AVOYAGETO fidarecl m aur extraordiRaiy pieci «f fijriirf ; tiM they have a fuperftitioim pp»ion* that the angels are clad with the fkins of thofe aniaaaials. It is/fsM^that this areatwe is tamed, and taught a nuttibar of pfcalaiit tricks*; Having already kid oceafipn to fpeak* as fu% as my ^nowkc%e cna¥te& wi% erf th# H^oiBf anci, the method dr Mffing them, 1 iimE o»l^? h«re obfet^ey thai all titiofe 1 faw^ Were 6i a dim brown ©eltotur 5 thait they ate generally feen in companies of four or five together; that the time they are molt abroad; is during the feafon, that the fiflx (which h thek principal food) airt pmdting up from the fea into the rivers* and that they are feUom vitfeble in tfe wktter months +. - Their fkins ane exctedinglif nfe&LL They mmke botiti* excel^at warm matraffes, aiad cov^tiingr ftr titofin cdtttfoftatole ^nnets and ^c^esr and goodi a>llarsi ffer dogs harnefs. Their fle#i^ and4 pajp^cniariy ttie fa£rw iidered as great delkaoes* Hie wolves are only feem in ttie winter;! at which fea- fcn they pmwl about, as I was told^- iu large companies, in fearch of prey. There are reiotdeer^both wild atidifiame^in feveral parts af the j^ninftilarbiit: none in the neighbourhood of Awat- fka. It i& fomewhat finguibr^tbat this nation fliould never relates, ttoi tMi fiiiatt amii^jii^tteii%»deftr«^'te^ and &e -mid mountain-flieep, in the following way i they, fcatter at the bottom of trees bark and mofs, which tbdfc animals are femd of j and whilft-they are picking i| ujp^ drop fuddenly upoa them, and faftening behind the head, fuck out their eyes. + The Koriaeks mafce ufe of a verf fimple method of catching bears. They ftdpend, between the forks of a tree, a running noofe, within which they faften a bait, which the animal* endeavouring t