*********************************************** * FY1996 FEB(AtR) Setup & Commissioning Note * * Version 0.0 28.Oct.95 Sanki * *********************************************** ******** * Plan * ******** 30.Oct.95[Mo] 0800 - 1200: -Couple RHIC Security to AGS Security. 31.Oct.95[Tu] *0800-2400 Dedicated FEB setup & Commissioning time (no SEB).* 0001-0800 : -Sweep & Secure FEB (including rules in TPL 95-15). 0600-0800 : -Stop HIP/SEB(AGS/User1) and do all work required to switch FEB commissioning mode. (TPL 95-09). 0800-1000 : -Setup AGS (AGS/User2) for FEB Working Point with no FEB bumps. (TPL 5.1) 1000-1200 : -Test crucial beam instruments (BPM, IPM, WCM, LMs, TuneMeter etc) and measure beam propertites. -Establish the FEB working point. -Display the signals on scope to monitor the FEB bumps. (5.2) 1200-1500 : -Setup FEB bumps (BLWG09A&B and BLWH11A&B) and establish : the FEB working point with the FEB bumps. (5.3) 1500-2200 : (-Accelerate only single bunch , Option) -Setup FKG10, SMH10 and the upstream U-line devices. -Establish FEB/SBE to the uf1. (5.4) 2200-2400 : -Document the final setup, beam propertites and performance. 01.Nov.95[We] * Start AtR setup and commssioning (TRL 95-10 *** ____________________________________________________________________________ ************** * Terminolgy * * ************ BLWG09A&B : FEB extraction bumps for FKG10 (power supplies A,B) BLWH11A&B : FEB extraction bumps for SMH10 (PS A,B). SMH10 : FEB ejector septum magnet @ssH10 FKG10 : FEB fast kicker @ssG10 LMG10 : AGS local loss monitors at ssG10us&ds LMH10 : AGS local loss monitors at ssG10us&ds FLAGH10 : A flag at ssH10_us and video to MCR. *************** * Preparation * *************** 3.7 The AGS FEB extraction system/devices  have been prepared and checked by system experts. The checkout will include verifying the following: -The relevant device controls, shunt current readings and capacitor voltages are operational at MCR. -Analog signals from FKG10, SMH10, BLWG09A&B, BLWH11A&B are available. (There are hardwire cables are available at MCR) (BLW)G09A_I -> R5396 J9 (50 Ohm) (BLW)G09B_I -> J10 (BLW)H11A_I -> J11 SMH10_I -> J12 -The selected high gain AGS BPMs for FEB(@ssF04,F14,G08,G18,H08) are operational and PUEG14 for turn-by-turn difference analog signal) -Other required AGS instrumentation is operational 1. AgsIpm 2. MountainRange(WCM) 3. TuneMeter 4. F15XF (Current Transfermer) et c.   3.8 AGS Supercycle file has been prepared for HI FEB context switching operation (AGS User #2, Booster User #2) FEB User#2. ************** * AGS Setup * ************** 5. Procedures The first few steps of this procedure will cover the various modifications of the AGS set-up prior to FEB extraction (User#2). Then extracting the bunched HI beam to the U line using the FEB extraction system will be covered. 5.1 Set up the AGS for FEB (1995 FEB-AtR Commissioning): 5.1.1 FEB working point and machine setup with FEB bumps Off. Set up the following conditions: -AgsMainMagnet: File = B(t)AtR_Start B = 3.3356*pc/r = 1.123 @falttop (p = 28.73*(Z/A) = 11.23 GeV/c/N for Au77+ ) AgsCycle = 3.2 s -AGS.FEB_REQ.RT: ON, 1 setting, setting1=1.4*10^6 us (=1.4 s). NB. FEB/SBE is now a CLD event. -Use a FEB time window = 1400-1800 ms from To at flottop for FEB/SBE. -rf stays on till 1800 ms ( dealy ARF.DEMUCH.RT from 1340 ms to 1800 ms). -Beam intensity = similar to SEB (the higher the better). -mean beam = ~0 in Ro-coordinate system. -{Qh,Qv} = {8.78,8.75}, set {IQh, IQv} = {565 A, 445 A}. -No or minimum chromaticity corrections. 