From: Basu, Malay Kumar (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 4:09 PM To: NLM/NCBI List ncbi-seminar Subject: Tuesday seminar NCBI seminar: Protein Domain Promiscuity and Evolution of Eukaryotes Malay K Basu Building 38A, B2 Library, October 25, 2005, 11 AM In this talk I will try to put forward evidence that protein domain promiscuity, a term used in this study to indicate protein domain co-occurrence diversity of a particular domain, is an interesting trait for comparative-genomic analysis. Domain promiscuity appears to be an important indicator of genome complexity. I will discuss methods we used to numerically measure promiscuity and will show the evolution of promiscuity in Eukaryota. I will also show ancestral reconstruction using promiscuity as a trait, and will demonstrate how we can use this technique to get an idea about the time during evolution when a domain became promiscuous.