From Sun Aug 20 18:55:38 1995 Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 13:49:58 +1200 (NZT) From: Matiu Carr Subject: IES decsriptions To: (radiance discussion) Status: RO Hi On the off chance it has been answered in private email, can anyone out there provide information (or pointers to information) regarding the IES luminaire descriptions? Thanks. Mat ---------------------------------------------- Matiu Carr University of Auckland ---------------------------------------------- From Sun Aug 20 02:25:02 1995 Reply-To: Stephen Benson To: Cc: Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 08:27:05 Subject: Re: Need help with writing IESNA95 luminaires From: Stephen Benson Status: RO >You probably allready know that Philip Thompson at MIT has ported my >original autocad to radiance translator torad from autolisp to ads-C, >naming the result radout. You might also have heard about the user >interface ddrad, that Veronika Summerauer at ETH has written for >torad (and radiance). >I am currently pondering to adapt this interface to radout, so you >will get the speed of a compiled translation unit, and the >flexibility >and functional power of a lisp driven user interface. > >The features of ddrad allready include: >- fully integrated graphical user interface for exporting data to > radiance. >- material editor. >- rendering parameters control (generating rif file). >- running radiance from within autocad (interactive preview). >- material library support. > >This is currently limited to unix users and adapted specially >to the needs of the CAAD lab at ETH. > Sounds interesting; is it available on a site somewhere? -- : stephen benson : : : : : : : : From greg Thu Aug 24 09:26:01 1995 Date: Thu, 24 Aug 95 09:25:57 PDT From: greg (Greg Ward) To: radiance-discuss Subject: PLEASE STOP! Status: RO Please stop sending unsubscribe messages to radiance-discuss!!! This gets forwarded to EVERYONE on the mailing list, not just to the maintainer (me). As a result, you end up making everyone want to unsubscribe because of the noise, and I can hardly blame them. I've disabled the list for a day or two until this dies down. If you have unsubscribe requests to make, send them to, not radiance-discuss! You should also say which list you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe, as there are two, a moderated announcement and digest list, which is somewhat immune from this sort of nonsense, and an unmoderated digest list, which includes the occassional bit of noise from careless users. -Greg From Thu Aug 24 08:20:04 1995 From: Mathias Wambsganss Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 16:44:46 +0200 Original-Received: by NeXT.Mailer (1.95) Pp-Warning: Illegal Received field on preceding line Original-Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.95) Pp-Warning: Illegal Received field on preceding line To: Subject: gensky Cc: Status: RO Hi I have a question to sky models produced with gensky. If I use the option -c for an CIE overcast sky and calculate the illuminace, the value outside of my building is nearly 8800 lx. A check of this value with other programs (LuMagic, LumenMicro or with a handish calculation like DIN 5034 (German norm book)) brings me some trouble. For the same day at the same place are the values between 11500lx and 12000lx (also for an overcast sky). If I use the option -u (uniform sky) to produce a sky.rad file and calculate the illuminace outside the building, I got a value nearly the same like the other programs. i use the PC-Version of radiance. So my question is: Has anyone an idea what happens and is this maybe a proplem of the PC-Version?? Thanks a lot in front! Mathias Wambsganss Universitaet Karlsruhe Germany Lehrbereich Technischer Ausbau Englerstr. 7 76128 Karlsruhe FON 0721 6083769 FAX 0721 6086092 Email From greg Thu Aug 24 09:06:32 1995 Date: Thu, 24 Aug 95 09:06:31 PDT From: greg (Greg Ward) To: Subject: Re: gensky Status: RO Hi Mathias, The numbers to use for average zenith luminance are never agreed upon. I'm surprised that your other calculations are in such close agreement. If you want a reliable absolute value for ANY sky condition, you must specify the zenith radiance either directly with the -b option or indirectly via the -B option of gensky. This is not a fault of the PC version, just a difference in the default quantity used by various programs. -Greg P.S. There is usually data available for the mean irradiance or illuminance (use the conversion