From: Tim Wilson [] Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 10:06 AM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 Dear FDA, This message is in support of the mandatory labelling and testing of genetically engineered foods. I vehemently support labelling because: 1. Consumers should be able to choose. I don't want to eat any genetically engineered foods. I absolutely believe that we do not know nearly enough about nutrition and its effects to begin to "engineer" foods. Modern agriculture has destroyed forests and soil while reducing the nutritional content of our foods (fewer vitamins and minerals). Now it wants to indiscriminately subject to bio-toxins and yield enhancers which are great for corporate earnings but do NOTHING to improve the nutritional content. We don't even know what nutrition really is yet. We are still trying to discover how mother nature miraculously prevents cancer through some magical mix in broccoli and alleviates depression with some brew in St. John's Wort. To begin to think we know any where near enough to manipulate our food supply, is the epitomy of arrogance and I want to be able to protect my family from these ill conceived efforts. Therefore, I implore you to create and enforce the mandatory labelling of genetically engineered foods. 2. In addition, before any man made mutation is released into the environment, we have to know the long term consequences of that action both on humans and on the environment. How can we say we should test drugs, but not Frankenfoods? Shouldn't we know if there are going to be allergic reactions, toxicity reactions and so on before we start feeding this stuff to the general population? Of course we should. And shouldn't we understand the environment consequences of these concoctions before introducing them? There is already some evidence that the toxins introduced in these products move up the food chain. How can we in good conscience risk the health of the population or our environment without thorough long term testing? Its our food for gods sake. Not some optional drug. OUR FOOD. Let's not make the same mistakes with it that we made in prior centuries with our air and our water. Therefore, I implore you to demand complete long term health and environmental testing of any genetically engineered anything before it is introduced into commercial use. Thank you, Tim Wilson