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Kevin E. Bonine 

Western green toad (Bufo debilis insidior)

    A bright green coloration, flattened head and body.  Warts often on the oval parotoid glands.  Total length ranges between 3.18 - 5.4 cm (1.25 - 2.125 in).  Found in low hot desert areas.  Secretive and burrowing.  Most active after heavy rains.  Nocturnal.  Breeding occurs from April though August in ponds and streams as well as in temporary pools, irrigation ditches, rainwater sumps, reservoirs, and wash bottoms bordered by fresh grass and scattered shrubs.  Males call starting at sunset after summer rains, usually from within a foot of the water's edge, but sometimes from a more distant site.  Eggs are attached to weeds and grass in small strings.

Call:  A cricket-like trill held at one pitch that lasts 3 - 7 seconds.   Similar to the sound of a cricket or electric buzzer.  There are pauses of five or more seconds between calls.

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