subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_2D_( field, domain, flags ) !updates data domain of 2D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: field(:,:) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),1) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) #else field3D = RESHAPE( field, SHAPE(field3D) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) field = RESHAPE( field3D, SHAPE(field) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_2D_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_4D_( field, domain, flags ) !updates data domain of 4D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: field(:,:,:,:) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)*size(field,4)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) #else field3D = RESHAPE( field, SHAPE(field3D) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) field = RESHAPE( field3D, SHAPE(field) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_4D_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_5D_( field, domain, flags ) !updates data domain of 5D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: field(:,:,:,:,:) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)*size(field,4)*size(field,5)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) #else field3D = RESHAPE( field, SHAPE(field3D) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3D, domain, flags ) field = RESHAPE( field3D, SHAPE(field) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_5D_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_3D_( field, domain, flags ) !updates data domain of 3D field whose computational domains have been computed type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: field(domain%x%data%begin:,domain%y%data%begin:,:) integer, intent(in), optional :: flags integer :: update_flags !equate to mpp_domains_stack integer :: wordlen !#words of MPP_TYPE_ fit in 1 word of mpp_domains_stack MPP_TYPE_ :: buffer(size(mpp_domains_stack(:))) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, buffer ) #endif integer :: buffer_pos integer :: i, j, k, m, n integer :: is, ie, js, je, ke !receive domains saved here for unpacking !for non-blocking version, could be recomputed integer, dimension(8) :: isr, ier, jsr, jer integer :: to_pe, from_pe, list, pos, msgsize logical :: recv_e, recv_se, recv_s, recv_sw, recv_w, recv_nw, recv_n, recv_ne logical :: send_e, send_se, send_s, send_sw, send_w, send_nw, send_n, send_ne logical :: folded character(len=8) :: text update_flags = XUPDATE+YUPDATE !default if( PRESENT(flags) )update_flags = flags recv_w = BTEST(update_flags,WEST) recv_e = BTEST(update_flags,EAST) recv_s = BTEST(update_flags,SOUTH) recv_n = BTEST(update_flags,NORTH) recv_ne = recv_e .AND. recv_n recv_se = recv_e .AND. recv_s recv_sw = recv_w .AND. recv_s recv_nw = recv_w .AND. recv_n send_w = recv_e send_e = recv_w send_s = recv_n send_n = recv_s send_ne = send_e .AND. send_n send_se = send_e .AND. send_s send_sw = send_w .AND. send_s send_nw = send_w .AND. send_n if( recv_w .AND. BTEST(domain%fold,WEST) .AND. BTEST(grid_offset_type,EAST) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Incompatible grid offset and fold.' ) if( recv_s .AND. BTEST(domain%fold,SOUTH) .AND. BTEST(grid_offset_type,NORTH) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Incompatible grid offset and fold.' ) if( recv_e .AND. BTEST(domain%fold,EAST) .AND. BTEST(grid_offset_type,WEST) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Incompatible grid offset and fold.' ) if( recv_n .AND. BTEST(domain%fold,NORTH) .AND. BTEST(grid_offset_type,SOUTH) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Incompatible grid offset and fold.' ) n = size(domain%list(:)) ke = size(field,3) buffer_pos = 0 !this initialization goes away if update_domains becomes non-blocking #ifdef use_CRI_pointers ptr = LOC(mpp_domains_stack) wordlen = size(transfer(buffer(1),mpp_domains_stack)) #endif !send do list = 0,n-1 m = mod( domain%pos+list, n ) if( .NOT.domain%list(m)%overlap )cycle call mpp_clock_begin(pack_clock) to_pe = domain%list(m)%pe pos = buffer_pos if( send_w .AND. domain%list(m)%send_w%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_w%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_w%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_w%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_w%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_w_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_w_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_w_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_w_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_nw .AND. domain%list(m)%send_nw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_nw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_nw%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_nw%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_nw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_nw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_nw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_nw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_nw_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_n .AND. domain%list(m)%send_n%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_n%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_n%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_n%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_n%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_n_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_n_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_n_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_n_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_ne .AND. domain%list(m)%send_ne%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_ne%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_ne%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_ne%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_ne%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_ne_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_ne_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_ne_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_ne_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_e .AND. domain%list(m)%send_e%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_e%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_e%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_e%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_e%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_e_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_e_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_e_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_e_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_se .AND. domain%list(m)%send_se%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_se%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_se%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_se%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_se%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_se_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_se_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_se_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_se_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_s .AND. domain%list(m)%send_s%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_s%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_s%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_s%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_s%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_s_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_s_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_s_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_s_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if if( send_sw .AND. domain%list(m)%send_sw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%send_sw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_sw%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_sw%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_sw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%send_sw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%send_sw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%send_sw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%send_sw_off%je end if call mpp_clock_begin(pack_loop_clock) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 buffer(pos) = field(i,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_clock_end(pack_loop_clock) end if call mpp_clock_end(pack_clock) call mpp_clock_begin(send_clock) msgsize = pos - buffer_pos if( msgsize.GT.0 )then mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, pos*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=msgsize, to_pe=to_pe ) buffer_pos = pos end if call mpp_clock_end(send_clock) end do !recv do list = 0,n-1 m = mod( domain%pos+n-list, n ) if( .NOT.domain%list(m)%overlap )cycle call mpp_clock_begin(recv_clock) from_pe = domain%list(m)%pe msgsize = 0 if( recv_e .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_e%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_e%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_e%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_e%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_e%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_se .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_se%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_se%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_se%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_se%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_se%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_s .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_s%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_s%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_s%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_s%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_s%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_sw .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_sw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_w .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_w%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_w%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_w%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_w%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_w%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_nw .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_nw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_n .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_n%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_n%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_n%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_n%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_n%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( recv_ne .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_ne%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%je end if msgsize = msgsize + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke end if if( msgsize.GT.0 )then mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, (buffer_pos+msgsize)*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=msgsize, from_pe=from_pe ) buffer_pos = buffer_pos + msgsize end if call mpp_clock_end(recv_clock) end do !unpack recv !unpack halos in reverse order do list = n-1,0,-1 m = mod( domain%pos+n-list, n ) if( .NOT.domain%list(m)%overlap )cycle call mpp_clock_begin(unpk_clock) from_pe = domain%list(m)%pe pos = buffer_pos if( recv_ne .