Code No. ~ Project, i~~-.(i) ‚~ . ~ Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, 8.0. Date, November U, 1937 No. Worda. Reduce d from~wo rds Rewritten by 265 I know one thing, I used to live better, but President Roosevelt, seem like he tryin to do de right thing. But if I could be de whole judge of • de world, I think de best thing would be ~or de people to be on dey knees en prayin. De people ta].kin bout fightin all de time en dis here talk bout fightin in de air, dat what got my goat. Might lay down at night sound en ‚ake up in de inornin en find us all in destructiveness. I say, de Lord all what can save dis t‘ Liney Henderson, age 70,colored, Marion, 8,0. •~rce: Personal interview by Annie &ttn Davis, Nov., 1937.