Northern Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica)


This shrub grows throughout most of North America  and is hardy through zone 2. It is a perennial deciduous shrub or small tree that can grow as high as 40 feet. Bayberry thrives in poor dry soils. It prefers full sun to partial shade. Sometimes used as a large shrubbery screen, Bayberry is ideal for use as a small tree. One or several clustered together provide excellent privacy and shade for decks or porches.  The wax-covered berries have been used in candle making because of their pleasant scent.




The waxy-coated fruit of this plant is particularly sought after by tree swallows during migration.  Many other species of birds also eat the waxy-coated fruit, although in smaller quantities.  White-tailed deer also browse on bayberry’s twigs and foliage.

                                       Hardiness Chart  Bayberry  Black Cherry  Beach Plum  Pennsylvania Sedge  Bearberry

                                     Virginia Rose  Highbush Blueberry  Lowbush Blueberry  Sweet Fern  Links  Parker River