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_ne%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_ne%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_ne_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_ne%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_n .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_n%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_n%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_n%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_n%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_n%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_n_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_n%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_nw .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_nw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_nw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_nw_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_nw%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_w .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_w%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_w%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_w%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_w%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_w%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_w_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_w%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_sw .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_sw%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_sw%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_sw_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_sw%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_s .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_s%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_s%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_s%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_s%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_s%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_s_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_s%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_se .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_se%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_se%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_se%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_se%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_se%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_se_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_se%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if if( recv_e .AND. domain%list(m)%recv_e%overlap )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_e%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_e%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_e%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_e%je if( grid_offset_type.NE.AGRID )then is = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%is; ie = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%ie js = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%js; je = domain%list(m)%recv_e_off%je end if msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke pos = buffer_pos - msgsize buffer_pos = pos if( domain%list(m)%recv_e%folded )then do k = 1,ke do j = je,js,-1 do i = ie,is,-1 pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do else do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie pos = pos + 1 field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do end if end if call mpp_clock_end(unpk_clock) end do call mpp_clock_begin(wait_clock) ! call mpp_sync_self( domain%list(:)%pe ) call mpp_sync_self( ) call mpp_clock_end(wait_clock) return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_3D_ subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_2D_( domain_in, field_in, domain_out, field_out ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain_in, domain_out MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field_in (:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: field_out(:,:) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_in (size(field_in, 1),size(field_in, 2),1) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_out(size(field_out,1),size(field_out,2),1) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr_in, field3D_in ) pointer( ptr_out, field3D_out ) ptr_in = LOC(field_in ) ptr_out = LOC(field_out) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) #else field3D_in = RESHAPE( field_in, SHAPE(field3D_in) ) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) field_out = RESHAPE( field3D_out, SHAPE(field_out) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_2D_ subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_3D_( domain_in, field_in, domain_out, field_out ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain_in, domain_out ! MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field_in ( domain_in%x%data%begin:, domain_in%y%data%begin:,:) ! MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: field_out(domain_out%x%data%begin:,domain_out%y%data%begin:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field_in (:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: field_out(:,:,:) integer :: is, ie, js, je, ke, isc, iec, jsc, jec integer :: i, j, k integer :: list, m, n, pos, msgsize integer :: to_pe, from_pe ! MPP_TYPE_, dimension(domain_in%x%compute%size*domain_in%y%compute%size*size(field_in,3)) :: send_buf, recv_buf MPP_TYPE_ :: buffer(size(mpp_domains_stack)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, buffer ) #endif integer :: buffer_pos, wordlen character(len=8) :: text ! ke = size(field_in,3) ! if( ke.NE.size(field_out,3) )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: mismatch between field_in and field_out.' ) ! if( UBOUND(field_in,1).NE.domain_in%x%data%end .OR. & ! UBOUND(field_in,2).NE.domain_in%y%data%end ) & ! call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: field_in must be on data domain of domain_in.' ) ! if( UBOUND(field_out,1).NE.domain_out%x%data%end .OR. & ! UBOUND(field_out,2).NE.domain_out%y%data%end ) & ! call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: field_out must be on data domain of domain_out.' ) !fix ke ke = 0 if( domain_in%pe.NE.NULL_PE )ke = size(field_in,3) if( domain_out%pe.NE.NULL_PE )then if( ke.NE.0 .AND. ke.NE.size(field_out,3) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: mismatch between field_in and field_out.' ) ke = size(field_out,3) end if if( ke.EQ.0 )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: either domain_in or domain_out must be native.' ) !check sizes if( domain_in%pe.NE.NULL_PE )then if( size(field_in,1).NE.domain_in%x%data%size .OR. size(field_in,2).NE.domain_in%y%data%size ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: field_in must be on data domain of domain_in.' ) end if if( domain_out%pe.NE.NULL_PE )then if( size(field_out,1).NE.domain_out%x%data%size .OR. size(field_out,2).NE.domain_out%y%data%size ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: field_out must be on data domain of domain_out.' ) end if buffer_pos = 0 #ifdef use_CRI_pointers ptr = LOC(mpp_domains_stack) wordlen = size(TRANSFER(buffer(1),mpp_domains_stack)) #endif !send call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain_in, isc, iec, jsc, jec ) n = size(domain_out%list(:)) do list = 0,n-1 m = mod( domain_out%pos+list+n, n ) to_pe = domain_out%list(m)%pe call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain_out%list(m), is, ie, js, je ) is = max(is,isc); ie = min(ie,iec) js = max(js,jsc); je = min(je,jec) if( .AND. je.GE.js )then msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, (buffer_pos+msgsize)*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if pos = buffer_pos do k = 1,ke do j = js-domain_in%y%data%begin+1,je-domain_in%y%data%begin+1 do i = is-domain_in%x%data%begin+1,ie-domain_in%x%data%begin+1 pos = pos+1 buffer(pos) = field_in(i,j,k) end do end do end do if( debug )write( stderr(),* )'PE', pe, ' to PE ', to_pe, 'is,ie,js,je=', is, ie, js, je call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=msgsize, to_pe=to_pe ) buffer_pos = pos end if end do !recv call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain_out, isc, iec, jsc, jec ) n = size(domain_in%list(:)) do list = 0,n-1 m = mod( domain_in%pos+n-list, n ) from_pe = domain_in%list(m)%pe call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain_in%list(m), is, ie, js, je ) is = max(is,isc); ie = min(ie,iec) js = max(js,jsc); je = min(je,jec) if( .AND. je.GE.js )then msgsize = (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*ke mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, (buffer_pos+msgsize)*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_REDISTRIBUTE: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if if( debug )write( stderr(),* )'PE', pe, ' from PE ', from_pe, 'is,ie,js,je=', is, ie, js, je call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=msgsize, from_pe=from_pe ) pos = buffer_pos do k = 1,ke do j = js-domain_out%y%data%begin+1,je-domain_out%y%data%begin+1 do i = is-domain_out%x%data%begin+1,ie-domain_out%x%data%begin+1 pos = pos+1 field_out(i,j,k) = buffer(pos) end do end do end do buffer_pos = pos end if end do ! call mpp_sync_self( domain_in%list(:)%pe ) call mpp_sync_self() return end subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_3D_ subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_4D_( domain_in, field_in, domain_out, field_out ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain_in, domain_out MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field_in (:,:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: field_out(:,:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_in (size(field_in, 1),size(field_in, 2),size(field_in ,3)*size(field_in ,4)) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_out(size(field_out,1),size(field_out,2),size(field_out,3)*size(field_out,4)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr_in, field3D_in ) pointer( ptr_out, field3D_out ) ptr_in = LOC(field_in ) ptr_out = LOC(field_out) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) #else field3D_in = RESHAPE( field_in, SHAPE(field3D_in) ) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) field_out = RESHAPE( field3D_out, SHAPE(field_out) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_4D_ subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_5D_( domain_in, field_in, domain_out, field_out ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain_in, domain_out MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field_in (:,:,:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: field_out(:,:,:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_in (size(field_in, 1),size(field_in, 2),size(field_in ,3)*size(field_in ,4)*size(field_in ,5)) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D_out(size(field_out,1),size(field_out,2),size(field_out,3)*size(field_out,4)*size(field_out,5)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr_in, field3D_in ) pointer( ptr_out, field3D_out ) ptr_in = LOC(field_in ) ptr_out = LOC(field_out) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) #else field3D_in = RESHAPE( field_in, SHAPE(field3D_in) ) call mpp_redistribute( domain_in, field3D_in, domain_out, field3D_out ) field_out = RESHAPE( field3D_out, SHAPE(field_out) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_REDISTRIBUTE_5D_ #ifdef VECTOR_FIELD_ !VECTOR_FIELD_ is set to false for MPP_TYPE_ integer or logical. !vector fields subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_2D_V_( fieldx, fieldy, domain, flags, gridtype ) !updates data domain of 2D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: fieldx, fieldy type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, gridtype MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dx(size(fieldx,1),size(fieldx,2),1) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dy(size(fieldy,1),size(fieldy,2),1) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptrx, field3Dx ) pointer( ptry, field3Dy ) ptrx = LOC(fieldx) ptry = LOC(fieldy) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) #else field3Dx = RESHAPE( fieldx, SHAPE(field3Dx) ) field3Dy = RESHAPE( fieldy, SHAPE(field3Dy) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) fieldx = RESHAPE( field3Dx, SHAPE(fieldx) ) fieldy = RESHAPE( field3Dy, SHAPE(fieldy) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_2D_V_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_3D_V_( fieldx, fieldy, domain, flags, gridtype ) !updates data domain of 3D field whose computational domains have been computed type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout), dimension(domain%x%data%begin:,domain%y%data%begin:,:) :: fieldx, fieldy integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, gridtype integer :: update_flags, gridtype_temp integer :: i,j,k,n, is, ie, js, je, ke, pos integer :: ioff, joff MPP_TYPE_ :: buffer(size(mpp_domains_stack(:))) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptr, buffer ) MPP_TYPE_ :: field(size(fieldx,1),size(fieldx,2),2*size(fieldx,3)) pointer( ptrf, field ) #endif integer :: buffer_pos, msgsize, wordlen character(len=8) :: text !gridtype grid_offset_type = AGRID if( PRESENT(gridtype) )then if( gridtype.NE.AGRID .AND. & gridtype.NE.BGRID_NE .AND. gridtype.NE.BGRID_SW .AND. & gridtype.NE.CGRID_NE .AND. gridtype.NE.CGRID_SW ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS: gridtype must be one of AGRID|BGRID_NE|BGRID_SW|CGRID_NE|CGRID_SW.' ) !grid_offset_type used by update domains to determine shifts. grid_offset_type = gridtype call compute_overlaps(domain) if( grid_offset_type.NE.domain%gridtype ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS: gridtype cannot be changed during run.' ) end if !need to add code for EWS boundaries if( BTEST(domain%fold,WEST) .AND. BTEST(update_flags,WEST) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'velocity stencil not yet active for WEST fold, contact author.' ) if( BTEST(domain%fold,EAST) .AND. BTEST(update_flags,EAST) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'velocity stencil not yet active for EAST fold, contact author.' ) if( BTEST(domain%fold,SOUTH) .AND. BTEST(update_flags,SOUTH) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'velocity stencil not yet active for SOUTH fold, contact author.' ) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers !optimization for BGRID when fieldx and fieldy are contiguous ptrf = LOC(fieldx) if( LOC(field(1,1,size(fieldx,3)+1)).EQ.LOC(fieldy) .AND. & ( domain%gridtype.EQ.BGRID_NE .OR. domain%gridtype.EQ.BGRID_SW ) )then call mpp_update_domains( field, domain, flags ) else if (domain%gridtype.EQ.CGRID_NE) then !On a CGRID, the x- and y-components are staggered differently. Passing the !x-component as though it were at the tracer point allows this routine to !zonally shift it into place. gridtype_temp = grid_offset_type ; grid_offset_type = AGRID call mpp_update_domains( fieldx, domain, flags ) grid_offset_type = gridtype_temp call mpp_update_domains( fieldy, domain, flags ) else call mpp_update_domains( fieldx, domain, flags ) call mpp_update_domains( fieldy, domain, flags ) end if #else if (domain%gridtype.EQ.CGRID_NE) then !On a CGRID, the x- and y-components are staggered differently. Passing the !x-component as though it were at the tracer point allows this routine to !zonally shift it into place. gridtype_temp = grid_offset_type ; grid_offset_type = AGRID call mpp_update_domains( fieldx, domain, flags ) ! reset grid_offset_type to its value from 3 lines previously grid_offset_type = gridtype_temp call mpp_update_domains( fieldy, domain, flags ) else call mpp_update_domains( fieldx, domain, flags ) call mpp_update_domains( fieldy, domain, flags ) end if #endif #ifdef use_CRI_pointers ptr = LOC(mpp_domains_stack) #endif wordlen = size(TRANSFER(buffer(1),mpp_domains_stack)) buffer_pos = 0 !for all gridtypes update_flags = XUPDATE+YUPDATE !default if( PRESENT(flags) ) then update_flags = flags ! The following test is so that SCALAR_PAIR can be used alone with the ! same default update pattern as without. if (BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then if (.NOT.