2004-06-22 20:44 Ed Larty * setup/: packages-R1.8.0-tmp, setup_minossoft_tamu: # added for next release 2004-06-22 19:58 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/IoInputModule.cxx: make sure fsamProject pointer is always initialized to zero (initially). 2004-06-22 17:28 avva * CandFitTrackSA/: AlgFitTrackSA.cxx, AlgFitTrackSA.h, AlgFitTrackSAList.cxx, DataFT.h, FitTrackSAListModule.cxx, NtpFitSAModule.cxx, TrackFT.cxx, TrackFT.h: Modifications to allow SA fitter to fit any reconstructed track, derived from CandTrack, not just CandTrackSR. 2004-06-21 22:57 Liz Buckley-Geer * IoModules/IoInputModule.cxx: Only try to shutdown SAM project if one was actually started 2004-06-21 17:27 phil.adamson * Calibrator/PulserSigLinCalibrator.cxx: Limit number of messages spewed out when the database tables are missing 2004-06-21 16:54 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/inject-xmlrpc.py: Use callback_url from config 2004-06-21 15:22 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/test/test-callback.py: Tweaks for testing. 2004-06-20 18:44 George Irwin * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/platforms/Darwin.mk: Add "override MINOSLIBS += -u _gsiomodulestaticinitializer" to force initialization of unreferenced statics for MacOSX. 2004-06-20 18:41 George Irwin * IoModules/IoModuleStaticInitializer.cxx: New class forces initialization of static objects in the IoInputModule.cxx and IoOutputModule.cxx files. Without it "INPUT" and "Output" entries do not appear in JobCModuleRegistry::fModLibMap for MacOSX. This class is never instantiated, but is referenced on the MacOSX loon executable link line via a "-u _gsiomodulestaticinitializer" parameter. Linux extends the UNIX standard by automatically initializing all statics, whether referenced or not. However, our code should not be depending on this extention. A worse case occurs in RDBC, which not only assumes initialization of unreferenced statics, but also assumes that the initialization occurs in a particular order. See Scott Meyers' books for further discussion. 2004-06-18 22:05 phil.adamson * Calibrator/: CalLinearity.cxx, CalLinearity.h, PulserSigLinCalibrator.cxx: Minor fixups of calibrator, also fix bendiness 2004-06-17 20:05 Ed Larty * OfflineMonitor/NtpSR.C: # added a factor to normalize inv_beta 2004-06-17 19:12 George Irwin * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/platforms/Darwin.mk: Update dynamiclib and bundle link parameters for Panther. 2004-06-17 19:08 George Irwin * Rerootjob/GNUmakefile: Fix incorrect "endif" placement for LABYRINTH-defined test. 2004-06-17 11:42 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiDBProxy.cxx: In RemoveSeqNo(...) delete SEQNO from main table before VLD table to preserve the constraint that any SEQNO in a main table is present in the VLD. 2004-06-16 11:29 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/get_standard_data_type.pm: Generalise test for MySQL text data types. 2004-06-15 16:18 Brett Viren * WebDocs/configuration.html: Update with details on storing default configs in the DB. 2004-06-15 11:17 Nick West * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Add link to Mark D.'s Harware DB development. 2004-06-14 19:38 Nick West * UserManualDoc/src/: alg_cand.tex, conventions.tex, database_interface.tex, database_maintenance.tex, datamodel_io.tex, dependency.tex, dispatcher.tex, job_control.tex, leak_checker.tex, message_service.tex, midad.tex, navigation.tex, ntuples.tex, plexus.tex, r2hbook.tex, raw_data.tex, registry.tex, ugli.tex: Add "Last significant change" entry to each chapter as requested at the tutorial session at Ely. Chapter authors are free to revise the dates if they don't agree which my interpretation of significant! 2004-06-14 15:40 Ed Larty * OfflineMonitor/candreco.C: # modified to take care of Cand3dcluster 2004-06-14 14:35 Robert Hatcher * MinosMC/MinosMCModule.cxx: tried of the nightly build failure messages (one for Linux, one for IRIX). add #include so that "assert()" is defined. 2004-06-12 13:00 musser * CandFitTrackSR/: AlgFitTrackSR.cxx, AlgFitTrackSR.h, FitTrackSRListModule.cxx: Add procedure for falling back to original track points in case where reverse fit fails. 2004-06-12 12:58 musser * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSR.cxx: finish backing out of Brians timing changes 2004-06-12 12:48 musser * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, HoughViewSR.cxx, Track2DSR.cxx, TrackSRListModule.cxx: don't use spectrometer strips in initial hough fit, as we don't know where these strips are yet. Fix removal of isolated hits at track ends to deal properly with near detector partially instrumented region. for now, back out of Brian's timing fixes, as these are not working properly in near detector. 2004-06-12 02:28 musser * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: remove requirement for nstrip>3 in event formed from unassociated hits 2004-06-11 11:52 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonMapperPlusMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMuonDecalibrator.cxx, PhotonMuonDecalibrator.h: Fix up bugs with new scheme.. tables weren't loading properly. 2004-06-10 22:56 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/: DbiValidate.cc, prepare_db_0.sql: Switch to using 9xxxxxxxx series SEQNOs for testing to reduce further the risk that TestDbi would mistake a real GLOBALSEQNO table for a test one. 2004-06-10 20:55 Nick West * UserManualDoc/src/database_interface.tex: Warn people not to write permanent data to temporary databases. 2004-06-10 16:02 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: LinkDef.h, PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonEventResult.h, PhotonMapperPlusMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMapperPlusMuonComputer.h, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.h, PhotonStripComputer.cxx, PhotonStripComputer.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.h: Moved some things out of MuonComputer and into main module, like proton range table lookup. Much less code maintanence. Added MapperPlusMuonComputer, which SHOULD mimic the current FD reco chain. It runs, but it's completely untuned and untested. Bugfix(?) to EventResult. Should be //! instead of // ! ??? Program now crashes nicely instead of badly if unrecognized module name. 2004-06-08 20:22 Brett Viren * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Add link to live CD, remove some dead links (THtml). Also, superficial cleaning of the formatting. 2004-06-08 15:38 Brett Viren * WebDocs/configuration.html: First commit. Not yet done, just committing for safety. Don't look at this yet. 2004-06-08 14:18 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/SexyPedestal.html: Add links for the macros. 2004-06-08 07:32 anatael * SexyPedestal/: SexyPedReco.cxx, makeSexyPedAna.C, makeSexyPedReco.C: Adding macros. I think I forgot before! Ups! 2004-06-08 00:08 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/cbs/Mad/: MadBase.cxx, MadBase.h: Keeping track of NtpMC and NtpSR entry numbers to make looping through chains quicker. 2004-06-07 20:05 Nick West * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/SexyPedestal.html: Add Anatael's contribution. 2004-06-07 14:48 Nick West * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/DcsUser.html: Add Erik's update. 2004-06-05 23:25 George Irwin * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: Change Algorithm color to green and add "Description". 2004-06-05 19:56 Sue Kasahara * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: Change Dispatcher,Persistency,NtupleBase,AstroUtil to green. 