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Improved Management of Personnel Administration through Computer Technology (IMPACT)

IMPACT is the Department's personnel and payroll system that automates personnel and payroll processes at the initiating level ....the Department's managers, supervisors and administrative staff. IMPACT users access the system via their local LANs, or PCs and modems.

IMPACT provides a decentralized and a utomated means for the initiating office to create and submit electronically a variety of t ransactions for subsequent processing by the appropriate servicing personnel office. The IMPACT applications reduce redundant keying of data, time-consuming and labor -intensive tasks.

IMPACT provides on-line tracking of actions from creation through the effective date of the action. IMPACT also provides on-line management information of the most current data available.

Some of the IMPACT functionality includes:

  • Personnel Action Processing and Tracking
  • Personnel Master File Display (updated daily)
  • Payroll Master File Display (updated bi-weekly)
  • Transaction Status
  • Cash Awards Processing and Tracking
  • Performance Awards Processing and Tracking
  • Training Nomination Processing, Tracking and On-Line Training History
  • Ad Hoc Reporting Capability via Super Inquiry, TableMaker and Data Download (personnel offices only).

    IMPACT has been implemented throughout the Department. Operating Divisions (OPDIV) have implemented all or portions of IMPACT within their local organizations. Personnel Systems Coordinators and Site Experts are responsible for day-to-day operations of IMPACT. Management Systems Coordinators have been designated within the OPDIVs to provide local users with assistance.

    For Sales/Service Information – contact Katrina Stokes, PSC/HRS (301) 504-3105 E-mail: kstokes@hrs.psc.dhhs.gov

    For User Assistance – contact local Personnel Systems Coordinator, Site Expert or Management Systems Coordinator.