Braille Book Review

November-December 2007

Books for Children The following books were recently produced for the NLS program. To order books, contact your braille-lending library. Nonfiction

My Five Senses BR 16552
by Aliki
1 volume
Introduces the physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Gives examples of using each sense. For preschool-grade 2. 1989.

On the Field with...Mia Hamm BR 16814
by Glenn Stout
1 volume
Biography of one of the top female soccer players in the United States. Describes how Mia Hamm helped her team win a gold medal in the 1996 Olympics and a victory in the 1999 World Cup championship. Includes a chronology of Hamm's career highlights. For grades 4-7. 1998.

Profiles in Sports Courage BR 16839
by Ken Rappoport
1 volume
Presents twelve outstanding athletes of the twentieth century who persevered against racism, sexism, illness, or other obstacles. These men and women include boxer Muhammad Ali, gymnast Kerri Strug, cyclist Lance Armstrong, one-handed baseball pitcher Jim Abbott, and figure skater Ekaterina Gordeeva. Uncontracted braille. For grades 4-7 and older readers. 2006.

The Monster Health Book: A Guide to Eating Healthy, Being Active, and Feeling Great for Monsters and Kids! BR 16844
by Edward Miller
1 volume
Introduces basic rules and tips for healthy eating and exercise habits. Covers the five food groups and meal and snack recommendations. Explains the importance of sleep and the healthy body and mind connection. Lists fun ways to be active. For grades 2-4. 2006.

The Hero and the Minotaur: The Fantastic Adventures of Theseus BR 17008
retold by Robert Byrd
1 volume
Retells Greek myths of Theseus, the heroic prince who sought adventures and defeated monsters. Includes the tales of Ariadne helping Theseus escape the labyrinth after he killed the Minotaur, of Daedalus and Icarus's flight, and of Theseus neglecting to change his ship's black sails. PRINT/BRAILLE. For grades 3-6. 2005.

Arrorró, Mi Niño/Latino Lullabies and Gentle Games BR 17011
compiled by Lulu Delacre
1 volume
Quince selecciones de versos, nanas y juegos, provenientes de América Latina se presentan en español con traducciones en inglés. PRINT/BRAILLE. Para preescolares hasta grado 2. Libro Belpré de Honor.(Fifteen traditional Latin American nursery rhymes and songs, some with finger-play activities, are presented in Spanish with English translations. PRINT/BRAILLE. For preschool-grade 2. Belpré Honor Book. 2004.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf BR 17012
retold by B.G. Hennessy
1 volume
In this retelling of Aesop's fable, a bored shepherd boy finds excitement by yelling that a wolf is after his sheep. Twice he cries "Wolf!" and the villagers come running to help. The third time, hungry wolves really do arrive. PRINT/BRAILLE. For preschool-grade 2. 2006.

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom BR 17014
by Carole Boston Weatherford
1 volume
Portrays the bravery and faith of Harriet Tubman, who fled slavery before the Civil War. Describes how she risked her new safety to return to the South many times and led slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. PRINT/BRAILLE. For grades 2-4. 2006.

The Little Red Hen BR 17017
by Jerry Pinkney
1 volume
Classic fable of barnyard animals who refuse to help the little red hen plant or harvest wheat but who want to eat the bread she bakes. PRINT/BRAILLE. For grades K-3. 2006.

The Juniper Tree: And Other Tales from Grimm BR 17081
selected by Lore Segal and Maurice Sendak
2 volumes
Twenty-seven stories translated from the Brothers Grimm collection of German folktales. Features "Hansel and Gretel," "The Fisherman and His Wife," "Rapunzel," and lesser-known tales like the title piece, in which a wicked stepmother is punished for her crime. Some violence. For grades 4-7. 1973.

The Adventures of Odysseus BR 17118
retold by Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
1 volume
A retelling of the Greek myth that recounts Odysseus's ordeals during the prolonged voyage home after the Trojan War, from his encounter with Cyclops to reclaiming his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. For grades 4-7. 2006.

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