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1. Child Care and Early Childhood Education: More Information Sharing and Program Review by HHS Could Enhance Access for Families with Limited English Proficiency. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-06-807 (ED493581)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Reports - Evaluative



Disadvantaged Youth; Early Childhood Education; Limited English Speaking; Child Care; Access to Education; Educational Quality; School Readiness; Federal Programs; Student Participation; Surveys; Data Analysis; Interviews; Mothers; Access to Information

Questions have been raised about whether parents with limited English proficiency are having difficulty accessing child care and early education programs for their children. Research suggests that quality early care experiences can greatly improve the school readiness of young children. GAO was asked to provide information on: (1) the participation of these children in programs funded through the Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. No Child Left Behind Act: States Face Challenges Measuring Academic Growth. Testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. GAO-06-948T (ED492935)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Reports - Descriptive



Federal Legislation; Educational Improvement; Mathematics Achievement; Reading Achievement; Models; Educational Legislation; Scores; Disadvantaged Youth; State Standards; Educational Change; Change Strategies

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) requires that states improve academic performance so that all students reach proficiency in reading and mathematics by 2014 and that achievement gaps close among student groups. States set annual proficiency targets using an approach known as a status model, which calculates test scores 1 year at a time. Some states have interest in using growth models that me Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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3. No Child Left Behind Act: States Face Challenges Measuring Academic Growth That Education's Initiatives May Help Address. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-06-661 (ED492934)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Reports - Evaluative



Federal Legislation; Educational Improvement; Models; Sample Size; Academic Achievement; Educational Objectives; National Surveys; Measurement Techniques; Educational Improvement; Evaluation Methods; Accountability

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) requires that states improve academic performance so that all students reach proficiency in reading and math by 2014 and that achievement gaps close among student groups. States set annual proficiency targets using an approach known as a status model, which calculates test scores 1 year at a time. Some states have interest in using growth models that measure c Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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4. No Child Left Behind Act: Education Actions Needed to Improve Local Implementation and State Evaluation of Supplemental Educational Services. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-06-758 (ED492933)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Reports - Evaluative



Supplementary Education; Technical Assistance; Pilot Projects; State Programs; Program Evaluation; Program Effectiveness; Federal Legislation; Educational Improvement; Mathematics Achievement; Reading Achievement; Educational Legislation; Scores; Socioeconomic Influences; State Standards; Educational Change; Change Strategies

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLBA) requires districts with schools that have not met state performance goals for 3 consecutive years to offer their low-income students supplemental educational services (SES), such as tutoring, if these schools receive Title I funds. SES are provided outside of the regular school day by a state-approved provider, with responsibility for implementation sh Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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5. No Child Left Behind Act: Assistance from Education Could Help States Better Measure Progress of Students with Limited English Proficiency. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-06-815 (ED492932)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Reports - Evaluative



Federal Legislation; State Standards; Scores; Language Arts; Mathematics Tests; Instructional Leadership; Elementary School Students; Limited English Speaking; Teacher Education; Language Tests; English (Second Language); Academic Achievement; School Districts; Student Evaluation

In school year 2003-2004, state data showed that the percentage of students with limited English proficiency scoring proficient on a state's language arts and mathematics tests was lower than the state's annual progress goals in nearly two-thirds of the 48 states for which data was obtained. To help these students progress academically, state and district officials in the 5 states visited, report Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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6. Troops-to-Teachers: Program Brings More Men and Minorities to the Teaching Workforce, but Education Could Improve Management to Enhance Results. Report to Congressional Committees. GAO-06-265 (ED490858)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Reports - Evaluative



Federal Programs; Military Personnel; Alternative Teacher Certification; Teacher Education Programs; Program Evaluation; Participant Characteristics; Teacher Recruitment; Labor Turnover; Program Administration

With the 2002 enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA), GAO was mandated to review the Troops-to-Teachers program, which provides financial assistance and counseling to help military personnel obtain their teacher licenses, especially in priority subject areas, such as math and science, and find employment in high-need districts and schools, as well as public charter schools. The U.S. De Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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7. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Education Should Provide Additional Guidance to Help States Smoothly Transition Children to Preschool. Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate. GAO 06-26 (ED489095)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Reports - Evaluative



Early Intervention; Young Children; Transitional Programs; Compliance (Legal); State Government; Disabilities; Federal Legislation; Educational Legislation; Access to Education; Eligibility; State Programs

Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was established to ensure that infants and toddlers with disabilities, from birth to age 3, and their families receive appropriate early intervention services. Within the Department of Education (Education), the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is responsible for awarding and monitoring grants to states for Part C accordi Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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8. No Child Left Behind Act: Improved Accessibility to Education's Information Could Help States Further Implement Teacher Qualification Requirements. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-06-25 (ED488817)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Reports - Evaluative



Federal Legislation; State Standards; Teacher Qualifications; Teacher Effectiveness; Web Sites; Users (Information); Information Services; State Standards; Federal Aid; Government Role

This GAO report examines response of 47 states to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) of 2001 that established qualification requirements for teachers of core academic subjects that must meet by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. With the deadline approaching for all teachers to meet the requirements, GAO was asked to examine the following: (1) the status of state efforts to meet NCLBA's teac Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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9. No Child Left Behind Act: Most Students with Disabilities Participated in Statewide Assessments, but Inclusion Options Could Be Improved. Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate. GAO-05-618 (ED485633)

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Shaul, Marnie S.


US Government Accountability Office

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Pub Type(s):

Numerical/Quantitative Data; Reports - Evaluative



Federal Legislation; Student Evaluation; Disabilities; Educational Assessment; Student Participation; Testing Programs; State Standards; Inclusive Schools; Evaluation Methods; Alternative Assessment

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has focused attention on improving the academic achievement of all students, including more than 6 million students with disabilities and requires that all students be assessed. Students with disabilities may be included through accommodations, such as extended time, or alternate assessments, such as teacher observation of student performance. To provide infor Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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10. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001: The Federal Government's Role in Strengthening Accountability for Student Performance (EJ746365)

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Shaul, Marnie S.; Ganson, Harriet C.


Review of Research in Education, v29 p151-154 2005

Pub Date:


Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Opinion Papers



Federal Regulation; Educational Policy; Government Role; Accountability; Academic Achievement; Elementary Secondary Education

This chapter discusses the federal government's role in strengthening accountability for student performance under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). NCLB represents a major legislative expansion of the role of the federal government in elementary and secondary education, and it has had significant implications for federal-state relationships. A special focus of the new law was the "ade Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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