2004-06-05 18:46 Sue Kasahara * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/NtupleBase.html: NtupleBase package overview 2004-06-05 18:43 Sue Kasahara * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/AstroUtil.html: AstroUtil package overview 2004-06-05 15:39 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/cbs/Mad/macros/Validate.C: updated macro 2004-06-05 14:09 Robert Hatcher * Midad/Util/Range.h: fix missing ; 2004-06-04 22:15 Sue Kasahara * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Persistency.html: Persistency package overview 2004-06-04 18:50 Sue Kasahara * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Dispatcher.html: Dispatcher package overview 2004-06-04 17:38 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/cbs/Mad/: MadQuantities.cxx, MadQuantities.h: Added simple user method 2004-06-04 14:20 Brett Viren * Midad/Util/Range.h: return *this in assignment 2004-06-03 22:44 cbs * Contrib/cbs/Mad/: MadChi2Calc.cxx, MadQuantities.cxx: Fixed bug in systematics loop in MadChi2Calc.cxx 2004-06-02 03:53 cbs * Contrib/cbs/Mad/: MadAnalysis.cxx, MadAnalysis.h, MadChi2Calc.cxx, MadEvDisplay.cxx, MadQuantities.cxx, MadQuantities.h: New code in MadQuantities for making QE plots Fixed some bugs in MadChi2Calc.cxx Fixed a few bugs in MadEvDisplay.cxx Added code to MadAnalysis.* to read in plots for likelihood PID 2004-06-02 02:16 Sue Kasahara * MinosMC/: MinosMCModule.cxx, MinosMCModule.h: Fix comments 2004-06-02 02:09 Sue Kasahara * MinosMC/test/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, MinosMCBfldValidate.cxx, MinosMCBfldValidate.h, run_minosmcbfld_vld.C: A start at validation code. 2004-06-02 02:08 Sue Kasahara * MinosMC/macro/: dummies.C, geant3libs.C, rootlibs.C, testMinosMC.C: test macro testMinosMC.C demonstrates how to use the MinosMCModule to run the mc simulation. The input can be a rerooted .root file, the MinosMCModule will make use of the StdHep TClonesArray of TParticles, and replace the existing DigiScintHits with a new list. The user must install the vmc geant3 package before making use of this. 2004-06-02 02:03 Sue Kasahara * MinosMC/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, MinosMC.cxx, MinosMC.h, MinosMCApplication.cxx, MinosMCApplication.h, MinosMCBField.cxx, MinosMCBField.h, MinosMCHit.cxx, MinosMCHit.h, MinosMCModule.cxx, MinosMCModule.h, MinosMCParticle.cxx, MinosMCParticle.h, MinosMCStack.cxx, MinosMCStack.h: First commit - still in development stage, this package is not yet ready for use. This package makes use of ROOT's virtual mc interface to simulate particle transport through the detector geometry. The geometry is that of the GeoGeometry package which makes use of ROOT's TGeo classes to build the detector geometry from db parameters. The mc implementation is selected in the user's mc script, as the MCType (TGeant3,TGeant4,TFluka), but only Geant3 is supported so far. The input to the job module is a SimSnarlRecord containing the "StdHep" TClonesArray of TParticles. The output is a TClonesArray of DigiScintHits added as a component to the input SimSnarlRecord. 2004-06-02 01:46 Sue Kasahara * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_TGeant3.mk: Add file for handling external TGeant3 package for use in MinosMC. 2004-06-02 01:45 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h, GeoPlaneVolume.cxx, GeoPlaneVolume.h, GeoStripVolume.cxx, GeoStripVolume.h, GeoVolumeMaker.cxx, GeoVolumeMaker.h, LinkDef.h: New classes GeoPlane/StripVolume, both inherit from TGeoVolume and include Plex data members to describe Plane/Strip in more detail. These really should be GeoPlane/StripNode, inherit from TGeoNode, but there isn't a way to make these work in TGeo system yet. Adapt GeoGeometry,GeoVolumeMaker to make use of these. Fix bugs: In GeoGeometry Medium of scint strips is PSTYRENE SCINT instead of undefined 'scint'. In GeoGeometry TGeoManager::GetNode method was being used incorrectly - now fixed. 2004-06-01 23:31 Brett Viren * BeamData/doc/: RawBeamData.dia, ely04/Makefile, ely04/PPRskribe.sty, ely04/advi.sty, ely04/bd-ely.skb, ely04/local.skr: BeamData talk for beam monitor session. 2004-06-01 20:42 bspeak * RunSummary/: RateSummary.cxx, RateSummary.h, rate_plot.cc: Commit all three files for simultaneous changes rate_plot.cc: 1)Clean std:: lines 2)Add DryRun (-n) option 3)Fix faulty and slow RunVector building routine 4)Make WholeRun (-R) convention work for multiple runs 5)Fix for new sm1,2phit format in RateSummary RateSummary.(cxx,h): 1)New fSHTot(ADC,PlanesHit)[4] divided by shield section 2)ShieldSection = (int)(((Plane-528)*4)/256) 3)New fSMTot(ADC,PlanesHit)[2] divided by super module 4)SuperModule = (int)((Crate*2)/16) 5)Clean std:: lines 6)eliminate some TStrings objects in favor of char* and string objects 7)Add CheckDir method, same as in RunSummary 2004-05-31 23:50 Brett Viren * BeamData/doc/overview.dia: shown at last phone meeting 2004-05-30 20:01 George Irwin * setup/packages-development: Add MinosMC for Sue 2004-05-30 19:57 George Irwin * CVSROOT/: check_access, modules: [no log message] 2004-05-30 19:52 George Irwin * MinosMC/.cvsignore: Import from Sue 2004-05-30 19:52 George Irwin * MinosMC/.cvsignore: Initial revision 2004-05-30 19:09 Sue Kasahara * IoModules/IoInputStreamItr.cxx: Commit support for Select method with wildcard "*" in place of single stream specification. This commit should have gone in with the Persistency commit of last week - oops. 2004-05-28 22:16 cbs * Contrib/cbs/Mad/MadEvDisplay.cxx: Since we don't typically have truth digit info in ntuples, commenting out references to it in the code. 2004-05-28 21:55 George Irwin * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Algorithm.html: Clarify an explanation. 2004-05-28 21:44 George Irwin * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: Algorithm.html, CandDigit.html: Update Package_Overviews. 2004-05-28 20:51 George Irwin * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/CandDigit.html: Update CandDigit Package Overview. 2004-05-28 20:32 bspeak * RunSummary/runsum.cc: 1)Use summary. file in both farm and web generation. 2)Fix RateSummary.run file writing 2004-05-28 20:30 bspeak * RunSummary/: RunSummary.cxx, RunSummary.h: 1)Add CheckDir method to check existence of or create driectory 2)Clean up some std:: 3)Add MinSeconds cut at 5 seconds and reset MinSigEvent to 10 4)Fix error in reading RawRunEndBlock 2004-05-28 14:27 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/OnlineUtil.html, Package_Overviews/Plex.html, Package_Overviews/RawData.html, Package_Overviews/RerootExodus.html, Package_Overviews/Rotorooter.html, Package_Overviews/UgliGeometry.html, Package_Overviews/Validity.html: package overviews for OnlineUtil, Plex, RawData, RerootExodus, Rotorooter, UgliGeometry, Validity. 2004-05-28 13:47 Nick West * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/CandClusterSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandEventSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandFitTrackSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandShowerSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandSliceSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandStripSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandTrackSR.html: Provide some minimal information, mostly stolen from Jim's documentation. 2004-05-28 13:25 raufer * Contrib/raufer/AnaTemp/: AnaTemp.cxx, AnaTemp.h, AnaTempMacro.C: add some features to create more plots 2004-05-28 13:03 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/mc.C: Add photonStripComputer module, NpePerGeV tuning paramter. 2004-05-28 08:20 Nick West * WebDocs/: WebDocs.html, WebDocs_nav.html, pkg_links.html, Companion/overview/tutorial.html: Make ~ obsolete sections of WebDocs less visisble. Add a page on WebDocs navigation and attempt to clarify the roles of tutorials, package overviews, concept overviews, packrats and the user manual. 2004-05-28 08:13 Nick West * WebDocs/HotNews.html: Migrating to DBMauto can no longer be considered hot news. 2004-05-28 06:43 Nick West * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: One green, several blue (new category - incomplete). 