factor 179 lumens/watt to go between the two) in weather almanacs and the like. From Thu Aug 24 10:47:28 1995 Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 17:47:32 GMT From: "Christopher E. Brown" To: Subject: UNSCRIBE Status: RO Please unsubscribe me from radiance-discuss From Fri Aug 25 04:52:23 1995 Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 12:25:07 +0100 (BST) From: R C Love Subject: Leaking light To: Status: RO I recently turned off all the light sources in what used to be an external view of a daylit building (I wanted to model it floodlit at night). When I ran rview (or rpict) it correctly identified that there were no light sources but the resulting image shows the building to be almost self illuminating. Where surfaces face each other the light is quite significant. Thinking that this was my mistake (a rogue light source in the scene files) I used the following simple scene and rad file... ############################################### # test.rif scene= test.scene OCTREE= test.oct PICTURE= test EXPOSURE= 0.0358 VARIABILITY= M QUALITY= M DETAIL= M INDIRECT= 1 view= -vtv -vp 5 -10 0.5 -vd 0 1 0 -vu 0 0 1 -vh 29.0286 -vv 29.0286 -vo 0 -va 0 -vs 0 -vl 0 ############################################### ############################################### # Test.rad void plastic stone 0 0 5 0.45 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.2 !genbox stone step_1 5.6 1.2 0.15 | xform -t 2.2 0.0 0.0 !genbox stone step_2 5.6 1.2 0.15 | xform -t 2.2 0.3 0.15 !genbox stone step_3 5.6 1.2 0.15 | xform -t 2.2 0.6 0.30 !genbox stone step_4 5.6 1.2 0.15 | xform -t 2.2 0.9 0.45 ############################################### I've used the above on both Radiance V2.5 and V2.4 on a Linux box and an SGI Challenge machine (R8000's under Irix6) and the stone steps are clearly visible. Can anybody tell me why I can see the steps when there is no light in the environment? Many thanks Rob Love School of Computer Studies Universtity of Leeds Leeds, UK From greg Fri Aug 25 09:41:01 1995 Date: Fri, 25 Aug 95 09:41:00 PDT From: greg (Greg Ward) To: Subject: Re: Leaking light Status: RO Hi Rob, This didn't get sent to radiance-discuss because the list is still disabled, but that's OK because I can answer your question pretty easily. The problem is that rad sets the ambient value based on the EXPOSURE setting in the .rif file, and your setting of 0.0358 results in a -av setting of 14 14 14. Any non-zero setting in a scene without sky or light sources will make the surfaces appear to glow. You need to change your exposure setting to something more reasonable for a nighttime scene in order to get the right results. Hope this clears things up. -Greg From Fri Sep 1 11:08:27 1995 Date: Fri, 1 Sep 95 11:08:25 PDT To: From: (Me) Subject: Radiance Discussion List Status: RO Please subscribe me to the list Thanks From Mon Sep 25 16:40:06 1995 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 16:06:19 -0700 (PDT) From: slyhorse To: "Gregory J. Ward" Subject: Re: subscribe to which list? Status: RO Subscribe to moderated announcement and digest mailing list See my web page From greg Tue Sep 26 09:32:38 1995 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 09:11:36 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: radiance-discuss Subject: PostScript question Status: RO Here is a question about the output of ra_ps, asked by Jan Diepens. Since I wrote this program, it's obviously my fault, but I don't know enough about standard PostScript comments to correct it without help, so please offer some suggestions or references if you have them. Thanks. -Greg ---------------------- >From Jan Diepens : I'm trying to print the radiance pictures on a Hp 4M + postscript printer using the print option of TRAD. The result is 2 nice grayscale pictures and a lot of pages with the error message: "!! This job is recovered from page 2 !! (Note: There may be a few pages duplicated)". Using TRAD and sending the print job to a QMS 810 postscript printer does not give any problem. If I display the postscript file generated by TRAD (ra_ps) with SUN's pageview I get the error message: "this file doesn't use the Adobe PostScript Structuring Comments correctly". Is this a known problem and has it already been solved? if not will somebody help me to solve it?, I am not a postscript expert and can use all help. I am using Radiance release 2.5 compiled and running on a SUN SPARCstation 10 with the OS "Solaris 2.4." From Fri Sep 29 01:08:54 1995 