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1. National History Day: Developing Digital Native Historians (EJ791653)

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Scheuerell, Scott


History Teacher, v40 n3 p417-425 May 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



United States History; Textbooks; Learning Activities; Primary Sources; Memorization; Historians; Teaching Methods; Computer Software; Student Projects; Research Projects; Videotape Recordings; Case Studies; Competition; Qualitative Research; High School Students

Unfortunately, many students, are failing to learn history. Fifty-seven percent of high school students scored "below basic understanding" on their knowledge of United States history. Interestingly, less than half of the students were familiar with Patrick Henry, the War of 1812, the Marshall Plan, or the Great Society. Perhaps Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. Textbooks as a Vehicle for Segregation and Domination: State Efforts to Shape Palestinian Israelis' Identities as Citizens (EJ812420)

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Nasser, Riad; Nasser, Irene


Journal of Curriculum Studies, v40 n5 p627-650 Oct 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Foreign Countries; Cultural Context; Textbook Evaluation; Textbook Content; National Curriculum; Curriculum Evaluation; Racial Segregation; History Instruction; Social Change; Minority Group Children; Middle Eastern Studies; Bibliometrics; Politics of Education; Cross Cultural Studies

The paper discusses the collective identity of the Palestinian citizens of Israel as it is filtered to school students through the state-commissioned school textbooks. Since it was established in 1948, Israel has maintained two separate education systems, one for Palestinian-Israelis, who are now approximately 20% of the population, and the other for Jewish Israelis. Each system has its own curri Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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3. The Politics of Religion: Modernity, Nationhood and Education in Japan (EJ815950)

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Shibata, Masako


Intercultural Education, v19 n4 p353-361 Aug 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



World History; Nationalism; Religion; Foreign Countries; Development; Social Change; Christianity

While religion in Japan is traditionally linked to nationhood and nation-building, the post-war period has seen Shinto consciously invoked to restore a sense of national identity through a focus on Japan's victimhood. In this context, there is a focus on the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated to the war dead and an icon of contemporary Japanese cultural nationalism symb Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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4. Elementary Students Quilting through Social Studies (EJ784582)

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Bennett, Linda


Journal of Aesthetic Education, v42 n1 p90-99 Spr 2008

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Class Activities; Grade 5; Social Studies; Elementary School Students; Handicrafts; Thematic Approach; Creative Teaching; Teaching Methods

It is enchanting when over twenty students' quilt squares make a quilt. The common, yet diverse techniques for making a quilt transform the students' quilt squares into a shared quilting experience. A quilt made by students in one classroom can demonstrate a unique characteristic of each student by combining their squares into a quilt about a common theme in the social studies curriculum. The qui Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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5. Experiential Learning of History through Youth Journeys to Poland: Israeli Jewish Youth and the Holocaust (EJ780812)

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Romi, Shlomo; Lev, Michal


Research in Education, v78 p88-102 Nov 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Jews; Experiential Learning; Program Effectiveness; Foreign Countries; Followup Studies; World History; War; Racial Bias; Violence; Consciousness Raising; Emotional Response; Comparative Analysis; Teaching Methods; Adolescents; Affective Behavior; History Instruction

National history and collective memory and their impact on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes are the topic of this article. A follow-up study, it examines the long-term impact of a journey to historical monuments. Israeli Jewish high-school students have the option of experiential study, visiting cities and death camps in Po Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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6. Rethinking Social Studies for a Critical Democracy in American Indian/Alaska Native Education (EJ784821)

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Locke, Steven; Lindley, Lorinda


Journal of American Indian Education, v46 n1 p1-19 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



American Indian History; Critical Theory; Teacher Education Curriculum; American Indians; Values; North Americans; Social Studies; Methods Courses; Democracy; Elementary Education; American Indian Reservations; Interviews; Homework; Observation; Teaching Methods; State Universities; Alaska Natives

This investigation examines an elementary social studies methods course taught on an American Indian reservation through a state university. Data were collected from American Indian pre-service teachers over four years through taped interviews, classroom observations, and a review of homework and in-class assignments. A Freirean critical pedagogy framework was utilized to analyze the data. Analys Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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7. What of History? Historical Knowledge within a System of Standards and Accountability (EJ779675)

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Kelly, Timothy; Meuwissen, Kevin; Vansledright, Bruce


International Journal of Social Education, v22 n1 p115-145 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Opinion Papers



National Standards; Social Sciences; Academic Standards; Instructional Materials; Accountability; History Instruction; Guidelines; Public Schools; Criticism; World History; Educational Policy

In this essay, the authors explore the structures, processes, and messages that accountability reforms communicate about the goals and means of coming to know history. In other words, how do existing history standards and formal curricula officialize certain orientations toward historical knowledge and traditions through which Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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8. Doi Moi, Education and Identity Formation in Contemporary Vietnam (EJ768499)

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Salomon, Matthieu; Ket, Vu Doan


Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, v37 n3 p345-363 Jun 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Foreign Countries; History Instruction; Global Approach; National Curriculum; Agenda Setting; Politics of Education; Educational Development; Educational Improvement; Educational Indicators; Educational Assessment; Educational Policy; Policy Analysis

In 2006 Vietnam had experienced more than two decades of reform. However, while the reforms have transformed the entire Vietnamese economy and opened the country to globalization, the education system is still very much under the Vietnamese Communist Party's control. The schoolbooks are published under close supervision of the authorities. The national autobiogr Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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9. Keepers of the Sacred Flame: Patriotism, Politics and the Chinese History Subject Community in Hong Kong (EJ766153)

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Kan, Flora; Vickers, Edward; Morris, Paul


Cambridge Journal of Education, v37 n2 p229-247 Jun 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Foreign Countries; Administrative Organization; Patriotism; History Instruction; Asian Culture; Educational Policy; Educational History; Political Attitudes

Chinese history (a subject entirely separate and distinct from "history") has long been the most politically sensitive subject in Hong Kong's school curriculum. Previous studies have analysed the policies of the colonial and postcolonial Governments towards this subject. Here, we examine the role played by the Chinese history Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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10. Engaging Adolescents with LD in Higher Order Thinking about History Concepts Using Integrated Content Enhancement Routines (EJ758039)

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Bulgren, Janis; Deshler, Donald D.; Lenz, B. Keith


Journal of Learning Disabilities, v40 n2 p121-133 Mar-Apr 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



United States History; Instructional Development; Adolescents; National Standards; Learning Disabilities; Democracy; History Instruction

The understanding and use of historical concepts specified in national history standards pose many challenges to students. These challenges include both the acquisition of content knowledge and the use of that knowledge in ways that require higher order thinking. All students, including adolescents with learning disabilities (L Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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