Sept. 7, 1999

A real opportunity

I just read Douglas Roberts letter, "I see a business opportunity," and can almost concur with what he sees. Certainly, the polygraph business opens that sort of window, but I think Roberts stops short of the real business opportunity.

It seems to me that there's an opening there for a new sort of personal trainer -- kind of an anti-Yoga instructor -- someone who will train you to be nervous, frenetic, sweaty and just generally on the edge of psychic collapse in order to deliberately produce a "false positive." Then after the requisite smeared reputation, ruined career, etc., the trainee gets to sue for damages and all that.

But heck, why not just cut to the chase on this thing -- why bother with waiting for the implementation of polygraph testing -- why not just go for an immediate employee class action suit for the pain-and-suffering-and-agonizing inflicted on everyone over whether one's position will be one deemed worthy of the polygraphic auto-de-fe?

--Paul Collinsworth, retiree

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