Georgia GAP bird models

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Originator: Georgia Gap Analysis Project
Publication_Date: Dec. 2003
Title: Georgia GAP bird models
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
This data set consists of a binary grid of predicted habitat for bird species in Georgia. Areas coded 1 represent predicted habitat for the species in Georgia, while areas coded 0 are predicted to not be habitat.
This data set was developed by the University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design, Natural Resources Spatial Analysis Laboratory (NARSAL) under the Georgia GAP Analysis Project to be used as a coarse filter in determining the location of species' habitats in the state of Georgia for conservation planning purposes. Georgia GAP is part of a federal initiative sponsored by the the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Geological Survey. Partners in this effort are the Wildlife Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
Calendar_Date: 1998
Currentness_Reference: Based on 1998 land cover
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -87.334204
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -79.122562
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 35.673294
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 29.989335
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: GAP
Theme_Keyword: vertebrate
Theme_Keyword: habitat
Theme_Keyword: models
Theme_Keyword: prediction
Theme_Keyword: Accipiter cooperii
Theme_Keyword: Accipiter striatus
Theme_Keyword: Agelaius phoeniceus
Theme_Keyword: Aimophila aestivalis
Theme_Keyword: Aix sponsa
Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus maritimus
Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus savannarum
Theme_Keyword: Anas platyrhynchos
Theme_Keyword: Anhinga anhinga
Theme_Keyword: Archilochus colubris
Theme_Keyword: Ardea alba
Theme_Keyword: Ardea herodias
Theme_Keyword: Baeolophus bicolor
Theme_Keyword: Bombycilla cedrorum
Theme_Keyword: Bonasa umbellus
Theme_Keyword: Branta canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Bubo virginianus
Theme_Keyword: Bubulcus ibis
Theme_Keyword: Buteo jamaicensis
Theme_Keyword: Buteo lineatus
Theme_Keyword: Buteo platypterus
Theme_Keyword: Butorides striatus
Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus vociferus
Theme_Keyword: Cardinalis cardinalis
Theme_Keyword: Carduelis tristis
Theme_Keyword: Carpodacus mexicanus
Theme_Keyword: Cathartes aura
Theme_Keyword: Catharus fuscescens
Theme_Keyword: Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
Theme_Keyword: Ceryle alcyon
Theme_Keyword: Chaetura pelagica
Theme_Keyword: Charadrius vociferus
Theme_Keyword: Charadrius wilsonia
Theme_Keyword: Chordeiles minor
Theme_Keyword: Cistothorus palustris
Theme_Keyword: Coccyzus americanus
Theme_Keyword: Colaptes auratus
Theme_Keyword: Colinus virginianus
Theme_Keyword: Columba livia
Theme_Keyword: Columbina passerina
Theme_Keyword: Contopus virens
Theme_Keyword: Coragyps atratus
Theme_Keyword: Corvus brachyrhynchos
Theme_Keyword: Corvus corax
Theme_Keyword: Corvus ossifragus
Theme_Keyword: Cyanocitta cristata
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica caerulescens
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica cerulea
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica discolor
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica dominica
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica fusca
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pensylvanica
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica petechia
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pinus
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica virens
Theme_Keyword: Dryocopus pileatus
Theme_Keyword: Dumetella carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Egretta caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Egretta thula
Theme_Keyword: Egretta tricolor
Theme_Keyword: Elanoides forficatus
Theme_Keyword: Empidonax minimus
Theme_Keyword: Empidonax traillii
Theme_Keyword: Empidonax virescens
Theme_Keyword: Eremophila alpestris
Theme_Keyword: Eudocimus albus
Theme_Keyword: Falco peregrinus
Theme_Keyword: Falco sparverius
Theme_Keyword: Gallinula chloropus
Theme_Keyword: Geothlypis trichas
Theme_Keyword: Grus canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Guiraca caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Haematopus palliatus
Theme_Keyword: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Theme_Keyword: Helmitheros vermivorus
Theme_Keyword: Himantopus mexicanus
Theme_Keyword: Hirundo rustica
Theme_Keyword: Hylocichla mustelina
Theme_Keyword: Icteria virens
Theme_Keyword: Icterus spurius
Theme_Keyword: Ictinia mississippiensis
Theme_Keyword: Ixobrychus exilis
Theme_Keyword: Junco hyemalis
Theme_Keyword: Lanius ludovicianus
Theme_Keyword: Larus atricilla
Theme_Keyword: Limnothlypis swainsonii
Theme_Keyword: Loxia curvirostra
Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes carolinus
Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Theme_Keyword: Meleagris gallopavo
Theme_Keyword: Melospiza melodia
Theme_Keyword: Mimus polyglottos
Theme_Keyword: Mniotilta varia
Theme_Keyword: Molothrus ater
Theme_Keyword: Mycteria americana
Theme_Keyword: Myiarchus crinitus
Theme_Keyword: Nyctanassa violacea
Theme_Keyword: Nycticorax nycticorax
Theme_Keyword: Oporornis formosus
Theme_Keyword: Otus asio
Theme_Keyword: Pandion haliaetus
Theme_Keyword: Parula americana
Theme_Keyword: Passer domesticus
Theme_Keyword: Passerina ciris
Theme_Keyword: Passerina cyanea
Theme_Keyword: Pelecanus occidentalis
Theme_Keyword: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Theme_Keyword: Pheucticus ludovicianus
Theme_Keyword: Picoides borealis
Theme_Keyword: Picoides pubescens
Theme_Keyword: Picoides villosus
Theme_Keyword: Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Theme_Keyword: Piranga olivacea
Theme_Keyword: Piranga rubra
Theme_Keyword: Plegadis falcinellus
Theme_Keyword: Podilymbus podiceps
Theme_Keyword: Poecile carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Polioptila caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Porphyrula martinica
Theme_Keyword: Progne subis
Theme_Keyword: Protonotaria citrea
Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus major
Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus quiscula
Theme_Keyword: Rallus elegans
Theme_Keyword: Rallus limicola
Theme_Keyword: Rallus longirostris
Theme_Keyword: Rynchops niger
Theme_Keyword: Sayornis phoebe
Theme_Keyword: Scolopax minor
Theme_Keyword: Seiurus aurocapillus
Theme_Keyword: Seiurus motacilla
Theme_Keyword: Setophaga ruticilla
Theme_Keyword: Sialia sialis
Theme_Keyword: Sitta canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Sitta carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Sitta pusilla
Theme_Keyword: Spiza americana
Theme_Keyword: Spizella passerina
Theme_Keyword: Spizella pusilla
Theme_Keyword: Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Theme_Keyword: Sterna antillarum
Theme_Keyword: Sterna maxima
Theme_Keyword: Sterna nilotica
Theme_Keyword: Sterna sandvicensis
Theme_Keyword: Streptopelia decaocto
Theme_Keyword: Strix varia
Theme_Keyword: Sturnella magna
Theme_Keyword: Sturnus vulgaris
Theme_Keyword: Tachycineta bicolor
Theme_Keyword: Thryothorus ludovicianus
Theme_Keyword: Toxostoma rufum
Theme_Keyword: Troglodytes aedon
Theme_Keyword: Troglodytes troglodytes
Theme_Keyword: Turdus migratorius
Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus dominicensis
Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus tyrannus
Theme_Keyword: Tyto alba
Theme_Keyword: Vermivora chrysoptera
Theme_Keyword: Vermivora pinus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo flavifrons
Theme_Keyword: Vireo griseus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo olivaceus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo solitarius
Theme_Keyword: Wilsonia canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Wilsonia citrina
Theme_Keyword: Zenaida macroura
Theme_Keyword: Mourning dove
Theme_Keyword: Hooded warbler
Theme_Keyword: Canada warbler
Theme_Keyword: Solitary vireo
Theme_Keyword: Red-eyed vireo
Theme_Keyword: White-eyed vireo
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated vireo
Theme_Keyword: Blue-winged warbler
Theme_Keyword: Golden-winged warbler
Theme_Keyword: Common barn-owl
Theme_Keyword: Eastern kingbird
Theme_Keyword: Gray kingbird
Theme_Keyword: American robin
Theme_Keyword: Winter wren
Theme_Keyword: House wren
Theme_Keyword: Brown thrasher
Theme_Keyword: Carolina wren
Theme_Keyword: Tree swallow
Theme_Keyword: European starling
Theme_Keyword: Eastern meadowlark
Theme_Keyword: Barred owl
Theme_Keyword: Eurasian collared-dove
Theme_Keyword: Sandwich tern
Theme_Keyword: Gull-billed tern
Theme_Keyword: Royal tern
Theme_Keyword: Least tern
Theme_Keyword: Northern rough-winged swallow
Theme_Keyword: Field sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Chipping sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Dickcissel
Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed nuthatch
Theme_Keyword: White-breasted nuthatch
Theme_Keyword: Red-breasted nuthatch
Theme_Keyword: Eastern bluebird
Theme_Keyword: American redstart
Theme_Keyword: Louisiana waterthrush
Theme_Keyword: Ovenbird
Theme_Keyword: American woodcock
Theme_Keyword: Eastern phoebe
Theme_Keyword: Black skimmer
Theme_Keyword: Clapper rail
Theme_Keyword: Virginia rail
Theme_Keyword: King rail
Theme_Keyword: Common grackle
Theme_Keyword: Boat-tailed grackle
Theme_Keyword: Prothonotary warbler
Theme_Keyword: Purple martin
Theme_Keyword: Purple gallinule
Theme_Keyword: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Theme_Keyword: Carolina chickadee
Theme_Keyword: Pied-billed grebe
Theme_Keyword: Glossy ibis
Theme_Keyword: Summer tanager
Theme_Keyword: Scarlet tanager
Theme_Keyword: Eastern towhee
Theme_Keyword: Hairy woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Downy woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red-cockaded woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Rose-breasted grosbeak
