Table of contents for Office andrology / edited by Phillip E. Patton, and David E. Battaglia.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Preface	v
Contributors	ix
	1	Essentials of Sperm Biology	
	Sharon T. Mortimer
	2	Endocrinology of Male Infertility	
	R. Dale McClure 
	3	Sperm Preparation for Insemination	
	Grace M. Centola 
	4	Specialized Sperm Testing: Pros and Cons	
	Kirk C. Lo, Aron Johnson, Larry I. Lipshultz, 
and Dolores J. Lamb 
	5	Genetic Testing for Male Infertility	 
	Robert D. Oates 
	6	Optimizing Success in a Donor Insemination Program	 
	Phillip E. Patton 
	7	Ethical and Legal Considerations of Donor Insemination 
in the United States 	
	Karen Adams 
	8	Laboratory Accreditation	
	William Byrd 
	9	Office Evaluation of Male Infertility	
	Darius A. Paduch and Eugene F. Fuchs 
	10	Varicocele and Infertility	
	Ulrike Zenke and Paul Turek 
	11	Strategic Therapies for Ejaculatory Disorders and Erectile Dysfunction in the Infertile Man	
	Mustafa F. Usta and Wayne J. G. Hellstrom 
	12	Vasectomy Reversal	
	Eugene F. Fuchs and Darius A. Paduch
	13	Infection and Male Infertility	
	Emmett Branigan 
	14	Obstructive and Nonobstructive Azoospermia	
	Peter Schlegel 
	15	Testis Biopsy and the Infertile Male	
	Sherman J. Silber 
	16	Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: The Process,
the Outcomes, and the Controversies 	
	David E. Battaglia 
	17	Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency
Virus-Discordant Couples	 
	Joseph E. Peña and Mark V. Sauer 
	18	Sperm and Egg Retrieval for Posthumous Reproduction: Practical, Ethical, and Legal 
	Lisa V. Brock and Anna C. Mastroianni
	19	Gender Selection: Separating Fact From Fiction
	David S. Karabinus and Keith L. Blauer

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Infertility, Male.
Infertility, Male -- diagnosis.
Genital Diseases, Male.
Infertility, Male -- therapy.
Insemination, Artificial.