Venn Diagram Plotter Change Log Version 1.3.3250; November 24, 2008 - Fixed a button positioning bug that occurs at certain screen resolutions when 3-circle overlap mode is enabled Version 1.3.3103; June 30, 2008 - Fixed coloring bug that failed to color the ABC overlap when Circle B overlapped entirely with Circle A - There is still some odd plotting behavior when the overlap between two circles becomes <10% of the total circle count - In these cases, your only option is to uncheck "Use fill color", then copy to the clipboard paste into a painting program (e.g. Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, or Windows Paint) and use the Fill command (aka the paint bucket) to manually color the regions Version 1.3.2935; January 14, 2008 - Fixed bug that prevented the user from updating the color for the ABC overlap region Version 1.3.2819; September 20, 2007 - Improved logic for auto-updating values - Added coloring of all of the separate regions in 3 circle overlaps (though coloring can be disabled) - Added option to move the 3 circle overlap plot around (rotate, zoom, or translate) Version 1.2.2686; May 10, 2007 - Added the option of specifying the overlap sizes rather than the total circle sizes - Added the ability to perform three circle overlaps Version 1.1.2104.29100; October 5, 2005 - Updated to use PRISM.Files.XmlSettingsFileAccessor (in PRISM.dll) - Updated about box to assert the Apache License, Version 2.0 - Removed unused modules - Added Option Strict to all of the code modules Version 1.0.2056.27902; August 18, 2005 - Renamed from VennDiagramRunner.exe to VennDiagramPlotter.exe and updated copyright statement Version 1.0.1733.24601; September 29, 2004 - Stable release