Split Genes and RNA Splicing Francis Crick In the last 2 years there has been a patchy, it is now universally accepted mini-revolution in molecular genetics. that a gene in a higher organism, coding When I came to California, in September for a protein, may have other base se- 1976, I had no idea that a typical gene (I) quences interspersed within it. might be split into several pieces and I This article is not a historical account doubt if anybody else had. By the time of of the discovery. The earliest pub- Summary. A number of genes in higher organisms and in their viruses appear to be split. That is, they have "nonsense" stretches of DNA interspersed within the sense DNA. The cell produces a full RNA transcript of this DNA, nonsense and all, and then appears to splice out the nonsense sequences before sending the RNA to the cyto- plasm. In this article what is known about these intervening sequences and about the processing of the RNA is outlined. Also discussed is their possible use and how they might have arisen in evolution. the annual Cold Spring Harbor Sym- lications can be tracked down by con- posium, in the summer of 1977, it was sulting the Cold Spring Harbor volume clear that there was something very on chromatin (2). Nor does it attempt to strange about the arrangement of the be a comprehensive review, both be- genes in several mammalian viruses, and cause that would take up too much space for this reason it seemed highly likely and also because experimental results that some chromosomal genes would al- are coming in all the time. I present here so be in several pieces. This has since an overall view of the present position, been found to be the case. Even though fluid though it is, together with some the experimental evidence is still very general ideas and a few remarks about The Basic Problem It is easiest to begin by considering an imaginary example. The upper part of Fig. 1 shows schematically a length of DNA which codes for a single messenger RNA (mRNA). The lower part shows the base sequences found in that mRNA. The relation between the two is indicated by the lines connecting them. The figure shows that in this case there are two fair- ly long stretches of base sequence along the DNA of the gene which do not ap- pear in the final mRNA. Such sequences are now known as intervening se- quences. An alternative terminology, used by Gilbert and his colleagues (3,4) refers to the intervening sequences as "introns"; those base sequences on the DNA which do end up in the mRNA are referred to as "exons" since they are the ones which are expressed. At this stage, any terminology is likely to lead, before long, to difficulties and complications (5). In this article I use the intron-exon terminology, if only for want of a better one. What possible mechanisms are there which could have produced this result? There are at least four that immediately spring to mind: The author is Kieckhefer Research Professor at the Salk Institute. San Diego, California 92112. 264 00368075~9/0420-0262.~0 Copyright 0 1979 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 204, ZOAPRIL 1979 1) The DNA in the cell producing the message might be rearranged to displace or eliminate the sequences which are not needed. On this hypothesis the DNA in the germ line would remain unaltered. 2) The DNA would remain unaltered but the RNA polymerase, producing the primary RNA transcript, would skip across the introns on the DNA so that only the exons appear in the primary transcript. 3) Each exon would be transcribed separately, and the separate pieces of RNA would then be joined together in the correct order to form the tinal mRNA. 4) The RNA polymerase would make a primary transcript of the whole region, both exons and introns. This transcript would then be processed so that the in- trons were removed while at the same time the exons were all joined together in the correct order. This mechanism, which is almost certainly the one that oc- curs in the majority of cases, is now pop- ularly known as "splicing." What does the experimental evidence suggest? It has been shown that the first mechanism-the rearrangement of DNA -does indeed occur in one system. A light chain of the immunoglobulin of the mouse (either K or A) is coded, in the germ line, on two widely separated stretches of DNA. These are found to be much closer together in the DNA of the somatic cells producing the protein (2,6, 7). This is a very important result but I shall not pursue it further. There are good reasons for suspecting that the im- mune system may be a special case, al- though not necessarily a unique one. So far there is no evidence at all suggesting that either the second or the third mecha- nism listed above is actually used (8). On the other hand, the evidence (not de- scribed in detail here) for the fourth mechanism, is now so widespread that there is little doubt that it, or something very like it, is actually happening. For the rest of this article, therefore, I shall ignore the first three mechanisms and concentrate on splicing. How Widespread Is Splicing? I have spoken as if splicing only oc- curred in the processing of mRNA, but we already know that at least two other species of RNA are spliced. Indeed, one of the earliest discoveries was that some of the transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules in yeast are spliced, although their introns are fairly small (9, 10). More recently two groups of investigators have isolated a crude enzyme preparation that will per- 20 APRIL 1979 DNA---- 4 lntron A ~ntron B ,Exon 12, Exon 2 1 ---- / Exon 3 ' `\ /I \ \ I /I `1 ' I I/' \ //I \ `\ `\ I ,' / \ \ \\ I ,I /' \ \ I // / \ `\ I 1 `J rnRNA& 1 2 I I/ 3 ,/' Poly(A) Fig. 1. The top horizontal line represents a stretch of DNA in the genome, the bottom one the mRNA produced from it. In this imaginary example the gene has three exons, marked 1,2, and 3, and two introns (intervening sequences) lettered A and B. There are no sequences in the mRNA corresponding to those in the two introns. form that operation in the test tube (II, 12). The single gene for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a yeast mitochondrion ap- pears to contain an intron (13). Some genes for rRNA in Drosophila also ap- pear to contain introns (14), but recent evidence suggests that these particular genes may not be transcribed (15). Whether the nuclear precursor of rRNA is ever spliced remains to be discovered. So far, there is no evidence at all to show whether or not other kinds of RNA molecules, such as the small RNA's found in the nucleus, are produced by splicing. Thus splicing is defined as the mechanism by which a single func- tional RNA molecule is produced by the removal of one or more internal stretches of RNA during the processing of the primary transcript. Where are split genes found? So far, they have only been noticed