National Park ServiceU.S. Department of the Interior
Ozark National Scenic Riverways the Current River
The Old Depression Homestead at Big Spring

Ozark Heritage Days

June 9, 2006 - June 10, 2006

Big Spring

Bryan Culpepper, 573-323-8822

Untitled Document

Join us for a celebration of Ozark heritage! A variety of activities and programs will take place to help us all enjoy and understand the history of the Ozark people. All activities take place at the new "Ozarks Depression Homestead" located near the Big Spring. On Friday special activities will be geared more to children.


Friday – 6/9/06 (schools and homeschooler emphasis)

Friday demonstrations - 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

  • Speaker: Dianne Moran as “Mollie, Pioneer Woman”
  • 9:30 am - Schools Arrive.
  • 10:00 am – Program begins, Introductions
  • 10:05 am -10:50 am “Mollie, Pioneer Woman”- Living in the Missouri woodlands of long ago.
  • Ice Cream Social is between program....
  • 12:00 noon –Schools Arrive.
  • 12:40 pm - Program begins, Introductions
  • 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm “Mollie, Pioneer Woman” - Living in the Missouri woodlands of long ago.

Cultural Demonstrations throughout Friday:

  • - round rug making
  • - blacksmithing (gig making)
  • - candle making
  • - corn shellin’
  • - sassafras paddle making
  • - skiddin’ logs with a team of oxen
  • - quilting
  • - soap making
  • - crosscut saw activity
  • - spinning and weaving
  • - caning (weaving) ladder back chairs with hickory
  • - rope making
  • - traditional Ozark woodworking
  • - ole’ fashion clothes washin’
  • - and more…

We have invited “Mollie, Pioneer Woman” to give a 45 minute program (two times) for the students on Friday. A great storyteller, join Mollie, a pioneer woman of the 1800’s who shares her life of beauty and danger living in the Missouri woodlands of long ago. She’ll spin tales which promise to warm the heart even as they send a tingle up the spine! Audience volunteers will be drawn in as they dress in period clothing and guess what her strange display items may be. Sometimes, there’s even a live critter hidin’ in one of her bags, you’ll just have to come and see for yourself!

Saturday – 6/10/06

Schedule: Saturday demonstrations – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Special Programs –

  • - 10:00 – 10:15 Current View Square Dance
  • - 10:30 – 11:15 Colbert Brothers Band
  • - 11:30 – 11:45 Current View Square Dance
  • - 12:00 – 12:45 Colbert Brothers Band
  • - 1:00 - 1:30 Country Fire Cloggers (American Folk Dance, Traditional Appalachian Clogging)
  • - 1:45 - 2:15 Buzzard Run Bluegrass
  • - 3:00 - 3:30 Country Fire Cloggers (American Folk Dance, Traditional Appalachian Clogging)
  • - 3:30 - 4:15 “Mollie, Pioneer Woman” (see above)

Cultural Demonstrations throughout day:

  • - shingle riving
  • - cedar turkey call making
  • - sassafras paddle making
  • - fiddle and mandolin making
  • - round rug making
  • - blacksmithing (gigs & spikes)
  • - candle making
  • - quilting
  • - skiddin’ logs with a team of oxen
  • - pine needle basket making (rug making)
  • - soap making
  • - spinning and weaving
  • - caning (weaving) chairs with hickory
  • - corn mash whiskey demonstration
  • - kids corner (numerous ole’ fashion games)
  • - traditional Ozark woodworking
  • - ole’ fashion clothes washin’
  • - rope making
  • - corn shellin’
  • - crosscut saw activity
  • - explore the medicinal uses and folklore of native plants
  • - open hearth dutch oven cooking
  • - smokehouse and wooden johnboats

Evening – 6:30 pm Buzzard Run Bluegrass Band

All Programs are free and all are welcome.

School and homeschooler groups are welcome!

Schedules and information about Ozark Heritage Days

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