Space Settlements

spreading life throughout the solar system

"I know that humans will colonize the solar system and one day go beyond." Mike Griffin, NASA Administrator.

Humanity has the power to fill outer space with life. Today our solar system is filled with plasma, gas, dust, rock, and radiation -- but very little life; just a thin film around the third rock from the Sun. We can change that. In the 1970's Princeton physicist Gerard O'Neill with the help of NASA Ames Research Center and Stanford University showed that we can build giant orbiting spaceships and live in them. These orbital space colonies could be wonderful places to live; about the size of a California beach town and endowed with weightless recreation, fantastic views, freedom, elbow-room in spades, and great wealth. In time, we may see hundreds of thousands of orbital space settlements in our solar system alone. Building these settlements will be an evolutionary event in magnitude similar to, if not greater than, ocean-based Life's colonization of land half a billion years ago.


Student Design Contest

NASA Ames sponsors an annual space settlement design contest for 6-12th grade students.

Online Space Settlement Books



Other Space Settlement Web Sites

Parting Words

Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that new ideas pass through three periods:

Author: Al Globus

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Curators: Al Globus and Bryan Yager Space Settlement hompage
NASA Responsible Official: Dr. Ruth Globus Last Updated: February 02, 2009
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