in eu- karyotes. If they were common in pro- karyotes (the bacteria and the blue-green algae), they would almost certainly have been discovered earlier. We cannot yet say categorically that they do not occur in prokaryotes but it certainly seems un- likely that they do. They are common in eukaryotic viruses. Indeed, that is where their importance was first realized, but an interesting distinction exists. They have only been found in DNA viruses that occur in the cell nucleus (2) or in RNA retroviruses which have a DNA nuclear phase (16). Split genes have not so far been discovered in viruses that ex- ist only in the cytoplasm of a cell. All this would suggest that the phe- nomenon of splicing is correlated with the existence of a nuclear membrane. This hypothesis would make very good sense. In a prokaryotic cell, which lacks a nuclear membrane, the translation of the message by ribosomes starts well be- fore the transcription of the message from the DNA has finished. In a eu- karyotic cell, by contrast, the process of transcription takes place in the nucleus, whereas the process of translation on the ribosomes takes place mainly if not en- tirely in the cytoplasm. The two opera- tions are separated by the nuclear mem- brane, and this gives an obvious oppor- tunity for additional processing to take place. Such a hypothesis would predict that split genes would not be found in mitochondria. Unfortunately, the experi- mental evidence suggests that there, too, genes are split into pieces. In yeast mito- chondria the single gene for the larger rRNA molecule is almost certainly split (13). The evidence that an mRNA is also split is not yet completely decisive, but it is certainly very suggestive (17). For two recent reviews see (18). Of course, the enzymes required for splicing will be available in the cell, so it would not be too surprising if they (or a close relative of them) penetrated into the mitochon- drion. What is surprising is that there ap- pears to be no evidence that there is any membrane separating the DNA of the mitochondrion from its ribosomes, al- though yeast may be a special case. This problem is discussed again below. Splicing in Higher Organisms I now attempt to give a rapid and nec- essarily incomplete summary of the dis- tribution of split genes in higher orga- nisms. In mammals, one or more of the globin genes have been shown to be split in several species (f9-25), as have the genes for certain K and A light chains of immunoglobulin in the mouse (6, 7, 26- 28) and th& heavy chain of a mouse im- munoglobulin (29). As was mentioned above, split genes are common in a num- ber of mammalian viruses (2). The oval- bumin gene in chickens has been shown to be split into many pieces (30-38), and there is suggestive evidence that this is also true for the chick ovomucoid gene (39). So far, there is no evidence from other vertebrates, nor for any gene in a plant. There is a report (40) that the gene for silk fibroin in the silkworm is split but 265 there is no definitive evidence for a split gene in Drosophila since the ribosomal genes mentioned above may not be transcribed (IS). If split genes do exist in Drosophda, one would expect that a case would be discovered fairly soon. In the fungi, the only example known is that of several tRNA's in yeast (9-12). It is obviously impossible to deduce much from such sparse experimental evidence, but results are likely to come in fast, and it may only be a year or two before we can begin to answer what is probably the most important question of this sort: are there any eukaryotes in which split genes are missing? When we come to consider the actual protein molecules whose genes have been shown to be split, we notice that they all have one thing in common. They are all molecules of terminal dif- ferentiation. This is because they are technically the easiest to study. Nobody has yet described or reported an example of a gene for a common-or-garden en- zyme (such as one from the Krebs cycle) although such studies are in progress. The other thing that one cannot help no- ticing is the high frequency of introns. There are two in certain immunoglobulin light chains (4), two in various hemoglo- bin chains (19-24). at least four in the y, heavy chain (29), and no less than seven in chick ovalbumin (3/, 32). Moreover, they are of considerable length, running from just under 100 base pairs to more than 1000. In the ovalbumin gene, the to- tal length of the introns is at least three times that of the exons. If we average this small amount of data, we find that we might expect about one intron for every 300 base pairs or so of exon, and that its average length would be greater than 600 base pairs. That is, on an aver- age, the introns are longer than the exons. In a higher organism a gene has, if anything, more nonsense than sense in it. These preliminary estimates are nec- essarily very insecure. The introns in yeast tRNA are much smaller. So far the lengths found are 14, 18, 19, and 34 bases (4/). Whether there are introns in yeast mRNA is not yet known. Are there any proteins for which we can say for certain that their genes are not split'? This appears to be the case for the sets of histone genes which have been studied both in a sea urchin (42) and in Drosophila (43). In both species, the genes are repeated many times in a tan- dem arrangement. Unfortunately, there is reason to suspect that histone genes are not completely typical. They do not have polyadenylate [poly(A)] at the end of their mRNA's, for example, and may 266 be designed to exit quickly from the nu- cleus. It would obviously be interesting to know whether the histone genes of some mammalian species are split or not. As time goes on, it will be necessary to firm up the preliminary evidence which shows how the transcript of any particu- lar gene is split. The study, by electron microscopy, of the hybridization of ge- netic DNA with the related mRNA (or of nucleic acid clones derived from them) needs only small amounts of material and, in careful hands, gives reliable re- sults. Historically, it was this method that first suggested that viral mRNA was not a simple colinear transcript of the viral DNA (2). Its resolving power is low, however, as is that of mapping by restriction enzyme digestion. For de- tailed mapping it is essential to obtain the actual base sequences (44). Details and Generalizations Let us now consider in more detail the arrangement of introns and exons. The first thing we notice, from the very limit- ed experimental data at present available to us, is that a chromosomal gene only produces a single protein (45), whereas a stretch of DNA in a virus may produce more than one protein, depending on which way the primary transcript is spliced (2). I adopt the attitude that in most cases this is because viruses are short of DNA and, by various devices, their limited