Theme_Keyword: Cliff swallow
Theme_Keyword: Brown pelican
Theme_Keyword: Indigo bunting
Theme_Keyword: Painted bunting
Theme_Keyword: House sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Northern parula
Theme_Keyword: Osprey
Theme_Keyword: Eastern screech-owl
Theme_Keyword: Kentucky warbler
Theme_Keyword: Black-crowned night-heron
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-crowned night-heron
Theme_Keyword: Great crested flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Wood stork
Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed cowbird
Theme_Keyword: Black-and-white warbler
Theme_Keyword: Northern mockingbird
Theme_Keyword: Song sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Wild turkey
Theme_Keyword: Red-headed woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red-bellied woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red crossbill
Theme_Keyword: Swainsons warbler
Theme_Keyword: Laughing gull
Theme_Keyword: Loggerhead shrike
Theme_Keyword: Dark-eyed junco
Theme_Keyword: Least bittern
Theme_Keyword: Mississippi kite
Theme_Keyword: Orchard oriole
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-breasted chat
Theme_Keyword: Wood thrush
Theme_Keyword: Barn swallow
Theme_Keyword: Black-necked stilt
Theme_Keyword: Worm-eating warbler
Theme_Keyword: Bald eagle
Theme_Keyword: American oystercatcher
Theme_Keyword: Blue grosbeak
Theme_Keyword: Sandhill crane
Theme_Keyword: Common yellowthroat
Theme_Keyword: Common moorhen
Theme_Keyword: American kestrel
Theme_Keyword: Peregrine falcon
Theme_Keyword: White ibis
Theme_Keyword: Horned lark
Theme_Keyword: Acadian flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Willow flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Least flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Swallow-tailed kite
Theme_Keyword: Tricolored heron
Theme_Keyword: Snowy egret
Theme_Keyword: Little blue heron
Theme_Keyword: Gray catbird
Theme_Keyword: Pileated woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Blackburnian warbler
Theme_Keyword: Pine warbler
Theme_Keyword: Yellow warbler
Theme_Keyword: Chestnut-sided warbler
Theme_Keyword: Black-throated blue warbler
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated warbler
Theme_Keyword: Prairie warbler
Theme_Keyword: Cerulean warbler
Theme_Keyword: Black-throated green warbler
Theme_Keyword: Blue jay
Theme_Keyword: Fish crow
Theme_Keyword: Common raven
Theme_Keyword: American crow
Theme_Keyword: Black vulture
Theme_Keyword: Eastern wood-pewee
Theme_Keyword: Common ground-dove
Theme_Keyword: Rock dove
Theme_Keyword: Northern bobwhite
Theme_Keyword: Northern bobwhite
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-billed cuckoo
Theme_Keyword: Marsh wren
Theme_Keyword: Common nighthawk
Theme_Keyword: Wilsons plover
Theme_Keyword: Killdeer
Theme_Keyword: Chimney swift
Theme_Keyword: Belted kingfisher
Theme_Keyword: Willet
Theme_Keyword: Veery
Theme_Keyword: Turkey vulture
Theme_Keyword: House finch
Theme_Keyword: American goldfinch
Theme_Keyword: Northern cardinal
Theme_Keyword: Whip-poor-will
Theme_Keyword: Chuck-wills-widow
Theme_Keyword: Green heron
Theme_Keyword: Broad-winged hawk
Theme_Keyword: Red-shouldered hawk
Theme_Keyword: Red-tailed hawk
Theme_Keyword: Cattle egret
Theme_Keyword: Great horned owl
Theme_Keyword: Canada goose
Theme_Keyword: Ruffed grouse
Theme_Keyword: Cedar waxwing
Theme_Keyword: Tufted titmouse
Theme_Keyword: Great blue heron
Theme_Keyword: Great egret
Theme_Keyword: Ruby-throated hummingbird
Theme_Keyword: Anhinga
Theme_Keyword: Mallard
Theme_Keyword: Grasshopper sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Seaside sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Wood duck
Theme_Keyword: Bachmans sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Red-winged blackbird
Theme_Keyword: Sharp-shinned hawk
Theme_Keyword: Coopers hawk
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Place_Keyword: Georgia
Place_Keyword: Southeast
Place_Keyword: United States
Place_Keyword: United States of America
Place_Keyword: USA
Place_Keyword: North America
No restrictions or legal prerequisites required for accessing this data set.
No restrictions or legal prerequisites required for using the data.
Contact_Person: Matthew J. Elliott
Contact_Organization: Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia
Contact_Position: Program Coordinator, Georgia Gap Analysis Program
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia
City: Athens
State_or_Province: Georgia
Postal_Code: 30602
Country: U.S.A.
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (706)542-3489
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (706)542-6040
Hours_of_Service: 8 am - 5 pm
Matt Elliott, Lisa Anderson, Bill Bumback, JP Schmidt, Liz Kramer; University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design, Natural Resources Spatial Analysis Laboratory (NARSAL)
Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build 1381) Service Pack 6; ESRI ArcCatalog

