1-H - 3 LANL EVAL-FEB01 G.M. HALE DIST- ----ENDF/B-VI MATERIAL 131 -----INCIDENT TRITON DATA ------ENDF-6 FORMAT ***************************************************************** *MF=3, integrated cross sections: 3H(t,t)3H (MT=2) and 3H(t,2n)alpha (MT=16) calculated from a charge-symmetric R-matrix analysis of the T=1 part of the A=6 system, that fit t+t and 3He(3he,p) data at energies up to 2.2 MeV. *MF=6, angle and energy distributions: 3H(t,t)3H (MT=2) Legendre moments were calculated from the charge-symmetric, A=6, T=1 R-matrix analysis that included the t+t elastic scattering data of Holm and Argo. Neutron and alpha spectra for the 3H(t,2n)alpha (MT=16) reaction were calculated using a three-body resonance model, including the n+5He(g.s.) and 4He+n-n resonances, taking into account exchange contributions that arise from symmetrizing in the identical neutrons. The shape of an experimental measurement [Wong et al, NP 71 (1965) 106] of the neutron spectrum at Et= 50 keV was used to determine the relative amplitudes of the resonant contributions. Although calculated data are given for some reactions at energies up to 20 MeV, they should be used with caution at energies above 2.2 MeV, since that was the upper limit of data included in the analysis. ***************************************************************** 1 451 40 0 3 2 4 0 3 16 23 0 6 2 115 0 6 16 1738 0