amount of DNA is made to code for more proteins than would other- wise be possible. We can see this even in prokaryotic viruses, such as 4x174, where the same `stretch of DNA can be read in one phase for one protein and in another phase for another protein (46). A typical example of a "gene" producing more than one protein is the early T-anti- gen region found in both SV40 (47, 4X) and polyoma (49). It now seems certain that at least two proteins are produced by this region, each beginning with about 100 residues having exactly the same amino acid sequence. The remaining parts of their amino acid sequences seem to depend on exactly how the RNA tran- script is spliced (SO). Such cases are of interest because the favorable technical nature of the viral systems make it likely that many details will be worked out by studying them. However, such multiple- choice situations may be rare in true chromosomal genes although, as has already been argued (3, 4), they may be important as transitional stages in evolu- tion. Chromosomes seem to have almost more DNA than they know what to do with. Should a chromosomal gene arise whose transcript was processed to make more than one protein, I would expect that in the course of evolution the gene would be duplicated, one copy sub- sequently specializing on one of the pro- teins and the other copy on the other. If this point of view is correct, then one would expect multiple-choice genes to occur only rarely in the chromosomes of eukaryotes (51). The other tentative generalization we can make from the present data is that the order of the exons on the DNA is the same as the order in which they are fdund in the final mRNA. There does not seem any strong reason why this should always be true. It is possible to devise mechanisms in which the order would sometimes be different. This colinearity of the exons probably reflects some im- portant aspect of the origin of introns or of the splicing process and therefore should not be overlooked. It is, in- cidentally, not true that introns occur on- ly within the coding region of a message since in the case of ovalbumin, for ex- ample, one intron is found in the leader region of the mRNA before the coding sequence has started. How Is Splicing Done? What is the actual mechanism of splic- ing? At the moment any ideas must nec- essarily be largely speculative. One would certainly expect at least one en- zyme to be involved, if not several. In the case of the tRNA from yeast, an en- zyme activity has been found by two groups, as was mentioned above, al- though it has still to be purified (I I, 12). It is not completely obvious that such a mechanism would require a source of en- ergy since two phosphate ester bonds need to be broken whereas only one (or possibly two) have to be made. On bal- ante, one would suspect that energy might be required if only because the process must be an accurate one. Prelim- inary evidence indicates that the enzyme appears to need adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (I I). Not all the different kinds of tRNA molecules found in yeast need to be processed by splicing, but so far the indications are that those that are spliced are processed by one and the same en- zyme (41). There is still no evidence that this same enzyme can also process pre- cursors of mRNA, and I argue that in any case this is unlikely. This brings us to one of the major un- solved problems: how many different en- zymes are involved in splicing? In other words, are some introns removed by one enzyme and other introns by another en- SCIENCE, VOL. 204 zyme? I have been so rash as to say, more than once, that we might expect between 10 and 100 different enzymes; but that was pure guesswork. The num- ber could be as low as two. There are many other major questions to be answered. How does the enzyme (or enzymes) recognize where to splice? This must obviously be done with great precision since the error of a single base would upset the phase of the subsequent part of the message. Is an intron always removed in one go or does the splicing enzyme sometimes need to take several bites at it? What happens to the intron when it is excised? Is it ever used as mRNA? (So far there is no sign of this.) Is it used for control? Is it produced as a linear single-stranded molecule or is it perhaps sometimes excised as a circle? Circularity might increase the stability of the excised molecule. There is little diffi- culty in thinking of interesting functions which such a single-stranded circular RNA might perform (52). Recent work has given us hints to the answers to some of these questions, as I point out below. Two groups of investigators have worked out the exact base sequences at the borders between the exons and the intrqns in the ovalbumin gene (36, 37). With one minor exception, the two re- sults agree completely, a tribute to both the rapidity and the accuracy of the pres- ent methods for sequencing DNA. Two generalizations arise from these results. Both groups have found that there is of- ten some repetition of the base sequence near the beginning and near the end of an intron. This raises an interesting point which is perhaps not immediately obvi- ous. Imagine that we have the complete base sequence of the DNA in such re- gions, plus the corresponding sequence on the mRNA. Then, if there is base rep- etition, we cannot state unambiguously from these data exactly where the splic- ing actually occurs (Fig. 2). Splicing could conceivably be done in several dif- ferent ways, and we would still arrive at the same sequence in the mRNA, al- though the ends of the excised intron would be slightly different, assuming that it had ends. The sort of repetition actually found is shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that there is a basic sequence of five, six, or seven bases to which all these marginal se- quences are related, in varying degrees. The other generalization, which was pointed out by Chambon's group, is more striking (37,38). As was explained above, there is always an ambiguity in deciding exactly where the cuts have taken place in the splicing process. Giv- en this ambiguity it is always possible to 20 APRIL 1979 choose cutting points that obey the fol- lowing rule: The base sequence of an in- tron begins with GU and it ends with AC. This rule (53) is true not only for ovalbumin but also for the small intron in the X light chain of immunoglobulin (4, 28). It also appears to be correct for the two hemoglobin introns (22, 24) and for several cases in SV40 (54). So far, there is no published exception for an mRNA although there appears to be one in the immunoglobulin heavy chain (29). Such a result cannot be due to chance. The rule, however, is not obeyed at the exon- intron junctions found in the tRNA mol- ecules of yeast (10, I I, 41). This suggests that there are at least two splicing