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Blackbirds and Orioles, Finches and Sparrows, AOU Numbers 493.0 - 592.0 Longevity Records

Species Common Age
Number Name Yrs-Mos
4930 European Starling 15-03
4940 Bobolink 8-01
4950 Brown-Headed Cowbird 16-10
4960 Bronzed Cowbird 6-00
4970 Yellow-headed Blackbird 11-18
4980 Red-winged Blackbird 15-09
5000 Tricolored Blackbird 13-03
5010 Eastern Meadowlark 12-07
5011 Western Meadowlark 6-06
5032 Spot-breasted Oriole 11-07
5040 Scott's Oriole 6-05
5050 Hooded Oriole 6-00
5060 Orchard Oriole 10-11
5070 Baltimore Oriole 11-07
5080 Bullock's Oriole 6-01
5090 Rusty Blackbird 8-07
5100 Brewer's Blackbird 12-06
5110 Common Grackle 22-11
5120 Great-tailed Grackle 12-06
5130 Boat-tailed Grackle 12-11
5140 Evening Grosbeak 15-03
5150 Pine Grosbeak 9-09
5170 Purple Finch 11-09
5180 Cassin's Finch 7-00
5190 House Finch 11-07
5210 Red Crossbill 4-02
5240 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch 6-07
5250 Black Rosy-Finch 5-08
5270 Hoary Redpoll 6-09
5280 Common Redpoll 7-10
5290 American Goldfinch 10-05
5300 Lesser Goldfinch 5-08
5330 Pine Siskin 9-05
5340 Snow Bunting 9-07
5350 McKay's Bunting 4-09
5360 Lapland Longspur 5-00
5400 Vesper Sparrow 7-01
5420 Savannah Sparrow 6-10
5450 Baird's Sparrow 4-07
5460 Grasshopper Sparrow 7-01
5470 Henslow's Sparrow 6-06
5480 Le Conte's Sparrow 4-01
5500 Seaside Sparrow 8-11
5510 Dusky Seaside Sparrow 8-03
5511 Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow 7-10
5520 Lark Sparrow 7-10
5530 Harris' Sparrow 11-08
5541 Eastern White-crowned Sparrow 4-04
5546 Mountain White-crowned Sparrow 5-00
5547 Puget Sound White-crowned Sparrow 5-10
5550 Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow 13-04
5560 Nuttall's White-crowned Sparrow 8-11
5570 Golden-crowned Sparrow 10-06
5580 White-throated Sparrow 9-08
5590 American Tree Sparrow 10-09
5600 Chipping Sparrow 11-10
5610 Clay-colored Sparrow 6-11
5620 Brewer's Sparrow 6-03
5630 Field Sparrow 9-03
5660 White-winged Junco 7-06
5670 Slate-colored Junco 11-04
5671 Oregon Junco 9-09
5690 Gray-headed Junco 10-08
5730 Black-throated Sparrow 6-00
5800 Rufous-crowned Sparrow 3-02
5810 Song Sparrow 11-04
5830 Lincoln's Sparrow 7-07
5840 Swamp Sparrow 5-11
5850 Fox Sparrow 10-04
5860 Olive Sparrow 6-11
5870 Eastern Towhee 12-03
5880 Spotted Towhee 10-08
5900 Green-tailed Towhee 7-08
5910 Canyon Towhee 7-02
5911 California Towhee 12-10
5920 Abert's Towhee 8-07

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