2004-05-28 06:42 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/OfflineMonitor.html: Fill out. 2004-05-27 22:41 Liz Buckley-Geer * Loon/GNUmakefile: Add arch_spec_SAM.mk to makefile for SAM libraries 2004-05-27 22:40 Liz Buckley-Geer * IoModules/GNUmakefile: Add arch_spec_SAM.mk to makefile for SAM compilation 2004-05-27 22:39 Liz Buckley-Geer * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: arch spec mk file for SAM 2004-05-27 22:38 Liz Buckley-Geer * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: First version of SAM-capable Input module. SAM code will only compile if you have the SAM libraries installed 2004-05-27 19:49 Ed Larty * OfflineMonitor/README: # modified 2004-05-27 17:50 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: Algorithm.html, Alignment.html, AltDeMux.html, AltReco.html, AstroUtil.html, AtNuReco.html, BField.html, BubbleSpeak.html, CDFMonitoringFwk.html, CalDetDST.html, CalDetPID.html, CalDetSI.html, CalDetTracker.html, Calibrator.html, CandClusterSR.html, CandData.html, CandDigit.html, CandEventSR.html, CandFitTrack3.html, CandFitTrackMS.html, CandFitTrackSA.html, CandFitTrackSR.html, CandMorgue.html, CandNtupleSR.html, CandShowerSR.html, CandSliceSR.html, CandStripSR.html, CandTrackSR.html, Candidate.html, Cluster3D.html, Configurable.html, Conventions.html, DataUtil.html, DatabaseInterface.html, DatabaseMaintenance.html, DatabaseTables.html, DatabaseUpdater.html, DcsUser.html, DeMux.html, Demo.html, Dependency.html, DetSim.html, Digitization.html, Dispatcher.html, DocBuilder.html, DynamicFactory.html, EventDisplay.html, Fabrication.html, FarPlaneCheckout.html, FilterDigitSR.html, FilterLI.html, GeoGeometry.html, IoModules.html, Islands.html, JobControl.html, JobHarness.html, LISummary.html, Lattice.html, LeakChecker.html, Loon.html, MCNtuple.html, MINF_Classes.html, MessageService.html, Midad.html, Minfastjob.html, MinosObjectMap.html, Monitoring.html, MuCal.html, MuELoss.html, Navigation.html, NoiseFilter.html, NtupleBase.html, NumericalMethods.html, OfflineMonitor.html, OfflineReqDoc.html, OfflineTrigger.html, OnlineUtil.html, PEGain.html, PerfTools.html, Persistency.html, PhotonTransport.html, Plex.html, Production.html, Profile.html, PulserCalibration.html, RDBC.html, REROOT_Classes.html, RawData.html, RecoBase.html, Record.html, Registry.html, RerootExodus.html, Rerootjob.html, Rotorooter.html, RunSummary.html, SRT_MINOS.html, SexyPedestal.html, ShieldPlank.html, SoftRelTools.html, StupidGeometry.html, Swimmer.html, TOOL_Classes.html, TriD.html, TruthHelperNtuple.html, USER_Classes.html, UgliGeometry.html, UserManualDoc.html, Util.html, Validation.html, Validity.html, WebDocs.html: Fix broken links to section header definitions. 2004-05-27 17:22 musser * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: Reverting to including tracks with pass=0 in events. Leave it to the analysts decide whether or not to consider this track valid. 2004-05-27 17:14 Costas Andreopoulos * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: Give myself GREEN link for AltReco / MuELoss / FilterLI I keep ORANGE link for Roy's NoiseFilter / FilterDigitSR until I add something more than a 1-line long overview. 2004-05-27 17:02 Costas Andreopoulos * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: AltReco.html, FilterDigitSR.html, FilterLI.html, MuELoss.html, NoiseFilter.html: First commit of package overviews: packages: -AltReco -MuELoss -FilterLI Added overviews & links & information on how to run/config. MuELoss/FilterLI documentation is fairly ready. Lots to add for AltReco. packages: -NoiseFilter -FilterDigitSR Added short overviews. 2004-05-27 14:35 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/CandDigit.html: Make a start, hopefully George will do more. 2004-05-26 22:24 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/BField.html, Package_Overviews/Conventions.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseTables.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseUpdater.html, Package_Overviews/Fabrication.html, Package_Overviews/OnlineUtil.html: initial overviews for BField, Conventions, DatabaseTables, DatabaseUpdater, Fabrication and OnlineUtil. give myself a green link for these packages. 2004-05-26 18:12 blake * AtNuReco/: AlgAtNuReco.cxx, AlgAtNuRecoMCTruth.cxx, AlgFitTrackAtNu.cxx, AlgFitTrackAtNu.h, AlgFitTrackAtNuList.cxx, AlgShowerAtNu.cxx, AlgShowerAtNuList.cxx, AlgTrackAtNu.cxx, AlgTrackAtNu.h, AlgTrackAtNuList.cxx, AtNuCandDigitModule.cxx, AtNuCandDigitModule.h, AtNuDisplayModule.cxx, AtNuDisplayModule.h, AtNuFilterModule.cxx, AtNuFilterModule.h, AtNuFindModule.cxx, AtNuFindModule.h, AtNuFitModule.cxx, AtNuFitModule.h, AtNuRawDigitModule.cxx, AtNuRawDigitModule.h, AtNuTreeModule.cxx, AtNuTreeModule.h, CandAtNuReco.cxx, CandAtNuReco.h, CandAtNuRecoHandle.cxx, CandAtNuRecoHandle.h, CandFitTrackAtNu.cxx, CandFitTrackAtNu.h, CandFitTrackAtNuHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackAtNuHandle.h, CandFitTrackAtNuListHandle.cxx, CandShowerAtNu.cxx, CandShowerAtNu.h, CandShowerAtNuHandle.cxx, CandShowerAtNuHandle.h, CandShowerAtNuList.cxx, CandShowerAtNuListHandle.cxx, CandTrackAtNu.cxx, CandTrackAtNu.h, CandTrackAtNuHandle.cxx, CandTrackAtNuHandle.h, CandTrackAtNuList.cxx, CandTrackAtNuListHandle.cxx, ClusterAtNu.cxx, ClusterAtNu.h, DBtxt_AlgAtNuReco_default.C, HitAtNu.cxx, LinkDef.h, ObjAtNu.cxx, ObjShowerAtNu.cxx, ObjTrackAtNu.cxx, README, RecoTreeModule.cxx, RecoTreeModule.h, ShowerAtNu.cxx, ShowerSegmentAtNu.cxx, TrackAtNu.cxx, TrackSegmentAtNu.cxx, atnureco.C, rawdigit.C: 26/5/04 : modifications to reconstruction algorithms ------------------------------------------ track/shower finding tidied up track fitting developed - improvement in charge/momentum determination + more sensible error calculation atmos nu analysis variables calculated by AlgTrackAtNu addition of useful modules -------------------------- (modules output ROOT TTrees of ints/floats) AtNuRawDigitModule - RawDigit dump AtNuCandDigitModule - CandDigit dump AtNuTreeModule - CandTrack,CandShower dump 2004-05-26 17:51 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/using_the_event_display.html: Point to the latest P & B show. 2004-05-26 17:37 blake * AtNuReco/README: 26/5/04: COMMITTING NEW CODE - TEST FILE 2004-05-26 16:40 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/get_standard_data_type.pm: Restructure: only test for types valid for current database. 2004-05-26 16:38 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/create_checksum.pm: Transition period over, don't create the single file version. 2004-05-26 16:37 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/checksum_str_add.pm: Don't take log of very small numbers. 2004-05-26 16:06 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/DbiDemo.C: Switch from DbuSubRunSummary::RunTypeShortToString(...) to RunTypeName(...). 2004-05-26 14:52 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/doc/ChangeLog: Further work on Oracle checksums. 2004-05-26 14:22 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/cs_write_header.pm: Record checksum version in header file. 2004-05-26 14:21 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/cs_do_table.pm: Record checksum version in log file. Switch from update to full mode if existing log file used a different checksum version. Support checksum version 2 - it doesn't have quotes round dates. 2004-05-26 14:21 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/create_checksum.pm: Minor bug fix - would do one more table after CPU limit reached. 2004-05-26 14:21 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/checksum_str_add.pm: Support checksum version 2 - use meta-data to determine float data. 2004-05-26 14:21 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/auto_distribute.perl: Make default checksum version = 1. Prepare ground so that slave sites can follow when FNAL switches to version 2 (ORACLE compatible). 2004-05-25 20:07 kordosky * CalDetDST/: BetterMCTables.cxx~, BetterMCTables.h~: removed a couple of backup files added by mistake 2004-05-25 20:01 kordosky * CalDetDST/: BetterMCTables.cxx, BetterMCTables.cxx~, BetterMCTables.h, BetterMCTables.h~, LinkDef.h, macros/better_mc_tables.C, macros/uber-mc-all.C: added BetterMCTables.h.cxx to duplicate functionality of better_mc_tables.C in a debuggable way. fixed uber-mc-all.C macro to use the change. 