(BTEST(update_flags,WEST) .OR. BTEST(update_flags,EAST) & .OR. BTEST(update_flags,NORTH) .OR. BTEST(update_flags,SOUTH))) & update_flags = update_flags + XUPDATE+YUPDATE !default with SCALAR_PAIR end if end if ke = size(fieldx,3) call mpp_get_global_domain( domain, xsize=ioff, ysize=joff ) !northern boundary fold if( BTEST(domain%fold,NORTH) .AND. BTEST(update_flags,NORTH) )then js = domain%y%global%end + 1 je = domain%y%data%end if( je.GE.js )then !on offset grids, we need to move data leftward by one point pos = domain%x%pos - 1 !the one on your left if( pos.GE.0 )then is = domain%x%list(pos)%data%end+1; ie=is else if( domain%x%cyclic )then pos = pos + size(domain%x%list(:)) is = domain%x%list(pos)%data%end+1 - ioff; ie=is else is=1; ie=0 end if n = buffer_pos if( )then msgsize = (je-js+1)*ke*2 !only half this on CGRID actually mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, (buffer_pos+msgsize)*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je n = n + 2 buffer(n-1) = fieldx(is,j,k) buffer(n ) = fieldy(is,j,k) end do end do call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=n, to_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) buffer_pos = buffer_pos + n case(CGRID_NE) ! When the halo to the east has not been filled, copy at the end of the compute domain, not ! the data domain. if (.not.BTEST(update_flags,EAST)) is = is - domain%x%data%end + domain%x%compute%end do k = 1,ke do j = js,je n = n + 1 buffer(n) = fieldx(is,j,k) end do end do call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=n, to_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) buffer_pos = buffer_pos + n end select !receive data at x%data%end pos = domain%x%pos + 1 !the one on your right if( pos.LT.size(domain%x%list(:)) )then n = (je-js+1)*ke else if( domain%x%cyclic )then pos = pos - size(domain%x%list(:)) n = (je-js+1)*ke else n = 0 end if if( n.GT.0 )then mpp_domains_stack_hwm = max( mpp_domains_stack_hwm, (buffer_pos+n)*wordlen ) if( mpp_domains_stack_hwm.GT.mpp_domains_stack_size )then write( text,'(i8)' )mpp_domains_stack_hwm call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE: mpp_domains_stack overflow, call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(' & //trim(text)//') from all PEs.' ) end if select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = domain%x%data%begin,domain%x%data%end-1 fieldx(i,j,k) = fieldx(i+1,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(i+1,j,k) end do end do end do n = n*2 call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=n, from_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) i = domain%x%data%end n = buffer_pos do k = 1,ke do j = js,je n = n + 2 fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(n-1) fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(n ) end do end do case(CGRID_NE) do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = domain%x%data%begin,domain%x%data%end-1 fieldx(i,j,k) = fieldx(i+1,j,k) ! fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(i+1,j,k) end do end do end do call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=n, from_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) i = domain%x%data%end ! If the eastern halo has not been filled, it is the eastern end of the compute domain ! that needs to have the value shifted into it. if (.not.BTEST(update_flags,EAST)) i = domain%x%compute%end n = buffer_pos do k = 1,ke do j = js,je n = n + 1 fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(n) end do end do end select end if end if if (.NOT.BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then !flip the sign if this is a vector is = domain%x%data%begin ie = domain%x%data%end do k = 1,ke do j = js,je do i = is,ie fieldx(i,j,k) = -fieldx(i,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = -fieldy(i,j,k) end do end do end do end if end if !eliminate redundant vector data at fold j = domain%y%global%end if( domain%y%data%begin.LE.j .AND. j.LE.domain%y%data%end )then !fold is within domain !ship left-half data to right half: on BGRID_NE the x%data%end point is not in mirror domain and must be done separately. if( domain%x%pos.LT.(size(domain%x%list(:))+1)/2 )then is = domain%x%data%begin ie = min(domain%x%data%end,(domain%x%global%begin+domain%x%global%end)/2) n = buffer_pos select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) do k = 1,ke do i = is,ie-1 n = n + 2 buffer(n-1) = fieldx(i,j,k) buffer(n) = fieldy(i,j,k) end do end do call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=n-buffer_pos, & to_pe=domain%x%list(size(domain%x%list(:))-domain%x%pos-1)%pe ) buffer_pos = n case(CGRID_NE) do k = 1,ke do i = is,ie n = n + 1 buffer(n) = fieldy(i,j,k) end do end do call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=n-buffer_pos, & to_pe=domain%x%list(size(domain%x%list(:))-domain%x%pos-1)%pe ) buffer_pos = n end select end if if( domain%x%pos.GE.size(domain%x%list(:))/2 )then is = max(domain%x%data%begin,(domain%x%global%begin+domain%x%global%end)/2+1) ie = domain%x%data%end select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) n = (ie-is+1)*ke*2 call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=n, from_pe=domain%x%list(size(domain%x%list(:))-domain%x%pos-1)%pe ) n = buffer_pos !get all values except at x%data%end if (BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then ! Do not change the signs if this is a pair of scalar fields. do k = 1,ke do i = ie-1,is,-1 n = n + 2 fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(n-1) fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(n) end do end do else do k = 1,ke do i = ie-1,is,-1 n = n + 2 fieldx(i,j,k) = -buffer(n-1) fieldy(i,j,k) = -buffer(n) end do end do end if !now get the value at domain%x%data%end pos = domain%x%pos - 1 if( pos.GE.size(domain%x%list(:))/2 )then i = domain%x%list(pos)%data%end buffer_pos = n do k = 1,ke n = n + 2 buffer(n-1) = fieldx(i,j,k) buffer(n ) = fieldy(i,j,k) end do call mpp_send( buffer(buffer_pos+1), plen=n-buffer_pos, to_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) buffer_pos = n end if pos = domain%x%pos + 1 if( pos.LT.size(domain%x%list(:)) )then n = ke*2 call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=n, from_pe=domain%x%list(pos)%pe ) n = buffer_pos i = domain%x%data%end do k = 1,ke n = n + 2 fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(n-1) fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(n ) end do end if case(CGRID_NE) n = (ie-is+1)*ke call mpp_recv( buffer(buffer_pos+1), glen=n, from_pe=domain%x%list(size(domain%x%list(:))-domain%x%pos-1)%pe ) n = buffer_pos if (BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then ! Do not change the signs if this is a pair of scalar fields. do k = 1,ke do i = ie,is,-1 n = n + 1 fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(n) end do end do else do k = 1,ke do i = ie,is,-1 n = n + 1 fieldy(i,j,k) = -buffer(n) end do end do end if end select end if !poles set to 0: BGRID only if( grid_offset_type.EQ.BGRID_NE .and. .not. BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT) )then do i = domain%x%global%begin-1,domain%x%global%end,(domain%x%global%begin+domain%x%global%end)/2 if( domain%x%data%begin.LE.i .AND. i.LE.domain%x%data%end )then do k = 1,ke fieldx(i,j,k) = 0. fieldy(i,j,k) = 0. end do end if end do end if !these last three code blocks correct an error where the data in your halo coming from other half may have the wrong sign !off west edge select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) is = domain%x%global%begin - 1 if( is.GT.domain%x%data%begin )then if( 2*is-domain%x%data%begin.GT.domain%x%data%end ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: BGRID_NE west edge ubound error.' ) do k = 1,ke do i = domain%x%data%begin,is-1 fieldx(i,j,k) = fieldx(2*is-i,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i,j,k) end do end do end if case(CGRID_NE) is = domain%x%global%begin if( is.GT.domain%x%data%begin )then if( 2*is-domain%x%data%begin-1.GT.domain%x%data%end ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: CGRID_NE west edge ubound error.' ) do k = 1,ke do i = domain%x%data%begin,is-1 fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i-1,j,k) end do end do end if end select !right of midpoint is = (domain%x%global%begin+domain%x%global%end)/2 if( .AND. is.LT.domain%x%data%end )then select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) ie = domain%x%data%end if( 2*is-ie.LT.domain%x%data%begin )ie = ie - 1 if( 2*is-ie.LT.domain%x%data%begin ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: BGRID_NE midpoint lbound error.' ) if (BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,ie fieldx(i,j,k) = fieldx(2*is-i,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i,j,k) end do end do else do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,ie fieldx(i,j,k) = -fieldx(2*is-i,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = -fieldy(2*is-i,j,k) end do end do end if case(CGRID_NE) if( 2*is-domain%x%data%end+1.LT.domain%x%data%begin ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: CGRID_NE midpoint lbound error.' ) if (BTEST(update_flags,SCALAR_BIT)) then do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,domain%x%data%end fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i+1,j,k) end do end do else do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,domain%x%data%end fieldy(i,j,k) = -fieldy(2*is-i+1,j,k) end do end do end if end select end if !off east edge is = domain%x%global%end if( is.LT.domain%x%data%end )then select case(grid_offset_type) case(BGRID_NE) if( 2*is-domain%x%data%end.LT.domain%x%data%begin ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: BGRID_NE east edge lbound error.' ) do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,domain%x%data%end fieldx(i,j,k) = fieldx(2*is-i,j,k) fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i,j,k) end do end do case(CGRID_NE) if( 2*is-domain%x%data%end+1.LT.domain%x%data%begin ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_V: CGRID_NE east edge lbound error.' ) do k = 1,ke do i = is+1,domain%x%data%end fieldy(i,j,k) = fieldy(2*is-i+1,j,k) end do end do end select end if end if end if grid_offset_type = AGRID !reset call mpp_sync_self() return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_3D_V_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_4D_V_( fieldx, fieldy, domain, flags, gridtype ) !updates data domain of 4D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: fieldx, fieldy type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, gridtype MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dx(size(fieldx,1),size(fieldx,2),size(fieldx,3)*size(fieldx,4)) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dy(size(fieldy,1),size(fieldy,2),size(fieldy,3)*size(fieldy,4)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptrx, field3Dx ) pointer( ptry, field3Dy ) ptrx = LOC(fieldx) ptry = LOC(fieldy) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) #else field3Dx = RESHAPE( fieldx, SHAPE(field3Dx) ) field3Dy = RESHAPE( fieldy, SHAPE(field3Dy) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) fieldx = RESHAPE( field3Dx, SHAPE(fieldx) ) fieldy = RESHAPE( field3Dy, SHAPE(fieldy) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_4D_V_ subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_5D_V_( fieldx, fieldy, domain, flags, gridtype ) !updates data domain of 5D field whose computational domains have been computed MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: fieldx, fieldy type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, gridtype MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dx(size(fieldx,1),size(fieldx,2),size(fieldx,3)*size(fieldx,4)*size(fieldx,5)) MPP_TYPE_ :: field3Dy(size(fieldy,1),size(fieldy,2),size(fieldy,3)*size(fieldy,4)*size(fieldy,5)) #ifdef use_CRI_pointers pointer( ptrx, field3Dx ) pointer( ptry, field3Dy ) ptrx = LOC(fieldx) ptry = LOC(fieldy) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) #else field3Dx = RESHAPE( fieldx, SHAPE(field3Dx) ) field3Dy = RESHAPE( fieldy, SHAPE(field3Dy) ) call mpp_update_domains( field3Dx, field3Dy, domain, flags, gridtype ) fieldx = RESHAPE( field3Dx, SHAPE(fieldx) ) fieldy = RESHAPE( field3Dy, SHAPE(fieldy) ) #endif return end subroutine MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS_5D_V_ #endif VECTOR_FIELD_