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 18:08:06 +1000 To: From: Subject: subscription Status: RO This is my request for subscription to the Radiance discussion mailing list From greg Mon Oct 2 15:01:16 1995 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 2 Oct 95 15:00:32 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: Subject: Re: Optical Light Film Cc: lbeltran Status: RO Hi Ken, I'm sorry to take so long to get back to you. I forwarded your e-mail to a woman in our group (Liliana Beltran) who has had some experience with these types of material (including the one you mentioned in particular). She also has some experience using Radiance, and I thought she might have modeled this before. Just speaking with her now, it seems that she hasn't, and cited the general lack of information from the manufacturer (3M) regarding the material's properties. I have added your e-mail address to both the Radiance announcement/digest list and the discussion list. If you would like to post your question to, it should go through to the list. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. -Greg From Fri Oct 20 04:39:06 1995 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 12:13:17 +0200 (METDST) From: Shaul Baruch Subject: 3D-Studio To: Radiance-discuss Status: RO Hallo all Radiance funs, I am trying to convert 3D drawings created by 3D-Studio to Radiance format. I would like to hear from people that have tried it before. Is there a new/old good way to do such conversion. I am working with a DOS version of Radiance, and I do not seem to have the Torad conversion program. (How good does it work? and what other possibilities are there?) Best regards Shaul Baruch From Wed Oct 25 00:07:51 1995 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 23:43:10 -0700 To: From: (Charles Ehrlich) Subject: Re: 3D-Studio Status: RO >>Shaul Baruch wrote: >>I am trying to convert 3D drawings created by 3D-Studio to Radiance >>format. >>I would like to hear from people that have tried it before. >>Is there a new/old good way to do such conversion. >> >>I am working with a DOS version of Radiance, and I do not seem to have >>the Torad conversion program. (How good does it work? and what other >>possibilities are there?) A DOS/Windows version of the torad program (called radout) is available from me for an investment recovery fee of $50.00. It is based on a Unix version of the radout program for Unix AutoCAD. My programmer enhanced the export facilities such that it creates Radiance polygons from closed 3D PLINES. It was specifically written to handle some of the strange data one gets from programs like 3D Studio. Sorry. It does not yet handle light sources, cameras or any of the other fancy objects. The version I offer runs under DOS or Windows AutoCAD R12. If there is enough interest, I will bring it up to date with R13 and pay for the addition of more functionality. Point your WWW browser at: for more information. -Chas +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Charles Ehrlich | Radiance Consulting & Training for | | Space & Light | Lighting & Daylighting Analysis | | | Energy Efficiency and Visual Comfort | | 842 Folsom St. #197 | Available: AutoCAD to Radiance xlator | | San Francisco, CA 94107 USA | For more information check out URL: | | 415 905-4438 24hr messages | | +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ From greg Mon Oct 30 09:30:28 1995 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95 09:12:47 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: radiance-discuss Subject: e-mail from Erwin Zierler for Radiance discussion group Status: RO [I am forwarding this for Erwin, since his mailer doesn't like my mailer.] > > Hallo all Radiance funs, Hi Shaul! > > I am trying to convert 3D drawings created by 3D-Studio to Radiance > format. > I would like to hear from people that have tried it before. > Is there a new/old good way to do such conversion. As far as I know 3DS has an option to write out DXF (not sure though) >From then on you have two ways: 1. use the existing dxf2rad (should be on hobbes) 2. import it into Autocad (if you have it) and use the torad program or radout (more below) If you can get on a machine with Autocad 13 you can import the 3ds files directly. Then again use the torad utility. > I am working with a DOS version of Radiance, and I do not seem to have > the Torad conversion program. (How good does it work? and what other > possibilities are there?) Ohh, the