2004-05-25 18:36 vahle * CalDetDST/: UberModule.cxx, macros/uber-mc-all.C, macros/StdProduction/uber-all.C: fixed setting of configuration in uber-mc-all.C 2004-05-25 18:35 Sue Kasahara * Persistency/: PerInputStream.cxx, PerInputStream.h, PerInputStreamManager.cxx, PerInputStreamManager.h: Add support for specifying selection strings which cross over more than one input stream. An example is to apply a selection string that requires data from both the NtpMC & NtpSR streams: j.Input.Select("*","evt.vtx.z < 100 && evt.vtx.z > 0 && mc.vtxz > 10"); Use the asterisk as the first argument to the Select method to apply a selection string crossing more than one input stream. Applying a selection string to just one stream by name, e.g.: j.Input.Select("NtpSR","evt.vtx.z"); still works too. 2004-05-25 14:14 musser * EventDisplay/: EVD.C, EVD.cxx, EVD.h, GfxShower.cxx, GfxTrack.cxx: Add feature which allows viewing by event as well as by slice or snarl. 2004-05-25 14:07 musser * CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, AlgEventSRList.h: In setting primary shower, use proximity to vertex as well as pulse height to select primary. Largest shower is selected unless the event has a track and the largest shower vertex is more than fParmShwShwDz in Z further from track vertex than a second shower - in this case the closer shower is made the primary. In building events from unassociated hits, do not make showers with fewer than 3 strips. At the moment this is a fixed 'magic' number - need to make this adjustable in the future 2004-05-25 13:58 musser * CandShowerSR/ShowerSRListModule.cxx: change output diagnostic to reflect the fact that there are no differences between near and far beam settings in AlgShower 2004-05-25 13:56 musser * CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSRList.cxx: in cluster matching algorithm, allow cluster to be used only once, in the largest shower that passes cuts 2004-05-25 06:48 Nick West * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: Add Module to Package Look-Up table. 2004-05-25 04:25 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/get_standard_data_type.pm: Add MySQL types double and char(. If unable to translate assume int. 2004-05-24 21:35 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/.cvsignore: Ignore root files 2004-05-24 16:12 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/minosDaq.h: bring code in synch with online CVS repository of 2004-05-24. 2004-05-24 15:49 Ed Larty * OfflineMonitor/: NtpSR.C, reco.C: # protection against divide by zero 2004-05-24 15:32 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: Algorithm.html, Alignment.html, AltDeMux.html, AltReco.html, AstroUtil.html, AtNuReco.html, BField.html, BubbleSpeak.html, CDFMonitoringFwk.html, CalDetDST.html, CalDetPID.html, CalDetSI.html, CalDetTracker.html, Calibrator.html, CandClusterSR.html, CandData.html, CandDigit.html, CandEventSR.html, CandFitTrack3.html, CandFitTrackMS.html, CandFitTrackSA.html, CandFitTrackSR.html, CandMorgue.html, CandNtupleSR.html, CandShowerSR.html, CandSliceSR.html, CandStripSR.html, CandTrackSR.html, Candidate.html, Cluster3D.html, Configurable.html, Conventions.html, DataUtil.html, DatabaseInterface.html, DatabaseMaintenance.html, DatabaseTables.html, DatabaseUpdater.html, DcsUser.html, DeMux.html, Demo.html, Dependency.html, DetSim.html, Digitization.html, Dispatcher.html, DocBuilder.html, DynamicFactory.html, EventDisplay.html, Fabrication.html, FarPlaneCheckout.html, FilterDigitSR.html, FilterLI.html, GeoGeometry.html, IoModules.html, Islands.html, JobControl.html, JobHarness.html, LISummary.html, Lattice.html, LeakChecker.html, Loon.html, MCNtuple.html, MINF_Classes.html, MessageService.html, Midad.html, Minfastjob.html, MinosObjectMap.html, Monitoring.html, MuCal.html, MuELoss.html, Navigation.html, NoiseFilter.html, NtupleBase.html, NumericalMethods.html, OfflineMonitor.html, OfflineReqDoc.html, OfflineTrigger.html, OnlineUtil.html, PEGain.html, PerfTools.html, Persistency.html, PhotonTransport.html, Plex.html, Production.html, Profile.html, PulserCalibration.html, RDBC.html, REROOT_Classes.html, RawData.html, RecoBase.html, Record.html, Registry.html, RerootExodus.html, Rerootjob.html, Rotorooter.html, RunSummary.html, SRT_MINOS.html, SexyPedestal.html, ShieldPlank.html, SoftRelTools.html, StupidGeometry.html, Swimmer.html, TOOL_Classes.html, TriD.html, TruthHelperNtuple.html, USER_Classes.html, UgliGeometry.html, UserManualDoc.html, Util.html, Validation.html, Validity.html, WebDocs.html: Add contents section - should have thought of that to start with! 2004-05-24 07:24 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/: dbi_query_perl.pm, get_standard_data_type.pm: Get meta-data from ORACLE DB. 2004-05-24 05:38 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiCascader.cxx: Permit multiple authorising DBs in the cascade. It's harmless - any can be used to issue SEQNOs and allowing multiple simplifies standalone testing which creates a GLOBALSEQNO in the temp DB so will end up with multiple if run at an authorising site. 2004-05-23 21:55 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/: dbi_query.pm, dbi_query_mysql.pm, dbi_query_perl.pm: Revised interface: return array of column data types for initialising call. 2004-05-23 21:54 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/: cs_do_table.pm, get_table_list.pm: Use revised interface to dbi_query. 2004-05-23 21:54 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/: auto_distribute.perl, get_standard_data_type.pm: New routine to convert column data type into standard data type. 2004-05-23 16:08 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: doc/ChangeLog, doc/Testing.html, test/DbiValidate.cc, test/DbiValidate.hh: Complete improved stand-alone setup. 2004-05-21 22:58 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/RunTypeName.cxx: fix tiny typo ("_" rather than "-"). 2004-05-21 20:53 vahle * Contrib/vahle/beamsim/guout.F: commented out a print statement 2004-05-21 20:40 vahle * Contrib/vahle/beamsim/: electrons.dat, ginst1.dat, guout.F, gxint.F, main.F, mandt.inc, uglast.F, uhinit.F: Added some histograms to edep.hbook file, fixed problem iwth index to match events between h222 and h223 2004-05-21 20:39 musser * CandFitTrackSR/: AlgFitTrackSR.cxx, CandFitTrackSRHandle.cxx, FitTrackSRListModule.cxx: tweak track fitting parameters, and track pass requirements. 2004-05-21 19:32 musser * CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, EventSRListModule.cxx: several small tweaks: 1: Correct problem in shower/track U and V vertex comparison for cases in which the 'plane' parameter in GetU and GetV calls was outside range in which U and V arrays are loaded. 2: Don't add pass=0 tracks to events. 3: in the case in which AlgEventSRList is passed a slice with no tracks or showers, in the code which makes showers from the strips in this slice require a minimum number of strips before an event is constructed. 4: Small tweaks to track/shower association distance parameters. 2004-05-21 19:04 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/LinkDef.h: make RunTypeName() function publically available 2004-05-21 19:02 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuBits.h, DbuDaqMonitorModule.cxx: pull 'Consistency' bit definitions out to separate file. use RunTypeName() function which is now separated from DbuSubRunSummary. 2004-05-21 19:00 musser * CandTrackSR/TrackSRListModule.cxx: upload Nikis tracking tweaks 2004-05-21 18:59 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuSubRunSummary.cxx, DbuSubRunSummary.h, RunTypeName.cxx, RunTypeName.h: move run type (Short_t) to name (const Char_t*) out to separate function. Expand to accomodate both the new scheme and support of the old #'s. migrate naming to a consistent format -- all lower case with hyphens separating words in anticipation of SAM-ness (which prefers single case). new values have ";t", ";m" or ";tm" suffix if the TEST and/or MODIFIED bits are set. 2004-05-21 18:54 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawConfigFilesBlock.cxx, RawConfigFilesBlock.h: method for guessing which config file it is from the contents. sadly there is no definitive consistent way of determining it. 2004-05-21 18:33 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawLiTpmtDigitsBlock.cxx: version 2 will now have TimeFrame data word wedged between the CrateId and the #entries. This makes that ordering (vs TimeFrame,CrateId) in line with several other blocks (most of which don't have #entries). Support unpacking both versions. 