"Availability","Stock Number","ISBN","Price","International Price","Description","Publisher","Year/pages","Note","Key Phrases","SuDocs Class","Author","Weight","Quantity Price","Binding","Cover","Available Date","Subject Bibliography","Status Date","Unit","Unit (non-U.S.)" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-055-00237-1","9780160795596","$ 69.00","$ 96.60","Edited by Charles R. Smith. Compiled by the History and Museums Division during the 50th Anniversary commemoration of the Korean Conflict, 1950-1953. Focuses on the Marines who fought and died. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, History Division","2007: 741 p.; ill.","9780160795596","Marines in the Korean War, United States Marines in the Korean War, Marine Corps History, Naval History, Military History, Korean War","","Smith, Charles R.","5 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","054","01/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00365-1","","$ 25.00","$ 35.00","EM 0182.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","CD-ROM","","Korean War, Compact Disc Read Only Memory, Electronic Products","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/23/08","","10/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00367-8","","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","CMH Pub. 19-10. U.S. Army in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center for Military History","2000: 40 p.","","","","Birtle, Andrew J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/24/08","","04/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00232-0","0-16-067969-9","$ 4.00","$ 5.60","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Discusses the contributions the British Marines and the Korean Marines made to the Allied Forces in the Korean War. Item 383-B.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2003: 65 p.; ill.","DSL 2004-0061-P 01/12/04. NB1299","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Allied Marines in the Korean War, Marine Corps History, Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/10","Daugherty, Leo J.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/17/03","054","12/17/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00366-0","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","CMH 19-9.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2001: 28 p.","","","","McGrath, John J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00233-8","0-16-068031-X","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Contains the entire series of pamphlets produced by the History and Museums Division, United States Marine Corps. Devoted to Marines in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, Headquarters, History and Museums Division","2004: CD-ROM in paper case.","System requirements: PC; 32M RAM for Windows 98; 4X CD-ROM; and 800 x 600 monitor resolution. NB1301","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Marine Corps History, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Military History, Naval History, Korean War","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","02/26/04","054 237","02/26/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00361-9","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-7. U.S. Army in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 32 p.","","United States Army in the Korean War, United Nations Offensive, Korean War","","Gammons, Stephen L. Y.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00707-0","0-16-048758-7","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Chronicles the role of the United States Air Force in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1996: 63 p.; ill.","NB1256","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force and the Korean War, Korean War, Air Force History, Military History","","Thompson, Wayne; Nalty, Bernard C.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/08/96","054CS","11/05/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00074-5","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-254. S. 1692. An Act to Grant a Federal Charter to Korean War Veterans Association, Incorporated. Approved June 30, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 4 p.","","Public Law 110 254, Veterans, Korean War Veterans Association, Korean War","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/05/08","","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00154-3","","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","CMH 70-19. Army Special Publication. In addition to providing a detailed chronology of Korean War mobilization and logistics, this study discusses the issues raised in the existing literature, both published and unpublished, and suggests paths for future research. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 126 p.","","Korean War, Army History, Military History","","Gough, Terrence J.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01016-1","9780980123678","$ 45.00","$ 63.00","","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center","2008: 515 p.; ill.","9780980123678","United States Army Amphibious Operations in the Korean War, Army History, Military History, `","","Boose, Donald W.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/19/08","","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00360-1","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-6. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 28 p.","","Center of Military history Publication 19 6, Korean War, Military History","","Webb, William J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/23/08","","04/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00362-7","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-8. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 32 p.","","Korean War, Army History","","Stewart, Richard W.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/23/08","","04/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00079-2","0-16-001918-4","$ 36.00","$ 50.40","CMH Pub. 20-2. Covers United States Army action in Korea from the outbreak of the war to the full-scale intervention of the Chinese Communists in Nov. 1950. L.C. card 60-60043. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1961: 841 p.; ill., maps. 1986-repr.","BIP. 1976 SL 54H Feb. 1982 SL 68P2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6","United States Army in the Korean War, Center of Military History Publication 20 2, South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu, Army in Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean War, Naktong River Battle, 1950","D 114.2:K 84/2/v.1","Appleman, Roy Edgar","5 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/18/98","054CS","08/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00211-6","0-16-023487-5","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","CMH Pub. 20-4-1. Bottom of the cover reads: Korean War, 40th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Describes in great detail the tests of American military leadership and resources posed by the taxing retreat of the Eighth Army and X Corps across the frozen wastes of North Korea. Also examines the special problems posed to a fighting army during the deadly months of stalemate in the summer of 1951. L.C. card 89-600137. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 569 p.; ill.","DSL 90-0595-P 09/19/90. BIP. NB1220 GB1111","Center of Military History Publication 20 4, Military History, Korean War, Army in the Korean War, Army History","D 114.2:K 84/5","Mossman, Billy C.","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/10/90","054CS","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00334-1","0-16-061323-X","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","CMH Pub 19-1. Design and layout: John Birmingham. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the first phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from June 25 to September 19, 1950. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1261","Korean War, Phase 1, 25 June to 15 September, 1950, United Nations Defensive, Center of Military History Publication 19 1, Posters, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korea","","Birmingham, John","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","07/10/97","057BB 054CP","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00353-8","","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub 19-3. Design and layout: John Birmingham. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the third phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from 3 November 1950 to 24 January 1951. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1274","Korean War Phase 3, 3 November 1950 - 24 January 1951, Communist Chinese Forces Intervention, Center of Military History Publication 19 3, Korean Conflict, Posters, Military History, Army History, Korean War, Communist Chinese Forces Intervention","","Birmingham, John","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/23/99","057BB 054CP","05/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00083-1","0-16-001921-4","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH Pub. 20-1. L.C. card 70-609930. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History, Center of Military History","1972: 443 p.; ill., 9 maps. 1978-repr.","Oct. 1981 SL 143Y1","Center of Military History Publication 20 1, Policy and Direction: The First Year, Army in Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean War","D 114.2:K 84/2/v.3","Schnabel, James F.","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/25/98","054CS","01/27/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00210-8","0-16-023486-7","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub. 20-4. Describes in great detail the tests of American military leadership and resources posed by the taxing retreat of the Eighth Army and X Corps across the frozen wastes of North Korea. Also examines the special problems posed to a fighting army during the deadly months of stalemate in the summer of 1951. L.C. card 89-600137. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 569 p.; ill.","BIP. NB1220","Center of Military History Publication 20 4, Military History, Korean War, Army in the Korean War, Army History","D 114.2:K 84/5/hard","Mossman, Billy C.","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/17/90","054CS","11/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00364-3","0-16-050575-5","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH Pub 19-5. Map measures 22 x 28 in. Layout: Teresa K. Jameson. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the fifth phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from 9 July 1951 to 27 July 1953. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1282","Center of Military History Publication 19 5, Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean Conflict, Korea, Posters","","","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","01/04/01","057BB 054CP","05/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00338-4","0-16-061325-6","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","CMH Pub 19-2. Poster measures 22 x 28 in. Text by John Elsbert. Chronology by Beth MacKenzie. Contains maps, pictures with captions, and a chronology of the UN Offensive from 16 September to 2 November 1950. Item 0344-B-01.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: Poster, 22x28 in. flat.","NB1266","Center of Military History Publication 19 2, Korean War, Korean Conflict, United Nations Offensive, Posters, Military History, Army History","D 114.13:K 84/2 3000-A","Elsberg, John; MacKenzie, Beth","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/20/98","057BB 054CP","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00754-1","0-16-050106-7","$ 19.50","$ 27.30","Contains the diary of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, the Far East Air Forces commander during the Korean War. Edited by William T. Y'Blood primarily to make the text more readable. Covers the period from June 25, 1950 to May 20, 1951. ","Defense Dept., Air Force","1999: 587 p.; ill.","NB1274","Diary of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, Air Force History, Stratemeyer, George E., Korean Conflict, Military History","D 301.82/7:K 84/2","Stratemeyer, George E.; Y'Blood, William T.