en- zymes, one for mRNA and one for tRNA. Only a few introns have been se- quenced completely. The first was the short intron in the earlier part of the mouse immunoglobulin AlI light chain (4) and more recently for a A, light chain (28). The first globin intron has been se- quenced for the Pglobin of both mouse and rabbit (22) and for the a-globin of mouse (23). The second intron has also been completely sequenced for mouse (Y- globin (23), but only partially for mouse and rabbit &globin (22). The sequence of part of the large intron in mouse A, light chains has just been reported (28), and the sequences of three introns and part of a fourth in a mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain have been obtained (29) as have the sequences of three complete in- trons and two incomplete ones of chick ovalbumin (38). More sequences will doubtless be reported shortly. It is difficult to summarize all these data adequately. None of the sequences consists of highly repetitive simple se- quences. In those cases tested, they ap- mRNA------A T AmIT G------ (T written for U) mRNA ------A U A[Gj U G------ Fig. 2. To demonstrate that the exact cutting position used in splicing may be ambiguous even though the base sequences of both the DNA and the mRNA are known. The top line shows the partial sequence of the DNA of the gene, the bottom line the partial sequence of the resulting mRNA. The middle line is the same as the bottom, but for didactic purposes T (thymine) has been written for U (uracil). It can be seen that the pair of units needed for splicing could either be made where the two big arrows are marked on the top line, or alternatively where the two small ones are located, or at appropriate pairs of positions in between, marked with dotted lines. For a repeat ofn bases, (n + I) pairs of cutting positions are possible. Here n = 4. The repeat is shown boxed. 5'-3' ----EM I---AAAUAAG UGAGCC---I~~~~~B---A~~ACA + +U G" U---Exon 2---- ---- Exon 2---A G C U C A * G U AC A G A---lntron c---U A U U CA G U G U G G C---Exon a----- L__1 ----Exon 3---CCUGCCAbUAAGUU---k&on D---uUUACAGbAAUAC---Em 4---- l I ----Em" 4---AC A A A U @)JAAG G V---llntron E---C U U AAA@AAU UC---Em" 5---- l G I ----Exon 5---GAC UGqGUAU AUG---lntron F---UC UCCUCAAGAA---Em 6---- ---- Em" 6---U G A G C A G + G U A U G G C--4ntron G---c U U C U U G A G---Exon ?---- I I Prototype saquaee ucAGjGUA UXCAG;G I Fig. 3. The base sequences on the RNA primary transcript at the borders between the introns and the exons, deduced from the corresponding DNA sequences. The data is for the ovalbumin gene in chicken and is taken from Breathnach et al. (36). Catteraller 01. (35) have similar results. Notice that every intron could begin with GU and end with AG. The bottom line shows the "prototype sequences" (36). A "concensus sequence," for both junctions (35). would be CAGG(U). 267 pear to be "unique" rather than inter- mediate repetitive. A number of them tend to be AT rich (T, thymidine), espe- cially T, and not completely random. The 3' end of an intron sequence often has an unusual base composition, gener- ally T rich. The Pglobin introns of mouse and rabbit appear to be distantly related but differ considerably, suggest- ing considerable drift in evolution (22). Only near their margin do the sequences seem to be somewhat more conserved. For ovalbumin there is a suggestion that the sequence is not quite identical in dif- ferent chickens (30,32,35). How does the splicing enzyme cut the RNA exactly at the right place? Cham- bon's rule, noted above, is clearly not enough by itself, nor is the limited amount of base repetition, indicated in Fig. 3, sufficient to select the cutting po- sitions, since similar base sequences oc- cur in other parts of the RNA transcript. The obvious hypothesis is that some sec- ondary or tertiary structure is formed. This would direct the enzyme to the ap- proximate position where cutting is re- quired. Chambon's rule would then al- low the enzyme to cut in exactly the right places. This sort of mechanism, a combi- nation of secondary and tertiary struc- ture together with a certain degree of base sequence information, would in any case appear to be plausible on general theoretical grounds (55). It remains to be seen whether this hypothetical second- ary and tertiary structure can be deduced solely from a study of the base se- quences, or whether it will need a direct experimental attack (56,57). Other Aspects of RNA Processing In considering the processing of the primary RNA transcript, it is a mistake to concentrate entirely on the operation of splicing. It may not be true that the extra sequences found in heterogeneous nuclear RNA are due entirely to introns. It also remains to be established whether the operations of RNA trimming (the re- moval of stretches of RNA at one or both ends of the primary transcript) also takes place and, if so, to what extent. It could conceivably be less important for viral genes than for chromosomal ones. There is much evidence, admittedly of a rather fragmentary nature, that the pri- mary transcript is packaged in some way on special proteins. It is not at all clear whether this packaging is necessary for successful splicing. (It might, of course, be necessary for mRNA but not for tRNA.) If it is necessary, an interesting possibility arises: are the lengths of the 260 introns quantized in some manner which reflects the way the RNA is combined with the packaging proteins? The present data are perhaps too sparse to permit hazarding a guess on this point. Most finished mRNA's have a cap at their beginning and a stretch of poly(A) at the end. Recent evidence suggests that, for the late transcript of adeno- virus, these terminal additions may oc- cur in the nucleus at a fairly early stage, probably well before splicing takes place (58). This would make very good sense. It would not be surprising if these addi- tions to the ends of the RNA molecules in the nucleus protected them from di- gestion by exonucleases. If this is the case, it is possible to see why splicing has become an important method of processing rather than the trimming, as was envisaged some years ago, in which lengths of RNA were cut off from the be- ginning or the end of the primary tran- script (59). We must also ask what will happen to a transcript containing introns if, for some reason or another, it is not proper- ly spliced. Will it then remain in the nu- cleus and eventually be degraded? Can the joining part of the splicing mecha- nism fail, so that after making one or both cuts it leaves the putative mRNA in pieces? Far too little is known about the mechanism by which RNA exits from the nucleus. Can any RNA molecule make its way out? Or are some RNA molecules folded or packaged so that they are unable to penetrate the nuclear pores? Does the presence of a large in- tron always prevent exiting, simply