2004-05-21 18:31 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawVaTimingMonitorBlock.cxx: RawDigitCrateStatus ctor can now handle case where TimeFrame data sits between the CrateId and the #entries. 2004-05-21 18:30 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawCrateStatus.cxx, RawCrateStatus.h, RawDigitCrateStatus.cxx, RawDigitCrateStatus.h: code to support cases where the TimeFrame word sits smack between the CrateId and the #EntriesInCrate... and still be backward compatible for older file layouts. 2004-05-21 18:26 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/mdBlockDefinitions.h: resynch with online CVS repository of 2004-05-17 2004-05-21 10:43 Nick West * WebDocs/: WebDocs.html, pkg_links.html, Companion/overview/index.html: Differentiate between Concept Overviews and Package Overviews. 2004-05-21 10:09 Nick West * WebDocs/: pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/DataUtil.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseInterface.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseMaintenance.html, Package_Overviews/Lattice.html, Package_Overviews/LeakChecker.html, Package_Overviews/Navigation.html, Package_Overviews/UserManualDoc.html, Package_Overviews/Util.html, Package_Overviews/WebDocs.html: Add overviews to my packages before I loose all credibility exhorting others to update theirs! 2004-05-21 08:04 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: CandClusterSR.html, CandEventSR.html, FarPlaneCheckout.html, FilterDigitSR.html, NoiseFilter.html: Find homes for orphans. 2004-05-21 08:02 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: CalDetDST.html, CalDetPID.html, CalDetSI.html: Add a few URLs. 2004-05-21 08:00 Nick West * WebDocs/pkg_links.html: Find homes for orphans. Award green to the stars so far! 2004-05-20 23:49 vahle * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/CalDetDST.html: Providing documentation for CalDetDST 2004-05-20 23:49 vahle * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/CalDetPID.html: Providing documentation for CalDetPID 2004-05-20 23:48 vahle * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/CalDetSI.html: Providing documentation for CalDetSI 2004-05-20 22:37 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Registry.html: Fill in.... And, I'm done\! 2004-05-20 22:24 Brett Viren * Registry/Registry.h: Clean up comments a little 2004-05-20 21:39 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: Midad.html, Alignment.html, DataUtil.html, Islands.html, Loon.html: Fix email addr. 2004-05-20 21:38 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/PerfTools.html: Fill in 2004-05-20 21:22 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Midad.html: Fill in 2004-05-20 19:15 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Loon.html: Fill in 2004-05-20 18:46 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Islands.html: Fill in 2004-05-20 18:20 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/DataUtil.html: Fill in 2004-05-20 17:51 Brett Viren * DataUtil/Truthifier.h: Doxygenify, could use some fleshing out 2004-05-20 17:47 Brett Viren * DataUtil/TruthHelper.h: Doxygenify, fill in lots of 'fixme's 2004-05-20 17:42 Brett Viren * DataUtil/LoadMinosPDG.h: Doxygenify 2004-05-20 17:42 Brett Viren * DataUtil/CDL2STL.h: Fill in per-function comments 2004-05-20 17:23 asousa * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Production.html: Updated contact information in the Production overview web page. 2004-05-20 17:21 asousa * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Production.html: WebDocs update of Packages-Overview information. 2004-05-20 16:39 Brett Viren * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/Alignment.html: First Post! 2004-05-20 16:22 Brett Viren * Alignment/doc/note/: Makefile, abs.txt, iter0.eps.gz, iter1.eps.gz, iter2.eps.gz, large-offsets.eps.gz, main.tex, ntracks.eps.gz, plane52.eps.gz: Add numi-note 876 2004-05-20 00:14 bspeak * RunSummary/runsum.cc: Close TFile in sepruns and cfgtest 2004-05-19 22:15 Brian Rebel * RecoBase/AlgTrack.cxx: oops, try again 2004-05-19 22:11 Brian Rebel * RecoBase/AlgTrack.cxx: try to protect against fpe in sqrt...dont know if it will work, but worth a try 2004-05-19 21:59 Brett Viren * WebDocs/external_products.html: Oops, also fix ROOT section so the English isn't totally bogus... 2004-05-19 21:56 Brett Viren * WebDocs/external_products.html: Fix ROOT section so it isn't totally bogus. 2004-05-19 21:45 bspeak * RunSummary/: RunSummary.cxx, RunSummary.h, runsum.cc: 1)Get interactive control (-i) working in runsum 2)have split control for run files further 3)Get farm list and web files generation working (hopefully) 4)Ditch cratemin method of HVTrip detection 2004-05-19 21:34 bspeak * RunSummary/RSM.h: Slight grammatical correction 2004-05-19 21:06 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/: .cvsignore, callback.py, config.py, inject-xmlrpc.py, test/p2p.py, test/test-callback.py: Take out some sanity checks in config.py. Hard code localhost:19870 in inject-xmlrpc.py for now. Turn up verbosity in test-callback.py. Add port-to-port cat program p2p.py. 2004-05-19 21:00 kordosky * Contrib/vahle/beamsim/: Makefile, gukine.F, guout.F, gustep.F, main.F, mandt.inc, uginit.F, ugrun.F: added feature to only write triggered events 2004-05-19 17:32 Nick West * CVSROOT/check_access: Extent access so that package owners can write to WebDocs. 2004-05-19 16:16 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/: Algorithm.html, Alignment.html, AltDeMux.html, AltReco.html, AstroUtil.html, AtNuReco.html, BField.html, BubbleSpeak.html, CDFMonitoringFwk.html, CalDetDST.html, CalDetPID.html, CalDetSI.html, CalDetTracker.html, Calibrator.html, CandClusterSR.html, CandData.html, CandDigit.html, CandEventSR.html, CandFitTrack3.html, CandFitTrackMS.html, CandFitTrackSA.html, CandFitTrackSR.html, CandMorgue.html, CandNtupleSR.html, CandShowerSR.html, CandSliceSR.html, CandStripSR.html, CandTrackSR.html, Candidate.html, Cluster3D.html, Configurable.html, Conventions.html, DataUtil.html, DatabaseMaintenance.html, DatabaseTables.html, DatabaseUpdater.html, DcsUser.html, DeMux.html, Demo.html, Dependency.html, DetSim.html, Digitization.html, Dispatcher.html, DocBuilder.html, DynamicFactory.html, EventDisplay.html, Fabrication.html, FarPlaneCheckout.html, FilterDigitSR.html, FilterLI.html, GeoGeometry.html, IoModules.html, Islands.html, JobControl.html, JobHarness.html, LISummary.html, Lattice.html, LeakChecker.html, Loon.html, MCNtuple.html, MINF_Classes.html, MessageService.html, Midad.html, Minfastjob.html, MinosObjectMap.html, Monitoring.html, MuCal.html, MuELoss.html, Navigation.html, NoiseFilter.html, NtupleBase.html, NumericalMethods.html, OfflineMonitor.html, OfflineReqDoc.html, OfflineTrigger.html, OnlineUtil.html, PEGain.html, PerfTools.html, Persistency.html, PhotonTransport.html, Plex.html, Production.html, Profile.html, PulserCalibration.html, RDBC.html, REROOT_Classes.html, RawData.html, RecoBase.html, Record.html, Registry.html, RerootExodus.html, Rerootjob.html, Rotorooter.html, RunSummary.html, SRT_MINOS.html, SexyPedestal.html, ShieldPlank.html, SoftRelTools.html, StupidGeometry.html, Swimmer.html, TOOL_Classes.html, TriD.html, TruthHelperNtuple.html, USER_Classes.html, UgliGeometry.html, UserManualDoc.html, Util.html, Validation.html, Validity.html, WebDocs.html: Second attempt at a simple format. 2004-05-19 16:13 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/DatabaseInterface.html: First non-dummy version. 2004-05-19 13:25 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: LinkDef.h, PhotonConfiguration.