XRAW command

This command will create a GMM compatible .RAW file. The lines to be exported must be "prepared" for export using several other commands.

All lines that are selected must have a GCDB Point id at each end. The point id is part of an AutoCAD block called IDGEO. The block can be placed a number of ways. If preferences are set, using GEOPREFS to prompt for point id's, then any geodetic command used to construct lines will prompt for a point id when no one exists. The command IPG can be used to insert the block anywhere. It is important that the block be precisely at the end of the line, so you should snap to the endpoint of lines.

Another command CHKIDS can be run before XRAW to inspect the lines to be sure there is a block at each end. The working portion of CHKIDS is invoked during the XRAW command to inspect the lines anyway, but it may be more convenient to run CHKIDS separately to prepare the lines.

In this example, there is one point id missing, which affects two of the lines. The CHKIDS interface is presented to fix the problem by adding a point id or removing the line(s) from the to be exported selection set. Once the problem is fixed, export the command continues. You must either add a point id or remove the line or you will loop on the lines in question until you do.

The point id is "computed" automatically but can be modified, for more details see the IPG command.

A .SID file can be created also, with some options for what the sid will be. The Apd-defaults, the default choice, uses the point ids to detect the type of line being exported.

The Layer option will use the lines layer name as the sid, while the Enter option allows you to manually enter the sid for the selected lines.

The XRAW command can be run many times with different lines selected, with different sids, but the results appended to existing files.

You have the option to round the bearings and distances to the current annotation settings set using the DDSETANN command. If you answer no, the distances will be rounded to three decimals of a chain, a tenth of a link, and bearings to one tenth of a second. Both are the maximum allowed in a standard .RAW file.

The header information must be set using the DDHEAD command first or XRAW will exit.

No file dialog box is presented because the option of appending to a file is not offered in the standard file dialog box.

Command: xraw

Select the lines for export
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 8 found

Select objects:

There are 2 lines that are missing ONE ID
Shown is missing ONE ID - Show/Remove-line/Add-id/eXit<Next>: a

Hit space bar to Abort, .2, .4, .6, .8 for end of line, +- to increment
Enter the Point ID - Check/Recompute/Symbol/Factor<400500>:

Found 4 Lines to export
Enter RAW File Name: - <D:\f2s17.raw>:

Create a SID FILE? - No<Yes>:

Enter SID File Name: - <D:\f2s17.sid>:

What would you like to use as the SID's? - Layer/Enter<Apd-defaults>:

Round output to current Anno Settings? - No<Yes>:
TWP 01000S   RNG 01700W   PM  NEW MEXICO(23)NEW MEXICO(NM)    DATE 00/03/09
300400   300500   80.000  4      200.0 999999RLPT
400400   300400   80.000  4   900000.0 999999RLPT
400400   400500   80.000  4      100.0 999999RLPT
400500   300500   80.000  4   900000.0 999999RLPT
S999999RLPT          0.001     0.1     0.1    0.001    0.001
C Reliable Protracted line