dos version!? I heard about it but didn't know people are really working with it. Well, as long as it reads the same geometry files like the Radiance (Unix) distribution there should be no problem. Regarding torad: it's a AutoLisp program and is only useful if you have AutoCAD. It takes a AutoCAD database and writes out the Radiance geometry, materials (all the same), a basic sunlight and groundglow and you can also choose from a set of views (named views in ACAD) Check the hobbes server (or mirror site in Swizerland) in /pub/translators (or similar), there you should find this program (if not I can mail it to you). Radout is another translator which works also inside AutoCAD and is basically a C (ADS in this case) port of the torad program. I have only used it once but the handling and functionality is quite the same (hope I remember right). Personally I prefer Gerorg Mischler's torad since I can read the code and modify it according to my needs. > > > Best regards > > Shaul Baruch > Hope this helps a bit.... Erwin >>> Erwin Zierler University of Innsbruck <<< >>> WWW: Austria <<< From greg Mon Nov 6 10:43:55 1995 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 6 Nov 95 10:43:54 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: greg Subject: Re: Radiance on an Amiga Status: RO Does anyone have any experience with the following system configuration, that they might be able to give this fellow some advice? ------------ >From Thu Nov 2 23:06:04 1995 Return-Path: From: Matt Jackson Subject: Radience Problems To: Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 03:49:25 +1100 (EST) Reply-To: Status: R Hi Greg, I have just installed Radience 2.4 from the SIGGRAPH '94 CD and have a few problems. I am using an Amiga 3000 running NetBSD1.0 and managed to build everything with gcc2.7.3 but, when I render anything (includeing the examples and tutorial) all I get is a black picture with white objects. Any help will greatly appreciated. Matt. From Mon Nov 20 06:38:55 1995 Return-Path: From: GEOFFREY MCKENNAN Organization: Manchester Metropolitan University To: Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 14:38:39 GMT Subject: radiance e-mail X-Confirm-Reading-To: "GEOFFREY MCKENNAN" X-Pmrqc: 1 Return-Receipt-To: "GEOFFREY MCKENNAN" Priority: normal Status: RO to whom it may concern, I should like to receive radiance e-mail. I have been recommended to request "subscribe unmoderated". Could you please send to my e-mail address. Thanks for your help. Dr G T McKennan From Mon Nov 27 04:14:53 1995 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:45:02 +0200 (EET) From: John Gronvall To: Subject: Groupingn & Smoothing Pgons? Status: RO Hello Everyone Thank you very much for helping me out with my IES-problem. Now I have another one, At the moment I'm working with a friend on an Autolisp routine that would allow conversion of a 2D base-plane drawing of a building into a Radiance file. The height for the walls exist only as extended data. I'm using MGF to describe the main geometry of the scene. For the kinkier parts I'm working directly with the .rad file. The problems occur when trying to describe a cylindrical shaped wall - I would prefer not to use 'Gensurf' for the wall, instead I'd rather use the symmetry of the floor to construct an "extruded" piece of wall. In this way the wall would be tessalated into rectangles -> no smoothing! Q: Is there an easy way of "grouping" the polygons into one object so that the surface would look smooth. The only way I can think of is to somehowe use as a material modifier a bump map and try to come up with a way of interpolating the normals of the polygons..???? Any help would be appricated Your Sincerely from the country where everybody currently is walking with loads of ice in their beard John Gronvall From Mon Nov 27 07:08:23 1995 Return-Path: From: "Georg Mischler" To: Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 15:35:00 +100 (MESZ) Subject: Re: Groupingn & Smoothing Polygons? X-Gateway: iGate, (WP Office) vers 4.04m - 1082 Status: RO John Gronvall wrote: > The problems occur when trying to describe a cylindrical shaped wall - > I would prefer not to use 'Gensurf' for the wall, instead I'd rather use > the symmetry of the floor to construct an "extruded" piece of wall. In this > way the wall would be tessalated into rectangles -> no smoothing! > Q: Is there an easy way of "grouping" the polygons into one object so that > the surface would look smooth. > The