be- cause its structure is too big to go through a nuclear pore? Is the cap, or something like it, essential for exiting? Does the process require energy? We must consider all these aspects of the steps between the transcription of pri- mary RNA and the appearance of the fin- ished RNA in the cytoplasm. It is not necessary to assume that the splicing always takes place in the nucle- us. It is already known that those tRNA molecules in yeast which need to be spliced are inactive in the unspliced state, both in taking up an amino acid and in functioning on the ribosome (II). There is thus no strong reason why they should not first exit from the nucleus, es- pecially as their introns are rather small, and then be spliced in the cytoplasm. However, very recent evidence (60) sug- gests that the enzyme occurs only in the nucleus. This behavior of the unspliced tRNA molecule is almost certainly a reflection of some feature of its secondary and ter- tiary structure. It is possible that this may also be true for mRNA although, in general, one would not expect this to form too tight a tertiary structure. The main requirement would seem to be that a ribosome should not be "asked" to at- tempt to translate a message up to the position where it contains an intron that has not yet been removed. The obvious way is to keep the unspliced transcript within the nucleus until all the splicing is done, but, as we have seen, this may not be. true in all cases. In particular, the n-RNA transcripts in mitochondria may have evolved in such a way that ribo- somes are unable to bind until all the splicing operations have been completed (61). This brings us to the general question of the timing of the splicing process. Does splicing start before the entire tran- script is complete? This might seem a sensible thing to do, but preliminary evi- dence for the late transcripts of adeno- virus might suggest that the whole mole- cule is transcribed before splicing starts (62). It is possible that splicing is rather a slow process and does not get under way until the transcript has been finished, or perhaps that there are special mecha- nisms to prevent premature splicing. Clearly there are many complicated ex- perimental questions which remain to be answered. Evolution of Splicing It is impossible to think about splicing for long without asking what it is all for. In particular, what would happen to the functioning of a gene if a particular in- tron were removed completely? This leads us to ask how splicing arose in evo- lution. I have noticed that this question has an extraordinary fascination for al- most everybody concerned with the problem. It might be thought rash to in- quire too closely about the origins of a mechanism when we do not yet know ex- actly how it works at the present day. This gap in our knowledge does not deter speculation, and for good reason, for such speculation may suggest interesting ideas and perhaps give us some general insight into the whole process. Unfortu- nately, there is a tendency to fall into the fallacy of evolutionary foresight. For a change in a genome to spread through the population it must usually have a se- lected advantage, although occasionally it may spread by "hitchhiking" on the selective advantage of an associated part of the genome. Even if it has already spread, it cannot remain indefinitely without having some advantage since otherwise it will eventually be deleted. SCIENCE, VOL. 204 Thus, one should not invoke some selec- tive advantage occurring only in the fu- ture unless this is likely to happen within a time comparable to the time needed to remove the intron (63). This problem should not be confused with the related phenomenon of a partic- ular stretch of DNA spreading within one genome, the case of "selfish DNA." The advantage such DNA needs is sim- ply that, by one mechanism or another, it replicates during evolution rather more than the bulk of the DNA and that, in doing so, it does not do too much harm to its "host." Any complete discussion of the evolution of eukaryotic genomes must take into account such preferential replicators (64). With these reservations in mind let us, nevertheless, attempt to paint some broad evolutionary picture. The first problem is that of timing. When did in- trons first arise? The obvious suggestion is that they came in with the eukaryotes. Two investigators (65,66) have proposed they originated at a much earlier time. This issue may prove difficult to resolve, and I shall not pursue it further here. Nor shall I discuss the possible origin of the splicing enzymes. Three possible mechanisms have been suggested for the formation of a new in- tron. To make the discussion simpler, I shall assume that the splicing signals on the RNA lie mainly near the boundaries of an intron, although the real situation is likely to be more complex. I) The splicing signals arise, acciden- tally, in a stretch of DNA which is al- ready being transcribed (29). For the very first intron, the signals that the first splicing enzyme happened to recognize could have already been in existence. Those for later introns would have had to arise by random mutation. Thus, a por- tion of the RNA transcript becomes spliced out so that the mRNA and the protein it codes for are both shortened. The base sequence of the intron, no long- er used for coding, then drifts rather rap- idly. This idea can be extended to cover other, similar situations. 2) An intron is inserted in the middle of a piece of DNA by a special insertion mechanism (67) that automatically gen- erates flanking sequences closely related to those required, on the RNA tran- script, for splicing (68). Then few muta- tions, if any, are required to initiate some degree of splicing. 3) A new intron is produced by trans- locating an exon (by any mechanism) to- gether with parts of its flanking introns (3,4). For example, this DNA might be inserted into an already existing intron, thus producing two introns where there 20 APRIL 1919 was only one before. This process also might automatically generate the splicing sequences required for the new introns, although further mutations might be needed to make splicing efficient. This last idea, that of exon shuffling, was first advocated by Gilbert and Tone- gawa (3, 4). It has at least two advan- tages. New proteins can be produced by bringing together amino acid sequences that have already been evolved separate- ly to fold up neatly and to perform some function or other, rather than by adding lengths of "random" base sequences to an existing protein (69). The mechanisms for selecting these DNA sequences need not be very precise since the edges of the insert could be located almost anywhere in the flanking introns and, if it were in- serted into an intron, the exact position of insertion would not matter either. On this theory, then, the DNA se- quence coding