Lstream Methods

 - Lstream Method: int reader (Lstream *STREAM, unsigned char *DATA,
          int SIZE)
     Read some data from the stream's end and store it into DATA, which
     can hold SIZE bytes.  Return the number of bytes read.  A return
     value of 0 means no bytes can be read at this time.  This may be
     because of an EOF, or because there is a granularity greater than
     one byte that the stream imposes on the returned data, and SIZE is
     less than this granularity. (This will happen frequently for
     streams that need to return whole characters, because
     `Lstream_read()' calls the reader function repeatedly until it has
     the number of bytes it wants or until 0 is returned.)  The lstream
     functions do not treat a 0 return as EOF or do anything special;
     however, the calling function will interpret any 0 it gets back as
     EOF.  This will normally not happen unless the caller calls
     `Lstream_read()' with a very small size.

     This function can be `NULL' if the stream is output-only.

 - Lstream Method: int writer (Lstream *STREAM, CONST unsigned char
          *DATA, int SIZE)
     Send some data to the stream's end.  Data to be sent is in DATA
     and is SIZE bytes.  Return the number of bytes sent.  This
     function can send and return fewer bytes than is passed in; in that
     case, the function will just be called again until there is no
     data left or 0 is returned.  A return value of 0 means that no
     more data can be currently stored, but there is no error; the data
     will be squirreled away until the writer can accept data. (This is
     useful, e.g., if you're dealing with a non-blocking file
     descriptor and are getting `EWOULDBLOCK' errors.)  This function
     can be `NULL' if the stream is input-only.

 - Lstream Method: int rewinder (Lstream *STREAM)
     Rewind the stream.  If this is `NULL', the stream is not seekable.

 - Lstream Method: int seekable_p (Lstream *STREAM)
     Indicate whether this stream is seekable - i.e. it can be rewound.
     This method is ignored if the stream does not have a rewind
     method.  If this method is not present, the result is determined
     by whether a rewind method is present.

 - Lstream Method: int flusher (Lstream *STREAM)
     Perform any additional operations necessary to flush the data in
     this stream.

 - Lstream Method: int pseudo_closer (Lstream *STREAM)

 - Lstream Method: int closer (Lstream *STREAM)
     Perform any additional operations necessary to close this stream
     down.  May be `NULL'.  This function is called when
     `Lstream_close()' is called or when the stream is
     garbage-collected.  When this function is called, all pending data
     in the stream will already have been written out.

 - Lstream Method: Lisp_Object marker (Lisp_Object LSTREAM, void
          (*MARKFUN) (Lisp_Object))
     Mark this object for garbage collection.  Same semantics as a
     standard `Lisp_Object' marker.  This function can be `NULL'.