only way I can think of is to somehowe use as a material modifier a > bump map and try to come up with a way of interpolating the normals of > the polygons..???? Hi John, What exactly is the problem with gensurf? Its output is exactly the texfuncs you need, so why reinventing the wheel? If you stay with walls (ie. extrusion to Z direction) then the formula is relatively simple. Let X0, Y0, Z0 be the (lower) center of your arc, alpha the opening angle (start to end), a1 the starting angle relative to +x and H the extrusion height. Then you get (please test before using!): !gensurf some_material curve 'cos((PI*(PI/alpha)*s)+a1)+X0' \ 'sin((PI*(PI/alpha)*s)+a1)+Y0' \ '(t*H)+Z0' \ 16 1 -s You can tweak the number of segments (here 16) depending on the opening angle to get more accurate upper and lower edges. I intend to include this functionality into the torad/radout/ddrad suite as soon as the ddrad portion is ready for beta testing. Therfore I'd be *very* happy myself if anyone could come up with a general solution to this problem (curves roatated in space) without the need of using xform and seperate files for every single arc ... Btw: I hope that this test release of ddrad will be ready early next year. The basic functionality is allready working together with my modified copy of radout, but it still needs some more work to become usefull to someone who has never seen it before. Sorry John, for abusing your request again for this kind of advertisement ... you just seem to ask the right questions ;) hope that helps (and thanks as well for any further ideas) -Georg Georg Mischler \ / HL-Technik AG, Lichtplanung T: +49-89/72406-315 Daylighting && - o - Wolfratshauser Strasse 56 F: +49-89/72406-309 && Simulations / \ D - 81379 Muenchen, Germany E: From Sun Dec 3 14:22:32 1995 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 03 Dec 1995 14:21:29 -0800 From: Doug Barnard To: Subject: (no subject) X-Url: Status: RO subscribe radiance-discuss From Thu Dec 7 04:07:35 1995 Return-Path: From: caneparo Subject: subscribe To: Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 13:01:23 MET Cc: Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.30] Status: RO Could you please subscribe me to the Radiance discussion group? Thanks! Luca Caneparo Politecnico di Torino Italy From Sun Dec 10 13:14:58 1995 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 16:14:48 -0500 From: (Joe Geigel) To: Subject: subscribe Reply-To: Status: RO Hello... COuld you please subscribe me to the radiance mailing list... Thanks, -- joe geigel From Sun Dec 24 18:32:27 1995 Return-Path: From: To: Subject: Subscribe Me Date: Mon, 25 Dec 95 3:24:3 GMT Status: RO Greetings Mr. Ward, I would like to subscribe to the mailing list dedicated to the RADIANCE package, wich impressed me very much! I'm using the Amiga porting of Radiance and I've found some problems with the emulation of the unix-style shell, needed for the correct execution of the rendering scripts. Thanks in advance. Massimo Curatella ### From Tue Jan 9 01:03:13 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 03:03:03 -0600 (CST) From: Thomas Marsh To: Subject: Subscription Status: RO Dr. Ward, I assume this is not a mojordomo account. I would like to subscribe to both the moderated and unmoderated mailing lists. If for some reason this email has reached the wrong location please do notify me. I am going in accordance with the instructions listed in Radiance Digest v2n7. I am a general raytracing enthusiast and use Radiance in conjunction with the rest of my hobbies. I am extremely impressed with your software. Perhaps someday I will have some work to display for your Radiance users! Thank you very much, Thomas Marsh /------------------------------------=----------------------------------------\ | Thomas Marsh, | Life would be so much easier if we | | | could just look at the source code. | \------------------------------------=----------------------------------------/ From Wed Jan 10 12:12:39 1996 Return-Path: Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 13:43:04 -0600 (CST) From: Thomas Marsh To: Subject: [Q] Porous Surfaces Status: RO Hello, I am very new to the Radiance system, so please excuse my ignorance. I have attempted to educate myself thus far with the materal at but I have not been able to understand many portions. I will explain what I am trying to do. I would like to create a pumice-like surface. (Pumice is a type of lava rock with lots of holes in it.) The