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonFullGreenTracker.cxx, PhotonFullGreenTracker.h, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.h, PhotonMuonDecalibrator.cxx, PhotonMuonDecalibrator.h, PhotonStripComputer.cxx, PhotonStripComputer.h, PhotonTransportModule.cxx, PhotonTransportModule.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx: Added + to linkdef lines. Added PhotonStripComputer to do decalibration the RIGHT way. Heavy extension to the PhotonMuonDecalibrator to actually do all the decalibrations. Support changes to interfaces and module to fix small problems in doing east/west PE accounting. New info on this forthcoming.. the StripComputer is now in beta-test. 2004-05-18 21:39 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/: callback.py, config.py, test/test-accelerator.py, test/test-callback.py: Add support for SSH tunnels, mostly for testing from BNL. One way works, but not yes callbacks. 2004-05-18 19:03 Brett Viren * RawData/RawBeamData.cxx: Unpad ACNET device name when parsing buffer 2004-05-18 18:51 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/BeamData.cc: Pad end of ACNET device names with spaces if less than 8 chars long. 2004-05-18 18:36 Brett Viren * RawData/: RawBeamData.cxx, RawBeamData.h: Instead of filling the data vector with the same bogus value over and over, let's try actually filling it with the right data. 2004-05-18 17:07 Nick West * WebDocs/Package_Overviews/DatabaseInterface.html: Jettison the includes - they don't work in the sub-directory. 2004-05-18 13:17 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimPmtDecalibrator.cxx: Add protection against width=0 in database. 2004-05-18 12:09 Nick West * WebDocs/: WebDocs.html, pkg_links.html, Package_Overviews/Algorithm.html, Package_Overviews/Alignment.html, Package_Overviews/AltDeMux.html, Package_Overviews/AltReco.html, Package_Overviews/AstroUtil.html, Package_Overviews/AtNuReco.html, Package_Overviews/BField.html, Package_Overviews/BubbleSpeak.html, Package_Overviews/CDFMonitoringFwk.html, Package_Overviews/CalDetDST.html, Package_Overviews/CalDetPID.html, Package_Overviews/CalDetSI.html, Package_Overviews/CalDetTracker.html, Package_Overviews/Calibrator.html, Package_Overviews/CandClusterSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandData.html, Package_Overviews/CandDigit.html, Package_Overviews/CandEventSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandFitTrack3.html, Package_Overviews/CandFitTrackMS.html, Package_Overviews/CandFitTrackSA.html, Package_Overviews/CandFitTrackSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandMorgue.html, Package_Overviews/CandNtupleSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandShowerSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandSliceSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandStripSR.html, Package_Overviews/CandTrackSR.html, Package_Overviews/Candidate.html, Package_Overviews/Cluster3D.html, Package_Overviews/Configurable.html, Package_Overviews/Conventions.html, Package_Overviews/DataUtil.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseInterface.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseMaintenance.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseTables.html, Package_Overviews/DatabaseUpdater.html, Package_Overviews/DcsUser.html, Package_Overviews/DeMux.html, Package_Overviews/Demo.html, Package_Overviews/Dependency.html, Package_Overviews/DetSim.html, Package_Overviews/Digitization.html, Package_Overviews/Dispatcher.html, Package_Overviews/DocBuilder.html, Package_Overviews/DynamicFactory.html, Package_Overviews/EventDisplay.html, Package_Overviews/Fabrication.html, Package_Overviews/FarPlaneCheckout.html, Package_Overviews/FilterDigitSR.html, Package_Overviews/FilterLI.html, Package_Overviews/GeoGeometry.html, Package_Overviews/IoModules.html, Package_Overviews/Islands.html, Package_Overviews/JobControl.html, Package_Overviews/JobHarness.html, Package_Overviews/LISummary.html, Package_Overviews/Lattice.html, Package_Overviews/LeakChecker.html, Package_Overviews/Loon.html, Package_Overviews/MCNtuple.html, Package_Overviews/MINF_Classes.html, Package_Overviews/MessageService.html, Package_Overviews/Midad.html, Package_Overviews/Minfastjob.html, Package_Overviews/MinosObjectMap.html, Package_Overviews/Monitoring.html, Package_Overviews/MuCal.html, Package_Overviews/MuELoss.html, Package_Overviews/Navigation.html, Package_Overviews/NoiseFilter.html, Package_Overviews/NtupleBase.html, Package_Overviews/NumericalMethods.html, Package_Overviews/OfflineMonitor.html, Package_Overviews/OfflineReqDoc.html, Package_Overviews/OfflineTrigger.html, Package_Overviews/OnlineUtil.html, Package_Overviews/PEGain.html, Package_Overviews/PerfTools.html, Package_Overviews/Persistency.html, Package_Overviews/PhotonTransport.html, Package_Overviews/Plex.html, Package_Overviews/Production.html, Package_Overviews/Profile.html, Package_Overviews/PulserCalibration.html, Package_Overviews/RDBC.html, Package_Overviews/REROOT_Classes.html, Package_Overviews/RawData.html, Package_Overviews/RecoBase.html, Package_Overviews/Record.html, Package_Overviews/Registry.html, Package_Overviews/RerootExodus.html, Package_Overviews/Rerootjob.html, Package_Overviews/Rotorooter.html, Package_Overviews/RunSummary.html, Package_Overviews/SRT_MINOS.html, Package_Overviews/SexyPedestal.html, Package_Overviews/ShieldPlank.html, Package_Overviews/SoftRelTools.html, Package_Overviews/StupidGeometry.html, Package_Overviews/Swimmer.html, Package_Overviews/TOOL_Classes.html, Package_Overviews/TriD.html, Package_Overviews/TruthHelperNtuple.html, Package_Overviews/USER_Classes.html, Package_Overviews/UgliGeometry.html, Package_Overviews/UserManualDoc.html, Package_Overviews/Util.html, Package_Overviews/Validation.html, Package_Overviews/Validity.html, Package_Overviews/WebDocs.html, Package_Overviews/defn_contact_name.html, Package_Overviews/defn_contact_name.html~, Package_Overviews/defn_database_access.html, Package_Overviews/defn_f_configuring_running.html, Package_Overviews/defn_f_overview.html, Package_Overviews/defn_further_links.html, Package_Overviews/defn_input_output.html, Package_Overviews/defn_r_configuring_running.html, Package_Overviews/defn_r_overview.html, Package_Overviews/defn_user_interface.html: Fresh attempt to provide a job user oriented overview to the Framework, Monte Carlo and Reconstruction packages. 2004-05-18 11:55 Nick West * WebDocs/cmd/: CalDetPIDModule.html, CheezyDisplayModule.html, ClusterSRListModule.html, CutDigiPairListModule.html, DigiPairListModule.html, DigitListModule.html, DmxDeMuxCosmicsModule.html, DmxDeMuxModule.html, DrawMuonTracksModule.html, EventSRListModule.html, FitThruMuonListModule.html, FitTrackSRListModule.html, GoodThruMuonListModule.html, IoInputModule.html, IoOutputModule.html, JobCDemoModuleA.html, JobCDemoModuleB.html, JobCModule.html, JobCMsgModule.html, JobCPathModule.html, JobCRootCommandModule.html, JobCRootModule.html, MSTClusterListModule.html, PathLenCorrecModule.html, PlotMuonClusterModule.html, RerootToRawDataModule.html, RotoClientModule.html, ShowerSRListModule.html, SliceSRListModule.html, StripSRListModule.html, SuperSliceListModule.html, ThruMuonAnalysisModule.html, ThruMuonListModule.html, ThruMuonSummaryModule.html, TrackSRListModule.html, index.html: Remove failed attempt to provide usage instructions for reconstruction packages. 2004-05-17 22:19 Ed Larty * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: # added root version with best frozen release on top of webdoc 2004-05-17 20:15 cbs * Contrib/cbs/Mad/: MadBase.cxx, MadEvDisplay.cxx: MadBase now checks that snarl numbers from NtpSR and NtpMC are synchronized. MadEvDisplay now shows shower hits as yellow dots, smaller than the red ones used to show track hits. 2004-05-17 18:29 musser * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: for tracks with n<3 hits in a view, algorithm bailed prior to copying track parameters, including candslice, from CandTrack. Placed call to method which loads these default parameters prior to bailout point. 