Overall accuracy of data was assessed by comparing species lists for specific areas and results of breeding bird surveys with GAP predictions of species present and absent for areas and breeding bird survey routes. Incidences of GAP peredictions of non-occurrence and actual species presence was considered an error or ommission. Incidences of GAP predictions of species occurrence and species actual non-presence was considered an error of commission. Accuracies likely increase with the size of the area compared to GAP predictions. Due to lack of complete species inventories, errors of commission may be considered less reliable estimates than errors omission.

More information may be obtained in Kramer et al. 2003.

Overall accuracy of data was assessed by comparing species lists for specific areas and results of breeding bird surveys with GAP predictions of species present and absent for areas and breeding bird survey routes. Incidences of GAP peredictions of non-occurrence and actual species presence was considered an error or ommission. Incidences of GAP predictions of species occurrence and species actual non-presence was considered an error of commission. Accuracies likely increase with the size of the area compared to GAP predictions. Due to lack of complete species inventories, errors of commission may be considered less reliable estimates than errors omission.

More information may be obtained in Kramer et al. 2003.

Source_Currentness_Reference: 1998
Georgia GAP predicted vertebrate habitat maps were created based on ranges delineated through occurrence data and expert input, and habitat affinities gleaned through a thorough literature review. Essentially predicted habitat reflects the concurrence of a species' range and its likely habitat. Habitat primarily consists of land cover vegetative classes from the Georgia GAP land cover map, but ancillary data such as stream coverages and digital elevation models were also used. More complete information on specific vertebrate models may be obtained in Kramer et al. (2003).
Kramer, E.A., M.J. Conroy, M.J. Elliott, W. Bumback, and E. Anderson. 2003. The Georgia Gap Analysis Project: Final Report. Athens, GA, University of Georgia Institute of Ecology.

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
Raster_Object_Type: Grid Cell
Row_Count: 6835
Column_Count: 8275
Vertical_Count: 1

Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 17
Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.999600
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -81.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.000000
False_Easting: 500000.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column
Abscissa_Resolution: 90.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 90.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222

Entity_Type_Label: Georgia GAP vertebrate models
Attribute_Label: ObjectID
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Value
Attribute_Definition: Species predicted presence or absence
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 0
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Species predicted absent
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 1
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Species predicted present
Attribute_Label: Count
Values of 0 indictate predicted species absence. Values of 1 indicate predicted species presence.

Contact_Person: Liz Kramer
Contact_Organization: Natural Resource Spatial Analysis Laboratory (NARSAL)
Contact_Position: NARSAL director
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: Institute of Ecology
Address: University of Georgia
City: Athens
State_or_Province: GA
Postal_Code: 30602
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 706-542-3577
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 706-542-6040
Hours_of_Service: 9am - 5pm
Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
Creator does not assume any liability for errors or inaccuracies.
Transfer_Size: 2.391
Calendar_Date: 2003

Contact_Organization: National Gap Operations Office
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 530 S Asbury
City: Moscow
State_or_Province: Idaho
Postal_Code: 83843
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 208-885-3907
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 208-885-3618
Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S.Geological Survey, no warrenty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warrenty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data re directly acquited from a U.S. Geological Survey server, and not indirecly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The U.S. Geoligogical Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.
Format_Name: ARC/INFO
Network_Resource_Name: <>
Offline_Media: CD-ROM

Metadata_Date: 20031126
Natural Resource Spatial Analysis Laboratory (NARSAL), Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia (UGA)
Contact_Person: Matt Elliott
Contact_Position: Project Coordinator
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: NARSAL
Address: Ecology Building
Address: University of Georgia
City: Athens
State_or_Province: Georgia
Postal_Code: 30602-2202
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (706)542-3489
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (706)542-6040
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Metadata_Access_Constraints: NONE
Metadata_Use_Constraints: NONE
Metadata_Security_Classification: Unclassified
Online_Linkage: <>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Generated by mp version 2.7.33 on Thu Dec 04 10:18:24 2003