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March 7 to  March 11, 2005

 Particle Seminars, 4D Seminars, String SeminarsString Group Meetings, RPMs, ColloquiaINPA, Math-Physics, Cosmology, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000



Lorenzo Faccioli
Eclipsing Binary Stars in the LMC and the SMC from MACHO: sample, orbital parameters and orbital circularization

Christian Bauer
Non-leptonic B decays in SCET


Matthew Schwartz
Lightning faster than light: Lorentz violation in electromagnetism


Niels Obers
New phases of near-extremal branes on a circle

Herbert Neuberger
New results in planar continuum QCD


Christian Lendvai
The Outer Detector of the Solar Neutrino Experiment Borexino

Christian Bauer
Effective theories and the Strong Interaction

4:30 Robert Birgeneau
High Temperature Superconductivity and Magnetism: Friends or Foes?

Particle Seminars are at 2:30 on Mondays alternating between Oppenheimer Room on campus and the Directors Conference Room (50A-5132) at LBL.
4D Seminars are informal lunch talks, at 12:30 on Wednesdays at LBL, in the INPA Conference Room (50-5026) at LBL.
String Seminars are at 2:10 on Tuesdays in the Oppenheimer Room on campus.
String Group Meetings are informal meetings at 1:45 on Wendnesdays in
room 70A-3377 at LBL.
RPMs (Research Progress Meetings) are at 4:00 on Thursdays in the Director's Conference Room (50A-5132) at LBLL.
Colloquia are on on Mondays at 4:30pm in 1 LeConte Hall on campus.
INPA  are the Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics journal club meetings, at 12:00 in the INPA Conference Room (50-5026) at LBL.
Math-Physics is a website for the various mathematical physics activities.
Cosmology contains information about other astrophysics/cosmology talks.