for globin did not start in evolution as a single uninterrupted stretch of DNA. Instead, it evolved from three distinct exons, which already exist- ed, and which random shuffling brought together in the genome. The resulting two introns on the RNA were spliced out to produce, for the first time, the typical globin sequence. Gilbert has pointed out to me that the middle exon in globin codes for that part of the polypeptide chain which embraces the heme group. It could well have been taken from a heme- containing protein, which had evolved earlier. Whether the present first and third exons at one time coded for a single protein is also a matter for speculation. Some of the present evidence supports this theory. The great age of the two glo- bin introns (23) and the fact that no other introns have so far been found there show that the successful production of new introns is probably a rare event. The position of introns in the immunoglobu- lins separating the structural domains of the proteins, and the intron toward the end of the signal peptide are just what one might expect. A signal peptide is ex- actly the sort of amino acid sequence it would be useful to shulIIe around since its addition to a cytoplasmic protein could convert it into an excreted one (70). Which of these three ideas is correct? At the moment it is impossible to tell, es- pecially as they may all have contrib- uted, at one time or another, to the pro- duction of new introns. The first mecha- nism, that of random mutation, would appear to be rather a rare event, but it might have been enough to get splicing started. The second mechanism, that of specific insertion, could well have pro- duced the first introns. Perhaps splicing evolved as a defense by the cell against an insertion element it was harboring. The fact that no globin genes have yet been found to have a third intron sug- gests that if this mechanism still operates in evolution it does so at a fairly low rate. The third mechanism, that of exon shuffling, looks like a very plausible ex- planation for the origin of those introns found between protein domains. It is ob- viously a likely mechanism in those orga- nisms which have a large intron-exon ra- tio, but it would probably work less well in one with few, rather small introns, if such organisms exist. Thus a reasonable guess, as supposed by Tonegawa (29) might be that introns first originated by one of the first two mechanisms, but that organisms with a large percentage of in- tron DNA have produced most of their more recent introns by exon shuftling. However, both Doolittle (65) and Dame11 (66) feel that exon shuffling is so advanta- geous for evolution that they believe it originated at a very early stage. How easy is it to delete an existing in- tron completely? If an intron has ac- quired some essential function, its dele- tion will be selected against, but suppose it has little or no function. Even in such a case, the deletion of an entire intron may be a rare event since it must be done very precisely to produce a functioning mRNA. What one might expect is that random deletions could continually re- duce the size of such an intron. How- ever, the continual shuffling around of DNA in evolution probably adds DNA to introns in a rather random manner. Thus, the length of an intron may repre- sent a dynamic balance in evolution be- tween additions and deletions. If introns are indeed difficult to re- move, it can be seen that once a suf- ficient number have been introduced it would be impossible to delete the splic- ing enzyme (or enzymes) without cata- strophic consequences for the organism. For the same reason the specificity of the splicing enzyme (or enzymes) is likely to be very similar in many different species. It should be almost impossible to get rid of a splicing enzyme except under very heavy evolutionary pressure. Doolittle (65) has already suggested that this is what happened in most prokaryotes. Control of RNA Processing Once introns are common, it is more than likely that evolution would even- tually start using them for other purposes such as control. It seems almost certain that there will be some control of gene expression at the transcriptional level, but this does not mean that there may not be additional controls at the process- ing level (7/). In rather general terms, we can conceive of this as being of two types. The first would be a rather coarse control by which large groups of genes were switched on and off simultaneous- ly. This could come about if there were several different enzymes for splicing. If, at some stage in differentiation, one of these were absent, then all those tran- scripts that required it would not be able to form functional mRNA. This could clearly be a useful control for major steps in the developmental process. Un- fortunately, if Chambon's rule is true, it hints that there may be only one enzyme for mRNA. This tentative conclusion could easily be incorrect. For example, the splicing enzymes may perhaps be in two parts, one of which is always the same and performs the recognition of the GU and AG base sequences and the ac- tual cutting operation, while the second part recognizes some other feature of the base sequence or of the secondary or ter- tiary structure. Only the purification of the splicing enzymes will prove this point. It is also possible to imagine a fine con- trol that might apply only to a single in- tron or to a small number of them. As opposed to the coarse control, which would be a positive one, this might be a negative control (72). This hypothetical repressor protein would combine in some specific way with a particular in- tron so that the splicing enzyme was un- able to operate. It seems to me more than likely that nature will have evolved such a process for some introns, but I should be very reluctant to guess just how many of them might be controlled in this particular way. ShulIling of Controls If the insertion or translocation of DNA does occur in evolution-and in- deed there is much indirect evidence that something of this sort is taking place- will these additions be made in special places in the DNA or will they go in more or less at random? If they go at ran- dom, or at base sequences which occur fairly frequently, we should certainly ex- pect them to be put into those regions that are not transcribed, including those that function for the control of the tran- scription. Indeed, it has often been ar- gued that this is exactly where we need more sequences in higher organisms since the evolution of complex cellular organisms may require more intricate and flexible control mechanisms. Per- haps the main selective advantage for in- sertions will come from those put into the noncoding regions. This might imply that some of the insertions we find today within those portions of the DNA coding for a single polypeptide chain are merely