2004-05-17 18:00 musser * CandTrackSR/TrackSRListModule.cxx: tweaked parameters for near running as well as far 2004-05-17 17:57 musser * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, TrackSRListModule.cxx: Added debug statement useful in following track code algorithm. Tweak of tracking code parameters that improves performance. 2004-05-17 17:54 musser * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: Having fixed timing units problem in algtrack, need to return to use of sec.s in unassociated hits code 2004-05-17 17:11 Brett Viren * RawData/: LinkDef.h, RawBeamData.cxx, RawBeamData.h, RawBeamMonBlock.cxx, RawBeamMonBlock.h, RawInSpillBeamMonBlock.cxx, RawInSpillBeamMonBlock.h, RawOutOfSpillBeamMonBlock.cxx, RawOutOfSpillBeamMonBlock.h: First commit of the beam monitoring data unpackers. Make the in-/out-of- spill classes inherit from RawBeamMonBlock which does the real work. The block maintains a map between ACNET device name and RawBeamData objects which take care of per-device data unpacking. One can use Robert's RawData/test/spin_raw_beam.C to try things out. 2004-05-17 16:55 musser * CandSliceSR/AlgSliceSRList.cxx: back out of Tom's changes 2004-05-17 16:36 musser * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSR.cxx: fix units problem in timing introduced by recent mods by Brian. This caused vertex time, etc to be reported in ns rather than sec. 2004-05-17 16:16 George Irwin * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: Backport null-ptr-deferencing protection. 2004-05-17 08:50 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/LinkDef.h: Add "+" to SimEventResult. 2004-05-16 19:46 George Irwin * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: Protect against dereferencing some null pointers. Gets past ND MC and FD data crashes apparently due to mal-formed tracks in which 2004-05-15 17:42 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAna.C, CDAnalysis.cxx, CDAnalysis.h: Added more code to do the muon calorimetry and to look that the truth energy deposition of the muons. 2004-05-15 02:35 dap56 * Monitoring/: Producer_dispatcher.cc, online.config: Minor change to the way OM handles run transitions 2004-05-14 21:43 bspeak * RunSummary/: rate_plot.cc, GNUmakefile, RateSummary.cxx, RateSummary.h: Oops, that last commit was only supposed to be for runsum.cc. Time to lay off the cough syrup. 2004-05-14 21:41 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawRecord.cxx, RawRecord.h: limit # of messages about generic RawDataBlock promotion to derived classes. add static method for printing out counts. 2004-05-14 21:38 bspeak * RunSummary/: GNUmakefile, RateSummary.cxx, RateSummary.h, rate_plot.cc, runsum.cc: Several changes 1)New Runtype definitions 2)New runfile handling 3)Only write other.sh script 4)Use std namespace 2004-05-14 21:23 Ed Larty * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: # modified wording 2004-05-14 21:21 Ed Larty * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: # Added latest frozen release to top of page 2004-05-14 20:48 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access, CVSROOT/modules, setup/packages-development: add CodeMgtTools package 2004-05-14 20:42 Robert Hatcher * CodeMgtTools/: AlgAssistant.pl, AlgInits.cfg, CandAssistant.pl, CandInits.cfg, InitDefs.cfg: Initial revision 2004-05-14 20:42 Robert Hatcher * CodeMgtTools/: AlgAssistant.pl, AlgInits.cfg, CandAssistant.pl, CandInits.cfg, InitDefs.cfg: initial commit of CodeMgtTools for Rob Plunkett. 2004-05-14 19:19 dap56 * Monitoring/: ChargeInjectAnalysis.cxx, DigitAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.cxx, offline.config, online.config: revised CI gain calculation 2004-05-14 16:50 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/mdBlockDefinitions.h: resynch to online CVS repository of 2004-05-14 2004-05-14 16:42 bspeak * RunSummary/: RSM.h, RunSummary.h: Fix the std namespace in these headers 2004-05-14 14:29 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/mdBlockDefinitions.h: commit new version as of 2004-04-28 from the online CVS repository (this should have gotten committed yesterday with the changes to RawData package, oops). 2004-05-13 21:04 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: LinkDef.h, RawVaTimingMonitorBlock.cxx, RawVaTimingMonitorBlock.h: new block RawVaTimingMonitorBlock; definition still possibly in flux so unpacking robustness/correctness is not guarenteed. 2004-05-13 21:03 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawLITimingSummary.cxx: No matter how simple the change (especially the 'trivial' ones) one should always attempt to compile the code before commiting it. Otherwise typos are spontaneously generated. 2004-05-13 20:53 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawLIAdcSummary.cxx, RawLITimingSummary.cxx: limit number of times unknown minor versions generate warning messages. for RawLITimingSummary declare minor versions 3,4 known and same as 2. 2004-05-13 20:52 bspeak * setup/: setup_minossoft_umn.csh, setup_minossoft_umn.sh: Make UPS setup safe for those already setup in UPS 2004-05-13 20:36 bspeak * setup/: setup_minossoft_umn, setup_minossoft_umn.sh: Fixed afs links 2004-05-13 20:36 bspeak * setup/setup_minossoft_umn.csh: Split csh setup 2004-05-13 19:28 Brett Viren * HistMan/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, test/LinkDef.h: Finish file rearangements 2004-05-13 19:19 Brett Viren * setup/packages-development, CVSROOT/modules: Add HistMan. 2004-05-13 19:17 bviren * HistMan/: GNUmakefile, HistMan.cxx, HistMan.h, LinkDef.h, doc/changes.txt, test/THMtest.cxx, test/THMtest.h, test/test_hm.C, test/testp.cxx: Import of HistMan, the histogram manager. 2004-05-13 19:17 bviren * HistMan/: GNUmakefile, HistMan.cxx, HistMan.h, LinkDef.h, doc/changes.txt, test/THMtest.cxx, test/THMtest.h, test/test_hm.C, test/testp.cxx: Initial revision 2004-05-13 19:05 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/dataFormats.h: resynch with online CVS repository as of 2004-04-28 2004-05-13 18:59 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/mdQieReadout.h: resynch with online CVS repository as of 2004-05-05 2004-05-13 18:58 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/dataFormats.h: resynch with online CVS repository as off 2004-04-12. 2004-05-13 18:57 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/kvplib/keyValuePair.c: synch with online CVS repository as of 2004-04-30 2004-05-13 18:55 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/kvplib/Makefile: synch with online CVS repository changes of 2004-05-07 2004-05-12 16:30 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/PhotonEventResult.h: Make temporary things truely temporary. 2004-05-12 16:09 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/mc.C: Add new config paramaters: pmtM16DefaultGain, pmtM64DefaultGain. 2004-05-12 16:04 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: SimDetector.cxx, SimPmt.cxx, SimPmt.h, SimPmtDecalibrator.cxx, SimPmtDecalibrator.h, SimPmtM16.cxx, SimPmtM16.h, SimPmtM64.cxx, SimPmtM64.h, SimPmtUTM16.cxx, SimPmtUTM16.h: Changed the way PMT decalibration is done, in order to ensure future consistency. The PMT decalibrator object now does the conversion from ADC counts to gain, and returns unitless gain and fractional width. This neccessitated changing all the PMT models slightly to use the new code. However, this is a good thing, since now the database access calls will be made slightly less often. 2004-05-12 00:23 dap56 * Monitoring/: ChargeInjectAnalysis.cxx, ChargeInjectAnalysis.h, DigitAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx, SinglAnalysis.h, near.config, online.config: Improved LI timing summary plots Debugged QIE pedestal plots 2004-05-11 23:42 Robert Hatcher * DataUtil/TruthHelper.cxx: Ensure that TDatabasePDG is initialized/populated by using DataUtil/LoadMinosPDG(); 2004-05-11 23:40 Robert Hatcher * Midad/Base/Mint.cxx: ensure TDatabasePDG is initialized/populated using DataUtil/LoadMinosPDG() 2004-05-11 23:17 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/RerootToTruthModule.cxx: use DataUtil/LoadMinosPDG function to initialize TDatabasePDG. 