============= Page 1 of 1 ============= Anne. Gordon continues to be my "Deep Throat" for Raptor reconaissance,.. Several important pieces of information fol4.d5Wleft Michael Kopper a brief overview on voicemail): 1) Enron is focused on a Raptor 1/2/3/4 merger. They are going to present a matrix of NP W vs. ENE stock price and the resulting credit capacity of the combined entity. 2) The LDC bids are not coming in as expected. The values so far are low, and in fact low enough to jeopardize the positive credit capacity in R2. 3) Enron Europe is trying to utilize R4 to hedge Sarlux, Trakya, and Nowa Sarzyna_ They wart to do a "back to back" swap with Margaux (similar to the one done with Merlin- scary). Apparently there are problems with the plants and as direct Margaux investors, we should be interested. 4) R1 will incur another $30 million loss on the Merlin put. Total exposure under the put was $96 million in exchange for the $36 million premium. After this next loss, we will have suffered the entire $96 million loss. Chris Loehr 02/12/2001 01:19 PM As I cold Michael, some or all of these points may change some of our strategy in regards to negotiation with Enron. See how useful Gordon can be? To: Anne Yceger cc: Subject, Ropror info Chris CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REcluES rED By Dechert on behalf of its client DP 305278 EXH029-00051 GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 1679 Crim. No. H-04-25 (S-2)