an accidental and often unnecessary by- product of a process whose main func- tion is to evolve more subtle patterns for the control of transcription. To grasp what has been happening in evolution we shall have to understand all the mechanisms by which stretches of DNA can be multiplied in the genome or added to or subtracted from it. These would include the possible jumping or jit- tering of DNA polymerase, recombina- tion events of all types (especially for tandem repeats), deletion mechanisms, insertions due to viruses and other repli- cating entities, transformation and vari- ous translocation mechanisms, both spe- cific and nonspecific. The theory of the "selfish gene" will have to be extended to any stretch of DNA. A molecular biol- ogist who wishes to discuss the evolution of the eukaryotic genome will need not only to know a lot about the way DNA and its transcripts can behave but also something about modem ideas on popu- lation genetics. Nucleic Acid Taxonomy This naturally brings one to the tax- onomic implications of introns and in- sertions, wherever they may appear in the genome. We can confidently predict that there will be an enormous expansion in our knowledge of all types of se- quences, not only exons and introns and the regions adjacent to them, but also of repetitive sequences and simple se- quences of all kinds. People interested in molecular taxonomy are going to have a field day. It is virtually certain that dis- coveries will turn up which will radically alter our ideas of the details of the evolu- tionary process (73). I would not be sur- prised if the base sequence of large parts of the introns drifted at a fairly rapid rate; there is already some evidence for this (20, 22, 23). If so, such sequences would be excellent tools with which to study the shorter periods of evolution. By contrast, the introduction of com- pletely new introns may occur only rarely, and their study may be useful for much longer periods in the evolution process. If an intron is sometimes altered in length, as is the larger intron in the /3- globin gene (21), such a change would al- so provide a useful evolutionary marker, possibly on an intermediate time scale. The recent advances in DNA splicing, together with the new and rapid methods of sequencing DNA, have made it entire- ly possible for such studies to be con- ducted on many different genes in many different individuals in many different species. Conclusion There can be no denying that the dis- covery of splicing has given our ideas a good shake. It was of course already sur- mised that the primary RNA transcript would be processed in some way, but I do not share the view sometimes ex- pressed that splicing is only a trivial ex- tension of our previous ideas. I think that splicing will not only open up the whole topic of RNA processing, which had be- come somewhat bogged down before splicing was discovered, but in addition will lead to new insights both in embryol- ogy and in evolution. What is remarkable is that the possibility of splicing had not at any time been seriously considered before it was forced upon us by the ex- perimental facts. This was probably be- cause, looking back, we can see that there was no earlier experimental evi- dence to suggest that such a process might be taking place, at least for mRNA. Lacking evidence we had be- come overconfident in the generality of some of our basic ideas. Splicing then, in spite of the patch- iness of the evidence, is almost certainly a real process and probably an important one. Further studies on the base se- quences involved and, in particular, on the enzymes performing the operation are likely to increase our knowledge of it fairly rapidly. Before long one might hope to understand all the various pro- cessing steps, the trimming (if it exists), the capping, the packaging, the addition of poly(A), the splicing, and the exit from the nucleus, if not in full detail, then at least in outline. But our enthusi- asm for this exciting new field should not let us lose sight of the even more funda- mental process preceding it: transcrlp- tion and the control of transcription. Here we badly need additional break- throughs, both experimental and concep- tual, before we can feel we have a real grasp of gene structure, gene control, and gene evolution in eukaryotes. 1. Throughout the article I have deliberately used the word "gene" in a loose sense since at this time any precise definition would be remature. 2. Cold Sprin Harbor Symposium on h s uontitotive Biology (1 7), vol. 48. 3. W. Gdbert. Nature (London) 271. 501 (1978). 4. S. Tonegawa. A. M. M-. R. Tiiard? 0. Bcr- nard, W. Gilbert. Proc. Natl. Acod. Sn. U.S.A. 75, 1485 (1978). 270 SCIENCE, VOL. 204 5. There are two main diiculties. A stretch of nu- clear RNA may be part of an intmn if spliced one way but part of an exon if spliced in another way. In addition, one is tempted to use the two words to descn%e the s of the DNA from which the stretches o F RNA are tmnscribed. Mace, Jr., L. McReynolds, B. W. O'MaUcy, Nature (London) 274. 328 (1978). J. L. Mandel, R. Breathnach, P. Gerlinger. hi. Le Meur. F. Gannon, P. Chambon, Cell 14, 641 (1978). E. C. Lai, S. L. C. Woo, A. Dugaiczyk, B. W. O'MaUey. ibid. 16, 201 (1979). S. L. C. Woo, A. D `czyk, M. Tsai, E. C. Lai, J. F. Cattcmll, 8. uQ;BI O'Mallcy, Proc. Nod. Acod. Sci. U.S.A. `IS, 3688 (1978). J. F. Catterall. B. W. O'Malley. M. A. Robert- son, R. Staden, Y. Tanaka, G. G. Brownlee, Noture (London) 275, 510 (1978). R. Bnathnach, C. Ben&t, K. O'Hare, F. Gan- non, P. Chambon, Proc. Notl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 4853 (1978). P. Kourilsky and P. Cbambon, Tre,nds Biockm. Sci. 3, 244 (1978). M. A. Robertson, R. Staden, Y. Tanaka, 1. F. Catterall. B. W. O'Malley, G. G. Bmwnlee, Na- ture (London). in nss. J. L. Nordstrom, B . R. Roop, M. J. Tsai, B. W. O'MaUeyt in preparation. Y. Suzukt. as reporied [in Nature (London) 271, 364 (1978)] by W. I. G&ring. J. Abelson. personal communication. W. Schtiner. 9. Kunz. H.. Daqtwyler. J. Td- foror8)H. 0. Smdh. M. L. Blmstlel, Cell 14,655 D. S. &ness. personal communication. It is also important to make certain that the mRNA being studied is in fact copied fimm the DNA being studied and not from some closely related but silent DNA sequence. This is best established in most cases by the detailed se- quencing of a mutant version of the gene. This haa already been done for one of the tRNA r "es of yeast (9, II). he immunoglobulin chains may be an ex- ~p&t;er G M. Air B G. Barn11 N L. Brown, A.k. &&on. i. C.`Fiddes, C. A. H&h- iwn III, P. M. Slocombe, M. Smith, Nature (London) 265,687 (1977); F. Sanger, A. R. Coul- son, T. Friedman,,G. M. Air. B. G. Barn& N. L. Bmwn. J. C. Flddes. C. A. Hutchison III. P. M. Sloco&e. M. Smith. J. Mol. Biol.. in me&. L. V. Crawf&d, C. N..Colc, A. E. `Smith, E. Paucha, P. Tcgtmcyer. K. Rundell, P. Berg. Proc. N&l. Acod. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 117 (1978). W. Fien, R. Contreras. G. Haegeman, R. Ro- &)iers. A. Van de Vwrde, H. Van Heuvcrawyn, J. Van Herrewenhe. G. Volckaert. M. Ysabaeli. Nature (Londonj 233; 113 (1978);V: B. Rcddy; B. Thimmappaya, R. Dhar, K. N. Subramanian, B. S. Zai?, J. Pan. P. K. Ghosh. M. L. Celma. S. M. Wasman, Science 200, 494 (1978). M. A. Hutchinson. T. Hunter. W. Eckhart. Cell IS, a5 (1978). Paradoxically the shortest protein is produced by the longest mRNA because, after about 174 codons, a region with several chain terminators occurs (481. This renion is soliced out in the oth- er mcs.ie~crs. witli the residt that longer poly- peptidc chains are possible. So far there is nothing to suggest that the rela- tive abundances of the diierebt protein products of a multiple choice viral gene are different in different ctrcumstmces. That is. then is as yet no evidence for a control mechanism that ad- justs the relative abundance of the mcmbeni of such a protein set. although I ace no reason why this should not happen inrome cases. So far. the onlv circular sinnlc-stranded RNA's knom are the &nt vimids TH. L. Gross et al., Nature (London) 273, 203 (1978)]. How these are related to introns is still unknown. A small amount of cimular RNA in the nucleus could easily have bee" overlooked. The actual data suggest a slightly atmngcr rule for the lint cut: that it is made between the two G's in GGU (G, gunnine; U, urn&l). There is one exception to this in which the sequence ia AGU (A, ndenine). Thus, M) far tbc first cut could al- ways be before G m the sequence RGU. where R IS a ptine. In almost all cases, both cuts might be one #IF sition earlier: that is, before the first G of GG , at the beginnin of the intmn, and before the G of AG at tta en % It wdl be "ec- essay to sequence the ends of the encised in- trons in each case to decide exactly where the cuts arc made. P. K. Ghosh. V. 8. Reddy, J. Swinscoe, P. Le- bowitz, S. M. Weissman. .I. Mol. Eiol., in press. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. If the splicing positions were controlled solely by P umquc base sequence that was always the same. there ml t be a danger that wrong splices would occur ( P a gene had more than one intro") since the mechanism might accidentally splice from the beginning of one intro" to the end of another one; - It will be recalIed that for tRNA the fh-st method easily yielded the secondary structure but. in spite of brave attempts, the tertiary structure proved too diiult and had to be obtained by x- ray diition studies on crystals of tRNA. A naive application of Chambon's rule suggests that in some cases the cut might be made either way round: That is, the intro" might occasion- ally be jorned to form a circle, leaving the mRNA with a ap in it. More plausibly, the cn- zyme might sp ICC the exons together while at 4. the same time m&i% the intmn circular. An ex- ample of such a reciprocal sequence is the first one lis* in pig. 3. kwBj Ztff and R. M. Evans, Cell 15. 1463 If a cap and a poly(A) tail are necessary for most messengers in the cytoplasm, either to give them stability or, in the case of the cap, to assist in the ribosomrd binding mccss: and if these addi- tions are made in t ?I c nucleus fairly soon after the relevant parts of the transcript became avail- able in order to give the transcript stability, then splicing would be the only remaining operation open to the transcript. 62. 63. 64 65 66, .- R. D. Komberg, personal communication. It will be interesting to see, if splicing does occur in mitochondria, whether the enzyme (or en- zymes) used is related to one or other of the splicing enzymes in the rest of the cell and, if so. to which. See the review by J. E. Dame& Jr., to appear in hog. Nucleic Acid Res. and Mol. Biol. There is also evidence not documented here) for long transcripts of A mucoid penes. e globin, ovalbumin, and ovo- Not all mserts now present need have a func- tion. For all we know a fair proportion of them may be sitting there, doing nothing, and simply wzutins to bc excised or deleted. R. DaGkins, Z. Tierpsychol. 47, 61 (1978). I am indebted to L,. E. Orgel for makiig thii point. ;&. Doohttle. Noture (London) 272. 581 J. E. barn&, Jr., Science 202, 1257 (1978). 67. M. P. Calos and L. Jo+rud. Cell 13. 411 (1978): N. D. F. GrindIe$ tbld. p. e19. For a gen- end reference see D A, Insertton Ekmcnts, Plasmids, and E isomes. A. I. Bukhari, J. A. Shapiro, S. L. A 66 ya, Eds. (Cold Spring Harbor Cold Spring Harbor N.Y. 1977). 68. k???&ck Eur J Biochcm' 83 l'(1978) 69. Fbr a d&s& of ihib idea KC `C. b. F. B&e [Nature (London) 273,267 (1978)). 70. Another interesting case is that of the large pn- cursor protein that contains the amino acid se- quences for ACTH, j+MSH, &lipotropin (which itself contains the endo his) [R. E. Mains, B. A. Eipper, N. Lin if roe. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 3014 (19% and possibly other hor- mones. It will + interesting to sec. when that l~t~ru&lar,o;~;s,;e~d, whether there are nnO"C seqw"ccs. 71. For another discussion of this topic see (62). 72. It would resemble the action of the lac repressor in interfering with the function of RNA polymer- a!+$. for example. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. ::: Ncvcrthelcss. used judiciously, the two words arc undoubtedly useful. I imagine some corn- mittee will eventually decide on a wholly logical N. Hozuniiyhd S. Tonegaws, Proc. N&l. Acod. U.S.A. 73. 3628 (1976); C. Brack and..% ;;?7);. H. Rabbltts znhard-Schuller. S. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 45. 46. 15. 16. 47. 48. 73. There are already hits that there may be eve" more genetic polymorphism in wild populations than that already established by the study of amino acid sequences. 74. References have been kept to a bare minimum. I 18. 49. 50. 51. 20. 21. 22. 52. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 53. hope those working on tixammalian viruses and the immune system will forgive me for not de- scriiing their results more fully. To do so would have made the article far too long. I thank 1. Abelson, 0. G. Brownlee, P. Chambon, J. E. Damell, Jr.. I. B. Dawid. D. S. Hogness. P. Le- dcr, B. W. O'Malley, P. P. Slonimski, S. Tone- gawa, S. M. Weissman. and E. B. Ziifor TO- viding me with unpublished material, an B J. Abelson, P. Chambon, W. Gilbert, L. E. Orgel. and S. Tone WP for useful comments on the manuscript. %is work was sup$rtcd by the Eugene and Estellc Ferkhauf oundation, J. W. Kieckhefer Foundation. and Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. 29. 30. . _, S. Tonegawa, personal communication. R. Weinstock, R. Sweet, M. Weiss, H. Cedar, R. Axel, Proc. Not/. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 1299 (1978). A. Dugaiczyk. S. L. C. Woo, E. C. Lai, M. L. 54. 31. 20 APRIL 1979 271