Release No.0170.00 Media Contact: Susan McAvoy (202) 720-4623 susan.mcavoy Public Contact: Joe Walsh (202) 205 1134 USDA ANNOUNCES $1.3 MILLION GRANT TO PROTECT POTOMAC RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY WASHINGTON, May 18, 2000 -- Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today announced a $1.3 million grant that will improve the land and waters of the Potomac River and enhance the overall ecosystem health of the Chesapeake Bay. The grant initiates the Potomac River Partnership, a public-private effort that joins USDA's Forest Service with the states of Maryland and Virginia as well as Ducks Unlimited. This consortium will increase restoration efforts, expand outreach to private landowners, conduct watershed assessments, carry out research and monitoring, develop urban greenways, and conduct education efforts. "This project reflects the vital importance of forests to water quality in the United States. It builds on a strong federal and state partnership in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and it will broaden our efforts through the strength of Ducks Unlimited, landowner outreach, and stewardship efforts," said Glickman. "The work of the Potomac River Partnership will lead to the restoration of 150 acres of wetland and more than 50 miles of riparian forest restoration in the first two years alone." The five-year project will initially target activities on private lands in the Monocacy and Antietam River watersheds in Maryland, and the North and South Forks of the Shenendoah River in Virginia. The Forest Service has a long-standing commitment to the Chesapeake Bay Program and has provided leadership for its Riparian Forest Buffer Initiative since 1994. This large- scale watershed restoration project will accelerate efforts in the Potomac River Basin and act as a catalyst for expanding partnerships to address issues affecting the river and its communities. The coordinated watershed approach will attract new federal, state, private and corporate partners, and sponsors and can be expanded to other portions of the Potomac River Watershed. -more- -2- Below are project highlights:  Complete a Strategic Forest Assessment to identify forests in the watershed that have the highest value to watershed health and other needs.  Working with Ducks Unlimited and others to develop a strategy for targeting restoration and protection actions to where they will have the greatest benefit.  Establish watershed-based fire prevention teams and community fire prevention education.  Reduce fire risk in high-hazard areas and improving access to water for fire suppression.  Add new education programs in local communities to stimulate involvement in watershed restoration by landowners, schools and civic groups.  Develop urban greenway projects and assistance to local governments in addressing resource issues related to sprawl.  Protect contiguous corridors of forest land through conservation easements.  Improve water quality and fish and wildlife habitat through the restoration of forests along over 500 miles of streams and the restoration of over 3000 acres of wetlands and upland wildlife habitat. #