obvious solution is to define my object and then create a random distribution of small antimatter spheres with varying radii. -But that is a very ugly hack. I am trying to find a way to do this so that I can apply it to any object. I would assume this would be easier to do in Radiance than almost any other renderer, so perhaps that is why I cannot figure out how to do it. Thanks for any suggestions! Thomas /------------------------------------=----------------------------------------\ | Thomas Marsh, | Life would be so much easier if we | | | could just look at the source code. | \------------------------------------=----------------------------------------/ From Mon Jan 15 17:43:24 1996 Return-Path: To: Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 20:43:10 -0500 From: "Carl A. Adams" Status: RO subscribe From Fri Jan 19 05:01:38 1996 Return-Path: From: Milan Janak Subject: Request to subscribe To: Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 08:28:02 +0100 (MEZ) Status: RO Dear Mr. Gregory Ward, After some help from Jan Hensen currently in Korea I would like to ask you to subscribe myself to the both Radiance discussion lists. For some time I am back in my home university in Bratislava, Slovakia. So please you could unsubscribe my ESRU address or I am currently working on the time variable illuminance predictions with Radiance. Currently we do not have UNIX machines here in Slovakia so we are using Radiance DOS version from the ADELINE package. I would like to use gendaylit program which is not included in ADELINE. Could you let me know where I could find source code for the gendaylit. With best regards, Milan Janak e-mail: From Wed Jan 24 12:31:18 1996 Return-Path: Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 20:28:51 +0000 To: From: (Mun Yew Chan) Subject: Subcribe me to Radiance Digest Status: RO /?????????????????????????????????????????????/ Mun Yew Chan /?????????????????????????????????????????????/ From Sun Jan 28 02:25:32 1996 Return-Path: From: Matt Jackson Subject: Subscribe to mailing lists To: Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 21:23:37 +1100 (EST) Reply-To: Status: RO Hi, I am not sure if I am subscribed to the mailing lists or not. My name is: Matt jackson Email Address: Or: Thanks. Matt. --- Matt Jackson "You can talk about the cutting edge of technology all you like but Canberra,Australia someone has to hold the knife..." From Sun Jan 28 17:53:15 1996 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 03:28:35 -0800 From: Paolo Bernardelli Organization: Poliedra To: Subject: Subscribe mailing list Status: RO Please Greg Subscribe me to radiance Mailing List!!! send mail to thank Paolo Bernardelli From Tue Jan 30 05:51:27 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 12:15:00 +0100 (MET) From: Erik Reinhard Subject: subscribe To: Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] Status: RO Please subscribe (Erik Reinhard) to the radiance mailing list. Thanks, Erik From Fri Feb 2 09:44:26 1996 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 18:51:28 +0100 From: Sebastien Guilbaud To: Subject: Mailing list Status: RO Thank you for your prompt answer. I would like to subscribe to both mailing lists, please. I had a small (huge in fact) problem recompiling Radiance on our Alpha,here, but it compiled right out of the box on our old DecStations ....... I will try it out tonight on my Linux machine : the night will be very looooonng . thanks in advance Sebastien. From greg Mon Feb 5 09:26:49 1996 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 5 Feb 96 09:01:34 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: radiance-discuss Subject: Radiance on a Cray? Status: RO Can anyone help this gentleman? Please don't use the reply command, rather e-mail to his address directly. If you would like to be removed from the Radiance mailing list, send a request to unsubscribe from the discussion group to: -Greg -------------------------- >From Sun Feb 4 04:43:05 1996 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 4 Feb 96 13:35:30 +0100 To: From: Luca CANEPARO Subject: Radiance on the Cray's. Cc: Status: R Hi Greg, Could you please put me in touch with someone who installed Radiance on the Cray's computers? Best regards, Luca Caneparo Politecnico di Torino Italy e-mail From Tue Feb 6 02:34:58 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 10:58:42 +0100 From: Sebastien Guilbaud To: Subject: Radiance compilation on Linux Status: RO I