5.1.2 Set User#2 = User#1 and confirm that User#2 works. Then, switch the context in User#2 from SEB to FEB and accelerate the beam and establish circulating stable beam on flattop. 5.1.3 Measure: -the mean radius, BPM, (+ do some BPM calibrations) -the beam position with IPM, xIPM, -rf frequency, frf = h*frev, -tunes, Qh,v by systematically varying the mean beam radius (and turning on horizontal chromaticity sextuples if necessary) at the FEB extraction time on the flattop to find out the radial shifter voltage which corresponds to true =0 5.1.4 Move the mean beam radius to =0 and measure frf and Qh,v again until the measured frf value agrees with the desired beam momentum. (Otherwise, we might have to adjust the main magnet field ) Note: The measured frf should be consistent with the beam momentum p = 11.23 GeV/c/N at =0. For h=12, frf = 4442320 +- 50 Hz @ = -10 mm = 4442150 +- 50 = 0 = 4441980 +- 50 = +10 mm 5.1.5 IF {Qh,Qv} deviates dQ > 0.015 from {8.78, 8.75}, THEN readjust IQh,v. 5.1.6 Take IPM data and Mountain-range data throughout the AGS cycle. The stable bunched beam should be circulating during the FEB time window without any beam loss. Record F15XF readings too.) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.2 Display the following signals needed on scope to monitor the FEB extraction: -BLWG09A_I, BLWG09B_I (or _V) -BLWH11A_I, BLWH11B_I (or _V) -FKG10_I -SMH10_I -LMG10 and LMH10 -F15XF -PUEG14_Æ ¥xPUE & PUE Note: The scopes should be triggered from the FEB real time event[AGN_FEB_RT_ST1] from the AGS Real_Time Generator. The G10 kicker signals must be displayed on a Megahertz scope, triggered by the FKG10 synchronized frf/h trigger ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Set up the FEB bumps (BLWG09 and BLWH11) Note: Since trim power supplies BLWG09C and BLWH11C may not be available for the 1995 FEB commissioning, we use only BLWG09A&B and BLWH11A&B. There must be some residuals outside the FEB bumps (² ± 10 mm). 5.3.1 Make sure that both FKG10 (G10 kicker) and SMH10 (H10 Septum) are on Standby (not On). 5.3.2 Set up timings through autodets for BLWG09 and BLWH11: -BLWH09A(B)_Tstart*charge, _Tfire (=Tdischarge) -BLWH11A(B)_Tstart*charge, _Tfire (=Tdischarge) 5.3.3 Watch for any sign of beam loss by monitoring the AGS CT and local loss monitors around FEB region (both AGS and RHIC- type BLMs) during the FEB setup. 5.3.4 Turn both BLWG09A & B On and bring the discharge current to half setpoint values (IA = 525/2 A & IB = 1050/2 A). Note: Make sure that BLWG09A & B are firing at the same time on scope. This should produce a small one l bump peaking around ssG09. 5.3.5 Measure orbit displacement from the selected AGS BPM's at the peak current (FEB time). Estimate the required IA & IB to put the beam into the FKG10 aperture. Note: We want approximately x(G08) = 58 mm in the Ro system. 5.3.6 Increase both IA & IB = 2*IA gradually until any noticeable beam loss is observed around FKG10 from CT or LMG10 on scope or until IA = (525) A & IB = (1050) A are reached. Note: The beam loss indicates that the beam is close to or at the kicker's pole tip aperture. 5.3.7 Reduce the beam loss by adjusting the F20 or G20 vertical dipoles to center the beam in the vertical plane if necessary. Continue to increase both IA & IB until the beam loss has disappeared. Increase IA & IB further until beam loss appears again or up to the maximum current which defines the ÒoutsideÓ aperture of the G10 kicker; scan again vertically to be certain of the vertical aperture. Record these setpoints. 