From the Office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi Statement on Veterans Day

November 10, 2003

Washington, D.C. -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day:

"Veterans Day is a day to honor and remember the courageous and faithful men and women who have served our country in uniform. No group of Americans has stood stronger and braver for our nation than our veterans. From the bitter cold winter at Valley Forge to the boiling hot Iraqi terrain, our soldiers have courageously answered when called, gone where ordered, and defended our nation with honor.

"On the battlefields of war, our soldiers pledge to leave no one behind. As a nation it must be our pledge that, after our soldiers come home, we will leave no veteran behind. Our veterans served for all of us. We must be there for all of them.

"Democrats have proposed a comprehensive package of legislation that keeps America’s promise to our veterans. Today, veterans’ health care is in crisis, with 60,000 veterans waiting up to six months for an appointment at Veterans Affairs hospitals. Democrats are fighting to provide an additional $1.8 billion for next year to improve veterans’ health care. And we have taken action to block the Bush Administration's proposal to increase prescription drug co-payments and enrollment fees.

"Democrats are leading the charge to end the national disgrace of the disabled veterans tax, which denies more than 500,000 disabled veterans their full retirement and disability benefits. Because of Democratic pressure, the Republicans have put forward a plan, but it leaves far too many veterans behind. Under the Republican plan, two-thirds of our veterans still will not receive one penny of compensation for their disabilities. Democrats will stand for all of our disabled veterans and will continue to fight for full concurrent receipt, making sure that no soldier is left behind.

"On this Veterans Day, with tomorrow’s veterans now serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to those who have worn this nation’s uniform. Our veterans and their families ask for nothing more. They deserve nothing less."
