undersides of large rocks, cobble, or sticks. In lotic environments, found in gravel or sand, sometimes at the base of aquatic vegetation such as water willow." 1 Unknown Unknown 1511 Oecetis porteri Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains; smooth, tubular, slightly curved, tapered." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Found only in sandy-bottomed natural lakes and ponds; collected mostly from bases of emergent grasses; also found attached to sumberged portions of floating aquatic vetegation (cow lily). 1 Unknown Unknown 1512 Oecetis sp. A Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Blackwater stream Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of wood and detritus or sand; slightly tapered and curved. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Found attached to logs. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1513 Oecetis sp. E Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America South Carolina Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of wood and detritus or sand; slightly tapered and curved. Or, composed of spirally arranged pieces of vegetation." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Found among emergent grasses. 1 Unknown Unknown 1514 Oecetis sp. F Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains; tubular, slightly curved, tapered." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1515 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Minnesota Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Reservoirs Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slightly tapered and made of sand grains; smooth or rough, often curved, fragile." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Found on solid or slightly silted lentic bottoms. 1 Unknown Unknown 1516 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tubular, made of sand grains, tapered, slightly curved, smooth exterior." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1517 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Blackwater streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand with rough exterior, curved in instars." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year May be bivoltine. Unknown 1 1 No preference 1518 Oecetis disjuncta Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream 2700 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand with rough exterior, curved in instars." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae. No 1519 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Large lake Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case smooth, made of sand grains. Tapered and curved in early instars." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Clinger 1 1 1 Found clinging to submerged grasses and water primrose. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1520 Oecetis daytona Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1521 Oecetis parva Leptoceridae Oecetis Larvae of the caddisfly genus Oecetis in North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of many components, including short transverse segments of vegetation arranged spirally, long, sharp, linear plant pieces placed irregularly, flt, quadrate, plant pieces, or mixtures of all three." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Found in milfoil. 1 Unknown Unknown 1522 Oecetis eddlestoni Leptoceridae Oecetis Nearctic Oecetis scala group with the description of two new species from the interior highlands In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1523 Oecetis morsei Leptoceridae Oecetis Nearctic Oecetis scala group with the description of two new species from the interior highlands "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1524 Oecetis ouachita Leptoceridae Oecetis Nearctic Oecetis scala group with the description of two new species from the interior highlands Arkansas Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1525 Oecetis ozarkiensis Leptoceridae Oecetis Nearctic Oecetis scala group with the description of two new species from the interior highlands OZARKS Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1526 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis Nearctic Oecetis scala group with the description of two new species from the interior highlands "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1832 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1833 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1834 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1835 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1836 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1837 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2448 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2449 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2450 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2451 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2452 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2453 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2454 Oecetis scala Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2455 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2757 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3457 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5593 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5594 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5595 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5596 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5597 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5598 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5635 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5813 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5814 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5815 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5941 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5942 Oecetis disjuncta Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5943 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5944 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5945 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6007 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6008 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6202 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6203 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6204 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7084 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Alberta Unknown 7085 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Alberta. Univoltine? in British Columbia Unknown 7743 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Shredder "Engulfer, Herbivore" Clinger Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7884 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7885 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7886 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7887 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7888 Oecetis morsei Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7889 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7890 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7891 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7892 Oecetis scala Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7893 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8036 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8037 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8038 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8039 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8040 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8041 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8281 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June10-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8282 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 7-Sept 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8283 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 13-26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8284 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Sept 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8285 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8286 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 13-17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8287 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8637 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8638 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8639 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8640 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8641 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8642 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8643 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8644 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Bradley chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8699 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis "Two new species of Oecetis occuring in eastern North America (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae)." In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8700 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Max. number of final instar found in June/July; pupae mid-June-late Aug. Most emergence in shallow water during early Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Stages from in all mth. Prolonged hatching period. Unknown 8758 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8759 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8760 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8761 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8762 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8763 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8874 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 28-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8875 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Sept 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8876 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 27-Sept 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8877 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15-Sept 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8878 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8879 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 3-Sept 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8880 Oecetis scala Leptoceridae Oecetis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 18-Aug 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8960 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 20-Aug 5, 1951-52 and June 29-Aug 1, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8961 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11-Sept 9, 1951-52 and June 8-Aug 31, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8980 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis "Two new species of Oecetis occuring in eastern North America (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae)." Mid-Midwest chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9162 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9163 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9164 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9165 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9166 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9167 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9168 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9169 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9316 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9317 Oecetis immobilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9318 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9749 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9750 Oecetis georgia Leptoceridae Oecetis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9751 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9752 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9753 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9772 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9777 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9778 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9786 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females were caught in light traps than males Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9807 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9810 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9814 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9815 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Erie 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9816 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Erie 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9888 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9889 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9890 Oecetis eddlestoni Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9891 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9892 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Garland RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9909 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9985 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9986 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10194 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Florida RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10249 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10250 Oecetis disjuncta Leptoceridae Oecetis The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10308 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Twice as many females collected as were males Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10309 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown More than twice as many males collected as were females Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10310 Oecetis eddlestoni Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown More than eleven times as many females collected as were males Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10311 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10312 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/1/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown More females than males were collected. Emergence data showed two peaks. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10313 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/1/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown More females than males were collected. Emergence data showed two peaks. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11045 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11046 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11047 Oecetis ochracea Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11048 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11119 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11636 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Lawrence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11637 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11687 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11688 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11689 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11691 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11692 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11693 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11844 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11845 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11846 Oecetis eddlestoni Leptoceridae Oecetis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11847 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12118 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13206 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Predator Unknown Unknown 13443 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown 13448 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To depths of 9m. Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13464 Oecetis avara Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in July-Mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13465 Oecetis cinerascens Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-April-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13466 Oecetis daytona Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in early July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13467 Oecetis ditissa Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-Apr-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13468 Oecetis georgia Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-Apr-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13469 Oecetis inconspicua Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-Mar-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13470 Oecetis nocturna Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late Apr-early Nov Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13471 Oecetis osteni Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-mid Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13472 Oecetis persimilis Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13473 Oecetis scala Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in early May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13474 Oecetis sphyra Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in June-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13482 Oecetis spp. Leptoceridae Oecetis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Max depth of 20cm in substrate Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 311 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of rock fragments; slightly curved by not tapered. Openings at each end similar and not closed with rocks or silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous (fine particles, vascular plant fragments, arthropods)" Burrower Burrow into sand. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1532 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes The caddisfly genus Setodes in North America (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1533 Setodes arenatus Leptoceridae Setodes The caddisfly genus Setodes in North America (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1534 Setodes dixiensis Leptoceridae Setodes The caddisfly genus Setodes in North America (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2738 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Case used to capture prey - untapered and open at both ends. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Ambushes prey by burying its case into substrate, leaving the open end of the case just at the substrate surface." Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3462 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5599 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6120 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Two species of Trichoptera from Tennessee. Tennessee RAT 11/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7677 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes The larva and pupa of the caddisfly genus Setodes in North America. South Carolina Oconee chm 1/10/2005 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Sand case with posterior end open. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Algae Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7744 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case curved, stout or slender, mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Engulfer Sprawler Clinger Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7819 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes The larva and pupa of the caddisfly genus Setodes in North America. Michigan chm 1/10/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7894 Setodes dixiensis Leptoceridae Setodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May-June, Sept-Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7895 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8043 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8288 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 23-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8290 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8645 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Davidson chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8646 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Bell chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8764 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8888 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 5-Aug 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8968 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 15, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9156 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9820 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntingdon 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9910 Setodes oxapius Leptoceridae Setodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11049 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11050 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11848 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13446 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13475 Setodes incertus Leptoceridae Setodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13476 Setodes spp. Leptoceridae Setodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late June-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 312 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases slender and tapered, made of plant pieces connected spirally. Plant pieces include leaves, roots." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Living plant material. 1 1 1 1 Also in submerged root mats. 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 31 Tolerate high temperatures - 28 to 31 C. 1838 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2456 Triaenodes cumberlandensis Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2457 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2458 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2459 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2460 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2461 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2760 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Make cases from green plant material. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume green plants. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Swim within floating macrophytes such as Ceratophyllum. Unknown Unknown 3460 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of spirally arranged bits of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Mostly omnivorous. Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5600 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5601 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, Breathitt" JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5602 Triaenodes melaca Leptoceridae Triaenodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5603 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5726 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5816 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5946 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5947 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6205 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6206 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7745 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case long, tapered of spirally arranged leaf and stem fragments" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7896 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7897 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May-June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7898 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7899 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7900 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Perry 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8042 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8044 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8045 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8046 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8289 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8291 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8292 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8293 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8294 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 10-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8647 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Bell chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8648 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Obion chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8649 Triaenodes cumberlandensis Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8650 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8651 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8652 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8653 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8765 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8766 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Sept 1976 and July 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8767 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8881 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8882 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8883 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 20-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8884 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 4-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8885 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8962 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 13, 1952" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8963 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11, 1951 and July 18-Aug 7, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8964 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11, 1951 and June 17-Aug 11, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8965 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 25-Aug 15, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9157 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9158 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9159 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9160 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9161 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9319 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Beaverhead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9320 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9321 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Granite 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9754 Triaenodes helo Leptoceridae Triaenodes "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9755 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9756 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9781 Triaenodes melaca Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light traps Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9808 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown An even number of males and females were collected from light traps Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9817 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Erie 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9818 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntingdon 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9905 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9911 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9912 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9913 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9914 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9915 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9916 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9917 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9981 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10006 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Lemhi RAT 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10282 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes New Caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the southeastern United States. South Carolina Pickens RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10315 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10316 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10333 Triaenodes cumberlandensis Leptoceridae Triaenodes New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee Cumberland RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11051 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11052 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11155 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11216 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11694 Triaenodes melaca Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11695 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11696 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13207 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13444 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Long hairs on hind legs aid swimming. Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 13447 Triaenodes cumberlandensis Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13451 Triaenodes marginatus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13452 Triaenodes tardus Leptoceridae Triaenodes "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13477 Triaenodes spp. Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in May-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13478 Triaenodes ignitus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in mid-May-mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13479 Triaenodes injustus Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in Oct Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13480 Triaenodes perna Leptoceridae Triaenodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Emerge in late Mar-mid Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 313 Ylodes spp. Leptoceridae Ylodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Long slender case made of spiraling plant material (leaves or bark). Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Sumberged root mats of riparian plants. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7086 Ylodes frontalis Leptoceridae Ylodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Alberta. Unknown 7746 Ylodes spp. Leptoceridae Ylodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case long, tapered, of spirally arranged leaf and stem fragments" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Swimmer Climber Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3427 Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown "Mostly omnivorous, with the exception of the carnivorous Oecetis." Swimmer Have fringes of setae on legs that allow them to swim. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6754 Leptoceridae Leptoceridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11749 Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13275 Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 1 "To emerge, pupae break case and actively swim to surface, shed skin, and adult climbs from water onto stone to dry wings." Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Predator. Feed on living plant tissue and detritus. 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown 1 Generation per year 5 larval instar stages. Prepupae overwinters. 1 Unknown 450 Asioplax numinuh Leptohyphidae Asioplax "Asioplax numinuh, a new species of Ephemeroptera (Leptohyphidae) from Texas and Mexico" Texas Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Gut contents consisted of fine mineral debris, with filamentous algae, diatoms, and detritus." 1 1 1 "Found on surface of large, relatively flat-topped cobble with heavy periphyton and silt cover." 1 Unknown Unknown 412 Leptohyphes dolani Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 413 Leptohyphes robacki Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 414 Leptohyphes apache Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 415 Leptohyphes mirus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 416 Leptohyphes mirus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 417 Leptohyphes packeri Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 418 Leptohyphes musseri Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 419 Leptohyphes castaneus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 420 Leptohyphes murdocki Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 421 Leptohyphes nanus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 448 Leptohyphes vescus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes "Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Concho River, Texas" Texas May 1979 - March 1981 Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown 1 Always found in very shallow water flowing over marble-sized gravel substrate. 1 Unknown Unknown 449 Leptohyphes packeri Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes "Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Concho River, Texas" Texas May 1979 - March 1981 Marci Koski 5/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown 1 Always found in very shallow water flowing over marble-sized gravel substrate. 1 Unknown Unknown 462 Leptohyphes apache Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species Desert Southwest Marci Koski 6/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 464 Leptohyphes spp. Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 465 Leptohyphes apache Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 466 Leptohyphes castaneus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 467 Leptohyphes dolani Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 468 Leptohyphes mirus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 469 Leptohyphes murdocki Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 470 Leptohyphes nanus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 471 Leptohyphes packeri Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 472 Leptohyphes robacki Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 473 Leptohyphes vescus Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2712 Leptohyphes tarsos Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes Mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico Desert Southwest Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5698 Leptohyphes spp. Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7263 Leptohyphes spp. Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Utah In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12314 Leptohyphes spp. Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12524 Leptohyphes dolani Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 Unknown Nymph collected late Aug-late Oct. Unknown 12525 Leptohyphes robacki Leptohyphidae Leptohyphes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 Unknown Nymph collected mid-June. Unknown 46 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 Canals 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 12.2 24.4 Silted/murky water 422 Tricorythodes edmundsi Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 423 Tricorythodes condylus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 424 Tricorythodes dimorphus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 425 Tricorythodes cristatus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes New species of New World Leptohyphinae (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/19/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 451 Tricorythodes dimorphus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes A new species of Tricorythodes with notes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 5/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 452 Tricorythodes edmundsi Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes A new species of Tricorythodes with notes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) Desert Southwest Marci Koski 5/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 460 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes "Mayflies of the southwest: new species, descriptions, and records (Ephemeroptera)" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 474 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Effect of temperature on the hatching time of Tricorythodes minutus (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae) Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 1 Months Eggs at 23 C hatched in 36 day Unknown 3023 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Growth rates of mayflies in a subtropical river and their implications for secondary production Georgia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 8/31/2004 1 1 blackwater river Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2.9 32 3077 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3246 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "1-2 generations per year, with much overlapping." Unknown 5680 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5999 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Observations of the biology of Tricorythodes atratus McDunnough Minnesota Clearwater County summers of 1969 and 1971 RAT 11/9/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 emrgence occurs in the evening and in the early morning Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating Females oviposite directly into water and eggs subsequently sink and adhere to benthic substrate Yes Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 100 eggs 1 eggs 0.22mm wide and 0.25 long Yes 6863 Tricorythodes dimorphus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arizona chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 18+/yr based on larval growth rate obtained from in situ measurements. Unknown 6864 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7229 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Males emerge after dusk. Females emerge few hours before dawn. Mating swarms from early full sunlight until near noon. Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 7262 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9525 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Taxonomy. Idaho chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on diatom and detritus. Unknown Unknown 9565 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10810 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 11063 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11401 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11596 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Polk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11879 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11992 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12087 Tricorythodes minutus Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12294 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12526 Tricorythodes spp. Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge late summer. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7285 Leptohyphidae Leptohyphidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10-14 days Unknown 458 Choroterpes inornata Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes "Mayflies of the southwest: new species, descriptions, and records (Ephemeroptera)" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 593 Choroterpes albiannulata Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes New larval descriptions and comparisons of North American Choroterpes In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 595 Choroterpes fusca Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes New larval descriptions and comparisons of North American Choroterpes Michigan Marquette Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 605 Choroterpes basalis Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 639 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Taxonomy of the eastern nearctic species of Choroterpes Eaton In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 648 Choroterpes inornata Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes "New records of Ephemeroptera in Utah, with notes on biogeography" Utah Capitol Reef Nat Pk Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3250 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5692 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Yes Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) Herbivorous 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 6 - 12 months Unknown 7270 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10936 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12082 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12288 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12527 Choroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12533 Choroterpes basalis Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adults abundant mid-July in NY. Emerge late July to early Sept in MI. Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Subimago ~12hrs. Unknown 12534 Choroterpes hubbelli Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Peak emergence spring-early summer. Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymph 6-8mths. Subimago 8-10hrs. Hours Adult 15-24hrs. Unknown 590 Farrodes texanus Leptophlebiidae Farrodes A new species of Farrodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Southern Texas Texas Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 24 177 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Subimagos emerged at dusk and molted at sunrise. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore; gathers decaying FPOM. 1 1 1 Found on underside of cobblestones that support small growths of periphytic algae. 1 1 "Typically occur in shallow ater near stream banks, along edges of riffles where current velocity is reduced. Can occur in riffles in swift current when other leptophlebiids were absent." 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 21.9 30 Clear water 7271 Farrodes texanus Leptophlebiidae Farrodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Sprawler Unknown Unknown 591 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia Life history and production of the stream-dwelling mayfly Habrophlebia vibrans Needham "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 46º 0' N 74º 0' W 1978 - 1983 Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Has highly synchronous emergence. Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Strong (active / often) Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle; nymphs live 23 months. Fast seasonal 702 days (23 months) 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks "Hatching synchronous, 17-21 d." Unknown 9 17 607 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Adults emerge over a 13-17 week period (season not provided) Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 1974 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Strong (active / often) Unknown < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 1 1 0 27 5660 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7226 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Ontario to North Carolina. Unknown 12309 Habrophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12528 Habrophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12535 Habrophlebia vibrans Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Emerge late April to late Aug Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 608 Habrophlebiodes americana Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 610 Habrophlebiodes celeteria Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2866 Habrophlebiodes americana Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3251 Habrophlebiodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5439 Habrophlebiodes americana Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Greene, Cocke" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5661 Habrophlebiodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown 1 Yes Unknown Spring Summer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7272 Habrophlebiodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9549 Habrophlebiodes americana Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12289 Habrophlebiodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12529 Habrophlebiodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12536 Habrophlebiodes americana Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge late Apr to early Oct; peak early May to mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12537 Habrophlebiodes brunneipennis Leptophlebiidae Habrophlebiodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Emerge in May Yes Yes Spring Spring Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 6-8mths/life cycle. Subimageo 12-14 hrs. Hours Adult live ~1day. Unknown 34 Leptophlebia gravastella Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) """Warmer""" Silted/murky water 611 Leptophlebia bradleyi Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/12/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 614 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivores - somewhat ambiguous as to what feeding mode in particular they use. 1 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 615 Leptophlebia bradleyi Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Emergence begins on warm days (air temp: 4-10 C) when areas of open water appear. Areas may refreeze at night. Unknown Yes Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 "In early fall, found in streams adjacent to adults' emergence sites; later, found in mats of filamentous algae in littoral zones of ponds from which adults had emerged." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 616 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 617 Leptophlebia intermedia Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "No swarming occurs - emerging subimagos immediately fly away and alight on vegetation in nearby woodlands until they complete their final molt, at which time they fly in any direction." Unknown No Unknown 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 618 Leptophlebia johnsoni Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Unknown 1 1 Prefers sedges. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 619 Leptophlebia konza Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America Kansas Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Feeds on microbially-conditioned leaf surfaces. 1 Unknown Unknown 620 Leptophlebia nebulosa Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Floodplain pools Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 621 Leptophlebia pacifica Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A revision of the genus Leptophlebia Westwood in North America Oregon Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 658 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1767 3224 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1971 Leptophlebia intermedia Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Leptohyphes zalope (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae): a polytypic North and Central American species nkmv 8/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 plant roots 1 undercut banks Unknown Unknown 6 26 1975 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Seasonal dynamics of a mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) community in a Laurentian stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1978-1982 nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 drifts into backwaters Unknown Yes Spring Unknown Clinger crawler 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Weeks Unknown 1 1 0 27 2002 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Movements of the gills of ephemerid nymhs in relation to the water currents produced by them nkmv 8/20/2004 Unknown can beat gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2857 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 climbs partially out of water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2867 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3086 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3087 Leptophlebia nebulosa Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown non-burrowing 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3248 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Move from streams to vernal pools from which subimagos emerge. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5437 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Hawkins, Greene" JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5699 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year Unknown 6144 Leptophlebia nebulosa Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia "Some factors effecting algal consumption in SubarcticEphemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 62 35' 155 10' June 1975 to June 1976 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer fed on filamentous algae and diatoms 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7273 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7608 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pennsylvania chm 1/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit 2 days after emergence, mid May-early July. Releases a few eggs at a time. Eggs attach after released in water." Yes Unknown "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Weeks ave 2959 eggs. Hatch 10-43 day Unknown 8154 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown "Nymphs move upstream at an average of 10 m ""per hour"" during seasonal migrations between habitats." Unknown Unknown Unknown 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 9550 Leptophlebia nebulosa Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio Ross chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10813 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Mature nymphs migrate to tributaries in April as ice comes off Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 11587 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11887 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12266 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Nymphs migrates upstream out of the water along the bank. Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Yes Unknown 12446 Leptophlebia johnsoni Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Emerge late April. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Subimago live 24-51hrs. Unknown 12530 Leptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown Unknown 12538 Leptophlebia cupida Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown "Emerge mid-late Mar. In Canada, emerge in May and June. Nymph migrate upstream along shoreline to marshes." Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Female adults flys back to mainstream to oviposit. Unknown 1 1 1 Move from riffle to pool as nymph mature. Strong (active / often) Yes 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Southern Canada. Unknown 12539 Leptophlebia intermedia Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown 1 Emerge Mar-Apr. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Subimage live 18-24hrs. Days Male lives 30-40hrs; female lives 80-90hrs. Unknown 622 Neochoroterpes kossi Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes A revision of Neochoroterpes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) new status Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 623 Neochoroterpes oklahoma Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes A revision of Neochoroterpes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) new status In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 624 Neochoroterpes nanita Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes A revision of Neochoroterpes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) new status Texas Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Subimagos emerge in the evenings, and mating flights occur in midmorning along stream margins. No famale imagos have ever been collected or reared; females may have no imago stage." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 "Found on stones along shores, and also in quiet backwater pools." Unknown Unknown 627 Neochoroterpes oklahoma Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes "Neochoroterpes, a new subgenus of Choroterpes Eaton from North America" Texas Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 628 Neochoroterpes nanita Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes "Neochoroterpes, a new subgenus of Choroterpes Eaton from North America" Texas Uvalde Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 629 Neochoroterpes kossi Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes "Neochoroterpes, a new subgenus of Choroterpes Eaton from North America" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 630 Neochoroterpes oklahoma Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes Life cycle and production of the mayfly Choroterpes (Neochoroterpes) mexicanus Allen Texas 1971 - 1973 Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Unknown 1 "Subimagos emerge under water and floats up on the last nymphal exuvium, using it as a raft." Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Oviposition occurred within 12 hours of emergence; female lays eggs in flat flowing water about 2 m deep above riffles. No Days Consumes algae. 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown "Multi-voltine with much brood overlap. Three generations: one overwintering generation, and two summer generations." Non-seasonal Hours Less than 24 hours from emergence to death. 1 Weeks Hatch in 13-15 days at 25 C Unknown No strong preference 7 33 1982 Neochoroterpes orientalis Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes A revision of Neochoroterpes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) new status Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7274 Neochoroterpes spp. Leptophlebiidae Neochoroterpes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 35 Paraleptophlebia bicornuta Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 914 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 36 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 914 2133 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Mature nymphs found in pools 1 Unknown Unknown 37 Paraleptophlebia falcula Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 914 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 38 Paraleptophlebia heteronea Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7.2 20.6 39 Paraleptophlebia judianna Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 40 Paraleptophlebia memorialis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 5.6 11.1 41 Paraleptophlebia vaciva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 459 Paraleptophlebia memorialis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Mayflies of the southwest: new species, descriptions, and records (Ephemeroptera)" Desert Southwest Marci Koski 6/1/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 496 Paraleptophlebia gregalis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 544 Paraleptophlebia guttata Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Mating flight takes place in bright sunlight. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Found in shallow water along edges of streams. Unknown Unknown 577 Paraleptophlebia aquilina Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage Oregon Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 488 881 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Emergence period short. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 12 579 Paraleptophlebia bicornuta Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Adults swarm in late afternoon and early evening. Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 580 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Mating flights begin at sunset. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Feeds on detritus. 1 1 Moves to pools before emergence. Unknown Unknown 581 Paraleptophlebia heteronea Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Shredder Detritus 1 Unknown Unknown 582 Paraleptophlebia memorialis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/9/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Shredder Detritus. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 584 Paraleptophlebia moerens Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/9/2004 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Herbivorous 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 585 Paraleptophlebia temporalis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Prefer riffle areas when young - move to slower water as they grow. Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 586 Paraleptophlebia vaciva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic specis of Paraleptophlebia Lestage Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 587 Paraleptophlebia calcarica Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia First larval description of Paraleptophlebia calcarica Arkansas Logan Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 612 Paraleptophlebia guttata Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The mayfly family Leptophlebiidae in the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 631 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Paraleptophlebia calcarica, n. sp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Western Arkansas" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 632 Paraleptophlebia calcarica Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Paraleptophlebia calcarica, n. sp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Western Arkansas" Arkansas Logan Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 634 Paraleptophlebia assimilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia First larval descriptions of two species of Paraleptophlebia Maryland Baltimore Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 635 Paraleptophlebia jeanae Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia First larval descriptions of two species of Paraleptophlebia Indiana Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 878 Paraleptophlebia bicornuta Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte Rocky Mountains nkmv 6/16/2004 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower in interstices 1 1 1 interstices 1 Unknown Unknown 879 Paraleptophlebia packi Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte Utah Rocky Mountains nkmv 6/16/2004 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower in interstices between boulders and silt 1 areas between silt deposites and boulders 1 Unknown Unknown 1980 Paraleptophlebia adoptiva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An early season mayfly Michigan nkmv 8/16/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Yes Spring Spring Free-floating "lay eggs over riffles, eggs sticky and attach to stones and debris" Yes "algae, diatoms, and plant tissue" 1 1 1 Unknown Days Weeks Unknown 1981 Paraleptophlebia jeanae Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia A new species of Paraleptophlebia from the southeast (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" nkmv 8/16/2004 1 1 sand bottomed creek Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 2850 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia New western Ephemeroptera California nkmv 8/26/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2860 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 climbs completely out of water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2864 Paraleptophlebia moerens Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania Erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown correlated with water temperature differences across years Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2865 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown short emergence period Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 2870 Paraleptophlebia strigula Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Emergence of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from streams of Erie Co., PA" Pennsylvania erie 1989-1990 nkmv 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1 20 3020 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characteristics only Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 1930-1932 nkmv 8/31/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3036 Paraleptophlebia adoptiva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3037 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3038 Paraleptophlebia mollis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3040 Paraleptophlebia praepedita Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3249 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5345 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Drift of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two Colorado Rivers Colorado JBM 10/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 5438 Paraleptophlebia guttata Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Greene JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5664 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Yes Unknown Spring Summer Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 6-12 months Unknown 7225 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7275 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Detritivore Swimmer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9551 Paraleptophlebia moerens Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9552 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10807 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 10916 Paraleptophlebia heteronea Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Mayfly production in a Colorado mountain stream: an assessment Colorado Larimer 40 40' N 105 30' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 1765 1804 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 11087 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11296 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11360 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11367 Paraleptophlebia adoptiva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11432 Paraleptophlebia heteronea Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11588 Paraleptophlebia mollis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Forest RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11888 Paraleptophlebia mollis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11889 Paraleptophlebia praepedita Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11987 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12055 Paraleptophlebia heteronea Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12083 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12171 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 12268 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12447 Paraleptophlebia guttata Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge early June-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12448 Paraleptophlebia adoptiva Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge May to early July; peak in first 3 wks of May. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12449 Paraleptophlebia debilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge July-Oct; peak in Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12450 Paraleptophlebia mollis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge June-Aug; peark early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 12451 Paraleptophlebia moerens Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge late Apr-mid-June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12452 Paraleptophlebia assimilis Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge Apr-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12453 Paraleptophlebia jeanae Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Emerge Apr Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12531 Paraleptophlebia spp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 613 Thraulodes speciosus Leptophlebiidae Thraulodes Nymph of Thraulodes speciosus Traver with notes on a symbiotic chironomid Arizona Cochise Summers 1959 - 1960 Marci Koski 7/12/2004 1 1645 2742 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills """Symbiotic"" chironomids sometimes attach to nymph gills, preventing full growth of gills (not sure how that's symbiotic!)." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2999 Thraulodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Thraulodes A revision of the genus Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) Desert Southwest nkmv 8/31/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5678 Thraulodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Thraulodes A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 7276 Thraulodes spp. Leptophlebiidae Thraulodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 42 Traverella albertana Leptophlebiidae Traverella The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1524 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Found on undersides of rocks but river bottom was always sandy 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 19 20 588 Traverella albertana Leptophlebiidae Traverella A new genus of mayflies from Western North America (Leptophlebiinae) Utah Daggett Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Adults swarmed in mid-morning. Unknown Yes Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 18.9 20 Silted/murky water 589 Traverella presidiana Leptophlebiidae Traverella A new genus of mayflies from Western North America (Leptophlebiinae) Utah Daggett Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 636 Traverella albertana Leptophlebiidae Traverella Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs. I. Traverella in North and Central America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 823 1828 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cling to the undersides of rocks in areas of maximum streamflow. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 19.4 27.8 637 Traverella lewisi Leptophlebiidae Traverella Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs. I. Traverella in North and Central America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 638 Traverella presidiana Leptophlebiidae Traverella Generic revisions of mayfly nymphs. I. Traverella in North and Central America Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/13/2004 1 0 457 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 21.1 23.9 5679 Traverella albertana Leptophlebiidae Traverella A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7277 Traverella spp. Leptophlebiidae Traverella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12269 Traverella spp. Leptophlebiidae Traverella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Detritivore. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12315 Traverella spp. Leptophlebiidae Traverella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana Mid-Midwest chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12455 Traverella lewisi Leptophlebiidae Traverella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12532 Traverella spp. Leptophlebiidae Traverella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Collector-filterer, scraper." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3247 Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 11290 Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 229 Archilestes californica Lestidae Archilestes Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) also in wet wood Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1-10 m Unknown Unknown 230 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 1 empoundments Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) also in wet wood Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1-10 m Unknown Unknown 2888 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3281 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 7793 Archilestes spp. Lestidae Archilestes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7801 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oklahoma chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit mid June-late July. On branches and petioles up to 13m above water. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in NC. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 70-180 eggs. Hatch 15 days. No 12689 Archilestes spp. Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12762 Archilestes spp. Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Neither sex exhibit courtship behavior. Oviposition site selected by pairs in tandem. Oviposition lasted 58min. Oviposit in plants (sycamore petioles,Salix willow, Ulmus elm) 2-13m above water." Unknown Days Unknown Unknown 12763 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-Aug-mid-Sept. Adults in piedmont area from late July-Nov. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposition site selected by pairs in tandem. Oviposition lasted 1hr in tandem and female continued along for 31min. Unknown Days Unknown Fast seasonal Overwinter as egg? or nymph. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 149+eggs/female. Hatch 15-16d. Unknown 12764 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Ohio chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight late Sept -mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12765 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12766 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight early Aug-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12767 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight early Aug-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12768 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oklahoma chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months Males live 25-51 days. Unknown 12769 Archilestes grandis Lestidae Archilestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults observed June 4 and Oct 20. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 231 Lestes inaequalis Lestidae Lestes Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/9/2004 1 1 1 lentic habitats in lowflow streams Large (length > 16 mm) 52 Bluff (blocky) No Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 m Unknown Unknown 1 1 2889 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes "A preliminary checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on distribution and seasonality" Virginia nkmv 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 3277 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Caudal lamellae 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Endophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly in plant tissue above, at, or below the water's surface." No Predator Clinger Swimmer 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 1 1 7794 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12691 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12770 Lestes eurinus Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Emerge May 1 - June 24 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit by incisiion in bulrush Sparganium americanum leaves. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 13-17instar stages. Nymph devel 9mths; overwinters Weeks Hatch in 45 days Unknown 12771 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/23/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit in spick rush Eleocharis macrostachya. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12772 Lestes spp. Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Emerge late June-early Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12773 Lestes eurinus Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight mid-May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12774 Lestes inaequalis Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight early June-mid July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12775 Lestes inaequalis Lestidae Lestes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/23/2005 Unknown Adults in flight early May-early June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7231 Lestidae Lestidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 164 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2155 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3783 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3798 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4363 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1350 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4494 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Summer Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4840 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5480 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6701 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 Spring outflows Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10146 Despaxia augusta Leuctridae Despaxia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 762 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 165 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown No 166 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder 1 Found in open gravel associated with infiltered FPOM 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Months No 723 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 749 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2109 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Confirmed records of Leuctra variabilis and Alloperla usa in Maryland Maryland JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2186 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Studies on the Plecoptera of North America, II" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2187 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Descriptions of the female, nymph, and variation in male character of the stonefly Leuctra szczytkoi" JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 1 21 46 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2188 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New species of North American Plecoptera. Canadian Entomologist 55:257-292. In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2204 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Records and descriptions of North American Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 1006 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2208 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Leuctra szczytkoi, a new stonefly from Louisiana (Plecoptera: Leuctridae)." Louisiana Jackson JBM 8/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2209 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra The Leuctridae of Eastern Canada JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2210 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The Leuctridae of Eastern Canada JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2213 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Four new species of stoneflies in North America (Plecoptera) Alabama JBM 8/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2214 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Two new species of Leuctra, with notes on the ferruginea group (Plecoptera: Leuctridae)" JBM 8/20/2004 366 1006 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2233 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Hansonoperla appalachia, a new genus and species of Eastern Nearctic Acroneuriini" JBM 8/24/2004 1 570 570 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3642 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3643 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3688 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3698 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Life cycles of Leuctra duplicata and Ostrocerca prolongata in an intermittent streamlet in Quebec Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) "45° 59' 40""" "74° 00' 17""" JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 325 325 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal No 2 13 3736 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3796 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3797 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3802 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3867 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 3998 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3999 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4011 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4025 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4026 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4277 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4278 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4343 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Kentucky Kentucky Jackson "37 32' 18""" "83 54' 42""" JBM 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4438 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4520 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4521 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4637 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 1 15 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4744 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4747 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4748 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4810 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4869 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5062 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5099 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5110 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5132 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5134 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5238 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5410 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5411 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5481 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5482 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5503 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6028 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6061 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 1524 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6702 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9453 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9454 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9455 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9456 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10439 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10440 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10619 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10922 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10923 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11192 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected from tree trunks. Good fliers that probably disperse widely. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11195 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Adults were from rearing Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11235 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). New York RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11236 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). North Carolina RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11237 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11343 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11405 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11425 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore- lots of sand grains found in guts Unknown Unknown 11903 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12162 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12187 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 acidic streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12458 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12947 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Extended emergence period; approx. 4mths. Unknown Unknown Extended oviposition period. Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 yr life cycle. Months Hatch over period of 9 mths. Unknown 12948 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Can emerge yr round with peak mid-summer. Yes Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12949 Leuctra tenuis Leuctridae Leuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12951 Leuctra spp. Leuctridae Leuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Emerge late Nov-mid-Mar. Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6157 Megaleuctra flinti Leuctridae Megaleuctra New Megaleuctra from the eastern United States (Plecoptera:Leuctridae) Virginia RAT 11/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6158 Megaleuctra williamsae Leuctridae Megaleuctra New Megaleuctra from the eastern United States (Plecoptera:Leuctridae) Tennessee RAT 11/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10147 Megaleuctra spectabilis Leuctridae Megaleuctra An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12952 Megaleuctra williamsae Leuctridae Megaleuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 167 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 small seeps Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2156 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1328 1328 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4212 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4841 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1219 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5148 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6703 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10148 Moselia infuscata Leuctridae Moselia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 168 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 774 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 775 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2111 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra New Paraleuctra from the Rocky Mountains (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) Rocky Mountains JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2157 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2158 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2191 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra New California Plecoptera California Marin JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2205 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Systematics of nearctic Paraleuctra with description of a new genus (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2206 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Systematics of nearctic Paraleuctra with description of a new genus (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2207 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Systematics of nearctic Paraleuctra with description of a new genus (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2211 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra The Leuctridae of Eastern Canada JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2212 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Position of ""Leuctra"" divisa Hitchcock within the family Leuctridae (Plecoptera)" California Marin JBM 8/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2215 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra A new Paraleuctra (Plecoptera; Leuctridae) from the Cascade and Coast ranges Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 8/20/2004 1 800 800 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2234 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Hansonoperla appalachia, a new genus and species of Eastern Nearctic Acroneuriini" JBM 8/24/2004 1 570 570 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3640 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3699 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Additions and corrections to a list of Montana stoneflies Rocky Mountains JBM 8/26/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3784 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3785 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3799 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3800 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3801 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3868 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3893 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 3108 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3917 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 960 1050 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3918 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 960 1199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3919 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4027 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4093 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4167 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4211 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4226 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4227 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4228 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4364 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1857 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4365 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4406 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4495 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4496 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4522 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4569 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2398 2398 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4700 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4701 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4749 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4811 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4842 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4843 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4936 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4937 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4989 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5063 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5138 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5237 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5273 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5412 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Tucker, Logan" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6704 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9457 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10149 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 914 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10150 Paraleuctra occidentalis Leuctridae Paraleuctra An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 914 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10151 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10456 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Adults common in riparian vegetation Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "Usually 2 years, but univoltine populations do exist" Fast seasonal Unknown 10865 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10924 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10982 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11728 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12459 Paraleuctra spp. Leuctridae Paraleuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12953 Paraleuctra sara Leuctridae Paraleuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in Mar and Apr. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 169 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 2106 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra The genus Zealeuctra and its position in the family Leuctridae In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2107 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra New Species and descriptions of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Oklahoma Oklahoma JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3737 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3848 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "mesolichtophilous euoxyphilous" Unknown Yes 1 3929 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Yes 4300 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Fast seasonal Yes 4705 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas "Cherokee, Johnson" JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5061 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5109 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown "Nymphs are ""herbivorous""" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5413 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5504 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6705 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes 10509 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Morris RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10670 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10671 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Atoka RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10672 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Choctaw RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10673 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Coal RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10674 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Comanche RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10675 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10676 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Hughes RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10677 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10678 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10679 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Marshall RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10680 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Mayes RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10681 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Murray RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10682 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10683 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10684 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10709 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10729 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10730 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Antoka RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10731 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10732 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10733 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10734 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10735 Zealeuctra warreni Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10738 Zealeuctra cherokee Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10739 Zealeuctra cherokee Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10740 Zealeuctra cherokee Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmantaha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10741 Zealeuctra cherokee Leuctridae Zealeuctra Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10940 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11067 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11179 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Adults were collected from the crevices in tree bark Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12460 Zealeuctra spp. Leuctridae Zealeuctra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 3314 Leuctridae Leuctridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Yes 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7059 Leuctridae Leuctridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Diapause in some spp. Yes 12946 Leuctridae Leuctridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 217 Brachymesia spp. Libellulidae Brachymesia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 7774 Brachymesia spp. Libellulidae Brachymesia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12588 Brachymesia spp. Libellulidae Brachymesia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown "Oviposit by ""quickly dipping abdomen amone submerged vegetation." Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 1 1 12690 Brachymesia spp. Libellulidae Brachymesia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 218 Brechmorhoga spp. Libellulidae Brechmorhoga Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 2928 Brechmorhoga mendax Libellulidae Brechmorhoga Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7775 Brechmorhoga mendax Libellulidae Brechmorhoga An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Desert Southwest chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 49 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/29/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Yes Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 1 6087 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis Dragonfly production and prey turnover. South Carolina May 1970-September 1971 RAT 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7776 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12589 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight season early Apr-late Nov. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit in water by dipping abdomen. Unknown Sprawler 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12590 Celithemis fasciata Libellulidae Celithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge mid-May-early Aug; peak June and July. Emerge on vertical substrate 8-35cm above water. Flight season mid May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 12 nymphal stages and overwinters. Unknown 12591 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults fly yr round. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12692 Celithemis spp. Libellulidae Celithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 51 Crocothemis servilia Libellulidae Crocothemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs Nicole Vieira 3/29/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Yes Unknown Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 213 Dythemis spp. Libellulidae Dythemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 43 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Predator Sprawler larval crawling rates are fast 1 1 1 1 1 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 7777 Dythemis spp. Libellulidae Dythemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12592 Dythemis spp. Libellulidae Dythemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adult collected late June. Flight season June 3-Aug in SC. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12693 Dythemis spp. Libellulidae Dythemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 211 Erythemis collocata Libellulidae Erythemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 41 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 212 Erythemis simplicicollis Libellulidae Erythemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 41 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 2910 Erythemis simplicicollis Libellulidae Erythemis "The Anisoptera of the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina," South Carolina nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 45 "survives in thermal stream, but not preferred" 2938 Erythemis collocata Libellulidae Erythemis Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7778 Erythemis spp. Libellulidae Erythemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12694 Erythemis spp. Libellulidae Erythemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 12933 Erythemis simplicicollis Libellulidae Erythemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season May 1 -Oct 9. Can be yr round in the south. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on protozoans, microcrustaceans, mosquito larvae, amphiposd, myfly nymphs, smaller Erythemis." Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Nymphs ave. 113 days; 13 stages. Can overwinter. < 100 eggs Weeks Hatch 10-16days. Unknown 6085 Ladona deplanata Libellulidae Ladona Dragonfly production and prey turnover. South Carolina May 1970-September 1971 RAT 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12695 Ladona spp. Libellulidae Ladona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12934 Ladona deplanata Libellulidae Ladona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight season late Mar-mid June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year 12 nymphal stages. Hatch mid-May. Unknown 12935 Ladona spp. Libellulidae Ladona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight season late Mar-mid June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12936 Ladona spp. Libellulidae Ladona Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 206 Leucorrhinia spp. Libellulidae Leucorrhinia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2934 Leucorrhinia spp. Libellulidae Leucorrhinia Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Clinger crawlers 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7559 Leucorrhinia spp. Libellulidae Leucorrhinia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7779 Leucorrhinia spp. Libellulidae Leucorrhinia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Diptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Ehemeroptera" Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 202 Libellula axilena Libellulidae Libellula Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 61 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 203 Libellula comanche Libellulidae Libellula Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 204 Libellula incesta Libellulidae Libellula Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 51 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 205 Libellula pulchella Libellulidae Libellula Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown Unknown 1 2911 Libellula incesta Libellulidae Libellula "The Anisoptera of the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina," South Carolina nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 45 "survives in thermal stream, but not preferred" 2933 Libellula spp. Libellulidae Libellula Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7780 Libellula spp. Libellulidae Libellula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7861 Libellula lydia Libellulidae Libellula Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12696 Libellula spp. Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12937 Libellula axilena Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown Flight season mid Feb and early Mar-late Sept or early Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12938 Libellula spp. Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge on vertical object in or close to water. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Copulation 5-20 sec. Oviposit alone. Oviposit by striking water surface with abdomen. Eggs adhere to veg beneath water's surface. Yes Sprawler 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 12939 Libellula incesta Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Unknown Flight season mid Feb and early Mar-late Sept or early Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Nymphs overwinter; 13-14 stages. Unknown 12940 Libellula pulchella Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season early May-mid Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown Unknown 12941 Libellula spp. Libellulidae Libellula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Flight season April-mid Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Univoltine in lower altitudes; semivoltine in mtns. Unknown 200 Macrothemis spp. Libellulidae Macrothemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Large (length > 16 mm) 37 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating lays eggs in riffles Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 7781 Macrothemis spp. Libellulidae Macrothemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 201 Miathyria marcella Libellulidae Miathyria Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 38 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Predator 1 floating macrophytes 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7782 Miathyria marcella Libellulidae Miathyria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3310 Nannothemis bella Libellulidae Nannothemis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator "Crawl along the bottom among debris and weeds, waiting to ambush prey." Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 12697 Nannothemis spp. Libellulidae Nannothemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12942 Nannothemis bella Libellulidae Nannothemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Nymphs overwinter. Flight period May 1-July Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit in temporary water. Female dip abdomen in water. Unknown 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 23mths from oviposition to emergence; 11 instar st 1 Weeks Hatch 18 days. Unknown 197 Orthemis ferruginea Libellulidae Orthemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 53 Bluff (blocky) No 1 All sclerotized Yes Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 7783 Orthemis ferruginea Libellulidae Orthemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 198 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 38 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Yes Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Free-floating Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2912 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax "The Anisoptera of the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina," South Carolina nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 45 "survives in thermal stream, but not preferred" 2937 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7784 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10847 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax Prey Selection by Freshwater Predators with different Foraging Strategies. California Santa Barbara RAT 2/24/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Ambush Predator 1 Rests on pond and lake bottoms Unknown Unknown 12698 Pachydiplax spp. Libellulidae Pachydiplax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12943 Pachydiplax longipennis Libellulidae Pachydiplax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season Apr 30-Oct 18 in NC and Apr 10-early Sept in SC. Flies yr round in FL. Unknown Unknown Oviposit by flexing abdomen into water while in flight. Unknown Sprawler 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Nymphs overwinter. 1 1 Unknown 199 Paltothemis lineatipes Libellulidae Paltothemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 52 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 2930 Paltothemis lineatipes Libellulidae Paltothemis Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7785 Paltothemis lineatipes Libellulidae Paltothemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2929 Pantala spp. Libellulidae Pantala Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) nkmv 9/10/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5972 Pantala hymenaea Libellulidae Pantala The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7029 Pantala flavescens Libellulidae Pantala An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 7786 Pantala spp. Libellulidae Pantala An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer of Chironomidae Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12699 Pantala spp. Libellulidae Pantala Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12847 Pantala flavescens Libellulidae Pantala Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults are obligate migrants and in swarms. Flight season Apr-Nov. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Males territorial. Females oviposit alone or in tandem. Oviposit while in flight, strikes abdomen to water." Unknown Predator "Feed on protozoans, sm mosquito larvae, sm crustaceans, mayfly nymphs, sm fish, midge larvae." 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 12 instar stages. 65-145 days egg to emergence. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 816 eggs/indiv. Hatch 5-35 day Unknown 12849 Pantala hymenaea Libellulidae Pantala Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season Apr-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 195 Perithemis tenera Libellulidae Perithemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized 1 Yes Unknown Summer Fall Floating debris Unknown Predator 11-100 m 1 km or less Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 7787 Perithemis spp. Libellulidae Perithemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7807 Perithemis tenera Libellulidae Perithemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Indiana chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12700 Perithemis spp. Libellulidae Perithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12848 Perithemis spp. Libellulidae Perithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12850 Perithemis tenera Libellulidae Perithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight period May 12-Oct 20. Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Males territorial. Copulation 17 sec. Males then leads female to oviposition site by flying in front of her. Oviposit alone, occassionally in tandem. Female dipped abdomen in water and struck a stick at or near the water." Unknown 1 1 1 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Nymphs overwinter 1 1 Unknown 12851 Perithemis spp. Libellulidae Perithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight period Mar 4-Dec 13. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12853 Perithemis tenera Libellulidae Perithemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oklahoma chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 196 Plathemis lydia Libellulidae Plathemis Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Unknown Predator Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Unknown 2932 Plathemis lydia Libellulidae Plathemis Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7788 Plathemis spp. Libellulidae Plathemis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 12702 Plathemis spp. Libellulidae Plathemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12852 Plathemis lydia Libellulidae Plathemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Flight season mid-Apr to Oct. Unknown Unknown Copulation 2-6sec. Female oviposit alone. Oviposit takes 10 sec - 2.5 min. Unknown Days Sprawler 10 km or less Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymphs overwinter. Weeks Adults 23-28 days. Unknown 12854 Plathemis lydia Libellulidae Plathemis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 3/25/2005 1 Unknown 1 Emerged on grass 1-45m from pond. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 193 Sympetrum internum Libellulidae Sympetrum Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 43 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2935 Sympetrum spp. Libellulidae Sympetrum Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Months adults can overwinter Unknown 3311 Sympetrum spp. Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator "Crawl along the bottom among debris and weeds, waiting to ambush prey." Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Live 1-4 years 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7789 Sympetrum spp. Libellulidae Sympetrum An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12701 Sympetrum spp. Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12855 Sympetrum ambiguum Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season Apr or early May-late Nov or Dec. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Overhanging substrate (dry) "Observed ovipositing on margins of dry pond, up to 1.5m away. While in flight, eggs scattered loosely through the grass and moist soil. Egg mass separates when submerged. Eggs experience facultative diapause stimulated by low tem or lack of water." Unknown Days Predator Climber Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 8 instar stages; 1 1 Yes 12856 Sympetrum ribcundulum Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Flight season Apr or early May-late Nov or Dec. Unknown Yes Bank soil Overhanging substrate (dry) "Observed ovipositing on margins of dry pond, up to 5m away. While in flight, eggs scattered loosely through the grass and moist soil. Eggs don't adhere to veg, but rolls onto soil. Copulation 20-30min. Oviposition last 2-3 min. Egg mass separates when submerged." Unknown Days Predator Climber Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 7-9 instar stages; 57-102 days life cycle (ave 69) 1 1 Yes 12857 Sympetrum vicinum Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight season mid-June-late Dec. Unknown Yes Oviposit in tandem. Female strike tip of abdomen on water while in flight. Eggs in mass. Unknown Predator Climber Unknown 9-10 instar stages; 80-134 day life cycle (ave 91) 1 1 Yes 12858 Sympetrum spp. Libellulidae Sympetrum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Flight season mid Apr-Sept or Oct. Unknown Yes Unknown Predator Feed on midge larvae. Climber Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 7-8 instar stages; 58-81 days life cycle. Yes 194 Tramea spp. Libellulidae Tramea Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/8/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Bluff (blocky) No All sclerotized Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2936 Tramea spp. Libellulidae Tramea Dragonfly Nymphs of Utah (Odonata: Anisoptera) Utah nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7790 Tramea spp. Libellulidae Tramea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12703 Tramea spp. Libellulidae Tramea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12859 Tramea spp. Libellulidae Tramea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults travel far (migrate). Flight season mid Apr-early Oct. Unknown Yes Free-floating Female dips abdomen in water. Males guard. Unknown Predator "Feed on protozoan, mosquito larvae, mayfly nymphs, amphipods" 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 13- 15 stages; 158-192 to devel to 12th stage 1 Days Hatch 5-7 days. Unknown 3286 Libellulidae Libellulidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator "Crawl along the bottom among debris and weeds, waiting to ambush prey." Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 6742 Libellulidae Libellulidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6450 Eulimnadia alineata Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Arkansas Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Rice fields Other Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6457 Eulimnadia antillarum Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Louisiana Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 3.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6458 Eulimnadia francescae Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Maryland Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 4.3 2.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6459 Eulimnadia diversa Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Illinois Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 4.2 2.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6460 Eulimnadia agassizi Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Massachusetts Woods Hole Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 6.2 3.8 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6461 Eulimnadia inflecta Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 7.3 4.3 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6462 Eulimnadia antlei Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Oklahoma Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6463 Eulimnadia texana Limnadiidae Eulimnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 7 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6456 Limnadia lenticularis Limnadiidae Limnadia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Massachusetts Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6447 Limnadiidae Limnadiidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 314 Allocosmoecus partitus Limnephilidae Allocosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 31 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases of early instars made of plant material; later instar cases made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Vascular plant fragments, FPOM, filamentous algae." Unknown 1 Generation per year Larval diapause: seal cases in Jun-Jul. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7675 Allocosmoecus partitus Limnephilidae Allocosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case curved, flattened, rough mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Shredder? Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 8996 Allocosmoecus partitus Limnephilidae Allocosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Idaho chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9226 Allocosmoecus partitus Limnephilidae Allocosmoecus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 315 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Two case types: 1) hollow stem or twig with bark pieces around anterior end; 2) made of small bits of wood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Periphyton and FPOM from rocks. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5967 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7676 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9297 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Powell 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10071 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11014 Amphicosmoecus canax Limnephilidae Amphicosmoecus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 316 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases made of long twigs, stems, or leaves arranged lengthwise; sometimes made of leaves to form a three-sided case." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Vascular plant tissues, associated fungi." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2792 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Colorado Grand 40º 16' N 105º 53' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3463 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular cases made of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5968 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6207 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7700 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8092 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8093 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8257 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8258 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 12-Aug 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8730 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9114 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9243 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9330 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults occur June 21- Aug 21 in Ontario. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9418 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sticks. Adults collected July and early Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Mature larvae May/June. Pupae June/July. Unknown 9419 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Adults collected July and early Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Mature larvae May/June. Pupae June/July. Unknown 9420 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Adults emerge June-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Larvae April-May. Pupate in June/July. Egg overwinters. Yes 10031 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 heavy mottled coloration Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10109 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10277 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Colorado RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10904 Anabolia bimaculata Limnephilidae Anabolia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10905 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10906 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11697 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13223 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13670 Anabolia spp. Limnephilidae Anabolia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13701 Anabolia consocia Limnephilidae Anabolia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3464 Arctopora pulchella Limnephilidae Arctopora Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of elongate leaf pieces arranged in a smooth cylindar. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 13672 Arctopora spp. Limnephilidae Arctopora "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 317 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of small rocks or plant materials arranged lengthwise. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Plant debris and associated fungi. Unknown Unknown 3465 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of plant and mineral materials. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5866 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7701 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8095 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1920 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8261 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 4-July 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9421 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 3 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of plant material, some mica, conifer needles." Adults recoreded in July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Larvae collected in June. Unknown 10070 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10907 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13673 Asynarchus spp. Limnephilidae Asynarchus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 318 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of thin bark or leaves arranged to form a straigt tube with seams on each side; somewhat elliptical in cross-section. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Vascular plants and moss and associated fungi. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2793 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5801 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5867 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7702 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case a flat tube Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7813 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda Larvae and pupae of two North American Limnephilid caddisfly genera (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). 1962 chm 1/9/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular case with flange-like seam along each side. Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 8710 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9299 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar- Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9381 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerged late Sept Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 11242 Chyranda centralis Limnephilidae Chyranda An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13674 Chyranda spp. Limnephilidae Chyranda "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6142 Clistoronia magnifica Limnephilidae Clistoronia "Carnivory by an aquatic detritivore, Clistoronia magnifica (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae)." Oregon Linn RAT 11/22/2004 1 Unknown Cases made of pine needles in lab expts. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator development enhanced by carnivorous diet Unknown 6-7 months Unknown 7053 Clistoronia magnifica Limnephilidae Clistoronia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Also oviposit free-floating/ loose in littoral benthos. Oviposit 2 wks after emergence in lab from July-Aug. May deposit a 2nd smaller mass. May have 2-3 mth ovarial diapause in spring. Yes Unknown 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 200-300 eggs. 2-3wk hatch. Unknown 7706 Clistoronia spp. Limnephilidae Clistoronia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8983 Clistoronia spp. Limnephilidae Clistoronia Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Arizona chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9258 Clistoronia magnifica Limnephilidae Clistoronia "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown 1 Emerge early May-late June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood "Egg masses present 8 Aug-24 Sept; most abundant in Aug. Attached to undersurfaces of lily pads, leaves of Potamogeton natans, submerged logs. 91-335 eggs/mass." Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Slow seasonal 5 instar. Larvae Aug-Mar. Pupae Apr-June. Months Adults live thru summer and return to lake late summer. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Weeks Hatch 8-19 days@18-20C. Unknown 1 9300 Clistoronia magnifica Limnephilidae Clistoronia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11241 Clistoronia magnifica Limnephilidae Clistoronia An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Mountain lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 319 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/6/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases flattened and tapered posteriorly; made of plant materials arranged transversely. Cases provide bouyancy. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Fungi associated with wet wood and leaves. 1 1 1 Found in wet wood or in wet leaves. 1 1 Most collected above surface on pieces of wet wood or in wet leaves. Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Yes < 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2675 Cryptochia furcata Limnephilidae Cryptochia A new genus of Limnephilidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1843 1843 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5795 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5868 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7692 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 "Case flat, tapered" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9301 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11251 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11303 Cryptochia spp. Limnephilidae Cryptochia New and interesting North American Trichoptera. California Sierra RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2669 Desmona spp. Limnephilidae Desmona Revision of the North American caddisfly genus Desmona In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 17 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of small rock fragments with bits of wood and bark in varying proportions. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2670 Desmona bethula Limnephilidae Desmona Revision of the North American caddisfly genus Desmona California Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Channels in moist alpine meadows Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Shredder Leaves water temporarily at night to feed on green leaf tissue of semiaquatic plants! Burrower 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 2671 Desmona mono Limnephilidae Desmona Revision of the North American caddisfly genus Desmona Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Channels in moist alpine meadows 1799 3413 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Shredder Feed on leaves and grass flower heads that droop into the water. Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 20 320 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Stout case of fine gravel; early instar cases made mostly of plant material. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Periphyton and FPOM from rock surfaces. Final instars predator-shredders. 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Larval diapause in midsummer. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 321 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Stout case of fine gravel; early instar cases made mostly of plant material. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Diatoms and FPOM from rock surfaces. 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Larval diapause in midsummer. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2648 Dicosmoecus obscuripennis Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfuly genus Dicosmoecus Alaska Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 305 1219 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of early instars mainly made of plant materials arranged longitudinally. Cases of final instars changed to a stout, slightly depressed and curved case of rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder Predator "Consume vascular plant and animal materials, with some diatoms." 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 2649 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfuly genus Dicosmoecus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 1006 3474 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of early instars mainly made of plant materials arranged longitudinally. Cases of final instars changed to a stout, slightly depressed and curved case of rock fragments." Partly sclerotized No Unknown Summer Fall On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Yes Shredder Predator "Consume vascular plant and animal materials, with some diatoms." 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. 1 Unknown 2650 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfuly genus Dicosmoecus Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 295 1830 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of early instars mainly made of plant materials arranged longitudinally. Cases of final instars changed to a stout, slightly depressed and curved case of rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes mostly diatoms. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2651 Dicosmoecus pallicornis Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfuly genus Dicosmoecus Great Basin Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 850 3094 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of early instars mainly made of plant materials arranged longitudinally. Cases of final instars changed to a stout, slightly depressed and curved case of rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Shredder Predator "Consume vascular plant and animal materials, with some diatoms." Unknown Unknown 2652 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfuly genus Dicosmoecus In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of early instars mainly made of plant materials arranged longitudinally. Cases of final instars changed to a stout, slightly depressed and curved case of rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2672 Dicosmoecus schmidi Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Contributions to the systematics of the caddisfly family Limnephilidae (Trichoptera) II Montana Missoula Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 975 1554 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Case constructed of small rock fragments. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2682 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Biogeography of amphipolar caddisflies in the subfamily Dicosmoecinae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feeds mostly on diatoms Unknown Weeks Adults live 1 month or less. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2683 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Biogeography of amphipolar caddisflies in the subfamily Dicosmoecinae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Detritivorous, with the exception of D. gilvipes." 1 1 1 Unknown Weeks Adults live one month or less. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2790 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 45º 57' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2910 2910 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2794 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 58' N 109º 29' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 3138 3138 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 5792 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5793 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5794 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5869 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5870 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5871 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6913 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Montana chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 7693 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case curved, flattened" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder "Predator/Engulfer, Detritivore, Scavenger" Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 8145 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Predator. Crawl up to 25m/day in search of algal food. 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 8146 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Upstream crawling daily. Unknown Unknown 8313 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Sarcophagous habits of Trichoptera larvae on dead fish. Idaho July 1968 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Scavenger of dead fish. Unknown Unknown 8696 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfly genus Dicosmoecus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/5/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Tubular Unknown 1 Pupae found July to mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer On/under stones (submerged) Other (specify in comments) "Eggs found ""fastened to bank vegetation."" Eggs deposited in autumn." Unknown Predator Shredder "Predator of Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Elmidae, Chironomidae, Simuiidae, Acari, Ostracoda, Gastropoda, Sphaeriidae. Vascular plants and diatoms." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/2yrs Slow seasonal Reach 5th instar in <12mths and overwinter. 1 Unknown 8697 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfly genus Dicosmoecus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/5/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Tubular Unknown 1 Pupae from mid-Aug to mid-Oct. Adults collected July 26-Nov 14. Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Feed mainly on Diatoms and FPOM. Periphyton. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "2 yr life cycle from Flathead River, MT" Slow seasonal Unknown 8698 Dicosmoecus pallicornis Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Revision and synopsis of the caddisfly genus Dicosmoecus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; Nevada Pacific Southwest (coastal) chm 2/5/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Shredder "Predator of Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Elmidae, Chironomidae, Simuiidae, Acari, Ostracoda, Gastropoda, Sphaeriidae. Vascular plants and diatoms." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/2yrs Unknown 8708 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8709 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8855 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8945 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 5-9, 1952 and Sept 17-29, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8990 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Colorado Rocky Mountains chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8991 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8992 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Rocky Mountains chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8993 Dicosmoecus pallicornis Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. California Iyno chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8994 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Nevada chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8995 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Idaho chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9227 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9228 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Extended period of emergence. Usually fall emerging but as early as April on Metolius River. Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9244 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 9333 Dicosmoecus atripes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. Oregon Sept 1966 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) "Eggs deposited on rock at water line, along water's edge. Eggs always partly or wholly submerged." Yes Unknown 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9403 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Idaho chm 2/20/2005 Unknown 1 Case of mineral particles Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11253 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11254 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11923 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13263 Dicosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13745 Dicosmoecus gilvipes Limnephilidae Dicosmoecus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 322 Ecclisocosmoecus scylla Limnephilidae Ecclisocosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains. Smooth, tapered, and curved." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Eats vascular plants, moss, FPOM." 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 7694 Ecclisocosmoecus scylla Limnephilidae Ecclisocosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, smooth mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 323 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 31 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases straight and slender, made of coars rock fragments and long pieces of plant materials." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Diatoms, some vascular plant tissue and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2795 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 58' N 109º 29' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 3138 3138 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2796 Ecclisomyia maculosa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2649 3070 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5522 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 5805 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5806 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5872 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5873 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7695 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case, tapered, curved, smooth mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 8309 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Unusual case building behavior of Hydropsyche occidentalis larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Colorado Boulder June 1968-May 1969 chm 1/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9229 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9302 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9303 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9404 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" chm 2/20/2005 Tubular Unknown 1 case of large sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10019 Ecclisomyia maculosa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Wyoming Albany RAT 12/29/2004 1 3260 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10117 Ecclisomyia maculosa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 477 716 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 11250 Ecclisomyia conspersa Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13746 Ecclisomyia spp. Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2653 Eocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Eocosmoecus "Biosystematics of Eocosmoecus, a new nearctic caddisfly genus" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Larval case made of stout pieces of wood or of fine rock fragments; cases of earlier instars made of pliable plant materials. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2654 Eocosmoecus frontalis Limnephilidae Eocosmoecus "Biosystematics of Eocosmoecus, a new nearctic caddisfly genus" Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 2041 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of stout fragments of wood or bark, often evenly contoured externally. Cases of early instars made of pliable vegetation." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Shredder "Consume plant detritus, mostly woody materials and some moss." 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 2655 Eocosmoecus schmidi Limnephilidae Eocosmoecus "Biosystematics of Eocosmoecus, a new nearctic caddisfly genus" Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 2712 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of small rock fragments; early instar cases made of leaf or other plant fragments. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder "Consume plant detritus, mostly woody materials and some moss." Burrower "Possibly burrow in gravel during the day, but come out at night to forage." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Unknown 324 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of rock fragments with small pieces of wood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Shredder "Leaves and decaying wood, and associated fungi." Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3384 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 case made of sand and tiny pebbles. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6208 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Spring seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7703 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7815 Frenesia difficilis Limnephilidae Frenesia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Massachusetts "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Fall 1953-Spring 1955 chm 1/9/2005 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 2 Unknown 1 Plant case with material attached at irregular anges. 1 1 Ecdysis 4-5min. No Unknown Fall Winter Overhanging substrate (dry) "On grass roots, moss, dead grass and leave, over water, during late Nov-Dec. Mass frozen in winter; hatch following spring." Unknown 1 1 Yes "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8 months. 5 instars. Days 7-10days in lab. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 100-200 eggs/mass. Hatch spr. No 7.8 7816 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Massachusetts In all regions where this species occurs Fall 1953-Spring 1955 chm 1/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Sand case. 1 1 Ecdysis 4-5min. No Unknown Fall Winter Overhanging substrate (dry) "On grass roots, moss, dead grass and leave, over water, during late Nov-Dec. Mass frozen in winter; hatch following spring." Unknown 1 1 Yes "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8 months. 5 instars. Days 6-9days in lab. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 100-200 eggs/mass. Hatch spr. No 7.8 8096 Frenesia difficilis Limnephilidae Frenesia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8097 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8262 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Oct 19-Nov 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8863 Frenesia difficilis Limnephilidae Frenesia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 24-Dec 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8864 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Oct 24-Nov 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8952 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 21-Nov 17, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9117 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9118 Frenesia difficilis Limnephilidae Frenesia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9331 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs deposited above surface of permanent water. Cease development if submerged for >1 day. Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9431 Frenesia difficilis Limnephilidae Frenesia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sm sand grains with some organic matter. Emerge early Oct-Nov. Adults found into Jan. Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Hatch Mar/Apr. Larvae to Sept. Egg overwinters. Yes Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9432 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 2 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sm sand grains. Emerge early Oct-Nov. Adults found into Jan. Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Hatch Mar/Apr. Larvae to Sept. Egg overwinters. Yes Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 10908 Frenesia missa Limnephilidae Frenesia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13224 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13675 Frenesia spp. Limnephilidae Frenesia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 326 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case a smooth cylinder of rock and plant pieces or irregularly shaped cases made of larger wood pieces arranged longitudinally. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Fungi associated with decaying vegetation and animals. Unknown Unknown 327 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case a smooth cylinder of rock and plant pieces or irregularly shaped cases made of larger wood pieces arranged longitudinally. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Shredder Fungi associated with decaying vegetation and animals. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2644 Glyphopsyche sequatchie Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche A new Glyphopsyche Banks (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) from Southeastern Tennessee Tennessee Marion Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 1 1 "Found on dead limbs 5-10 cm in diameter with bark still attached, and in wads of root hairs." 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3466 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of sticks Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5874 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7704 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8098 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8263 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8712 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8865 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8953 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Oct 31-Nov 1, 1950 and May 8-Nov 10, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9304 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Jan Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9434 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sticks. "Adults recorded Dec, Jan- Mar, Apr." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9435 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Camelobaetidius in Indiana and Iowa: new species and range extension Missouri chm 2/20/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand and plants. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10074 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Over-Winter Occurence and Maturation of Gonads in adult Psychoglypha subborealis (Banks) Alaska 58 18'N 134 20'W 1962-1974 RAT 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Emerge as sexually immature adults in the fall and survive as adults through winter months Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Ova mature in winter and oviposition occurs in early spring Unknown Unknown Months Can overwinter as adults 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 10909 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11245 Glyphopsyche irrorata Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11924 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13676 Glyphopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Glyphopsyche "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2692 Grammotaulius interrogationis Limnephilidae Grammotaulius "The genus Grammotaulius in North America, with the description of a new species" Minnesota Cook Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2693 Grammotaulius lorettae Limnephilidae Grammotaulius "The genus Grammotaulius in North America, with the description of a new species" Colorado Larimer Marci Koski 9/13/2004 3001 3001 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2694 Grammotaulius bettenii Limnephilidae Grammotaulius "The genus Grammotaulius in North America, with the description of a new species" Oregon Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11218 Grammotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Grammotaulius An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13679 Grammotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Grammotaulius "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 328 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cylindrical case made of rock fragments; sometimes incorporate small wood pieces. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Shredder Other (specify in comments) "Feed mainly on detritus; sometimes opportunistic omnivores. Food includes vascular plants, filamentous algae and diatoms, insects." Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 3 31 329 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cylindrical case made of rock fragments; sometimes incorporate small wood pieces. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Young instars: diatoms, older larvae ingest vascular plant materials." Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 3 31 2686 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases usually made entirely from rock fragments; coarse, curved, and tapered. Can also incorporate wood, short sticks, clams, etc." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) "Eggs deposited under rocks or other substrates along the edge of the water, or just below the surface of the water." Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Very opportunistic - ""eat what they walk on"". Food items include vascular plant detritus and pieces, filamentous algae and diatoms, and insects." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as 4-5 instar larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3 21 2687 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1499 1499 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) Eggs are laid near the edge of the water on the moist undersides of rocks or wood. Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Opportunistic feeders; can be collector-gatherers, shredder-detritivores, scrapers, or shredder-herbivores." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Overwinter as final instar larvae. Unknown 2688 Hesperophylax minutus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks Oregon Harney Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 2133 2133 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2689 Hesperophylax alaskensis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) Bank soil "Eggs found under rocks in the damp streambed in early October, about a month before water began to flow in the stream." Unknown Shredder Guts contained vascular plant detritus; fed on rich accumulations of highly decomposed detritus on the lake bottom. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Larval development: 170 days in field Months Adults lived up to 6 mos. Weeks "Eggs laid in Oct, hatched Nov." Unknown 2690 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks Colorado Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Eggs laid in single mass just below the water surface (unclear as to whether it was attached to anything). Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Fed on watercress, willow leaves, detritus, and algae." 1 1 1 1 Often found simply in wet moss rather than submerged in water (in very small springs). 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Weeks Hatch time - 3 wks. Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9 Silted/murky water 2691 Hesperophylax magnus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Nearctic caddisfly genus Hesperophylax Banks Desert Southwest Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Shredder Predator "Mostly larvae consumed vascular plant tissue and detritus, but guts also contained some animal matter." Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5 17 3385 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular case made of sand grains. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5796 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5797 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5875 Hesperophylax consimilis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5876 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5877 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6209 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 feeder stream Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7030 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7705 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Collector-gatherer, Detritivore, Herbivore" Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8264 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr 27-Aug 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8694 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Life history and ecology of Hesperophylax occidentalis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) from Colorado July 1978-June 1979 chm 2/5/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case with small uniform-sized sand grains. Final instar with irregular sized gravel. Extended emergence from April-October. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Egg hatching began after 22 days and continued for 1 mth. Yes Shredder Scraper/grazer "Collector-gatherer. Herbivore, diatom, detritus Periphyton in lab." 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Overwinters as larvae. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks Hatch June-Dec. 90-100egg/mass Unknown 1 1 1 1 6 9 8695 Hesperophylax consimilis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Life history and ecology of Hesperophylax occidentalis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) from Colorado chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritus Unknown Unknown 8857 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8948 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 12-15, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8986 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Maine "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9246 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Thin walled case of mica, wood, sand, etc." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9335 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs deposited above water surface under stone. Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9424 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand grains. Emergence peak in May and June and some throughout summer. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Bank soil Egg masses deposited under loose stone near water. Larvae crawl to water after hatch. Unknown Yng larvae feed on algae/diatom. Mater larvae feed on phanerogams. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae overwinter. 1 Weeks Hatch in ~2wks. Unknown 9623 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Diptera larvae (Empididae and Chironomidae) in Trichoptera pupal cases (Glossosomatidae and Limnephi Illinois April-May 1980 chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 10032 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota Hennepin RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 like to pupate under stones Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10207 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10278 Hesperophylax minutus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10910 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11243 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11244 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11628 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11745 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11746 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11974 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12000 Hesperophylax occidentalis Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Upstream-downstream movements of aquatic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado Larimer RAT 5/30/2005 1 1536 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13208 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13680 Hesperophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hesperophylax "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13707 Hesperophylax designatus Limnephilidae Hesperophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2695 Homophylax spp. Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2696 Homophylax crotchi Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1706 1706 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2697 Homophylax andax Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2698 Homophylax flavipennis Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 9/13/2004 2102 2102 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2699 Homophylax acutus Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax Idaho Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2700 Homophylax insulas Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax California Plumas Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2701 Homophylax rentzi Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax California Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1371 1371 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2702 Homophylax nevadensis Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax California Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 2529 2529 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2703 Homophylax adriana Limnephilidae Homophylax The genus Homophylax New Mexico Catron Marci Koski 9/13/2004 2742 2742 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7707 Homophylax spp. Limnephilidae Homophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9305 Homophylax spp. Limnephilidae Homophylax Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10072 Homophylax acutus Limnephilidae Homophylax A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 2194 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 330 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 76 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Cases made of bulky wood pieces and leaves; largest cases out of other North American caddisflies. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 331 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 76 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Cases made of bulky wood pieces and leaves; largest cases out of other North American caddisflies. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Feeds on dead wood and bark. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2471 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3389 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Small woodland streams Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of vegetable matter or sand. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5802 Hydatophylax hesperus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6210 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 leaf packs 1 Unknown Unknown 7708 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore Sprawler Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8101 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8150 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 8265 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 7-July 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8575 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8711 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9111 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9382 Hydatophylax hesperus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerged Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9425 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" South Carolina "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 6 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case of plant material, sticks, seeds." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Hatch in summer. Larvae grown by winter. Pupae spr Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 9993 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10911 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11629 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Polk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11630 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Oneida RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11631 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13209 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13681 Hydatophylax spp. Limnephilidae Hydatophylax "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13708 Hydatophylax argus Limnephilidae Hydatophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 332 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases curved and made with bark and leaves, or made of sand grains." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Filamentous algae and vascular plant material. Unknown Larvae aestivate in leaf packs during drought periods. Unknown No strong preference Tolerates a wide range of temperature extremes and drought periods of several months. 2681 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Biogeography of amphipolar caddisflies in the subfamily Dicosmoecinae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 10 km or less Unknown Aestivate in moist ground litter along margins. Months Adults live 4 months (longer than non-diapausing adults). Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2765 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Larvae survive drought by aestivating under damp ground cover as larvae from spring until pupation in midsummer. Unknown 3467 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of bark and leaves or sand. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6211 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 mucky areas 1 Unknown Unknown 7696 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8102 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1958 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8266 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8405 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8576 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8732 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late Aug-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8858 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Oct 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9109 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9334 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. New York chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Yes Diapause in final instar stage. Unknown 9402 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Illinois "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 3 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, made with sand grains." Emerge in Sept or Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae overwinters. Unknown 9767 Ironoquia punctatissimus Limnephilidae Ironoquia New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9987 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10081 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia "The larva and terrestrial pupa of Ironoquia parvula (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae)." "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/24/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown spacing humps on abdomen Pupae lack any gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Leaf packs Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Pupate in moist leaves in terrestrial environment Unknown 10286 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Three new caddisflies from the southeastern United States. Mississippi Oktibbeha RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10335 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee Cumberland RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10912 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13225 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13682 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Unknown 1 Mid- to late summer pupate. Emerge late summer. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Bank soil Oviposit late summer during intermittent stream flow. Unknown 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal mature larva aestivate late sp/early summer. Hatch in fall. Unknown 13709 Ironoquia spp. Limnephilidae Ironoquia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge Sept-mid-Nov. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 333 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Variable cases; sedge leaves arranged longitudinally, others made of bark and leaves." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5798 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5799 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5878 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7709 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 8103 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1952 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8704 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults throughout summer. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10005 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Valley RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11240 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 274 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13253 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13683 Lenarchus spp. Limnephilidae Lenarchus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 334 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 51 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Large variety of cases made from sand, pebbles, bark, wood, and leaves arranged lengthwise or transversely." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritus 1 1 1 1 Unknown Diapause in larvae delays sexual maturity when summer droughts are over; newly hatched larvae can persist for months within gelatinous egg-matrix until basin re-flooded. Unknown 1142 Limnephilus rossi Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1143 Limnephilus ozburni Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Crawford Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2656 Limnephilus whiteheadi Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2657 Limnephilus chilcotinensis Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2658 Limnephilus granti Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens Arizona Graham Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2659 Limnephilus innuitorum Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens Alaska Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2660 Limnephilus uintah Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens Utah Uintah Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2661 Limnephilus chavas Limnephilidae Limnephilus Seven new species of Limnephilus from western North America with description of female of L. pallens New Mexico Chavas Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2677 Limnephilus castor Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated key to the Nearctic males of Limnephilus Utah Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2678 Limnephilus circopa Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated key to the Nearctic males of Limnephilus Utah Daggett Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2679 Limnephilus alconura Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated key to the Nearctic males of Limnephilus Oregon Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2680 Limnephilus acula Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated key to the Nearctic males of Limnephilus Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2684 Limnephilus moestus Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Limnephilus moestus Banks, a northern caddisfly in the Atlantic coastal plain" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Blackwater river Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 No strong preference No preference 2710 Limnephilus conerus Limnephilidae Limnephilus Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2711 Limnephilus adapus Limnephilidae Limnephilus Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Texas Jeff Davis Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1524 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2715 Limnephilus rhea Limnephilidae Limnephilus The adult Limnephilus Leach (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) of the New World Idaho Boise Marci Koski 9/15/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2716 Limnephilus alagnaki Limnephilidae Limnephilus The adult Limnephilus Leach (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) of the New World Alaska Marci Koski 9/15/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2717 Limnephilus baja Limnephilidae Limnephilus The adult Limnephilus Leach (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) of the New World Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/15/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2763 Limnephilus marmoratus Limnephilidae Limnephilus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2767 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume watercress. Unknown Unknown 2798 Limnephilus coloradensis Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2649 2739 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2799 Limnephilus hageni Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2590 2739 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2800 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2739 2739 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2801 Limnephilus janus Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Colorado Grand 40º 16' N 105º 53' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2802 Limnephilus picturatus Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2739 2879 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2803 Limnephilus secludens Limnephilidae Limnephilus New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Colorado Grand 40º 16' N 105º 53' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2590 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3468 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of a wide variety of materials. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5723 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee "Jackson, Madison" JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5800 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 1219 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5879 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6212 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7599 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). Utah "July 19, 1960" chm 1/12/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adult collected July 19, 1960" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7600 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). Arizona "Mar 11, 1964" chm 1/12/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adult collected Mar 11, 1964" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7710 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case of stick, leaf, and/or sand construction, variable" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Detritivore, Herbivore" Climber Sprawler Clinger Unknown Unknown 7849 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). California Pacific Northwest (coastal) 1962-1963 chm 1/12/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8104 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8267 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8422 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8423 Limnephilus rossi Limnephilidae Limnephilus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 3 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae Feb to summer. Pupae late summer. Unknown 8577 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Madison chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8733 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8859 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8860 Limnephilus ozburni Limnephilidae Limnephilus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 24-July 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8949 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8982 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Colorado "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9115 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9230 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9306 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected July, Aug-Sept." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9383 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Emerged mid-April, early June, Sept, Oct." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9416 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of plants material. Emergence in May and through summer. Possibly also fall flight Sept/Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae Mar-June. Unknown 9880 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9907 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9990 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9991 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10004 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Blaine RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10011 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown "Use leaf fragments, shells, sphagnum moss, and rocks for making cases" Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 found in worm holes or other crevices in bottom ooze Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10013 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Descriptions of new Trichoptera from the United States. Minnesota Crow Wing RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10020 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Utah Juab RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10091 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Washington RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10113 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. Minnesota Marshall RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10121 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Rearing the caddice fly, Limnephilus indivisus Walker and its parasite Hemiteles" Minnesota RAT 12/31/2004 1 1 Swamp Unknown Tracheal gills Pupae can be mostly exposed to atmospheric oxygen and survive as long as they remain moist Adults emerge at night and hide in cracks and crevices of trees. Not positively phototactic Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10208 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1828 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10258 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. Oregon RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10259 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10260 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. Rocky Mountains RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10262 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A new genus and five new species of Trichoptera. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 1/11/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10263 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A new genus and five new species of Trichoptera. Wyoming RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10317 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/19/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11015 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11023 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11024 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11025 Limnephilus janus Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11026 Limnephilus moestus Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11120 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11121 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11160 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New species of nearctic caddis flies. Wyoming Albany RAT 3/22/2005 swamp 3291 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11163 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New and interesting North American Trichoptera. Washington Skamania RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11164 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New and interesting North American Trichoptera. Oregon Clatsop RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11165 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New and interesting North American Trichoptera. California Plumas RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11219 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11220 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11223 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New western trichoptera Rocky Mountains RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11224 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New western trichoptera Idaho Blaine RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11227 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New trichoptera California RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11228 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New trichoptera Arizona Santa Cruz RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11302 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus New and interesting North American Trichoptera. Rocky Mountains RAT 3/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11632 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Vascular Plants Unknown Unknown 11925 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13210 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13684 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13693 Limnephilus indivisus Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Pupate in spring. Emerge in spring and enters diapause. Sexually mature in fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring In wet wood Oviposit early Sept on moist wood in dry basin of pool. Larva resume growth when pool is flooded. Unknown Unknown Fast seasonal Early larva overwinter in egg matrix. Months Adult diapause spring to fall. Hatch late Sept. Yes 13694 Limnephilus submonilifer Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Pupate in spring. Emerge in spring and enters diapause. Sexually mature in fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring In wet wood Oviposit early Sept on moist wood in dry basin of pool. Larva resume growth when pool is flooded. Unknown Unknown Fast seasonal Early larva overwinter in egg matrix. Months Adult diapause spring to fall. Hatch late Sept. Yes 13710 Limnephilus submonilifer Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13743 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Depth of 20cm Unknown Unknown 13747 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Minnesota chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13748 Limnephilus spp. Limnephilidae Limnephilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 335 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 70 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Large case made of dorsal and ventral pieces; constructed of leaves and twigs. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3469 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of leaf pieces. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 7711 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8105 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8734 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May and Aug 1978. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9261 Nemotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Nemotaulius "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Egg mass found early Sept attached to underside of lily pads. 270 eggs/mass. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae fall-early summer and overwinters. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 270 eggs/mass. Unknown 9332 Nemotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Nemotaulius A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs deposited above surface of permanent water. Embryo die if submerged. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9417 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Minnesota "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 5 Tubular Unknown 1 "Lg case up to 50mm wide, 70 long of plant fragments." Adult primarily in June Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Larvae late smmer; near mature in fall. Unknown 10350 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius A New genus and species of Trichoptera. Oregon RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown caught using blacklight trap Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11480 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11481 Nemotaulius hostilis Limnephilidae Nemotaulius "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13226 Nemotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Nemotaulius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13685 Nemotaulius spp. Limnephilidae Nemotaulius "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 336 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of wood, bark, and leaves; walls thin and flexible." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Eat mostly vascular plant materials and filamentous algae; also consume insects, diatoms, and FPOM." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2645 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Revision of the Onocosmoecus unicolor group (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Dicosmoecinae)" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown 1 "Case made of fragments of leaves, wood and bark; walls rather thin and flexible." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivores 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2646 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Revision of the Onocosmoecus unicolor group (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Dicosmoecinae)" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder "Consume mostly vascular plant materials and filamentous algae. Also consume some animal matter, diatoms, and FPOM." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Overwinter as late larval instars. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Egg mass 4.5-5 mm; 150 eggs ea No 2647 Onocosmoecus sequoiae Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Revision of the Onocosmoecus unicolor group (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Dicosmoecinae)" California Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 1402 2133 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3387 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular case made of vegetable matter. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5885 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6915 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7697 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case of wood, bark, or mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8110 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8271 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 24-Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9260 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs fround Sept 9-24 on submerged logs and plants. 150 eggs/mass. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal 5 instar stages. Larvae Sept-June. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 150 eggs/mass. Unknown 9310 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9384 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerged early October. Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9401 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Michigan "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/18/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 4 Unknown 1 Case of plant fragments Adults recorded early Aug - late Aug in ME and NH. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Suggest eggs overwinter. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 11031 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11094 Onocosmoecus unicolor Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 13687 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13752 Onocosmoecus spp. Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2643 Phanocelia canadensis Limnephilidae Phanocelia Immature stages and biology of the North American caddisfly genus Phanocelia Banks "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 45º 49' N 67º 05' W May - October 1984 - 1986 Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Sphagnum bogs Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made with small pieces of sphagnum moss arranged transversely. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Yes Fall Fall Unknown "Feed on sphagnum moss, algae, and invertebrates." 1 Found in floating sphagnum mats at the fringe of ponds. 1 1 Found in floating sphagnum mats. Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae. No 1 2764 Philocasca demita Limnephilidae Philocasca Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Oregon Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Larvae are somewhat terrestrial; live in forested areas among damp leaves and moss. Unknown Unknown 7712 Philocasca spp. Limnephilidae Philocasca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case rough, curved, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 8987 Philocasca spp. Limnephilidae Philocasca Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Oregon chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9338 Philocasca spp. Limnephilidae Philocasca A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs probably deposited away from water. Yes Yes Unknown 337 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case made of grass and sedge arranged transversely to produce a straight, fuzzy cylindar." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. 1141 Platycentropus plectrus Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3381 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of vegetation placed transversely. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5576 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Pike JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6215 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7713 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Detritivore, Herbivore" Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8111 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8272 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8582 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8736 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8856 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8946 Platycentropus plectrus Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 23-Sept 6, 1951-52 and Aug 26-Sept 3, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8947 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 11, 1951 and June 29, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9116 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9422 Platycentropus radiatus Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of grass and leaves. Emergence peak in June and continue into Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown "Overwinter as larvae, some as egg." Unknown Larvae tolerant of warm water. 9423 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sm sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9764 Platycentropus plectrus Limnephilidae Platycentropus New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9992 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10029 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 11032 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11033 Platycentropus radiatus Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13211 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13688 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13714 Platycentropus radiatus Limnephilidae Platycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13753 Platycentropus spp. Limnephilidae Platycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 338 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of small rock fragments or sand. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3386 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand, slightly tapered and curved." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5572 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Johnson JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6216 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 spring seep Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7699 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Seeps Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, smooth mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7814 Pseudostenophylax edwardsi Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Observations on the biology and laboratory rearing of Pseudostenophylax edwardsi (Trichoptera: Limne Oregon Linn Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 1/9/2005 1 1 1 1 Seeps Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In wet wood "Oviposit within 1 day after emergence. Egg mass on underside of stone or wood in field. 300 eggs/mass; 2nd mass smaller, 20-100 egss." Yes Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 instars. Final instar diapause. Weeks 5-8 wks in lab at 15C. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 300 eggs/mass. <2wks in lab. Unknown 8112 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8583 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Pickett chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8737 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9110 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9337 Pseudostenophylax edwardsi Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. Oregon chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Emerged in April. Unknown Unknown Possible oviposit on dry substrate. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9415 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of small sand grains. Adults collected June-July Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae Aug-Jan. Pupae in June. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 10205 Pseudostenophylax edwardsi Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12166 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13227 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13689 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13715 Pseudostenophylax spp. Limnephilidae Pseudostenophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-early July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 339 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Marginal pools alongside streams Large (length > 16 mm) 43 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of small rock pieces and bits of wood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2631 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) -9.4 2632 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2633 Psychoglypha avigo Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2634 Psychoglypha bella Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2635 Psychoglypha prithus Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Idaho Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized "Emerge on snow, with air temperature 2.5 C." Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2636 Psychoglypha leechi Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) California Marci Koski 9/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2637 Psychoglypha smithi Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Idaho Custer Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2638 Psychoglypha klamathi Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 1920 1920 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2639 Psychoglypha schuhi Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Nevada Elko Marci Koski 9/9/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2640 Psychoglypha mazamae Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2641 Psychoglypha browni Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Oregon Klamath Marci Koski 9/9/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) -9.4 1.7 2642 Psychoglypha mono Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) California Marci Koski 9/9/2004 2612 3413 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 2806 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2709 2709 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3388 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5803 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5804 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5886 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5887 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7714 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case a type of mixed mineral, bark, and wood pieces" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder "Scavenger, Detritivore" Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8312 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Sarcophagous habits of Trichoptera larvae on dead fish. Idaho July 1968 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Scavenger of dead fish. Unknown Unknown 8706 Psychoglypha alaskensis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Short larval growth period in spring and summer. Unknown 8866 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Nov 14-15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8954 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Oct 18-Nov 1, 1950 and Feb 5-Nov 10, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9233 Psychoglypha alaskensis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 "Early instar case of Ranunculus stems or leaves arranged lengthwise. Older added bark, sand, snail shells." Adults observed Oct-Nov in Northeast. Adults in Northwest from late June-Nov. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Fast seasonal Larvae late Feb-late Aug. Pupae mid-Oct. Months Egg possibly overwinters 1 1 6 13.5 9240 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults in Northwest from late June-Nov. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9311 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected jan-Apr, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9339 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Psychoglypha avigo deposited egg mass 15cm above water. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9385 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerged Oct and Nov. Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9433 Psychoglypha alaskensis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 3 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand and some organic matter. Adults observed in Oct and Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae June-Aug. Pupae mid-Oct. Egg may possibly overwinter. Unknown 10009 Psychoglypha schmidi Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10010 Psychoglypha prithus Limnephilidae Psychoglypha A new species of Psychoglypha ROSS from western Canada Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/23/2004 1 1889 Unknown Found emerging on snow Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10073 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Over-Winter Occurence and Maturation of Gonads in adult Psychoglypha subborealis (Banks) Alaska 58 18'N 134 20'W 1962-1974 RAT 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Emerge as sexually immature adults in the fall and survive as adults through winter months Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Ova mature in winter and oviposition occurs in early spring Unknown Unknown Months Can overwinter as adults 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 11246 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 stream at sea level Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11247 Psychoglypha bella Limnephilidae Psychoglypha An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11248 Psychoglypha alascensis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11747 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11748 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11926 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13228 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13690 Psychoglypha spp. Limnephilidae Psychoglypha "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13754 Psychoglypha subborealis Limnephilidae Psychoglypha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2685 Psychoronia brooksi Limnephilidae Psychoronia "A new species and new synonym in the genus Psychoronia, with significant records for caddisflies" New Mexico Lincoln Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains, slightly tapered posteriorly, and slightly curved. May also incorporate larger rock particles or live fingernail clams." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Unknown 340 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 59 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of bark, twigs, or leaf discs; cases of last instar made of wood wor rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 1 Unknown Prepupal aestivation periods of 1-6 months. Hatch coincides with leaf fall Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1839 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2673 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche The genus Pycnopsyche (Trichoptera) Marci Koski 9/13/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Case constructed with long slender stick attached to the side. Case made of wood or small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2727 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Portable case with trailing twigs to act as rudders. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2739 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Burrow in specific grades of gravel for prepupal diapause. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2744 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 "Contruct cases of leaves, twigs, bark, or sand." Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on either leaves or bark. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3382 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of vegetable matter or sand. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5577 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Oldham JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5578 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5724 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee "Jackson, Madison" JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6217 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6218 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6219 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7032 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 7715 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Detritivore Sprawler Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7918 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8113 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8114 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8273 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 12-Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8274 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8407 Pycnopsyche indiana Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8408 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8584 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8585 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8586 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8738 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Aug-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8739 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in Aug-Sept 1977. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8861 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June - Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8862 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 2-Oct 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8950 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8951 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 1-31 1952 and July 8-Aug 7, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8984 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8985 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9112 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9113 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9239 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. chm 2/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9342 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs deposited above water surface. Unknown Unknown Unknown 9426 Pycnopsyche divergens Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/20/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of wood and leaves. Emerge Aug-Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown "Hatch in fall, larvae overwinter." Unknown 9427 Pycnopsyche gentilis Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Massachusetts "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of leaf fragments then later on mineral matter. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Larvae overwinters Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 9428 Pycnopsyche guttifer Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of plant fragments and mineral matter. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Sometimes found in glacial lakes. 9429 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 5 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Sometimes found in glacial lakes. 9430 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" New Hampshire "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 4 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of organic matter. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9738 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 9765 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9766 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Reservoir Outlet Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9882 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9994 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9995 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10075 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Notes on the seasonal distribution and taxonomy of Pycnopsyche adults (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Pennsylvania Westmoreland May -November 1975 RAT 12/24/2004 1 1 405 506 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 10076 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche The respiratory energetics of two species of stream caddis fly larvae in relation to water flow. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 12/24/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer 1 1 leaf packs Unknown Unknown 10083 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Factors limiting the microdistribution of larvae of the caddisflies Pycnopsyche lepida (Hagen) Michigan Washtenaw 1957-1959 RAT 12/24/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Bank soil Oviposite at terrestrial sites Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Detritus, diatoms, periphyton" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Late instar larvae burrow into sediments and pupate Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10257 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche New species of Trichoptera from Canada and Northern United States. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11034 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11035 Pycnopsyche guttifer Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11036 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11486 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 12062 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12164 Pycnopsyche gentilis Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12191 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13229 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13691 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Larvae commonly aestivate. Unknown 13716 Pycnopsyche divergens Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge early Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13717 Pycnopsyche gentilis Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13718 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge June-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13719 Pycnopsyche guttifer Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge early Oct. Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13720 Pycnopsyche indiana Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge June-mid-Nov Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13721 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge Sept-Oct Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13722 Pycnopsyche lepida Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge Sept-Oct Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13744 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Depth of 20cm Unknown Unknown 13755 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13756 Pycnopsyche guttifer Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Massachusetts chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13757 Pycnopsyche guttifer Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13758 Pycnopsyche spp. Limnephilidae Pycnopsyche Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2674 Rossiana montana Limnephilidae Rossiana A new genus of Limnephilidae Montana Ravalli Marci Koski 9/13/2004 1 2041 2041 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2732 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 "When temporary pools dry up in late spring, adults emerge from pupal cases attached to bottom debris. Silk in their cases may be key in conserving moisture during this time." Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Some larvae in temporary pools remain within the gelatinous egg matrix until sufficient water exists to sustain free-living (up to 7 months). Unknown 3428 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 10206 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 11443 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13276 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Collector gatherer, Predator." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 5 larval instar stages. Unknown 13699 Limnephilidae Limnephilidae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 6611 Kawamuracarus spp. Limnesiidae Kawamuracarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Found in stream gravels. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6615 Limnesia spp. Limnesiidae Limnesia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 11864 Limnesia spp. Limnesiidae Limnesia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6612 Neomamersa spp. Limnesiidae Neomamersa Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Found in stream gravels. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6574 Limnochares spp. Limnocharidae Limnochares Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6328 Lumbricidae Lumbricidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sewage plant filters Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 11819 Lumbricidae Lumbricidae Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7607 Lumbriculus spp. Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 1 1 1 Shallow water Large (length > 16 mm) 100 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Including algae. Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11709 Lumbriculus spp. Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11805 Lumbriculus spp. Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12260 Lumbriculus variegatus Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12261 Lumbriculus variegatus Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12263 Lumbriculus variegatus Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12516 Lumbriculus variegatus Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Form dehydration-resistant cysts to survive low water levels. Yes Unknown Asexual reproduction by fragmentation throughout yr. Sexual reprod in summer. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12517 Lumbriculus variegatus Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12262 Stylodrilus heringianus Lumbriculidae Stylodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Optimum period for cocoon deposition was late spring-early summer. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Detritivore. 1 1 Unknown 2 yr life cycle. Hatch mid-summer. Unknown 12264 Stylodrilus heringianus Lumbriculidae Stylodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12265 Stylodrilus heringianus Lumbriculidae Stylodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6326 Lumbriculidae Lumbriculidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 "Found in mud or debris of pools, ponds, and lakes." 1 1 1 Often found on the shores of cold mountain streams and brooks originating from snowbanks and glaciers. 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Unknown Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7851 Lumbriculidae Lumbriculidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Red blood pigments aid O2 uptake and transport. Unknown Unknown Hermaphrodites. Eggs develop in mass enclosed in a cocoon. Unknown Collector-filterer "Ingest sediment, extract nutrition from organic matter, esp. bacteria." 1 1 Unknown No larval form. Unknown 11462 Lumbriculidae Lumbriculidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12515 Lumbriculidae Lumbriculidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Detritivore. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3189 Lutrochus arizonicus Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arizona ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.6 2.03 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Larvae in calcareous encrustation of submerged rocks; adults usually at or just above the water line on the downstream side of rocks or wood projecting from the water. 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3190 Lutrochus luteus Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 1.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Larvae in calcareous encrustation of submerged rocks; adults usually at or just above the water line on the downstream side of rocks or wood projecting from the water; also found on travertine. 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3191 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.3 1.8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Larvae in calcareous encrustation of submerged rocks; adults usually at or just above the water line on the downstream side of rocks or wood projecting from the water. 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3220 Lutrochus spp. Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3341 Lutrochus spp. Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Females insert their eggs in such substrates as travertine. Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Adults may either be terrestrial or aquatic. Unknown 3534 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown In wet wood Other (specify in comments) Riparian adults enter water to oviposit on wood or travertine. Unknown 1 1 Also found on travertine. 1 1 Unknown Only larvae are aquatic. Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7515 Lutrochus spp. Lutrochidae Lutrochus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 1 Mineral springs Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12746 Lutrochus arizonicus Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12748 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12749 Lutrochus luteus Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma Desert Southwest chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12750 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12751 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12752 Lutrochus laticeps Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12888 Lutrochus luteus Lutrochidae Lutrochus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Oklahoma Desert Southwest ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6285 Bulimnea megasoma Lymnaeidae Bulimnea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Gills have been lost; they have a vascularized pocket in the mantle used as a lung. Can also utilize surface breathing, or epithelial tissue oxygen transfer." Pulmonates are dispersed passively as spat trapped in mud on birds feet; eggs can travel quite far. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic; increasing water temperatures cue reproduction. Pulmonates can reproduce in cold water, which allows adults to breed early in the spring and juveniles to grow rapidly to adult size before the end of the summer." Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume long strands of filamentous algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults are annual; reproduce in spring then die. 1 1 Unknown 1 1 0 40 6257 Fossaria modicella Lymnaeidae Fossaria Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown Months Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown 6651 Fossaria spp. Lymnaeidae Fossaria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6246 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Gills have been lost; they have a vascularized pocket in the mantle used as a lung. Can also utilize surface breathing, or epithelial tissue oxygen transfer." Pulmonates are dispersed passively as spat trapped in mud on birds feet; eggs can travel quite far. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic; increasing water temperatures cue reproduction. Pulmonates can reproduce in cold water, which allows adults to breed early in the spring and juveniles to grow rapidly to adult size before the end of the summer." Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume long strands of filamentous algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults are annual; reproduce in spring then die. 1 1 Unknown 1 1 0 40 6261 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Often take several seasons to complete life cycle in northern populations. Unknown 6262 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Iowa Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Completes life cycle in one season in warmer waters. Unknown 6263 Lymnaea elodes Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Annual or biennial reproductive cycle dependent upon food productivity. 1 Fecundity dependent on food. Unknown 6266 Lymnaea emarginata Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Prefer cobble with attached periphyton 1 Unknown Unknown 6284 Lymnaea stagnalis Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Gills have been lost; they have a vascularized pocket in the mantle used as a lung. Can also utilize surface breathing, or epithelial tissue oxygen transfer." Pulmonates are dispersed passively as spat trapped in mud on birds feet; eggs can travel quite far. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic; increasing water temperatures cue reproduction. Pulmonates can reproduce in cold water, which allows adults to breed early in the spring and juveniles to grow rapidly to adult size before the end of the summer." Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume long strands of filamentous algae. Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults are annual; reproduce in spring then die. 1 1 Unknown 1 1 0 40 6658 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous scavengers; consume algae that covers most submerged surfaces, dead plant and animal materials." Clinger Burrower "May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. Also, ""spins"" through water by moving along a mucous strand attached to plants or the water surface." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Some species can be found at depths up to 250 m and never come to the surface. 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11455 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11850 Lymnaea spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6253 Pseudosuccinea columella Lymnaeidae Pseudosuccinea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown "Two breeding seasons per year, with varying replacement of cohorts." Unknown Unknown Two breeding seasons per year with varying replacement of cohorts. Unknown 6286 Stagnicola spp. Lymnaeidae Stagnicola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Gills have been lost; they have a vascularized pocket in the mantle used as a lung. Can also utilize surface breathing, or epithelial tissue oxygen transfer." Pulmonates are dispersed passively as spat trapped in mud on birds feet; eggs can travel quite far. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic; increasing water temperatures cue reproduction. Pulmonates can reproduce in cold water, which allows adults to breed early in the spring and juveniles to grow rapidly to adult size before the end of the summer." Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume long strands of filamentous algae; scrape algae and diatoms from rocks or macrophytes. 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 1 0 40 6506 Stagnicola spp. Lymnaeidae Stagnicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Maine Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 Large lake Medium (length 9-16 mm) 35 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11853 Stagnicola spp. Lymnaeidae Stagnicola Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6243 Lymnaeidae Lymnaeidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Gills have been lost; they have a vascularized pocket in the mantle used as a lung. Can also utilize surface breathing, or epithelial tissue oxygen transfer." Pulmonates are dispersed passively as spat trapped in mud on birds feet; eggs can travel quite far. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic; increasing water temperatures cue reproduction. Pulmonates can reproduce in cold water, which allows adults to breed early in the spring and juveniles to grow rapidly to adult size before the end of the summer." Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume long strands of filamentous algae; scrape algae and diatoms from rocks or macrophytes. 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 1 0 40 6635 Lymnaeidae Lymnaeidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6452 Lynceus brevifrons Lynceidae Lynceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 5.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6453 Lynceus gracilicornis Lynceidae Lynceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6454 Lynceus brachyurus Lynceidae Lynceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6455 Lynceus mucronatus Lynceidae Lynceus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Montana Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6451 Paralimnetus texana Lynceidae Paralimnetus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Pond Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 6446 Lynceidae Lynceidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 Temporary Lentic Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Enclosed in a carapace consisting of two lateral valves; laterally compressed. Hard shelled Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respiration takes place through all exposed body surfaces, especially the legs and their branchiae." Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Both fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs are retained on the body of the female for several days before being released to the bottom sediments. No Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer "Consume mostly algae, bacteria, protozoans, rotifers, and detritus; strain from the water or scrape from the substrate." Swimmer Burrower Swimming accomplished by rowing movements of the antennae. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year "If living in temporary ponds, usually only one generation per year; most other habitats, at least two generations per year." Non-seasonal Eggs can take either hours or days to hatch. Weeks """Resting"" eggs can take months to hatch, e.g., during summer months when ponds have dried up, or over winter months when frozen." < 100 eggs 1 1 Days Parthenogenesis common. Yes 1 1 1 4 Silted/murky water 374 Didymops transversa Macromiidae Didymops Damselflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 58 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 396 Didymops transversa Macromiidae Didymops Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 58 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 3312 Didymops transversa Macromiidae Didymops Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie near substrate's surface to ambush prey. Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 1 "Found in shallow muck, marl, and debris." 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Most species uni- or semivoltine. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7767 Didymops spp. Macromiidae Didymops An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12704 Didymops spp. Macromiidae Didymops Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12915 Didymops transversa Macromiidae Didymops Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Flight period Apr-mid July or Aug. Unknown Yes Free-floating Oviposit by dipping abdomen in water rapidly around a group of dead tree trunks in water near shore. Unknown Climber Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 12916 Didymops transversa Macromiidae Didymops Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Emerge as early as late Jan. Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 397 Macromia alleghaniensis Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 398 Macromia annulata Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 399 Macromia illinoiensis Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 400 Macromia magnifica Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 401 Macromia pacifica Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 402 Macromia taeniolata Macromiidae Macromia Dragonflies of North America In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 4/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 68 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes Partly sclerotized 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 100 km or less Unknown Unknown 2913 Macromia taeniolata Macromiidae Macromia "The Anisoptera of the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina," South Carolina nkmv 9/9/2004 1 1 1 thermally altered swamp Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 25 3287 Macromia spp. Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills are located in rectal chamber; also aided by movement of water in chamber. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer "Exophytic oviposition - eggs laid singly or in masses on plants, debris, or other substrates, or randomly on the water's surface." Unknown Predator Lie near substrate's surface to ambush prey. Clinger Swimmer Can move rapidly by expelling water from rectal chamber. 1 1 1 1 1 "Found in shallow muck, marl, and debris." 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Most species uni- or semivoltine. Slow seasonal "Live 1-4 years; slow-seasonal cycles predominate, but fast seasonal cycles do occur." 1 1 Weeks Hatch after a week or diapause Yes 7768 Macromia spp. Macromiidae Macromia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/5/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12705 Macromia spp. Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/21/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12917 Macromia illinoiensis Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Missouri chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Crawls to shore and climbs tree. Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 12918 Macromia magnifica Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Crawls to shore and climbs tree. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Oviposit in calm water. Female oviposit alone. Oviposit in water while in flight. Unknown 1 km or less Unknown Unknown 12919 Macromia taeniolata Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12920 Macromia spp. Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Flight period May 26-Sept16. Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Nymphs overwinter. Unknown 12921 Macromia spp. Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12922 Macromia annulata Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12923 Macromia pacifica Macromiidae Macromia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7015 Macromiidae Macromiidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12914 Macromiidae Macromiidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7545 Macrovelia spp. Macroveliidae Macrovelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7546 Oravelia spp. Macroveliidae Oravelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 6672 Rangia cuneata Mactridae Rangia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 47.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 1 Clear water 6673 Cumberlandia monodonta Margaritiferidae Cumberlandia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 127.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6227 Margaritifera margaritifera Margaritiferidae Margaritifera Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. One breeding season per year. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Gonochronistic (few hermaphroditic species) Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Reach maturity after 6-12 years. Months Adults can live 130-200 years. "> 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous & iteroparous. Unknown 1 Clear water 6292 Margaritiferidae Margaritiferidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. One breeding season per year. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Gonochronistic (few hermaphroditic species) Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Reach maturity after 6-12 years. Months Adults can live less than 6 years and more than 100 years. "> 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous & iteroparous. Unknown 1 Clear water 6665 Margaritiferidae Margaritiferidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 127.5 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 "(Glochidia, not eggs.)" Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6329 Megascolecidae Megascolecidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sewage plant filters Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Yes Unknown 1 2977 Mesovelia spp. Mesoveliidae Mesovelia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Unknown Predator Skater run across leaves 1 1 1-10 m Unknown "5 instars , 3-4 weeks" "over winter, some with no wings" Unknown 3489 Mesovelia mulsanti Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.25 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 Found running across duckweed or algal mats. 1 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Several summer generations 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 7582 Mesovelia spp. Mesoveliidae Mesovelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Skater Climber Sprawler 1 Yes 4 instar stage Unknown 1 12997 Mesovelia spp. Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 instar stages Unknown 13088 Mesovelia amoena Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan In all regions where this species occurs chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 nymphal stage; 4-7days each stage; total 19-37d. 100 to 1000 eggs Days 97-191eggs/female;hatch 12days Unknown 13090 Mesovelia spp. Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 16-21 days egg & nymph stages. Unknown 13091 Mesovelia mulsanti Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on mosquito larvae and pupae, ostracods." Unknown 5 nymph stages; 3-5 days each stage; 17-24 d total Days Hatch 7-9 days. Unknown 13092 Mesovelia amoena Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Collected in July and Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 13093 Mesovelia mulsanti Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Collected in Apr-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13094 Mesovelia spp. Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13096 Mesovelia mulsanti Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Collected in Apr-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13097 Mesovelia mulsanti Mesoveliidae Mesovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Collected in Apr-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8122 Mesoveliidae Mesoveliidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine probably. "In north, eggs overwinter." Unknown 0 13089 Mesoveliidae Mesoveliidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Adults collected yr round in VA. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Eggs inserted in cattail stalks or spongy wood and floating logs. Unknown Predator Climber Skater 1 1 1 Floating vegetation. 1 1 Unknown Adults can overwinter. Yes 1932 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Comparison of old and new world Acanthametropus (Ephemeroptera: Acanthametropodidae) and other psam nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 sand bottom river Other Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 sand bars 1 sand bars Unknown Unknown 3094 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 bedrock streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3272 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5700 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7140 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10811 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 12298 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator? 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12552 Metretopus spp. Metretopodidae Metretopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/17/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 3097 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3271 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7057 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10816 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Growth is slow in winter and fast in spring 12299 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator? 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12549 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12550 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Virginia chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected mid-Apr. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12551 Siphloplecton spp. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia chm 3/17/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown Unknown 12553 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12554 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected in Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12555 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge May 13-July 15; peak late May. Males swarm over water. Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Egg release on water surface. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Subimage up to 48hrs. Unknown 12556 Siphloplecton basale Metretopodidae Siphloplecton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Adults appear early May. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Nymph Sept 13-May 10. Unknown 7990 Midea expansa Mideidae Midea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Scatter eggs indivually on substrate. Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 8081 Midea spp. Mideidae Midea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae. 1 Unknown Unknown 8082 Midea spp. Mideidae Midea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 8059 Mideopsis spp. Mideopsidae Mideopsis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Other (specify in comments) Swimmer "Crawler, Walker" 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8083 Mideopsis spp. Mideopsidae Mideopsis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11865 Mideopsis spp. Mideopsidae Mideopsis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6609 Xystonotus spp. Mideopsidae Xystonotus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 341 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Cryptic cases made of small rock fragments and sand; have lateral flange and anterior hood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous; consumes diatoms, filamentous algae, vascular plant tissue, and small invertebrates." 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 342 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Cryptic cases made of small rock fragments and sand; have lateral flange and anterior hood. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous; consumes diatoms, filamentous algae, vascular plant tissue, and small invertebrates." 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1291 Molanna ulmerina Molannidae Molanna New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1778 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna Larvae of the southeastern species of Molanna "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 1 Case made of a tube of fine sand grains with a large dorsal flange of a singler layer of larger sand grains. Larger pebbles are incorporated laterally into this flange. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Omnivorous 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1779 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Larvae of the southeastern species of Molanna "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case made of a tube of fine sand grains. Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Consumes mostly diatoms and microcrustaceans; omnivorous. 1 Found where there is little or no vegetation. 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8 22.3 1780 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna Larvae of the southeastern species of Molanna "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Tubular Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case made of a tube of fine sand grains with a large dorsal flange of a singler layer of larger sand grains. Larger pebbles are incorporated laterally into this flange. Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Omnivorous. 1 Found where there is little or no vegetation. 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12 19 1840 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1841 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2462 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2463 Molanna ulmerina Molannidae Molanna Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2758 Molanna flavicornis Molannidae Molanna Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Case made of sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Found at depths up to 20 m in Lake Winnipeg Unknown Unknown 3429 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of sand, with lateral flanges." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown "Feed on algae, diatoms, and invertebrates." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Clear water 5349 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna Life history and case building behavior of Molanna tryphena (Trichoptera: Molannidae) Texas San Jacinto JBM 10/26/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year < 100 eggs Unknown 1 10 26 5725 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5810 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5928 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6220 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6743 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7735 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 1 "Case flat with dorsal projection, lateral ballast flanges" Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8023 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8024 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8025 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Berkshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8275 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8276 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8277 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9- Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8278 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9- Aug 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8619 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Franklin chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8620 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8621 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Houston chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8623 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Georgia Richmond chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8747 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8867 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8868 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8869 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 25-Aug 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8870 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 10-11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8957 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 18, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8958 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 26-Aug 11, 1951-1952 and July 31, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8959 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 17-24, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9144 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9145 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9146 Molanna ulmerina Molannidae Molanna A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9147 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9312 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9742 Molanna ulmerina Molannidae Molanna "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9743 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9768 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9883 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9979 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10030 Molanna flavicornis Molannidae Molanna The biology of some Minnesota Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10306 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Males identified from collections outnumbered females more than 16 to 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10963 Molanna flavicornis Molannidae Molanna "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10964 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10965 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11156 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11836 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13254 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Predator Unknown Unknown 13627 Molanna spp. Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/22/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown 1 Case of sand and rock fragments with lateral flanges and dorsal hood over anterior end. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 13628 Molanna blenda Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown 1 Adults collected Apr-Oct. Emerge late Apr-early Oct. Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13629 Molanna uniophila Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 Unknown Emerge May-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13630 Molanna tryphena Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Adults collected Apr. Emerge late-Mar-mid-Nov Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Pupal stage 1 mth. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13631 Molanna ulmerina Molannidae Molanna Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13277 Molannidae Molannidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6600 Stygomomonia spp. Momoniidae Stygomomonia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Found in gravels. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7488 Graphomya spp. Muscidae Graphomya An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-carnivore Sprawler Unknown Unknown 6803 Limnophora spp. Muscidae Limnophora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer: Oligochaeta, Simuliidae, Tipulidae" Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11762 Limnophora spp. Muscidae Limnophora Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14282 Limnophora spp. Muscidae Limnophora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7489 Lispe spp. Muscidae Lispe An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Marine shores Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-carnivore Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14283 Lispe spp. Muscidae Lispe Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3601 Muscidae Muscidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Pupate in a puparium at the water's surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs are laid in algae. Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12160 Muscidae Muscidae The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14281 Muscidae Muscidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Spiracular gills Caudal spiracle. Unknown Unknown Bank soil Algal mats "Eggs laid on moist soil, algae, or debris." Unknown Predator Feed on larvae of other Diptera. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hours Hatch 24 hrs. Unknown 7875 Mysis relicta Mysidae Mysis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Predator Collector-gatherer "Vertical migration daily. Zooplankton, Monoporeia (Pontoporeiidae), larval fish, and phytoplankton." Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 7873 Taphromysis louisianae Mysidae Taphromysis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Louisiana Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 1/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Unknown Unknown 6341 Allonais pectinata Naididae Allonais Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Tubular Unknown May produce cocoons in times of environmental stress. Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 12343 Allonais pectinata Naididae Allonais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12368 Allonais pectinata Naididae Allonais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6334 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Sexual reproduction is common. Unknown Predator "Consumes entomostraca, insect larvae, protozoans, and other oligochaetes." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 11534 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11811 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12344 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Some spp predaceous. Unknown Unknown 12345 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12367 Chaetogaster spp. Naididae Chaetogaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6335 Dero spp. Naididae Dero Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Tracheal gills Most respiration occurs through the skin; also has ciliated gills surrounding the anal region. Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 7853 Dero spp. Naididae Dero Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Symbionts of frogs. Unknown Unknown 11812 Dero spp. Naididae Dero Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12346 Dero spp. Naididae Dero Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12366 Dero spp. Naididae Dero Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7854 Nais spp. Naididae Nais Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "Feed on heterotrophic, aerobic bacteria, algal filaments." 1 Unknown Unknown 11535 Nais spp. Naididae Nais Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11813 Nais spp. Naididae Nais Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12347 Nais spp. Naididae Nais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12365 Nais spp. Naididae Nais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6339 Ophidonais serpentina Naididae Ophidonais Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Unknown May produce cocoons in times of environmental stress. Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 11814 Ophidonais serpentina Naididae Ophidonais Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12348 Ophidonais serpentina Naididae Ophidonais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12349 Ophidonais serpentina Naididae Ophidonais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6340 Paranais spp. Naididae Paranais Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown May produce cocoons in times of environmental stress. Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 7604 Paranais spp. Naididae Paranais Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 11815 Paranais spp. Naididae Paranais Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12369 Paranais spp. Naididae Paranais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12370 Paranais spp. Naididae Paranais Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6331 Pristina spp. Naididae Pristina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Swimmer Swim and move just above the substrate in a serpentine manner. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 11816 Pristina spp. Naididae Pristina Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11817 Slavina appendiculata Naididae Slavina Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12371 Slavina appendiculata Naididae Slavina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12372 Slavina appendiculata Naididae Slavina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6332 Stylaria spp. Naididae Stylaria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Swimmer Swim and move just above the substrate in a serpentine manner. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 11818 Stylaria spp. Naididae Stylaria Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12373 Stylaria spp. Naididae Stylaria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12374 Stylaria spp. Naididae Stylaria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6323 Naididae Naididae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown May produce cocoons in times of environmental stress. Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water is taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown "Generally, reproduces asexually by budding. Some sexual reproduction may be common in a few species." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. No > 1 Generation per year New individuals are produced every 2-3 days. Unknown 1 7850 Naididae Naididae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Red blood pigments aid O2 uptake and transport. Unknown Unknown Asexual reproduction (by paratomy) predominates. Cease feeding when mature. Hermaphrodites. Sexual reproduction-eggs develop in mass enclosed in a cocoon. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator "Ingest sediment, extract nutrition from organic matter, esp. bacteria, algae. Macromolecules thru body wall. Many spp are predators." Burrower Swimmer Some spp occupy tubes attached to aquatic plants. 1 1 Unknown No larval form. Unknown 12342 Naididae Naididae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes "Primarily asexual reproduction by budding off zooids, occasionally fragmentation. Reproduce usually in summer. Increase availability in food, increases reproduction. One sexual reproduction/yr usually summer or fall." Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed on bacteria, protozoans, algae." Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Dies after sexual reproduction. Unknown 2945 Ambrysus spp. Naucoridae Ambrysus Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part II. Naucoridae nkmv 9/13/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Yes Predator Unknown 7 weeks 5 instars Weeks 4 weeks Unknown 7565 Ambrysus spp. Naucoridae Ambrysus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13021 Ambrysus spp. Naucoridae Ambrysus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collected May-Oct. Unknown 7566 Cryphocricos hungerfordi Naucoridae Cryphocricos An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Clinger 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13022 Cryphocricos hungerfordi Naucoridae Cryphocricos Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7567 Limnocoris spp. Naucoridae Limnocoris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas Desert Southwest chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13020 Limnocoris spp. Naucoridae Limnocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2944 Pelocoris spp. Naucoridae Pelocoris Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part II. Naucoridae Louisiana nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Temporary air store Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Yes Predator Climber Swimmer crawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown 7 weeks 5 instars Weeks 4 weeks Unknown 3482 Pelocoris femoratus Naucoridae Pelocoris Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the tip of the abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 Adults overwinter in deeper water of their breeding habitat or in streams. Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7568 Pelocoris spp. Naucoridae Pelocoris An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore of Diptera, Belostomatidae" Climber Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 13023 Pelocoris femoratus Naucoridae Pelocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs attached to Nitella. Yes Predator "Feed on mosquito and chironomid larvae, corixid, entomostracans." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal 50-62 day nymphal devel. Weeks Hatch 32-45days. Unknown 13024 Pelocoris spp. Naucoridae Pelocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13026 Pelocoris spp. Naucoridae Pelocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nevada chm 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Hot euthermal (>30 C) 32 36 13027 Pelocoris femoratus Naucoridae Pelocoris Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs attached to Nitella. Yes Predator "Feed on mosquito and chironomid larvae, corixid, entomostracans." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal 50-62 day nymphal devel. Weeks Hatch 32-45days. Unknown 7204 Naucoridae Naucoridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Plastron (permanent air store) Plastron (permanent air store) Larvae and Adult- also Temporary air store in low temp water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13017 Naucoridae Naucoridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 5 nymphal stages. Unknown 13025 Naucoridae Naucoridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 0 2499 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Adults overwinter. Unknown 1 72 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 73 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Eggs diapause 4-6 mos. Yes 725 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 743 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi Lee JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 744 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 776 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2017 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Three new species of Amphinemura from Eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2018 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The Amphinemura venusta complex of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2019 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2025 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "Descriptions of the female, nymph, egg, and redescription of the male of Amphinemura mockfordi" Tennessee JBM 7/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3323 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3324 Amphinemura linda Nemouridae Amphinemura Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3644 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3733 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3734 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3763 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3864 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3883 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 2407 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3920 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 719 719 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3925 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4008 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4028 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4029 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4115 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4144 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Weeks Unknown 4145 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4158 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4186 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4187 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4454 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4455 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4468 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4469 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4472 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4636 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4650 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas Cherokee JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4671 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4695 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Months Unknown 4750 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4751 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4859 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4882 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4889 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania "Cambria, Luzerne" JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4890 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4922 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Allegany, Garrett" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4931 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Piscataquis, Somerse" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5006 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5027 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5028 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5108 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown "Nymphs are ""herbivorous""" 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5111 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Yes 5334 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5405 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5406 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6694 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7903 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7904 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9436 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9437 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10126 Amphinemura linda Nemouridae Amphinemura An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10407 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10408 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10409 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10410 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10502 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Linn RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown use cervical gills as larvae Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10795 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10819 Amphinemura linda Nemouridae Amphinemura Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Yes 10925 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10983 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11069 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11387 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11473 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11970 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy interstices of rocks Unknown Unknown 12094 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12168 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12188 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 acidic streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12461 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12876 Amphinemura delosa Nemouridae Amphinemura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Emerge Mar-mid-June. Occasionally adult take Feb and mid-summer. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown 1 Generation per year "Deposit mid-summer, hatch Oct." Yes 12878 Amphinemura spp. Nemouridae Amphinemura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 74 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 777 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2020 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2027 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New species of North American Plecoptera California Los Angeles JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2028 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New species of North American Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2029 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New species of North American Plecoptera Colorado Boulder In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2030 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New species of North American Plecoptera JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2136 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New stoneflies and records from the Pacific Coast of the United States California Siskiyou JBM 7/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2159 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2192 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New California Plecoptera California Marin JBM 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3687 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta) JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3764 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3866 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3884 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3967 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Some new species of stoneflies from Oregon Oregon JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3975 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4116 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4210 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4221 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4265 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Elko JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4301 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 2057 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4402 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2285 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4473 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4593 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4694 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 4702 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4834 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 305 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4883 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5019 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5029 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5135 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5279 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5476 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5502 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 6695 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10127 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 762 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10871 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11724 Malenka spp. Nemouridae Malenka Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 75 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 76 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 8-10 months (16 instars) Mate after adults 5 days old Months 1-3 mo. Incubation period. Unknown 2034 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura New species of North American Plecoptera New York JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3325 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3656 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura A thermophobic insect Alaska Spring 1948 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 0 7 3735 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3862 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3921 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 719 1499 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 4157 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4168 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota "Lawrence, Pennington" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4426 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Three stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Cape Thompson, Alaska" Alaska JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4431 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura New stoneflies from California and Oregon California Marin Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4439 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4456 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4474 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4833 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4932 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine Piscataquis JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5025 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Observations on the emergence of two species of stoneflies JBM 10/13/2004 1499 2729 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5030 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5064 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5203 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura The immature stages of some Minnesota Plecoptera Minnesota JBM 11/2/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5475 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6060 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 509 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6147 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Some factors effecting algal consumption in SubarcticEphemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 61 58' 128 14' August and December 1975 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer fed mostly on diatoms and detritus 1 Unknown Unknown 6696 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Detritivore, Herbivore" Sprawler Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7001 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit 2-3 wks after emergence, mid June to early July. In water, jelly on egg expands and attaches to substratum. Hatch mid July to mid Sept." Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks "114-833 eggs, 3-12 wk to hatch" Unknown 10128 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10'N 132 07'W RAT 1/29/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10129 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10192 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 2438 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10228 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Chironomids and other invertebrates from North Boulder Creek, Colorado." Colorado Boulder RAT 1/4/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10411 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10438 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10615 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon Harney RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10616 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon Benton RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10617 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10618 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10822 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 11178 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11180 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown "Adults were collected fromleaf mats, boulders, and alder trees" Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11234 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). New York Essex RAT 3/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11429 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11725 Nemoura spp. Nemouridae Nemoura Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11904 Nemoura trispinosa Nemouridae Nemoura Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10130 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10131 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10132 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56'N 131 56'W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10133 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 1219 1402 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10866 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10984 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12462 Podmosta spp. Nemouridae Podmosta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Unknown Unknown 77 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 78 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera New Mexico Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nymphal growth in winter; 3-5 mos. Egg diapause for 7-10 mos. Yes 745 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 778 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2021 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2160 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3326 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3639 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3765 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3849 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 1 3885 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 2773 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3980 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 4030 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4117 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4126 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 2218 2879 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4155 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4169 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4224 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4293 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 4302 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 963 1173 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4342 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Kentucky Kentucky Pulaski "37 13' 02""" "84 28' 30""" JBM 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4400 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2590 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4475 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4517 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4594 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1706 2956 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4630 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 495 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4752 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4835 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 2194 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4884 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4923 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Washington, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4933 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4990 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5031 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5338 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Use of substrate volume and void space to examine the presence of three stonefly species New Mexico Arriba JBM 10/26/2004 1 2599 2599 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6026 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6697 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Detritivore 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6873 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America New Mexico chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9438 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10134 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 1280 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10926 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10985 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11307 Prostoia besametsa Nemouridae Prostoia Growth and Voltinism of five stonefly species in a New Mexico Mountain Stream. New Mexico RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Unknown leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Recruitment begins in November Yes 11423 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11424 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12877 Prostoia spp. Nemouridae Prostoia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Emerge Mar-mid-June. Occasionally adult take Feb and mid-summer. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown 1 Generation per year "Deposit May, hatch Oct." Yes 79 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "80% detritus 20% diatoms" Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Nov - April (5 months) Yes 2022 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2033 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa New species of North American Plecoptera Maine JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3327 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3865 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4156 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4295 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4518 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4934 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Penobscot, Washingto" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6027 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6698 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Detritivore 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9439 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10821 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 11421 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11422 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12879 Shipsa rotunda Nemouridae Shipsa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3328 Soyedina vallicularia Nemouridae Soyedina Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 10135 Soyedina spp. Nemouridae Soyedina An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 914 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10927 Soyedina spp. Nemouridae Soyedina Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12169 Soyedina spp. Nemouridae Soyedina Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12463 Soyedina spp. Nemouridae Soyedina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore 1 Unknown Unknown 12881 Soyedina spp. Nemouridae Soyedina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 80 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 3/31/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 2161 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3766 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4303 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 2198 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4476 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4836 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 2194 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6699 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10136 Visoka cataractae Nemouridae Visoka An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 81 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 82 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 1 1 1 1981 2133 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 83 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 3/31/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 779 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 780 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 781 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2023 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2024 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada New species of Nemoura from Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2026 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "Zapata katahdin, a new stonefly (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from the Northeast" "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" JBM 7/19/2004 1 1 1 305 548 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 0 18 2031 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada New species of North American Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2032 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada New species of North American Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2162 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2163 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2164 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2165 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1328 1328 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3767 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3768 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3769 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3770 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3781 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3782 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3863 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3886 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 3077 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3887 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3888 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 2194 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3981 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 960 1499 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Can also be semivoltine in northern latitudes Unknown 3982 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1050 1499 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 3983 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year may be semivoltine at higher latitudes Unknown 3984 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1050 1050 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4118 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4119 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4120 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4127 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1786 2946 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4128 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 2861 2861 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4170 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4207 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4208 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4209 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4222 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4223 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4225 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4350 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 792 1460 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4351 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 963 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4352 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 881 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4353 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 881 2194 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4395 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2818 2971 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4401 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4421 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Studies on Utah stoneflies (Plecoptera). Utah San Juan JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4430 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada New stoneflies from California and Oregon Oregon Multnomah Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4440 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4477 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4478 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4479 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4480 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4519 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4595 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2102 2956 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4596 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2956 3218 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4639 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 4640 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 4703 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4803 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine Piscataquis JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4837 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4838 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4839 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 914 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4935 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4972 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4973 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4974 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5007 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5018 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5032 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 609 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5033 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5058 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 5269 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5272 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5477 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5478 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5479 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6700 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Detritivore, Herbivore" Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6874 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 9440 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10137 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41' N 133 04' W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10138 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 91 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10139 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41' N 133 04' W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10140 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 609 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10141 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56' N 131 56' W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10142 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 1341 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10143 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41' N 133 04' W RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10144 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 10' N 132 07' W RAT 1/29/2005 1 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10145 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 1066 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10191 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 2864 3352 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10227 Zapada haysi Nemouridae Zapada "Chironomids and other invertebrates from North Boulder Creek, Colorado." Colorado Boulder RAT 1/4/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11726 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11727 Zapada oregonensis Nemouridae Zapada Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12095 Zapada cinctipes Nemouridae Zapada The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12568 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore 1 Unknown Unknown 12880 Zapada spp. Nemouridae Zapada Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3315 Nemouridae Nemouridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on diatoms and detritus. Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7062 Nemouridae Nemouridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown "Egg diapause in summer and in winter, in some spp." Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Yes 11723 Nemouridae Nemouridae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12015 Nemouridae Nemouridae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12163 Nemouridae Nemouridae Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12872 Nemouridae Nemouridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6580 Neoacarus spp. Neoacaridae Neoacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 0.8 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6579 Volsellacarus spp. Neoacaridae Volsellacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 0.8 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1912 Neoephemera compressa Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of the Neoephemeridae nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1913 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of the Neoephemeridae nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 root banks Unknown Unknown 1927 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of the Neoephemeridae nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 root banks Unknown Unknown 1928 Neoephemera compressa Neoephemeridae Neoephemera The genus Neoephemera in North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 in moss 1 Unknown Unknown 1929 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera The genus Neoephemera in North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 mountain streams Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 in roots 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1930 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera The genus Neoephemera in North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5662 Neoephemera bicolor Neoephemeridae Neoephemera A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5667 Neoephemera compressa Neoephemeridae Neoephemera A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5668 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5669 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5762 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera New mayfly descriptions from Florida and a description of a new species Florida Liberty JBM 11/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6156 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera A new mayfly genus from North Carolina. North Carolina Transylvania RAT 11/26/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown legs very long Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7264 Neoephemera spp. Neoephemeridae Neoephemera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer ? Sprawler Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12290 Neoephemera spp. Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12409 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12410 Neoephemera purpurea Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12411 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Emerge late Mar to Apr/May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12412 Neoephemera youngi Neoephemeridae Neoephemera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8089 Neoephemeridae Neoephemeridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Emerge spring or early summer depending on latitude. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 7562 Curicta spp. Nepidae Curicta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer Poor swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 2916 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part V. Family Nepidae nkmv 9/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) eggs laid spring-summer into plant tissue Unknown Predator Clinger poor swimmers 1 1 Unknown up to 2 months adults overwinter Weeks Unknown 2963 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers respiratory tube egs laid in june Unknown Unknown Spring Other (specify in comments) inserted in plants Unknown Predator crawler 1 1 1 Unknown "5 instars, 7-10 weeks" adults overwinter Unknown 3493 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface with air tubes. Breeds in shallow water along the margins of ponds and seeps. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator "Sucking mouth parts; most feed on other insects, small fish, or other aquatic animals." Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7560 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer Poor swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in IL. 4 instar stage Unknown 13000 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 instar stages. 56-75 day egg & nymph devel. Unknown 13032 Nepa apiculata Nepidae Nepa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs inserted in soft plant tissue. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2915 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra Seven families of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera in Louisiana. Part V. Family Nepidae nkmv 9/9/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) eggs laid spring-summer into plant tissue Unknown Predator Clinger poor swimmers 1 1 Unknown up to 2 months adults overwinter Weeks Unknown 2964 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 38 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers respiratory tube egs laid in june Unknown Unknown Spring Other (specify in comments) inserted in plants Unknown Predator crawler 1 1 1 Unknown "5 instars, 7-10 weeks" adults overwinter Unknown 3494 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32.5 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface with air tubes. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator "Sucking mouth parts; most feed on other insects, small fish, or other aquatic animals." Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Most adults fly into streams to overwinter under the banks. Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6088 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra Morphology of the Eighth Abdominal Spiracles of Belostoma and Ranatra RAT 12/3/2004 Unknown eighth abdominal spiracles serve a respiratory function. Use atmospheric O2 Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7221 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7561 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Swimmer Poor swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13029 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit early spring in soft bark or decaying wood of stumps, limbs, twigs at surface of water. Also inserted in cattail leaves." Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year up to 3? gen per yr Adults overwinter. Unknown 13030 Ranatra fusca Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 61 day egg & nymph devel. < 100 eggs Days Hatch 6-8 days. 23 in dissect. Unknown 13031 Ranatra buenoi Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs Days Hatch 5-8 days. 28 in dissect. Unknown 13033 Ranatra kirkaldyi Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs 22 eggs in dissected female. Unknown 13034 Ranatra spp. Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arizona chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13035 Ranatra nigra Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs 18 eggs in dissected female. Unknown 13037 Ranatra australis Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13038 Ranatra drakei Nepidae Ranatra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3483 Nepidae Nepidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through air tubes. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator "Sucking mouth parts; most feed on other insects, small fish, or other aquatic animals." Swimmer 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7196 Nepidae Nepidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13028 Nepidae Nepidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ditch Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Atmospheric breathers Spiracular gills Atmospheric breathers Respiratory tube at end of abdomen. Air pass from tube to large caudal spiracles and transferred to reservoir beneath wings of adult and grooved ventral surface of nymph's abdomen. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on sm crustaceans, mayfly nymphs, mosquito larvae, Daphnia, Cyclops, fish eggs, sm fish, tadpoles, Corixids." 1 1 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Adults overwinter Unknown 6370 Laeonereis culveri Nereididae Laeonereis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6369 Lycastoides alticola Nereididae Lycastoides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 2099 2099 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 6372 Namanereis hawaiiensis Nereididae Namanereis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 6367 Nereis limnicola Nereididae Nereis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 6368 Nereis succinea Nereididae Nereis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6375 Troglochaetus beranecki Nerillidae Troglochaetus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Colorado Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 2639 3049 Small (length < 9 mm) 0.6 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Found in the interstitial water 20 cm below the surface of gravels of mountain streams. 1 Found in the interstitial water 20 cm below the surface of gravels of mountain streams. Unknown Unknown 1 6236 Neritina reclivata Neritidae Neritina Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a feather-like gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 1 1 6630 Neritina reclivata Neritidae Neritina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Round (humped) Unknown "Shell globose, with a very low spire." Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6270 Neritidae Neritidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Has a feather-like gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 3558 Hydrocanthus spp. Noteridae Hydrocanthus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Plant breathers Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Swimmer Burrower Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. Unknown "Larvae and adults are aquatic; some pupae are also aquatic, pupating within air-filled cocoons on roots in late summer." Unknown 7367 Hydrocanthus spp. Noteridae Hydrocanthus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 13849 Hydrocanthus spp. Noteridae Hydrocanthus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7368 Notomicrus spp. Noteridae Notomicrus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13850 Notomicrus spp. Noteridae Notomicrus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7369 Suphis inflatus Noteridae Suphis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 13851 Suphis inflatus Noteridae Suphis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3557 Suphisellus spp. Noteridae Suphisellus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin ADULT Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.1 Unknown All sclerotized Cutaneous Plant breathers Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Swimmer Burrower Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. Unknown "Larvae and adults are aquatic; some pupae are also aquatic, pupating within air-filled cocoons on roots in late summer." Unknown 7093 Suphisellus puncticollis Noteridae Suphisellus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7370 Suphisellus spp. Noteridae Suphisellus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13852 Suphisellus bicolor Noteridae Suphisellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13853 Suphisellus gibbulus Noteridae Suphisellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13854 Suphisellus puncticollis Noteridae Suphisellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13855 Suphisellus spp. Noteridae Suphisellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3527 Noteridae Noteridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Cutaneous Plant breathers Temporary air store "All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Adults carry a bubble of air under the elytra, which is renewed by swimming to the surface and breaking the surface film with the tip of the abdomen." Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) Larvae are herbivorous on plant roots. Swimmer Burrower Adults have swimming hairs on metathoracic legs. Unknown "Larvae and adults are aquatic; some pupae are also aquatic, pupating within air-filled cocoons on roots in late summer." Unknown 13847 Noteridae Noteridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerged adult observed late summer and fall. Unknown Unknown Possibly oviposit on plant roots and in mud. Unknown Predator Burrower 1 1 1 1 Especially on roots. Unknown Unknown 13848 Noteridae Noteridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Especially on roots. Unknown Unknown 2968 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 instars, 40-60 d" overwinter as adults eggs can overwinter Unknown 3498 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6.2 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the apex of the abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 Prefer habitats with deeper water - deep ponds and lakes. 10 km or less Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 6137 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Depth Selection in Two Species of Buenoa (Hemiptera: Notonectidae). RAT 11/18/2004 Unknown Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown Unknown 7235 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Larvae and Adult-Hemoglobin Unknown Unknown Duration of 16 days. Unknown Weeks Unknown Unknown 7579 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10850 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Prey Selection by Freshwater Predators with different Foraging Strategies. California Santa Barbara RAT 2/24/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Mobile and continuously moving Predator 1 Forages within the water column but not on the bottom or at water surface Unknown Unknown 13013 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown Adult overwinter. Unknown 13073 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Hemoglobin Hemoglobin-filled tracheal cells in abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit throughout summer. Eggs inserted in aquatic plants. Unknown Feed on algae when animal food not available. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Possibly 2 gen/yr Adults overwinter Yes 13074 Buenoa spp. Notonectidae Buenoa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 42-77 day egg & nymph devel. Unknown 7580 Martarega mexicana Notonectidae Martarega An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 2967 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 10 km or less Unknown "5 instars, 40-60 d" overwinter as adults eggs can overwinter Unknown 3495 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Ditches Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the apex of the abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Most adults overwinter as adults along streams or in deeper lentic habitats. 10 km or less Yes 1 Generation per year "Most univoltine, except for Notonecta undulata (bivoltine)." 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 3496 Notonecta undulata Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Ditches Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the apex of the abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Most adults overwinter as adults along streams or in deeper lentic habitats. 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 3497 Notonecta borealis Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Ditches Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Air stores are renewed at the water surface through the apex of the abdomen. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Most adults overwinter as adults along streams or in deeper lentic habitats. 10 km or less Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 7006 Notonecta undulata Notonectidae Notonecta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Other (specify in comments) Eggs glued also to other submerged objects or inserted into plants. Oviposit in Early spring through summer. Continuous oviposition in summer and overlapping broods. Yes Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine? 1 Days 5-14 day incubation Unknown 7581 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Cannibal" Swimmer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10848 Notonecta unifasciata Notonectidae Notonecta Prey Selection by Freshwater Predators with different Foraging Strategies. California Santa Barbara RAT 2/24/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Ambush Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 11487 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Use mechanical vibrational cues to find prey. Piercers Swimmer Unknown Unknown 11737 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13011 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown Adult overwinter. Unknown 13075 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit in sping and may continue through summer. Eggs attached or inserted into plants. Yes Swimmer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Adults overwinter. Unknown 13076 Notonecta spp. Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 37-53 day nymphal devel; 5 stages. Unknown 13077 Notonecta undulata Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 33-46 day nymphal stages; 5 stages. Weeks Hatch 3days-2wks. Unknown 13078 Notonecta irrorata Notonectidae Notonecta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3484 Notonectidae Notonectidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 Ditches Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Ventral air bubble acts as a physical gill. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Yes 1 Generation per year "Most univoltine, except for Notonecta undulata (bivoltine)." 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 7205 Notonectidae Notonectidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Larvae and Adult-Hemoglobin Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13072 Notonectidae Notonectidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Hind leg flattened and densely fringed with long swimming hairs. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on sm crustaceans, insect larvae, snails, sm fish, possibly cannibalistic." Swimmer 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6853 Nymphomyiidae Nymphomyiidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Tubular Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8130 Nymphomyiidae Nymphomyiidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Maine "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge spring and late summer Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine probably. Unknown 11372 Nymphomyiidae Nymphomyiidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7595 Ochterus spp. Ochteridae Ochterus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Seeps Bluff (blocky) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber Clinger 1 1 Yes Unknown 13005 Ochterus spp. Ochteridae Ochterus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on springtails, fly larvae, aphids, crustaceans." 1 In clumps of veg and rocks near shore. 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 13006 Ochterus banksi Ochteridae Ochterus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13007 Ochterus spp. Ochteridae Ochterus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Adults appear in May. Unknown Unknown Spring Overhanging substrate (dry) Bank soil Eggs deposited on plant debris or grains of sand.. Unknown Predator "Feed on springtails, fly larvae, aphids, crustaceans." 1 In clumps of veg and rocks near shore. 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year < 100 eggs 1 1 25-30eggs/female. Unknown 13008 Ochterus spp. Ochteridae Ochterus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Row of spines on front margin of head. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on springtails, fly larvae, aphids, crustaceans." 1 1 In clumps of veg and rocks near shore. 1 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Overwinter in 4th instar. Unknown 343 Marilia flexuosa Odontoceridae Marilia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/11/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Casesmade of sand grains. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous; consumes largely arthropods, aslo some filamentous algae and vascular plants" Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1292 Marilia flexuosa Odontoceridae Marilia New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies Indiana Kosciusko Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7729 Marilia spp. Odontoceridae Marilia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case curved, smooth, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Sprawler ? Unknown Unknown 9884 Marilia flexuosa Odontoceridae Marilia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10248 Marilia flexuosa Odontoceridae Marilia The Trichoptera of Lower California. Desert Southwest RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13230 Marilia spp. Odontoceridae Marilia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13732 Marilia spp. Odontoceridae Marilia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 2736 Namamyia spp. Odontoceridae Namamyia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Cases braced by silk mortar joints and are extremely resistant to crushing. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7732 Namamyia spp. Odontoceridae Namamyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case curved, smooth, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer ? Sprawler ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7733 Nerophilus spp. Odontoceridae Nerophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown "Case curved, slighty rough, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler ? 1 Unknown Unknown 9380 Nerophilus spp. Odontoceridae Nerophilus Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of sand grains Collected early June Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 2737 Parthina spp. Odontoceridae Parthina Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Case covered with laquer-like silk to ease passage during burrowing. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7730 Parthina spp. Odontoceridae Parthina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 "Case curved, tapered, smooth, fine mineral and wood fragments" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Sprawler ? 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10343 Parthina spp. Odontoceridae Parthina New Species of Trichoptera. RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2747 Pseudogoera spp. Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Confined to moss growing on rocky outcrops or boulders. Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7734 Pseudogoera spp. Odontoceridae Pseudogoera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case curved, tapered, rough, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler ? Unknown Unknown 7812 Pseudogoera singularis Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Pseudogoerinae: a new subfamily of Odontoceridae (Trichoptera). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/7/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Pupate late July or Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 "Moss; ""underneath the vertical ledges of small waterfalls where there is only a small trickle of water.""" 1 Moss Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 1 2 23 Clear water 8613 Pseudogoera singularis Odontoceridae Pseudogoera An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9414 Pseudogoera singularis Odontoceridae Pseudogoera "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" North Carolina chm 2/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10095 Pseudogoera spp. Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13267 Pseudogoera spp. Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 13733 Pseudogoera spp. Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8.5 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 13735 Pseudogoera singularis Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 1 1 74 251 Unknown Emerge late July-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Larvae spr and summer; pupate late July/Aug Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13737 Pseudogoera singularis Odontoceridae Pseudogoera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge late July-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 344 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/13/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Curved and tapered cases made of coarse rock fragments. Very sturdy and resistant to crushing. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous - largely plant materials; algae, vascular plants, and FPOM." Burrower Sprawler Burrow into bottom substrates or crawl over them. 1 1 1 1 Pupae attach gregariously to undersides of rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1781 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1782 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae found in sand. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 14 23 1783 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Found feeding on snails! 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1784 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Pupation very gregarious on the undersides of rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1785 Psilotreta rufa Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 years for complete life cycle. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1786 Psilotreta rossi Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1787 Psilotreta amera Odontoceridae Psilotreta Revision of the caddisfly genus Psilotreta GREAT SMOKY MTNS NP "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case cylindrical, curved, and usually slightly tapered, made of coarse sand grains. Case remarkably resistant to crushing." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2735 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 Cases braced by silk mortar joints and are extremely resistant to crushing. Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3430 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Feed on algae in the sand. 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine life cycle. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5579 Psilotreta rufa Odontoceridae Psilotreta A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Hart JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6221 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7678 Psilotreta rossi Odontoceridae Psilotreta A new species of Psilotreta from North Carolina (Trichoptera: Odontoceridae). North Carolina Mason chm 1/10/2005 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7731 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case curved, smooth, coarse material" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8021 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8022 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8279 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June10-20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8614 Psilotreta amera Odontoceridae Psilotreta An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Polk chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8615 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8616 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8617 Psilotreta rossi Odontoceridae Psilotreta An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina Macon chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8618 Psilotreta rufa Odontoceridae Psilotreta An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Franklin chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8871 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8872 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19-July 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8873 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 1-June 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9140 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9141 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9142 Psilotreta rossi Odontoceridae Psilotreta A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9143 Psilotreta rufa Odontoceridae Psilotreta A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9769 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Tioga 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9770 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Tioga 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9980 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10067 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Massachusetts RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11042 Psilotreta indecisa Odontoceridae Psilotreta "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12063 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13255 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13734 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 13736 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13738 Psilotreta amera Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee Polk "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Collected Apr and May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13739 Psilotreta spp. Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13740 Psilotreta frontalis Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge May and June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13741 Psilotreta labida Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13742 Psilotreta rossi Odontoceridae Psilotreta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13310 Odontoceridae Odontoceridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 442 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria North American mayflies of the family Oligoneuriidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Consumes some algae. Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 444 Homoeoneuria ammophila Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria North American mayflies of the family Oligoneuriidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/24/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Consumes some algae. Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1911 Homoeonueria alleni Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria "Significant range extentions for southwestern nearctic mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae, Oligoneuri" nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 1 sandy bottomed rivers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3263 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Filter algae and diatoms from stream. 1 Occur in sand bar drop-offs of large streams. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5695 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7236 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Burrower Unknown Unknown 12270 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Detritivore. Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12464 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Uses hair on legs to filter. 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12465 Homoeoneuria spp. Oligoneuriidae Homoeoneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/16/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Emerge mid-July to early Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 443 Lachlania powelli Oligoneuriidae Lachlania North American mayflies of the family Oligoneuriidae Utah Marci Koski 5/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Emerges mid-morning, very rapid flight." Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 445 Lachlania powelli Oligoneuriidae Lachlania New species of Utah mayflies. I. Oligoneuriidae Utah Marci Koski 5/24/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Nuptial flight begins in morning; subimaginal skin shed from all parts of body except wings while in flight. Flight speed very rapid (e.g. dragonfly speed). Flies an inch or two above river water. Unknown Unknown Free-floating Females oviposit by dipping abdomen to the water while flying. Mayflies died by late morning. Unknown Clinger Slow-moving; cling with much tenacity. 1 1 1 Found clinging to small sticks lodged inbetween rocks in long rapids; also found on undersides of rocks. 1 1 Unknown Hours Unknown 447 Lachlania dencyanna Oligoneuriidae Lachlania A new species of Lachlania from New Mexico with notes on the genus New Mexico Marci Koski 5/24/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Adults emerge late morning, but ceased activity by early afternoon with high temperatures. Males flew 3-5 feet above water and periodically flew down to water surface or streamside grass to rest." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Clinger 1 Found clinging to small sticks and vegetation wedged between rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 1909 Lachlania saskatchewanensis Oligoneuriidae Lachlania "Significant range extentions for southwestern nearctic mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae, Oligoneuri" nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 sandy bottomed streams Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5697 Lachlania spp. Oligoneuriidae Lachlania A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hours Unknown 7159 Lachlania spp. Oligoneuriidae Lachlania An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6305 Craspedacusta sowerbyi Olindiidae Craspedacusta Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 "Water-filled quarries, reservoirs" Pond Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Round (humped) Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft "By ""emergence"", I mean the appearance of the medusoid/adult stage of this organism." Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Other (specify in comments) "Populations of medusae are either mostly all males or all females; mixed populations are rare. Fertilization occurs in the water, where eggs and sperm are released." Yes Predator Consume mostly zooplankton 0.2 2.0 mm. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Can occasionally rest on the substrate. Unknown Unknown 3 1 20 6306 Craspedacusta sowerbyi Olindiidae Craspedacusta Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 "Water-filled quarries, reservoirs" Pond Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 "Most have nematocysts in tentacles, which aid in procuring food and protection (they are sticky, entangling, and paralyzing)." Soft Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "The hydroid/polyp stage can reproduce through asexual budding, the creation of frustrules that are constricted off and turn into buds, and the production of medusa buds (which result in sexually mature medusae). Production of medusae is highly sporadic and unpredictable." Yes Predator Consumes metazoans. Attached/fixed Clinger The hydroid can creep slowly on substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can occasionally rest on the substrate. Unknown Unknown 3 1 20 6590 Omartacarus spp. Omartacaridae Omartacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Gravel bars. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Clear water 6322 Opistocystidae Opistocystidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Most respiration occurs through the skin. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most are found in the shallows down to a depth of 1 m. Unknown Unknown 1 6593 Frontipoda americana Oxidae Frontipoda Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8071 Frontipoda spp. Oxidae Frontipoda Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae. 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8072 Frontipoda spp. Oxidae Frontipoda Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 6592 Gnaphiscus occidentalis Oxidae Gnaphiscus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6591 Oxus spp. Oxidae Oxus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 7996 Oxidae Oxidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Predaceous deutonymph (several months). Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Unknown 6381 Macrobrachium spp. Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6567 Macrobrachium acanthurus Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 170 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 1 1 6568 Macrobrachium ohione Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 95 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6569 Macrobrachium carcinus Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 240 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6570 Macrobrachium olfersi Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida St. Augustine Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 90 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 7879 Macrobrachium spp. Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 1/26/2005 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8164 Macrobrachium ohione Palaemonidae Macrobrachium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/27/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 93 Unknown Unknown Unknown "Ovigerous females in May (Illinois), Mar-Sept (Louisiana), Mar (Texas). Only largest individuals in popn bear eggs." Unknown Unknown Lives up to 2yrs. "> 10,000 eggs" 6273-24000 eggs/female. Unknown 6002 Palaemonetes paludosus Palaemonidae Palaemonetes The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Ovigerous females were collested in June and July Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6380 Palaemonetes spp. Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6382 Palaemonetes cummingi Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Florida Alachua Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6562 Palaemonetes antrorum Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas Hays Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6563 Palaemonetes holthuisi Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas San Marcos Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6564 Palaemonetes texanus Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas "Hays, Comal" Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6565 Palaemonetes paludosus Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 46 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6566 Palaemonetes kadiakensis Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 7882 Palaemonetes kadiakensis Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 49 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Breeding late spring or early summer in northern area. Unknown Swimmer Unknown 6 larval stage in 3 wks. Lives approx 1 yr. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 8-160 egg/female. 12-24d incub Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 40 Preference of 6-10C below their max tolerance limit of 37-40C. Unable to tolerate sustained exposure >32C. 8159 Palaemonetes paludosus Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. West Virginia Randolph chm 1/26/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 49 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Breeding late spring or early summer in northern area. Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator "Feed on epiphytic algae, diatom. Predator of immature insects." Swimmer 1 Unknown 6 larval stage in 3 wks. Lives approx 1 yr. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 8-160 egg/female. 12-24d incub Unknown 1 6532 Palaemonidae Palaemonidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mating generally occurs between early spring and autumn. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Females lay eggs several weeks to several months after mating; eggs are released into a sticky secretion on the ventral surface of the female's body (where they are fertilized when the spermatophores break open). Eggs (between 10 and 700) are carried between March and June. Yes Other (specify in comments) Predator "Generally omnivorous; occasionally prey on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. Feed on all kinds of vegetation, meat; scavengers." Swimmer Climber Distinctly swim using the pleopods. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Generally found in water less than 1 m deep. 11-100 m 1 km or less Yes Months Live up to 24 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 2-20 weeks Unknown 6730 Glutops spp. Pelecorhynchidae Glutops An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Shredder Herbivores? Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 95 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year No 680 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla The stoneflies of the genus Peltoperla In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/6/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 682 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla A new species of Peltoperla form Eastern North America (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 765 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "Alloperla lenati, a new species of stonefly from North Carolina and two new state records" Virginia Washington JBM 7/13/2004 1 1150 1150 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2241 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla New genera and species of Perlidae JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3994 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4039 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4088 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4451 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4684 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4757 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4870 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Garrett, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5056 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5097 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5131 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5242 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5323 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6059 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 762 914 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6083 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla The life History and Ecology of Peltoperla maria (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) Tennessee RAT 12/2/2004 1 Unknown Males emerge before females No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder 1 Leaf Packs Strong (active / often) Unknown < 1 Generation per year Yes 6685 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8148 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 9459 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9502 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). Georgia "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10639 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Notes and descriptions concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera) Washington RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 12161 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12189 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 12569 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12867 Peltoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Peltoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adults collected Apr-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Feed on algae and dead leaves. 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1-2 yr life cycle. Unknown 679 Soliperla spp. Peltoperlidae Soliperla A review of the genus Soliperla (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/6/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Splash zones of boulders Unknown Unknown 2174 Soliperla spp. Peltoperlidae Soliperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4429 Soliperla spp. Peltoperlidae Soliperla New stoneflies from California and Oregon Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6686 Soliperla spp. Peltoperlidae Soliperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 12/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9503 Soliperla spp. Peltoperlidae Soliperla The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). California Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 96 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Skeletonizes leaves, preferring elm, alder, sourwood, and dogwood." Unknown Unknown 97 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Skeletonizes leaves, preferring elm, alder, sourwood, and dogwood. Guts had both detritus and diatoms." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 7 mo. Egg diapause Yes 694 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Cleburne JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 695 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama "Cleburne, Tuscaloosa" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3649 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4012 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4040 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4041 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4188 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4631 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 495 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4685 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4686 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4758 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4814 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5011 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5112 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer diet of detritus and diatoms 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5321 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5322 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6687 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6872 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine Unknown 9504 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). Florida "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11363 Tallaperla spp. Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11388 Tallaperla maria Peltoperlidae Tallaperla Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 681 Viehoperla ada Peltoperlidae Viehoperla The nymph of Viehoperla ada (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/6/2004 1 366 1554 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Moist leaves in small spring seeps Unknown Unknown 9 15 6688 Viehoperla ada Peltoperlidae Viehoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9460 Viehoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Viehoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9505 Viehoperla ada Peltoperlidae Viehoperla The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12869 Viehoperla spp. Peltoperlidae Viehoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adults collected Apr-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Feed on algae and dead leaves. 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1-2 yr life cycle. Unknown 98 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 2175 Yoraperla nigrisoma Peltoperlidae Yoraperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2176 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3762 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4366 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4497 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5281 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5324 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6689 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Detritivore 1 Unknown Unknown 9506 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10122 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10123 Yoraperla spp. Peltoperlidae Yoraperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7060 Peltoperlidae Peltoperlidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year No 99 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 22 Unknown "Morph. Similar to other genera such that they are excluded from northern Rocky Mountain streams containing Calineuria, Doroneuria, Hesperoperla, and Claassenia." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 100 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 22 Unknown "Morph. Similar to other genera such that they are excluded from northern Rocky Mountain streams containing Calineuria, Doroneuria, Hesperoperla, and Claassenia. Found with C. sabulosa in the Green and Yampa rivers, however." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Eats larval chironomids and hydrophsychids 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year cycle in Michigan Unknown 101 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 22 Unknown "Morph. Similar to other genera such that they are excluded from northern Rocky Mountain streams containing Calineuria, Doroneuria, Hesperoperla, and Claassenia." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumed other stoneflies and mayflies Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle in West Virginia Unknown 102 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Oklahoma Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 22 Unknown "Morph. Similar to other genera such that they are excluded from northern Rocky Mountain streams containing Calineuria, Doroneuria, Hesperoperla, and Claassenia." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 70% found in leaf packs; 30% found in open gravel. Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Oklahoma Ozarks Slow seasonal Unknown 103 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 22 Unknown "Morph. Similar to other genera such that they are excluded from northern Rocky Mountain streams containing Calineuria, Doroneuria, Hesperoperla, and Claassenia." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes larval chironomids and hydropsychids. Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 677 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria "Life history and ecology of Acroneuria carolinensis (Banks) in Panther Creek, Nicholas Co., WV" West Virginia Nicholas Jeremy Monroe 7/6/2004 1 670 670 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year "2,possibly 3 year life cycle" 100 to 1000 eggs Months Yes 0 16 696 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 697 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Calhoun JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 698 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 729 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi "Monroe, Stone" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 730 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 792 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2063 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A new species of Acroneuria from Kentucky and new records of stoneflies from Eastern North America Kentucky JBM 7/15/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2093 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2094 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2095 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2096 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2097 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2098 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2216 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A new species of Acroneuria from Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Virginia Tazewell JBM 8/20/2004 938 938 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3368 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Need 2-3 years to complete life cycle. 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 3646 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3652 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3697 Acroneuria frisoni Perlidae Acroneuria What is Acroneuria evoluta Klapalek (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3703 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota Richland JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3704 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota "Cass, Pembina" JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3755 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3756 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3757 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3758 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3759 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3771 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3851 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3852 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3853 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3854 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3874 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 3956 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3972 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4042 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4043 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4044 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4045 Acroneuria frisoni Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4046 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4047 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4081 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria "Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies of Virginia, USA" Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4178 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4179 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Brookings JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4192 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4266 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Missouri JBM 9/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4267 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4268 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4269 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4270 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4465 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4466 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4467 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4551 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4616 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4617 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4646 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4663 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4709 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4710 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4742 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4743 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4768 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4769 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4825 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4826 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4827 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Penobscot, Washingto" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4828 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine Penobscot JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4876 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Frederick JBM 10/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4901 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4902 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4903 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4904 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4905 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4906 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4917 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4918 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4993 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Daughlin JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5012 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5044 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5045 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5046 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5067 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5068 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5071 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5113 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5114 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5115 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5209 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5210 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5211 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia "Pocahontas, Summers" JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5212 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5213 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5214 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5325 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5326 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5327 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5329 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5330 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5496 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5498 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5499 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 6031 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 6032 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 6876 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oklahoma chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6877 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Michigan chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Merovoltine (1 generation/3 yrs) Unknown 7300 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera, Plecoptera" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9481 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9482 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9483 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9484 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9485 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9486 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9487 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9488 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9489 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9510 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 2 1 "Reported min temp 35.5F, max temp 54F. Lethal temp 65F." Clear water 10412 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10413 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10422 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10450 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10464 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippecanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10465 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10466 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10467 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Harrison RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10468 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Owen RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10469 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Harrison RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10470 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10471 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10472 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippacanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10473 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10474 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Lawrence RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10475 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippacanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10476 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10560 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10561 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Johnson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10562 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Leavenworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10563 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10564 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10565 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10566 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10567 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Johnson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10568 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Leavenworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10569 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas McPherson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10570 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10609 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Illinois RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10610 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Indiana RAT 2/7/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Thoracic tufts of gills in larvae. Also has caudel gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10611 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Illinois RAT 2/7/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Thoracic tufts of gills in larvae. Also has caudel gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10612 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Ohio RAT 2/7/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Thoracic tufts of gills in larvae. Also has caudel gills Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10613 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Pennsylvania RAT 2/7/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Thoracic tufts of gills in larvae. Also has caudel gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10873 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Selective predation by a sculpin and a stonefly on two chironomids in laboratory feeding trials. Wisconsin RAT 2/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 11053 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Ate mostly chironomids, hydropsychids, and tipulids" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11055 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11184 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Montana Missoula Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11185 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Montana Rosebud Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11193 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown "Adults not collected, but exuvia found. Suspect that they inhabit tree canopies." Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11232 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). Wyoming RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11233 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). Montana RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11364 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11365 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11413 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 293 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11414 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 488 683 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11426 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed on a variety of invertebrates Unknown Unknown 11520 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11521 Acroneuria frisoni Perlidae Acroneuria "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11522 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11906 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12183 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12575 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12958 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12959 Acroneuria abnormis Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Connecticut chm 3/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12960 Acroneuria carolinensis Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12961 Acroneuria evoluta Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12962 Acroneuria internata Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12963 Acroneuria lycorias Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12964 Acroneuria perplexa Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12965 Acroneuria spp. Perlidae Acroneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 119 Agnetina spp. Perlidae Agnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids and hydropsychids; mayflies and caddisflies. Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown 120 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 503 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Extended emergence period (asynchronous). Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids and mayflies Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 or more years in life cycle. Non-seasonal Asynchronous egg-hatching Unknown 121 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids and hydropsychids; mayflies and caddisflies. 1 1 1 Associated with FPOM rather than leafpacks 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1-2 years in life cycle Non-seasonal "Delayed, asynchronous hatching" Unknown 707 Agnetina annulipes Perlidae Agnetina Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 708 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2088 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina The nearctic species of Agnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2089 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina The nearctic species of Agnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2217 Agnetina annulipes Perlidae Agnetina The nearctic species of Agnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3369 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Need 2-3 years to complete life cycle. 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 3749 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3777 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4055 Agnetina annulipes Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4056 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4057 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4271 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4272 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4344 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Kentucky Kentucky "Woodford, Franklin" JBM 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4741 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4801 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4900 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4994 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4995 Agnetina flavescens Perlidae Agnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania "Daughin, Lehigh" JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5047 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5116 Agnetina annulipes Perlidae Agnetina A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5246 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5300 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6878 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America New York chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semi- and merovoltine (1 generation/3 yrs) Unknown 7296 Agnetina spp. Perlidae Agnetina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10886 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Tactile predators that forage using their antennae Unknown Unknown 10977 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator feeding slows down over winter months 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Unknown 11058 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Postmolt susceptibility of Ephemerella larvae to predatory stoneflies: Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/28/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11348 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11399 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Ate chironomids, and were also cannablistic" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11536 Agnetina capitata Perlidae Agnetina "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3367 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Need 2-3 years to complete life cycle. 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 10571 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10572 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10573 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Johnson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10574 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Leavenworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11418 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12593 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12966 Attaneuria ruralis Perlidae Attaneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 104 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Dominant carnivores. Unknown Unknown 699 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Cleburne JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2238 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria The genus Beloneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5013 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5070 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5333 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 7301 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11415 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 585 1121 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12594 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12967 Beloneuria spp. Perlidae Beloneuria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 105 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized """Adults fly from mid-morning to late evening when radiant energy is sufficient for flight muscle function; males make periodic contact with the stream surface.""" Unknown Unknown Free-floating """Females utilize a gliding 'dive bombing' method of oviposition on the surface of riffles.""" No Predator "Dominant predators on benthic invertebrates, especially chironomids, Baetis, and hydropsychid larvae." Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 year life cycle in montane streams Unknown 3660 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The species of Calineuria and Doroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3841 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4195 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4310 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 940 1490 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4552 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4788 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4968 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5280 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5331 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 1 183 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5497 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 7302 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera" Clinger 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in CA. Merovoltine (3yrs?) in Oregon. Unknown 7867 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 8152 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 10382 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10831 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria "Emergence patterns of large stoneflies (Plecoptera: Pteronarcys, Calineuria, Hesperoperla)" Montana 46 43'N 113 41'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1094 1305 Unknown 1 Slightly more males emerged than females. Males emerged earlier than females.Mating takes place in riparian vegetation. No Spring Summer Unknown 1 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Egg hatch time was variable Unknown 11166 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11173 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Rocky Mountains RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11187 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Oregon RAT 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11188 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. California Nevada RAT 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11327 Calineuria californica Perlidae Calineuria Resource division by perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a lake outlet stream. Montana Missoula RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Two year life cycle Unknown 122 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 2986 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills 1 """Adults are bank scramblers, have definitive searching behaviors on emergent rocks in shallow water and begin attempting to mate with females during female ecdysis.""" Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator "Opportunistic on chironomids, mayflies, caddisflies, and stoneflies." Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 year life cycle in Rocky Mountain streams Hatches throughout the year Unknown 795 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2179 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3683 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "incidental consumption (9% of gut contents) of algae, detritous" 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3772 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3844 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3873 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 3904 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1615 1889 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4114 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4256 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4311 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 1280 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4409 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2057 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4557 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 4579 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico San Miguel JBM 9/9/2004 1 2316 2316 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4971 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5073 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7297 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera, Simuliidae" Clinger Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semi- and merovoltine (3 yrs) in CO and NM. Unknown 10383 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10454 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Sometimes facultative detritivores 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10461 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Adult males have reduced wings 1 Extended emergence period. Protandrous. Adults emerged between 2000 and 2200 hours. Males search the shoreline cobbles in a circular pattern for females while drumming. Females were observed skating over the water surface at night. Males have reduced wings and are cursorial. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating "Females fly above the water up to 5 meters, and drop eggs. Large groups of adults were observed flying together at dusk." Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 3 years to develop "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 10462 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Adult males have reduced wings 1 Extended emergence period. Protandrous. Adults emerged between 2000 and 2200 hours. Males search the shoreline cobbles in a circular pattern for females while drumming. Females were observed skating over the water surface at night. Males have reduced wings and are cursorial. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating "Females fly above the water up to 5 meters, and drop eggs. Large groups of adults were observed flying together at dusk." Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 3 years to develop "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Unknown 10828 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Egg hatch time was variable Unknown 10846 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Feeding habits and prey consumption of three setipalpian stoneflies (Plecoptera) Colorado Gunnison RAT 2/23/2005 1 2681 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10879 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Sometimes substantial amounts of detritus (possibly a facultative component of the diet) 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 11108 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11167 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11172 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Rocky Mountains RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11309 Claassenia sabulosa Perlidae Claassenia Growth and Voltinism of five stonefly species in a New Mexico Mountain Stream. New Mexico Rio Arriba RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 year life cycle Unknown 106 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Found to coexist with Calineuria or Hesperoperla in streams. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 107 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Found to coexist with Calineuria or Hesperoperla in streams. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2177 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3661 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria The species of Calineuria and Doroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3692 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria The species of Calineuria and Doroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3842 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4137 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada "Lander, Nye" JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4312 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1341 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4553 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4554 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4789 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1524 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4969 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5072 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5501 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10384 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 975 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11168 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11171 Doroneuria theodora Perlidae Doroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Rocky Mountains RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11182 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Great Basin RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11186 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Oregon RAT 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11189 Doroneuria baumanni Perlidae Doroneuria Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. California Nevada RAT 3/23/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 108 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 1 750 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Emerges over a 4.5 week period from mid-June through mid-July. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator "Wide variety of prey; specializes on mayflies and chironomids. Also eats SALAMANDERS!!! Pierces gular region, shears off legs, and eats rest of body!!!" Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle in Kentucky Most nymphal growth occurs in Feb. and March Unknown 700 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 731 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3651 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3760 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4048 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4664 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4907 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania "Centre, Montgomery" JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5069 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 731 823 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5117 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator larval salamenders are eaten Unknown Unknown 5332 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5505 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7303 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Kentucky. Unknown 9490 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11416 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 488 1073 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12595 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12968 Eccoptura xanthenes Perlidae Eccoptura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 109 Hansonoperla spp. Perlidae Hansonoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Associated with roots and detritus in undercut banks of Appalachian streams. Unknown Unknown 110 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Associated with roots and detritus in undercut banks of Appalachian streams. Unknown Unknown 701 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Cleburne JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2232 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla "Hansonoperla appalachia, a new genus and species of Eastern Nearctic Acroneuriini" JBM 8/24/2004 1 570 570 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2253 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla The nymph of Hansonoperla appalachia Nelson (Plecoptera: Perlidae) West Virginia "Greenbriar, Nicholas" JBM 8/24/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3694 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla Two new species of Hansonoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3695 Hansonoperla spp. Perlidae Hansonoperla Two new species of Hansonoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America JBM 8/25/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3696 Hansonoperla spp. Perlidae Hansonoperla Two new species of Hansonoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America Alabama Cleburne JBM 8/25/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4049 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4877 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Garrett JBM 10/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4996 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania "Cambria, Tioga" JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 7304 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11420 Hansonoperla appalachia Perlidae Hansonoperla Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 111 Hesperoperla spp. Perlidae Hesperoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 1 1 3504 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Voracious predators; attack salmonid eggs and alevins in aquaria! Effective competitors with trout and sculpins for benthic prey in artificial streams. Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 year life cycles in Colorado and Montana populations. Unknown 112 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 1 1 3504 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator "Voracious predators; attack salmonid eggs and alevins in aquaria! Effective competitors with trout and sculpins for benthic prey in artificial streams. In natural settings eats chironomids, caddis larvae, and mayflies. Most feeding occurs between midnight and 6 am." Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 year life cycles in Colorado and Montana populations. Unknown 793 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2178 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2252 Hesperoperla spp. Perlidae Hesperoperla "Hesperoperla hoguei, a new species of stonefly from California (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" California JBM 8/24/2004 1 579 3001 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3682 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) incidental consumption of plant matter 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3843 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3875 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 3903 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 2803 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3993 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4113 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4138 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Elko JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4180 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4196 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4255 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4313 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4419 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4555 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4580 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico Catron JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4605 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4790 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4970 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5143 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5328 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 1524 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5500 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 7305 Hesperoperla spp. Perlidae Hesperoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Tricoptera" Unknown Unknown 10385 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 975 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10830 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "Emergence patterns of large stoneflies (Plecoptera: Pteronarcys, Calineuria, Hesperoperla)" Montana 46 43'N 113 41'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1094 1305 Unknown 1 Slightly more females emerged than males. Mating takes place in riparian vegetation. No Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Egg hatch time was variable Unknown 10869 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10880 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10980 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Resource division by perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a lake outlet stream. Montana Missoula RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Three year life cycle Unknown 11100 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11169 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11170 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Rocky Mountains RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11183 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla Coexistence of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera): predictions from multivariate morphometrics. Great Basin RAT 3/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12097 Hesperoperla pacifica Perlidae Hesperoperla The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 118 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Oklahoma Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 706 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 736 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2099 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla New species of Nearctic Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2100 Neoperla osage Perlidae Neoperla New species of Nearctic Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2101 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A new species of Neoperla (Insecta: Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Mississippi Mississippi JBM 8/23/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2102 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla "New species of Nearctic Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae), with notes on the genus" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2103 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "New species of Nearctic Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae), with notes on the genus" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2104 Neoperla harpi Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of the Southern Ozark and Ouachita Mountain region In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2105 Neoperla robisoni Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of the Southern Ozark and Ouachita Mountain region In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2218 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of the Southern Ozark and Ouachita Mountain region In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2219 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of the Southern Ozark and Ouachita Mountain region In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2220 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla The Neoperla clymene (Newman) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2221 Neoperla harpi Perlidae Neoperla The Neoperla clymene (Newman) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2222 Neoperla robisoni Perlidae Neoperla The Neoperla clymene (Newman) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 8/23/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2223 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The Neoperla clymene (Newman) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2224 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2225 Neoperla harpi Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes JBM 8/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2226 Neoperla robisoni Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2237 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes JBM 8/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2250 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Redescription of Neoperla hubbsi Ricker (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Kansas JBM 8/24/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2251 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "Neoperla coosa (Plecoptera: Perlidae), a new stoneflies species from Alabama" Alabama JBM 8/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3365 Neoperla stewarti Perlidae Neoperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Small larvae may be hyporheic. Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 3748 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3774 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3850 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3970 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 4015 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4016 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4082 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies of Virginia, USA" Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4280 Neoperla catharae Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4281 Neoperla harpi Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4282 Neoperla osage Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4283 Neoperla robisoni Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4284 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4556 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4675 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4735 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4831 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4865 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4878 Neoperla robisoni Perlidae Neoperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Allegany, Washington" JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4896 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5042 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5104 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5118 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5208 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5312 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5488 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 6035 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 7298 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9496 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9497 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10446 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10447 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10448 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippacanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10449 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Warren RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10539 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Allen RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10540 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Bourbon RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10541 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Chase RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10542 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cherokee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10543 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Coffey RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10544 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cowley RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10545 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Dickinson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10546 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10547 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Ellis RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10548 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jackson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10549 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10550 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Linn RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10551 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Lyon RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10552 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Montgomery RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10553 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Osborne RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10554 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Wilson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10555 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Woodson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10761 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10762 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10763 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10764 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10765 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Johnston RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10766 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10767 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10768 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10769 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Murray RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10770 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11056 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11070 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11537 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12596 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12973 Neoperla spp. Perlidae Neoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 123 Paragnetina spp. Perlidae Paragnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 124 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Crypsis - seeks out dark substrates to avoid predators. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Summer Summer Unknown Predator Net-spinning caddisflies 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle 75% eggs survive through digestive system of fish! Months 1-2 mos. Hatch time. Unknown 125 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 701 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes chrionomids and hydropsychids (same as Agnetina nymphs), mainly between 1 and 5 am." 1 Unknown Unknown 709 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 710 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 737 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 738 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2090 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina Contributions to the systematics of Paragnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2091 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Contributions to the systematics of Paragnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2092 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Contributions to the systematics of Paragnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3370 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Need 2-3 years to complete life cycle. 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 3653 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3750 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3775 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3776 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3872 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 3971 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4058 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4059 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4286 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4287 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4345 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Kentucky Kentucky Harlan "36 55' 31""" "83 02' 45""" JBM 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4673 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4674 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4739 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 4740 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4802 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4832 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4879 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Garrett JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4897 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Lawrence JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4898 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4899 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4915 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4916 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5015 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5048 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5119 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5133 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5206 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5207 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5247 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5248 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 33 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5301 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5302 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5303 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6033 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 6036 Paragnetina spp. Perlidae Paragnetina "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 7003 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Synchronous emergence in June. Unknown Yes Spring Summer "Oviposit in less than 1 day after emergence in June. Lays 3-7 batches. Some parthenogenesis. Partial hatch in fall, others in spring." Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Kentucky and Michigan. Merovoltine (3yrs) in Ontario. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Weeks 1207-2929 eggs. 32-58 days. Unknown 7299 Paragnetina spp. Perlidae Paragnetina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hydropsychidae" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9498 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9499 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9500 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9507 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). Alabama "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9508 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). Alabama "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9509 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina The nearctic genera of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera). In all regions where this species occurs chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10556 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10557 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Johnson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10558 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Leavenworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10559 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10852 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Ontogenic changes in prey consumption by the stonefly Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/24/2005 1 Unknown Adults emerged in two waves. One in may and the other in October Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Detritivore Unknown < 1 Generation per year Recruitment occurs in June Unknown 10887 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Tactile predators that forage using their antennae Unknown Unknown 10888 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Predator-prey interactions in a stream: a combined field and laboratory study Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10978 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Guts mostly empty in winter months 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 years to complete life cycle Unknown 11054 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11059 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Postmolt susceptibility of Ephemerella larvae to predatory stoneflies: Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/28/2005 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11194 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Few adults were collected Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11262 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Distribution of the Stonefly Nymph Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 43 N 79 W RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11400 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Oswego May-September 1979 RAT 4/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Ate mostly chironomids and hydropsychids 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11406 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Path and spatial learning in a stonefly nymph. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 44 49' N 79 08' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Crawls Quickly 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11417 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 293 683 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11427 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed on a variety of invertebrates Unknown Unknown 11466 Paragnetina spp. Perlidae Paragnetina Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11905 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12006 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Effect of habitable space on substrate selection by Paragnetina media Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) 43 N 79 W RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Need interstitial areas between stones for refuge 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12597 Paragnetina spp. Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12954 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky chm 3/28/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Emerge early Mar and peak in mid-Apr. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year 2 yr life cycle. Slow seasonal Unknown 12969 Paragnetina fumosa Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12970 Paragnetina immarginata Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12971 Paragnetina kansensis Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 12972 Paragnetina media Perlidae Paragnetina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-3 yr life cycle. Unknown 113 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumed mostly chironomids in Wisconsin. Unknown Unknown 114 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Texas Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Shredder "Young nymphs fed mostly on detritus; mature nymphs fed on chironomids, simullids, and mayflies." Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-16 Instars Fast seasonal Months Eggs diapause 5-6 mos. Yes 115 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Georgia Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumed mostly chironomids in Wisconsin. Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 702 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 732 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 794 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2231 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2242 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3410 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Yes 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Silted/murky water 3655 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3693 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta Notes on Perlidae In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/25/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3705 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3706 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota Walsh JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3753 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3754 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3773 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3779 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Plecoptera of the Ohio River: Community composition and species phenologies of nymphs Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 3780 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Plecoptera of the Ohio River: Community composition and species phenologies of nymphs Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3856 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3876 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Days Unknown 3957 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Keith JBM 8/30/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3958 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Keith JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3959 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3973 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4000 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta etnieri (Plecoptera: Perlidae), a new species of stonefly from Tennessee" Tennessee JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4001 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta etnieri (Plecoptera: Perlidae), a new species of stonefly from Tennessee" Tennessee JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4002 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta The Perlesta placida (Hagen) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4003 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta The Perlesta placida (Hagen) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 4004 Perlesta shubuta Perlidae Perlesta The Perlesta placida (Hagen) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4005 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta The Perlesta placida (Hagen) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois Illinois JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4006 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta A new species of nearctic Perlesta (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Virginia Virginia JBM 10/28/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4013 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4014 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4050 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4051 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4052 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4181 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4182 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4288 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4289 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4290 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4509 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4618 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4619 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4665 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4711 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska "Hall, Keith" JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4712 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4713 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska Cherry JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4770 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4829 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4908 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4919 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Fast seasonal Yes 5043 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5120 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Shredder 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5184 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Two new species of Perlesta Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America Virginia JBM 10/27/2004 1 8 38 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5185 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta placida (Hagen), an eastern nearctic species complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5186 Perlesta cinctipes Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta placida (Hagen), an eastern nearctic species complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5187 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta placida (Hagen), an eastern nearctic species complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5188 Perlesta shubuta Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta placida (Hagen), an eastern nearctic species complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5189 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Perlesta golconda (Plecoptera: Perlidae), a new stonefly species from Illinois" Illinois Pope JBM 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5190 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Notes on Perlesta (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America Ohio JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5317 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5318 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5493 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 5506 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5507 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6034 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6879 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7306 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera, Tichoptera" Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9491 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9492 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. North Carolina chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9494 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10477 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10478 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Greene RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10479 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Kosciusko RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10480 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10481 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Posey RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10482 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippacanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10483 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10575 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Allen RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10576 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Barber RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10577 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Chase RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10578 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cherokee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10579 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cheyenne RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10580 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Clay RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10581 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Coffey RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10582 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Comanche RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10583 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cowley RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10584 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10585 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10586 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Franklin RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10587 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Greary RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10588 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10589 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Kiowa RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10590 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Kingman RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10591 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Labette RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10592 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Linn RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10593 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Marion RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10594 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Mead RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10595 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Mead RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10596 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Miami RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10597 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Montgomery RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10598 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Morris RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10599 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Osborne RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10600 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Phillips RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10601 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Pottowatomie RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10602 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Reno RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10603 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Rice RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10604 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Wabaunsee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10605 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Woodson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10742 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10743 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10744 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Coal RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10745 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Comanche RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10746 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Craig RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10747 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10748 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10749 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Hughes RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10750 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Johnston RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10751 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10752 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10753 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10754 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10755 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Murray RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10756 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Nowata RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10757 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Osage RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10758 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10759 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10760 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10939 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Emergence production and export of aquatic insects from a tallgrass prairie stream Kansas Riley RAT 5/26/2005 1 tallgrass prairie Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11071 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11355 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Detritivores and algavores at early instars leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 11419 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Perlid stoneflies in an Appalacian Drainage: A multivariate approach to mapping stream communities. Tennessee RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11474 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed on a variety of invertebrates Unknown Unknown 11475 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed on a variety of invertebrates Unknown Unknown 11538 Perlesta decipiens Perlidae Perlesta "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11539 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12598 Perlesta spp. Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12950 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12955 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12956 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12957 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Texas chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Eggs laid May-July. Unknown 12974 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12978 Perlesta placida Perlidae Perlesta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Minnesota chm 3/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 116 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 1 Blackwater coastal streams Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "Perlinella nymphs difficult to collect, which suggests they prefer the hyporheic zone." 1 Unknown Unknown 117 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Chironomids 1 1 1 Pre-emergent nymphs found in leafpacks at stream/bank interface. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 703 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 704 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama "Lauderdale, Mobile" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 705 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 733 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi "Claiborne, Lincoln" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 734 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi "Lauderdale, Stone" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 735 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi Stone JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2087 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A review of Perlinella Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2239 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella A review of Perlinella Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2240 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella A review of Perlinella Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 8/23/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2246 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Notes on the genus Perlinella and a generic synonomy in North America Perlidae (Plecoptera) Florida Okaloosa JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2247 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Notes on the genus Perlinella and a generic synonomy in North America Perlidae (Plecoptera) Florida Okaloosa JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2248 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella Notes on the genus Perlinella and a generic synonomy in North America Perlidae (Plecoptera) Florida Okaloosa JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2249 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A new larval record of Perlinella drymo (Plecoptera: Perlidae) for Michigan Michigan Washtenaw JBM 8/24/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator prey included chironomids and Allocapnia 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3366 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Small larvae may be hyporheic. Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 3751 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3752 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3855 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3857 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3974 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4053 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4054 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4291 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4292 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4666 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4667 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4668 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4830 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Penobscot, Washingto" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4909 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4920 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4921 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5040 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5041 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5121 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5122 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5123 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5319 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5320 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5494 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5495 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 5508 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of the family Perlidae in West Virginia (Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7307 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9493 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9495 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10398 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10399 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Murray RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10400 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10484 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10606 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Chase RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10607 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Cherokee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10608 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10771 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10772 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Atoka RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10773 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11540 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12599 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12975 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12976 Perlinella ephyre Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12977 Perlinella spp. Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12979 Perlinella drymo Perlidae Perlinella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 3/28/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3318 Perlidae Perlidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomids, mayflies, and other arthropods." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Most species are univoltine, but larger species need 2-3 years to complete development." 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Hatch in weeks (w/o diapause) Yes 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) No preference 7233 Perlidae Perlidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer "Diapause in summer, some in winter" Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal "Diapause in summer, some in wi" Yes 11396 Perlidae Perlidae Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Preyed on baetidae Unknown Unknown 12980 Perlidae Perlidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3413 Arcynopteryx compacta Perlodidae Arcynopteryx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6148 Arcynopteryx signata Perlodidae Arcynopteryx "Some factors effecting algal consumption in SubarcticEphemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 61 58' 128 14' August and December 1975 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer fed mostly on diatoms and detritus 1 Unknown Unknown 10161 Arcynopteryx compacta Perlodidae Arcynopteryx An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10824 Arcynopteryx spp. Perlodidae Arcynopteryx Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 11437 Arcynopteryx spp. Perlodidae Arcynopteryx Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11909 Arcynopteryx compacta Perlodidae Arcynopteryx Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12600 Arcynopteryx spp. Perlodidae Arcynopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 126 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator Major predators of leaf pack-dwelling invertebrates 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 2065 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Reevaluation of the genus Clioperla. In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3412 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 4060 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4146 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4759 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4914 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania "Armostrong, Beaver" JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5051 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5124 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Predator Shredder Herbivore-detritivore as early instars 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 5239 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5313 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5398 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5489 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 7320 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "Univoltine in Kentucky, Arkansas, and Ontario." Unknown 11353 Clioperla clio Perlodidae Clioperla Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Detritivores and algavores at early instars leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 143 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 1 2285 2986 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Consumes chironomid and simuliid larvae. Unknown Unknown 807 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2058 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus "The Perlodinae of Virginia, USA (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)" Virginia JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2070 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus The Cultus decisus complex of Eastern North America (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2076 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 2118 2750 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3822 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3823 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3898 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 3077 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4017 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4065 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4092 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4101 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4191 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4240 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4369 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 803 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4370 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 774 1949 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4408 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2057 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4503 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4504 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4530 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4606 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 4632 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 495 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4774 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 609 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4910 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4952 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5035 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5249 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5297 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 7308 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9468 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10167 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10168 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10452 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown "Just prior to emerging, larvae cease feeding" Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10875 Cultus aestivalis Perlodidae Cultus "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Fed exclusively on chironomids and other dipterans Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11730 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12098 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12601 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 12985 Cultus spp. Perlodidae Cultus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 144 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 305 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator 1 Occupies leaf/detritus packs in small Appalachian streams. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 721 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2061 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla "The Perlodinae of Virginia, USA (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)" Virginia JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2068 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla The genus Diploperla (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) JBM 7/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2071 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla The genus Diploperla (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2072 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Nymphs of Diploperla "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/15/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2077 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator "preys on chironomids, other diptera, and mayflies" 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3654 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4066 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4078 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla A new Diploperla from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) West Virginia Braxton JBM 8/31/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 25 4079 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla A new Diploperla from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) West Virginia Braxton JBM 8/31/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 25 4677 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4760 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4872 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland Garrett JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5014 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5026 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania "Cumberland, Dauphin" JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5053 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 5298 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5509 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7309 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Unknown Unknown 9469 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9470 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12861 Diploperla spp. Perlodidae Diploperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 12987 Diploperla duplicata Perlodidae Diploperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 149 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 1 1798 3413 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Consumes diptera and caddisfly larvae. 1 Unknown Unknown 809 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2043 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1 1810 3138 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator preys on Diptera and Trichoptera larvae 1 Unknown Unknown 3831 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3878 Diura spp. Perlodidae Diura Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Unknown Months Unknown 3899 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1889 2620 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4104 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4244 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4371 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 948 1197 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4418 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2209 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4505 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4532 Diura spp. Perlodidae Diura Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1066 1066 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4571 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2377 2398 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4607 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 4608 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 4960 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5077 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7310 Diura spp. Perlodidae Diura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Engulfer Unknown Unknown 10173 Diura knowltoni Perlodidae Diura An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12573 Diura spp. Perlodidae Diura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Feed on periphyton. Unknown Unknown 138 Frisonia picticeps Perlodidae Frisonia Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1798 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Primarily fed on Diptera larvae; also found a significant amount of plant material in nymphs feeding on smaller larvae. 1 Unknown Unknown 2044 Frisonia picticeps Perlodidae Frisonia Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1810 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "preys on primarily Diptera, plant material ingested (incidently)" Unknown Unknown 2181 Frisonia picticeps Perlodidae Frisonia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 2438 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 150 Hydroperla phormidia Perlodidae Hydroperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 Coastal brownwater rivers Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids and simullid larvae. 1 Found in leaf-packs associated with blue-green algae. Unknown Unknown 2045 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1810 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator "preys on chironomid, simuliid,and mayfly larvae" 1 1 Unknown Yes 2046 Hydroperla phormidia Perlodidae Hydroperla Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator preys on chironomid and simuliidae Unknown Unknown 2056 Hydroperla phormidia Perlodidae Hydroperla The nearctic species of Hydroperla (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Florida JBM 7/15/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator preys on chironomid and simuliid larvae Unknown Unknown 2057 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla The nearctic species of Hydroperla (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 2067 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Placement of Helopicus rickeri Stark in Hydroperla Frison (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) Tennessee JBM 7/16/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2074 Hydroperla phormidia Perlodidae Hydroperla Two new records of stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) from South Carolina South Carolina "Barnwell, Burke" JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3414 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3930 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4148 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4881 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla The life cycle of Hydroperla crosbyi (Plecoptera: Perlodidae Texas Denton JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating Unknown Predator "simuliid, chironomid preference" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 5 months Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Months Yes 1 15 22 25 5049 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5125 Hydroperla phormidia Perlodidae Hydroperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 5295 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 7002 Hydroperla crosbyi Perlodidae Hydroperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Other (specify in comments) "Oviposit 2-5 day after emergence, Feb to Mar. Lays up to 3 egg masses. In water, gelatinous coating glues eggs to substratum. Synchronous hatch. Egg diapause Sept-Oct." Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months "442-1418 eggs, 7 mths diapause" Yes 7311 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera" Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10485 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10486 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10487 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10488 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10513 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Allen RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10514 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Chase RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10515 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Coffey RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10516 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Comanche RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10517 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10518 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10519 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Franklin RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10520 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Jefferson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10521 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Linn RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10522 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Miami RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10523 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Ellsworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10524 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Wabaunsee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10614 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Indiana RAT 2/7/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10627 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10628 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12862 Hydroperla spp. Perlodidae Hydroperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 151 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Predator Consumes larval chironomids and diptera. 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Diapause summer-winter. Yes No preference 152 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Consumes larval chironomids and diptera. Unknown Unknown No preference 810 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 811 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2006 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2047 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator preys on chironomid and simuliid larvae Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) Unknown 2059 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides "The Perlodinae of Virginia, USA (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)" Virginia JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3411 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Clinger Swimmer 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3792 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Body size and sex ratio in emergent stonefly nymphs: variation between cohorts and populations Michigan JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator "prey types: caddisflies, midges, and mayflies" Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 0.5 24 3824 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3825 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3879 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4068 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4080 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides A new Diploperla from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) West Virginia Braxton JBM 8/31/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 25 4091 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4102 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4183 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota "Lawrence, Pennington" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4241 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4242 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4263 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "secondary consumption of detritus, algae, and plant matter" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4372 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 774 774 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4373 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 948 1008 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4416 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4424 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides Studies on Utah stoneflies (Plecoptera). Utah JBM 9/7/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4441 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4506 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4507 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4531 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4572 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4573 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2398 2398 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4609 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 4647 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4793 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4911 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4953 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4954 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4955 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5075 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5091 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5092 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 457 762 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5093 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5245 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5293 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 792 792 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5294 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1463 1463 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5510 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7312 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Diptera, Chironomidae" 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9471 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10169 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 914 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10170 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10189 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1828 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10463 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown 1 More males emerged than females. Emergence took place between 2030 and 2200 hours. Nymphs molted on streamside vegetation. Drumming behavior was observed. Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Females fly from vegetation to the water to release eggs. Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months 9-10 months Yes 10825 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 10876 Isogenoides zionensis Perlodidae Isogenoides "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11103 Isogenoides elongatus Perlodidae Isogenoides Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11438 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11545 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed on a variety of invertebrate prey Unknown Unknown 12099 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12989 Isogenoides spp. Perlodidae Isogenoides Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 127 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 128 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 2407 2895 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown "Can coocur with I. Fulva, I. Mormona, and I. Quinquepunctata." Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 129 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 1 "Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. In Lake Superior, emerges directly through the surface film at offshore locations." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder No insects in guts; implies herbivorous diet. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 130 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 131 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 132 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 133 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 2529 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown "Cooccurs with I. Pinta, I. Fulva, and I. Quinquepunctata." Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 134 Isoperla nana Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder No insects in guts; implies herbivorous diet. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 135 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 136 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 137 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. 1 Crawls from the stream on rocks or logs. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 711 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama Marion JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 720 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama "Cleburne, Randolph" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 727 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 728 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 796 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 2399 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 797 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown prefers warmer lower elevation streams 798 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown prefers warmer lower elevation streams 799 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 2399 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 802 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown "stenothermic warm, limited to low altitudes" 803 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 1828 2864 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown eurythermic 804 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 2590 2590 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown stenothermic 805 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 1 1676 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Early instar nymphs reported to eat filamentous algae, latter instar nymphs switch to carnivory (mostly chironomid larvae)" Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2007 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2008 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2009 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2010 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2011 Isoperla nana Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2012 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2013 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2014 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2015 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Perlodidae (Plecoptera) of Wisconsin. Wisconsin JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2016 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Descriptions of a new species and three incompletely known species of Western Nearctic Isoperla California JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 2249 2249 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 23 29 2062 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Isoperla major, a new species of Eastern Nearctic Isoperlinae (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)" Virginia Tazewall JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1430 1430 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10 10 2066 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Three new species of nearctic Isoperla (Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs 1976 JBM 7/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2069 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New larval descriptions of 5 western Nearctic Isoperla In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2073 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Descriptions of Caliperla Banks, Rickera Jewett, and two new Western Nearctic Isoperla species" Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2108 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New Species and descriptions of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Oklahoma Oklahoma JBM 8/19/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2125 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Three new species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from the Ozark-Ouachita mountain region Arkansas Logan JBM 7/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2138 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New stoneflies and records from the Pacific Coast of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/21/2004 1 1 244 244 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2180 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2230 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla "Perlesta xube, a new stonefly species from Nebraska (Plecoptera: Perlidae)" Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2236 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Hansonoperla appalachia, a new genus and species of Eastern Nearctic Acroneuriini" JBM 8/24/2004 1 570 570 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3319 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Predator Shredder "Most species of Isoperla are carnivorous, but a few are herbivore-detritivores and omnivores." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Months Hatch in 2+ months w/ diapause Yes 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3650 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3707 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3708 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3743 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3744 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3745 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3778 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera of the Ohio River: Community composition and species phenologies of nymphs Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 3828 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3829 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3830 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 3880 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator Unknown Months Unknown 3881 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Weeks Unknown 3882 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3896 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1615 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3897 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 2712 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3931 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 3932 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3960 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3961 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4018 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4019 Isoperla nana Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4020 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4021 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4061 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4062 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4063 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4064 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4105 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4106 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4107 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4136 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4149 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4150 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4184 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4205 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4206 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4245 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4246 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4247 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4262 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "secondary consumption of detritus, algae, and plant matter" 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4274 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Other (specify in comments) Omnivorous and carnivorous Unknown Unknown 4275 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4276 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Unknown 13 16 4374 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 794 800 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4375 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 794 1487 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4376 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 774 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4403 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2285 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4414 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2209 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4415 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2057 2895 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4433 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New stoneflies from California and Oregon Oregon Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4457 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4458 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4459 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4508 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Life cycle of Isoperla lata (plecoptera: Perlodidae) in a central Wisonsin trout stream Wisconsin JBM 9/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer chief prey types: Chironomidae and Plecoptera 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Weeks 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 0 19 4533 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4534 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4535 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4536 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4537 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4538 Isoperla nana Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4546 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4547 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4548 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4549 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4550 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4577 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico Sante Fe JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2956 3218 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4578 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4610 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 600 600 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Also detritivorous Unknown 1 Generation per year Can also be semivoltine Unknown 4633 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4634 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Life cycles of sundry stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Quebec JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 15 495 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4648 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4652 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4653 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4654 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4678 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4679 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4680 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4706 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas "Atchison, Russell" JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4707 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas Johnson JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4708 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla New State and distributional records for Kansas Plecoptera Kansas JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 1066 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4737 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4738 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 4761 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4762 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4777 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 731 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4778 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4779 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4794 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4795 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4796 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4797 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4798 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4799 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4800 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) Minnesota JBM 9/17/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4815 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Penobscot, Washingto" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4816 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4817 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Aristook, Piscataqui" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4818 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4819 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4855 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Observations on the emergence of two species of stoneflies JBM 10/13/2004 1 1499 2729 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4863 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4864 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4871 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Garrett, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4913 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4926 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho Rocky Mountains JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4927 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4928 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4957 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4958 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4959 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4977 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4978 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4979 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Luzerne JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4980 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Centre JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4981 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4982 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Luzerne JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5021 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5022 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5023 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5050 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown """herbivorous""" Unknown Unknown 5052 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5054 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5055 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5080 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 731 1085 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5081 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 731 1085 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5082 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5083 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5084 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 1085 1085 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5085 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5095 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5126 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Other (specify in comments) omnivorous 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5127 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Other (specify in comments) omnivorous 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5128 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Other (specify in comments) omnivorous 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5139 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5144 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5191 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Stanley JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5192 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5193 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Pennington JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5194 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5204 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla The immature stages of some Minnesota Plecoptera Minnesota JBM 11/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5223 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5314 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5315 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5316 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5337 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Use of substrate volume and void space to examine the presence of three stonefly species New Mexico Arriba JBM 10/26/2004 1 2599 2599 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 5397 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5399 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Pendleton, Mingo" JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5400 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Randolph, Summers" JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5401 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5402 Isoperla richardsoni Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Pocahontas, Mingo" JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5403 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5404 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5490 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 5491 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 5492 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 6037 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6880 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Wisconsin chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7321 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera" Clinger Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Large cold lake 7901 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9461 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9462 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9463 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9464 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9465 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9466 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9467 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. West Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9514 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9629 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla "Immature insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) collected from deep water in Western L" Wisconsin chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 10174 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 1066 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10175 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1889 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10176 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 58 41'N 133 04'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10177 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10178 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10401 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10402 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Choctaw RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10403 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Coal RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10404 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Craig RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10405 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Hughes RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10406 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Johnston RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10414 Isoperla marlynia Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10415 Isoperla marlynia Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10416 Isoperla marlynia Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10417 Isoperla namata Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10418 Isoperla namata Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10419 Isoperla namata Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10453 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) Can be detritivore or a omnivore at early larval stages Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10489 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Clark RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10490 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Washington RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10491 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10492 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Warren RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10493 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10494 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippacanoe RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10495 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10496 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10525 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Dickinson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10526 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10527 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Ellsworth RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10528 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas McPherson RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10529 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Riley RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10530 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10531 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Wabaunsee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10532 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Allen RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10533 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10534 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Douglas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10535 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Franklin RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10536 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Labette RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10537 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Linn RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10538 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Miami RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10629 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10630 Isoperla pinta Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Oregon RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10631 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Wisconsin RAT 2/7/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10632 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Indiana RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10633 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Michigan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10634 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Michigan Crawford RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10635 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Michigan Cheboygan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10636 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla II. Descriptions of Plecoptera. Michigan Otsego RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Gills entirely lacking Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10774 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10775 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10776 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10777 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10778 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Nowata RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10779 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Osage RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10780 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10781 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pontotoc RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10782 Isoperla mohri Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10783 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10784 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Atoka RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10785 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10786 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10787 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10788 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10789 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10790 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Mayes RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10791 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10792 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10793 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10794 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10798 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 100 to 1000 eggs 10799 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 100 to 1000 eggs 10800 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 10826 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Weeks Unknown 10878 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Larger nymphs are predators, smaller nymphs are phytophagous" Unknown Unknown 11020 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11072 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11101 Isoperla mormona Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11102 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11181 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11190 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11191 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected from moss and lea mats close to the water Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11305 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Growth and Voltinism of five stonefly species in a New Mexico Mountain Stream. New Mexico RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Recruitment occurred from July to September Unknown 11354 Isoperla namata Perlodidae Isoperla Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Omnivorous leaf packs Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 11389 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11439 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11476 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Detritivore also Unknown Unknown 11477 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Detritivore also Unknown Unknown 11478 Isoperla signata Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Dunn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Detritivore also Unknown Unknown 11479 Isoperla slossonae Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Detritivore also Unknown Unknown 11541 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11542 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11546 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Price RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on dipterans Unknown Unknown 11547 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Columbia RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on dipterans Unknown Unknown 11548 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Price RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on dipterans Unknown Unknown 11549 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on chironomids and mayflies Unknown Unknown 11550 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on chironomids and mayflies Unknown Unknown 11551 Isoperla frisoni Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on chironomids and mayflies Unknown Unknown 11552 Isoperla transmarina Perlodidae Isoperla "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Fed mostly on chironomids Unknown Unknown 11731 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11732 Isoperla quinquepunctata Perlodidae Isoperla Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11908 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11971 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy interstices of rocks Unknown Unknown 12572 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Detritivore 1 1 1 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12982 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kentucky chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Emerge in May. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Rapid growth in fall, little in winter." Months Eggs in June. Hatch Aug/Sept Yes 12983 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Fast seasonal Early instar nymph found in July Eggs deposit in June. Unknown 12984 Isoperla spp. Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Emerge in May. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal "Rapid growth in fall, little in winter." Months Eggs in June. Hatch Aug/Sept Yes 12990 Isoperla bilineata Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12991 Isoperla cotta Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12992 Isoperla dicala Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12993 Isoperla holochlora Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12994 Isoperla marlynia Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12995 Isoperla nana Perlodidae Isoperla Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 145 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Feed mostly at night on chironomids; feed on Baetis during the day. Unknown Unknown 146 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Colorado Marci Koski 4/8/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids and mayflies. Unknown < 1 Generation per year May be univoltine. Eggs diapause through winter. Yes 808 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2048 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2049 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator prey primarily on chironomid and mayfly larvae Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2184 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3826 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3827 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3900 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 2620 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4103 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4193 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4243 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 4304 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 882 1525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4305 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 963 1525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4404 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2666 2971 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4539 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4540 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4574 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico Taos JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4611 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4775 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4925 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Rocky Mountains JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4956 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5079 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5282 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5296 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5335 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus The life history of a Colorado population of Kogotus modestus (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) Colorado 38 38.92'N 106 29.07'W JBM 10/26/2004 1 1 3047 3047 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown < 1 Generation per year Months Yes 1 1 7 10 7313 Kogotus spp. Perlodidae Kogotus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Engulfer of Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Tichoptera" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10171 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10845 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Feeding habits and prey consumption of three setipalpian stoneflies (Plecoptera) Colorado RAT 2/23/2005 1 2535 3120 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11009 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11197 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Diel Feeding Periodicity of two predatory stoneflies (Plecoptera). Rocky Mountains RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator diel feeding Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11198 Kogotus nonus Perlodidae Kogotus Diel Feeding Periodicity of two predatory stoneflies (Plecoptera). Rocky Mountains RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator diel feeding Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11733 Kogotus modestus Perlodidae Kogotus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 139 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Chironomids, mayflies, diatoms." 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 6-10 mo egg diapause. Yes 800 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 801 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys A review of the North American species of Megarcys Klapalek (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 814 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys A review of the North American species of Megarcys Klapalek (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 2956 3656 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2050 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "prey primarily on diatoms, and chironomid and mayfly larvae" 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 2182 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3788 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3818 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3819 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1463 1463 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3901 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4090 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4099 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4238 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4260 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer incidental consumption of detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4306 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 938 2121 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4307 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4412 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4413 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2666 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4541 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4542 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4575 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2377 3218 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4612 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4853 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 3352 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4950 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5024 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Life history and ecology of Megarcys signata (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) Utah JBM 10/13/2004 1 1604 2279 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Algae consumption may be coincidental 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 1 3 13 5034 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 1463 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5243 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5290 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1371 1683 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5291 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 3352 3352 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 7314 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer of Diptera-Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera, Tichoptera" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10162 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10163 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) 57 56'N 131 56'W RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10164 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Glacial Cave 1066 1767 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10166 Megarcys spp. Perlodidae Megarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1219 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10843 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Habitat Selection by Stream-Dwelling Predatory Stoneflies. Colorado "38 57'30""N" "106 59' 15""W" "summers 1985,1986,1987" RAT 2/22/2005 1 2865 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Early insatrs are grazers on periphyton 1 1 1 large stones 1 Unknown Unknown 10844 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Feeding habits and prey consumption of three setipalpian stoneflies (Plecoptera) Colorado RAT 2/23/2005 1 2828 3569 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Sometimes sand grains were found in guts Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11734 Megarcys signata Perlodidae Megarcys Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 140 Oroperla barbara Perlodidae Oroperla Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera California Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Captive nymphs ate smaller Oroperla and mayflies Unknown Unknown 2051 Oroperla barbara Perlodidae Oroperla Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator preyed on stonefly and mayfly nymphs in captivity Unknown Unknown 2064 Oroperla barbara Perlodidae Oroperla Notes on Arcynopteryx (Oroperla) barbara (Needham) California "El Dorado, Nevada" JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Captive nymphs preyed on mayfly and smaller stonefly nymphs Unknown Unknown 4854 Oroperla barbara Perlodidae Oroperla The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7315 Oroperla barbara Perlodidae Oroperla An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 147 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2052 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4194 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4776 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5094 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7316 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10172 Osobenus yakimae Perlodidae Osobenus An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 141 Perlinodes aureus Perlodidae Perlinodes Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Feed on Diptera found among periphyton. Unknown Unknown 2005 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes Notes on Perlinodes aurea (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2053 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator prey primarily on small Diptera Unknown Unknown 3820 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4543 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4771 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1066 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5020 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5074 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 542 542 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7317 Perlinodes aurea Perlodidae Perlinodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 148 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Partly sclerotized Gills absent. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2054 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2060 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus "The Perlodinae of Virginia, USA (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)" Virginia JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2075 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus "A review of the genus Remenus Ricker, with the description of two new species" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3648 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4067 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4676 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 1 1 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4763 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4912 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5078 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5130 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5299 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5396 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Taxonomy and distribution of nymphal Perlodidae of West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia "Webster, Mingo" JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5483 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 7318 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9472 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12863 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12996 Remenus bilobatus Perlodidae Remenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7322 Rickera spp. Perlodidae Rickera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 142 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer "Selected for chironomid larvae; also ate mayflies and other stonefly nymphs. Some ate a combination of detritus, filamentous green algae, and diatoms. Nocturnal feeders." Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 806 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2055 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala Nymphs of North American Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perodidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "selective for chironomid larvae, preyed on Diptera, mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies, ingestion of detritous, filamentous algae, and diatoms" Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 2148 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico Catron JBM 7/22/2004 1 1690 1690 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 2183 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3821 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3877 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3902 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1615 1889 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4089 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4100 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4131 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1789 2499 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4135 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4239 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4261 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) secondary consumption of detritus 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4308 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 777 1322 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4309 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 963 1525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4544 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4545 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4576 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico Taos JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4613 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4649 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4697 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Development rates of eggs of some Canadian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in relation to temperature JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Weeks Unknown 4772 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4773 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4951 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5076 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5195 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5244 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 5274 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5275 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5292 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 7319 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Unknown Unknown 10165 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10801 Skwala americana Perlodidae Skwala Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Females are capable of mating and egg laying immediately after emergence Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year temperature dependent growth Slow seasonal Months eggs hatched sychronously 10877 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator Preyed mainly on mayflies and stoneflies Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11008 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11308 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala Growth and Voltinism of five stonefly species in a New Mexico Mountain Stream. New Mexico Rio Arriba RAT 3/22/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Recruitment occurs in June Unknown 11735 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12100 Skwala spp. Perlodidae Skwala The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7063 Perlodidae Perlodidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Emerge spring-fall. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12014 Perlodidae Perlodidae "Downstream effects of a large, deep-release, high mountain reservoir on lotic zoobenthos." Colorado Summit 39 37' N 106 03' W RAT 6/1/2005 1 2512 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12981 Perlodidae Perlodidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge late March-early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 345 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 3 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Larval retreat entirely of silk and long and sack-like; attached to undersides of rocks. Usually in a row of 5-6 nets. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Filter the finest particles of all filter-feeding Trichoptera. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 346 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 3 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Larval retreat entirely of silk and long and sack-like; attached to undersides of rocks. Usually in a row of 5-6 nets. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Filters algae, detritus, and some animal remains." 1 1 Submerged roots in warm weather. 1 1 Streamside submerged vegetation in warm weather. 1 1 "Migrate to deeper water in winter, and to submerged roots of streamside grasses in warm weather." Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1173 Chimarra perigua Philopotamidae Chimarra New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1174 Chimarra dentosa Philopotamidae Chimarra New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae Desert Southwest Marci Koski 7/26/2004 366 366 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1444 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 225 235 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1445 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America South Carolina Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 122 122 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1446 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1447 Chimarra holzenthali Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1448 Chimarra falculata Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America Florida Okaloosa Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1449 Chimarra florida Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1450 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America South Carolina Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1451 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 235 235 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1452 Chimarra parasocia Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1453 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra Females of Chimarra from eastern North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1454 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra Records of Chimarra socia from interior highland streams in Arkansas and Missouri Arkansas OZARKS Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1455 Chimarra holzenthali Philopotamidae Chimarra The Chimarra of eastern North America with descriptions of three new species Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1456 Chimarra falculata Philopotamidae Chimarra The Chimarra of eastern North America with descriptions of three new species Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1457 Chimarra parasocia Philopotamidae Chimarra The Chimarra of eastern North America with descriptions of three new species Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1479 Chimarra adella Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Arizona Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1480 Chimarra angustipennis Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1481 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1482 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1483 Chimarra beameri Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Texas Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1484 Chimarra butleri Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae California Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1485 Chimarra elia Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1486 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1487 Chimarra florida Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1488 Chimarra lara Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae California Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1489 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1490 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1491 Chimarra primula Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Arizona Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1492 Chimarra ridleyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Texas Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 1493 Chimarra schiza Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Arizona Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1494 Chimarra siva Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1495 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1496 Chimarra texana Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1497 Chimarra utahensis Philopotamidae Chimarra Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1842 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1843 Chimarra holzenthali Philopotamidae Chimarra "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2404 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2405 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 3417 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer "Use nets to strain algae, diatoms and detritus from currents." 1 1 Construct retreats on undersides of rocks. 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5365 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5366 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Fayette JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5367 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5368 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Bell JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5948 Chimarra utahensis Philopotamidae Chimarra The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6050 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year bivoltine and overwinter as instars 2-5 Unknown 6051 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Life histories of some filter-feeding Trichoptera in Virginia. Virginia RAT 11/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year bivoltine and overwinter as instars 2-5 Unknown 6109 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6892 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine in Quebec. Unknown 7596 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7954 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7955 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7956 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8182 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 15-Aug 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8183 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 28-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8184 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8185 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 3-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8319 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Mar-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8320 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8321 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8322 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8428 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8429 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Bradley chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8430 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8431 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8654 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults found in Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8795 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 18-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8796 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 29-Sept 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8797 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-July 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8918 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 23-Sept 9, 1952 and July 6-16, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9005 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9006 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9007 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9008 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9009 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9346 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. Georgia 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, and plant and insects." 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9352 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Sac-like nets Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9356 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Microdistribution and feeding of the net-spinning caddisflies (Trichoptera) of a Canadian stream. "July 22, 1969-Aug 7, 1970" chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Adults found mid-May to early Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Collector-filterer "Feed on detritus, plants, fungi, diatoms." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larve June-Oct. Pupae late Apr-early Aug;peak June 100 to 1000 eggs 300-450eggs/female. Unknown 9616 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" Georgia Richmond chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Sac-like nets Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9617 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Sac-like nets Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9717 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Reservoir outlet Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9718 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Adams 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9761 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light traps Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9790 Chimarra primula Philopotamidae Chimarra Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Arizona 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9791 Chimarra beameri Philopotamidae Chimarra Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Texas Uvalde 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9824 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9825 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9826 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9924 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9925 Chimarra florida Philopotamidae Chimarra "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9926 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9945 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9946 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10039 Chimarra siva Philopotamidae Chimarra New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Rocky Mountains RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10102 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 548 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10240 Chimarra utahensis Philopotamidae Chimarra The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 1 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10241 Chimarra angustipennis Philopotamidae Chimarra The Trichoptera of Lower California. Desert Southwest RAT 1/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10242 Chimarra elia Philopotamidae Chimarra The Trichoptera of Lower California. Desert Southwest RAT 1/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10243 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10273 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Idaho RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10280 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra New Caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the southeastern United States. South Carolina Oconee RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10321 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Georgia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10347 Chimarra lara Philopotamidae Chimarra A New genus and species of Trichoptera. California Inyo RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10900 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11075 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11122 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11123 Chimarra feria Philopotamidae Chimarra "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11124 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11125 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11226 Chimarra butleri Philopotamidae Chimarra New trichoptera California RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11610 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waukesha RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11698 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11699 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12102 Chimarra utahensis Philopotamidae Chimarra The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13121 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13122 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13126 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13180 Chimarra augusta Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-July-Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13181 Chimarra florida Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13182 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13183 Chimarra obscura Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late July-Aug Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13184 Chimarra socia Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-June-early Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13241 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13486 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13487 Chimarra spp. Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Unknown "If growth not complete in summer, continue from Sept-late April when pupate (late Apr-early Aug). Emergence peak in June." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) 300-450egg/female Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown "Larvae present yr round. In summer, growth in 1mth" 100 to 1000 eggs Hatch from June-Oct. Unknown 13488 Chimarra moselyi Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13489 Chimarra aterrima Philopotamidae Chimarra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 347 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 4 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Silk capture nets are elongate sacks with very fine narrow mesh; attached to undersides of rocks. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer FPOM 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1458 Dolophilodes aequalis Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1459 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1460 Dolophilodes dorcus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1461 Dolophilodes major Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae North Carolina Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1462 Dolophilodes novusamericanus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1463 Dolophilodes oregona Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Oregon Jackson Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1464 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1465 Dolophilodes sisko Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1616 Dolophilodes columbia Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Eight new species of Trichoptera Washington Columbia Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1617 Dolophilodes andora Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Eight new species of Trichoptera California Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2406 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2778 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3441 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Adults emerge during almost every month; winter females are apterous. Yes Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5261 Dolophilodes sisko Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina Macon "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5369 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5753 Dolophilodes aequalis Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5754 Dolophilodes dorcus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5755 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1828 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5949 Dolophilodes aequalis Philopotamidae Dolophilodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5950 Dolophilodes dorcus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5951 Dolophilodes novusamericanus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5952 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6110 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6163 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6893 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year bi- and some trivoltine? Unknown 7597 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7909 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975. chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Peaks of emergence Mar-Apr and July-Aug. Small number of adults emerging in winter produced brachypterous phenotype. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 5 instar stages. Hatch Mar; Pupae in early July. Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 0 18 7957 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected Jan-Dec Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8186 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Mar 4-Nov 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8432 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8433 Dolophilodes major Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8655 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8792 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected April 25-Aug 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9001 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9373 Dolophilodes dorcus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early May-July. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9612 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. North Carolina 1973-1974 chm 2/25/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer "Detritus, diatom, and plant." 1 Unknown Unknown 9998 Dolophilodes novusamericanus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Bonner RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10002 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Idaho RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10003 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. Idaho Idaho RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10036 Dolophilodes novusamericanus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10037 Dolophilodes novusamericanus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 1 363 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10038 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes New and little known species of Caddis Flies. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11126 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11209 Dolophilodes pallidipes Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11210 Dolophilodes dorcus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 muddy pools 274 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11403 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11611 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Price RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 12064 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13119 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13123 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13185 Dolophilodes major Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13186 Dolophilodes sisko Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge early July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13242 Dolophilodes spp. Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13366 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13490 Dolophilodes distinctus Philopotamidae Dolophilodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/18/2005 Unknown "Larval abundance peak in Apr and Sept in NC. Emergence: winged males Jan-Dec, wingless females mid-Jan-Mar, winged females Apr-Dec" Yes Unknown Winter Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2-3 gen/yr. Unknown 348 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 5 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Silk capture nets are elongate sacks with very fine narrow mesh; attached to undersides of rocks. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown Unknown 1466 Wormaldia anilla Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1467 Wormaldia arizonensis Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Desert Southwest Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1468 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1469 Wormaldia gesugta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae California Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1470 Wormaldia hamata Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae California Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 366 366 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1471 Wormaldia lacerna Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Washington Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1472 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1473 Wormaldia mohri Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae North Carolina Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1474 Wormaldia occidea Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1475 Wormaldia pachita Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae California Nevada Marci Koski 8/6/2004 716 716 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1476 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1477 Wormaldia strota Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae Oklahoma Page Marci Koski 8/6/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1478 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults I. Philopotamidae "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/6/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1618 Wormaldia laona Philopotamidae Wormaldia Eight new species of Trichoptera California Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2407 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2408 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2409 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 3442 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Use nets to strain algae and other food from currents. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5262 Wormaldia mohri Philopotamidae Wormaldia "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5263 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina Oconee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5370 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5756 Wormaldia anilla Philopotamidae Wormaldia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5766 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5953 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5955 Wormaldia occidea Philopotamidae Wormaldia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7615 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Silk net Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7910 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975. chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larval growth spring to winter. Pupae late winter. Unknown 7958 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8187 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8323 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8434 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8435 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Fentress chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8656 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown "Adults observed June, July/Aug, and Sept-Oct." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8793 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19-July 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8794 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9002 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9003 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9004 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9279 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Glacier 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9280 Wormaldia occidea Philopotamidae Wormaldia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9371 Wormaldia anilla Philopotamidae Wormaldia Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown "Emerge late Mar-Dec; peak Sept and Oct. However, nearby peak is Feb and Mar." Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9372 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge early Aug-late Sept. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9615 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Sac-like net. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9716 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Indiana 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9927 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9943 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9944 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/21/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10086 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. In all regions where this species occurs 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11211 Wormaldia gabriella Philopotamidae Wormaldia An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11221 Wormaldia lacerna Philopotamidae Wormaldia New western trichoptera Washington RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11222 Wormaldia occidea Philopotamidae Wormaldia New western trichoptera California Santa Cruz RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12176 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13120 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Either uni- or bivoltine. Unknown 13124 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13125 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13243 Wormaldia spp. Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13491 Wormaldia moesta Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Jan-Aug Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13492 Wormaldia mohri Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13493 Wormaldia shawnee Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13494 Wormaldia thyria Philopotamidae Wormaldia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-late July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2770 Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Construct very fine-meshed nets to capture very small FPOM particles. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Capture the finest FPOM materials. 1 Found underneath rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6759 Philopotamidae Philopotamidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/9/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10272 Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13311 Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16.5 Unknown 1 Construct tubular sac-like capture nets. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 1 Unknown 5 larval instar stages. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 14242 Phoridae Phoridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 In pitcher plants. Unknown 3 instar stage for 16 days. Pupate in 2 wks. 1 1 Days Hatch in 3 days @ 21C. Unknown 14390 Phoridae Phoridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Tubular Burrower 349 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of pieces of leaves and bark arranged spirally in a long tube. Some use a piece of hollow stem for case. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Found as deep as 45 m in Lake Superior. Unknown Unknown 1768 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of a spiral of vegetation. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1769 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of a spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1770 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of a spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1771 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of a spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1772 Agrypnia pagetana Phryganeidae Agrypnia Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of a spiral of vegetation; may also use a hollow plant stem as a case. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2473 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 3472 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5568 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Trigg JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5639 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5640 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5789 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5790 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5912 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5913 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5914 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 7662 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case spirally arranged, tapered cylinder" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer "Scraper?, Detritivore, Herbivore" Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8013 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8248 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8249 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8399 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8550 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8551 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8724 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8846 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8847 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8942 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 25, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9098 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9294 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lincoln 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9295 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9631 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Immature insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) collected from deep water in Western L" Wisconsin chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9632 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Immature insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) collected from deep water in Western L" Wisconsin chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9878 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10351 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia A New genus and species of Trichoptera. Oregon RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown caught using blacklight trap Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11142 Agrypnia straminea Phryganeidae Agrypnia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13212 Agrypnia spp. Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13281 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13282 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13551 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13553 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13556 Agrypnia vestita Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13559 Agrypnia improba Phryganeidae Agrypnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1766 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1773 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1774 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1775 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of spiral of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3471 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5569 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Pike JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5915 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6222 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6909 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in British Columbia. Unknown 7663 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case spirally arranged, tapered cylinder" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Engulfer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7680 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola Notes on some New England Phryganeidae (Trichoptera). Maine "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7681 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola Notes on some New England Phryganeidae (Trichoptera). Massachusetts "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7682 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Notes on some New England Phryganeidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8014 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June- Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8015 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June- Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8016 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1956 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8250 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 8-July 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8251 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8728 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late June-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8729 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late May-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8849 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8850 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8851 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8943 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 10-13, 1952 and June 19-Aug 1, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8997 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. Massachusetts chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9099 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9259 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Emergence early July-late Sept; max emergence in Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Less on undersides of lily pads, leaves of Potamogeton natans from late July-early Sept." Unknown Predator Feed on filamentous algae and animals. 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae fall-July. Overwinter as 3rd/4th instar. 1 Unknown 9722 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9735 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9975 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9976 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11143 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11144 Banksiola smithi Phryganeidae Banksiola "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13213 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Unknown Unknown 13283 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-early May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13284 Banksiola dossuaria Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge June-mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13552 Banksiola crotchi Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Pupate in bottom sediment. Emerge July-Sept; peak in Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit late July-early Sept. Eggs laid on underside of lily pads and leaves of pondweed Potamogeton natans. Unknown Shredder Predator "Instar 1-4 feed on algae only, 5th exclusively predacious." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Slow seasonal Hatch Aug/Sept.3rd instar overwinter.5th May/July. 1 Weeks Hatch 20 days at 15-18C. Unknown 13560 Banksiola spp. Phryganeidae Banksiola Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1765 Beothukus complicatus Phryganeidae Beothukus Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 Domed sphagnum bog Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case consists of slender pieces of plant material of uniform length, mainly sedges and grasses, fastened together into discrete ring-like sections rather than a continuous spiral." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills No Unknown Spring Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs found at or slightly below the water level along mossy banks of pools. Unknown Weeks Scraper/grazer Predator "Gut contents consisted mostly of filamentous algae and vascular plant materials, but also contained animal materials like cironomid larvae, copepods, cladocerans, mites, rotifers, and flies." 1 1 "Positively correlated with macrophytes, but also found in areas without macrophytes." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinters as larvae; 5 instars (8 mos). Weeks 1 Weeks Most hatch in early August. No 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 26 3390 Beothukus complicatus Phryganeidae Beothukus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Sphagnum bog pools Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of elongate pieces of sedges or grasses. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 7664 Beothukus complicatus Phryganeidae Beothukus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber Unknown Unknown 3392 Fabria inornata Phryganeidae Fabria Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 7665 Fabria spp. Phryganeidae Fabria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case a rough ""Christmas tree-shaped"" tube" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 8252 Fabria spp. Phryganeidae Fabria Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11145 Fabria spp. Phryganeidae Fabria "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13214 Fabria spp. Phryganeidae Fabria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13561 Fabria spp. Phryganeidae Fabria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3391 Hagenella canadensis Phryganeidae Hagenella Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Floodwater pools Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of leaf pieces in rings. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 11146 Hagenella canadensis Phryganeidae Hagenella "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13562 Hagenella spp. Phryganeidae Hagenella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 350 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case composed of ring-like sections of leaf and bark pieces joined together. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "Eats mostly insects, otherwise omnivorous on filamentous algae and vascular plant tissue." 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1776 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of rings of vegetation. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3470 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of wide leaf and bark pieces. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5721 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Coffee JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6223 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7666 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Shredder "Engulfer, Detritivore, Herbivore" Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7916 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8253 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 28 & June 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8552 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Coffee chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8848 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 3-21 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13215 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Unknown Unknown 13278 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13285 Oligostomis spp. Phryganeidae Oligostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 352 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 56 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases constructed of short pieces of plant material arranged to form a continuous spiral. Where detritus not available, used animal parts for case materials (ostracods, cladoceran ephippia, fish scales, etc.)" Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "Consume animals (oligochaetes, copepods, ostracods, cladocerans, insects); otherwise omnivorous on dead and living plant material, algae." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1767 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case made of spirally arranged pieces of vegetation (either dextral or sinistral in direction). Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2474 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2759 Phryganea cinerea Phryganeidae Phryganea Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 "Case usually made of plant materials, but when found at the bottom of lakes made of ostracods, cladoceran ephippia, fish scales, insect sclerites, and snails and their opercula." Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Found at depths up to 20 m in Lake Winnipeg Unknown Unknown 3473 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5570 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5641 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5722 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5791 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5916 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7667 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case spirally arranged, tapered cylinder" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator "Engulfer, Herbivore, Detritivore" Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8017 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8254 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8255 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8553 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8854 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 13-15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8944 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 29-July 11, 1952 and July 31, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9100 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9296 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9398 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. chm 2/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Planktonic in early instar. Unknown Unknown 9630 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea "Immature insects (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera) collected from deep water in Western L" Wisconsin chm 2/28/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9904 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9978 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11148 Phryganea cinerea Phryganeidae Phryganea "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11700 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13216 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Unknown Unknown 13280 Phryganea spp. Phryganeidae Phryganea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 To depths of 20-100m Unknown Unknown 13286 Phryganea sayi Phryganeidae Phryganea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-July-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 353 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 60 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of ring-like sections of leaf pieces joined end to end. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1777 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Systematics and biology for a new Nearctic genus in the caddisfly family Phryganeidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/19/2004 1 1 1 Drainage canals Medium (length 9-16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of stacked rings of vegetation Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2753 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 3474 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Tubular cases made of a series of rings. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 5571 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5917 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6224 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7668 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator "Engulfer, Herbivore, Detritivore" Climber 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8256 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8400 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Shelby 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8554 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8555 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8703 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Adults from Late May-early Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Feed on chironomid larvae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Larvae fall-June. Pupae early June. Unknown 8727 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8852 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8853 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9101 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9341 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs laid in Aug. 10-20cm above the water surface, on the underside of logs or overhanging bank." Yes Yes 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9723 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9879 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9977 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11147 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults were collected from streamside vegetation Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11627 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11701 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13217 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Unknown Unknown 13279 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13287 Ptilostomis ocellifera Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13288 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-mid-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13554 Ptilostomis ocellifera Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13555 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year bivoltine Unknown 13557 Ptilostomis spp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year bivoltine Unknown 13558 Ptilostomis ocellifera Phryganeidae Ptilostomis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7661 Yphria spp. Phryganeidae Yphria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Sprawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9225 Yphria spp. Phryganeidae Yphria Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 13550 Yphria spp. Phryganeidae Yphria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3431 Phryganeidae Phryganeidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Shredder "Mostly carnivorous, but vegetation is eaten by early instars." Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 13312 Phryganeidae Phryganeidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Feed on detritus and living plants. 1 Unknown Unknown 6248 Aplexa spp. Physidae Aplexa Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Some physids fill the mantle pocket with water and use it as a derived gill. Crawling speed is much faster than most gastropods. Unknown Unknown Mature at an early age and have high fecundity; very wide-spread. Adults breed early in the spring. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consume periphyton, diatoms, and detritus." Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults are annual; reproduce in spring then die. 1 1 Unknown 6652 Aplexa spp. Physidae Aplexa Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6001 Physa spp. Physidae Physa The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11428 Physa spp. Physidae Physa Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11851 Physa spp. Physidae Physa Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6247 Physella spp. Physidae Physella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Some physids fill the mantle pocket with water and use it as a derived gill. Crawling speed is much faster than most gastropods. Unknown Unknown Mature at an early age and have high fecundity; very wide-spread. Adults breed early in the spring. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consume periphyton, diatoms, and detritus." Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults are annual; reproduce in spring then die. 1 1 Unknown 6259 Physella spp. Physidae Physella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown Months Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown 6265 Physella integra Physidae Physella Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Prefer cobble with attached periphyton 1 Unknown Unknown 6657 Physella spp. Physidae Physella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subterranean waters (caves) Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous scavengers; consume algae that covers most submerged surfaces, dead plant and animal materials." Clinger Burrower "May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. Also, ""spins"" through water by moving along a mucous strand attached to plants or the water surface." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most abundant where there is a moderate amount of aquatic vegetation and organic debris; rare among dense mats of vegetation. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Some species can be found at depths up to 15 m and never come to the surface. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 2 1 1 1 6659 Physella gyrina Physidae Physella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous scavengers; consume algae that covers most submerged surfaces, dead plant and animal materials." Clinger Burrower "May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. Also, ""spins"" through water by moving along a mucous strand attached to plants or the water surface." 1 1 1 1 1 Most abundant where there is a moderate amount of aquatic vegetation and organic debris; rare among dense mats of vegetation. 1 1 1 1 1 Some species can be found at depths up to 15 m and never come to the surface. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 2 1 1 1 6660 Physella gyrina Physidae Physella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Other (specify in comments) "Omnivorous scavengers; consume algae that covers most submerged surfaces, dead plant and animal materials." Clinger Burrower "May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. Also, ""spins"" through water by moving along a mucous strand attached to plants or the water surface." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most abundant where there is a moderate amount of aquatic vegetation and organic debris; rare among dense mats of vegetation. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Some species can be found at depths up to 15 m and never come to the surface. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 2 1 1 1 12069 Physella spp. Physidae Physella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6244 Physidae Physidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Some physids fill the mantle pocket with water and use it as a derived gill. Crawling speed is much faster than most gastropods. Unknown Unknown Mature at an early age and have high fecundity; very wide-spread. Unknown Scraper/grazer "Prefers consuming detritus, but will also eat periphyton and bacteria." Unknown 1 1 Unknown 6643 Physidae Physidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6613 Piersigia spp. Piersigiidae Piersigia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Silted/murky water 6234 Pomacea spp. Pilidae Pomacea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Florida Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 55 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Has a mantle cavity that provides both a gill and a lung. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6288 Pomacea spp. Pilidae Pomacea Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Florida Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 60 Round (humped) Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6504 Pomacea spp. Pilidae Pomacea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 Usually found in muddy substrates. 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6625 Forelia spp. Pionidae Forelia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 11860 Forelia spp. Pionidae Forelia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6626 Huitfeldtia rectipes Pionidae Huitfeldtia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6624 Hydrochoreutes spp. Pionidae Hydrochoreutes Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 11866 Piona spp. Pionidae Piona Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6627 Tiphys spp. Pionidae Tiphys Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6623 Wettina spp. Pionidae Wettina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Rare in sandy streams. 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8008 Pionidae Pionidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae. Predaceous deutonymph (several months). 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Deutonymph in damp hyporheric zone of temporary pools. Unknown Unknown 6419 Cystobranchus verrilli Piscicolidae Cystobranchus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6420 Cystobranchus virginicus Piscicolidae Cystobranchus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Virginia Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6422 Illinobdella moorei Piscicolidae Illinobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 19.5 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6421 Myzobdella lugubris Piscicolidae Myzobdella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6416 Piscicola punctata Piscicolidae Piscicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6417 Piscicola salmositica Piscicolidae Piscicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20.5 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6418 Piscicola milneri Piscicolidae Piscicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6423 Piscicolaria reducta Piscicolidae Piscicolaria Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6388 Piscicolidae Piscicolidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Has a mouth surrounded by an oral sucker, and a larger caudal sucker as well." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous Also use body movements to facilitate respiration. "Mating usually begins in the spring when temperatures are changing. Most cocoons are deposited between May and August (below, I substituted mating season for emergence season)." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) "Leeches are hermaphroditic, but do not self-fertilize. Fertilized eggs are individually released into cocoons. Cocoons are fastened to substrates or on the host fish." Yes Parasite Almost always found as parasites on fish or crustaceans. Other (specify in comments) Crawl on the surface using suckers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow habitats in protected waters. 100 km or less Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 7919 Piscicolidae Piscicolidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/14/2005 Unknown 1 Anterior and posterior suckers. Cutaneous Other (specify in comments) Some spp. have small pulsatile vesicle filled with coelomic fluid for accessory repiratory organs. Unknown Unknown Bottom sediments Sequential protandrous hermaphrodite. Lays cocoon with many eggs. Loosely attached to substrate. Yes Parasite Parasite of fish and some Crustacea Climber Swimmer """Looping""-body elongation and shortening with anterior and posterior sucker alternately." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 1 1 1 6654 Amphigyra alabamensis Planorbidae Amphigyra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. Also have a pseudobranch, which functions as an accessory gill." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6281 Armiger crista Planorbidae Armiger Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Also has a pseudobranch/false gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Prefers consuming detritus, but will also eat periphyton and bacteria." Unknown 1 1 Unknown 6653 Armiger crista Planorbidae Armiger Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. Also have a pseudobranch, which functions as an accessory gill." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6256 Gyraulus deflectus Planorbidae Gyraulus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown "Two breeding seasons per year, with varying replacement of cohorts." Unknown Unknown Two breeding seasons per year with varying replacement of cohorts. Unknown 6258 Gyraulus circumstriatus Planorbidae Gyraulus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown Months Unknown Continuous breeding throughout the field season. Unknown 11827 Gyraulus parvus Planorbidae Gyraulus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6251 Helisoma anceps Planorbidae Helisoma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Adults reproduce in the spring. Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Adults die after reproducing in the spring. Unknown 6267 Helisoma anceps Planorbidae Helisoma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Prefer cobble with attached periphyton 1 Unknown Unknown 6656 Helisoma spp. Planorbidae Helisoma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. Also have a pseudobranch, which functions as an accessory gill." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower "May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. Also, ""spins"" through water by moving along a mucous strand attached to plants or the water surface." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 Some species can be found at depths up to 15 m and never come to the surface. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11849 Helisoma spp. Planorbidae Helisoma Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6282 Neoplanorbis spp. Planorbidae Neoplanorbis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Alabama Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Also has a pseudobranch/false gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Prefers consuming detritus, but will also eat periphyton and bacteria." Unknown 1 1 Unknown 6655 Neoplanorbis spp. Planorbidae Neoplanorbis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. Also have a pseudobranch, which functions as an accessory gill." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6254 Planorbula armigera Planorbidae Planorbula Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Contains hemoglobin; also has a pseudobranch/false gill. Unknown Unknown "Two breeding seasons per year, with varying replacement of cohorts." Unknown Unknown Two breeding seasons per year with varying replacement of cohorts. Unknown 6255 Promenetus exacuous Planorbidae Promenetus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown "Two breeding seasons per year, with varying replacement of cohorts." Unknown Unknown Two breeding seasons per year with varying replacement of cohorts. Unknown 11852 Promenetus exacuous Planorbidae Promenetus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6245 Planorbidae Planorbidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Also has a pseudobranch/false gill. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Prefers consuming detritus, but will also eat periphyton and bacteria." Unknown 1 1 Unknown 6644 Planorbidae Planorbidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Have an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. Also have a pseudobranch, which functions as an accessory gill." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months May live as long as 2-4 years. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 3485 Neoplea striola Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Ventral air bubble acts as a physical gill. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; feed on tiny insects and crustacea. Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Overwinter in deep water. Yes > 1 Generation per year 2 generations per summer. 4-5 nymphal instars. Unknown 6886 Neoplea striola Pleidae Neoplea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Illinois chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7563 Neoplea spp. Pleidae Neoplea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore esp. of microcrustacea Swimmer Climber 1 Dense stands Unknown Unknown 13010 Neoplea striola Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/30/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Temporary air store "Air held on ventral surface, but also in subhemelytral space (Plastron)" Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs inserted into tissue of Chara and Elodea. Unknown Climber 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Egg-adult completed in 64-77days. 5 nymphal stages completed in 32-40 days. Adults overwinter. Days Hatch 10-12days. Unknown 13012 Neoplea spp. Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on ostracods, Daphnia, mosquito larvae, amphipods." Climber 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown Clear water 13014 Neoplea spp. Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida chm 3/30/2005 1 1 1 1 Ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13015 Neoplea striola Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Climber 1 Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Egg-adult completed in 64-77days. 5 nymphal stages completed in 32-40 days. Days Hatch 10-12days. Unknown 13016 Neoplea spp. Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 13018 Neoplea striola Pleidae Neoplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7564 Paraplea spp. Pleidae Paraplea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore esp. of microcrustacea Swimmer Climber 1 Dense stands Unknown Unknown 13019 Paraplea spp. Pleidae Paraplea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/30/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 7206 Pleidae Pleidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT/ chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Temporary air store Temporary air store Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8123 Pleidae Pleidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Climber Swimmer 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Bi- or multivoltine Unknown 13009 Pleidae Pleidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/30/2005 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hind legs with long swimming hairs. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6249 Elimia spp. Pleuroceridae Elimia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Alabama Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Adults reproduce in the spring and summer. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Brood eggs in a pouch in the neck region. Unknown 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine. Months Can live 6-11 years. Parthenogenic. Unknown 6503 Gyrotoma spp. Pleuroceridae Gyrotoma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Alabama Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 River Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6287 Io spp. Pleuroceridae Io Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feeds on priphyton rather than macrophyte tissue because of higher N levels. Unknown Unknown 8147 Juga spp. Pleuroceridae Juga Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Upstream crawling daily Unknown Unknown 6663 Pleurocera spp. Pleuroceridae Pleurocera Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found on sandy or rocky shoals. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6271 Pleuroceridae Pleuroceridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feeds on priphyton rather than macrophyte tissue because of higher N levels. Unknown Unknown 6638 Pleuroceridae Pleuroceridae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11715 Podura spp. Poduridae Podura Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 354 Cernotina spp. Polycentropodidae Cernotina Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Cover small depressions in rocks with a silk roof to be used as a retreat. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumed chironomid larvae and small crustaceans. 1 1 Most abundant at depths of 0.5 to 4 m; found down to 16 m. Unknown Unknown 1558 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina Larva and pupa of Cernotina spicata "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Reservoir Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown 1 Retreats made by covering depressions in rocks with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Consume chironomid larvae and microcrustaceans. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1559 Cernotina calcea Polycentropodidae Cernotina The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1560 Cernotina ohio Polycentropodidae Cernotina The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Ohio Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1561 Cernotina pallida Polycentropodidae Cernotina The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1562 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2387 Cernotina calcea Polycentropodidae Cernotina Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2388 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5371 Cernotina calcea Polycentropodidae Cernotina A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Anderson, Spencer" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7621 Cernotina spp. Polycentropodidae Cernotina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Clinger Unknown Unknown 7961 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8326 Cernotina calcea Polycentropodidae Cernotina Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8327 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May-June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8819 Cernotina pallida Polycentropodidae Cernotina A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 6-10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8820 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9013 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9014 Cernotina spp. Polycentropodidae Cernotina A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9827 Cernotina calcea Polycentropodidae Cernotina A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10299 Cernotina pallida Polycentropodidae Cernotina A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males collected Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10300 Cernotina ohio Polycentropodidae Cernotina A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males collected Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13517 Cernotina spp. Polycentropodidae Cernotina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13521 Cernotina spicata Polycentropodidae Cernotina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13522 Cernotina spp. Polycentropodidae Cernotina Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 355 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Tubular Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk roof covering a small depression in rock surface. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1563 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Reservoirs River Unknown 1 Retreat comprised on silk-roofed depression on a rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Guts contain FPOM; arthropods also eaten. Unknown Unknown 1564 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat comprised on silk-roofed depression on a rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Guts contain FPOM; arthropods also eaten. Unknown Unknown 2389 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 3445 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Primarily carnivores that feed on small insects and other animals captured by their nets; some also consume algae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5374 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 6006 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6053 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Notes on some nearctic Psychomyiidae with special reference to their larvae (Trichoptera). Mid-Midwest RAT 11/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7622 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger Unknown Unknown 8188 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 28-Aug 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8328 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8439 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8931 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 30-July 4, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9015 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9399 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Biology and possible control of nuisance caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River. chm 2/18/2005 Unknown 1 Net spinner. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9806 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9828 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9960 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11702 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13504 Cyrnellus spp. Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed 1 Unknown Unknown 13519 Cyrnellus fraternus Polycentropodidae Cyrnellus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-June-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 356 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Effluents from lakes and reservoirs Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Tubular Unknown 1 "Retreat is a trumpet-shaped net made of silk that tapers to a slender tube where larvae resides (up to 12 cm long, 3-4 cm wide)." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Consumes mostly zooplankton and insects. 1 1 1 Exploit rooted aquatic plants and submerged tree branches. Found below reservoirs because of the high abundance of zooplankton. Unknown Unknown 1272 Neureclipsis piersoni Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the Little River drainage in northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 7/28/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1565 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use large nets to filter food. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Consume both animal and plant materials. 1 Unknown Unknown 1566 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Use large nets to filter food. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Consume both animal and plant materials. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1567 Neureclipsis valida Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Use large nets to filter food. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Consume both animal and plant materials. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1568 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Use large nets to filter food. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Consume both animal and plant materials. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1844 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2390 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2391 Neureclipsis piersoni Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 3444 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Primarily carnivores that feed on small insects and other animals captured by their nets; some also consume algae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5375 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Breckenridge,McCrear" JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5376 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, Lyon" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5767 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5918 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5919 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6894 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Georgia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7623 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Silk net, trumpet shaped" Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Shredder "Predator/Engulfer, Herbivore" Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7962 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8190 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 8-Aug 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8191 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8329 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8330 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8440 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8658 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown "Adults observed May, July, Sept 1977." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8801 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 16-July 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8802 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8920 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Sept 9, 1952 and June 11-Sept 2, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9016 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9351 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "The significance of the elongate, rectangular mesh found in capture nets of fine particle filter" chm 2/28/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9837 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Sevier RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9838 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Prairie RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9929 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10061 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Massachusetts RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10106 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10301 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10947 Neureclipsis bimaculata Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10948 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11613 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11703 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11911 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13218 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-filterer Predator Unknown Unknown 13505 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13506 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 13507 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13512 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13513 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13518 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge mid-June-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13523 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-early Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13543 Neureclipsis spp. Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Nebraska chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13545 Neureclipsis crepuscularis Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 1551 Nyctiophylax serratus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A new species of Nyctiophylax from Alabama and Mississippi Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1552 Nyctiophylax barrorum Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Nyctiophylax barrorum (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae), a new species from Alabama" Alabama Winston Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1553 Nyctiophylax banksi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The genus Nyctiophylax in North America Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1554 Nyctiophylax denningi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The genus Nyctiophylax in North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1569 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1570 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1571 Nyctiophylax banksi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1572 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1573 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1574 Nyctiophylax uncus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silk roofs over depressions in wood or rock. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 1845 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2392 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2393 Nyctiophylax barrorum Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2394 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2395 Nyctiophylax denningi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 5377 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Bell, Lyon" JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5629 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Emergence of caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Heming Lake, Manitoba" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5713 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee "Fentress, Cumberland" JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5774 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5920 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5922 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 6052 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Notes on some nearctic Psychomyiidae with special reference to their larvae (Trichoptera). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/30/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed Retreat Builders 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6054 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Notes on some nearctic Psychomyiidae with special reference to their larvae (Trichoptera). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/30/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6055 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Notes on some nearctic Psychomyiidae with special reference to their larvae (Trichoptera). Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 11/30/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6164 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7963 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7964 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8192 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8331 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr, June, Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8332 Nyctiophylax banksi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8333 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8334 Nyctiophylax denningi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8335 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8441 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8442 Nyctiophylax banksi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8443 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Fentress chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8444 Nyctiophylax denningi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8445 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8446 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8447 Nyctiophylax uncus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Fentress chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8659 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed July/Aug. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8817 Nyctiophylax uncus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 16-July 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8818 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 2-Sept 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8930 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 26-July 21, 1952 and June 19-Aug 11, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9017 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9018 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9019 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9020 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9720 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Huntington 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9776 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males at light traps Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9930 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9931 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9959 Nyctiophylax moestus Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10087 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Texas Uvalde 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10088 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Wyoming 1947 RAT 12/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10302 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males identified Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10322 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Georgia RAT 1/19/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10949 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11912 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13231 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-filterer Predator Unknown Unknown 13503 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13516 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13524 Nyctiophylax affinis Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13525 Nyctiophylax banksi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13526 Nyctiophylax celta Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13527 Nyctiophylax denningi Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13528 Nyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Nyctiophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid- May-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7624 Paranyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Paranyctiophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer "Shredder-herbivore, Engulfer" Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11704 Paranyctiophylax spp. Polycentropodidae Paranyctiophylax "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 357 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Silk retreat two types: loosely constructed tube with an outer maze of silk threads (to capture prey), and bag-like structures that expand in the current." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes chironomids in lakes (down to 5 m). 1 Unknown Unknown 1140 Polycentropus sabulosus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Noteworthy records of caddis flies from Michigan, with descriptions of new species" Michigan Crawford Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1301 Polycentropus thaxtoni Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Two new species of caddisflies from Georgia Georgia Crawford 32º 40' N 83º 59' W Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 small Blackwater stream Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1547 Polycentropus alabamensis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Description of two new species of Polycentropus from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1548 Polycentropus vernus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Description of two new species of Polycentropus from Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1549 Polycentropus stephani Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A new species of Polycentropus (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) from Arkansas Arkansas Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1550 Polycentropus harpi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A new species in the Polycentropus cinereus group from Arkansas and Texas Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 8/10/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1555 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Descriptions of the females of three Polycentropus species "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1556 Polycentropus carlsoni Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Descriptions of the females of three Polycentropus species South Carolina Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 215 245 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1557 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Descriptions of the females of three Polycentropus species "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 420 420 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1575 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1576 Polycentropus albipunctus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 1 1 No strong preference 1577 Polycentropus iculus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Massachusetts Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1578 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1579 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1580 Polycentropus smithae Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States New Hampshire Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1581 Polycentropus clinei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1582 Polycentropus weedi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1583 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1584 Polycentropus carolinensis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1585 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference Clear water 1586 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1587 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1588 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1589 Polycentropus neiswanderi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Ohio Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1590 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1591 Polycentropus pixi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1592 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1593 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1594 Polycentropus chellus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States North Dakota Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1595 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 1596 Polycentropus glacialis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1597 Polycentropus grellus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1598 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 1599 Polycentropus melanae Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1600 Polycentropus milaca Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Minnesota Itasca Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1601 Polycentropus denningi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1602 Polycentropus halidus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1603 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference No preference 1604 Polycentropus sabulosus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Michigan Crawford In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1605 Polycentropus colei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States Tennessee In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1606 Polycentropus picicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1607 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The adult Polycentropodidae of Canada and adjacent United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/11/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Retreat consists of a silk tube anchored to substrate. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown No strong preference 1609 Polycentropus barri Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New species of the caddisfly genus Polycentropus from eastern North America Kentucky Jackson Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1610 Polycentropus chelatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New species of the caddisfly genus Polycentropus from eastern North America Tennessee Decatur Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1611 Polycentropus chenoides Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New species of the caddisfly genus Polycentropus from eastern North America New York Long Island Marci Koski 8/12/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1612 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New species of the caddisfly genus Polycentropus from eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1846 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2397 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2398 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2399 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2400 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2401 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2752 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk nets/retreats to capture prey. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Larvae remain in retreat until prey touch outlying silk strands (like a spider). Unknown Unknown 2780 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Ecological diversity in Trichoptera Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Months 9-10 mo diapause when pool dry Yes 3443 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Primarily carnivores that feed on small insects and other animals captured by their nets; some also consume algae. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 5714 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5715 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Robertson JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5716 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee Cumberland JBM 11/17/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5768 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5769 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5770 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5771 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5772 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5773 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5921 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5923 Polycentropus denningi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5924 Polycentropus halidus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5925 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5926 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6166 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6167 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6168 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6169 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 muck 1 Unknown Unknown 6170 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 muck 1 Unknown Unknown 6895 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6896 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7625 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Collector-filterer "Shredder-herbivore, Engulfer" Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7683 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A new species of the genus Polycentropus from Tennessee. Tennessee "July 11, 1949" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7967 Polycentropus albipunctus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7968 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7969 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7970 Polycentropus clinei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1956 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7971 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7972 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7973 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7974 Polycentropus grellus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1938 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7975 Polycentropus iculus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7976 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7977 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7978 Polycentropus pixi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7979 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8194 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 25-July 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8195 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-July 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8196 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 5-Aug 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8197 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-July 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8198 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8199 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 9-July 31 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8200 Polycentropus glacialis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8201 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15-July 31 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8202 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1944 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8203 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 7-23 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8204 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 21-Aug 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8205 Polycentropus weedi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 13-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8338 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8339 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8340 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8341 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8451 Polycentropus barri Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Fentress chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8452 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Greene chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8453 Polycentropus carolinensis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8454 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8455 Polycentropus chelatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Decatur chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8456 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky Decatur chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8457 Polycentropus colei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8458 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8459 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8460 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8461 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8462 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8463 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8464 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8661 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in June-July and Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8662 Polycentropus centralis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults observed May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8663 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed June-Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8664 Polycentropus clinei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8665 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8666 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8667 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8668 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8669 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-early June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8670 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May- June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8671 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May- June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8701 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The life histories and trophic relationships of the Trichoptera of Marion Lake, British Columbia." Pacific Northwest (coastal) Nov 1968-Nov 1969 chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Flight period June-Aug; max emergence in Aug. Most emerge in shallow water <1m deep. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Slow seasonal Larvae in fall-June and overwinters as 2nd instar. Unknown 8803 Polycentropus albipunctus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15-Sept 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8804 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8805 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 2-Sept 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8806 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 14-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8807 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 24 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8808 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 1-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8809 Polycentropus grellus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 10-19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8810 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8811 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 15-Aug 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8812 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 18-Aug 31 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8813 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8814 Polycentropus pixi Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8815 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 5-Sept 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8816 Polycentropus smithae Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 17 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8921 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 19-July 14, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8922 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 17-Aug 11, 1951-1952 and June 15-July 18, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8923 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 30-Aug 3, 1951-1952 and June 6-Aug 25, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Female contained 379 eggs. Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8924 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 30, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8925 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 4-15, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8926 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 24-30, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 female yielded 224 eggs. Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8927 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 28, 1952 and June 3-29, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8928 Polycentropus sabulosus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 3-Sept 9, 1951-1952 and June 3-Aug 3, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8929 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 14-31, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9021 Polycentropus carolinensis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9022 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9023 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9024 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9025 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9026 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9281 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9282 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9343 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, July." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9353 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. Illinois chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, July." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9354 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown "Adults collected June, July." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9779 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown More females than males in light trap collections Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9789 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Records and descriptionsof nearctic caddis flies. Part 1. Arizona 1949 RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9932 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9933 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9953 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9954 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9955 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9956 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9957 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9958 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10025 Polycentropus halidus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10026 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/29/2004 1 1 2285 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10281 Polycentropus carlsoni Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New Caddisflies (Trichoptera) from the southeastern United States. South Carolina RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10304 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10951 Polycentropus aureolus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10952 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10953 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10954 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10968 Polycentropus smithae Polycentropodidae Polycentropus New species of nearctic caddis flies. New Hampshire RAT 3/22/2005 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11212 Polycentropus variegatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11213 Polycentropus flavus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11214 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11215 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11299 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11402 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "The importance of predation, substrate and spatial refugia" West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11614 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11615 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Richland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11705 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11913 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11914 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11915 Polycentropus remotus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12065 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13197 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9-10mth diapause. Yes 13219 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-filterer Predator Unknown Unknown 13289 Polycentropus colei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13290 Polycentropus elarus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13291 Polycentropus pentus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13292 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13502 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Construct tubular and bag-like net in current. Unknown Unknown Unknown Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13509 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13510 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13511 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13514 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 4/20/2005 1 Unknown Emerge July-Sept; peak in Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal 2nd instar overwinter. Autumn-June larval growth. Unknown 13515 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 13520 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13533 Polycentropus blicklei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13534 Polycentropus carlsoni Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13535 Polycentropus carolinensis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge June-mid-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13536 Polycentropus cinereus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Mar-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13537 Polycentropus clinei Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13538 Polycentropus confusus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13539 Polycentropus crassicornis Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge Apr-mid-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13540 Polycentropus interruptus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13541 Polycentropus maculatus Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13542 Polycentropus nascotius Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Emerge late-Mar-early Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13544 Polycentropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polycentropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 7626 Polyplectropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polyplectropus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 13499 Polyplectropus spp. Polycentropodidae Polyplectropus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Desert Southwest chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2772 Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Baglike nets are hung between stems of rooted plants to catch sinking plankton. Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Consume plankton. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3418 Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Predator Primarily carnivores that feed on small insects and other animals captured by their nets; some also consume algae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No preference 11489 Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Aquatic insect predator-prey relations. RAT 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Use retreat nets to capture prey Unknown Unknown 13313 Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some bivoltine Unknown 1 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 Canals 1828 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Fall Fall Free-floating "Female plummets and dies, eggs released when hit water." Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Eggs overwinter Slow seasonal 20 weeks from hatch to adult Hours 1.5 hours Months Unknown No strong preference 12 24 822 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte Utah nkmv 6/16/2004 1 1 irrigation canals Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower between clay and rock 1 1 1 burrow in clay/rock interface 1 1 1 1 also in banks Unknown Unknown 870 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 1 1 irrigation canals Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown 871 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Unknown 1934 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Life history notes on Ephoron, Potamanthus, Leptophlebia and Blasturus with" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown "fibrilliform gills, mandibular tusks" Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) in riffles Unknown nocturnal feeder Burrower 1 1 1 tubular burrows attached to stone-silt interface 1 Unknown Months 6-7 months Unknown 28 1947 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Life history and secondary production of Ephoron album (Say) Arkansas Washington nkmv 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 18 weeks Months at least 8 mo diapause Yes 1948 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron The life history of Ephoron album (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcidae) Utah nkmv 8/4/2004 1 1 canals Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating eggs have sticky substance to attach to substrate Yes Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 18 weeks 1 Months at least 8 mo diapause Yes 1949 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Life history and secondary production of Ephoron album (Say) Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 18 weeks Months 8 mo diapause Yes 1950 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Gynandromorphism and differential molting in a mayfly (Ephemeroptera) Indiana White Mid-Midwest nkmv 8/4/2004 1 Unknown can be gynandromorphic with both male and female organs female mates as subimago Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown female mates as subimago Unknown 2809 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Habitat differences between northern and southern populations of mayflies Rocky Mountains nkmv 8/26/2004 1 1 canals River Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 3252 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5419 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee "Greene, Unicoi" JBM 11/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5659 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Hours Unknown 6044 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Biology of two species of Lake Erie Mayflies, Ephron album (Say) and Ephemera simulans (Walker)." Ohio RAT 11/14/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20.5 Unknown "Rise to the water surface, shed the exuvia and take flight as a subimago in a matter of seconds. May be bouyed by gas bubble" No Yes Summer Fall Free-floating oviposition occurs in seconds Yes Collector-filterer Collector-gatherer Burrower negatively phototactic 1 1 1 1 nymphs found 2-4 inches below gravel 1 Unknown Fast seasonal 3 months Hours Minutes for females 100 to 1000 eggs Days Eggs need cold temps to hatch Yes 6869 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Univoltine in Manitoba Unknown 6870 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7227 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Mate and lay eggs as subimago Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Hours 4hrs or less Unknown 7282 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11516 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11517 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11518 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11600 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Washburn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11877 Ephoron album Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11878 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12292 Ephoron spp. Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivore. Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12406 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Adults collected in late July. Emerge late July into Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12407 Ephoron leukon Polymitarcyidae Ephoron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 872 Tortopus primus Polymitarcyidae Tortopus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Unknown Unknown 873 Tortopus puella Polymitarcyidae Tortopus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 6/2/2004 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Burrower 1 1 Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" < 1 Generation per year Unknown 1951 Tortopus puella Polymitarcyidae Tortopus "Embryonic development, early instar morphology, and behavior of Tortopus incertus" Florida Liberty 1971 nkmv 8/4/2004 1 1 Unknown mandibular tusks Unknown Unknown eggs have adhesive coat Yes Burrower Swimmer 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Months Unknown 3253 Tortopus spp. Polymitarcyidae Tortopus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Live in clay banks of large streams. Unknown Unknown 5677 Tortopus spp. Polymitarcyidae Tortopus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Unknown 7283 Tortopus spp. Polymitarcyidae Tortopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Mate and lay eggs as subimago Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower Hard clay banks 1 1 Unknown Hours 4hrs or less Unknown 12310 Tortopus spp. Polymitarcyidae Tortopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12408 Tortopus spp. Polymitarcyidae Tortopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 8090 Polymitarcyidae Polymitarcyidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/21/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge during summer months. Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and detritus Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some spp winter egg diapause Yes 6633 Pomatiopsis spp. Pomatiopsidae Pomatiopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7.5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) "Have either internal gills (specialized folds in the mantle) or an internal air-filled lung, which obtains air at the surface film. In other species, all oxygen is obtained through the body surface." Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. Usually amphibious. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Yes > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6239 Pomatiopsidae Pomatiopsidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Often found inhabiting stream banks several meters above the water's surface. Unknown Unknown 7874 Monoporeia affinis Pontoporeiidae Monoporeia Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs and young in marsupium (ventral brooding shelf) until advanced stage. No Collector-gatherer Predator "Vertical migration daily. Zooplankton and phytoplankton." Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Total life cycle of 2yrs or more. Unknown 1 1 8158 Callinectes spp. Portunidae Callinectes Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/26/2005 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Bronchial gills and hemocyanin in blood for O2 transport. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 821 Anthopotamus verticis Potamanthidae Anthopotamus New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeropte nkmv 6/16/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 between interface of sand deposits and boulders 1 Unknown Unknown 825 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Filter-feeding habits of the larvae of Anthopotamu Indiana White 1989-1991 nkmv 6/16/2004 1 shallow rivers Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 95% FPOM and 5% diatoms; actively filter by waving hairy forlegs Burrower in interstices of mixed substrate 1 1 Unknown Unknown 837 Anthopotamus distinctus Potamanthidae Anthopotamus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 838 Anthopotamus myops Potamanthidae Anthopotamus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown overwinters as larvae Unknown 839 Anthopotamus neglectus Potamanthidae Anthopotamus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 840 Anthopotamus verticis Potamanthidae Anthopotamus The Burrowing mayflies of the United States In all regions where this species occurs NKMV 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown mandibular tusks Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1933 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Comparison of old and new world Acanthametropus (Ephemeroptera: Acanthametropodidae) and other psam nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1935 Anthopotamus verticis Potamanthidae Anthopotamus "Life history notes on Ephoron, Potamanthus, Leptophlebia and Blasturus with" Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown mandibular tusks Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Free-floating possibly over rapids Unknown 1 1 1 migrate to pools to finish development 11-100 m Unknown 1 Unknown 1936 Anthopotamus verticis Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Microhabitat of Anthopotamus verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae) Indiana White Mid-Midwest nkmv 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown mandibular tusks Tracheal gills beat gills to create oxy flow Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer negatively phototaxis Burrower experimentally determined that they are not sprawlers or clingers 1 1 1 in interstices between cobble and smaller substrates; small instars in gravel and large instars prefer pebble 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 0 30 1937 Anthopotamus myops Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Microhabitat of Anthopotamus verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae) nkmv 8/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 in interface between Unknown Unknown 1939 Anthopotamus verticis Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Life history aspects of Anthopotamus verticis (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae) Indiana White Mid-Midwest nkmv 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Collector-filterer small detritus particles Unknown 1 Generation per year "slow, nymphs overwinter" Weeks 2 weeks for eclosion Unknown 1940 Anthopotamus myops Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Life history of Potamanthus myops (Walsh) (Ephemeroptera: Potamanthidae) Michigan Midland nkmv 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating free floating in riffles/rapids; eggs are sticky to attach to substrate Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger Sprawler 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "from egg to adult, need 3939 degree days" "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Weeks Unknown 1 1 31 need 3939 degree days to go from egg to adult 3254 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Found in fairly shallow water. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5670 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Weeks Unknown 7279 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 11519 Anthopotamus myops Potamanthidae Anthopotamus "Summer Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT)" Illinois RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12392 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adults collected mid-late July Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Free-floating Yes Collector-gatherer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Nymph collected Apr/June; subimagos June/July. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12393 Anthopotamus spp. Potamanthidae Anthopotamus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/14/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8091 Potamanthidae Potamanthidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge in summer months Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11597 Potamanthidae Potamanthidae "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 6308 Protohydra leuckarti Protohydridae Protohydra Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 Estuaries Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Tubular Unknown Soft Unknown Unknown Reproduces both sexually and by transverse and longitudinal fission. Unknown Unknown Unknown 3 1 1 20 6577 Partnuniella spp. Protziidae Partnuniella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 3192 Acneus oregonensis Psephenidae Acneus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Larvae found in-stream; adults found along streams. 1 Unknown Unknown 3193 Acneus quadrimaculatus Psephenidae Acneus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1219 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2.45 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Larvae in pools of quiet water protected by boulders; adults on vegetation or rocks along swift streams. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3202 Acneus spp. Psephenidae Acneus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12753 Acneus oregonensis Psephenidae Acneus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12889 Acneus quadrimaculatus Psephenidae Acneus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12890 Acneus oregonensis Psephenidae Acneus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12892 Acneus quadrimaculatus Psephenidae Acneus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13776 Acneus spp. Psephenidae Acneus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3203 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7407 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12891 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12894 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13777 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13779 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maryland chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13780 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. New York chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13781 Dicranopselaphus spp. Psephenidae Dicranopselaphus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Pennsylvania chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3194 Ectopria nervosa Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 2.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Larvae found on submerged rocks and wood; adults taken on vegetation along streams. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3204 Ectopria spp. Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7408 Ectopria spp. Psephenidae Ectopria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12893 Ectopria nervosa Psephenidae Ectopria Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12896 Ectopria nervosa Psephenidae Ectopria Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13775 Ectopria spp. Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Leave the water to pupate. Unknown Unknown Unknown "Feed on microcrustaceans, diatom, algae." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13778 Ectopria spp. Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/4/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 3 Round (humped) Unknown Adult collected Apr-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Moist underside o woody debris and rocks overhanging stream. 1 Unknown Unknown 13782 Ectopria nervosa Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13783 Ectopria thoracica Psephenidae Ectopria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2839 Eubrianax edwardsi Psephenidae Eubrianax An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown adults found in riparian veg in summer Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Unknown 1 1 "larvae, adults are terrestrial" Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" adult is terrestrial Unknown 3195 Eubrianax edwardsi Psephenidae Eubrianax Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1828 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.75 2.25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Larvae found on/under submerged stones. 1 1 Adults found along stream banks. 1 Unknown Unknown 3205 Eubrianax spp. Psephenidae Eubrianax Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7405 Eubrianax edwardsi Psephenidae Eubrianax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 12895 Eubrianax edwardsi Psephenidae Eubrianax Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12898 Eubrianax edwardsi Psephenidae Eubrianax Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 2840 Psephenus falli Psephenidae Psephenus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California California ADULT nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown adults found in riparian veg in summer Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Unknown 1 1 "larvae, adults are terrestrial" Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" adult is terrestrial Unknown 2990 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus Underwater pupation by a Psephenid beetle nkmv 9/17/2004 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills 1 crawl to shore and pupate out of water typically Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2991 Psephenus falli Psephenidae Psephenus "Life history of the western water penny beetle, Psephenus falli" California Pacific Southwest (coastal) ADULT nkmv 9/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown adults present may through August Unknown Unknown Spring Summer On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Clinger adults run across rocks 1 1 adult on wave spashed rocks 1 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year "14-20 mos, larvae overwinter at least once" Days 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Weeks 16-17 d Unknown 3196 Psephenus haldemani Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1219 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.25 2.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3197 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 762 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.65 2.4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Also found on wave-washed shores with suitable rocks. 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3198 Psephenus murvoshi Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Arizona ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.2 1.6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown 3199 Psephenus texanus Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Texas ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 609 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.75 2.45 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Adults found at or just above water line on rocks or wood protruding from riffles. Unknown Unknown Clear water 3206 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3329 Psephenus falli Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.1 2.2 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3330 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Adult females commonly found beneath submerged rocks in the act of oviposition. Unknown 1 "Adults found on top of exposed rocks in riffles, or in riparian zones." 1 "Adult females spend all time in riffle areas, ovipositing beneath stones." 1 1 Adult males found above water surface. Adult females usually found beneath water surface looking for oviposition sites; often silt-covered and battered. Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Days Adults live a few days after mating & laying eggs. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks Hatch in two weeks. Unknown 3331 Psephenus montanus Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Arizona White Mountains ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 2133 2590 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.3 3 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Adult females commonly found beneath submerged rocks in the act of oviposition. Unknown 1 1 1 Adult males found above water surface. Adult females usually found beneath water surface looking for oviposition sites; often silt-covered and battered. Unknown Unknown 3332 Psephenus minckleyi Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Desert Southwest ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 823 1524 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.2 2.3 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3333 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Yes All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Graze on diatoms and algae. 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "In temperate regions, pupate after 2 years." Pupate near water's edge in a moist environment (under/between rocks); pupation lasts for 10-12 days. Unknown 3334 Psephenus arizonensis Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Arizona Cochise ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1767 1767 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.7 2.6 Unknown 1 All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3335 Psephenus haldemani Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Pacific Southwest (coastal) ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 1.9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3336 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada In all regions where this species occurs ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5.3 2.8 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3337 Psephenus murvoshi Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Arizona ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3.5 1.9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3338 Psephenus texanus Psephenidae Psephenus A revision of the genus Psephenus (water-penny beetles) of the United States and Canada Texas ADULT Marci Koski 10/18/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4.7 2.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3549 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Pupation occurs on moist rocks near the stream; adults emerge in less than 2 weeks. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are riparian but enter the water to oviposit. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and diatoms. 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Only larvae are aquatic. 6 larval instars. Unknown 6748 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6757 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/9/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7072 Psephenus falli Psephenidae Psephenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California ADULT chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) "Oviposit in 1 day? after emergence, early May-mid April. Eggs under rocks in riffle. Synchronous hatching within mass." Unknown Unknown Days Females 1-3 days. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Weeks ca. 500 eggs. Hatch 16-17 days Unknown 7406 Psephenus spp. Psephenidae Psephenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10895 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus Resource partitioning by two species of stream mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Ohio Madison May 1975-September 1976 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Runs Unknown Unknown 12897 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 762 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12899 Psephenus haldemani Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 12900 Psephenus haldemani Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12901 Psephenus murvoshi Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12902 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 762 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12904 Psephenus murvoshi Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Arizona ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12905 Psephenus texanus Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 12906 Psephenus texanus Psephenidae Psephenus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Texas ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 13774 Psephenus herricki Psephenidae Psephenus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3340 Psephenidae Psephenidae Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Adult females remain submerged for days while looking for oviposition sites among rocks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3535 Psephenidae Psephenidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Pupation occurs on moist rocks near the stream; adults emerge in less than 2 weeks. Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Adults are riparian but enter the water to oviposit. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on algae and diatoms. 1 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle. Only larvae are aquatic. 6 larval instars. Unknown 7211 Psephenidae Psephenidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Adhere to rocks and smooth surfaces Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7525 Psephenidae Psephenidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 8141 Psephenidae Psephenidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13772 Psephenidae Psephenidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/4/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Round (humped) Unknown Adult seen June-Sept. Unknown Yes On/under stones (submerged) Mate and oviposit immediately after emergence. Eggs deposited on sides or undersides of rocks projecting above water's surface in riffle area. Adults attracted to wave-splashed rocks. Unknown Adult take little to no food. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" < 1 Generation per year 1 Gen/2yrs. Days Live 2 days-1wk Unknown 13773 Psephenidae Psephenidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/4/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Pupate in spring or summer. Leave water to pupate on rock in June/July. Unknown Unknown Eggs found June-Late Aug in riffle area. Unknown "Feed on microcrustaceans, diatom, and algae" 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "21-24mths, 6 instar stages, 10-11 day pupation." 100 to 1000 eggs 1 400-600 egg/mass. Hatch 12-15d Unknown 1865 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron Comparative mouthpart morphology and evolution of the carnivorous Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/28/2004 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Sprawler Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 1907 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron The predaceous mayfly nymphs of North America In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1914 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron Systematics of the Nearctic genus Pseudiron (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae: Pseudironinae) In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 7/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator chironomid larvae Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 2-3 months 100 to 1000 eggs Yes 1986 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron The sand-dwelling predatory mayfly Pseudiron centralis in Michigan Michigan Mason nkmv 8/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator midge hunters Sprawler Swimmer crawl crablike 1 1 1 1 predominantly sand Medium (mostly passive / occasional) 1-10 m Unknown Unknown 3264 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/27/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Feed mostly on chironomid larvae. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5671 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown 7238 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Sprawler 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 12297 Pseudiron centralis Pseudironidae Pseudiron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12475 Pseudiron spp. Pseudironidae Pseudiron Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Florida "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Emerge late Apr. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 8087 Pseudironidae Pseudironidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Chironomidae. 1 Unknown Unknown 7442 Maruina spp. Psychodidae Maruina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 3621 Pericoma spp. Psychodidae Pericoma Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on decaying organic matter. 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine. Unknown 6720 Pericoma spp. Psychodidae Pericoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11446 Pericoma spp. Psychodidae Pericoma Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14113 Pericoma spp. Psychodidae Pericoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on algae. 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 7443 Philosepedon spp. Psychodidae Philosepedon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3620 Psychoda spp. Psychodidae Psychoda Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on decaying organic matter. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine. Unknown 6721 Psychoda spp. Psychodidae Psychoda An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Marine beaches 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12128 Psychoda spp. Psychodidae Psychoda The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14114 Psychoda spp. Psychodidae Psychoda Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6722 Telmatoscopus spp. Psychodidae Telmatoscopus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Tree holes 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14115 Telmatoscopus spp. Psychodidae Telmatoscopus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7444 Threticus spp. Psychodidae Threticus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3593 Psychodidae Psychodidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on decaying organic matter. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine. Unknown 6854 Psychodidae Psychodidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14112 Psychodidae Psychodidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 1 Waste treatment plant Unknown Emerge throughout summer. Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Feed on waste and decaying organic matter. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 20->100egg/mass. Hatch 34-48hr Unknown 1 1 Silted/murky water 358 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/14/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Unknown 1 Retreat silk with small pieces of detritus to make a roof that covers a small depression in a piece of wood. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes FPOM and algae. 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1849 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2402 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2746 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Larvae cover a groove in submerged twigs or logs with a roof made of silk and detritus. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Found exclusively on woody substrates in streams; cover a groove in submerged twigs or logs with a roof of silk and detritus. Unknown Unknown 3447 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on algae and detritus. 1 Found in cracks of decaying wood. Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 5372 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6171 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6897 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7617 Lype spp. Psychomyiidae Lype An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer 1 Unknown Unknown 7959 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8189 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 15-Aug 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8324 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8436 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8657 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown "Adults observed May 1976; June, July, Sept 1977." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8776 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "The immature stages of Lype diversa (Banks) (Trichoptera, Psychomyiidae)." "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/3/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Emerging over most of the summer. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Larvae overwinters. Unknown 8821 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 8-Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8932 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 15-Aug 5, 1951-1952 and June 2-Aug 11, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9010 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9829 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Arkansas RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9928 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 9961 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10946 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13498 Lype diversa Psychomyiidae Lype Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge late Mar-mid-Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13546 Lype spp. Psychomyiidae Lype Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 359 Paduniella nearctica Psychomyiidae Paduniella Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 2 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Retreats consist of silken tube with sand and other materials adhered to it. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume diatoms and fine detritus. 1 1 1 1 Retreats located in depressions on the upper surfaces of rocks. Unknown Unknown 1608 Paduniella nearctica Psychomyiidae Paduniella A description of the immature stages of Paduniella nearctica with notes on its biology Arkansas OZARKS Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 3 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Larval tube made of sand and debris in depressions on surface of rocks; up to 22 mm length and 2-3 mm wide. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Fed mostly on diatoms (88%) and detritus. 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year May be bivoltine. Larvae overwinter as final instars. Unknown 7616 Paduniella nearctica Psychomyiidae Paduniella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Arkansas chm 12/29/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9830 Paduniella nearctica Psychomyiidae Paduniella A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13495 Paduniella nearctica Psychomyiidae Paduniella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Arkansas chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 360 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Retreats consist of meandering silken tubes several cm long, with sand grains on rocks." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consumes mostly algae; also some detritus and animals, vascular plant tissue, FPOM." 1 1 1 Unknown Facultatively parthenogenetic. Unknown 2403 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2774 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Construct tunnels of silk and sand on exposed rock surfaces. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on FPOM and diatoms on rock surfaces. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3446 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on algae and detritus. 1 Found in cracks of decaying wood. Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown No strong preference No preference 5373 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5927 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 6172 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7619 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7960 Psychomyia nomada Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8206 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 9-Sept 13 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8325 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8437 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8438 Psychomyia nomada Psychomyiidae Psychomyia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Dickson chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8822 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 9- Aug 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8933 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 23-Sept 9, 1951 and June 11-Sept 18, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 100 eggs 1 female yielded 24 eggs. Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9011 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9012 Psychomyia nomada Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9191 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Parthenogenesis in caddisflies (Trichoptera) chm 2/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Suggestion of parthenogenesis due to large female to male ratio (9000:1) in light trap. Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 225 eggs in mass. Unknown 9283 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9374 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge in June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9840 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Benton RAT 12/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10107 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10305 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia A qualitative and quantitative study of the trichoptera of Western Lake Erie Ohio RAT 1/18/2005 1 Lake Erie Unknown Only males were identified from collections Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10956 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11099 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 11612 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11910 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12018 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12103 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13199 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown May be parthenogenetic. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13256 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13496 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Evidence of parthenogenesis. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13497 Psychomyia flavida Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge mid-May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13500 Psychomyia nomada Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Emerge mid-June-late Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13547 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13548 Psychomyia spp. Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 361 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Silk retreats consist of tubes covered with sand, usually on rock surfaces, several centimeters in length." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume detritus and algae. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 362 Tinodes provo Psychomyiidae Tinodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Idaho Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Silk retreats consist of tubes covered with sand, usually on rock surfaces, several centimeters in length." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Scraper/grazer Consume detritus and algae. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 18 18 2773 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 1 Unknown 1 Construct tunnels of silk and sand on exposed rock surfaces. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on FPOM and diatoms on rock surfaces. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7618 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer 1 Unknown Unknown 10244 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10337 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes New Species of Trichoptera. RAT 1/24/2005 1 1 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13257 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 13549 Tinodes spp. Psychomyiidae Tinodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 3419 Psychomyiidae Psychomyiidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 Unknown 1 Use silk to construct retreats and nets. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on algae and detritus. 1 Found in cracks of decaying wood. Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6752 Psychomyiidae Psychomyiidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13314 Psychomyiidae Psychomyiidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Emerge late Mar-mid-Oct in NC and SC. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Collector-gatherer Attached/fixed 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 153 Pteronarcella spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 154 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/8/2004 1 3595 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Shredder Predator "Nymphs, and particularly early instars herbivore-detritivores." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "2 year life cycle. Some studies reported slow seasonal univoltine cycle; however, may have missed 9-10 mo. Egg diapause." Months 9-10 month egg diapause. Yes 812 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Yes 2137 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella New stoneflies and records from the Pacific Coast of the United States Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 7/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3814 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 2346 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3815 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3894 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 1889 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3979 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4086 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4087 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4132 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Humboldt JBM 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4219 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4237 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4259 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer gut also contained animal material 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4368 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 945 1490 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4420 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 3276 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4435 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Some Alaskan stoneflies Alaska JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4498 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 2590 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4499 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4570 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 2102 2102 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4585 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Other (specify in comments) Predator Herbivore (plant matter) 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4946 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 2346 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4947 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5165 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 5241 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 5278 Pteronarcella regularis Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5289 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1524 1524 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6684 Pteronarcella spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/16/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator "Detritivore, Herbivore, Engulfer" Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10368 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 762 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10797 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Shredder Other (specify in comments) Detritivore and herbivore. Feeds on plant matter 1 Streambed debris Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 10802 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown Protandrous emergence. Extended emergence. Males drum and actively search vegetation for females at night. Adults aggregate at the base of vegetation. Unknown No Spring Summer Females launched themselves from the tops of willows toward the river and eject their eggs a few meters above the water. Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Possibly 2 years at times Slow seasonal 1 Months eggs hatched sychronously Yes 10874 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella "The food habits of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Upper Gunnison River, Colorado." Colorado Dec 1974- Oct 1975 RAT 3/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Detritivore and also consumes lots of moss in winter and spring Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 11010 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore Unknown Unknown 12092 Pteronarcella badia Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcella The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 155 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Poorly adapted to digest detrital polysaccharides; waste released downstream for utilization by microbes and collectors, contributing to FPOM." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-4 year life cycles """quick hatching"" after laying." Unknown 156 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown Thanotosis (curling) prevented trout predation 75% of the time; autohemmorhaging caused crayfish to release stoneflies and retreat. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder "Poorly adapted to digest detrital polysaccharides; waste released downstream for utilization by microbes and collectors, contributing to FPOM." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Months 1-5 months hatch time. Unknown 157 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Slightly protandrous emergence in Montana populations. Unknown Yes Unknown Shredder "Streams with P. Californicus had significantly higher FPOM. Guts contained 75% diatoms, 15% vascular plant material, and 8% animal remains." 1 1 11-100 m Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-4 year life cycles Months 9-10 month egg diapause Yes Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 158 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Preferred ""conditioned"" over fresh Cyrilla leaves." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-4 year life cycles """quick hatching"" after laying." Unknown 159 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 4/9/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Poorly adapted to digest detrital polysaccharides; waste released downstream for utilization by microbes and collectors, contributing to FPOM. Several coexisting size classes allow exploitation of a wider range of size particles. Assimilation efficiency did not increase with leaf conditioning." 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2-4 year life cycles Months 10-11 month egg diapause Yes Growth rates of youngest cohorts greatest at higher temps; larger nymphs grew fastest after leaf fall with lower temps. 678 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Embryological studies on the stonefly, Pteronarcys proteus Newman (Plecoptera: Pteronarcidae)" JBM 7/6/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months Unknown 722 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Alabama Alabama "Lamar, Tuscaloosa" JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 726 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 813 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 2185 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3320 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Clinger Swimmer 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 3 year life cycle. 12-23 instars Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Weeks Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3641 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3647 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3701 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3702 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota JBM 9/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3816 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Shredder Predator predacious behavior observed only in aquarium 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 3-year life cycle Unknown 3817 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3895 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 1706 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3962 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska Cherry JBM 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4069 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4070 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4071 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4072 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4084 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4085 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4133 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada Washoe JBM 9/1/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4134 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Nevada Nevada JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4151 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4152 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4171 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Melette JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4172 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota Lincoln JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4220 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4236 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4258 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer gut also contained animal material 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4294 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4346 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Kentucky Kentucky Jackson "37 32' 20""" "84 58' 40""" JBM 9/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4367 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 774 1140 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4410 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2057 2361 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4411 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2666 3123 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4448 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4449 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4450 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4500 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4501 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4502 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4584 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 34 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs Unknown 4614 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4615 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/13/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4655 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4681 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4682 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4683 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Northwestern South Carolina South Carolina JBM 9/13/2004 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4736 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4755 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4756 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4812 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4813 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4851 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4852 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4856 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Notes on the occurence and distribution of Pteronarcys californica Rocky Mountains JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4862 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4891 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4892 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4893 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Alleghany JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4894 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania Philadelphia JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4895 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4948 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Predator carnivory seen only in captivity 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 4949 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5096 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Systematic studies in Plecoptera In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/15/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5105 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 44 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown "Nymphs are ""herbivorous""" 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 5140 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5142 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5160 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5161 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5162 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 40 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5163 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5164 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 38 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5232 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5283 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 eddies Unknown Unknown 5284 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5285 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5286 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5287 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 5288 Pteronarcys biloba Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/22/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown eddies Unknown Unknown 6022 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Unknown 6739 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6871 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 1/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Merovoltine (1 generation per 3-4 yrs) Unknown 7055 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/20/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator "Scraper, Engulfer, Detritivor, Herbivore" Clinger Sprawler 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9458 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9513 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The effect of low oxygen concentrations on stoneflies Utah chm 2/23/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1 2 "Max lethal temp 70F. Reported min. temp 35F, max temp 59F." 10365 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10366 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10367 Pteronarcys princeps Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10386 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10387 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10388 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Tippecanoe RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10451 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Stonefly (Plecoptera) Food Habits and Prey Preference in the Dolores River, Colorado." Colorado RAT 2/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Other (specify in comments) Detritivores and algavores 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Unknown 10510 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Ellis RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10511 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Rice RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10512 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Rooks RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10803 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Life histories of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Rio Conejos of Southern Colorado. Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 2413 2614 Unknown 1 Use cottonwoods and spruce for mating behaviors Unknown Yes Spring Summer "Females fly 10 meters over the river, where they drop their eggs." Unknown 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 4 year life history Slow seasonal 1 Yes 10827 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 leaf packs Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal 3-4 years. Growth described as erratic. Weeks Unknown 10829 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Emergence patterns of large stoneflies (Plecoptera: Pteronarcys, Calineuria, Hesperoperla)" Montana 46 43'N 113 41'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 1094 1305 Unknown 1 Slightly more females emerged than males. Mating takes place in riparian vegetation. Males emerged earlier than females. No Yes Spring Spring Adult females fly upstream up to several kilometers from site of mating Unknown 1 10 m or less Unknown < 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Days "1000 to 10,000 eggs" 1 Egg hatch time was variable Unknown 11366 Pteronarcys proteus Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11408 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11467 Pteronarcys pictetii Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Washburn RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Facultative predator of chironomidae Unknown Unknown 12093 Pteronarcys californica Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12570 Pteronarcys spp. Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Predator. Detritivore. Feed on periphyton. 1 Unknown Unknown 12864 Pteronarcys dorsata Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7234 Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcyidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal No 8116 Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcyidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Unknown Emergence earliest in the south. Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Univoltine in south only. Slow seasonal 1-4yrs Unknown 3200 Anchycteis velutina Ptilodactylidae Anchycteis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States Great Basin ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Larvae found in-stream; adults found along or near streams. Unknown Unknown 3209 Anchycteis spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchycteis Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Anal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7512 Anchycteis spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchycteis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Chewer, Herbivore" Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12903 Anchycteis spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchycteis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12908 Anchycteis spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchycteis Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the Pacific Northwest (coastal) ADULT chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3208 Anchytarsus spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Anal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7513 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivore Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/2-3yrs in Quebec Unknown 12909 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14063 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 27-July 24 in Quebec. Unknown Unknown Unknown Under leaf litter along stream banks. Unknown Unknown 14065 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Pupate under decaying veg along stream bank possibly for 2-4 wks in mid-June to mid-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown Entirely xylophagous (wood eating). 1 1 1 1 1 Larvae usually among debris and moss. Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Slow seasonal 2-3 yrs to devel. 10 instar stage. Unknown 14384 Anchytarsus spp. Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Revision of Anchytarsus (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea) and a key to the new world genera of ADULT chm 5/25/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10.5 4.5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14385 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Revision of Anchytarsus (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea) and a key to the new world genera of ADULT chm 5/25/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 2.5 Unknown Adults collected May-July. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14386 Anchytarsus bicolor Ptilodactylidae Anchytarsus Revision of Anchytarsus (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea) and a key to the new world genera of chm 5/25/2005 1 1 River Unknown Pupate late spring/early summer in decaying veg on edge of stream out of water. Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on rotting wood. 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 10 instar stages? Larvae 3 yr. Unknown 2841 Stenocolus scutellaris Ptilodactylidae Stenocolus An annotated checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic dryopoid Coleoptera of California nkmv 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 larvae Unknown Unknown 3201 Stenocolus scutellaris Ptilodactylidae Stenocolus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States California ADULT Marci Koski 10/22/2004 1 1219 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3207 Stenocolus spp. Ptilodactylidae Stenocolus Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 10/27/2004 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7514 Stenocolus scutellaris Ptilodactylidae Stenocolus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America California chm 12/24/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Chewer, Herbivore" Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12907 Stenocolus scutellaris Ptilodactylidae Stenocolus Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems identificationn Manual 6: Aquatic Dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the California chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6723 Bittacomorpha spp. Ptychopteridae Bittacomorpha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 In emergent zone 1 Yes Unknown 14135 Bittacomorpha spp. Ptychopteridae Bittacomorpha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6724 Bittacomorphella spp. Ptychopteridae Bittacomorphella An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6725 Ptychoptera spp. Ptychopteridae Ptychoptera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bog Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Shredder Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14134 Ptychoptera lenis Ptychopteridae Ptychoptera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Tracheal gills Also use tracheal gills or cuticular absorption for overwinter. Pharate adult stage for 2-3 days. Emerge late May to late July in Alberta. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Feed on decaying veg and diatoms. 1 Allochtonous detritus of Pinus and Picea needles and Salix leaves with rich diatom community. Unknown 1 Generation per year 4 larval instar stage. Pupate 10-14 days. Unknown 14136 Ptychoptera spp. Ptychopteridae Ptychoptera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown "In Southeast, emerge May-early June and again late Aug-early Sept." Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2 gen/yr Unknown 3594 Ptychopteridae Ptychopteridae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Partly sclerotized Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae obtain oxygen at the surface through a caudal respiratory siphon. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6713 Ptychopteridae Ptychopteridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Larvae- Siphon Pupae- ""Respiratory horn"" (prothoraic respiratory organ)" Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Shallow seep Unknown Unknown 8131 Ptychopteridae Ptychopteridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Caudal respiratory siphon. Unknown Unknown Unknown Detritivore 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14133 Ptychopteridae Ptychopteridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Long caudal breathing tube. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Water less than 4 cm. Unknown 1 Weeks Hatch 1-3 wks. Unknown 7222 Acentria nivea Pyralidae Acentria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Plastron (permanent air store) Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 14288 Acentria nivea Pyralidae Acentria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 14291 Chilo forbesellus Pyralidae Chilo Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 5/20/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown 1 Pupal chamber in plant stem below water. Emerge July-Sept. Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit on plant; submerged eggs don't hatch. Unknown Climber Burrower 1 "Host plant: Juncus?, Scirpus." Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1-2 yr life cycle? larvae 341 days; hibernates. Weeks "Female 1-2 wks Male 3-8 days." < 100 eggs 1 1 Unknown 14292 Chrysendeton spp. Pyralidae Chrysendeton Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 14294 Eoparargyractis spp. Pyralidae Eoparargyractis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Tubular Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Emerge May-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton 1 "Host plant Eleocharis elongata, Hydrochloa carolinensis." 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14295 Langessa nomophilalis Pyralidae Langessa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Emerge May-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 "Host plant: Nymphaea odorata, Nymphoides aquatica." Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bivoltine Unknown 7045 Munroessa spp. Pyralidae Munroessa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber 1 Unknown Unknown 14296 Munroessa gyralis Pyralidae Munroessa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 Atmospheric breathers Leaf case with air. Emerge May-Dec in south. Unknown Unknown 2-3 mass/female. Unknown Attached/fixed Burrower 1 "Host plant: Brasenia schreberi, Ludwigia, Nuphar, Nymphaea odorata." Unknown < 100 eggs 1 1 Days 25 egg/mass. Hatch 12 days. Unknown 14297 Munroessa spp. Pyralidae Munroessa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Emerge July-Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14298 Munroessa icciusalis Pyralidae Munroessa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Case building. Plastron (permanent air store) 1 Emerge April-Nov Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown 1 Unknown 1 1 Days Hatch 10-11 days. Unknown 14299 Munroessa nebulosalis Pyralidae Munroessa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Emerge June-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 14300 Neargyractis slossonalis Pyralidae Neargyractis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Tracheal gills Emerge Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14301 Neocataclysta spp. Pyralidae Neocataclysta Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Emerge May-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 7802 Nymphula spp. Pyralidae Nymphula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Oviposit 1 day after emergence, July-Aug. On underside of floating Potamogeton sp. leaves. N. badiusalis laid 441 eggs in 1 night. Synchronous hatch within mass." Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Swimmer Miner 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 20eggs/mass. Hatch 6-11days Unknown 14302 Nymphuliella spp. Pyralidae Nymphuliella Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 Case making. Emerge June-July Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 14303 Ostrinia penitalis Pyralidae Ostrinia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown 1 Emerge May-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Climber Burrower 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Larva overwinter. < 100 eggs 1 60 egg/mass Unknown 7046 Parapoynx spp. Pyralidae Parapoynx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Climber Swimmer 1 Unknown Unknown 14069 Parapoynx spp. Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs deposited in hole on under surface of water lily leaves created by Donacia. Unknown Unknown Unknown 14304 Parapoynx allionealis Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Case of narrow-leaved plants or fixes patches of leaf to underside of host plant. Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Pupate on the underside of submerged/floating leaves. Emerge Apr-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Attached/fixed Unknown Unknown 14305 Parapoynx badiusalis Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Case of 2 oval pieces of leaves. Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Pupate underwater. Emerge May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Attached/fixed "Host plant: Myriophyllum, Nuphar, Potamogeton natans." Unknown Larvae overwinters. 1 Days Hatch 7-12 days. Unknown 14306 Parapoynx maculalis Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown 1 Case on underside of floating leaves. Tracheal gills Pupate in water on underside of submerged leaf. Emerge May-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "Deposit in July and Aug at night on floating leaves. Egg around hole made by Donacia, but not in area occupied by Donacia's eggs." Unknown Shredder Climber Attached/fixed 1 "Host plant: Bacopa, Brasenia, Nuphar, Nymphaea odorata." 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 22-280 egg/mass. Unknown 14307 Parapoynx obsuralis Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Pupate in water. Emerge Apr-Nov Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Larvae overwinters. 1 Days Hatch 11-15 days. Unknown 14308 Parapoynx seminealis Pyralidae Parapoynx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown Pupate in water. Emerge warm months-Dec. Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown Burrower Attached/fixed Miner on leaves. 1 "Host plant: Nymphaea, Nyphoides aquatica." 1 Unknown 5 instar stages. Unknown 3520 Petrophila spp. Pyralidae Petrophila Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Larvae live in silken retreats on rocks. Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Respiration mainly cutaneous, and is enhanced by numerous filamentous gills. One species has hydrofuge setae that maintains a plastron that is used as a physical gill." 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Adults of stream species crawl or swim under the water to oviposit on rocks; those of most lentic species deposit rows of eggs just below the water's surface on the preferred food plant. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on algae and diatoms. 1 1 1 km or less Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Univoltine or bivoltine 5 larval instars. Unknown 7047 Petrophila spp. Pyralidae Petrophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Herbivore Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7800 Petrophila confusalis Pyralidae Petrophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 2-3 generation/yr in CA. Univoltine in MT. 1 Unknown 14287 Petrophila confusalis Pyralidae Petrophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) Oviposit 1-2 nights after mating. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on diatom and algae. Unknown > 1 Generation per year Days Females die after oviposition. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 200-300 eggs/female Unknown 14290 Petrophila spp. Pyralidae Petrophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Silken retreats on rocks. Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14309 Petrophila spp. Pyralidae Petrophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Silken retream 3cm wide and up to 13 cm long on rocks. Tracheal gills "Pupate underwater on rock. Emerge Mar-May, possible into fall." Unknown Unknown Winter Spring On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. Attached/fixed 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 14315 Petrophila spp. Pyralidae Petrophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14311 Schoenobius melinellus Pyralidae Schoenobius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown 1 1 Covered w/ hydrofuge hairs. Pupate July-Sept on plant. Emerge June-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Fall In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on top of culms on surface of water. Yes Burrower Miner. 1 "Host plant: Carex, Eleocharis, Scirpus americanus." 1 Unknown Larvae hibernates. 1 Days Hatch 12 days. Unknown 14312 Synclita obliteralis Pyralidae Synclita Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown 1 "Case of flattened, oval, conves pieces of leaf or whole leaves." Cutaneous Other (specify in comments) Older larvae in air-filled case. Pupate on leave above or below water. Emerge Apr-Sept. Year round in FL. Yes Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 "Host plant: Brasenia, Lemna, Nuphar, Nymphaea, Polygonum, Potamogeton." 1 Unknown 1 Unknown 14313 Undulambia spp. Pyralidae Undulambia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/23/2005 Unknown 1 Pupate in petiole 5-8 cm above ground. Emerge May-June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Burrower Miner. 1 Host plant: Polystichum adiantiforme (fern). 1 Primarily terrestrial. Yes Larvae 5-6 wks. Unknown 3521 Pyralidae Pyralidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 "Larvae live in silken retreats on rocks, or construct cases from their food plants." Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Respiration mainly cutaneous, and is enhanced by numerous filamentous gills. One species has hydrofuge setae that maintains a plastron that is used as a physical gill." 1 Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Adults of stream species crawl or swim under the water to oviposit on rocks; those of most lentic species deposit rows of eggs just below the water's surface on the preferred food plant. Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on algae and diatoms, emergent and submerged vegetation, or mine submerged stems of plants." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 km or less Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Univoltine or bivoltine 5 larval instars. Unknown 7209 Pyralidae Pyralidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Tubular Unknown Plastron (permanent air store) Plastron (permanent air store) Larvae-Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11750 Pyralidae Pyralidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14289 Pyralidae Pyralidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Oviposit on underside or surface of leaves. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year In Southeast. Weeks Female less than 2 wks. Male 1 wk or less. 1 Unknown 363 Himalopsyche phryganea Rhyacophilidae Himalopsyche Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 609 1524 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Tubular Unknown 1 "Pupal enclosures elongate domes made of uniform, small stones. Otherwise, free-swimming, without case." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Gills occur in dense tufts. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Gut contents consisted of arthropod parts. Sprawler Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7638 Himalopsyche phryganea Rhyacophilidae Himalopsyche An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 32 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer Engulfer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 364 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 23 Tubular Unknown 1 No case; pupal enclosure made of small stones. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Shredder "Most are predators; some species are herbivorous, feeding on vascular plant tissue (living and dead) and algae." Sprawler Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1097 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 1 1 457 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1098 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1099 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1100 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/22/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown "May either overwinter as pupae, or have two generations that hatch in both spring and fall." Unknown 1101 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1102 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1103 Rhyacophila invaria Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1104 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1105 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1106 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1107 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Armstrong Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Flight period limited to two weeks in late April and early May. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Sometimes found among moss and algae. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1108 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1109 Rhyacophila manistee Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Westmoreland Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1110 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" New Jersey Sussex Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 1111 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1112 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The Rhyacophila of Pennsylvania, with larval descriptions of R. banksi and R. carpenteri" Pennsylvania Marci Koski 7/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Found under large stones 1 Unknown Unknown 1147 Rhyacophila wallowa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "New record and range extension for Rhyacophila wallowa from Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado" Colorado Larimer Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 2639 2639 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1167 Rhyacophila acutiloba Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Two new species of Rhyacophila from eastern North America New Hampshire Jefferson Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1168 Rhyacophila appalachia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Two new species of Rhyacophila from eastern North America South Carolina Salem Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1169 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae Indiana Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1170 Rhyacophila fenderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae Oregon Marci Koski 7/26/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1171 Rhyacophila ophrys Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae Montana Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1828 1828 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1172 Rhyacophila belona Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopotamidae Montana Marci Koski 7/26/2004 1 1828 1828 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1274 Rhyacophila carolae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Trichoptera from Alabama Alabama Lawrence Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1280 Rhyacophila accola Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States North Carolina Haywood Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1281 Rhyacophila amicis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States North Carolina Swain Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1282 Rhyacophila kiamichi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States Arkansas Newton Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1283 Rhyacophila montana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States North Carolina Swain Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 1805 1850 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1284 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1285 Rhyacophila teddyi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Females of Rhyacophila from the southeastern United States "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 7/29/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1293 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New descriptions and distributional records for eastern North American caddisflies Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 7/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1312 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 25 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Develops overwinter as larvae. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1313 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter either as larvae or pupa. No 1314 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America Mid-Midwest Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear water 1315 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1316 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as mature larvae or prepupae. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1317 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as mature larvae. No 1318 Rhyacophila manistee Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter as mature larvae. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1319 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown "Overwinters as larvae, but most growth in spring." No 1320 Rhyacophila amicis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America North Carolina Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1321 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America New Hampshire Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1322 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1323 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1324 Rhyacophila invaria Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 15 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter as adults. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1325 Rhyacophila shenandoahensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America Virginia Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Often collected in leaf packs in small springs. Unknown Probably hatch before winter. Unknown 1326 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinters as larvae. No 1327 Rhyacophila acutiloba Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1328 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America New Hampshire Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1329 Rhyacophila fenestra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America Illinois Hardin Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No Clear water 1330 Rhyacophila kiamichi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America Arkansas OZARKS Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 1331 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinters as prepupae or larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1332 Rhyacophila starki Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of the Rhyacophila brunnea Group Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1333 Rhyacophila alexanderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Records and descriptions of nearctic caddis flies. Part II Montana Ravalli Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 2041 2041 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1335 Rhyacophila leechi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1752 1752 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1336 Rhyacophila siskiyou Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1752 1752 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1337 Rhyacophila lurella Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1338 Rhyacophila nevadensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Shasta Marci Koski 8/2/2004 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1339 Rhyacophila vedra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1340 Rhyacophila cerita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1341 Rhyacophila californica Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Marin Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1342 Rhyacophila arcella Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Santa Clara Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1343 Rhyacophila malkini Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) Oregon Marci Koski 8/2/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1344 Rhyacophila tehama Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and unusual Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1345 Rhyacophila reana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of four new Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) California Riverside Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 1346 Rhyacophila potteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of four new Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) Idaho Idaho Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1347 Rhyacophila celadon Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of Rhyacophila pictet from Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTNS June 1996 Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 1 533 1280 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 Cases made of small pebbles. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1348 Rhyacophila appalachia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of Rhyacophila pictet from Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTNS PRK Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1349 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of Rhyacophila pictet from Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTNS PRK Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1351 Rhyacophila mycta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of Rhyacophila pictet from Great Smoky Mountains National Park North Carolina Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 1 Acid bog Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1352 Rhyacophila tricornuta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New species of Rhyacophila from Virginia Virginia Smyth Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 852 852 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1353 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/2/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 "Cases constructed in prepupal stage; made of gravel, domelike, in cracks or crevices of rubble or between stones." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1354 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A new species of the Rhyacophila brunnea Group Idaho Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 1 1554 1889 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as 3-5 instar larve. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1355 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 1 975 2255 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as small-med larvae or as eggs. Yes Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1356 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/2/2004 1 1 488 1981 Unknown 1 "Case made of sand, smooth in texutre, and symmetrical." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as medium sized larvae. Unknown 1357 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 488 2011 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as larvae or eggs. Yes 1358 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 472 2255 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 "Case smooth, made of sand." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as 3-4 instar larvae. No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1359 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 533 1828 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Winter Unknown 1 1 Collected from small creeks that had mud bottoms 1 Unknown Non-seasonal Overwinter possibly as adults. Unknown 1360 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 975 2026 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1361 Rhyacophila rotunda Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 533 533 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Pupation occurs in mud cells on submerged rocks. 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 2 year life cycle Non-seasonal Unknown Silted/murky water 1362 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1219 2255 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as eggs or young larvae. Yes Clear water 1363 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 381 1889 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Probably overwinters as small larvae. No Clear water 1364 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1365 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 503 1828 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) Silted/murky water 1366 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1584 1889 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as medium-mature larvae. No 1367 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1 1219 2438 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed on green algae, watercress, and other plants." 1 1 1 Found in association with green algae (Prasiola sp.) 1 1 Unknown Overwinters as eggs or 1-2 instar larvae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1368 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1432 1767 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1369 Rhyacophila vofixa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae Idaho Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1584 2255 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1370 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 609 3656 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Cases made of small sand particles; smooth and symmetrical. Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall Free-floating Mating occurs on rocks near water line or in protected areas along the stream. No Predator Scraper/grazer Opportunistic predators; mature larvae guts contained much algae. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 14 days between pupation and emergence Weeks 1-2 weeks No Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1371 Rhyacophila amabilis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1372 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/3/2004 335 2041 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 "Case made of small sand particles, smooth and symmetrical." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1373 Rhyacophila insularis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 0 609 Unknown "Case made with sand, sometimes make a cap of sand covering holes in volcanic rock." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 1374 Rhyacophila jenniferae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1 305 1828 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Case made of small sand grains; smooth and symmetrical. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1375 Rhyacophila kernada Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex California Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 488 2438 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown 1 Case made of small sand grains but not as smooth as others in complex. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1376 Rhyacophila sierra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A revision of the Rhyacophila Coloradensis complex California Nevada Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1377 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 "Prepupal larvae build case for pupation out of rocks, sand, or moss. A cocoon is spun within the case." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Except R. verrula, Rhyacophilids are predacious. Feed on simulids, chironomids, mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, copepods, worms, and fish eggs. Also consume filamentous algae, diatoms, detritus, and mosses occasionally." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year "Mostly univoltine, but may be semivoltine at higher latitudes/altitudes." Eggs viable up to 7 mos. Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1378 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Consumes prey within moss mats 1 Found in mosses on the vertical faces of waterfalls. Unknown Unknown 1379 Rhyacophila potteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1580 2905 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes plant materials. 1 1 Associated with mosses. 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1380 Rhyacophila rickeri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 1 1 1 300 2200 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes plant materials. 1 1 "Associated with liverworts, often underneath waterfalls." 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1381 Rhyacophila chandleri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/3/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes plant materials. Unknown Unknown 1382 Rhyacophila haddocki Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Oregon Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1524 1524 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes plant materials. Unknown Unknown 1383 Rhyacophila leechi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 440 1752 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer Consumes plant materials. Unknown Unknown 1384 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 1 1219 2974 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown 1 "Case covered with sand, stones, or plant materials." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consume green algae, diatoms, watercress, bryophytes, and other plants." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Associated with mosses. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No strong preference 1385 Rhyacophila kincaidi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 747 747 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 1386 Rhyacophila glaciera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 High alpine snowmelt streams 1990 2244 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 1387 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 1655 2895 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1388 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Verrula and Alberta species groups of Rhyacophila In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1219 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1389 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Wyoming In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Gut contents of 32 Rhyacophila spp: 20% detritus, 30% insect fragments, and Chironomids, stoneflies, mayflies, and caddisflies in lesser percentages." Unknown Unknown 1390 Rhyacophila arnaudi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes Acari, Chironomids, and Copepods." Unknown Unknown 1391 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes Acari, Chironomids, and Copepods." Unknown Unknown 1392 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes Acari, Chironomids, and Copepods." Unknown Unknown 1393 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes Acari, Chironomids, and Copepods." Unknown Unknown 1394 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Consumes Acari, Chironomids, and Copepods." Unknown Unknown 1395 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Omniovorous Unknown Unknown 1396 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Washington Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Herbivorous on green algae, watercress, and other plants." Unknown Unknown 1397 Rhyacophila norcuta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer "Females were observed entering cool, damp cracks in the rock in a dry stream-bed, remaining for a few minutes, and then flying off. They may have been laying eggs at this time. Water or moisture seemed to stimulate oviposition." Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Weeks "4 weeks at 13C, 6 weeks at 9C." Unknown 1398 Rhyacophila rotunda Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 865 914 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Larvae constructed mud cells on submerged rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 1399 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 1 408 2224 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1400 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 1 625 1828 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Predator Consumed mostly copepods and other caddisflies. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1401 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1219 3352 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1402 Rhyacophila glaciera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/4/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1403 Rhyacophila kincaidi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 1404 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Marci Koski 8/4/2004 1 1 457 1706 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1405 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 2742 3352 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1406 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 701 792 Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1407 Rhyacophila amabilis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/5/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1408 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 914 1341 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1409 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1828 3352 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1410 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 701 1219 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Overwinter as small-med larvae & eggs. Yes 1411 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 152 198 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1412 Rhyacophila rayneri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 305 305 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 21.1 1413 Rhyacophila rickeri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1414 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 152 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1415 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1416 Rhyacophila blarina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 "Cocoon covered with loose silken thread, no smooth appearance of others in species." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown No adults caught from traps placed over riffles; may emerge from a different area of the stream. Unknown 1 Generation per year "Eggs present May, June." Unknown 1417 Rhyacophila narvae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 79 1408 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Predator "Fed on chironomids, Acari, and copepods." 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 9-10 months; overwinter as larvae. No 1418 Rhyacophila belona Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Montana GLACIER NATL PARK Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1828 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1419 Rhyacophila vobara Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1066 1828 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1420 Rhyacophila velora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Cases of sand and moss. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 Pupae collected in thick moss on bedrock. 1 Unknown Unknown 1421 Rhyacophila cerita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America California Los Angeles Marci Koski 8/5/2004 2072 2072 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1422 Rhyacophila fenderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 213 213 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1423 Rhyacophila malkini Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Oregon Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 222 225 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1424 Rhyacophila perda Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1143 1143 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1425 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 198 1828 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Predator "Consumed mostly chironomids, and some Acari, copepods, and stoneflies." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1426 Rhyacophila vedra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 152 1097 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11.4 12.2 1427 Rhyacophila willametta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 213 500 Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1428 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 152 2407 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consumes green algae, watercress, and other plants." 1 1 1 Found on moss Unknown Overwinters as eggs or early instars. Yes 1429 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 969 1859 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Overwinter as 3-4 instar larvae. No 1430 Rhyacophila brunnea Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1431 Rhyacophila inculta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1188 1676 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1432 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 152 1524 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1433 Rhyacophila wallowa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1859 1859 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1434 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 213 1341 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator Consumes stonefly nymphs and chironomids. Unknown 1 Generation per year Overwinter as larvae Eggs hatch May-Sept. No 1435 Rhyacophila neograndis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 609 609 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1436 Rhyacophila sequoia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America California Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1097 1584 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1437 Rhyacophila arnaudi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 21 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Predator "Consumes chironomids, copepods, oligochaetes, Acari, and other caddisfly larvae." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 9-10 months. Unknown 1438 Rhyacophila nevadensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America California Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1439 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 914 1219 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumed 40% animal material, and the rest detrital." 1 1 Unknown Overwinter as larvae. No 1440 Rhyacophila oreia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1441 Rhyacophila visor Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1341 1444 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1442 Rhyacophila alexanderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America Montana Marci Koski 8/5/2004 2041 2041 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1443 Rhyacophila chandleri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila in North America California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/5/2004 1 975 975 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1613 Rhyacophila balosa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Eight new species of Trichoptera California Trinity Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1614 Rhyacophila reyesi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Eight new species of Trichoptera California Marin Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 1615 Rhyacophila chordata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Eight new species of Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 1 1 305 2742 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2367 Rhyacophila alabama Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Alabama and Florida Alabama Jackson Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2435 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2436 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2437 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 2438 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 2768 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Consume mosses. Unknown Unknown 2781 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 2782 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 2783 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Park Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2649 3138 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2784 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 54' N 109º 28' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2834 2834 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2785 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 2786 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Park Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 1 2649 3138 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3422 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Unknown 1 "Larvae are free-living, without a case." Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species." 1 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Predator Mostly carnivorous. Clinger Cling to moss-covered rocks or debris lodged among rocks. 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Overlapping cohorts. 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5166 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5167 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5168 Rhyacophila fenestra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Fayette, Shelby" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5169 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Hart, Johnson" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5170 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "Fayette, Wayne" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5171 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5172 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky "McCreary, Menifee" JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5173 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5174 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Jessamine JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5264 Rhyacophila accola Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5265 Rhyacophila amicis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5266 Rhyacophila montana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5267 Rhyacophila mycta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1300 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5463 Rhyacophila appalachia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Breathitt JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5527 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 5535 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5536 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5537 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5538 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5539 Rhyacophila inculta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5540 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5541 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5542 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5543 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5544 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5545 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5546 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 1 1371 1371 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5547 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5548 Rhyacophila visor Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5549 Rhyacophila vobara Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5711 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Extensions of the known ranges of Northern Trichoptera into the Southern Appalachians Tennessee "Putnam, Cumberland" JBM 11/17/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5747 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5748 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5857 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5858 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5859 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5860 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5861 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5862 Rhyacophila glaciera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5863 Rhyacophila kernada Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5864 Rhyacophila narvae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5889 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5890 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5891 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5892 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5893 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5894 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5895 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5896 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No strong preference 5897 Rhyacophila vobara Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5898 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 5899 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5900 Rhyacophila wallowa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6905 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Alberta. Unknown 7639 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Scraper/grazer "Collector-gatherer, shedder-herbivore, Engulfer" Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7684 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 1944 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7685 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Rocky Mountains 1947 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7686 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California Rocky Mountains 1939-1940 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7687 Rhyacophila arnaudi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Oregon Deschutes "April 2, 1944" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected April 2, 1944." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7688 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). North Carolina Deschutes "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 1938-1944 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7689 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 1944-1945 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7690 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California Tuokenine "Aug 27, 1947" chm 1/10/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adult collected Aug 27, 1947." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7691 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "July 4, 1944" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected July 4, 1944" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7820 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). New Hampshire "Aug 4, 1944" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Aug 4, 1944" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7821 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Rocky Mountains chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7822 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Minnesota Cook "Aug 5, 1939" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Aug 5, 1939" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7823 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Massachusetts "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "June 19, 1938" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 19, 1938" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7824 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). North Carolina Avery "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" June 1936 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Adult collected June 1936 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7825 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "Aug 27, 1933" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Aug 27, 1933" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7826 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Colorado Rocky Mountains "Aug 1947-CO, Sept 1947-WY" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Aug 1947-CO, Sept 1947-WY" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7827 Rhyacophila mycta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). North Carolina "June 17, 1925" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 17, 1925" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7828 Rhyacophila norcuta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Pacific Northwest (coastal) 1919-1925 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7829 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California Marin "Sept. 21, 1930" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Sept. 21, 1930" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7830 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Colorado Rocky Mountains Aug 1947 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Adult collected Aug 1947 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7831 Rhyacophila rotunda Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Utah "June 21,1942" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 21,1942" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7832 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" 1933-1941 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7833 Rhyacophila rotunda Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California Fresno "July 2, 1919" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected July 2, 1919" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7834 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California "June 23, 1925" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 23, 1925" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7835 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Colorado "July 24-27, 1919" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected July 24-27, 1919" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7836 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Montana Ravalli Pacific Northwest (coastal) "Oct 5, 1935" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Oct 5, 1935" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7837 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Oregon Lincoln "June 13, 1936" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 13, 1936" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7838 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Alaska "June 30, 1916" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected June 30, 1916" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7839 Rhyacophila vedra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California Pacific Northwest (coastal) 1919-1936 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7840 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Washington May 193? chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Adult collected May Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7841 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Washington "July 18, 1936" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected July 18, 1936" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7842 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). New York "Sept 8, 1910" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Sept 8, 1910" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7843 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). Oregon "Sept 21, 1934" chm 1/10/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Sept 21, 1934" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7844 Rhyacophila neograndis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A review of the Rhyacophilidae (Trichoptera). California 1935-1938 chm 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7845 Rhyacophila kernada Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). Nevada Pacific Southwest (coastal) "Sept 21, 1954" chm 1/12/2005 Unknown "Adult collected Sept 21, 1954" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7846 Rhyacophila amabilis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). California Siskiyou Pacific Southwest (coastal) "May 20, 1953" chm 1/12/2005 Unknown "Adult collected May 20, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7847 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). Montana "May 20, 1953" chm 1/12/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adult collected May 20, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7848 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilids and Limnephilids (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae and Limnephilidae). Pacific Northwest (coastal) "June 30, 1963" chm 1/12/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adult collected June 30, 1963" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7914 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults found May 22 to June 20. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Larvae from summer to Mar next yr. Pupae Apr/June. Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 7934 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7935 Rhyacophila acutiloba Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7936 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7937 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1970 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7938 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7939 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July, Aug" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7940 Rhyacophila invaria Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June, July" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7941 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7942 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown "Adults collected May, June" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7943 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1948 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7944 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7945 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Franklin 1974-1978 chm 1/17/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8174 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 10-Aug 26 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8175 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 27 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8176 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8369 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8370 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Jefferson 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected May, Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8371 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected April Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8501 Rhyacophila accola Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8502 Rhyacophila amicis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8503 Rhyacophila appalachia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8504 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8505 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8506 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8507 Rhyacophila fenestra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8508 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8509 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8510 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8511 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8512 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Kentucky chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8513 Rhyacophila montana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8514 Rhyacophila mycta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8515 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8516 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8517 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8518 Rhyacophila teddyi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8519 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8520 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sequatchie chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8521 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8681 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in May-June. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8682 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Adults observed in late June-early July and Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8683 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8684 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8685 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8686 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8687 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8713 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8714 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8715 Rhyacophila alexanderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected May-June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8716 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8717 Rhyacophila bifila Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8718 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-May and Aug-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8719 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown "Adults collected Apr-May, Sept, Oct." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8720 Rhyacophila glaciera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8721 Rhyacophila narvae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Powell 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8722 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8723 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8773 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "New species of Nearctic Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhycophilidae)." Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8774 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "New species of Nearctic Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhycophilidae)." Rocky Mountains chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8775 Rhyacophila willametta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "New species of Nearctic Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhycophilidae)." Oregon Rocky Mountains chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8777 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 31-Aug 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8778 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 31-Aug 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8779 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 21-July 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8780 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 4-30 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8781 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 30-Aug 4 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8782 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 15-Sept 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8783 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected July 31-Aug 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8784 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8785 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A check list of the Trichoptera (caddis flies) of New Hampshire. New Hampshire 1946-1951 chm 2/3/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 4-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8909 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 2, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8910 Rhyacophila manistee Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 17, 1951 and May 26-June 17, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8911 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 19-July 17, 1952 and June 12-July 20, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8912 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected June 20, 1952 and June 29-July 13, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8913 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected July 31, 1952 and Oct 12, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8914 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown Adults collected June 19-July 17 1951-1952 and June 2-July 6 1953 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 9053 Rhyacophila acutiloba Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9054 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9055 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9056 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9057 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9058 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9059 Rhyacophila invaria Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9060 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9061 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9062 Rhyacophila parantra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9063 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9184 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown "Herbivores-moss, green alga, vascular plants. Diatom, algae, and vascular plants (totaling 94%). Feed on Acari 2%. Detritus 4%." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Numerous larvae in winter months Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9185 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Peak emergence July-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Other (specify in comments) "Omnivore. Feed on Chironomidae, Acari (totaling 40%). Detritus 20%. Diatom, algae, and vascular plants (totaling 40%)." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9186 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 35 Unknown Peak emergence July-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed mostly on Chironomidae, Plecoptera nymph (totaling 90%). Some detritus 5%, diatom, algae, vascular plants (totaling 5%)." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9187 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Peak emergence July-Jan Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed mostly on Chironomidae, Plecoptera nymph, Copepoda, Acari, some Trichoptera larvae, Ephemeroptera nymphs, Tipulidae, Oligochaeta (totaling 93%). Some detritus 4%, diatom, algae, vascular plants (totaling 4%)." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9188 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Peak emergence May-Aug Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed mostly on Chironomidae, some Copepoda, Acari, Trichoptera larvae, Plecoptera/Ephemeroptera nymphs (totaling 91%). Some detritus 6%, diatom, algae, vascular plants (totaling 3%)." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Ca. 10-11mths from larvae thru pupae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9189 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Peak emergence November Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed mostly on Chironomidae, some Copepoda, Trichoptera larvae (totaling 87%). Some detritus 6%, diatom, algae, vascular plants (totaling 7%)." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Larva 5mths Months Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9190 Rhyacophila arnaudi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Feeding habits of larvae of seven Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) species with notes on Washington July 1965-July 1967 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown Peak emergence Mar-Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed mostly on Chironomidae, some Copepoda, Oligochaeta, Acari, Trichoptera larvae (totaling 93%). Some detritus 5%, diatom and vascular plants totaling 1%." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Ca. 9mths from larvae thru pupae. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 9214 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9215 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9216 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9217 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9218 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9219 Rhyacophila vepulsa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Numerous adult and pupal stages found Apr 30- May 1st. Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Swimmer 1 1 Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6 13.5 9251 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Abdominal hooks. Net builder. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On and below rocks. No Unknown 1 9252 Rhyacophila alberta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Abdominal hooks. Net builder. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On and below rocks. No Unknown 1 9253 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Abdominal hooks. Net builder. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On and below rocks. No Unknown 1 9254 Rhyacophila nevadensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Abdominal hooks. Net builder. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On and below rocks. No Unknown 1 9263 Rhyacophila vagrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9264 Rhyacophila valuma Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9265 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July-Jan Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9266 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept-Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9267 Rhyacophila vobara Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9268 Rhyacophila vocala Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lewis and Clark 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected June-July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9269 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Nov Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9270 Rhyacophila wallowa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected July Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9357 Rhyacophila fenderi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9358 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9359 Rhyacophila narvae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9360 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9361 Rhyacophila vao Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9362 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9363 Rhyacophila vedra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9364 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9365 Rhyacophila willametta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Mar-Oct; peak in June. Suggestions of secondary peak in Aug and Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9715 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera). Pennsylvania Centre 1939-1947 RAT 12/14/2004 Reservoir outlet Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9728 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9758 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9773 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Community structure and diversity of caddisfly adults from the Salt River, Kentucky." Kentucky Spencer RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9793 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Washington RAT 12/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9794 Rhyacophila norcuta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Washington RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9795 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of New North American Trichoptera. Colorado Larimer RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9833 Rhyacophila kiamichi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Crawford RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 9908 Rhyacophila lobifera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio 15 May - Late September RAT 12/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10023 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Wyoming Albany RAT 12/29/2004 1 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10024 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New and little known species of nearctic Trichoptera. Wyoming Albany RAT 12/29/2004 1 2925 3199 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10097 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 609 1584 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10098 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 1219 1584 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10099 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10100 Rhyacophila montana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1 609 1584 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10111 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10120 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 533 716 Unknown free- living caddis Unknown Yes Summer Unknown 1 bedrock 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 10193 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 2438 3352 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10229 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "A new species of Rhyacophila, described from metamorphotypes (Rhyacophilidae: Trichoptera)." RAT 1/4/2005 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10231 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. New Hampshire RAT 1/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10232 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 found most often in the moss growing on waterfalls Unknown Unknown 10233 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10234 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10235 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10236 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. North Carolina RAT 1/4/2005 Unknown has a unique lateral gill on mesopleura Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10237 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. Vermont RAT 1/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10238 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Rhyacophilidae records with some water quality data. West Virginia RAT 1/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10239 Rhyacophila rayneri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 305 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10268 Rhyacophila betteni Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. California Marin RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10269 Rhyacophila californica Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. California Marin RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10270 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. RAT 1/17/2005 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10284 Rhyacophila accola Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Three new caddisflies from the southeastern United States. North Carolina RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10328 Rhyacophila shenandoahensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Descriptions of several species of Trichoptera. Virginia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10330 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Southeastern Trichoptera. Tennessee RAT 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10345 Rhyacophila cerita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A New genus and species of Trichoptera. California RAT 1/24/2005 1 1 2072 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10346 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila A New genus and species of Trichoptera. Montana Missoula RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10352 Rhyacophila sierra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New species and notes of western Trichoptera. California Nevada RAT 1/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10353 Rhyacophila haddocki Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New species and notes of western Trichoptera. Oregon Benton RAT 1/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10357 Rhyacophila glaciera Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New Trichoptera from the United States and Mexico Montana RAT 1/25/2005 1 waterfall Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10832 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Microhabitat selection and life cycle patterns of two Rhyacophila species Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/22/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Predator free-living 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Yes 10833 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Microhabitat selection and life cycle patterns of two Rhyacophila species Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Predator free-living 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Unknown 10834 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Microhabitat selection and life cycle patterns of two Rhyacophila species Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 2/22/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown Predator free-living 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Unknown 10860 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10966 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila New species of nearctic caddis flies. Montana RAT 3/22/2005 2029 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11017 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11018 Rhyacophila brunnea Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11019 Rhyacophila pellisa Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11097 Rhyacophila coloradensis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11132 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11133 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11199 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11200 Rhyacophila grandis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11201 Rhyacophila norcuta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11202 Rhyacophila oreta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11203 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11204 Rhyacophila vaefes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11205 Rhyacophila verrula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11206 Rhyacophila vuzana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11301 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The effects of predation and detritus on the structure of a stream insect community: a field test. West Virginia Pendleton RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11412 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11603 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11604 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Bayfield RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11605 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Ashland RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11606 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11607 Rhyacophila vibox Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Columbia RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11649 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11650 Rhyacophila melita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 marl on rock surfaces Unknown Unknown 11738 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11739 Rhyacophila acropedes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11740 Rhyacophila angelita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11741 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11742 Rhyacophila tucula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11829 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11830 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11972 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 occupyexposed areas on rocks Unknown Unknown 12020 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Trichoptera of regulated Rocky Mountain streams. Colorado RAT 6/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12066 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12107 Rhyacophila brunnea Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12108 Rhyacophila vaccua Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12185 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 12186 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 13232 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Predator, Scraper" Unknown Unknown 13293 Rhyacophila accola Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13294 Rhyacophila acutiloba Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13295 Rhyacophila amicis Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13296 Rhyacophila appalachia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-April Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13297 Rhyacophila atrata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13298 Rhyacophila carolina Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Apr-Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13299 Rhyacophila carpenteri Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13300 Rhyacophila fuscula Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-early Oct. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13301 Rhyacophila glaberrima Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early Oct Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13302 Rhyacophila minora Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-early June Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13303 Rhyacophila montana Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge Aug. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13304 Rhyacophila mycta Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge June. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13305 Rhyacophila nigrita Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge May-early June. Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13306 Rhyacophila teddyi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-Sept. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13307 Rhyacophila torva Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Feb-Sept Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13308 Rhyacophila vuphipes Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Emerge late Aug-early Oct Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13309 Rhyacophila banksi Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13563 Rhyacophila ledra Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13581 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maine chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13582 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Idaho chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13583 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Depth of 30.5cm Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13584 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13585 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13586 Rhyacophila spp. Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Illinois chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13587 Rhyacophila hyalinata Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/22/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2776 Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophilidae Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Most oftenly consume black fly and chironomid larvae, but also eat mayflies and stoneflies." Clinger Creep freely over rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6750 Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophilidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9250 Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophilidae Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Abdominal hooks. Net builder. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 On and below rocks. No Unknown 1 13315 Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophilidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized No Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 4th and 5th instar overwinter Unknown Clear water 6373 Manayunkia eriensis Sabellidae Manayunkia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Tubular Tubular Unknown Builds a tube of mud or sand and mucus. Soft Unknown Unknown Reproduce both sexually and asexually through budding. Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 11804 Manayunkia speciosa Sabellidae Manayunkia Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7586 Isocytus spp. Saldidae Isocytus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Climber 1 1 Yes Unknown 1 2982 Micracanthia spp. Saldidae Micracanthia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown lay eggs in spring and early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) lays eggs in dry marginal veg and debris Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer also feed on decaying animals (detritivores) 1 1 1 on beaches and rocks next to water Unknown > 1 Generation per year "5 instars, 1 month" adults overwinter 1 Unknown 7587 Micracanthia spp. Saldidae Micracanthia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Climber 1 Yes Unknown 13102 Micracanthia spp. Saldidae Micracanthia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2980 Pentacora spp. Saldidae Pentacora "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown lay eggs in spring and early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) lays eggs in dry marginal veg and debris Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer also feed on decaying animals (detritivores) 1 1 1 on beaches and rocks next to water Unknown > 1 Generation per year "5 instars, 1 month" adults overwinter 1 Unknown 7588 Pentacora spp. Saldidae Pentacora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Climber 1 1 Yes Unknown 13100 Pentacora spp. Saldidae Pentacora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Maryland ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Skater 1 Unknown Unknown 13103 Pentacora spp. Saldidae Pentacora Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7589 Rupisalda spp. Saldidae Rupisalda An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Clinger 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 2981 Salda spp. Saldidae Salda "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown lay eggs in spring and early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) lays eggs in dry marginal veg and debris Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer also feed on decaying animals (detritivores) 1 1 1 on beaches and rocks next to water Unknown > 1 Generation per year "5 instars, 1 month" adults overwinter 1 Unknown 7590 Salda spp. Saldidae Salda An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Climber 1 Yes Unknown 13099 Salda spp. Saldidae Salda Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Kansas chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Complete each of 5 nymph stage in 2-4 d; 28d total Days Hatch 12 days. Unknown 13104 Salda spp. Saldidae Salda Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7591 Saldoida spp. Saldidae Saldoida An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Climber Yes Unknown 13106 Saldoida spp. Saldidae Saldoida Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2983 Saldula spp. Saldidae Saldula "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/14/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown lay eggs in spring and early summer Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Other (specify in comments) lays eggs in dry marginal veg and debris Unknown Predator Collector-gatherer also feed on decaying animals (detritivores) 1 1 1 1 on beaches and rocks next to water Unknown > 1 Generation per year "5 instars, 1 month" adults overwinter 1 Unknown 7592 Saldula spp. Saldidae Saldula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Climber 1 1 Yes Unknown 1 13098 Saldula spp. Saldidae Saldula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Oregon ADULT chm 4/1/2005 1 Intertidal Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Egg require saturated soils for normal development. Unknown Predator "Feed on amphipods, mermithid worms." Unknown > 1 Generation per year 1 spring and 2 summer generations. Adults overwinter. Unknown 13101 Saldula pallipes Saldidae Saldula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina Abbeville "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/1/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 5 nymph stage; 3-4 day each stage; 24-26 day total Days Hatch 10days. Unknown 13107 Saldula spp. Saldidae Saldula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13108 Saldula pallipes Saldidae Saldula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/1/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13095 Saldidae Saldidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/1/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Beaches Small (length < 9 mm) Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Feed on saldid nymphs, soil and sand living arthropods." 1 Unknown Unknown 14284 Sarcophaga spp. Sarcophagidae Sarcophaga Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 1 Pitcher plant Unknown Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous eggs in female. Unknown Predator Feed on other insects. Carnivorous. 1 Pitcher plant (Sarracenia) Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) < 100 eggs 12 larvae/plant Unknown 7490 Cordilura spp. Scathophagidae Cordilura An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Predator Engulfer of Ceratopogonidae Burrower Miner 1 Unknown Unknown 14279 Cordilura spp. Scathophagidae Cordilura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Bulrushes (Scirpus). Unknown Unknown 7491 Hydromyza spp. Scathophagidae Hydromyza An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore Burrower Miner 1 Unknown Unknown 14278 Hydromyza confluens Scathophagidae Hydromyza Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Yes In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs on floating leaf petioles of yellow water lily. Unknown 1 Nuphar variegatum. Unknown 1 1 Days Hatch 6-8 days. Unknown 7492 Orthacheta spp. Scathophagidae Orthacheta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower Miner 1 Unknown Unknown 7498 Spaziphora spp. Scathophagidae Spaziphora An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Sprawler Sewage beds in oxidation ponds 1 Unknown Unknown 1 6804 Antichaeta spp. Sciomyzidae Antichaeta An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite "Engulfers, Parasite of snails" Burrower In snails and their egg masses 1 Unknown Unknown 6805 Atrichomelina spp. Sciomyzidae Atrichomelina An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite "Engulfer, Parasite of snails, Scavenger of decaying snails" Burrower In Snails 1 Unknown Unknown 6806 Dictya spp. Sciomyzidae Dictya An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite parasite of snails Burrower In snails 1 In emergent zone Yes Unknown 14272 Dictya spp. Sciomyzidae Dictya Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7494 Hoplodictya spp. Sciomyzidae Hoplodictya An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite of snails Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14273 Hoplodictya spp. Sciomyzidae Hoplodictya Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7495 Limnia spp. Sciomyzidae Limnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite of snail Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 14274 Limnia spp. Sciomyzidae Limnia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7496 Pherbellia spp. Sciomyzidae Pherbellia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Marine Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite of snail Burrower 1 Mud flats 1 Unknown Unknown 14275 Pherbellia spp. Sciomyzidae Pherbellia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6807 Sepedomerus spp. Sciomyzidae Sepedomerus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite "Engulfer, Parasite of snails" Burrower In snails 1 In emergent zone Yes Unknown 6808 Sepedon spp. Sciomyzidae Sepedon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit 4-24 days after emergence on emergent veg 5cm to >1m above water. 25 eggs/row and can probably deposit several rows. Unknown Predator Parasite "Engulfer, Parasite of snails" Burrower In snails 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Primarily mulitivoltine. < 100 eggs 1 1 Days 25 eggs/row. Hatch 3-5 days. Unknown 14276 Sepedon spp. Sciomyzidae Sepedon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7493 Tetanocera spp. Sciomyzidae Tetanocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite of snails and slugs Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 14277 Tetanocera spp. Sciomyzidae Tetanocera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3602 Sciomyzidae Sciomyzidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in a puparium either in a snail shell or floating freely at the water's surface. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation; hatching larvae drop into the water the search for prey. Unknown Predator Parasite "Larvae are predators or parasitoids of snails, fingernail clams, and slugs." Other (specify in comments) They swallow a large air bubble to keep them and their prey afloat. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14270 Sciomyzidae Sciomyzidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Spiracular gills Pupate above water in stem of emergent veg. Emerge for 2 wks in mid July. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Oviposit late July to Sept. Unknown Predator Feed on gastropods. Unknown 1 Generation per year 3 instar stages; 3-4wks. < 100 eggs 1 1 10-50 eggs/mass. Yes 3550 Cyphon spp. Scirtidae Cyphon Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Only larvae are aquatic. Unknown 7413 Cyphon spp. Scirtidae Cyphon An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13788 Cyphon spp. Scirtidae Cyphon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 Unknown Unknown 13790 Cyphon spp. Scirtidae Cyphon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3551 Flavohelodes spp. Scirtidae Flavohelodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 Tree holes Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Only larvae are aquatic. Unknown 13787 Prionocyphon limbatus Scirtidae Prionocyphon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Pupate in mud cell. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Believed eggs found under leaves along shore late spring and early summer. Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder 1 Unknown Unknown 13791 Prionocyphon limbatus Scirtidae Prionocyphon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13792 Prionocyphon spp. Scirtidae Prionocyphon Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7414 Scirtes spp. Scirtidae Scirtes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Piercer herbivore Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13785 Scirtes tibialis Scirtidae Scirtes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Pupate on the underside of leaves in water. Unknown Unknown Yes Shredder 1 Underside of Lemna. Unknown Up to 8 instar stages in lab. 1 1 Days Hatch 9.5-11days. Unknown 13786 Scirtes orbiculatus Scirtidae Scirtes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Tracheal gills Atmospheric breathers Caudal end of abdomen through surface film and draws air through modified spiracle. "Pupal chamber of mud, moss, or sand." Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown "At least 4 instar stages, 7-15 day betw molts." Unknown 13793 Scirtes orbiculatus Scirtidae Scirtes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13794 Scirtes spp. Scirtidae Scirtes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13795 Scirtes tibialis Scirtidae Scirtes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3536 Scirtidae Scirtidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Tree holes Unknown Cutaneous Spiracular gills Temporary air store All aquatic beetles have spiracles. Retain air stores on hydrofuge setae. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Only larvae are aquatic. Unknown 7200 Scirtidae Scirtidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/7/2004 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Temporary air store Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7526 Scirtidae Scirtidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America ADULT chm 12/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Bank soil Unknown Unknown Short lived Unknown 7538 Scirtidae Scirtidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/27/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Tracheal gills - auxiliary O2 supply Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "4-8 instar stages, mature within 1 yr" Unknown 13784 Scirtidae Scirtidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" "Pupate 3-4 days, some 10-14 days." Unknown 13789 Scirtidae Scirtidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 5/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Weeks Live 7-14 days. Unknown 6524 Seborgia relicta Sebidae Seborgia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Texas San Marcos Marci Koski 1/17/2005 1 artesian wells Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown All sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Usually breed between February and October, depending on water temperatures." Unknown Unknown "Syngamic reproduction is the rule, but males are sometimes rare. Mating occurs in less than a minute. Females immediately release eggs into the marsupium, where they are fertilized. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, and young remain in marsupium an additional 1-8 days. Most species have only one brood during their life cycle." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Generally omnivorous, scavengers, or detritus feeders; chews food mass without tearing into smaller pieces first. Feeds on all kinds of animal and plant matter, seldomly attacks living animals. Scavenges on freshly killed animals, the film of microscopic plants, animals, and organic debris; aufwuchs." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawl and walk over substrates by flexing the entire body. Can weakly swim just above the substrate. Will burrow into the top layers of substrates when disturbed. 1 1 1 1 1 Generally restricted to shallow waters (depths of less than 1 m). Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Completes life cycle in a year or less. < 100 eggs 1 Weeks 15-50 eggs per brood; 1-3 week Unknown 1 Cold stenothermal (<5 C) Clear water 365 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 24 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made of coarse, uniform rock fragments; tubular, and slightly tapered and curved." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Consumes vascular plant tissue and FPOM. Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1794 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes Two new species of Agarodes Banks from Southeastern United States In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 1 Cold Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1795 Agarodes logani Sericostomatidae Agarodes Two new species of Agarodes Banks from Southeastern United States Florida Gadsden "30º 39' 27"" N" "84º 36' 50"" W" 1994 Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Cold Spring Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1796 Agarodes tuskaloosa Sericostomatidae Agarodes Two new species of Agarodes Banks from Southeastern United States Alabama Tuscaloosa 1991 Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 Cold Spring Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1797 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes "A review of the caddisfly genus Agarodes, with descriptions of new species" In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1798 Agarodes libalis Sericostomatidae Agarodes "A review of the caddisfly genus Agarodes, with descriptions of new species" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1799 Agarodes ziczac Sericostomatidae Agarodes "A review of the caddisfly genus Agarodes, with descriptions of new species" Florida Okaloosa Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1800 Agarodes georgia Sericostomatidae Agarodes "A review of the caddisfly genus Agarodes, with descriptions of new species" Georgia Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1801 Agarodes wallacei Sericostomatidae Agarodes "A review of the caddisfly genus Agarodes, with descriptions of new species" South Carolina Aiken Marci Koski 8/20/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1850 Agarodes libalis Sericostomatidae Agarodes "Unusual caddisfly fauna of Schoolhouse Springs, Louisiana" Louisiana Jackson Marci Koski 8/24/2004 1 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 2733 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases slender, made of sand grains." Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3432 Agarodes distinctus Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Feed on diatoms and detritus among the gravel. 1 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown 6918 Agarodes libalis Sericostomatidae Agarodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Virginia chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7726 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, smooth, coarse mineral, wood fragments" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Detritivore Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8608 Agarodes distinctus Sericostomatidae Agarodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cumberland chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8609 Agarodes georgia Sericostomatidae Agarodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Georgia Burke chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8610 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Mississippi Marshall chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8611 Agarodes tetron Sericostomatidae Agarodes An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Cocke chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9740 Agarodes crassicornis Sericostomatidae Agarodes "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 9741 Agarodes ziczac Sericostomatidae Agarodes "An annotated list of trichoptera of several streams on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Florida Walton RAT 12/16/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11647 Agarodes distinctus Sericostomatidae Agarodes "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waushara RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13233 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 13723 Agarodes spp. Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Tennessee chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13724 Agarodes crassicornis Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13725 Agarodes griseus Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13726 Agarodes tetron Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge late May-mid-Sept Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13727 Agarodes wallacei Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-Apr-mid-May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 13728 Agarodes libalis Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-May-mid-Aug Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13730 Agarodes georgia Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Georgia Richmond "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 1 1 Unknown Adult collected Apr 11-May 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13731 Agarodes distinctus Sericostomatidae Agarodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2734 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases slender, made of sand grains." Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7728 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 "Case curved, smooth, coarse mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder ? Sprawler ? Unknown Unknown 8612 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9139 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12167 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13729 Fattigia spp. Sericostomatidae Fattigia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge mid-late June Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 366 Gumaga spp. Sericostomatidae Gumaga Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 29 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Cases long and slender, curved and tapered; made of small rock fragments." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer High proportion of FPOM in diet. Less inclined to burrow (unlike others in the family). 1 1 1 Unknown Moults as many as 14 times during life cycle. Unknown No strong preference 5988 Gumaga spp. Sericostomatidae Gumaga Interactions between a stream caddisfly and the algae on its case: factors California Sonoma 38 47' N 122 47' W RAT 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Prefers filamentous algae 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7727 Gumaga spp. Sericostomatidae Gumaga An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, smooth, fine mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 9180 Gumaga spp. Sericostomatidae Gumaga Swimmining modifications of adult female Hydropsychidae compared with other Tichoptera. chm 2/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Female dips abdomen into water to release egg masses Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown 10251 Sericostomatidae Sericostomatidae The Trichoptera of Lower California. California RAT 1/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13316 Sericostomatidae Sericostomatidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 1 Seep 2-4 Order Stream Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Non-seasonal Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6371 Ficopomatus enigmaticus Serpulidae Ficopomatus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Oakland Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Tubular Tubular Unknown Builds a calcareous tube. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 6374 Hesionides riegerorum Serpulidae Hesionides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca North Carolina Marci Koski 1/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Found in sandy beaches. 1 Unknown Unknown 1 3476 Sialis spp. Sialidae Sialis Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Cutaneous Cutaneous Some species inhabiting lentic habitats than may have low O2 can use long caudal respiratory tubes to obtain air at the surface. All larvae also have spiracles. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs are laid in masses on abjects above the water. Unknown Predator 1 Found in silt deposits. 1 1 Found in stream pools and littoral/sublittoral zones of some lakes. 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year "Life cycle usually 2 years, but some species may be univoltine. Only larvae are aquatic - eggs and pupae are terrestrial." 10 or 11 larval instars. Adults short-lived. 1 Unknown 1 6038 Sialis spp. Sialidae Sialis Studies of Nearctic Aquatic Insects. RAT 11/12/2004 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Tracheal gills 1 Do not feed as adults Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Predator 1 Unknown Very Short 1 Unknown 6084 Sialis concava Sialidae Sialis New state record of the Alderfly Sialis concava Banks West Virginia Pocahontas 1500 hours on 12 June 1976 RAT 12/2/2004 1 1028 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6889 Sialis aequalis Sialidae Sialis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America South Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7026 Sialis spp. Sialidae Sialis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/10/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, One species collector-gatherer" Burrower Climber Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7051 Sialis rotunda Sialidae Sialis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/3/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit in 1 day after emergence, late Apr-June. Upright rows of eggs forming tight mass. May deposit a 2nd smaller mass. Synchronous hatching within mass. Larvae drops into water." Yes Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days 300-500 eggs. 8-12 days. Unknown 11463 Sialis spp. Sialidae Sialis Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13179 Sialis spp. Sialidae Sialis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit on bridges, culverts, artificial and natural substrates 1-10m above water. Egg masses of lake and pond spp are 600-700/mass; stream spp. Are 300-400/mass. Single egg mass/female." Unknown Predator "Feed on chironomid larvae, mayfly nymphs, crustaceans, other Sialis." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Days Live 1 wk and rarely longer than 2 wks. Male die after mating; female after oviposition. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days Hatch 1-2wks. Unknown 13188 Sialis aequalis Sialidae Sialis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Pupate mid-Mar-mid-Apr. Emerge Mar 20-June 13. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit under leaves over water. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Predator Primarily detritivores. Feed on detritus and chironomid larvae. 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13189 Sialis velata Sialidae Sialis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Emerge Apr 2-Sept 5. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) Oviposit on twigs over water. Unknown Unknown Unknown 13190 Sialis concava Sialidae Sialis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7044 Sialidae Sialidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/6/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) Unknown Pupate in shoreline soil or detritus. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Egg on overhanging branches, rocks, or bridge abutments." Unknown Unknown As many as 10 instars during 1-2 yr life cycle. 1 Unknown 3622 Cnephia spp. Simuliidae Cnephia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Use cephalic fans to filter plankton and organic debris from the water; also graze on adjacent substrates. Other (specify in comments) Use a caudal sucker to attach to substrates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5616 Cnephia ornithophilia Simuliidae Cnephia The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Unknown 5982 Cnephia spp. Simuliidae Cnephia The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year overwinters as larvae Slow seasonal 5 months Emerged from May until early June Months Eggs hatch in fall Unknown 5998 Cnephia spp. Simuliidae Cnephia The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. III. Maine April 1970-October 1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown adults oviposite in trailing submerged vegetation Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6847 Cnephia spp. Simuliidae Cnephia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 14138 Cnephia ornithophilia Simuliidae Cnephia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14139 Cnephia spp. Simuliidae Cnephia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7506 Metacnephia spp. Simuliidae Metacnephia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 11767 Metacnephia spp. Simuliidae Metacnephia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7507 Parasimulium spp. Simuliidae Parasimulium An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Pacific Northwest (coastal) chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2714 Prosimulium dicentum Simuliidae Prosimulium The identities of three closely related western species of Prosimulium (Diptera: Simuliidae) Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 9/15/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9.5 Tubular Unknown Soft No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Unknown 3623 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Use cephalic fans to filter plankton and organic debris from the water; also graze on adjacent substrates. Other (specify in comments) Use a caudal sucker to attach to substrates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown Clear water 5614 Prosimulium magnum Simuliidae Prosimulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama "Lauderdale, Lee" JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Free-floating Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Yes 3 18 5615 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year Unknown 14 16 5979 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium The blackflies (Diptera: Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. II. Maine "April to early September 1970 Late April to October 1972 Winter 1970, 1971" RAT 11/9/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year "often overwinter as eggs Noticable larval growth in winter" 5-7 months Unknown 5981 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year overwinters as larvae Slow seasonal Emerged from May until early June Eggs hatch in fall Unknown 5997 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. III. Maine April 1970-October 1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown adults oviposite in trailing submerged vegetation Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6848 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 10223 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Collector-filterer adult females do not feed 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Unknown 11080 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11652 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Growth rates and prey selection of two congeneric predatory caddisflies Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/26/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 tops of rocks Unknown Unknown 11768 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14140 Prosimulium magnum Simuliidae Prosimulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14141 Prosimulium spp. Simuliidae Prosimulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3624 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Use cephalic fans to filter plankton and organic debris from the water; also graze on adjacent substrates. Other (specify in comments) Use a caudal sucker to attach to substrates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown No preference 5176 Simulium vittatum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) oviposits on objects on or just below water surface Yes Collector-filterer 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 0 33 5215 Simulium fibrinflatum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Yes 5216 Simulium jenningsi Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Yes 1 15 28 5217 Simulium jonesi Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Yes 1 19 30 5218 Simulium luggeri Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama Montgomery JBM 11/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Unknown 5219 Simulium decorum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Yes Collector-filterer 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 0 33 5220 Simulium tuberosum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5221 Simulium venustum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5222 Simulium verecundum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama Morgan JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5617 Simulium congareenarum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama Lee JBM 11/5/2004 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Unknown 5618 Simulium meridionale Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama "Monroe, Wilcox" JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5619 Simulium slossonae Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies of Alabama Alabama "Escambia, Washington" JBM 11/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Fall Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5980 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera: Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. II. Maine "April to early September 1970 Late April to October 1972 Winter 1970, 1971" RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown No Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year "At least bivoltine, but may have >2 generations per year" Hatch in May Unknown 5983 Simulium pugetense Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown l 5984 Simulium vittatum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year eggs overwinter Unknown 5991 Simulium decorum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Unknown 5992 Simulium tuberosum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year Some populations may be univoltine Fast seasonal 3-4 weeks Eggs Overwinter Unknown 5993 Simulium venustum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer In moss/macrophytes (submerged) oviposition occurs on trailing vegetation in streams Unknown 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year 3-4 generations per year Fast seasonal 2-6 weeks Days eggs hatch in april and may Unknown 5994 Simulium verecundum Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Larvae found in trailing vegetation in streams Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" > 1 Generation per year 3-4 generations per year Fast seasonal 3 weeks Days eggs hatch in mid June Unknown 5995 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. I. Maine April 1970-October1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Larvae found in trailing vegetation in streams Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 1 Generation per year Sometimes bivoltine Fast seasonal 2-4 weeks Days eggs hatch in mid summer Yes 5996 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium The blackflies (Diptera:Simulidae) of insular Newfoundland. III. Maine April 1970-October 1972 RAT 11/9/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) adults oviposite in trailing submerged vegetation Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6145 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium "Some factors effecting algal consumption in SubarcticEphemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae." Pacific Northwest (coastal) 62 31' 114 21' June 1975 to June 1976 RAT 11/22/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer fed on algae and detritus 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6849 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Other (specify in comments) "Blood meal may be required for egg maturation. Oviposit in spring and summer on various sites, dam faces, debris, etc." Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine. Overwinter as diapausing eggs. Fast seasonal 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 300-600 eggs. Hatch 5 days@23C Yes 8151 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 10230 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Black-flies bite woodchuck Massachusetts RAT 1/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Parasite suck blood of woodchucks Unknown Unknown 10884 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium A laboratory study of the vulnerability of prey to predation by three aquatic insects. New York RAT 3/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Unknown Unknown 11079 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11265 Simulium vittatum Simuliidae Simulium Life cycle of the net-spinning caddisfly Cheumatopsyche analis (Banks) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Colorado Larimer RAT 3/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 11346 Simulium vittatum Simuliidae Simulium Influence of substrate type on vulnerability of prey to predacious aquatic insects. New York RAT 4/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Clinger Unknown Unknown 11447 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11769 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12130 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12178 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Unknown Unknown 14142 Simulium meridionale Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14143 Simulium slossonae Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14144 Simulium congareenarum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14145 Simulium fibrinflatum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14146 Simulium jenningsi Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14147 Simulium jonesi Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14148 Simulium lakei Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14149 Simulium luggeri Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14150 Simulium spp. Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14151 Simulium vittatum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14152 Simulium decorum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14153 Simulium tuberosum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14154 Simulium venustum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14155 Simulium verecundum Simuliidae Simulium Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7508 Stegopterna spp. Simuliidae Stegopterna An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 7509 Twinnia spp. Simuliidae Twinnia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 3595 Simuliidae Simuliidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Scraper/grazer Use cephalic fans to filter plankton and organic debris from the water; also graze on adjacent substrates. Other (specify in comments) Use a caudal sucker to attach to substrates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6852 Simuliidae Simuliidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Yes 1 1 Cutaneous Cutaneous Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Attached/fixed Pupae-Attached 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9350 Simuliidae Simuliidae The role of filter feeders in flowing waters. chm 2/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on cellular algae. Unknown Unknown 10979 Simuliidae Simuliidae Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 11373 Simuliidae Simuliidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11978 Simuliidae Simuliidae Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy exposed surfaces of rocks Unknown Unknown 14137 Simuliidae Simuliidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Attch with posterior ring of hooks and salivary secretion on substrate. Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Also eggs laid on wet wood, blades of grass at water surface, or scattered singly on stream bottom." Unknown Collector-filterer Feed on diatom and algae. Climber 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown 6 instar stages in 2-6 wks. 1 1 1 Months "Hatch in days, some spp winter" Yes Clear water 10 Parameletus columbiae Siphlonuridae Parameletus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1219 Unknown Partly sclerotized 1 Climbs onto emergent vegetation Unknown Unknown Summer Other (specify in comments) Oviposits in swamps & pools in mid-June Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Associated with Carex spp. 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal 16-22 days or less Months Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1.1 7.8 576 Parameletus columbiae Siphlonuridae Parameletus Personal Communication - Parameletus columbiae Utah Marci Koski 7/9/2004 1 1 2285 2666 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 Abundant in Carex-filled swamps at edges of lakes. 1 1 1 Unknown Hatch when ice melts Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 3274 Parameletus spp. Siphlonuridae Parameletus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5665 Parameletus spp. Siphlonuridae Parameletus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 22 days Yes 7137 Parameletus spp. Siphlonuridae Parameletus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Climber 1 Unknown Yes 12312 Parameletus spp. Siphlonuridae Parameletus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 483 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca A redescription of Siphlonisca aerodromia Needham (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae Maine Washington Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Found in association with Carex. Unknown Unknown 484 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca Critical commentary on the genus Siphlonisca (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 1 "stream backwaters, temporary floodplains" Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 488 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca Mayflies of the Siphlonurus Group New York Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 Unknown Yes Spring Summer Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 490 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca "The life history, nymphal growth rates, and feeding habits of Siphlonisca aerodromia Needham in ME" Maine Washington 1979 - 1980 Marci Koski 6/3/2004 1 1 1 1 Temporary Floodplain Unknown Partly sclerotized Other (specify in comments) Tracheal gills No gills on early instars. Unknown Unknown Spring Yes Predator Collector-gatherer "Early instars consumed fine detritus, but all others are highly predaceous, consuming mostly other mayfly nymphs." 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Slow seasonal Nymph development: Jan - June (6 mos). 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Months "Hatch after 7 mos, in Jan." Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 0 18 5674 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 3169 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown 7138 Siphlonisca aerodromia Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 12/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer 1 Unknown Unknown 12313 Siphlonisca spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonisca Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 11 Siphlonurus columbianaus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 914 2742 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus The Mayflies of Idaho (Ephemeroptera) Idaho Marci Koski 3/5/2004 1 1 1 1 1 914 2742 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Yes Spring Fall On/under stones (submerged) Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown No strong preference 5.6 16.7 480 Siphlonurus minnoi Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus New species and previously undescribed larvae of North American Ephemeroptera Indiana Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 481 Siphlonurus typicus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus New species and previously undescribed larvae of North American Ephemeroptera Indiana Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 486 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Mayflies of the Siphlonurus Group Colorado Marci Koski 6/2/2004 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 13 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 487 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Mayflies of the Siphlonurus Group New York Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 489 Siphlonurus phyllis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus The mayfly Siphlonurus phyllis McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae): its discovery in Minnesota Minnesota Marci Koski 6/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Prefer shallow water (1-2 ft deept). 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 500 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Mayflies of the southwest: new records and notes of Siphlonuridae (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 6/16/2004 1 1 1685 2590 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 17.8 18.9 659 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Mayflies from Colorado: descriptions of certain species and notes on others Colorado "Boulder, Gilpin" Marci Koski 7/14/2004 1 1 2438 3047 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Unknown Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 "occupies ""dirty bottoms"" of ponds and lakes; swims actively or lies in loose silt with large gills above silt, fanning briskly." 1 1 11-100 m Unknown Unknown 2814 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus New western Ephemeroptera California nkmv 8/26/2004 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2859 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus The mayfly imago nkmv 8/27/2004 Unknown 1 climbs completely out of water Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3088 Siphlonurus alternatus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3089 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3091 Siphlonurus rapidus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Environmental requirements of Ephemeroptera Michigan Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) nkmv 9/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3098 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Ecological studies of aquatic insects. 1. Adaptations of mayfly nymphs to swift streams Rocky Mountains nkmv 9/1/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 16 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3273 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5433 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Notes on the mayflies of Eastern Tennessee Tennessee Putnam JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5675 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus A tabular summary of the biology of North American mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 11/10/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Sprawler Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5702 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus The effect of temperature on the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a stream Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) JBM 11/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Free-floating Unknown Unknown Unknown 7139 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/15/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer "Predator/Engulfer - esp. of Tanytarsus in pools, Shredder, Herbivore?" Swimmer Climber 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7224 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/8/2004 Unknown Tracheal gills Also cutaneous Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9528 Siphlonurus typicus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Ohio chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10809 Siphlonurus alternatus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Yes 10943 Siphlonurus occidentalis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 11554 Siphlonurus alternatus Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11555 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Burnett RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11717 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12293 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Predator Detritivore. 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 12560 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year 1 Unknown Silted/murky water 12562 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge in April Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Subimago 50hrs. Unknown 12563 Siphlonurus quebecensis Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Michigan chm 3/17/2005 Unknown Emerge May 22-June 26 Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Free-floating Deposit eggs on water surface. Unknown Unknown Subimago 50hrs. 1 Unknown 12566 Siphlonurus spp. Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge March-April Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12557 Siphlonuridae Siphlonuridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/17/2005 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Swimmer Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3522 Climacia areolaris Sisyridae Climacia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/2/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous 1 Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Other (specify in comments) "Eggs are terrestrial; laid in very small masses, mostly in crevices in vegetation or supports above aquatic habitats that contain freshwater sponges." Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed exclusively on freshwater sponges; have sucking mouthparts. Swimmer Reside inside freshwater sponges. Unknown > 1 Generation per year "Multivoltine. Eggs, pupae, and adults are terrestrial; larvae are aquatic." 3 larval instars; overwinter as larvae. Weeks Adults live a few weeks 1 Days Hatch in one week. No 5457 Climacia areolaris Sisyridae Climacia A review of the Nearctic Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera) Ohio JBM 11/3/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 3 Unknown 1 Tracheal gills 1 1 Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Yes Other (specify in comments) Feeds on freshwater sponges freshwater sponges 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Weeks < 100 eggs 1 Days Unknown 6891 Climacia areolaris Sisyridae Climacia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Ohio chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Streamlined / fusiform Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year Trivoltine Unknown 7042 Climacia spp. Sisyridae Climacia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13192 Climacia areolaris Sisyridae Climacia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 7043 Sisyra spp. Sisyridae Sisyra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/6/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13194 Sisyra spp. Sisyridae Sisyra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Silted/murky water 13195 Sisyra vicaria Sisyridae Sisyra Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7215 Sisyridae Sisyridae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Larvae migrate inland up to 20m to pupate on land near shore. Unknown Unknown Unknown 11-100 m Unknown 3 instars. 1 Unknown 8124 Sisyridae Sisyridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Cutaneous Swim or craw to shore for pupation. Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs on veg or supports above aquatic habitats that support freshwater sponges. Unknown Larvae in sponges Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine probably. 3 instars. Overwinter as larvae or prepupae. Weeks Few weeks 1 1 Days 1wk incubation Unknown 13191 Sisyridae Sisyridae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown 1 Pupate on land. Emerge May-Aug. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "On branch, rock, pier, bridge, leaves over water." Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Feed on sponges, occassionally bryozoans and algae." Planktonic Swimmer On Sponges. 11-100 m Yes "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" > 1 Generation per year 2-5 generation/yr. 3 instar/prepupa overwinters. Pupae 5-6 days. Weeks Live ~2wks. 1 1 Days Hatch ~8 days. Unknown 6617 Sperchonopsis verrucosa Sperchonidae Sperchonopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6616 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8061 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larvae. Host: Diptera, Trichoptera. Predator of Diptera larvae" Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 Aquatic larval Unknown Unknown 8067 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10224 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colorado Boulder RAT 1/3/2005 1 1 1 1 3146 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown live in the larval cases of orthocladiinae 1 Unknown Unknown 11714 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11867 Sperchon spp. Sperchontidae Sperchon Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8068 Sperchonopsis spp. Sperchontidae Sperchonopsis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Other (specify in comments) Crawling 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 11868 Sperchonopsis spp. Sperchontidae Sperchonopsis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7989 Sperchontidae Sperchontidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/18/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Cutaneous Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Predaceous deutonymph. Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Unknown 6682 Eupera cubensis Sphaeriidae Eupera Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Hermaphroditic (with self-fertilization) and ovoviviparous. Adults may be carrying 1-60 young in their gills (marsumpium) in various stages of development. When released, immatures are fully formed. Reproduction can occur throught the year." No Collector-filterer Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 30 m. Can be found as deep as 25 cm in soft substrates." 10 m or less Unknown Months "Most have a total lifespan not more than 12-18 months, although some live as long as 3 years." < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6228 Musculium lacustre Sphaeriidae Musculium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Semelparous Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes 1 Generation per year "In more stable habitats, bivoltine." Non-seasonal < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 2-136 egg/adult Unknown 1 6295 Musculium spp. Sphaeriidae Musculium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes Non-seasonal < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 2-136 egg/adult Unknown 1 6297 Musculium partumeium Sphaeriidae Musculium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Semelparous; reproduces just prior to pond-drying. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes 1 Generation per year "In more stable habitats, bivoltine." Non-seasonal Months Relatively short-lived compared to other bivalves (living 1 year). < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 1-135 egg/adult Unknown 1 1 1 6296 Pisidium spp. Sphaeriidae Pisidium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Iteroparous. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders. Some species inhabit profundal zone of deep lakes." 11-100 m Yes 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Mature after 1 year. Live 4-5 years. < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 3-7 eggs/adult. Unknown 1 1 1 26 Silted/murky water 6683 Pisidium spp. Sphaeriidae Pisidium Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Hermaphroditic (with self-fertilization) and ovoviviparous. Adults may be carrying 1-60 young in their gills (marsumpium) in various stages of development. When released, immatures are fully formed. Reproduction can occur throught the year." No Collector-filterer Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 30 m. Can be found as deep as 25 cm in soft substrates." 10 m or less Unknown Months "Most have a total lifespan not more than 12-18 months, although some live as long as 3 years." < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 1 1 Clear water 11449 Pisidium spp. Sphaeriidae Pisidium Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11802 Pisidium casertanum Sphaeriidae Pisidium Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11803 Pisidium spp. Sphaeriidae Pisidium Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11855 Pisidium spp. Sphaeriidae Pisidium Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6229 Sphaerium striatinum Sphaeriidae Sphaerium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Reproduces biannually. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes 1 Generation per year "In more stable habitats, bivoltine." Non-seasonal Months Lives 1 year or less. < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 3-24 eggs/adult Unknown 1 1 2 22 6294 Sphaerium spp. Sphaeriidae Sphaerium Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 "Restricted to shallow, near-shore habitats." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes Non-seasonal < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous. 3-24 eggs/adult Unknown 1 1 2 22 11856 Sphaerium spp. Sphaeriidae Sphaerium Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6290 Sphaeriidae Sphaeriidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. One to three breeding periods per year; continuous breeding in some species). Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Other (specify in comments) Crawl considerable distance before burrowing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 1 1 "Juveniles are free-living. They disperse by clamping shell valves on to limbs of aquatic insects, feathers of birds, or limbs of salamanders." 11-100 m Yes > 1 Generation per year 1-3 broods per year. Non-seasonal Age 2 mos to 1 year at maturity. Months Live less than 1 year and greater than 5 years. < 100 eggs Ovoviviparous; semel/iteroprus Unknown 1 4 6667 Sphaeriidae Sphaeriidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 1 1 River Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Hermaphroditic (with self-fertilization) and ovoviviparous. Adults may be carrying 1-60 young in their gills (marsumpium) in various stages of development. When released, immatures are fully formed. Reproduction can occur throught the year." No Collector-filterer Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 30 m. Can be found as deep as 25 cm in soft substrates." 10 m or less Unknown Months "Most have a total lifespan not more than 12-18 months, although some live as long as 3 years." < 100 eggs 1 Unknown 1 1 Clear water 7212 Sphaeriidae Sphaeriidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7373 Sphaerius spp. Sphaeriusidae Sphaerius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer ? Burrower Climber 1 1 Yes Unknown 7374 Sphaerius spp. Sphaeriusidae Sphaerius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs ADULT chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer ? Burrower Climber 1 1 Yes Unknown 6477 Sphaeroma terebrans Sphaeromatidae Sphaeroma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 Estuaries Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Burrower "Bores into timbers, roots, and mangroves." 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 1 1 6478 Thermosphaeroma spp. Sphaeromatidae Thermosphaeroma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Desert Southwest Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 Warm Spring Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 6473 Sphaeromatidae Sphaeromatidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/14/2005 1 1 1 1 1 "Subterranean waters, caves" Cold Spring Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown All sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Breeding can occur all year; mostly between March and September. There are one or two broods of young per year. Number of eggs per brood ranges between 20 and 250. No oviposition occurs; young hatch from eggs in the marsupium in 20-30 days. No Other (specify in comments) "Scavengers; feed on dead and injured aquatic animals, and both green and decaying leaves, grass, and aquatic vegetation." Clinger Burrower Locomotion restricted to slow crawling. May burrow into substrate during drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in shallow water less than 1 m deep. Unknown Non-seasonal Months Lifespan 1 year or less. < 100 eggs 1 1 Weeks 20-30 days. Unknown 1 7401 Stenus spp. Staphylinidae Stenus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/21/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Skater (ejects oil) 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11754 Staphylinidae Staphylinidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6783 Caloparyphus spp. Stratiomyidae Caloparyphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Sprawler 1 In emergent zone 1 Yes Unknown 6784 Euparyphus spp. Stratiomyidae Euparyphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6785 Hedriodiscus spp. Stratiomyidae Hedriodiscus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Climber 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6786 Nemotelus spp. Stratiomyidae Nemotelus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Saline pool, beach" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Swimmer Sprawler 1 1 Beach Unknown Unknown 1 14221 Nemotelus spp. Stratiomyidae Nemotelus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2948 Odontomyia spp. Stratiomyidae Odontomyia Temperature-salinity tolerance limits of the soldier fly larvae of Odontomyia communis James California nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 No strong preference 8 41 6787 Odontomyia spp. Stratiomyidae Odontomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Scraper? Sprawler 1 In emergent zone Yes Unknown 14219 Odontomyia spp. Stratiomyidae Odontomyia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6788 Oxycera spp. Stratiomyidae Oxycera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14222 Oxycera spp. Stratiomyidae Oxycera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6789 Stratiomys spp. Stratiomyidae Stratiomys An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Saline pool Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Collector-filterer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 14220 Stratiomys spp. Stratiomyidae Stratiomys Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Downstream from sewer outlets. Unknown Unknown 3603 Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown "The body is often covered with calcium carbonate crystals, which may offer protection." Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. "Pupation occurs in a puparium, which may float at the surface." Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs are laid in masses on emergent or submerged vegetation. Larvae hatch and fall into the water. Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on detritus and algae. 1 Larvae hang suspended in the surface film by caudal hydrofuge hairs. Unknown 1 Unknown 6711 Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11452 Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14218 Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Uses caudal repiratory chamber. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) In wet wood Eggs laid on leaves of aquatic plants and debris in shallow ponds and slow streams. Some spp oviposit on plants above water. Unknown "Feed on decaying vegetation, algae, sm metazoans." Swimmer Yes Larvae overwinter. 1 Unknown 7497 Callicera spp. Syrphidae Callicera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown Unknown 7499 Chalcosyrphus spp. Syrphidae Chalcosyrphus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower Unknown Unknown 7500 Chrysogaster spp. Syrphidae Chrysogaster An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14244 Chrysogaster spp. Syrphidae Chrysogaster Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Plant breathers Pierce plant stem with respiratory tube. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 6809 Eristalis spp. Syrphidae Eristalis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Respiratory siphon Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 Burrow in low O2 organic substrate Unknown Unknown 14245 Eristalis spp. Syrphidae Eristalis Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7501 Helophilus spp. Syrphidae Helophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14246 Helophilus spp. Syrphidae Helophilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7502 Palpada spp. Syrphidae Palpada An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3604 Syrphidae Syrphidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 Tubular Unknown Soft Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Larvae obtain oxygen at the surface through a retractile caudal siphon. Pupae may have respiratory horns. Pupation is in a puparium. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year Bi- or multivoltine. 1 Unknown Silted/murky water 6859 Syrphidae Syrphidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Repiratory siphon, Some are Plant Breather" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14243 Syrphidae Syrphidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Caudal respiratory tube. Unknown Unknown Unknown Scavengers. Burrower Sprawler 1 1 1 Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days Unknown 1 1 7458 Agkistrocerus spp. Tabanidae Agkistrocerus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3630 Atylotus spp. Tabanidae Atylotus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in moist soil. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation, the newly hatched larvae dropping into the water." Unknown Predator Prey on smaller invertebrates. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7457 Atylotus spp. Tabanidae Atylotus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6812 Chlorotabanus crepuscularis Tabanidae Chlorotabanus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Swimmer Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3628 Chrysops spp. Tabanidae Chrysops Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in moist soil. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation, the newly hatched larvae dropping into the water." Unknown Predator Prey on smaller invertebrates. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6143 Chrysops spp. Tabanidae Chrysops Immature stages of some eastern nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 11/22/2004 1 1 1 1 swamp Large (length > 16 mm) 19 Tubular Unknown respiratory siphon and pseudopodia present Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6790 Chrysops spp. Tabanidae Chrysops An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Marine/estruary beaches Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Beach Unknown Unknown 14226 Chrysops spp. Tabanidae Chrysops Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6066 Haematopota spp. Tabanidae Haematopota Immature stages of some eastern nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). VII Florida Liberty RAT 11/22/2004 1 1 decaying log Large (length > 16 mm) 22 Unknown respiratory siphon Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7459 Haematopota spp. Tabanidae Haematopota An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14227 Haematopota spp. Tabanidae Haematopota Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3631 Hybomitra spp. Tabanidae Hybomitra Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in moist soil. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation, the newly hatched larvae dropping into the water." Unknown Predator Prey on smaller invertebrates. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6069 Hybomitra spp. Tabanidae Hybomitra Immature stages of some eastern nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). VII Tennessee Shelby RAT 11/22/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 27 Unknown respiratory siphon and pseudopods present Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 clay-like soils above waterline 1 Unknown Unknown 6791 Hybomitra spp. Tabanidae Hybomitra An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7460 Leucotabanus spp. Tabanidae Leucotabanus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Sprawler Burrower Unknown Unknown 6792 Merycomyia spp. Tabanidae Merycomyia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6793 Silvius spp. Tabanidae Silvius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2713 Tabanus atratus Tabanidae Tabanus Mud cylinders of Tabanidae (Diptera) from Texas Texas "Travis, Brazos" 1984 - 1985 Marci Koski 9/14/2004 1 1 Roadside drainage ditch Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 "Normally develop in wet substrates (mud), but uses the tunnel to pupate in a dry environment (some chambers remain dry when it rains/floods)." 1 Burrow up to 125 mm into bed (mud) in order to avoid dessication as ponds dry during the dry season. Unknown Unknown 3629 Tabanus spp. Tabanidae Tabanus Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in moist soil. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation, the newly hatched larvae dropping into the water." Unknown Predator Prey on smaller invertebrates. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6068 Tabanus spp. Tabanidae Tabanus Immature stages of some eastern nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). VII RAT 11/22/2004 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 36 Unknown respiratory siphon and pseudopodia Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 mud and sphagnum moss 1 Unknown Unknown 6794 Tabanus spp. Tabanidae Tabanus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7079 Tabanus atratus Tabanidae Tabanus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Florida chm 1/4/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Oviposit 1 wk after emergence, June-Oct. Deposit on vegetation near or over water." Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year 100 to 1000 eggs 1 Days 500-800 eggs. Hatch 4-12 days Unknown 14228 Tabanus atratus Tabanidae Tabanus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14229 Tabanus spp. Tabanidae Tabanus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/20/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6067 Whitneyomyia spp. Tabanidae Whitneyomyia Immature stages of some eastern nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). VII Georgia RAT 11/22/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 Unknown respiratory siphon and pseudopodia Unknown Unknown Unknown mud 1 Unknown Unknown 3605 Tabanidae Tabanidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Pupation occurs in moist soil. Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Overhanging substrate (dry) "Eggs are laid on emergent vegetation, the newly hatched larvae dropping into the water." Unknown Predator Prey on smaller invertebrates. Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6710 Tabanidae Tabanidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers Siphon Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11374 Tabanidae Tabanidae Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11464 Tabanidae Tabanidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14225 Tabanidae Tabanidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Pupate away from water. Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs on veg or rocks in and along streams and ponds. Unknown Predator "Feed on oligochaetes, gastropods, insect larvae." Burrower 1 1 1 1 10 km or less Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" 9-10mth as larvae. 1-3wk pupation. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Days 100-800 egg/mass. Devel 1wk Unknown 782 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 2999 2999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2166 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 2194 2438 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3787 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia "Seasonal abundance and distribution of adult stoneflies of Sashin Creek, Baranof Island" Alaska Pacific Northwest (coastal) 56 23' 134 44' JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3812 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4129 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 2331 2879 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4214 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4234 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4354 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 960 1350 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4481 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4641 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4848 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4944 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5152 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6691 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10124 Doddsia occidentalis Taeniopterygidae Doddsia An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 609 2133 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3362 Oemopteryx glacialis Taeniopterygidae Oemopteryx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus and diatoms. Clinger Burrower Larvae burrow when in diapause. 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Spend late spring/summer in larval diapause. Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Days Eggs hatch almost immediately No 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 11529 Oemopteryx glacialis Taeniopterygidae Oemopteryx Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "46 01' 39""N" "74 03' 50""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 322 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Adults are brachypterous No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown nymphs diapause in summer Unknown 12866 Oemopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Oemopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Jan-Feb. Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 713 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Synopsis of the Brachypterinae (Insecta: Taeniopterygidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 717 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Notes on the life histories of Strophopteryx limata and Oemopteryx contorta in Tennessee Tennessee Sevier "35° 42' 30""" "83° 18' 30""" JBM 7/8/2004 1 908 1060 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 (larvae/nymph only) 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 1 1 0 18 740 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3361 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus and diatoms. Clinger Burrower Larvae burrow when in diapause. 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Spend late spring/summer in larval diapause. Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Days Eggs hatch almost immediately No 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 3741 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3951 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 3995 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4031 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4154 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4296 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4516 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Studies on stoneflies of North Dakota with the description of a new Perlesta species North Dakota Cass JBM 9/7/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4753 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4804 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Hancock, Penobscot" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4924 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Washington, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5008 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Jackson, McDowell" "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5060 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5107 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown "Nymphs are ""herbivorous""" 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5150 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5178 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5236 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5408 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5515 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx The nymphs of the Taeniopterygidae of Eastern Canada (Insecta; Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6023 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6024 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6692 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9441 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10501 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10685 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Adair RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10686 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10687 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Cherokee RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10688 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Comanche RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10689 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Delaware RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10690 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Johnston RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10691 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10692 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Muskogee RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10693 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10694 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10710 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Haskell RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10711 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10712 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pushmataha RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10713 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 11526 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "45 22' 23""N" "70 57' 17""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 483 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11527 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "46 01' 39""N" "74 03' 50""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 1 322 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12574 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on periphyton. 1 Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 12873 Strophopteryx fasciata Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Jan-Feb. Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes 12874 Strophopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Strophopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Jan-Feb. Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 683 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema A revision of the stonefly genus Taenionema (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown No Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 712 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Synopsis of the Brachypterinae (Insecta: Taeniopterygidae) JBM 7/7/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 783 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 1600 2999 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2147 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema New records of winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Southwestern New Mexico New Mexico "Grant, Catron" JBM 7/22/2004 1 1 1690 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2167 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" Washington JBM 8/19/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3637 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3813 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Montana Montana JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 3889 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Altitudinal zonation of Plecoptera in a Rocky Mountain stream Colorado JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 2194 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3985 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Stoneflies of the Yukon JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 960 960 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Shredder Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 4032 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4098 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Stream type selection and associations of stoneflies in a Colorado river drainage system Colorado June 1961 - July 1964 JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4130 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) of New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/1/2004 1 1 1584 2369 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4213 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Plecoptera of Washington Washington JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4235 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema "The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah" Utah JBM 8/31/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4257 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Food habits of some western stonefly nymphs Rocky Mountains JBM 8/31/2004 1 Unknown scraping mouthpart (galea) Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 4355 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema "Plecoptera of Glacier National Park and Flathead River Basin, Montana" Montana JBM 9/2/2004 774 1798 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Months Unknown 4397 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Altitudinal distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a Rocky Mountain drainage system Colorado JBM 9/7/2004 2133 2742 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4452 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4482 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4590 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Winter stoneflies (Plecoptera) in seasonal habitats in New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 1 1950 2099 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4592 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico New Mexico JBM 9/9/2004 1 2102 2956 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4642 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Southern Utah Utah JBM 9/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4805 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine "Piscataquis, Somerse" JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4849 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 2133 2590 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4945 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah Utah JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 4991 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5059 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 609 609 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5151 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5179 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5240 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5407 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5409 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Distribution of the superfamily Nemouroidea in West Virginia (Insecta: Plecoptera) West Virginia JBM 11/3/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5516 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema The nymphs of the Taeniopterygidae of Eastern Canada (Insecta; Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 12/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6693 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9442 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10125 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema An annotated checklist of the Plecoptera (Insecta) of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/29/2005 1 1 1 1706 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10928 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11530 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "47 26' 21""N" "70 31' 26""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 44 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown nymphal diapause eggs develop soon after ovipos Unknown 11531 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "47 28' 21""N" "70 31' 50""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 29 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Adults are brachypterous No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown nymphs diapause in summer eggs develop soon after ovipos Unknown 12875 Taenionema spp. Taeniopterygidae Taenionema Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerge Jan-Feb. Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 684 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A new species of Taenioperyx from Texas (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) Texas Coryell JBM 7/7/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 714 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Nymphs of the stonefly genus Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/8/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 715 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Nymphs of the stonefly genus Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 7/8/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 716 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygidae) from South Carolina South Carolina Barnwell JBM 7/8/2004 1 82 82 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10 11 741 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 742 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Mississippi JBM 7/12/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 784 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A review of the stoneflies of Colorado with description of a new species of Capnia Colorado "Yuma, Jackson" JBM 7/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3360 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus and diatoms. Clinger Burrower Larvae burrow when in diapause. 1 1 Found in detritus and along banks. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Spend late spring/summer in larval diapause. Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Days Eggs hatch almost immediately No 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 3636 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Seasonal emergence patterns and diversity of Plecoptera on Big Hunting Creek Maryland Frederick 39 37' 77 27' Feb 1984 - Sept 1988 JBM 8/26/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3742 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx An annotated list of the stoneflies of Ohio Ohio Athens JBM 8/26/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3923 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas "Brazos, Smith" JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 3924 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Texas Texas JBM 10/11/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer 1 1 1 1 Unknown Yes 1 21 3952 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Spring Free-floating Unknown Shredder Scraper/grazer Can also be predacious 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 1 3953 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3954 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The winter stoneflies of Illinois (Insecta: Plecoptera): 100 years of change Illinois JBM 8/30/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3955 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Annotated list of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Western Nebraska Nebraska JBM 8/30/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 3978 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New distributional records of intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera) Idaho JBM 10/11/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3996 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 3997 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania: a Synopsis Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4009 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota South Dakota "Minnehaha, Roberts" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4033 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4034 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 9/15/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4083 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies of Virginia, USA" Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 8/31/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4153 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies of Minnesota (Plecoptera) JBM 9/15/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4297 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4298 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4299 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (Plecoptera) Mid-Midwest JBM 9/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4453 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of Quebec stoneflies (Plecoptera) JBM 9/8/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4483 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains JBM 9/9/2004 Unknown Yes Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4586 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Saskatchewan JBM 9/10/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Shredder Predator Unknown 1 Generation per year Weeks Weeks Unknown 4656 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies of Nebraska Nebraska JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 21 4669 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4670 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 9/14/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 9 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 4754 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Southwestern Pennsylvania" Pennsylvania Westmoreland JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4806 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx An annotated checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Maine Maine JBM 10/11/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4850 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of California California JBM 9/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4857 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4858 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Louisiana Louisiana JBM 10/13/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 4866 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland "Washington, Allegany" JBM 10/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4867 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "New records, zoogeographic notes, and revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Maryland" Maryland JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 4975 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Descriptions, records and systematic notes concerning Western North American stoneflies (Plecoptera)" JBM 10/14/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 4992 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania JBM 10/15/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5009 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Virginia "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5057 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois" In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5106 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois" Illinois JBM 10/19/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating Unknown "Nymphs are ""herbivorous""" 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Unknown 5149 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A Monograph of the Plecoptera or Stoneflies of America North of Mexico In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5177 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Plecoptera nymphs of America (North of Mexico) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/27/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5196 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Taeniopteryx of Western North America South Dakota In all regions where this species occurs JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5202 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The immature stages of some Minnesota Plecoptera Minnesota JBM 11/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5233 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A guide to the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida Florida JBM 10/20/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 5235 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Stoneflies of Indian Creek Watershed, a watershed affected by abandoned coal mine drainage" Pennsylvania "Fayette,Westmoreland" JBM 10/21/2004 1 414 850 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5271 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 10/21/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5517 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The nymphs of the Taeniopterygidae of Eastern Canada (Insecta; Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 5518 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The nymphs of the Taeniopterygidae of Eastern Canada (Insecta; Plecoptera) In all regions where this species occurs JBM 12/2/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 11 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6025 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Aquatic Insects of the Pine-Popple River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Florence RAT 11/12/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6062 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Stoneflies from the Purcell Range, B.C." Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 11/30/2004 1 762 1981 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 6065 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx The nymphs of the Taeniopterygidae of Eastern Canada (insecta; Plecoptera). "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 11/30/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown coxal gills and middorsal stripe Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6074 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6075 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6076 Taeniopteryx lonicera Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6077 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6078 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6079 Taeniopteryx nivalis Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6080 Taeniopteryx parvula Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). In all regions where this species occurs RAT 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 6081 Taeniopteryx ugola Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx North American Species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera: Insecta). "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 12/1/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 6690 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Texas In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/18/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Detritivores, Scraper" Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9443 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9444 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Tennessee "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9445 Taeniopteryx metequi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9501 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "North American species of Taeniopteryx (Plecoptera, Insecta)." "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 2/23/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10389 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Allen RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10390 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10391 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Carroll RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10392 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Hamilton RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10393 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Jay RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10394 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10395 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10396 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Owen RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10397 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10424 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Newton RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10425 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10426 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10427 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10428 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10429 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10430 Taeniopteryx lita Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10431 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Benton RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10432 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Carroll RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10433 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Cass RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10434 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10435 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana Morgan RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10436 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10437 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx A first list of Indiana stoneflies (Plecoptera Indiana RAT 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10497 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Crawford RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10498 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Ellis RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10499 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas Shawnee RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10500 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Kansas Plecoptera (stoneflies) Kansas RAT 2/5/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown 1 1 debris Unknown Unknown 10695 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Bryan RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10696 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Choctaw RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10697 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Comanche RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10698 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Latimer RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10699 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma LeFlore RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10700 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma McCurtain RAT 2/7/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10701 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Pittsburg RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10702 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Sequoyah RAT 2/7/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Winter Winter Unknown Unknown Unknown 10708 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Oklahoma Oklahoma Choctaw RAT 2/7/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10820 Taeniopteryx nivalis Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Observations on the life Histories and Biology of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera Rocky Mountains 57 02'N 11 30'W RAT 2/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Winter Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Fast seasonal Unknown 11068 Taeniopteryx burksi Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11176 Taeniopteryx nivalis Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Emergence pattern of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown "Adults were collected on partially submerged leaf mats. Females climb high into trees. Males emerge first, and ""ambush copulate"" later emerging females" Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11238 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). California RAT 3/29/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 11239 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera). California RAT 3/29/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11362 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout Maryland Frederick RAT 6/1/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 11468 Taeniopteryx nivalis Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Waukesha RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11469 Taeniopteryx parvula Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Lincoln RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11470 Taeniopteryx parvula Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Marquette RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11471 Taeniopteryx parvula Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Florence RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Detritivores Unknown Unknown 11472 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Pennsylvania RAT 4/12/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11525 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "45 22' 23""N" "70 57' 17""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 483 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 leafs Unknown Unknown 11528 Taeniopteryx parvula Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Life cycles of 12 species of winter stoneflies from Quebec "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" "46 01' 39""N" "74 03' 50""W" RAT 5/16/2005 1 322 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 10 Unknown No Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 12571 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer Predator. Detritivore 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12870 Taeniopteryx spp. Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Emerge late Dec-early Apr. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Yes 12871 Taeniopteryx maura Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Emerge Jan 2-Mar 23; peak before mid-Jan. Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 3316 Taeniopterygidae Taeniopterygidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/28/2004 1 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Cutaneous Tracheal gills "Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the water through their cuticle; various gills aid oxygen uptake, especially in larger species." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Free-floating "Females either land briefly on the water's surface to oviposit, jettison their egg mass over water while in flight, or crawl into the water on a protruding substrate to oviposit beneath the surface." Unknown Shredder Feed on detritus and diatoms. Clinger Burrower Larvae burrow when in diapause. 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Spend late spring/summer in larval diapause. Weeks Adults live a few days to two weeks. 1 1 Days Eggs hatch almost immediately No 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7061 Taeniopterygidae Taeniopterygidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/20/2004 Unknown Emerge winter and spring Unknown Unknown Winter Spring Possible egg diapause in summer Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Larva diapause in summer. Yes 12868 Taeniopterygidae Taeniopterygidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/28/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 6726 Protanyderus spp. Tanyderidae Protanyderus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 6811 Protoplasa fitchii Tanyderidae Protoplasa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 14158 Protoplasa fitchii Tanyderidae Protoplasa Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Male adults swarming mid-June in Quebec. Unknown Yes Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Pupate 6-9 days. Unknown 6855 Tanyderidae Tanyderidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Tubular Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8132 Tanyderidae Tanyderidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 18 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6320 Prostoma graecense Tetrastemmatidae Prostoma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 30 2 Tubular Unknown Soft "Most easily found in autumn. ""Hibernates"" in cysts under adverse environmental conditions (low DO, high temps, or lack of food)." Unknown Unknown "Hermaphroditic. Breeding may occur at any time, but is common between May and December if water temperature is above 10 C. A mature individual secretes a mucous sheath around itself, releases sperm and a double row of eggs into the sheath, and then crawls out of the sheath." Unknown Predator "Consumes metazoans and small oligochaetes, also eats recently dead animals or detritus; stabs them repeatedly with a stylet." Clinger Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 "Found commonly in masses of filamentous algae, on rooted aquatics, or in the debris of the general substrate." 1 Found in shallow water. No Unknown 1 6727 Thaumalea spp. Thaumaleidae Thaumalea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/1/2004 1 Madicolous Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger Madicolous Unknown Unknown 11772 Thaumalea spp. Thaumaleidae Thaumalea Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14157 Thaumalea spp. Thaumaleidae Thaumalea Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7445 Trichothaumalea spp. Thaumaleidae Trichothaumalea An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/22/2004 1 1 1 Madicolous Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger Unknown Unknown 6856 Thaumaleidae Thaumaleidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Tubular Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8133 Thaumaleidae Thaumaleidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 12 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 11771 Thaumaleidae Thaumaleidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14156 Thaumaleidae Thaumaleidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 "Madicolous habitat, Seep" Unknown Atmospheric breathers Pupate in wet moss or mud or between stones in stream bed Unknown Unknown Unknown Feed on diatom and detritus. 1 1 1 Yes "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Unknown Cold stenothermal (<5 C) 6603 Thermacarus spp. Thermacaridae Thermacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Hot euthermal (>30 C) 6240 Thiaridae Thiaridae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown 1 "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Brood eggs in a pouch in the neck region. Unknown Unknown Parthenogenic. Unknown 6639 Thiaridae Thiaridae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Round (humped) Unknown 1 Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 6584 Euthyas spp. Thyasidae Euthyas Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6585 Panisus spp. Thyasidae Panisus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6587 Thyas spp. Thyasidae Thyas Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6586 Thyasides spp. Thyasidae Thyasides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Temporary bog waters Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 6583 Thyopsella spp. Thyasidae Thyopsella Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6582 Thyopsis spp. Thyasidae Thyopsis Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6614 Trichothyas spp. Thyasidae Trichothyas Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Illinois Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Found in moss or algal masses on cold, wet rocks." 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6817 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 10973 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha Feeding ecology of three predacious aquatic insects and two fish in a riffle Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 4/4/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11078 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11440 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11759 Antocha monticola Tipulidae Antocha Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12124 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14083 Antocha spp. Tipulidae Antocha Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 6818 Cryptolabis spp. Tipulidae Cryptolabis An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 6819 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfers Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Damp soil at lotic and lentic margins Yes 1 Generation per year Univoltine in MN Unknown 6919 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11375 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11760 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12125 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14073 Dicranota spp. Tipulidae Dicranota Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7504 Erioptera spp. Tipulidae Erioptera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 11761 Erioptera spp. Tipulidae Erioptera Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14075 Erioptera spp. Tipulidae Erioptera Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6820 Gonomyodes spp. Tipulidae Gonomyodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 Unknown Unknown 3625 Helius spp. Tipulidae Helius Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 6821 Helius spp. Tipulidae Helius An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 Detritus in wet woodlands or marshes 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14079 Helius spp. Tipulidae Helius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14080 Helius spp. Tipulidae Helius Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6822 Hesperoconopa spp. Tipulidae Hesperoconopa An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 6823 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp. Oligochaeta, Diptera" Burrower Sprawler Clinger 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6860 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11376 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11979 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 12126 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12182 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14074 Hexatoma longicornis Tipulidae Hexatoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14076 Hexatoma spp. Tipulidae Hexatoma Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6813 Holorusia spp. Tipulidae Holorusia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Detritivores Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6824 Limnophila spp. Tipulidae Limnophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Engulfer, esp. Oligochaeta, Diptera" Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6920 Limnophila spp. Tipulidae Limnophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14081 Limnophila spp. Tipulidae Limnophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6825 Limonia spp. Tipulidae Limonia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Herbivores, Chewers, Macroalgae" Burrower Sprawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 14084 Limonia simulans Tipulidae Limonia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 14085 Limonia spp. Tipulidae Limonia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6826 Lipsothrix spp. Tipulidae Lipsothrix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Decaying wood Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7021 Lipsothrix spp. Tipulidae Lipsothrix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 7074 Lipsothrix nigrilinea Tipulidae Lipsothrix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Oregon chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown In wet wood "Ovipoist in <12hrs after emergence, Mar-Aug (peak May-June)." No Unknown 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 106-380 eggs. Hatch 3wks@16C Unknown 7862 Lipsothrix spp. Tipulidae Lipsothrix Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Wood gouger; feed on wood. Burrower 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year 1 generation/ 3-6yrs. Unknown 6814 Megistocera longipennis Tipulidae Megistocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Herbivore? 1 1 1 1 "Part of neuston ""living in surface film in open-ended tubes of floating vegetation""" Unknown Unknown 6827 Molophilus spp. Tipulidae Molophilus An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Yes Unknown 6828 Ormosia spp. Tipulidae Ormosia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer ? Burrower 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 11763 Ormosia spp. Tipulidae Ormosia Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6829 Pedicia spp. Tipulidae Pedicia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep Unknown Creeping welt Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Engulfer Burrower 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 6861 Pedicia spp. Tipulidae Pedicia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 11377 Pedicia spp. Tipulidae Pedicia Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12184 Pedicia spp. Tipulidae Pedicia Recovery ofa headwater stream from an insecticide-induced community disturbance. "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" RAT 6/6/2005 1 Appalacian Mountain Streams Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Unknown Unknown 14077 Pedicia spp. Tipulidae Pedicia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3627 Phalacrocera spp. Tipulidae Phalacrocera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 3634 Phalacrocera spp. Tipulidae Phalacrocera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Body covered with very long spines. Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 7503 Phalacrocera spp. Tipulidae Phalacrocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/23/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder "Chewer, Herbivore" Burrower Sprawler 1 Unknown Unknown 6830 Pilaria spp. Tipulidae Pilaria An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "?, Engulfer?" Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11378 Pilaria spp. Tipulidae Pilaria Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14082 Pilaria spp. Tipulidae Pilaria Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3626 Prionocera spp. Tipulidae Prionocera Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 6815 Prionocera spp. Tipulidae Prionocera An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6831 Pseudolimnophila spp. Tipulidae Pseudolimnophila An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet woodlands Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14078 Pseudolimnophila spp. Tipulidae Pseudolimnophila Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6832 Rhabdomastix spp. Tipulidae Rhabdomastix An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Clear water 3633 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 6816 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/2/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Collector-gatherer "Detritivore, Herbivore, Scraper, Predator of animals taken in shredding process?" Burrower 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 8149 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 11077 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Diet and predation by three leaf-associated stoneflies (Plecoptera) in an Arkansas mountain stream. Arkansas RAT 4/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown leaf packs Unknown Yes 11379 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 11764 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12127 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12192 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Colonization and processing of leaf litter by macroinvertebrate shredders West Virginia Tucker RAT 6/8/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 14072 Tipula spp. Tipulidae Tipula Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 5/13/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 3596 Tipulidae Tipulidae Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/5/2004 1 Tubular Unknown Soft Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Has caudal spiracles with surrounding fringes of setae that trap air and allow larvae to float in the surface film with their spiracles exposed to air. Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Most species herbivores or detritivores. 1 1 1 1 1 "Larvae live in the bottom substrate, moss or algal scum on rocks, debris, or rotting wood." 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Some species may be semivoltine. Unknown 6709 Tipulidae Tipulidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/3/2004 Unknown Atmospheric breathers Atmospheric breathers "Pupae- Spiracular gills, Larvae- some cutaneous" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown "2 (egg, larvae/nymph)" Days """Few days""" Unknown 11444 Tipulidae Tipulidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6602 Testudacarus spp. Torrenticolidae Testudacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8073 Testudacarus spp. Torrenticolidae Testudacarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae. 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8074 Testudacarus spp. Torrenticolidae Testudacarus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae. Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6601 Torrenticola spp. Torrenticolidae Torrenticola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 8062 Torrenticola spp. Torrenticolidae Torrenticola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8075 Torrenticola spp. Torrenticolidae Torrenticola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of Diptera larvae Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11869 Torrenticola spp. Torrenticolidae Torrenticola Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 bedrock 1 1 Unknown Unknown 7998 Torrenticolidae Torrenticolidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 Unknown Glandularia-secrete sticky gel to deter attackers. Other (specify in comments) Other (specify in comments) Cutaneous Active instar-Stigmata leading to tracheal trunk. Deutonymphs/adults- diffussion through integument. Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic larval stage. Predaceous deutonymph (several months). Swimmer Other (specify in comments) Crawler 1 Tritonymph on vegetation. 1 1 Aquatic larvae Unknown Unknown 7213 Torridincolidae Torridincolidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/7/2004 Unknown Spiracular gills Spiracular gills Pupae-Spiracular gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6343 Aulodrilus spp. Tubificidae Aulodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 6348 Aulodrilus americanus Tubificidae Aulodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 11806 Aulodrilus spp. Tubificidae Aulodrilus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12209 Aulodrilus americanus Tubificidae Aulodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12210 Aulodrilus americanus Tubificidae Aulodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12211 Aulodrilus spp. Tubificidae Aulodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12212 Aulodrilus spp. Tubificidae Aulodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6350 Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Tubificidae Bothrioneurum Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 12213 Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Tubificidae Bothrioneurum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12214 Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Tubificidae Bothrioneurum Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6336 Branchiura sowerbyi Tubificidae Branchiura Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Tracheal gills Most respiration occurs through the skin; also has fingerlike dorsal and ventral gils on each of the posterior segments. Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 11807 Branchiura sowerbyi Tubificidae Branchiura Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12215 Branchiura sowerbyi Tubificidae Branchiura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12216 Branchiura sowerbyi Tubificidae Branchiura Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6347 Ilyodrilus templetoni Tubificidae Ilyodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 65 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 Often occur in dense waving masses. 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. 100 km or less No Unknown 1 12503 Ilyodrilus templetoni Tubificidae Ilyodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12504 Ilyodrilus templetoni Tubificidae Ilyodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6351 Isochaetides curvisetosus Tubificidae Isochaetides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 Clear water 7603 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubificidae Limnodrilus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 11808 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubificidae Limnodrilus Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12502 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubificidae Limnodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Yes Unknown Can breed year round. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on bacteria in sediment. Burrower Unknown 0.5-2yrs to reach sexual maturity. Can breed in 1st or 2nd yr. Unknown 12505 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubificidae Limnodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12506 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubificidae Limnodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7605 Monopylephorus spp. Tubificidae Monopylephorus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 12507 Monopylephorus spp. Tubificidae Monopylephorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12508 Monopylephorus spp. Tubificidae Monopylephorus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6342 Potamothrix spp. Tubificidae Potamothrix Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 6345 Potamothrix spp. Tubificidae Potamothrix Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 11809 Potamothrix spp. Tubificidae Potamothrix Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12509 Potamothrix spp. Tubificidae Potamothrix Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12510 Potamothrix spp. Tubificidae Potamothrix Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6346 Psammoryctides minutus Tubificidae Psammoryctides Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Lake Tahoe Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 6344 Rhyacodrilus spp. Tubificidae Rhyacodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 12511 Rhyacodrilus spp. Tubificidae Rhyacodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12512 Rhyacodrilus spp. Tubificidae Rhyacodrilus Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6349 Telmatodrilus vejdovskyi Tubificidae Telmatodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca California Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Other (specify in comments) Crawler. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 6337 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sewage settling tanks and filters Large (length > 16 mm) 65 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 1 Often occur in dense waving masses. 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. 100 km or less No Unknown 1 7602 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Burrower 1 1 Yes Unknown 1 1 1 1 11810 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 12501 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Unknown Unknown Reach sexual maturity sooner with higher organic carbon in sediment. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed on bacteria in sediment. Burrower Unknown 1-2yrs to reach sexual maturity. Unknown 12513 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. South Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12514 Tubifex tubifex Tubificidae Tubifex Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6327 Tubificidae Tubificidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Tubular Unknown "Constructs a tube of fine debris, projecting up from the substrate." Soft Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most respiration occurs through the skin; additionally, water can be taken into the anus and passed forward to constitute and accessory respiratory mechanism." Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Consumes detritus and organic components of substrate; often consumes largely filamentous algae, diatoms, or miscellaneous plant and animal detritus." Burrower Swimmer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Can be found in the deepest parts of large lakes. No Unknown 1 7601 Tubificidae Tubificidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/13/2005 1 Unknown Hemoglobin Red blood pigments aid O2 uptake and transport. Unknown Unknown "Hermaphrodites. Eggs develop in mass enclosed in a cocoon. Most reproduce sexually, several parthenogenetic spp." Unknown Collector-filterer "Ingest sediment, extract nutrition from organic matter, esp. bacteria. Feed on heterotrophic, aerobic bacteria. Macromolecules thru body wall." Burrower 1 1 Unknown No larval form. 1 Unknown 1 11448 Tubificidae Tubificidae Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11708 Tubificidae Tubificidae Annotated inventory of invertebrate populations of an alpine lake and stream chain in Colorado. Colorado Boulder 40 N RAT 5/17/2005 1 3263 3525 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 12375 Tubificidae Tubificidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 3/10/2005 Unknown Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Unknown Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Feed on bacteria in sediment. Burrower 1 1 1 Mostly in silt; few spp in sand/gravel. Unknown Unknown 6594 Uchidastygacarus spp. Uchidastygacaridae Uchidastygacarus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 Gravel bars. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Clear water 6610 Yachatsia spp. Uchidastygacaridae Yachatsia Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Oregon Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 Gravel and sand bars. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 Clear water 1620 Farula geyseri Uenoidae Farula Eight new species of Trichoptera California Sonoma Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 1624 Farula constricta Uenoidae Farula "New North American species in the genera Neothremma and Farula, with hypotheses on phylogeny" Oregon Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 122 213 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1632 Farula spp. Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1633 Farula rainieri Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1634 Farula davisi Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Oregon Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1635 Farula honeyi Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae California Pacific Southwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1636 Farula jewetti Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Oregon MT. HOOD Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1637 Farula malkini Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Oregon Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1638 Farula petersoni Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae California Humboldt Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1639 Farula reapiri Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Oregon Linn Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1640 Farula wigginsi Uenoidae Farula Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae California Marin Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Waterfalls and cascades Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Case more slender than Neothremma; of fine sand or with just silk; external surface smooth and covered with silk. Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2267 Farula moweri Uenoidae Farula "Two new trichoptera (Hydropsychidae and Uenoidae) from the Sierra Nevada, California" California El Dorado Marci Koski 8/25/2004 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 2709 Farula malkini Uenoidae Farula Synoptic notes on some Nearctic Limnephilid caddisflies Oregon Benton Marci Koski 9/14/2004 640 640 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 7720 Farula spp. Uenoidae Farula An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 1 Seeps Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, slender, mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9386 Farula malkini Uenoidae Farula Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Emerges April and May Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown 1 1 Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 1 0 21 10077 Farula malkini Uenoidae Farula The genus Farula (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Oregon Benton RAT 12/24/2004 1 640 1066 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10078 Farula rainieri Uenoidae Farula The genus Farula (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Washington RAT 12/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10079 Farula jewetti Uenoidae Farula The genus Farula (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Oregon RAT 12/24/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10080 Farula davisi Uenoidae Farula The genus Farula (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Oregon Jackson RAT 12/24/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10339 Farula honeyi Uenoidae Farula New Species of Trichoptera. RAT 1/24/2005 1 1463 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 10340 Farula petersoni Uenoidae Farula New Species of Trichoptera. California Humboldt RAT 1/24/2005 1 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10341 Farula rainieri Uenoidae Farula New Species of Trichoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/24/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10342 Farula malkini Uenoidae Farula New Species of Trichoptera. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 1/24/2005 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 367 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 15 Tubular Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 "Case short and thick, constructed of coarse rock fragments with larger stones along each side." Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Scraper/grazer Feed on diatoms and FPOM 1 1 Unknown Larval diapause occurs for up to 6 months; sustains larvae for periods of reduced flow and higher water temps. Unknown No strong preference 1621 Neophylax kolodskii Uenoidae Neophylax "Neophylax kolodskii, a new species from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A." Tennessee GREAT SMOKY MTNS NP Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 963 963 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2472 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Survey of the trichoptera in the Little River drainage of northeastern Alabama Alabama Marci Koski 8/30/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2579 Neophylax toshioi Uenoidae Neophylax "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" Virginia Wythe Marci Koski 9/8/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Larvae found on large rocks. 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2662 Neophylax smithi Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Washington Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2663 Neophylax etnieri Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Tennessee Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2664 Neophylax auris Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Tennessee Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2665 Neophylax acutus Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Tennessee Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2666 Neophylax securis Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Tennessee Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 2667 Neophylax ottawa Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 2668 Neophylax toshioi Uenoidae Neophylax Seven new species from North America in the caddisfly genus Neophylax Virginia Wythe Marci Koski 9/10/2004 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 2730 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown 1 1 Portable case with ballast stones. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 3433 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 10/29/2004 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Use silk to construct tubular cases. Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous "Respire through the integument, and can be aided by tracheal gills in many species. Also, respiration is enhanced by undulating body in case to increase the flow of water and DO." 1 1 Unknown Yes Summer Summer Free-floating Other (specify in comments) Most species lay egg masses in the water; a few lay their eggs on vegetation above the water or in moist soil of temporary ponds. Unknown Scraper/grazer Feed mostly on diatoms. 1 Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" 1 Generation per year 5 Larval instars; pupation lasts days to weeks. 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5201 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Southern Appalachian streams at risk: implications for mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies" North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" JBM 10/28/2004 1 1 1 1300 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 5573 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Pike JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5574 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky Spencer JBM 11/4/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5575 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax A distributional study of the caddisflies of Kentucky Kentucky JBM 11/4/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5807 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 5880 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5881 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6213 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6214 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Otter Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin March - September 1980 RAT 12/5/2004 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Unknown 6916 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America North Carolina chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Generation per year Unknown 7722 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 1 "Case tapered, slightly curved, ballast sones on each side" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 8106 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Oct Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8107 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown " Adults collected Sept, Oct" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8108 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts 1948 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8109 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax A checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Massachusetts. Massachusetts Hampshire 1974-1978 chm 1/24/2005 Unknown " Adults collected Aug, Sept" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8268 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected July-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8269 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected May 18-Oct 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8270 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax Annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) in Wisconsin. Wisconsin 1970 chm 1/29/2005 Unknown Adults collected Aug 17-Oct 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8406 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Trichoptera of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Alabama Bibb 1981 & 1982 chm 1/31/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Apr Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8424 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "The caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Parfrey's Glen Creek, Wisconsin." Wisconsin Sauk March-Nov 1975 chm 2/1/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8578 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Sevier chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8579 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee Franklin chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8580 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. North Carolina chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8581 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Tennessee. Tennessee chm 2/1/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8735 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Light trap and emergence trap records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania Erie 1973-1979 chm 2/2/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8955 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 25-Oct 30, 1952 and July 20-Oct 12, 1953" Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8956 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax "Adult caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Houghton Creek, Ogemaw County, Michigan." Michigan Ogemaw Sept 1950-December 1953 chm 2/4/2005 Unknown "Adults collected Aug 4-Sept 9, 1951 and July 14-Sept 15, 1953." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Warm eurythermal (15-30 C) 16 19 8988 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Notes and descriptions of nearctic Trichoptera. New Hampshire "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" chm 2/5/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9120 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9121 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9122 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax A preliminary checklist of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Virginia. Virginia chm 2/9/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9231 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Weak (catastrophic only) Weak (catastrophic only) Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9307 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Missoula Rocky Mountains 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept-Nov. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9308 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Lake 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9336 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) "Deposit eggs above water under banks, on fine roots." Yes 1 Unknown Larval diapause of last instar before pupation. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 9387 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected in Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9388 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Emergence trap collections of Trichoptera from an Oregon stream Oregon Benton May 1968-Dec 1970 chm 2/17/2005 1 1 Unknown Collected in Oct. Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 0 21 9881 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax A preliminary list of the Arkansas Trichoptera. Arkansas Washington RAT 12/14/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9988 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 9989 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occuring along Ohio Portage 15 May - Late September RAT 12/23/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10062 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10063 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10064 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Minnesota RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10065 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10066 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10068 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Wyoming Carbon RAT 12/29/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10069 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Idaho RAT 12/29/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10093 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Trichoptera from the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina August-September 1930 RAT 12/28/2004 1524 2045 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10110 Neophylax nacatus Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions and notes of new and little known species of Trichoptera. "New England (coastal & mountains, above VA)" RAT 12/28/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10114 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Descriptions of eight new species of Trichoptera. Idaho RAT 12/29/2004 640 1432 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 10267 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Westmoreland RAT 1/17/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 10279 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Three new species of Trichoptera from western Pennsylvania. California RAT 1/17/2005 Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown 10326 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax New species of Trichoptera from the United States. Georgia RAT 1/19/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11027 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11028 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11029 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11030 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax "Aquatic Insects of Pine-Polle River, Wisconsin." Wisconsin RAT 3/21/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 11249 Neophylax rickeri Uenoidae Neophylax An annotated list of Trichoptera collected on southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Northwest (coastal) RAT 3/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 11482 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11483 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Columbia RAT 4/12/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11484 Neophylax fuscus Uenoidae Neophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sheboygan RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 11485 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax "Feeding habits of Wisconsin's Predominant lotic Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera." Wisconsin Sauk RAT 4/12/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 12061 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Influence of large woody debris on stream insect communities and benthic detritus. Virginia RAT 6/2/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13196 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Indiana chm 4/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes 13266 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/11/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13686 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 17 Bluff (blocky) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Some spp of mature larvae aestivate. Unknown 13692 Neophylax concinnus Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/25/2005 1 1 Unknown Pupate in summer. Emerge late summer. Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Bank soil Oviposit in fall during intermittent stream flow. Hatch when steam flows. Unknown Unknown "3 (egg, larvae, pupae)" Fast seasonal 5 instar stages. Mature larva aestivate late spr. Months Diapause until early spring. Yes 13711 Neophylax consimilis Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13712 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge early Sept Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 13713 Neophylax oligius Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Emerge early Oct Unknown Unknown Fall Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown 13749 Neophylax spp. Uenoidae Neophylax Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Wisconsin chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 368 Neothremma spp. Uenoidae Neothremma Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 1 Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case long, smooth, tapered, and curved; made of sand grains, covered with silk on the outside." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed on diatoms, algae and FPOM" 1 1 1 Unknown Larval diapause occurs for up to 6 months; sustains larvae for periods of reduced flow and higher water temps. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1622 Neothremma prolata Uenoidae Neothremma "New North American species in the genera Neothremma and Farula, with hypotheses on phylogeny" Oregon Hood River "45º 41' 12"" N" "121º 41' 45"" W" Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 75 100 Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Unknown 1 "Case made of sand grains and coarser rock particles, rough texture." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1623 Neothremma mucronata Uenoidae Neothremma "New North American species in the genera Neothremma and Farula, with hypotheses on phylogeny" California Lassen Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 2285 2285 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1626 Neothremma spp. Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) 14 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1627 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1628 Neothremma andersoni Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Oregon Multnomah Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1629 Neothremma didactyla Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Pacific Northwest (coastal) Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1630 Neothremma genella Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae California Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1631 Neothremma siskiyou Uenoidae Neothremma Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae California Siskiyou Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Medium (length 9-16 mm) Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case slender, of small sand grains, with silk-covered surface." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2804 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2834 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Medium (mostly passive / occasional) Unknown Unknown 5526 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma Feeding habits of Trichoptera in a mountain stream Colorado "Boulder, Weld" 40 N JBM 12/2/2004 1 1 1600 3397 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Collector-gatherer Unknown Unknown 5882 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6917 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 1/4/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown < 1 Generation per year Semivoltine in Alberta. Unknown 7721 Neothremma spp. Uenoidae Neothremma An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, slender, mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 9247 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma Ecological studies on aquatic insects. III. Adaptations of caddisfly larvae to swift streams. chm 2/14/2005 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Yes 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 On top of rocks. 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1 9408 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" California chm 2/20/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 77 1 Tubular Unknown 1 Case of small sand grains. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10118 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma Productivity and distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Colorado Mountain Stream. Colorado Boulder RAT 12/31/2004 1 625 792 Unknown Unknown Yes Summer Unknown Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" 11161 Neothremma spp. Uenoidae Neothremma New species of nearctic caddis flies. Washington Albany RAT 3/22/2005 swamp 1066 1219 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11441 Neothremma alicia Uenoidae Neothremma Microdistribution of benthic invertebrates in a Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) stream. Idaho Bannock 42 43' N 112 23' W RAT 4/11/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 369 Oligophlebodes spp. Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 5/17/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 Cases made of coarse rock fragments; strongly tapered and curved. Partly sclerotized Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Consumed green and brown algae, diatoms, and plant fragments." 1 1 Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 2731 Oligophlebodes sigma Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Ecological diversity in Trichoptera In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 9/16/2004 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 2805 Oligophlebodes zelti Uenoidae Oligophlebodes New records of western Trichoptera with notes on their biology Wyoming Park 44º 56' N 109º 37' W Marci Koski 9/17/2004 1 2649 2649 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5808 Oligophlebodes spp. Uenoidae Oligophlebodes A preliminary list of the Trichoptera of British Columbia Pacific Northwest (coastal) JBM 12/3/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Summer Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 5883 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 5884 Oligophlebodes spp. Uenoidae Oligophlebodes The Trichoptera of Montana with distributional and ecological notes Montana JBM 12/7/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7723 Oligophlebodes spp. Uenoidae Oligophlebodes An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 Unknown Unknown 9232 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Biology and downstream drift of some Oregon Trichoptera. Oregon Jefferson 1964-1966 chm 2/11/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 6 13.5 9309 Oligophlebodes spp. Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Distribution of some montana caddisflies (Trichoptera). Montana Flathead 1965-1973 chm 2/15/2005 1 1 Unknown Adults collected Aug-Sept Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9410 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes "Taxonomy and biology of nearctic Limnephelid larvae (Trichoptera), with special reference to species" Colorado chm 2/20/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 1 Unknown 1 1 "Tubular, tapered case with small ballast stones." Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10855 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes "Summer emergence of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies from a Colorado Mountain Stream." Colorado Conejos 37 03'N 106 15'W RAT 2/24/2005 1 2633 Unknown Unknown Unknown Spring Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown 11016 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Plecoptera and trichoptera species distribution related to environmental characteristics Colorado RAT 3/16/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 11975 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Diel Migration and Microhabitat Distribution of a Benthic Stream Assemblage Colorado Grand RAT 5/30/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 occupy the bottoms of rocks and interstices Unknown Unknown 13750 Oligophlebodes minutus Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 13751 Oligophlebodes sigma Uenoidae Oligophlebodes Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Utah chm 4/27/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Strong (active / often) Strong (active / often) Unknown Unknown 1641 Sericostriata spp. Uenoidae Sericostriata Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made entirely of dark tough sik, tapered and curved." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 1642 Sericostriata surdickae Uenoidae Sericostriata Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae Rocky Mountains Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Small (length < 9 mm) 8 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case made entirely of dark tough sik, tapered and curved." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Summer Fall Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Needs two years for life cycle. Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 7724 Sericostriata spp. Uenoidae Sericostriata An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/30/2004 1 1 Tubular Unknown 1 "Case tapered, curved, slender, mineral" Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-gatherer Clinger 1 1 Unknown Unknown 1625 Uenoidae Uenoidae Revision of the caddisfly family Uenoidae In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 8/12/2004 1 1 Cascades & waterfalls Large (length > 16 mm) 20 Tubular Tubular Unknown 1 "Case long and slender (like conifer needles), made of fine sand covered with silk or of silk alone." Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer "Feed largely on diatoms, other algae, and FPOM." 1 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) 6604 Koenikea spp. Unionicolidae Koenikea Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6226 Lampsilis siliquoidea Unionicolidae Lampsilis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes Non-seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous. Unknown 1 6 31 Clear water 6622 Najadicola ingens Unionicolidae Najadicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic or commensal in gills or mantle cavity of mussels. Some species free living as adults. Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6621 Neumania spp. Unionicolidae Neumania Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown On/under stones (submerged) In moss/macrophytes (submerged) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 onto stones, vegetation, and debris. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Yes Predator Parasite "Consume mostly entomostraca, small insects, various worms, or host tissues. Occasionally cannibalistic, or feed on dead animals, vegetable material, and detritus. Larval mites parasitize aquatic insects upon hatching." Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abundant where there are large quantities of rooted vegetation. 1 1 1 1 Usually in water not more than 2 m deep. 100 km or less Yes "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8065 Neumania spp. Unionicolidae Neumania Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/18/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Predator of copepods. Unknown Unknown 8076 Neumania spp. Unionicolidae Neumania Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larvae of Diptera. Predator of Diptera larvae, Copepoda." Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 8077 Neumania spp. Unionicolidae Neumania Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/20/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Predator of Diptera larvae, Copepoda." Swimmer 1 Aquatic larvae. Unknown Unknown 6620 Unionicola spp. Unionicolidae Unionicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 into the tissues of mussel gills. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic or commensal in gills or mantle cavity of mussels. Some species free living as adults. Climber Swimmer Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6628 Unionicola crassipes Unionicolidae Unionicola Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/18/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 1.7 Round (humped) Unknown Partly sclerotized Cutaneous Cutaneous Cutaneous "Most gas exchange takes place through the general body surface. However, some species take some air in through spiracles, or through plants that they consume." "Breeding can occur at any time of year, depending on species. Sperm is transferred via a spermataphore; this take from less than a minute to as long as an hour." Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "As the female releases the eggs, they are fertilized by the sperm in the spermatophores. They are extruded in groups of 20 to 400 into the tissues of mussel gills. Each egg may have its own gelatinous covering, or the whole group of eggs may be imbedded in a common mass." Unknown Parasite Predator Parasitic or commensal in gills or mantle cavity of mussels. Some species free living as adults. Swimmer Climber Swim by relatively uncoordinated flailing movements of the legs. Many creep and crawl on the bottom or among vegetation. May withstand drought by burrowing into mud or substrate. 1 1 """Accidentally"" planktonic." Unknown "4 (egg, larvae, pupae, adult" Months Total lifespan is one year or less. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Weeks 1-6 weeks. Unknown 1 1 1 1 8006 Unionicola spp. Unionicolidae Unionicola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Parasite Predator "Parasitic larvae. Host: adult chironomid, mollusc, Diptera, Trichoptera. Predator of cladocera, Copepoda, Diptera larvae, mollusc tissue.." Many spps in mantle cavity of mussels and snails 1 Unknown Unknown 8063 Unionicola spp. Unionicolidae Unionicola Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. ADULT chm 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Parasite "Predator of Copepoda, Cladocera, Diptera larvae, mollusc tissue." Other (specify in comments) Swimmer Crawler Many spp in the mantle cavity of molluscs 1 Unknown Unknown 6677 Amblema spp. Unionidae Amblema Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6301 Elliptio complanata Unionidae Elliptio Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes Non-seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous. Unknown 1 1 1 6 31 Clear water 6680 Epioblasma spp. Unionidae Epioblasma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 600 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6678 Glebula spp. Unionidae Glebula Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 2-4 Order Stream Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6225 Lampsilis teres Unionidae Lampsilis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes Non-seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous. Unknown 1 6 31 Clear water 6300 Lampsilis radiata Unionidae Lampsilis Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes Non-seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous. Unknown 1 6 31 Clear water 11857 Lampsilis spp. Unionidae Lampsilis Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6676 Megalonaias gigantea Unionidae Megalonaias Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 165 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Found in large, deep rivers." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6681 Potamilus purpuratus Unionidae Potamilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 115 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6299 Pyganodon grandis Unionidae Pyganodon Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes Non-seasonal "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous. Unknown 1 1 1 6 31 Clear water 6674 Quadrula intermedia Unionidae Quadrula Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Tennessee Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 River Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6675 Quincuncina spp. Unionidae Quincuncina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca Gulf Coast / Delta Area (TX - FL) Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 River Small (length < 9 mm) 7 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6679 Toxolasma spp. Unionidae Toxolasma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 River Large (length > 16 mm) 45 Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6000 Truncilla spp. Unionidae Truncilla The ecology of the Macroscopic Bottom Fauna in Lake Texacoma Oklahoma RAT 11/10/2004 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6293 Unionidae Unionidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Use a gill (ctenidia) to obtain oxygen from water. One breeding period per year. Unknown Unknown Ovoviviparous - developing embryos brood in specialized gill marsupia. Gonochoristic - few species are hermaphroditic. Unknown Collector-filterer "Deposit and suspension feeders; consume plankton, algae, bacteria, and microdetritus." Burrower Attached/fixed 1 1 1 1 1 Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. 1 1 1 "Bivalved glochidia larvae parasitize fish before metamorphosing into free-living (pelagic) juveniles. Prefer depths of 4-10 m, but can occur in deeper water if well oxygenated." Yes 1 Generation per year Non-seasonal Age 6-12 years to maturity. Months Can live from less than 6 years to more than 100 years. "1000 to 10,000 eggs" Ovoviviparous & iteroparous Unknown 1 Clear water 6666 Unionidae Unionidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/21/2005 1 1 1 River Dorsoventrally flattened Unknown Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Most species are dioecious or monoecious; a few are hermaphroditic. Embryos retained in the gills (marsupium) range from several thousand to more than 3 million. Glochidia leave the female through the suprabranchia chambers and exhalent siphon; they may be free or imbedded in mucus. Glochidia become scattered and sink to the bottom where they remain until they come in contact with host fish. Unknown Collector-filterer Parasite Consumes fine organic detritus dislodged from the substrate and in suspension. Larvae are parasitic on fish. Burrower Clinger Most exhibit some locomotion through movement of the muscular foot (albeit very slow). 1 1 1 1 1 "Are most abundant at depths of less than 2 m, but may also be found as deep as 7 m." 10 m or less Unknown Juveniles take from 1-8 years to reach maturity. "> 10,000 eggs" 1 1 Months Fertilized eggs carried 1 yr. Unknown 1 1 Clear water 6631 Valvata spp. Valvatidae Valvata Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 8 5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Has an external gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Hermaphroditic. Oviposition occurs in the spring, and may continue into the summer and early fall. Eggs are deposited in a gelatinous mass on substrate." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. 100 to 1000 eggs 1 1 Unknown 1 1 1 1 11854 Valvata spp. Valvatidae Valvata Wave-zone macrobenthos of the exposed canadian shores of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) RAT 5/20/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown Unknown 6237 Valvatidae Valvatidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Northern Midwest (Great Lakes states) Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 5 5 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Tracheal gills Tracheal gills Tracheal gills "Has a single, featherlike gill carried on the left side." Unknown Unknown Egg-laying hermaphrodites. Unknown Unknown 1 1 Unknown 2942 Microvelia spp. Veliidae Microvelia The Veliidae (Heteroptera) of America north of Mexico-keys and checklists In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Unknown 2973 Microvelia spp. Veliidae Microvelia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 3 Unknown 1 water resistant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown "4-5 instars, 2-5 weeks" adults overwinter 1 1 Unknown 3490 Microvelia spp. Veliidae Microvelia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Most species overwinter as adults. Unknown 3509 Microvelia pulchella Veliidae Microvelia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2.25 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes > 1 Generation per year Multivoltine 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinters as eggs. Yes 7547 Microvelia spp. Veliidae Microvelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 1 1 Unknown 4 instar stage Unknown 13152 Microvelia americana Veliidae Microvelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/10/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seep River Unknown Unknown Unknown Overhanging substrate (dry) Eggs deposited on stones and sticks barely above water level. Unknown Predator "Feed on water fleas, ostracods, sm insects." Skater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown > 1 Generation per year 3-5 generation/year. "5 nymph stage, each 2-10 days, 36-46 days total." Adults overwinter. 1 1 1 Weeks Hatch 17 days. Unknown 13162 Microvelia pulchella Veliidae Microvelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 4/10/2005 1 1 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) Eggs deposited on underside of duckweed leaves. Unknown Unknown > 1 Generation per year 5-6 generation/yr. 4-5 nymphal stage; each 2-11 days; 22-59 day total Weeks Hatch 1-3wks. Unknown 13163 Microvelia spp. Veliidae Microvelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7548 Platyvelia spp. Veliidae Platyvelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator Piercer-Carnivore Skater 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2941 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia The Veliidae (Heteroptera) of America north of Mexico-keys and checklists In all regions where this species occurs nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 2974 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills nkmv 9/13/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 2 Unknown 1 water resistant pile Unknown Unknown Floating debris Unknown Predator Skater 1 1 1 Unknown "4-5 instars, 2-5 weeks" adults overwinter 1 1 Unknown 3508 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin Wisconsin Marci Koski 11/1/2004 1 Small (length < 9 mm) 4 Unknown Partly sclerotized Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) Eggs laid on substrates at the water's surface. Unknown Predator Sucking mouth parts; almost all species are carnivorous as nymphs and adults. Skater 1 Yes 1 Generation per year 4-5 nymphal instars. Months Overwinter as eggs. Yes 7549 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America In all regions where this species occurs chm 12/29/2004 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Predator "Piercer-Carnivore, Scavenger" Skater 1 1 Unknown Unknown 13164 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown 1 Swimming plume on middle legs. Temporary air store Unknown Yes Unknown Predator Skater Swimmer 1 Lee side of emergent boulder. 1 1 Unknown Adults also overwinter. 13165 Rhagovelia obesa Veliidae Rhagovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" chm 4/10/2005 1 1 River Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown 13166 Rhagovelia spp. Veliidae Rhagovelia Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 4/10/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 5 nymphal stages. Days Hatch 8-10 days. Yes 7023 Veliidae Veliidae An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America chm 12/10/2004 Bluff (blocky) Unknown Wettable claws Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 13151 Veliidae Veliidae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. ADULT chm 4/10/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 6231 Campeloma spp. Viviparidae Campeloma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Eggs hatch and develop in a fold of the anterior mantle, and are born free-living." Unknown Unknown "Viviparous, parthenogenic." Unknown 6260 Campeloma spp. Viviparidae Campeloma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Connecticut Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Perennial reproductive pattern. Unknown Unknown Perennial breeding pattern. Adults do not die after breeding. Unknown 6264 Campeloma decisum Viviparidae Campeloma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 1 1 Positively rheotactic - moves upstream and aggregates at any barriers. 1 Unknown Unknown 6268 Campeloma rufrum Viviparidae Campeloma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Prefer cobble with attached periphyton 1 Unknown Unknown 6662 Campeloma spp. Viviparidae Campeloma Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Ovoviviparous, with young being well developed at birth." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most common on sandy bottoms. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. Parthenogenesis may occur. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6233 Cipangopaludina chinensis Viviparidae Cipangopaludina Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 50 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Eggs hatch and develop in a fold of the anterior mantle, and are born free-living." Unknown 1 1 1 1 Unknown Viviparous. Unknown 6505 Cipangopaludina spp. Viviparidae Cipangopaludina Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) 42.5 Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Ovoviviparous, with young being well developed at birth." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most common on sandy bottoms. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6230 Tulotoma spp. Viviparidae Tulotoma Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Alabama Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Eggs hatch and develop in a fold of the anterior mantle, and are born free-living." Unknown Collector-filterer 1 1 Unknown Viviparous Unknown 6232 Viviparus spp. Viviparidae Viviparus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Eggs hatch and develop in a fold of the anterior mantle, and are born free-living." Unknown Unknown Viviparus. Unknown 6275 Viviparus georgianus Viviparidae Viviparus Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/18/2004 1 1 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Other (specify in comments) "Eggs hatch and develop in a fold of the anterior mantle, and are born free-living." Unknown Scraper/grazer Micro-algivore or a detritivore. Unknown Viviparus. Unknown 6272 Viviparidae Viviparidae Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 11/22/2004 Unknown "Secrete mucus for locomotion, and to avoid dessication during dry periods." Hard shelled Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Collector-filterer Most viviparids are detritivores or utilize associated detrital bacteria. Unknown Unknown 6642 Viviparidae Viviparidae Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/19/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Large (length > 16 mm) Round (humped) Unknown Hard shelled Cutaneous Tracheal gills Have an internal gill (specialized folds in the mantle - the ctenidium). Also gain some oxygen through the general body surface. Unknown Unknown In moss/macrophytes (submerged) On/under stones (submerged) "Dioecious. Ovoviviparous, with young being well developed at birth." Yes Scraper/grazer Other (specify in comments) Consume mostly the thin film of algae that covers most submerged surfaces; also occasionally feed on dead plant and animal materials. Clinger Burrower May brrow into mud and debris on the bottom to avoid freezing or drought. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Most common on sandy bottoms. Found creeping about on all types of submerged surfaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually found in waters 10 cm to 3 m deep. 10 km or less Unknown > 1 Generation per year Some species have 2-3 generations per year. Months Most species live 9 to 15 months. Unknown 1 1 1 1 6355 Xironodrilus spp. Xironodrilidae Xironodrilus Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca In all regions where this species occurs Marci Koski 1/11/2005 Small (length < 9 mm) 6 Tubular Unknown 1 Muscular caudal sucker. Soft Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Parasite Consume mostly algae (diatoms) and organic debris. Some species feed on their hosts' blood or eggs. Almost always associated with crayfish or other aquatic invertebrates. Unknown Unknown 9340 Limnephilinae A contribution to the biolgoy of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in temporary pools. chm 2/15/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Adults diapause in species associated with temporary water. Unknown 12070 Hydracarina The ordination of benthic invertebrate communities in the South Platte River Basin Colorado Great Plains / Eastern Rocky Mountain Foothills RAT 6/5/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 13695 Limnephilinae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 13697 Dicosmoecinae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Shredder Unknown Unknown 13698 Goerinae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scraper/grazer Unknown Unknown 13700 Pseudostenophylacinae "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan" chm 4/25/2005 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Shredder Unknown Unknown 14066 Donaciinae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/13/2005 Unknown 1 Silk used for pupal cocoon. Pupate on host plant in same position as larvae. Unknown Unknown "All deposit egg mass, except Donacia flavipes which is singly." Unknown "Feed on submerged roots, leaves, petioles of aquatic plants." 1 Unknown < 1 Generation per year Most with 2 yr life cycle. 1 1 Days Hatch in 8-16 days. Unknown 14070 Donaciinae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. North Carolina "Southeast (east of Appalachians, coastal)" ADULT chm 5/13/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown May feed on pollen. Unknown Unknown 14160 Tanypodinae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Sprawler Burrower 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown 14161 Diamesinae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown Cold-cool eurythermal (0-15 C) Clear water 14162 Chironominae Aquatic Insects and Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. chm 5/16/2005 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Unknown 1 1