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Selected Recent Research Reports on the Economic Benefits of Pollution Control Funded by EPA

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EPA Report #
Title, Authors, and Research Organization
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume I, Measuring the Benefits of Clean Air and Water, Allen V. Kneese, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume II, Six Studies of Health Benefits from Air Pollution Control, Shaul Ben-David, Reza Pazand, Thomas D.
      Crocker, Ralph C. d'Arge, Shelby Gerking, William D. Schulze, Curt Anderson, Robert Buechley, Maureen Cropper, Lawrence A.
      Thibodeau, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume III, Five Studies on Non-Market Valuation Techniques, David S. Brookshire, William D. Schulze, Ralph C. d'Arge, Thomas D. Crocker, Shelby Gerking, Mark A. Thayer, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume IV, Measuring the Benefits of Air Quality Improvements in the San Francisco Bay Area: Property Value and
      Contingent Valuation Studies, Edna Loehman, David Boldt, and Kathleen Chaikin, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (forthcoming).
      Methods Deyelopment for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume V, Measuring Household Soiling Damages from Suspended Air Particulates: A Methodlogical Inquiry, R.G. Cummings, H.S. Burness, R.D. Norton, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessments, Volume VI, The Value of Air Pollution Damages to Agricultural Activities in Southern California, Richard Adams, Thomas D. Crocker, Narongsakdi Thanavibulchai, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessment, Volume VII, Methods Develbpment for Assessing Acid Dep6sition Control Benefits, Thomas D. Crocker, John T.
      Tschirhart, Richard Adams, Bruce Forster, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming)
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessment, Volume VIII, The Benefits of Preserving Visiility in the National arklands of the Southwest, William D. Schulze, David S. Brookshire, Eric Walther, Karen Kelly, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessment, Volume IX, Evaluation of Decision Models for Environmental Assessment, Johnn Sorrentino, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (forthcoming).
      Methods Development for Environmental Control Benefits Assessment, Volume X, Executive Summary, David Brookshire, Thomas Crocker, Ralph d'Arge, William Schulze, Shaul Ben-David, Ronald Cummings, Allen Kneese, Edna Loehman, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (forthcoming).
      A Comparison of Alternative Approaches for Estimating Recreation and Related Benefits of Water Quality Improvements, W. H. Desvousges, V. K. Smith, V. K. Smith, and M. P. McGivney, March 1983.
      Valuing Reductions in Risks: A Review of the Empirical Estimates, by M. Violette and L. G. Chestnut, June 1983.
      Valuing Reductions in Risks: A Review of the Empirical Estimates -- Summary, D. M. Violette and L. G. Chestnut, June 1983.
      Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benetits: Volume I, Experiments in the Economics of Air Pollution Epidemiology, Thomas D. Crocker, William Schulze, Shaul Ben-David and Allen V. Kneese, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1979.
EPA/6 00/5-79-00lb NTIS/PB-293616
      Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits: Volume II, Experiments in Valuing Non-Market Goods: A
      Case Study of Alternative Benefit Measures of Air Pollution Control in the South Coast Air Basin of Southern California, David S. Brookshire, Ralph C. d'Arge, William D. Schulze and Mark A. Thayer, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1979.
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      Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits: Volume III, A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for
      Selected Crops Within Southern California, Richard M. Adams, Narongsakdi Thanavibulchai and Thomas D. Crocker, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1979.
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      Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits: Volume IV, Studies on Partial Equilibrium Approaches to Valuation of Environmental Amenities, Maureen L. Cropper, William R. Porter, Berton J. Hansen, Robert A. Jones and John G. Riley, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1979.
EPA/600/5-79-00le NTIS/PB-293619
      Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits: Volume V, Executive Summary, David S. Brookshire, Thomas D. Crocker, Ralph C. d'Arge, Shaul BenDavid, Allen V. Kneese and William D. Schulze, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1979.
Published by Resources for the Future
Published by Academic Press

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