MTI Recommendations for PMID: 9377034
(Updated: March 14, 2007)

PMID- 9377034
TI - [Clinical and functional aspects of adverse effects of toxic substance complexes in firefighters]
AB - The study covered influence of combined toxic chemicals on fire extinguishers. Acute exposure of respiratory and peripheral nervous systems was demonstrated. Consequences of the exposure were proved to include polyneuropathies, neuroses and other health disorders.

Right Wrong Missed Precision Recall F-Measure
3 11 8 0.2143 0.2727 0.2400
Manual MTI
*Fires [2]
*Hazardous Substances [10]
*Nervous System Diseases
*Neurotic Disorders
*Occupational Diseases [7]
*Respiratory Tract Diseases
Time Factors
*Poisons (MM)
Fires (MM;RC)
Smoke Inhalation Injury (MM;RC)
Air Pollutants, Occupational (RC)
*Allied Health Personnel (MM)
Occupational Exposure (RC)
Occupational Diseases (RC)
Smoke (RC)
Carcinogens (RC)
Hazardous Substances (RC)
Respiratory Protective Devices (RC)
Rescue Work (RC)
Cross-Sectional Studies (RC)
*Human Activities (MM)