Horsetooth Reservoir Archeological Investigations
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Believable Legends

Faked photo of UFOs over Horsetooth Reservoir.

This photo of flying saucers over Horsetooth Reservoir was faked by Dr. Frank Salisbury for a symposium on UFOs in 1968. He did so to prove how easy it could be to do.

Horsetooth Legends!

Loch Ness Monster?Several myths or legends exist concerning Horsetooth Reservoir, from the believable to the absurd. Let's examine a few and see what you think.

Legends surrounding the Horsetooth Reservoir area have been around for a long time. Native American oral histories state that a giant guarded the valley, referred to as the Valley of Contentment. The giant prevented the local tribes from hunting the buffalo, deer, and antelope in the valley. Chief Maunamoku lead his people to kill the giant. When the Chief killed the giant he slashed at his heart first in the center then on the right and then on the left using a tomahawk fashioned from the heavens. The next day the giant had turned to stone and is known as Horsetooth Rock. The slashes can be seen in the rock formation today.

The Car: Yes, a car was found in the reservoir. A 1958 Porsche was found on the riprap of Spring Canyon Dam, having been under water for some time. It seems to be tied to an incident in 1982, when a man's body washed ashore after crashing his car into the reservoir. Unfortunately, the owner of the car cannot be determined and police are A 1958 Porsche (or lake shark?).still investigating. More information may be released later, once the police have finished their investigation.

Stout: This legend specifically relates to the archeological work we participated in at the reservoir. Can we use the archeological evidence and historical records to solve this legend? I can't ruin the surprise. Continue on through the web page or the archeological report to find the answer to this legend.

Unbelievable Legends

Aliens and UFOs: Horsetooth Reservoir is a part of the vast and varied culture of UFO and alien sightings. It was reported that flying saucers were seen over the reservoir and that they landed in the area. In October of 1962 the National Investigations Committee on Ariel Phenomena (NICAP) reported that an undocumented claim that an alien landing had taken place at Horsetooth Reservoir. No evidence of the landing was ever found.

The Sea Monster: Little can be said about the legend of a “Loch Ness” type sea creature who lives in the Reservoir. The mere concept eludes any basic common sense. Such a creature could only have been placed into the reservoir after 1951, when water had filled the valley. If someone had a ancient sea dwelling reptile, like the Plesiosaur, Nothosaur, or Mosasaur, I think they would keep it. I don't think they would release the most exciting scientific find of the century into a Colorado reservoir. I am not sure when or where this legend first appears. No documented evidence or printed materials discuss the monster. It seems to reside in oral legends of the local townsfolk.


New Legends

What new legends may surface in the 21st century? Blackbeard's lost pirate ship? Ritualistic animal sacrifices? Alien landing strip? Some photographic evidence might support these claims. Click the photos to see enlargements.

Sunken ship.

Mummified dog.
Dog's burial garments.
Stone fence pillars.
Pirate ship? No, the owner of the boat and reason the boat are here is still unknown. Animal sacrifice? No, this was a burial at sea. This mummified dog was wrapped in a blanket, weighted with a rock, and dumped into the reservoir. A close-up of the dog's burial garments. Note the rope and rock weight. Alien landing strip? No, these are stone fence pillars made by a local quarryman.