RADON=A radioactive gas found in nearly all rock and soils. COSMIC=Exposure to this type of radiation partially depends on the elevation of where we live. URANIUM=Radioactive element that serves as the fuel for nuclear power plants. ACUTE=This type of single exposure to radiation results in biological harm or death. ALPHA=A kind of radiation particle that cannot penetrate the outer dead layer of skin. CURIE=Abbreviated as Ci, this unit is also the last name of a famous scientist. BETA=A kind of radiation particle that can be stopped by a layer of clothing. BYPRODUCT=Radioactive material left over from the creation or use of special nuclear material. CARCINOGEN=A cancer-causing substance. CESIUM=Element used in moisture density gauges and for medical therapy. NEUTRON=Small particle possessing no electrical charge, typically found within the nucleus of an atom. CHRONIC=The term that describes exposure to a radioactive substance over a long period of time, which may result in illnesses. COMPACT=An agreement, formed between a group of two or more states, regarding the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. TRACERS=Radioisotope injections that doctors use to look inside their patients' bodies. CONTAMINATION=Unwanted radioactive material on the surfaces of structures, areas, objects, or people. COOLINGTOWER=Used in nuclear power plants, this structure transfers exhaust heat into the air instead of into a body of water. DECAY=The decrease in the amount of any radioactive isotope with the passage of time. NUCLEUS=The central part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons. DIRTYBOMB=A device that spreads radioactive material by exploding a conventional explosive, such as dynamite. DOSE=The quantity of radiation or energy absorbed. DOSIMETER=Tool used by radiation workers to measure personal radiation dose. ELECTRON=A negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus in a cloud. ENTOMB=Encase radioactive contaminants in long-lived material, such as concrete. FALLOUT=The slow descent of minute particles of radioactive debris after a nuclear explosion. FISSION=The process of splitting a nucleus into at least two other nuclei and the release of a relatively large amount of energy. FUELCYCLE=Series of steps involved in supplying fuel for nuclear power reactors. GAMMA=The kind of rays that can be stopped by either several feet of concrete or a few inches of lead. GEIGERCOUNTER=Most commonly used portable radiation detection instrument. IRRADIATION=Both food and mail can go through this process. ISOTOPE=Nuclide of an element having the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. MANHATTAN=The name for the national program to develop the first atomic weapons during World War II is the ____ Project. NUCLEARPOWER=This energy source supplies about one-fifth of the electricity in the United States. PLUME=Material spreading from a source and traveling through air or water. PLUTONIUM=This element can be used in reactor fuel and is the primary isotope in weapons. PROTON=Typically found within the nucleus of an atom, it possesses a positive electrical charge. RADIATION=Energy given off as either particles or rays from the unstable nucleus of an atom. RADNET=The EPA nationwide system of air, water, and milk radiation monitors. TAILINGS=Waste rock from mining operations that contain concentrations of mineral ore. TRITIUM=The radioactive element used in exit signs. XRAYS=Process used for detecting injuries, like broken bones. YELLOWCAKE=Mixture of uranium oxides used to create nuclear fuel. YUCCA=Mountain that the U.S. Department of Energy proposed as a repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. EPA=Federal agency that protects human health and environment. REM=Unit used in the United States to measure radiation dose. SIEVERT=Metric unit used to measure radiation dose. ALARA=An acronym that describes the commitment of making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to ionizing radiation as far below the dose limits as practical. PERIODICTABLEArrangement of chemical elements in order of increasing atomic number. ULTRAVIOLET=Wavelength ranging from violet within the visible spectrum to low-energy x-rays. HEALTHPHYSICS=The scientific field focused on protection of humans and the environment from radiation. HOTSPOT=The level of radioactive contamination in this area is considerably greater than in the surrounding areas. PATHWAYS=Routes by which people are exposed to radiation or other contaminants. LASER=Used for entertainment; produces a nearly parallel, coherent beam of light. MUTATION=The process caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome. EMF=Invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device that is plugged in and turned on. CANARY=The type of glass that contains uranium, which provide its yellow-green coloring and makes it glow. RADIUM=Radioactive element painted on watches to make the hands glow. AMERICIUM=Radioactive element used in smoke detectors. ORPHAN=A lost or misplaced radiation source. STATES=Rather than federal agencies, these represent the best first source of information about radiation issues affecting you. NRC=Organization that implements standards for protecting the public from radiation. DHS=Federal agency that educates citizens to prepare themselves for major emergencies. HHS=Department that establishes health standards for x-ray machines and other electronic products. DOE=Federal agency responsible for the management and disposal of nuclear waste. DOD=Federal agency responsible for the safe handling and storage of nuclear weapons. DOT=Federal agency responsible for the packaging and transport of radioactive materials. OSHA=Office within the Department of Labor that enforces regulations to protect workers from radiation exposure. ELEVATION=This factor determines how much radiation you are exposed to from the sun. NONIONIZING=EMF emits this type of radiation. ATOM=It is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. ELECTRONBEAM=This technology is used for medical device, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sterilization. FERTILIZER=Phosphogypsum is waste from the production of this product, used on farms. RADIONUCLIDE=An atom with an unstable nucleus. UVA=Type of ultraviolet light produced by tanning beds. FTC=Investigator of false and deceptive advertising claims about tanning equipment. MINES=Uranium is excavated in these. UVINDEX=A daily forecast of the expected risk of overexposure to the sun. RADIOTHERAPY=Radiation treatment of cancerous cells. LEAD=Highly toxic and sometimes radioactive metal, previously used in paint. BACKSCATTER=X-ray system used in airports as an alternative to a strip search. FLYASH=Tiny particles that are emitted to the atmosphere when they escape from a coal-fired power plant. NUCLEARWEAPON=Object that produces a mushroom cloud and spreads more radiation than a dirty bomb. COASTGUARD=Organization responsible for investigating any suspicious ship still at sea. MAMMOGRAM=Procedure used to detect breast cancer. SUPERFUND=Federal government program that identifies and cleans up uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. OPENPIT=Type of uranium mining that involves stripping away the rock that lies above the uranium ore. MICROWAVE=Machine that uses non-ionizing radiation to heat up food. DENTIST=Occupation that uses x-rays to examine teeth and jaws. CAT=Furry sounding name for a CT scan.