From: Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 1:06 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & >Docket 00D-1598 Dear Fellow Citizens: You stand as gatekeepers to our future. The gateway is not to be approached without contemplation of your own history, reactions and strengths. Here you must confront a clear reflection of what is hidden in yourself, what must be exposed and examined before right action can be undertaken. What drives you? Look at all that has gone before in the intricate web of life. In your hands at this moment rests the comfort and safety of all. There will not be a chance to take back a mis-step. Once you open the gate to genetic engineering without pretesting, without informing the public of GMO content, you unleash the future. Will you unleash an innocent food source? Will you unleash an unending disaster? The answer lies in the bodies of all humanity, in this experiment beyond the experiments of Dachau. Let the weight of all humanity strengthen your ability to wait. I hope that within it you will find the courage to do what is right. Our innocents, our elderly, our mothers, fathers and children are depending on you. I don't know how you got here. But I do know that you have the power of your conscience and the power of your connection with all living things. Doing the right thing will always receive the support of the Universe. Caution, trial, containment and consumer information will never harm a good thing. I'm not saying GMO is a good thing, I think it is hubris, folly and callous. But if I am wrong, and it is a good thing, then time will tell that. It is your choice. May God protect you. May God protect us all. Taylor Vance Lauderdale