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/15/99","054CP","02/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00359-7","","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH 19-4. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","Posters","","Posters","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00802-5","9780160753671","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","Edited by Jacob Nuefeld and George M., Watson Jr. Contains papers from a symposium in commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Korean War. Focuses on contributions made by the armed forces of the United States and its allies to the air warfare during the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2005: 373 p.; ill.","ISBN: 0-16-075367-8.","Proceedings of the Air Force Historical Foundation Symposium, United States Air Force in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation, Military History","","Nuefeld, Jacob; Watson, George M., Jr.","1 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/23/07","054","10/23/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00218-4","0-16-050358-2","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Chronicles the role of the United States Marines in the defense of the Pusan Perimeter and their part in the expansion of United Nations forces in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2000: 64 p.; ill.","NB1278","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Marines in the Pusan Perimeter, Korean War, Marine Corps History, Military History, Marines in Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/2","Chapin, John C.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/06/00","054CK 237AC","11/12/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00197-9","0-16-050905-X","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","United States Navy and the Korean War. Highlights fleet operations of the United States Navy in the Korean War from September 1950 to June 1951. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2001: 61 p.; ill.","NB1286","United States Navy and the Korean War, Korean War, Naval History, Military History, Fleet Operations, Fleet Operations in a Mobile War, September 1950 to June 1951","","Alexander, Joseph H.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/05/01","054CK 236HS","02/10/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00199-5","0-16-051080-5","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","United States Navy and the Korean War. 2nd in a study in the Naval Historical Center's new series commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War. This monograph illuminates the role of the Navy's top flag officers in Washington, in the Pacific area, and in the Korean theater of operations before and during the first chaotic six months of war. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2002: 60 p.; ill.","NB1290","United States Navy and the Korean War, Korean War, Naval History, Military History, Naval Leadership","","Buell, Thomas B.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/30/02","054CP 236IB","08/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00220-6","0-16-050453-8","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Chronicles the part played by United States Marines in the retaking of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of South Korea, during the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2000: 65 p.; ill.","NB1279","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, United States Marines in the Recapture of Seoul, Marine Corps History, Naval History, Military History, Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/3","Alexander, Joseph H.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/15/00","054CK 237CT","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00230-3","0-16-067632-0","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Describes the conditions under which the Marines fought during the last year of the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2002: 77 p.; ill.","NB1294","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Nevada Battles to the Armistice, Korean War, Military History, Marine Corps History, Naval History","D 214.13:K 84/9","Nalty, Bernard C.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/30/03","054CP 237CT","01/30/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00759-2","0-16-050374-4","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Air Force in Korea. Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Traces the part played by the Far East Air Forces (FEAF) Bomber Command in the Korean War. FEAF used the B-29 as its workhorse, marking the last war this remarkable plane flew. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2000: 60 p.; ill.","NB1279","Air Force History, Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force and the Korean War, Far East Air Forces Bomber Command and the Air War in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/30/00","054CP","09/09/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-070-00803-3","9780160767487","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","Edited by Richard P. Hallion. Contains papers from a symposium on the Korean War held at the U.S. Congress on June 7, 2000. Records the reminiscences and perspectives of veterans and historians participating in the symposium. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2006: 139 p.","NB1323.","Air Force History, Proceedings of a symposium on the Korean War, USAF Remembers Korea, United States Air Force in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","Hallion, Richard P.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/23/07","054","10/23/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00003-2","0-16-001868-4","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","Army Historical Series. CMH Pub. 30-2. Originally published in 1954, the year following the close of the Korean War, this book describes combat actions of small Army units, squads and platoons, companies and batteries. The 1984 and later printings include a new foreword written in 1984. L.C. card 70-603408. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1970: 264 p.; ill. revised ed. 1987-repr.","","Army Historical Series, Center of Military History Publication 30 2, Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.19:C 73","Gugeler, Russell A.","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/24/08","054CK","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00793-2","0-16-072288-8","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Air Force in Korea. Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Chronicles the story of the United States Air Force Air Rescue Service in Korea from 1950 to 1953. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2004: 57 p.; ill.","NB1303","Air Force History, Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force in Korea, United States Air Force Air Rescue In Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","Marion, Forrest L.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/30/04","018 054CP","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00117-9","0-16-001927-3","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub. 21-2. By John Miller, Jr., et al. This volume records briefly, by text and photograph, the Korean Conflict from Jan. 1951 to the cessation of hostilities in July 1953. Facsimile reprint of a 1956 publication. L.C. card 56-60005. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1956: 336 p.; ill. 1981-repr.","DSL 97-0168-P 03/18/97. BIP. Sept. 1981 SL 165X1 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:K 84/951-53","Miller, John, Jr.","2 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/31/96","054CP","05/14/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00118-7","0-16-001928-1","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","CMH Pub. 21-1. This volume briefly records, by text and photograph, the first six months of the Korean Conflict that began on June 25, 1950. Facsimile reprint of a 1952 publication. Contains copyright material. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1952: 281 p.; ill. 1989-repr.","DSL 97-0167-P 03/17/97. BIP. Sept. 1981 SL 164X1 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Center of Military History Publication 21 1, Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:K 84/8","","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/10/08","054CP","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00149-7","9780160018688","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","CMH 22-1. U.S. Army in Action Series. Contains a collection of interviews with several hundred officers and enlisted men who served in the Korean conflict in all the arms and services of the U.S. Army, except Infantry, Artillery, and Armor. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 254 p.; ill.","9780160018688","Center of Military History Publication 22 1, United States Army in Action Series, Army History, Korean War, Military History","","Westover, John G.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","04/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00238-8","","$ 39.00","$ 54.60","CMH 20-3. United States Army in the Korean War. A history of the intricate and frustrating truce negotiations between the UN forces and the Chinese Communists that continued from July 1951 until July 1953, of the bitter hill fighting that continued during those negotiations, and of the large-scale prisoner riots at Koje-do. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966L 571 p.; ill. repr.","","","","Hermes, Walter G.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/26/08","","01/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00331-7","","$ 31.50","$ 44.10","CMH 70-65-1. By william T. Bowers, et al. Analyzes the operations of the all black 24th Infantry during the Korean War to determine how well the unit and its associated engineers and artillery performed. Asks whether deficiencies occurred. Seeks their military causes. Looks at how those influences and events intersected with the racial prejudices prevalent in that day. Gives a brief history of the service of black soldiers in the Civil War and World War 1. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966: 330 p.; ill.","","Korean War, Black History","","Bowers, William t.","1 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00727-4","0-16-049208-4","$ 3.00","$ 4.20","Presents the history of the United States Air Force. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 88 p.; ill.","NB1263","Persian Gulf War, Air Force History and Museums Program, Army Air Force, Air Force History, Military History, United States Army Air Corps, World War, Korean War","D 301.82/7:H 62/2","McFarland, Stephen L.","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/20/97","059LQ 131CN","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00983-0","0-16-076809-8","$ 61.00","$ 85.40","History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. By Steven L. Rearden. Alfred Goldberg, general editor. Traces the evolution of the Office of the Secretary of Defense from its establishment in September 1947 to the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950. Aims to illuminate the main events, policies, and personages associated with the office during this period. Spans the tenures of two men who occupied the officeJames Vincent Forrestal (17 September 1947 to 28 March 1949) and Louis Arthur Johnson (28 March 1949 to 19 September 1950). LC card 84-601133.","Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office","1984: 681 p.; ill.","The 1984 edition of this title had the stock number 008-000-00405-6. This book has been assigned two stock numbers.","Formative Years, 1947-1950, Defense Department, Military History, Political Science, History, Johnson, Louis Arthur, Forrestal, James Vincent","","Rearden, Steven L.; Goldberg, Alfred","3 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/18/06","131DH","08/18/06","Each","Each"