Sunday, he 26 1971 THE WASHINGTON POST By Joshua Zederberg A Nobel Prize winner, Lederberg is Projarsot of genetics at the Stanjord L;nitbreity School of MedicineT 13 I/ THE NATURE of the bond be tWeen Parents and their children, not to mention everyone's val,ws abqut the individual's uniquepias++&# be changed beyond recogwi@: word- ing to Harvard pro&sat -,Qmv D. Watson, in testimony b#or?e *a I&use new direction biology, and he suggestr .&+@rict ::;:~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: deed, these tiust e contra d `by in- ternational agree&&, for nb country has a monopoly on aentific talent and interest. 2 Watson also rem-t some "be- lieve the matter is of -ginal impor- tance now, and that is a red herring designed to take our minds off our cal- lous attitudes toward war, poverty, and racial prejudice." What appears at first' sight to be a mischievous suggestion may then be a grand spoof, worthy of the author of "The Double Helix." My own stance is' accurately quoted by Watson:,, !&ederberg, among the first to tal*-ab&t cloning as a practi- cal matter, *ow seems