5.3.8 Take the AGS BPM data and record Qh,v, frf and F15XF. 5.3.9 Put BLWG09A & B on Standby. Turn BLWH11A & B On and bring the discharge current to half setpoint (IA = 480/2 A & IB =960/2 A). Note: This should produce a small one l bump peaking around H11. 5.3.10 Take the AGS BPM data at FEB time. 5.3.11 Increase both IA & IB = 2*IA to move the beam close to the septum of the SMH10 ejector without any beam loss around ssH10. Record setpoints. Note: Any noticeable beam loss indicates that the beam is scraping the septum. 5.3.12 Take the AGS BPM data and record Qh,v, frf and F15XF. 5.3.13 Turn both BLWG09A & B and BLWH11A & B On at setpoint. Take the AGS IPM, BPM, WCM, LM data and record Qh,v and frf. 5.3.14 Iterate both BLWG09A&B and BLWH11A&B together to assure: -amplitudes are as calculated and measured previously in this procedure, -amplitude of residuals outside the FEB bump region remained the same and less than ~10 mm, and with both bumps On at setpoint, scan BLWH11A&B to re- define the operating setpoint near the inside aperture of the H10 septum. Note: The full FEB bumps should put the circulating beam into the G10 kicker aperture and adjacent to the septum of the H109 ejector at FEB extraction time without any beam loss. {Qh,Qv} should be {8.73, 8.77}. 5.3.15 Tune BLWG09A&B, BLWH11A&B, Qh,v, etc. to have the desired machine/beam condition for FEB if necessary. ____________________________________________________________________ 5.4 Set up the G10 kicker and H10 ejector [FKG10 and SMH10] with FEB bumps On N.B. There is no allowance for adjustment of their positions. 5.4.1 Turn the upstream U-line elements On at setpoint. 5.4.2 Insert the first flag in the U line [uf1]. 5.4.3 Set up timing through autodets for SMH10 and FKG10: -SMH10_Tstart*maincharge, (_Tstart2) _Tfire. -FKG10_Tstart*charge, _Tstop*charge. 5.4.4 Insert the H10 flag and turn SHM10 On at setpoint (ISM = 20 kA). 5.4.5 Set up scopes for FKG10_I, WCM, F15XF, LMs, PUEG14_Æ to monitor the FKG10 firing timing, triggering by the synchronized frf/h trigger. 5.4.6 Turn FKG10 On at half-setpoint (IFK = 1.9/2 kA) and observe a shift of the beam position through PUEG14_Æ. IF the selected bunch is properly synchronized with the FKG10_Tfire time, THEN we should see some beam loss at SMH10 and some beam on the H10 flag and the uf1 flag. If not, adjust the FKG10 fine-time delay module(in ns). 5.4.7 Increase FKG10_I gradually to full-setpoint. Observe a shift of the beam position through PUEG14_Æ. We should see no beam loss at SMH10 and full beam on the H10 flag and on the uf1 flag. 5.4.8 Tune FKG10_I and FKG10_Tfire timing to eliminate first any beam left in machine and ultimately any beam loss by monitoring the WCM, F15XF, LMs (and the uf1 profile monitor). 5.4.9 Tune SMH10_I so that the beam spot is at the correct position on the uf1 flag. 5.5 Using AGS-TPL 95.10, Commissioning/Operating the AtR Line with Heavy Ions, set up the U line and transfer the extracted bunch up to the specified beam dump position. 5.6 Document the final setup with hardcopies and flag drawings in the FEB Commissioning/Start-Up Logbook. 5.7 When beam control has been established, notify the RSC Chair and OC that fault studies may begin. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Documentation Document all relevant information in the HI FEB Commissioning/Start-Up Logbook and Operations Logbook. ___________________________________________________