recently compiled Radiance on my Linux system (gcc 2.7.2, libc 5.2.18) and it worked almost perfectly : i had to remove the Xmshr library from the makefile : i don't have this library on my machine. Anyone knows the purpose of this library ? Except this,Radiance runs rather well (my processor is a poor DX4-100). Seb. From Tue Feb 6 07:40:07 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 10:00:28 -0500 From: (Joe Geigel) To:, Subject: Looking for accurate illumination/BRDFs Reply-To: Status: RO Hello... I am conducting an experiment, in the spirit of the studies with the Cornell box, where I will be comparing a computer rendered scene (rendered with RADIANCE) with an equivalent scene in the real world. As such, I will need to find luminarires and materials in the real world whose physical data is accurately recorded and generally available. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any particular luminaires whose illumination data is available (and considered accurate) and/or materials whose BRDF data is available (and also accurate) and where I might obtain such data. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, -- joe geigel pittsburgh supercomputing center From Tue Feb 6 16:18:46 1996 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 07 Jan 1996 01:24:32 -0800 From: Paolo Bernardelli Organization: Poliedra To: Subject: Radiance compilation on Linux Status: RO Dear Grag Sebastien Guilbaud wrote: > > I recently compiled Radiance on my Linux system (gcc 2.7.2, libc 5.2.18) > and it worked almost perfectly : i had to remove the Xmshr library from > the makefile : i don't have this library on my machine. > Anyone knows the purpose of this library ? > > Except this,Radiance runs rather well (my processor is a poor DX4-100). > > Seb. I have had the same problems ... And I try to substitude with a generic -lX11 but when I try to use rpict or rview that use X11 output device there was a bad suprise.... I try to compile the 2.6a or b Release of radiance. With the 2.5 (Official Release ) all is ok but the new feature of 2.6 realease are really interesting. Dear Grag try to light myself....... and my compiler... Thank and Bye Paolo Bernardelli From greg Tue Feb 6 16:23:53 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 6 Feb 96 16:23:24 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: Subject: Re: Radiance compilation on Linux Cc: greg, Status: RO OK -- I removed the -lXmshr line from makeall for Linux, but I don't kow (know) what it does or doesn't do. -Greg P.S. You will get some bounced mail from your posting to radiance-discuss. Please ignore it! From Tue Feb 6 16:38:40 1996 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 07 Jan 1996 02:12:43 -0800 From: Paolo Bernardelli Organization: Poliedra To: Subject: Re: Radiance compilation on Linux Status: RO Gregory J. Ward wrote: > > OK -- I removed the -lXmshr line from makeall for Linux, but I don't kow > (know) what it does or doesn't do. > > -Greg > > P.S. You will get some bounced mail from your posting to radiance-discuss. > Please ignore it! I don't rememeber very well... because I try to compile two week ago... Tomorrow I will be more exact. But what You can imagine that all executable that try to to use X11 library wasn't campile. When I correct with "-lX11" the -lXmshr link, the rpict and rview executable were built. But when I try to make a render there wasn't any answer or beginning of trace. Tomorrow I will send another more exact mail. Thank Greg by Paolo Bernardelli. From Mon Feb 12 10:28:16 1996 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 19:27:52 +0100 (MET) From: Gustav Taxen To: "Gregory J. Ward" Subject: Re: Radiance mailing list subscription request Status: RO > Subscribe to which list? The moderated announcement and digest mailing list, > or the unmoderated discussion group? Usually people subscribe either to > the announcement list only, or to both lists. Hi, Greg! I thought this was an automatic mailing list server, so I sent a "help" command to check what my options were. If the announcement messages are posted to the unmoderated group, I'd like to subscribe to that (in digest form, if possible), please. BTW, thanks for a great program! Sincerely, Gustav )\._.,--....,'``. /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. --- `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' ------------------------------------------------ | Gustav Taxin ( Listen! -John Cage | Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (cat