2004-05-11 23:07 Robert Hatcher * DataUtil/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, LoadMinosPDG.cxx, LoadMinosPDG.h, minos_extra_pdg.txt: new function LoadMinosPDG loads the PDG table into the TDatabasePDG object. If it can find one it uses a MINOS modified version, otherwise it defaults to the standard ROOT supplied version. 2004-05-11 23:01 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/special/preamble.mk: make sure the release has a "etc" directory 2004-05-11 18:51 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/test/test-accelerator.py: Fix to handle BNL's (or any) http proxy 2004-05-11 09:54 Nick West * setup/setup_minossoft_oxford.csh: /datadisk now top level directory 2004-05-08 23:22 hartnell * LISummary/: LISummaryCollector.cxx, LISummaryCollector.h, LinkDef.h: Removed the deprecated LISummaryCollector and updated LinkDef 2004-05-08 22:45 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/mcTracker.C: Use Anatael's number of 0.7 for the light level (was 0.52). Turn off the pmtnonlinearity. Also tinker with the Front end: vaPedWidth=3.0 vaSparsifyThresh=12 2004-05-07 17:19 vahle * CalDetDBUtils/: data/BeamLoss.txt, macros/MakeBeamLossTable.cxx: added table for upstream energy loss corrections 2004-05-07 17:14 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/: uber-mc-all.C, StdProduction/uber-all.C: more fixes in setting config params in uber macros 2004-05-07 16:36 Brett Viren * setup/usepackage/use.csh.in: Add crutch to support broken shell 2004-05-07 16:33 Brett Viren * setup/usepackage/: Makefile, config.log, config.status, use.1, use.bsh, use.csh, use.ksh: Remove generated files 2004-05-07 16:31 bviren * setup/usepackage/: AUTHORS, COPYING, ChangeLog, INSTALL, Makefile, Makefile.am, Makefile.in, NEWS, README, README.minos, aclocal.m4, config.h, config.h.in, config.log, config.status, configure, configure.ac, depcomp, grammar.c, grammar.h, grammar.y, install-sh, linked_list.c, linked_list.h, match.c, missing, mkinstalldirs, package.h, scanner.c, scanner.l, stamp-h1, use.1, use.1.in, use.bsh, use.bsh.in, use.csh, use.csh.in, use.ksh, use.ksh.in, usepackage.1, usepackage.1.in, usepackage.bnl-example.conf, usepackage.c, usepackage.conf, utils.c, utils.h: forked version 1.7 2004-05-07 16:31 bviren * setup/usepackage/: AUTHORS, COPYING, ChangeLog, INSTALL, Makefile, Makefile.am, Makefile.in, NEWS, README, README.minos, aclocal.m4, config.h, config.h.in, config.log, config.status, configure, configure.ac, depcomp, grammar.c, grammar.h, grammar.y, install-sh, linked_list.c, linked_list.h, match.c, missing, mkinstalldirs, package.h, scanner.c, scanner.l, stamp-h1, use.1, use.1.in, use.bsh, use.bsh.in, use.csh, use.csh.in, use.ksh, use.ksh.in, usepackage.1, usepackage.1.in, usepackage.bnl-example.conf, usepackage.c, usepackage.conf, utils.c, utils.h: Initial revision 2004-05-06 18:22 dap56 * Monitoring/: ChargeInjectAnalysis.cxx, DigitAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx: Fixed run type definition bug - had pedestal and charge inject run types reversed! First attempt at LI timing summary plots 2004-05-06 17:12 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/: prepare_db_0.sql, prepare_db_1.sql: The sql commands used by DbiValidate to build the test tables. 2004-05-06 17:12 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/: DbiValidate.cc, DbiValidate.hh: Build database tables before testing and remove them again afterwards. 2004-05-06 17:12 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Stand-alone testing now self priming. 2004-05-06 17:11 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiRecord.cxx, DbiRecord.h, DbiResultKey.cxx, DbiResultKey.h: Start to flesh out class, still work in progress. 2004-05-06 17:11 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiCascader.h: Add void SetAuthorisingEntry(...) so that DbiValidate can generate GLOBALSEQNO table after construction. 2004-05-06 17:11 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.cxx, Dbi.h: Add Bool_t PrintWarnings(DbiStatement*,Int_t) for completeness. 2004-05-06 13:55 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiStatement.cxx: Avoid use of TString& operator += std::string to allow code to be compiled with ROOT 3.10/02. 2004-05-05 22:02 dap56 * Monitoring/: DigitAnalysis.cxx, SinglAnalysis.cxx: Increased right-hand border on all canvases (stops z-axis from falling off edge of plot) Re-formatted text on ROP temperatures plot 2004-05-05 19:32 asousa * Production/MDC/reco_R1.6.0_Far_MC_Ntp3D_All_Truth.C: Backport of fixed reco script typo into R1.7. 2004-05-05 19:25 asousa * Production/MDC/reco_R1.6.0_Far_MC_Ntp3D_All_Truth.C: Fixed a typo preventing ntuple writing of untriggered Far MC events. 2004-05-05 18:33 musser * DataUtil/TruthHelper.cxx: tweak to shower completeness calculation - deal properly with case in which a strip has hits from multiple particles 2004-05-05 16:22 raufer * Contrib/weber/CalInject/: CIChannel.cxx, CIChannel.h: CIChannel class to store charge injection analysis results and temperature. 2004-05-05 16:21 raufer * Contrib/weber/CalInject/LinkDef.h: Includes new classes CIChannel and CIAnaNew. 2004-05-05 16:19 raufer * Contrib/weber/CalInject/: CIAnaNew.cxx, CIAnaNew.h: New version of Alfons's charge injection analysis module. Uses CIChannel objects instead of histograms to store all info. Output as TClonesArray containing CIChannel objects. 2004-05-05 16:15 kordosky * CalDetDST/: ScintHitTruthModule.cxx, ScintHitTruthModule.h, UberModule.cxx, macros/scint_hit_truth.C: enhancement to scinthittruthmodule and a little additional debugging info in UberModule for MC events 2004-05-05 13:41 phil.adamson * Calibrator/PulserSigLinCalibrator.cxx: Actually apply the 2002-version bendy lines calibration! 2004-05-05 00:57 dap56 * Monitoring/: ChargeInjectAnalysis.cxx, ChargeInjectAnalysis.h, DigitAnalysis.cxx, FileMain.h, LIAdcAnalysis.cxx, MonState.cxx, MonState.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx, SinglAnalysis.h, near.config, offline.config, online.config: Revised CrateMonitorBlocks with error checking (parameters defined in OM config files) Near Pedestal plots (untested) New run type definitions adopted Veto shield plane vs strip plot expanded 2004-05-04 17:40 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDAnalysis.cxx: Put cuts in for run 71266 2004-05-04 16:39 Nick West * Calibrator/CalMapperFits.cxx: Remove hack for atten length units inconsistencies. 2004-05-04 16:17 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiStatement.cxx, doc/ChangeLog: Improve SQL translation for ORACLE:- 1) & operator converted to bitand() function 2) Use ALTER SESSION to make date literals compatible 2004-05-04 16:14 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiResultSet.cxx, DbiResultSet.h: Use return value of TSQLResultSet::Next() to determine when set exhausted. Change required to handle bad ORACLE queries. 2004-05-03 19:57 cbs * CalDetTracker/: CDBeamMuTracker.cxx, CDTrackedHits.cxx, CDTracker.cxx: Now using kSigCorr rather than kPE to weight hits for tracking. Added code in CDTracker.cxx to find CDBeamMuTracker tracks with a large gap in them and to remove all hits downstream of the first gap. Improved algorithm for finding upstream hits initially missed by the tracker in CDBeamMuTracker.cxx 2004-05-03 15:29 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/: pt_to_udst_reco_test.C, uber-mc-all.C, StdProduction/uber-all.C: updated macros to use munits in config, added uber-mc-all 2004-04-30 20:37 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimPmtM64.cxx: Fix the gain decalibration to use 1.4fC/DAQ.. this was previously incorrect as 0.9 DAC/fC. Change the GetPixelGain() routine to return unitless gain, not confusing units of 10^6. 2004-04-29 21:36 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAna.C, CDAnalysis.cxx, CDAnalysis.h: Added code to look at muon calorimetry and the effect of the decay electron 2004-04-28 18:02 Ed Larty * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: # announce new frozen release 2004-04-28 18:00 Ed Larty * setup/: packages-R1.7.0, packages-R1.7.0-tmp: # added new point release