/* zzhlp012.f -- translated by f2c (version 19980913). You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c -lm (in that order) */ #include "f2c.h" /* $Procedure ZZHLP012 ( private help text ) */ /* Subroutine */ int zzhlp012_(integer *begin, integer *finish, char *text, ftnlen text_len) { /* Builtin functions */ /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j; extern /* Subroutine */ int repmc_(char *, char *, char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* $ Abstract */ /* Fill out a portion of the help text needed by percy. */ /* Private routine intended solely for the support of Inspekt */ /* $ Copyright */ /* Copyright (1997), California Institute of Technology. */ /* U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. */ /* $ Required_Reading */ /* None. */ /* $ Keywords */ /* PRIVATE */ /* $ Declarations */ /* $ Brief_I/O */ /* VARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION */ /* -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- */ /* BEGIN O Indexes of begins of text help */ /* FINISH O Indexes of ends of text help */ /* TEXT O A block of text help. */ /* $ Exceptions */ /* Error free. */ /* $ Particulars */ /* This routine simply fills begin and end markers as well */ /* as actual text for a block of help text for percy. */ /* $ Examples */ /* None. */ /* $ Restrictions */ /* None. */ /* $ Author_and_Institution */ /* W.L. Taber (JPL) */ /* $ Literature_References */ /* None. */ /* $ Version */ /* - Inspekt Version 1.0.0, 1-AUG-1997 (WLT) */ /* -& */ j = finish[0]; i__ = begin[0]; finish[0] = j; begin[0] = i__; repmc_(text, "*", "*", text, text_len, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1, text_len); s_copy(text + text_len * 1128, "tables may have columns having the same " "name. For this reason", text_len, (ftnlen)62); s_copy(text + text_len * 1129, "when you select items to be displayed in" " a report via a", text_len, (ftnlen)55); s_copy(text + text_len * 1130, "SELECT or SAMPLE ... SELECT statement yo" "u must specify which", text_len, (ftnlen)60); s_copy(text + text_len * 1131, "table the report is to be drawn from. Y" "ou do this via the", text_len, (ftnlen)58); s_copy(text + text_len * 1132, "FROM clause of the SELECT statement", text_len, (ftnlen)35); s_copy(text + text_len * 1133, "@literal", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1134, "select ...", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1135, "FROM TABLE_1 [alias_1]", text_len, ( ftnlen)25); s_copy(text + text_len * 1136, " [, TABLE_2 [alias_2] ...]", text_len, (ftnlen)30); s_copy(text + text_len * 1137, "where ...", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1138, "oder by ...", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1139, "|endliteral", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1140, "The simplest commands involve only one t" "able. In such cases", text_len, (ftnlen)60); s_copy(text + text_len * 1141, "there is usually no need to supply an al" "ias for the", text_len, (ftnlen)51); s_copy(text + text_len * 1142, "table specified in the FROM clause.", text_len, (ftnlen)35); s_copy(text + text_len * 1143, "@@From Clause", text_len, (ftnlen)13); s_copy(text + text_len * 1144, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1145, "Help", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 1146, "Combining Tables", text_len, (ftnlen)16); s_copy(text + text_len * 1147, "Looking at Data --- SELECT", text_len, (ftnlen)29); finish[23] = 1148; begin[24] = 1149; s_copy(text + text_len * 1148, "We anticipate that E-kernels may become " "quite large. As a result", text_len, (ftnlen)64); s_copy(text + text_len * 1149, "the number of events that satisfy some m" "atching criteria given in", text_len, (ftnlen)65); s_copy(text + text_len * 1150, "a SELECT command might be very large. " "Since Inspekt does not yet", text_len, (ftnlen)66); s_copy(text + text_len * 1151, "support a UNIX-like \"more\" function a" "nd does not allow you to", text_len, (ftnlen)62); s_copy(text + text_len * 1152, "interrupt some task (via a key sequence " "such as CTRL-C), Inspekt", text_len, (ftnlen)65); s_copy(text + text_len * 1153, "has a user adjustable DATA-DELUGE WARNIN" "G level. Reports will be", text_len, (ftnlen)66); s_copy(text + text_len * 1154, "generated automatically in response to a" " SELECT command only if", text_len, (ftnlen)63); s_copy(text + text_len * 1155, "the number of matching events is less t" "han the data-deluge warning", text_len, (ftnlen)67); s_copy(text + text_len * 1156, "level. If the number of matching event" "s is greater than this", text_len, (ftnlen)62); s_copy(text + text_len * 1157, "level, you will be notified and given t" "he option of producing the", text_len, (ftnlen)66); s_copy(text + text_len * 1158, "report, viewing a subsample of the repor" "t, or cancelling the report.", text_len, (ftnlen)68); s_copy(text + text_len * 1159, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 1160, "To set the deluge warning level, type th" "e command.", text_len, (ftnlen)50); s_copy(text + text_len * 1161, "@literal", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1162, " SET DELUGE WARNING integer", text_len, (ftnlen)29); s_copy(text + text_len * 1163, "|endliteral", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1164, "If you take no action the warning level " "has value 100.", text_len, (ftnlen)54); s_copy(text + text_len * 1165, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 1166, "To see the current data-deluge warning l" "evel type the command", text_len, (ftnlen)61); s_copy(text + text_len * 1167, "@literal", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1168, "SHOW FORMAT", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1169, "|endliteral", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1170, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 1171, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 1172, "@@Getting Too Much Data", text_len, ( ftnlen)23); s_copy(text + text_len * 1173, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1174, "Help", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 1175, "Sampling Data", text_len, (ftnlen)13); s_copy(text + text_len * 1176, "SHOW FORMAT ...", text_len, (ftnlen)17); finish[24] = 1177; begin[25] = 1178; s_copy(text + text_len * 1177, "@@Glossary", text_len, (ftnlen)10); s_copy(text + text_len * 1178, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1179, "Help", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 1180, "Column", text_len, (ftnlen)6); s_copy(text + text_len * 1181, "Patterns", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1182, "Query", text_len, (ftnlen)5); s_copy(text + text_len * 1183, "Reports", text_len, (ftnlen)7); s_copy(text + text_len * 1184, "Symbol", text_len, (ftnlen)6); finish[25] = 1185; begin[26] = 1186; s_copy(text + text_len * 1185, "The only attribute that you can set that" " globally affects headers", text_len, (ftnlen)65); s_copy(text + text_len * 1186, "is the header frequency. To see the cur" "rent frequency type the", text_len, (ftnlen)63); s_copy(text + text_len * 1187, "command", text_len, (ftnlen)7); s_copy(text + text_len * 1188, "@literal", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1189, "SHOW PAGE;", text_len, (ftnlen)10); s_copy(text + text_len * 1190, "|endliteral", text_len, (ftnlen)11); s_copy(text + text_len * 1191, "@@Headers", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1192, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1193, "Help", text_len, (ftnlen)4); finish[26] = 1194; begin[27] = 1195; s_copy(text + text_len * 1194, "@@Help", text_len, (ftnlen)6); s_copy(text + text_len * 1195, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 1196, "About Help", text_len, (ftnlen)10); s_copy(text + text_len * 1197, "Typing Commands", text_len, (ftnlen)15); s_copy(text + text_len * 1198, "Kernels --- LOAD", text_len, ( ftnlen)27); s_copy(text + text_len * 1199, "Looking at Data --- SELECT", text_len, (ftnlen)29); s_copy(text + text_len * 1200, "Setting up Inspekt --- SET", text_len, ( ftnlen)26); s_copy(text + text_len * 1201, "Current Settings --- SHOW", text_len, ( ftnlen)27); s_copy(text + text_len * 1202, "Saving Work --- SAVE TO", text_len, (ftnlen)30); s_copy(text + text_len * 1203, "Errors", text_len, (ftnlen)6); s_copy(text + text_len * 1204, "Syntax Summaries", text_len, (ftnlen)16); s_copy(text + text_len * 1205, "Limits", text_len, (ftnlen)6); s_copy(text + text_len * 1206, "Glossary", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 1207, "Problems, Suggestions", text_len, (ftnlen) 21); finish[27] = 1208; begin[28] = 1209; s_copy(text + text_len * 1208, "SPICE data is stored in data files calle" "d kernels. To make the", text_len, (ftnlen)63); s_copy(text + text_len * 1209, "data in these kernels available for retr" "ieval and manipulation by", text_len, (ftnlen)65); s_copy(text + text_len * 1210, "Inspekt, you need to \"load\" the kernel" "s. When you load a kernel,", text_len, (ftnlen)65); s_copy(text + text_len * 1211, "Inspekt opens the file, reads the file, " "and stores some (or all) of", text_len, (ftnlen)67); s_copy(text + text_len * 1212, "its contents in Inspekt's memory.", text_len, (ftnlen)33); return 0; } /* zzhlp012_ */