Minutes of the Mar 4, 2005 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Dept news: a) thanks to Ron Moore for coordinating Tevatron in the month of February... welcome, XiaoLong Zhang!; b) a DoE Run II operations review will take place at the end of March, some of us should be prepared; c) 8 people from Tev dept will be supported for PAC'05. 2. Operations summary (XiaoLong): 6 attempts to put stores since last Fri ended up in only 4 stores, Lumi btw 74-92e30; 3 quenches (MDAT problems, T:SQ tripped and during scraping); there was pbar kicker AAK1 prefire (no store lost); 7 um Flying Wires were flown at L=80 and that seems to be OK; RF phase instability did not develop but noisy periods occur regularly, we drop longitudinal damper gain to ease that; there are spikes in D0 losses (see below); high losses during the second scrape need attention (there are 4 possibilities to reduce them); CDF IP is creeping up (by some 0.5 mm since early Jan) - probably due to orbit smoothing, can be fixed by correctors if needed. 3. Valery Evdokimov of D0 has shown how 0.5-1.0% pbar losses trip D0 muon detector crates, that happened between seq.24-25 of the squeeze. Jerry explained that a fix of tune excursion (some studies done this week) will probably resolve the issue. 4. Yuri analyzed increments of longitudinal multibunch modes with 36 p-bunches loaded and concluded that shift of RF cavity resonant frequency down by several 100's Hz will damp all dipole modes (in theory). 5. Tan reported nice results from his tunetracker: vertical TT is commissioned, emittance growth due to TT is not detectable (<0.2pi/hr at 150), Hor TT tracks perfectly on the ramp, tune available in ACNET (thanks to Ron); chromaticity measurement with TT was correct within +-1 unit wrt standard method... still, there are several improvments to do (e.g. vert 21Mhz Schottky - an input for TT - is too noisy). 6. Jerry, Dean and Dave McGinnis revived a RF-frequency modulation method and measured chromaticity at 150; Vahid pinged coal bunch and got correct Q'_x,y, too (with octupoles ON). 7. Vladimir presented an idea of luminosity leveling by changing RF voltage during the store - start at low voltage (longer bunch length) and raise it over the course of the store : the method allows to reduce PEAK luminosity at the start of store by 16-22%, while giving a slight increase in INTEGRATED luminosity (because lifetime is improved due to weaker IBS for longer bunches). Minutes recorded by V. Shiltsev; edited by R. Moore