by Felix Lee, From Tue Feb 13 09:06:24 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 17:32:01 +0100 From: Jean-Louis Maltret-GAMSAU To: Subject: Subscribe Status: RO Please could you change my address on this list, which was : (or , this is equivalent and I don't know under what address I have subscribed) to the new address : Thanks and best regards. J-L.Maltret - Gamsau - School of Architecture - Marseille-Luminy France. From greg Tue Feb 13 10:12:11 1996 Return-Path: Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 09:46:31 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: radiance-discuss Subject: Forgive and forget Status: RO Please ignore that last message, which was posted accidentally by a user to the entire Radiance discussion group, when he meant to send it to: Please address all requests for changes in your discussion group and digest/announcement list subscriptions to the above address, rather than to the discussion group itself. Also, be careful when you reply to a discussion group posting, so that you don't inadvertantly send mail to the entire group when you mean for it to go to the individual originator or to me, the list manager. Thanks for your patience and cooperation. -Greg Ward From Thu Feb 15 23:59:56 1996 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 20:59:32 +1300 (NDT) From: Greg Elisara Subject: subscribe To: Status: RO Please add me to the Radiance Discussion group. Thanks, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Greg Elisara Dept of Architecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From Sat Feb 17 02:23:44 1996 Return-Path: Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 22:57:07 +1300 (NDT) From: Greg Elisara Subject: Radiance and Linux/XFree86 at 16bpp To: Status: RO Hi all, I've been running Radiance on a Linux box for some time but have only ever been able to get it to work with the X server running at 8bpp. Since I've decided to go the ELF way I decided to try and fix all the littel problems that were bothering me, particularly this Radiance one. I'm not in working distance of the Linux box in question so I can't give you all the details but the gist is: -RedHat Distribution v2.1 -Kernel 1.2.13 -XFree86 3.1.2 -P5/100 CPU -Diamond Stealth 64 2M DRAM I'm assuming that the X parts of Radiance (rview, ximage etc) can work at higher colour depths than 8bpp. XFree does. Anyway, if anyone out there can help it would be very much appreciated. PS: just some superfluous info for those considerin the change to ELF - if you want/need to compile the Radiance binaries make sure that the Makefile is explicit about where it can find the X libs. Running the script straight out of the box didn't work for me. -L/usr/X11/lib needed to be explicitly added to the gcc line for the X11 bits to be made. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Greg Elisara Dept of Architecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From Sun Feb 18 14:06:44 1996 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 22:38:23 +0100 (GMT+0100) From: Henrik Wann Jensen To: Greg Elisara Cc: Subject: Re: Radiance and Linux/XFree86 at 16bpp Status: RO On Sun, 18 Feb 1996, Greg Elisara wrote: > -RedHat Distribution v2.1 > -Kernel 1.2.13 > -XFree86 3.1.2 > -P5/100 CPU > -Diamond Stealth 64 2M DRAM > > I'm assuming that the X parts of Radiance (rview, ximage etc) can work at > higher colour depths than 8bpp. XFree does. > > Anyway, if anyone out there can help it would be very much appreciated. I am having almost the same configuration (also Diamond Stealth) and it is true that Radiace doesn't recognize the 16bpp visual, but you can use the Diamond Card with 32bpp and Radiance runs perfectly well with this visual. > PS: just some superfluous info for those considerin the change to ELF - > if you want/need to compile the Radiance binaries make sure that the > Makefile is explicit about where it can find the X libs. Running the > script straight out of the box didn't work for me. -L/usr/X11/lib needed > to be explicitly added to the gcc line for the X11 bits to be made. I use Slackware 3.0 ELF and Radiance compiled without any problems at all. - Henrik +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ + Henrik Wann Jensen + e-mail: + + Graphical Communication + www: + + Technical University of Denmark + phone: +45 45 25 16 64 + + Building 116, DK-2800 + fax: +45 45 93 83 17 + +-------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+